Британская еда
занимательные факты

Урок "Британская еда по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой 6 класс Enjoy English"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа № 31

Урок обобщения и систематизации  знаний

«Британская еда »

(6А   класс)

                               По УМК М.З.Биболетовой «Enjoy English»

Enjoy English 6


Корнеева Елена Юрьевна

учитель английского языка

первая категория

Тамбов, 2016 год

Урок английского языка по теме «Британская еда»

6 класс

Цель урока:

  • развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции в совокупности ее составляющих (речевой, языковой, социокультурной, компенсаторной, учебно-познавательной)



Образовательные: приобретение новых знаний по теме «Британская еда»

Развивающие: познакомить учащихся с традициями чаепития и приготовления сэндвичей в Британии

Формируемые УУД:

Регулятивные: самостоятельно формулировать задание, определять его цель, планировать алгоритм его выполнения, корректировать работу по ходу его выполнения;

Познавательные: уметь ориентироваться по теме, планировать свою работу по изучению незнакомого материала;

Коммуникативные: участвовать в диалоге, слушать и понимать других, высказывать свою точку зрения на события;

Используемое оборудование и средства обучения:

- Магнитофон, раздаточный материал

Тип урока: комбинированный

Формы работы:  Фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная

Используемая литература и Интернет-ресурсы: 

- учебник «Enjoy English» М.З.Биболетовой

- журнал Иностранные языки в школе №2 2012


Приложения: раздаточный материал

Ход урока

Good morning, children! Glad to see you.

Today we shall speak about British food. And first of all I want you to listen to some exercises. Open your books p.57. ex. 37.

Now let’s check it. And now ex.38. p.57.

At home you were to read ex.43. And I have some questions. Read them and answer the questions.

1. How many meals do the British people have?

The British people have three meals.

2. What is a traditional British breakfast?

A traditional English breakfast consists of eggs (scrambled or fried), sausages, bacon, smoked fish, fried tomatoes, sometimes fried potato or fried mushrooms.

3. Marmalade is made from:

a) oranges and jam  b) oranges  c) pears  d) other fruit

Marmalade is made from oranges.

4. What is the most popular drink in Britain?

The most popular drink in Britain is tea.

Tea is Britain’s favourite drink. It’s also a meal in the afternoon. British people have more than 185 million cups per day. They may drink Indian or China tea and often eat biscuits, cakes or sandwiches.

I know some of you prepared some more information about tea.

In my story there will be some new words.

brew – заваривать чай;   pour – наливать, разливать;

porcelain – фарфор;         crack – разбиться вдребезги;

snack – легкая закуска;

Britain is a tea-drinking nation. Every year around 144 thousand tons of tea are imported. Tea in Britain is traditionally brewed in a warm china tea pot. Most Britons like their tea strong and dark, but with a lot of milk. Years ago the milk was poured into the cup first, so as not to crack the porcelain.

In 1819 the Tea Dance became popular and continued through World War II. Friends and guests gathered between 5.00 and 6.30 p.m. and table and chairs would be set up around a dance floor. Tea and snacks were served at the tables while others danced.

community – объединение, группа лиц;

employer – работодатель:

For the working and farming communities afternoon tea became high tea. As the main meal of the day, high tea was a cross between the delicate afternoon meal and the dinner in the evening. With the meats, bread and cakes served at high tea, hot tea was taken.

Tea breaks are traditions which have been with British people for 200 years. When workers began their day at around 5 or 6 a.m. employers allowed a break in the morning when food and tea were served. Some employers repeated the break in the afternoon as well.

I have prepared a crossword for you. If you do a crossword, you know one more thing the British like.

1. People buy food in this place.                    (shop)

2. It is made from fruit or berries.                  (jam)

3. A meal between breakfast and dinner.       (lunch)

4. Christmas food.                                          (pudding)

5. The British have a tooth.                            (sweet)

6. The British like this drink with tea.            (milk)

7. This drink is made from fruit.                    (juice)

8. Children like them very much.

    They are made from potatoes.                    (chips) 

5. How did John Sandwich become famous? What did he do? Do you know him?

How the sandwich came to the world?

In 1762 there was a very famous politician. Everybody knew about him because he enjoyed playing cards very much. He didn’t even want to stop playing to eat a meal. So he invented a quick meal. He ate nothing but slices of bread with pieces of meat inside. His name was John Sandwich.

Sandwiches were great favorites in Victorian England. It was a tradition to take afternoon tea and many rich families ate sandwiches at that time. Cucumber sandwiches were very popular. The servants always cut the crusts of the bread, so the sandwiches were small and delicate.

Sandwiches are less elegant now and often much bigger. The English eat millions of sandwiches every day. They are a typical snack meal because they are easy to prepare. There are thousands of «sandwich bars» and cafes and even some restaurants sell them.

Why do people like to have sandwiches for their meal?

1. Because sandwiches are a typical snack meal

2. Because people can do sandwiches themselves

3. Because sandwiches are easy and quick to cook

4. Because people can buy sandwiches almost everywhere

6. What is Yorkshire pudding?

Yorkshire pudding, made from flour, eggs and milk, is a sort of batter baked in the oven and usually moistened with gravy.

Now let’s do Ex.41 p.58.

7. What is hot dog?

This food of a sausage in a long bread roll is popular in many countries/ Long thin sausages come from Frankfurt in Germany. They are called «frankfurters». Put one in bread, and it becomes a hot dog. Why hot dog?

Many years ago caricaturist draw a picture in a newspaper. In the picture he compared the sausage in a long roll with thin German dog, a dachshund. Laughing he called the food hot dog and didn’t think that the name would become popular.

8. How do British eating habits differ from Russian habits?

Since old time Russia national cooking is famous for great variety of tasty and useful dishes. They are good for health because combine almost everything the human body needs to be healthy. For example, the most popular soup, called schi has up 20 components. A big plate of good schi gives the person almost all elements and enough energy for a half of a working day or so. So many Russians prefer to eat schi before hard work.

Д/З подготовить сообщение «Какой самый известный напиток в Британии?» упр.18 стр.37 рабочая тетрадь

1. How many meals do the British people have?

2. What is a traditional British breakfast?

3. Marmalade is made from:

a) oranges and jam   b) oranges   c) pears   d) other fruit

4. What is the most popular drink in Britain?

5. How did John Sandwich become famous? What did he do?

6. What is Yorkshire pudding?

7. What is hot dog?

8. How do British eating habits differ from Russian habits?

Since old time Russian national cooking is famous for great variety of tasty and useful dishes. They are good for health because combine almost everything the human body needs to be healthy. For example, the most popular soup, called schi has up 20 components. A big plate of good schi gives the person almost all elements and enough energy for a half of a working day or so. So many Russians prefer to eat schi before hard work.

How the sandwich came to the world?

In 1762 there was a very famous politician. Everybody knew about him because he enjoyed playing cards very much. He didn’t even want to stop playing to eat a meal. So he invented a quick meal. He ate nothing but slices of bread with pieces of meat inside. His name was John Sandwich.

Sandwiches were great favorites in Victorian England. It was a tradition to take afternoon tea and many rich families ate sandwiches at that time. Cucumber sandwiches were very popular. The servants always cut the crusts of the bread, so the sandwiches were small and delicate.

Sandwiches are less elegant now and often much bigger. The English eat millions of sandwiches every day. They are a typical snack meal because they are easy to prepare. There are thousands of «sandwich bars» and cafes and even some restaurants sell them.

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