Обобщающий урок по теме " Литература"
презентация к уроку на тему

Минаева Римма Владимировна

Конспект урока по теме: « Литература».

Тема: « Literature».


·      Закрепление изученной лексики,

·      Развитие разговорных навыков,

·      Развитие фонемотического слуха,

·      Использование элементов драматизации,

·      Тренировка заданий экзаменационного типа.


Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект урока по теме: « Литература».

Тема: « Literature».


  • Закрепление изученной лексики,
  • Развитие разговорных навыков,
  • Развитие фонемотического слуха,
  • Использование элементов драматизации,
  • Тренировка заданий экзаменационного типа.

Оборудование: мяч, учебники Голицынский Ю. «Пособие по разговорной речи»,  учебник «New Opportunities» Russian Edition Intermediate, Гацкевиц М.А. Грамматика «Сборник упражнений», магнитофон, компьютер, презентация, куклы для кукольного спектакля, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока.

1). Организационная часть.

- What day is it today?

- What is the weather like today?

2). Warm up. Повторение изученной лексики. Слайд 2,3

  • Учитель – Студент
  • Студент – Студент

           (Игра с мячом).   Слова, повторяемые из учебника Голицынский Ю. «Пособие по разговорной речи» стр. 121, «New Opportunities», стр. 21.

         3). Повторение вопросно-ответных клише: 

  • Учитель:

                          - Do you like to read?

                           - Do you like to read   … books? (вместо многоточия необходимо    подставлять литературные жанры; Гацкевиц М.А. Грамматика Сборник упражнений стр.15-16).  

                          -  What do you like to read?

  • Студент – Студент

                                      - Ask your desk mate!

  • Введение элементов драматизации. Диалог с ручными куклами. Слайд 7.

4). Работа с диалогом учебника.

  • Выразительное чтение. (Голицынский Ю. стр. 123№6)  
  • Разыгрывание диалога.

Приложение 1.

5)Match the types of books with the definitions: Слайд 4,5,6.

1. reference book         a) books about imaginary people and events

2. dictionary                  b) stories about things that happen in the future

3. fiction                          c) books about real events, people or places

      4. non-fiction                 d) a book that real tells you the meaning of words in    

                                                alphabetical order

5. science fiction            e) a magazine for children that tells a story using comic


6. thriller                          f) a book printed once a year by a school or a college

7. comic                            g) a book that  you look at in order to find information

8. yearbook                      h) a book that tells an exciting story about munder or










6) Lets check.  Слайд 6

7).Работа с учебником. Слайд 8. 

  • New Opportunities Russian Edition Intermediate стр. 21 № 2(б)
  • New Opportunities Russian Edition Intermediate стр. 21 №2

Приложение 2.

8). Аудирование. Презентация. Слайд 9,10,11. 

  • Снятие языковых трудностей.
  • На доске: subscribe – подписываться на газеты, журналы.
  • Multiple choice.( Множественный выбор) :
  • Progress test A,  №1. Приложение 3.

9) Lets check.  Слайд 11.

10)Задание Верно, Не Верно(true, false) №2

Progress test A, №2. Слайд 12,13. Приложение 4. 

  • Read the sentences below. Listen to the recording again. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

11) Lets check.  Слайд13.

12). Задания экзаменационного типа (на соответствие): Приложение 5.  

       Раздаточный материал.

  • Quick 02A
  • Quick 02B
  • Работа по вариантам.(7мин.)

13) Lets check. Слайд 14,15.

14) Проверка домашнего задания. (Монологическая речь). Слайд16.

  • Lets check your homework:

- Tell us about famous writer or а poet.

15) Подведение итогов урока.

16) Домашнее задание. Home work:  Write a Cinquain.Слайд 17.

Приложение 1.

A. Do you like reading?

B. I enjoy reading! I simply cannot imagine my life without books.

A. And what kind of reading do you prefer?

B. Oh, I am fond of historical novels. I also like reading adventure stories and science fiction.

A. What about fantasy?

B. I don’t like fantasy. I find it boring.

A. Do you? How strange. To my mind, fantasy is exciting reading.

      B. Well, I don’t find it exciting. And anyway, I prefer instructive reading.


Приложение 2.

Match the information in the table with the three novels.
a) Don Quixote    b) Anna Karenina    c) Wuthering Heights




Emily Bronte

Miguel de Cervantes

Leo Tolstoy




Sancho Panza


Anna Karenina


Don Quixote    


Listen to the people talking about the stories and check your answers.

Приложение 3.


1 Read the questions below. Listen to a conversation with John Randalf. For each question circle the correct answer, a, b or c.

1 Who had an unusual hobby?

a John.

b His grandad.

c King Arthur.

2 When did John really get interested in the old English legend of the Knights of the Round Table?

a When his grandad told it to him.

b When he was a student.

c When he visited Britain for the first time.

3 Who was the best Knight of the Round Table?

a Sir Galahad.

b Sir Lancelot.

c Sir Mordred.

4 According to the most popular theory, who actually was Arthur?

a A sixth-century invader of Britain.

b A sixth-century military commander.

c A sixth-century king of Britain.

5 Who was in love with King Arthur’s wife?

a Sir Percival.

b Sir Gawain.

c Sir Lancelot.

Приложение 4.

2 Read the sentences below. Listen to the recording again. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

_____ 1 John is a British historian and librarian.

_____ 2 John has collected a lot of books about old English legends.

_____ 3 John doesn’t like the element of magic in English legends.

_____ 4 John isn’t sure if King Arthur really existed.

_____ 5 John doesn’t mind who King Arthur really was.


Вариант 1

1 Read the first sentences from some books below. Choose the best word from the box to describe each book.


detective story

ghost story


science fiction

travel story


love story

humorous story

fairy story

true story

0 When Fiona saw Magnus, she knew she would marry him one day.

_______ _   love story___________ .

1 Professor Sores was lying on the floor of his office with a knife in his heart.

_____________________________ .

2 ”The robots are eating the cars!” shouted Dr Trebius.

_____________________________ .

3 I was born in a small house in the north of Warsaw in 1952.

_____________________________ .

4 Alfred Hitchcock’s childhood experiences can be seen in many of his films.

_____________________________ .

5 Once upon a time there were three bears, who lived in a magical forest.

_____________________________ .

6 On Saturday 23rd March 1996 the Chinese government decided to build a new power station in the south of Shanghai.

_____________________________ .

7 I looked through the morning mist and saw the golden towers and palaces of Venice and heard the sounds of the fishermen singing in strong Italian voices.

_____________________________ .

8 King Rufus stood on the hill top surveying the battle.

_____________________________ .

9 ”I’ve been hearing some strange noises at night. They come from that old house on the hill where those three girls were killed.” said Mrs Simpson.

_____________________________ .

10 Now I know that I shouldn’t have tried to clean the lion’s cage while the lion was sleeping.

_____________________________ .


Вариант 2

2 Read the first sentences from some books below. Choose the best word from the box to describe each book.


detective story

ghost story


science fiction

travel story


love story

humorous story

fairy story

true story

0 When Fiona saw Magnus, she knew she would marry him one day.

_______ _   love story___________ .

1 ”I’ve been hearing some strange noises at night. They come from that old house on the hill where those three girls were killed.” said Mrs Simpson.

_____________________________ .

2 King Rufus stood on the hill top surveying the battle.

_____________________________ .

3 Through the morning mist and I saw the golden towers and palaces of Venice and heard the sounds of the fishermen singing in strong Italian voices.

_____________________________ .

4 On Saturday 23rd March 1996 the Chinese government decided to build a new power station in the south of Shanghai.

_____________________________ .

5 Once upon a time there were three bears, who lived in a magical forest.

_____________________________ .

6 Alfred Hitchcock’s childhood experiences can be seen in many of his films.

_____________________________ .

7 I was born in a small house in the north of Warsaw in 1952.

_____________________________ .

8 ”The robots are eating the cars!” shouted Dr Trebius.

_____________________________ .

9 Now I know that I shouldn’t have tried to clean the lion’s cage while the lion was sleeping.

_____________________________ .

10 Professor Sores was lying on the floor of his office with a knife in his heart.

_____________________________ .

Список литературы:

Гацкевич М.А. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. Издательство «КАРО» Санкт-Петербург 2003.

Голицынский Ю. Spoken English. Пособие по разговорной речи. Издательство «КАРО» Санкт-Петербург 2007.

Ларионова И., Харрис М. «New Opportunities» Russian Edition. Intermediate. Издательство « Longman»2003.

Махрина Т.И. Экспресс-тесты по английскому языку. Издательство « Астрель» Москва 2007.

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