Сценарий и материалы к мероприятию, посвященному Уолту Диснею и его мультфильмам
методическая разработка на тему

Василькова Елена Васильевна

Представляю разработанный мною сценарий для проведения внеурочного занятия по теме "Уолт Дисней". В сценарий включены аудио и видео задания, презентации-вопросы по теме и другие материалы.  


Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Introduction (the purpose of the lesson)
  2. Walt Disney Quiz
  3. His biography (+ 3(2)Tasks for the biographical moments)
  4. Match the characters with their names (4-2)
  5. Match the characters with the cartoon names
  6. Songs (1 – Aladdin, 2 – Hercules, 3 – Frozen, 4 – The Jungle Book, 5 – Beauty and the beast, 6 – The Lion King, 7 – The Little Mermaid, 8 – Pocahontas)
  7. Disney Cartoons Quiz
  8. (If there is time) – Best translation of the episode from Cinderella
  9. Conclusion

It’s a good idea to divide the group into two or three and make it a kind of competition. Each team gets points for correct answers. The team with most points wins.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Walt Disney Quiz

Слайд 2

Where was Walter Elias Disney born? 1) Orlando, Florida 2) Indianapolis, Indiana 3) Chicago, Illinois 4) Los Angeles, California

Слайд 3

Which family member was Walt’s right hand for most of his life ? 1) Diane 2) Ron 3) Lilly 4) Roy

Слайд 4

How many children did Walt have ? 1) 2, a boy and a girl 2) 1, a girl 3) 2, a girl and a girl 4) 1, a boy

Слайд 5

When did Walt Disney create the famous Mickey Mouse ? 1) in 1933 2) in 1923 3) in 1932 4) in 1928

Слайд 6

Under what name was the Walt Disney Company founded in 1923 ? 1) Have-a-Laugh Cartoon Studio 2) ABC Cartoons 3) Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio 4) Disney Cartoons

Слайд 7

What was Walt Disney’s first full-length animated feature ? 1) Bambi 2) Snow White 3) Dumbo 4) Pinocchio

Слайд 8

When was Disney World opened? 1) Before Walt’s death 2) After Walt’s death

Слайд 9

Walt Disney was planning an opening up a ski resort before he died. 1) True 2) False

Слайд 10

What year was the Disney Channel launched? 1) 1983 2) 1990 3) 1993 4) 2000

Слайд 11

Which 1990’s Disney film is the first animated feature to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture ? 1) Aladdin 2) Beauty and the Beast 3) Toy Story 4) Toy Story 2

Слайд 12

Which Disney animated feature has the most songs? 1) Frozen 2) The Jungle Book 3) Sleeping Beauty 4) Alice in Wonderland

Слайд 13

How many Disneyland theme parks are there in the world ? 1) 6 2) 8 3) 10 4) 11

Предварительный просмотр:

Watch the beginning (1-4) minutes of the video (twice) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEZN7208E2k

Then answer the questions

  1. When was Walt Disney born?


  1. Where did he spend his youth?


  1. What did he have when he was in his 20-s?


  1. What did his brother do?


  1. What happened in 1928?


  1. When did he create the first cartoon winning an Oscar?


  1. What was unusual about the cartoon Snowhite and Seven Dwarfs?


  1. Walt Disney was not just an artist, he was a(n)…………………………………… .
  2. What did he create to make cartoon seem more realistic?


  1. Where did he decide to built the theme park?


  1. When and why did he have the idea to create a theme park?


  1. What name did Walt Disney give his creators?


  1. When did they start the construction of Disneyland?


Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Pongo   Flick   Genie

Cruella de Vil    Rajah

Belle   Gaston   Dory

Mrs Potts    Kaa

Hercules    Megara   Zazu   Akela   Ariel

Sebastian   Minnie   Sully   Tinker Bell

Captain Hook   Rex

Pocahontas   Bashful Maleficent  Prince John

Buzz Lightyear

Webby Vanderquack

Professor Nimnul

Fairy Godmother

Lightning McQueen

101 Dalmatians

A Bug’s Life


Beauty and the Beast

Cars    Cinderella

Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers

Duck Tales

Finding Nemo


The Jungle Book

The Lion King

The Little Mermaid

Mickey Mouse Universe

Monsters, Inc

Peter Pan


Robin Hood

Sleeping Beauty

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Toy Story

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Disney Cartoons Quiz

Слайд 2

What are the names of Cinderella’s stepsisters? 1) Anastasia & Drizella 2) Mary Kate & Ashley 3) Kylie &Danni 4) Posh and Becks

Слайд 3

In the Lion King, what is Timon and Pumbaa’s motto ? 1) Live and Let Die 2) Hakuna Matata 3) Don’t look back 4) Who dares wins

Слайд 4

What is the name of Simba’s daughter in The Lion King 2 ? 1) Belle 2) Ariel 3) Kiara 4) Duches

Слайд 5

What is the name given to Sleeping Beauty ? 1) Alicia 2) Ariel 3) Aurora 4) Annabelle

Слайд 6

In Aladdin, what is the name of Jasmine’s tiger ? 1) Ali 2) Simba 3) Rajah 4) Mustafa

Слайд 7

What is the name of the mother cat in Aristocats ? 1) Duches 2) Highness 3) Princess 4) Lady

Слайд 8

Who is the youngest of the seven dwarfs? 1) Sleepy 2) Dopey 3) Doc 4) Bashful

Слайд 9

In Toy Story, what toy is the song ‘You’ve got a friend in me’ about? 1) Woody 2) Rex 3) Jessie 4) Buzz Lightyear

Слайд 10

In The Jungle Book, what sort of animal was Bagheera ? 1) tiger 2) snake 3) bear 4) panther

Слайд 11

What was the name of Hercules true love? 1) Mary 2) Meg 3) May 4) Maureen

Слайд 12

What was the name of Ariel’s father in The Little Mermaid ? 1) King Eaudious 2) King Neptune 3) King Oceanus 4) King Triton

Слайд 13

In Beauty And The Beast, where is the only place in the Castle Belle is not permitted ? 1) The West Wing 2) The Kitchen 3) The East Wing 4) The Master Bedroom

Слайд 14

What is Donald Duck’s middle name ? 1) Faustus 2) Fauntleroy 3) Frederick 4) Fandango

Слайд 15

What character did Walt Disney say he created on a cross country train ride ? 1) Donald Duck 2) Mickey Mouse 3) Goofy 4) Pluto

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