Доклад научно-практической конференции

Дёмкина Алла Владимировна


Предварительный просмотр:

Департамент образования города Москвы


Юридический колледж

Межвузовская научно-практическая конференция «Психологические и социально-педагогические аспекты работы правоохранительных органов»

в Московском Университете МВД России имени В. Я. Кикотя

Доклад на тему:

“Social and psychological aspects of police work”


Преподаватель иностранного языка

А.В. Дёмкина

Hello, there is no doubt that psychology plays a huge role in the activities of the law enforcement bodies  and today we will tell you how great its role is in the activities of the investigator and the investigative body as a whole.

As we know, the activities of the investigator characterize an extraordinary variety of tasks such as:

•Criminal proceedings

• Preliminary investigation

• Disclosure of crimes of various specifics, which include not only criminal, but also economic, political and other crimes

• Lead the operational team, coordinating its actions.

• Transfer of all information received during the investigation to the court for a fair sentence to the accused person.

• And many others

The activities of the investigator in the implementation of many of tasks and direct duties require the use of various skills, and knowledge, including the knowledge and systematic use of skills and techniques of professional psychology. Its relevance and importance in the activities of the investigator is due to the fact that the investigative activities are characterized by overcoming a multitude of difficulties and obstacles such as:

• Resistance from those not interested in successfully investigating the case. The criminal himself is most interested in this, who, as a rule, actively opposes the investigator with all his might. What tricks he uses: cunning, blackmail, lies, deceit, slander, falsification, bribery - the arsenal of his funds is actually not limited to anything. The investigator is entitled to act only by lawful and morally perfect means.

• Another factor of the investigator’s activities, emphasizing the importance of using psychological methods and techniques, is his lack of knowledge about the events of the case. The investigator almost never has all the information at the beginning of the investigation. The investigator works in a situation of acute lack of information. Hence the high emotional intensity of his work.

• Also, the investigator, in the course of his work, has to obtain information from various categories of people who are often not familiar with legal terminology and preliminary investigation processes. Therefore, the investigator will carry out his activities on how lucidly and professionally, from a psychological point of view, the investigator depends on its success.

• The investigator should avoid invasion the privacy and professional activities of citizens that are not necessary, distracting them from normal activities, and using coercive measures.

• Facing daily tragedies of life, the investigator must be steadfast and firm in nature so that the kind of human suffering, although inevitable, does not lead to a ruin of his personality.

The following psychological techniques and tactics are used to organize the psychologically beneficial interaction of the investigator with the suspect or the accused.

Here are some of these techniques:

• techniques based on the use of individual psychological qualities of the person being questioned;

• receptions based on the confidence of the interrogated person to the identity of the investigator;

• · methods of informing the interrogated person about the availability of reliable evidentiary information;

• · techniques that create an exaggerated view of the amount of evidence available to the interrogated person;

• · techniques of increased emotional impact associated with the presentation of unexpected information

• presenting evidence, as a rule, by their increasing importance;

•  presenting evidence in the most tactically appropriate situations, against the background of the mental state of relaxation or tension

Summing up, we can say that the psychological training of the investigator as well as the use of psychological skills in the process of carrying out the activities of the investigator plays a huge role in its success and productivity and are the solution to many problems of the investigator

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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