Тема: «Поездка в Торонто»
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ООД.03 Иностранный язык



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Слайд 1

My trip to Toronto

Слайд 2

I’m going to visit the C anadian city of Toronto.

Слайд 3

I like travelling by plane so I’m going to go to Canada in the way

Слайд 4

I bought an airplane ticket. It’s turned out to be so expensive – about 615 dollars. There are a lot of people at the airport. It’s noisy.

Слайд 5

There are all modern facilities: a shower room, a fridge, a bathroom and etc . I got a suite in the Hilton Toronto. It’s cost about 170$

Слайд 6

I sampled national dishes of Canada in the H ilton’s restaurant.

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Putin Made of french fries, cheese curds and sweet meat sauce

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Toronto’s attractions

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CN Tower The CN Tower is a 553 m-high. It’s the most popular attraction in Toronto and all Canada. Its name "CN" originally referred to Canadian National, the railway company that built the tower.

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ROM is a museum of art, world culture and natural history. It is one of the largest museums in North America and the largest in Canada. It attracts more than one million visitors every year, making the ROM the most-visited in Canada. Royal Ontario Museum

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The Toronto City Hall, or New City Hall, is the seat of the municipal government of Toronto and one of the city's most distinctive landmarks. Toronto city Hall

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Its collection includes close to 95,000 works spanning the first century to the present day. Significant collections include the largest collection of Canadian art, an expansive body of works from the Renaissance and the Baroque eras, European art, African and Oceanic art, and a modern and contemporary collection. Art Gallery of Ontario

Слайд 13

The museum collects, researches, preserves, and exhibits footwear from around the world. It offers four exhibitions, three of which are time-limited; lectures; performances; and family events. The collection contains over 13,500 items from throughout history, as well as the present. It is the only museum in North America dedicated solely to the history of footwear. Bata Shoe Museum

Слайд 14

Some facts about Toronto

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There is a russian community in the city

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The weather in the city is good usually. It’s sunny often.

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Toronto is a multicultural city because there are a lot of immigrants from other countries.

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The city is the economical capital of Canada

Слайд 19

The night in Toronto

Слайд 20

I enjoyed staying in Toronto. I ad v ise you to visit it too.

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