Музей Мадам Тюссо
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Madame Tussauds Museum

London is famous for   unusual sights and one of them is the most popular wax museum in the world, Madame Tussauds Museum. The museum is situated in Marylebone Road.

There's usually a long queue in front of the museum. No wonder! Many tourists would consider their trip to London worthless if they didn't visit the famous museum

 But at first some information about Madam Tussaud. Marie Groshols (Madam Tussaud) was born in Strasbourg in 1761. Her mother worked for a German doctor (Doctor Curtis )who enjoyed making wax models of parts of a human body.

  When Marie was six, the doctor taught her how to work in wax. After doctor's death Marie continued his business. She established her first permanent collection in Baker Street in 1835 …It had a great success. And now Madam Tussaud's wax museum  is one of the major tourist attractions in the world.

Entering the museum one can see Madam Tussaud,   an old lady of 81, standing at the en-trance of her own exhibition

There are several halls in the museum:the Grand Hall, the Chamber of Horrors and “The spirit” of London “exhibiton.

 If you prefer to see royalty, government or figures from British history, you should visit the Grand Hall which is on the second floor

There is a special place for the Royal Family .

Queen Elizabeth II has been modeled 17 times – more than anyone else – each time with  a new head

You’ll be glad to see some familiar faces in the museum.

The wax figures are standing and sittinig and sometimes even moving and talking. They are extremely realistic and when they look at you it’s possible to see how their  eyes shine. Sometimes people  feel uncomfortable in their company

The politicians stand in solemn silence watching  each other.

Here you can meet great characters of history and  art. The wax museum has celebrity, political, historical, infamous, and sports wax figures

You can meet characters from cartoons as well

Here you can find all kinds of celebrities, from presidents to pop stars/

If you are 8 and rather brave you are welcome to the  Chamber of Horrors.

The Guillotine,  Dracula and various scary bloody scenes are there. 

All these things may frighten you. Here you can see hangmen and their victims, world known despots. Оne can meet the villains, serial murderers, executioners and their victims. This is journey to the terrifying and bloody history of 5 centuries.

According to the museum statistics, this room is now more popular among ladies and that is quite surprising.  They say  that the ladies' stomachs are stronger than the ones of men.

“The Spirit of London” exhibition.

This exhibition gives you a possibility to feel the history of London better.

It will carry you through 4 centuries of  the British history. The visitors sit in London taxis and  they are taken on a journey through the history of London: the times of Shakespeare, the Great Fire of London, the Industrial Revolution .

All the waxworks are of such a good quality, that sometimes you can mistake them for a real person.

 At 7 o'clock in the morning the work is in full swing in the museum. The workers team puts all the exhibits in order. There is a man in the museum responsible for the order of the figures hairstyles, the one responsible for the costumes etc. In the museum there is a wardrobe where the duplicates of the exhibits clothing are stored. That is because the visitors often steal the spectacles, rings, and other props of the exhibits.

As you see this museum is so  popular  its branches  were opened in the USA/ Germany, Australia

Every year this world famous museum is visited by 2.5 million people. They are attracted by the chance of standing next to the stars who they would never meet in real life

It takes half a year to produce one new figure. Only 20 new figures a year are produced

In conclusion I want to say that this is the place that is worth visiting.


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