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Сологуб Анастасия Александровна
To be a patriot without a deep knowledge of the history of Russia, without education a spiritual qualities of our ancestors is impossible. In our country's history were the victories and defeats, political crises, the invasion of foreigners, but the strong spirit of its people in the decisive battle for independence, Russia has always won.  February 10, 1995 the Russian State Duma adopted the law "On the days of military glory of Russia."  It stated that the days of military glory of Russia are the days of glorious victories, which played a decisive role in the country's history and in which Russian troops have earned a honor and respect to his contemporaries and grateful memory of descendants.


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Слайд 1

THE DAYS OF MILITARY GLORY OF RUSSIA ГПОАУ РИТ Выполнила студентка группы №14 Бойко Александра Руководитель А.А. Сологуб The people are not aware of their history - can not be considered great!

Слайд 2

To be a patriot without a deep knowledge of the history of Russia, without education a spiritual qualities of our ancestors is impossible. In our country's history were the victories and defeats, political crises, the invasion of foreigners, but the strong spirit of its people in the decisive battle for independence, Russia has always won. February 10, 1995 the Russian State Duma adopted the law "On the days of military glory of Russia." It stated that the days of military glory of Russia are the days of glorious victories, which played a decisive role in the country's history and in which Russian troops have earned a honor and respect to his contemporaries and grateful memory of descendants.

Слайд 3

July 10th Poltava battle December 1st Sinop battle January 27 Day lifting of the blockade Leningrad September 21 Kulikov battle November 4 Day national unity December 24 Day of the capture of fortress Izm ail 11 September Battle of Cape Tendra February 23 Day Defender of Fatherland December 5 battle under Moscow February 2nd Battle of Stalingrad 9th May Day Victory 1380 1612 1709 1790 1941 1943 1790 1945 1944 1853 1918 8 September Borodino battle 1812

Слайд 4

21 сентября—Day of a victory of Russian regiments by grand duke Dmitry Donskim above mongolo-tatar armies in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380). In the summer of the year 1380 Mamai began the hike. 21 September near the confluence of the river Nepryadva in Don fierce battle broke out. Dmitry Ivanovich personally fought in the forefront of his troops. The army of Mamai was completely defeated Battle of Kulikovo seriously undermined the military power of the Golden Horde and accelerated its subsequent decay. It further contributed to the growth and strengthening of Russia as a single State, raised the role of Moscow as a center of the unification of the Russian lands.

Слайд 5

4 November-day of national unity 22 October in the year 1612 soldiers of the people's militia stormed China Town. Prince Pozharsky entered into China Town with the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. At the end of February 1613 the Zemsky Sobor elected new tsar Mikhail Romanov, the first Russian tsar of the Romanov dynasty. In 1649, by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich the day Our Lady of Kazan, October 22 (old style), has been declared a public holiday.

Слайд 6

10 July-the day of the victory of the Russian army under the command of Peter over the Swedes in the battle of Poltava (1709). In 1700-1721 Russia led the northern war with Sweden for the return of the traditional Russian lands and access to the Baltic Sea. 30 April 1709 year Swedish troops, invading the territory of Ukraine, began the siege of Poltava. In May to Poltava were approached the main force of the Russian army led by Peter.

Слайд 7

24 December-Day seizure of the Turkish fortress of Izmail by Russian troops under the command of Alexander Suvorov (1790). Izmail — the Citadel of Turkish occupation on the Danube. fortress was built in accordance with the latest requirements of the fortification. In November 1790, Russian troops began the siege of Izmail. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian army field-marshal G. A. Potemkin directed the capture of the fortress to A. V. Suvorov.

Слайд 8

11 September is a day of victory of the Russian squadron under the command of f. f. Ushakov over the Turkish fleet by Cape Tendra (1790). After the Crimea to Russia began a new Russo-Turkish war. Russian troops launched an offensive in the Danube region. On the help to flotilla entered Squadron kontradmirala f. f. Ushakov. Having received numerous injuries, the Turks retreated. On the morning of 29 August (9 September), it became clear that the Turkish fleet is near to Russian and Ushakov continued its persecution. The Russians managed to sink several enemy ships.

Слайд 9

September 8 — the day of the battle of Borodino the Russian army under the command of m. Kutuzov with a French Army (1812). During the Patriotic War of 1812, under pressure from numerically superior opponent had Russian troops fought to depart into the country. The Commander-in-Chief of the Allied armies, m. i. Kutuzov decided to stop the advance of Napoleon's army to Moscow, near the village of Borodino. 26 August (7 September) after a powerful artillery preparation the French army collapsed on troops p. Bagration, defending the Semenovsky flushes. Mortally wounded Bagration took away from the field of battle.

Слайд 10

1 December — the day of the victory of the Russian squadron under the command of p. s. Nakhimov over the Turkish fleet off Cape Sinop (1853). During the krejserstva in the South-Eastern part of the Black Sea 8 (20) November Russian ships found a Turkish Squadron and blocked her in Sinop. 18 November Russian ships in formation kil'vaternyh columns broke in Sinopskuju Bay, anchored and opened artillery fire on the ships and enemy batteries. Four hours all Turkish ships and most of the coastal batteries were destroyed.

Слайд 11

February 23 - Day of the Red Army's victory over the troops of Kaiser Germany (1918) - Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. 18 February Austro-German troops began the offensive on all fronts. Evening 23 February they reached the approaches to Pskov. Under the Pskov during the period from 23 to 28 February, were the first lines of the heroic biography of the Red Army. 23 February in commemoration of the performances of the Russian people to defend the fatherland and the courageous resistance of German invaders is celebrated as a national holiday.

Слайд 12

5 December — the day of the beginning of Soviet troops counterattack in the battle of Moscow (1941). Battle for Moscow began 09.30.1941 At the head of the defense of Moscow was put Zhukov. As a result of the heroic actions of the Soviet troops bloodless group of German armies 'Center' was forced on the defensive.

Слайд 13

2 February-day of defeat by Soviet troops of the German troops in the battle of Stalingrad (1943). Stalingrad battle began 23 August 1942 July 17, German tanks broke into the Stalingrad .On the same day began bombing the city. By November Germans have grasped all city. At this time began to prepare a plan to counter-attack Soviet troops. 1 9 November the Red Army launched a successful offensive on the flanks of the German forces. 23 November circle of German troops at Stalingrad had been closed. Surrounded by appeared all grouping Stalingrad the Germans.

Слайд 14

January 27 is the day of the lifting of the siege of the city of Leningrad (1944). In August 1941, German troops began to attack on Leningrad. 30 August, the city was surrounded. The blockade of the city lasted 880 days. During the blockade died about 1 million residents. Assistance blokadnikam has been carried out on the ice of Lake Ladoga. This transport artery has been dubbed the 'road of life'. Victory near Leningrad was conquered by expensive price. Many thousands of soldiers of the Leningrad front and the Baltic fleet fell brave death defending city hero. In severe days of blockade was killed 641 803 — men, women, children.

Слайд 15

May 9 - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945. 1418 days and nights the Soviet people fought against the Nazis and crushed them. German-Italian-Japanese fascist block, extending the aggression, persistently sought to conquer world domination. Towards this goal an insurmountable obstacle stood in Soviet Union. It is our country and its armed forces belonged to the decisive role in the victorious end of the second world war. May 8, 1945 in Karlhorste (near Berlin) signed the Act of unconditional surrender of Germany.

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