Статья студента
творческая работа учащихся

Дугарова Любовь Шагдуровна

Статья студента, XIV Международная научно-практическая конференция среди студентов СПО



Предварительный просмотр:

Regional historical and religious changes on the example of the genealogical tree

Budaev R.D, student of  

"Republican Basic

Medical College named after E.R. Radnaev".

Scientific supervisor Dugarova L.Sh.

        The Baikal region covers the south-eastern part of Siberia (Republik of Buryatia, Irkutsk and Transbaikal regions) and the northern part of Mongolia. [3, 1] According to S.P. Baldaev there are four main buryat clans such bulagats, ehirites, khori, khongodors. [1, 11] Khongodors are a subethnic group. They are the most northern mongolian tribe and they are the early inhabitants of the Baikal region. The first ancestor was  Darkhan → 2. Khara hula Batar → 3. Galdan  → 4. Khotogoito → 5. Tagsha Mergen → 6. Khongodor. They used to live in Mongolia, Hotogoito near Lake Hubsugul. That time a tribe had a social structure as dual organization. It was divided into ancient clans and military ones as well. The total number of them was about eight hundred warriors.

7. Boldoy (VII). In XVII-th century the majority of clan moved to the north of Lake Baikal due to the internal conflicts. [4, 1] Next generations 8. Tarkchay → 9. Моtolon → 8. Gaikhan → 9. Haitan → 10. Emhen → 11. Hatan → 12. Buddha. They had outsiders' status and had already become the residents of the Baikal area. Approximately, in 1712 40 Tibetan lamas came to Pribaikalye and were distributed among the families. And the influence of Tibetan Lamaism began to increase. With the establishment of the borderline between Russia and China in 1727, Torskaya basin of the Tunka Valley became Khongodors' fatherland. Then there was further settlement in the territories. They had to pay ‘yasak’(tax),  for an orderly  in Irkutsk. Grandgrandfather 15. Spiridon. In 1727 the Church in Irkutsk was organized. And they started to baptize the aborigines. But in 1741 Buddhism was officially recognized by Russian Empire. Everything had changed because Orthodox clergy stopped interfering. As a result the school Gelug dominated completely. In 1809 a governor of Irkutsk Treskin offered a Pandido Khambo Lama to eridicate the shamanism. And in 1817 Kyrenskiy datsan was built. In 1918 a tibetan lama Darma-Logchin held a prayer service on the left bank of river Ehe uhan near the village Hoitogol. Many shamans' attributes were burned. Since that time that place has become ‘sacred’ and named the Lord Father. The next step was, that the Lord Bull Father was renamed the Rinchin Khan. The Lord Bull father was the leader of 13 Nothern Gods. In 1822 Tunkinskaya Stepnay duma joined Irkutskiy distrikt of Irkutskiy province. There were 14 families Тirtuev's, I, II Кurkut's, I, II, III, IV Khongodor's, I, II Khoigot's, I, II Cheldan's, Shemolov's, Bodorhon's, Irkit's. There were 11,373 inhabitants. In 1844 Tunkinskaya outsiders' council was organized, which included Тirtuev's, 2 Cheldan's, 2 Khoigot's, 2 Checheldar's,  Sheshelov's,  Irkit's and  Irkit's tribes. In 1847 the total population was 1952 among them 1057 men, 895 womem [2, 92]

 Grandfather 16 Baldan studied in a parochial school in Koimorskiy koshun, which  was opened in 1873. After graduating from it he became a huvarak of  Kyrenskiy datsan. But in 1917 all datsans were destroyed. All monks were killed. But my grandfather survived. He was educated person. He could speak mogolian, sanskrit. He helped people to write letters and fill in different documents. He also conducted ritual services secretly.

In 1889 Stepnay duma was reorganized into Тоrskay (4834 people. Тirteev's, 1,2 Кurkut's, 1 Khonodor's), Кoymarskaya (2885 people Sheronkhoy's, Badarkhan's, 2,3,4 Khongodor's), Kharibaytskaya (2897 people. 6 families: 1,2,3,4 Khongodor's, Sheronchoy's, 1 и 2 Khoygot's, Irkit's, Shishelov's, Cheldar's)  outsiders' counsils. and Оkinskoye single clan management (1,2,3,4 Khongodor's, Shaldarov's, Khaygat's. 2 Kurgut's. Tirteev's. Kirgit's tribes).

In 1917  Тunkinskiy aimak was established with 4 choshuns. It was a part of Irkutskiy province.

In 1922  Тunkinskiy aimak was incorprated into Моngol-buriayt autonomous region of  RSFSR. (Аlarsky, Ehirit-Bulagatsky, Bohansky, Selenginsky aimaks). The capital was Irkutsk.  On May 30, 1923, the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was unified with administrative center Verkchneudinsk

1923 Тunkinskiy aimak became an independent  district  of BMАSSR.

Grandfather 17. Tsiren-Dorgo He was born in 1929. During the Great Patriotic war   he worked on the home front. He used to be a ferrier.

       Мother 18. Uliana (Аushа). She was named after a heroine the Young Guard  Uliana  Gromova. But according to custom she has a second name.  

As far as you can see the family tree is not just a list of persons. This is a part of Siberians history. My ancestors’ fortune was inseparable with the Russia’s state formation, because the Baikal region was the main conductor of the far eastern policy. This fact affected the world history. On the other hand dramatic events changed the worldview of the nomads, such as the settled way of life, the Christianization, oblivion of Tengrism, the revolution, the World War II. Nowadays, unfortunately, many buryat people have lost the mother tongue, customs and traditions.


1. Baldaev S.P. Genealogical traditions and legends are Buryat. Ulan-Ude, 1970 -362 pp.

2. Zhalsanova B. Ts. Foreign governments as local governments among the Buryats in the XIX - early XX centuries. Ulan-Ude, 2008 - 257 pp.

3. Sukhodolov A.P. Baikal region as a model territory for sustainable development.


4.Khamaganov E. The inglorious campaign of Sukhor-noyon, as the Khongodors won independence.https://asiarussia.ru/articles/11453/?ysclid=lv4r6xl4wk83556475.

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