Упражнения по грамматике уровень Beginner
методическая разработка по теме

Закирова Лилия Ибрагимовна

Задания и упражнения по грамматике английского языка уровень Beginner, которые можно применять на уроках эпизодически, или при индивидуальной работе.


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Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Посмотрите на определения. Заполните пропуски.
  2. necklace - socks - tie - watch - gloves - belt - scarf - earrings

Ваше мнение об этом

1. You wear it around your neck in winter. It's a .
2. Men often wear these around their necks to work. It's a .
3. You wear it to know the time. It's a .
4. You wear them in your ears. They are .
5. You wear them on your hands, usually in winter. They are .
6. Women wear it around their neck at a party. It's a .
7. You can wear it with pants, jeans, shorts or a skirt. It's a .
8. You put them on your feet, under your shoes. They are .


  Заполните пропуски.


  Выбрать из: playing - guitar - chess - watching - listening - doing

  1. He doesn't like tennis.
    2. They don't like playing .
    3. He doesn't like homework.
    4. I like TV.
    5. She likes to music.
    6. I don't like playing the .


  1. Заполните пропуски. Используйте показанные ниже слова.
  2. ugly  -  long  -  cold  -  big  -  expensive  -  silver  -  dirty  -  short

It’s December. The weather is but inside it’s hot. There are no cheap clothes at the fashion show. All of the clothes are .

There are many beautiful people here but one woman has an dog. Its name is Pasha. Inside it’s very clean but outside is a little . The building is but the room is quite small.

One girl is wearing a green dress and a big bracelet. Another girl is wearing a blue skirt and a long, gold necklace…


  1. Заполните пробелы, используя 'when' или 'how often'.

1. does Mick get up? At six o'clock.
2. does Mick do yoga? He does yoga every day.
3. does Jill do her homework? She does her homework at night.
4. does Mick play basketball? He plays basketball every week.
5. does Mick walk the dog? He walks the dog once a day.
6. does Mick watch movies? He watches movies in the evening, on Saturday.


  1. Составьте текст, используя правильные формы глаголов. Заполните пропуски.

James lives in London. He (get) up at 6am every day. He (walk) the dog in the morning and (do) yoga in the afternoon. He (do) the ironing on Saturday afternoon and he (do) the shopping on Sunday morning. He (make) dinner every night and he (make) the bed every morning. He (set) the table before he (eat) dinner and he (wash) the dishes after he (eat) dinner.

James (do) the laundry on Sunday afternoon and he (mop) the floor on Monday. He (pay) the bills every month. He (do) the housework every day.

James (go) jogging at the weekend with his friends. Sometimes he (watch) movies. He doesn’t (play) the guitar but he (play) computer games. He doesn’t (do) his homework because he isn’t a student. He sometimes (do) the gardening. He usually (surf) the internet in the afternoon. He (play) basketball once a month. He doesn’t (eat) out.


simple present

simple past

simple present 

simple past






I moved to a new flat .
I continued cleaning .
I went shopping.
I had a housewarming party .
I had breakfast comfortably in the clean kitchen.


Составьте предложения, содержащие союзы ‘and’ или ‘but’. Заполните пропуски.

There's a sofa in the living room there isn't a fridge.
The carpet in the dining room is beautiful the rug in the kitchen is ugly.
There's a bed a chair in his bedroom there isn't a chair in my bedroom.
The sink the bath are white the toilet is blue


Заполните пропуски.

bathing suit - tent - flashlight - raincoat - sunscreen - map - sleeping bag - backpack

I’m going to wear my if the weather’s cold and wet.
You’ll get lost- you don’t have a .
I’m not going to go swimming. I forgot my .
This is so heavy! How much did you pack?
Lucky they had a last night, it was so dark.
I’m going to stay in a tonight. Will it be cold? What if it rains?
What a good sleep I had last night. This is warm and comfortable.
It’s hot and sunny today. Don’t forget to wear or you’ll get sunburn.

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