олимпиадные задания по теме

Гелдард Наталья Владимировна

Тесты для школьной Олимпиады по английскому языку


Предварительный просмотр:

Английский язык, 3 класс

1. I can … very well.

A) skate        

B) to skate          

C) skates    

D) skating

2. My baby sister has got one …

A) teeth        

B) tooth              

C) tooths    

D) teethes

3. In summer we like … in the river.

A) to swim    

B) swim          

C) swims      

D) swimming

4. These … are housewives.  

A) woman      

B) men        

C) women      

D) man

5. My friend is … than my brother.

A) tall            

B) taller        

C) the tallest    

D) tallest

6. Jane is the … pupil in the class.

A) good        

B) better        

C) best      

D) bad

7. … did you buy that blouse? - Last month.

A) who          

B) where        

C) when    

D) why

8. My mother has got three …

A) children      

B) child        

C) childs    

D) childrens

9. What … you do last Sunday?

A) do          

B) did        

C) will        

D) does

10. It’s winter. It  …  snowing  outdoors now.

A) is    

B) are      

C) do              

D) did

11. My granny has many … on her farm.

A) sheeps      

B) sheep    

C) sheepes  

D) sheepies

12. I have got two …

A) mouse      

B) mouses  

C) mice  

D) mices

13. My mother… food every day.

A) cooks        

B) cook        

C) is cooking  

D) cooked

14. My mother’s  sister is my …

A) cousin        

B) grandmother    

C) aunt  

D) sister

15. My father’s son is my …

A) brother  

B) uncle  

C) grandfather

D) cousin

Предварительный просмотр:

Английский язык, 2 класс

1. Закончи ряд – one, two, …

A) six  

B) tree  

C) three    

2 В английском алфавите … букв.                

A) 28  

C) 33  

D) 26

3 Какое слово обозначает профессию?

  1. teach  

B) teacher  

C) school  

D) cup

4 Напиши число 8 словом    

A) eight  

B) ten  

C) seven  

5 Дополни предложение.  My name … Mike  

A) am  

B) is    

C) -    

6 Дополни предложение.  I am … England.    

A) from    

B) is    

C) for    

7 Дополни предложение.  I … a  friend.        

A) is  

B) have  

C) has  

8  Ответь на вопрос. Is she a doctor?  -        

A) Yes, it is

B) Yes, she is  

C) No, she has


9 Множественное число слова  -  a teddy bear

A) teddy bears  

B) teddys bear  

C) teddies bear  

D) teddies bears

10 Множественное число слова - a mouse

A) mice  

B) mouses  

C) mices

11 Что можно делать зимой?

A) to sledge  

B) to swim  

C) to play badminton  

12. Когда мы благодарим, мы говорим …

A) Good morning!  

B) Thanks  

C) Bye-Bye  

D) See you


Предварительный просмотр:

Английский язык, 4 класс

*Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ.

  1. I am a good doctor, … ?

A) aren’t

B) am not I

C) don’t I

D) didn’t I

  1. Jim bought a new car yesterday, … ?

A) doesn’t he

B) didn’t he

C) don’t he

D) won’t he

  1. Ann couldn’t find her book, … ?

A) couldn’t she

B) couldn’t her

C) could she

D) can she

4. Mike is the … pupil in the class.

A) good        

B) better        

C) best      

D) bad

  1. Jane likes to eat ice cream, … ?
  1. doesn’t she
  2. don’t she
  3. didn’t she
  4. does she

  1. I go to the swimming pool … Monday
  1. in
  2. at
  3. on

  1. He was in Moscow … last year.
  1. n
  2. in
  3. at

  1. Jim was born … 2005.
  1. at
  2. on
  3. in

  1. She doesn’t watch TV … night
  1. in
  2. on
  3. at

  1. His birthday is … the 30th of July.
  1. on
  2. in
  3. at
  4. into

11. It usually … in autumn.

A) rained

B) is raining

C) rains

D) raining

12. We … to the theatre now.

A) going are

B) goed

C) went

D) are going

13. Yesterday mother … a new dress for me.

A) buyed

B) is buying

C) bought

D) will buy

14. ... I ... to the cinema tomorrow?

A) go, will

B) am, going

C) shall, go

D) did, go

15. There aren’t … apples on the table.

A) much

B) many

C) a lot of

D) little

Предварительный просмотр:

Английский язык, 5 класс

*Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ.

  1. Nice to meet you.
  1. I’m ten
  2. OK, great
  3. Nice to meet you, too
  4. It’s in Room A.

  1. They … in the same class.
  1. are
  2. is
  3. can
  4. am

  1. She … got a new doll.
  1. have
  2. has
  3. haven’t
  4. is

  1. Where is Sam from?
  1. He is from the USA.
  2. They are from the USA.
  3. I am from the USA.
  4. She is from the USA.

  1. There is a … in the kitchen.
  1. bedroom
  2. garage
  3. dishes
  4. sink

  1. I have got a poster … the wall.
  1. in
  2. on
  3. in front of
  4. behind

  1. They eat breakfast in the … .
  1. evening
  2. afternoon
  3. morning
  4. night

  1. They are my friends. Look at … .
  1. him
  2. her
  3. us
  4. them

  1. What does Tom look like?
  1. He is tall with fair hair.
  2. He is friendly.
  3. He is my friend.
  4. He is clever.

  1.  You have got a toothache. You must see a(an) … .
  1. doctor
  2. teacher
  3. dentist
  4. engineer

  1.  Can Sue cook well?
  1. Yes, she is.
  2. Yes, she can.
  3. No, she can.
  4. Yes, she does.

  1.  Mary and Ellen are my friends. These are the … coats.
  1. girls’
  2. girl’s
  3. girl
  4. a girl’s

  1.  My dad is as … as an ox.
  1. wise
  2. quiet
  3. strong
  4. playful

  1.  I live in a semi-detached house made of … .
  1. glass
  2. sand
  3. paper
  4. bricks

  1.  There aren’t … chairs in the bathroom.
  1. much
  2. a
  3. some
  4. any

Предварительный просмотр:

Английский язык, 6 класс

*Внимание! Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ.

  1. – Hello, my name is Nina.
  1. Nice to meet you.
  2. I’m fine, thanks.
  3. No, thanks.
  4. You’re welcome.

  1. A hen is a female … .
  1. goose
  2. chicken
  3. cat
  4. dog

  1. Let’s meet … three o’clock.
  1. In
  2. on
  3. at
  4. of

  1. … time does the shop close?
  1. When
  2. What
  3. Which
  4. At what

  1. There are … books on the table.
  1. a
  2. an
  3. any
  4. some

  1. You can’t buy … at the toy shop.
  1. a doll
  2. a balloon
  3.  teddy bear
  4. a stamp

  1. – Hello, can I speak to Mary, please?
  1. What’s up?
  2. Speaking.
  3. Thank you.
  4. Nice to meet you.

  1. This ball is … .
  1. mine
  2. my
  3. her
  4. our

  1. Can you … a boat?
  1. swim
  2. sail
  3. drive
  4. cross

  1.  She … a shower every morning.
  1. have
  2. haves
  3. has
  4. is having

  1.  I want to buy a … of shoes.
  1. pair
  2. couple
  3. bunch
  4. some

  1.  How … tomatoes have you bought?
  1. much
  2. any
  3. some
  4. many

  1.  I write letters with … .
  1. paints
  2. a pens
  3. a pen
  4. a  pencil

  1. His hobby is walking. He likes … .

A) swimming

B) sunbathing

C) hiking

D) sleeping

15. We usually go shopping  at … weekend.

A) a

B) the

C) ----

D) an

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16.03.2020г.        Предметные олимпиады в условиях СПО проводятся в соответствии с приказом руководителя учебного заведения. Порядок организации и проведения предметной олимп...