открытый урок по Великобритании
методическая разработка

Брюханова Светлана Николаевна



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Предварительный просмотр:

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Иркутской области

«Тайшетский промышленно-технологический техникум»


открытого занятия


по дисциплине


профессия: Машинист крана, крановщик      

Тайшет, 2019

Технологическая карта урока

Дисциплина: Иностранный язык

Дата проведения: 31 октября 2019г.

Профессия: Машинист крана, крановщик

Группа: МА 26-18

Тема занятия: «Великобритания»

Цель: формирование коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся по теме «Великобритания – страна традиций» Задачи: 

 образовательная: способствовать развитию лексических навыков по теме «Великобритания – страна традиций», навыков чтения; создать условия для освоения способов выражения предпочтений в рамках изучаемой темы.

 развивающая: развивать регулятивные УУД, в том числе умения целеполагания, планирования, самонаблюдения, самоконтроля и самооценки; развивать аудитивные навыки чтения (выборочное(полное) понимание заданной информации);

 воспитательная: способствовать осознанию возможностей самореализации средствами иностранного языка; воспитывать культуру поведения, воспитывать уважение, понимание и толерантность к другой культуре.

Оснащение: учебник, тематические иллюстрации, раздаточный материал (карточки с заданиями), магнитофон

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Планируемые образовательные результаты:

Предметные умения УУД: 

 Личностные: формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности к саморазвитию и самообразованию; формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками.

 Регулятивные: осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки в процессе коммуникативной деятельности на иностранном языке.

 Познавательные: построение логических рассуждений, включающее установление причинно-следственных связей; адекватное использование грамматических структур и лексических единиц в речи.

 Коммуникативные: формулировка собственного мнения и позиции, способность аргументировать и координировать её с позициями партнёров в сотрудничестве при выработке общего решения в совместной деятельности; умение отвечать на поставленные вопросы; использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач.

Этапы работы

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся


Этап 1: организационный.

2 мин

Приветствует обучающихся,

создаёт эмоциональный настрой на урок.

Good morning, students. I am glad to see you. How are you? Write down the date and classwork.

Дают устный ответ в форме приветствия. 

Good morning. We’re fine, thank you. And you? Today is …
I like/don’t like such weather, I like ….


-положительное отношение к уроку и изучению английского языка; -готовность принять учебные задачи;

Этап 2: постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.

5 мин

Предлагает обучающимся просмотреть на доску и помогает сформулировать тему урока.

Now, look at the board, please. You can see the proverb. Let’s read it and translate.

So many countries – so many customs.(сколько стран – столько и обычаев)

How do you think, what we are going to speak about today?

Отвечают на вопросы учителя и строят догадки по поводу темы, цели и задач урока.

P:«Holidays »;

P:«Traditions and customs»;


-обнаруживать проблему;

-оценивать правильность решения учебной задачи.


-планирование учебного сотрудничества с учителем и сверстниками;

-излагать свою точку зрения;

-проявлять готовность и способность к осуществлению межкультурного общения на английском языке.


- развитие стремления к самосовершенствованию в данной предметной области.

Let’s find out what we are going to speak about…Match the words.

Соединяют карточки и выясняют тему урока

Озвучивает тему урока.

Yes, right you are. The topic of our lesson is « The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland».

Записывают тему урока в тетрадях

Этап 3:

Развитие аудитивных  навыков.

Первичное усвоение новых знаний.

5 мин

Предлагает обучающимся прослушать гимн страны и заполнить пропуски

Each country has the anthem. Let’s listen to the anthem and guess what the word is missing.

What is it about?

На доске The head of the government – фото

Рассказываю немного про королеву.

На доске The prime Minister – фото

What is the capital of GB?

Слушают и заполняют

Отвечают (The Queen)

Отвечают London

Этап 4:

Развитие навыков чтения

10 мин

The UK consists of 4 parts. Let’s find out the names of these parts, their capitals and the symbols.

На доске




Рассказываю немного по-русски, почему такие символы.

Читают и заполняют таблицу

Этап 5:

актуализация полученных знаний посредством говорения

15 мин

Imagine that you are going to travel to Britain. Make up the dialogues into correct order and act them out/

Соединяют части диалогов и читают.


- умение запрашивать и давать необходимую информацию

Этап 6,7:

Актуализация  лексических знаний, навыков письма


5 мин

Today we‘ve learned some facts about the UK. Let’s consolidate your knowledge. Do the crossword.

Отгадывают кроссворд


-умение правильно понимать значение лексических единиц по теме;

Write down 5 T/F sentences about Britain.

Составляют 5 предложений (правильные и неправильные)

Этап 8: информация о домашнем задании,

2  мин

Объясняет домашнее задание.

H/T: «5»

        Write down 5 T/F sentences about Britain.


        Do the crossword


        A report about one of the sightseeing of the UK.

Thank you for your work. Goodbye!

Записывают домашнее задание. Прощаются с учителем.



-выделять и осознавать то, что уже усвоено и что еще нужно усвоить.

Этап 9: рефлексия

2 мин

При помощи особых эмоциональных символов обучающиеся реагируют на прошедший урок.

If you are not satisfied with your work –draw the joyful smile.

If you are glad with your work-draw the sad smile

Рисуют смайлики


-совместно с учителем и одноклассниками давать оценку деятельности на уроке.


God save our gracious Queen,

 Long live our noble Queen,

 God save the Queen:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the Queen. 

1 T





2 S

3 C



5 L














6 B

7 E












8 I


9 E






























Across :


1.The deepest river  of Great Britain

2.One of the parts of Great Britain

4.The Head of the Government

3.The capital of Wales

7.One of the parts of Great Britain

5.The capital of England

8.One of the largest Islands of the British Isles

6.The other name of the United Kingdom

11.The capital of Northern Ireland

9.The capital of Scotland

10.One of the parts of Great Britain




  1. England
  1. London
  1. Red Rose
  1. Scotland
  1. Edinburgh
  1. Thistle
  1. Wales
  1. Cardiff
  1. Daffodils
  1. Northern Ireland
  1. Belfast
  1. Shamrock

Dialogue 1 (In a travel Agency)

  1. Pupil: Hello.
  1. Travel agent: Good morning. Can I help you?
  1. Pupil: Yes, please. We are thinking about a holiday in Britain. I wonder if you could advise us places to visit.
  1. Travel agent: Well, you see, If I were you first of all I would visit the capital of Great Britain, London.
  1. Pupil: Would you be so kind as to tell us, how much the tour costs?
  1. Travel agent: twenty pounds
  1. Pupil: Oh! It’s great! Thank you so much! Good bye.
  1. Travel agent: Good bye. Good luck!

Dialogue 2 (at the airport)

  1. Pupil: Excuse me, I wonder if it is possible for us to book tickets for London?
  1. Clerk: Of course. I will help you with pleasure. You will arrive in Heathrow airport at 7 o clock in the morning tomorrow. Is that OK?
  1. Pupil: Yes, that is very good. Thank you very much indeed! You are too kind!
  1. Clerk: Good bye. Be lucky.
  1. Pupils: Good bye.

Dialogue 3 (on the plane)

  1. Pupil: Hello! Would you be so kind as to help us? We are going to London for our holidays. Here are our tickets.
  1. Stewardess: Hello. Nice to see you.
  1. Pupil: Excuse me, could you tell us how long we are going to fly?
  1. Stewardess: Oh, let me see… About 5 hours. Would you like some juice, coffee or tea?
  1. Pupil: We would rather have some cups of coffee, please.
  1. Stewardess: Here you are.

Dialogue 4 (at the hotel)

  1. Receptionist: Hello. I wonder if it is at all possible for me to help you?
  1. Pupil: Hello. You see, we are from Russia. Will we have some rooms for five days?
  1. Receptionist: Sure. Welcome to our hotel! Here are your keys, your rooms are on the second floor.
  1. Pupil: Thank you ever so much. Good bye.
  1. Receptionist: I wish you good luck!

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.

God save our gracious ______,

 Long live our noble ________,

 God save the ______:

 Send her victorious,

 Happy and glorious,

 Long to reign over us:

 God save the ________.












Across :


1.The deepest river  of Great Britain

2.One of the parts of Great Britain

4.The Head of the Government

3.The capital of Wales

7.One of the parts of Great Britain

5.The capital of England

8.One of the largest Islands of the British Isles

6.The other name of the United Kingdom

11.The capital of Northern Ireland

9.The capital of Scotland

10.One of the parts of Great Britain












Across :


1.The deepest river  of Great Britain

2.One of the parts of Great Britain

4.The Head of the Government

3.The capital of Wales

7.One of the parts of Great Britain

5.The capital of England

8.One of the largest Islands of the British Isles

6.The other name of the United Kingdom

11.The capital of Northern Ireland

9.The capital of Scotland

10.One of the parts of Great Britain

Dialogue 1 (In a travel Agency)

  1. Pupil: Hello.
  1. Pupil: Oh! It’s great! Thank you so much! Good bye.
  1. Travel agent: twenty pounds
  1. Travel agent: Good morning. Can I help you?
  1. Travel agent: Well, you see, If I were you first of all I would visit the capital of Great Britain, London.
  1. Pupil: Yes, please. We are thinking about a holiday in Britain. I wonder if you could advise us places to visit.
  1. Pupil: Would you be so kind as to tell us, how much the tour costs?
  1. Travel agent: Good bye. Good luck!

Dialogue 2 (at the airport)

  1. Pupil: Excuse me, I wonder if it is possible for us to book tickets for London?
  1. Pupil: Yes, that is very good. Thank you very much indeed! You are too kind!
  1. Clerk: Good bye. Be lucky.
  1. Clerk: Of course. I will help you with pleasure. You will arrive in Heathrow airport at 7 o clock in the morning tomorrow. Is that OK?
  1. Pupils: Good bye.

Dialogue 3 (on the plane)

  1. Pupil: Hello! Would you be so kind as to help us? We are going to London for our holidays. Here are our tickets.
  1. Stewardess: Oh, let me see… About 5 hours. Would you like some juice, coffee or tea?
  1. Pupil: We would rather have some cups of coffee, please.
  1. Pupil: Excuse me, could you tell us how long we are going to fly?
  1. Stewardess: Hello. Nice to see you.
  1. Stewardess: Here you are.

Dialogue 4 (at the hotel)

  1. Receptionist: Hello. I wonder if it is at all possible for me to help you?
  1. Pupil: Thank you ever so much. Good bye.
  1. Receptionist: Sure. Welcome to our hotel! Here are your keys, your rooms are on the second floor.
  1. Pupil: Hello. You see, we are from Russia. Will we have some rooms for five days?
  1. Receptionist: I wish you good luck!







The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. They lie to the north-west of Europe and are separated from the continent by the narrow strait of water. It is called the English Channel. Seas and oceans influence the British climate. It is too cold in winter but never very hot in summer.

The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England is the central part, it occupies the most of the island of Great Britain. Each part has its capital: the capital of England is London, Scotland has Edinburgh, Wales has Cardiff, and the main city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

Every country has its specific culture and peculiarities which can be found in their symbols.

England is the main part of the UK as there is its capital — London city. It stands on the river Thames. The floral emblem and at the same time the symbol of England is the red rose. This flower has become a symbol since the Civil war which is called War of roses (1455-1485). The winner was the Royal Family with a red rose as a family symbol.

The national flower in Scotland is the Thistle. It became the symbol in the 15th century when this prickly-leaved violet flower was used as the defense of the border of the country.

Wales has the symbol spring flower daffodil. 

 And the Northern Ireland also has its own flower symbol it is shamrock. The legend told that with the help of this three-leaf plant St. Patrick explained the Trinity. He said that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit can’t exist separately as the shamrock can’t be with one leave.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. They lie to the north-west of Europe and are separated from the continent by the narrow strait of water. It is called the English Channel. Seas and oceans influence the British climate. It is too cold in winter but never very hot in summer.

The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England is the central part, it occupies the most of the island of Great Britain. Each part has its capital: the capital of England is London, Scotland has Edinburgh, Wales has Cardiff, and the main city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

Every country has its specific culture and peculiarities which can be found in their symbols.

England is the main part of the UK as there is its capital — London city. It stands on the river Thames. The floral emblem and at the same time the symbol of England is the red rose. This flower has become a symbol since the Civil war which is called War of roses (1455-1485). The winner was the Royal Family with a red rose as a family symbol.

The national flower in Scotland is the Thistle. It became the symbol in the 15th century when this prickly-leaved violet flower was used as the defense of the border of the country.

Wales has the symbol spring flower daffodil. 

 And the Northern Ireland also has its own flower symbol it is shamrock. The legend told that with the help of this three-leaf plant St. Patrick explained the Trinity. He said that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit can’t exist separately as the shamrock can’t be with one leave.






















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