материалы для тех ,кто имеет задолженности за первое полугодие первого курса
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материалы для "2"


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Файл no_6_o.docx20.86 КБ
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Файл no_9_o.docx13.78 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Практическое занятие № 2 : характер»

cтр. 5 упр. 1- распределить предложенные прилагательные по двум столбикам – имеющие положительное значение и отрицательное :

Loyal, respected , creative, dishonest , supportive , mean , patient , moody, selfish,

trusting, jealous , dedicated, aggressive , caring.

стр.5 упр. 2- соотнести определение к конкретному типу характера , поставить соответствующую букву  A- ……, B-…….


















А-  I think he’s looking for a fight

B- Jim very rarely gets annoyed with people

C- You  just can’t trust Marie

D – He’s very good at art and has some great ideas

E- Jane finds it difficult to believe that some people may be dishonest

F- He’s always helping the elderly

G-The whole class likes David

 H- Jennifer hates it that her best friend spends so much time with her new boyfriend

I-Alyson was always there for me when I was going through hard times

J-Barry never shares with other people.

K-David never talks about his friends behind their backs

L- Adam trains very hard at sport .He wants to win.

M- She is very unkind to the new girl in the class.

Предварительный просмотр:

Практическое занятие № 3 ч « Описание людей : внешность»

Стр.8 упр.1

 а) подобрать и записать прилагательные к различным частям лица и тела

1 а  Use the words to complete the table: pretty, thick, plump, sweet, smooth, white, tall, brown, long, baby, upturned, fair, pointed, grey, blue, round, big, expressive, rosy, in his/her teens, bright, peaceful, thin, curly, dark, wide, slim, youthful, overweight, tanned, skinny, pale, spotty, bald, spiky.

Face: …………………..

Hair: …………………….

Eyes: ……………………

Nose: ……………………

Lips: ……………………

Chin: ……………………

Height: ……………………

Age: ……………………

Build: ……………………

Complexion: ……………………

б) описать  предложенных людей

раздаточный материал преподавателя – описать предложенных на фото людей


Предварительный просмотр:

Практическое задание №4  « Неформальное письмо»

  Стр. 18     упр. 1 – подобрать начальные фрагменты писем и заключительные части.

1. Hi Jane! Sorry to hear that you’re not getting on very well with your brother. Maybe I can help!

A I really hope you feel better soon. Give me a call some time!

Best wishes, Sam.

2. Dear Matt, Hi!

 I haven’t heard from you for ages I thought I’d drop you a line!

B Anyway, that’s all for now! Write and tell me your news!

Love, Andy

3. Hi! How are you?  I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about what happened last Monday.

C Well, that’s about all. Thanks again for the gift, Grandma.

See you soon, Love Luke

4. Dear Grandma,

Thanks SO much for the birthday present I absolutely loved it!

D Anyway, I hope my advice helps! Write and tell me how you get on.  Lots of love. Jill

5. Hi Jamie!     Configurations on your graduation! We are all so happy for you!

E I hope we get a chance to discuss things. Once again, I’m really sorry.       Yours, Dan

6.  Dear Mark, Thanks so much for the invitation to your party.

I’d love to come!

F I’d love to see pictures from the ceremony.

See you soon. Beth.

7. Dear Diana, Sorry I haven’t written for ages – I’ve been really busy studying. In fact, I’m having a real problem studying for my exams this year. You always do so well. Could you please give me a few tips?

G So, I’ll see you on Friday after school at your house, I can’t wait!


8. Dear Tony, Hi! Sorry to hear that you have been feeling well.

H  What would advice me to do?

Please write back as soon as you can, Kathy

cтр. 19 упр. 3– You recently moved to a big  city and have decided to write a letter to your friend back in your small town . Describe life in the city .

Предварительный просмотр:

Практическое занятие № 6 « Подростки и покупки»

Стр.28 прочитать, перевести текст

  There are over 9 million of them in Britain and they are the most powerful group of consumers. Who are they? Teenagers. A retailer's 'dream come true'. Each year they spend £6 billion.

Sweets and chocolates are still the number one best seller, but sales of mobile phone cards are catching up quickly, and they are expected to overtake sweets and chocolates very soon.

Modern technology is rapidly replacing traditional favourite pastimes such as board games and reading with video game consoles like PlayStation 2 and Xbox, which cost over £300. Quite a lot of teenagers have also joined clubs that involve extreme sports, such as gliding and parachuting. This means that parents are digging deeper into their pockets than ever before. They are handing out a massive £3.3 billion to their teenagers every year, but is this enough? Obviously not, because this is only 60% of what they are spending!

Teenagers are making ends meet by doing odd jobs, such as helping with the chores around the house, delivering newspapers, and working weekends as sales assistants in shops. Although they earn and receive the same amount of money, girls spend more than boys

Ср 29 упр 5заполните пробелы в предложениях словами

Waste, pay, cost ,lend, save, borrow

1 .How do you............for things you buy: in cash, by cheque or by credit card?

2 Do you ever............money to your friends?

3 .Do you ever …….. money from your friends?

4 .Do you           up to buy something you want, e.g. a new bike?

5. Do you think teenagers        their money on things they don't really need?

6. Which of the things you buy……..a lot and which are reasonably priced?

Стр 28 упр 2  -соотнести  6 комментарий и высказываний подростков о их предпочтениях в покупках :

A I have borrowed money, which I will pay back when I start working.

В I'm such a keen fan that I spend my pocket money on buying tickets for all their matches.

С It's not that I'm too lazy to work, I just don't have the time .I need to get good grades.

 D I want one that takes photos and has an MP3 player on it.

 E I don't mind earning my pocket money. I think it's only fair!

F I've just bought some fantastic new jeans. I spent two weeks'

wages on them. Shopping is my favourite hobby.

1.'I can never resist buying the latest fashions, and I eat out with my friends at least once a week. I guess I'm quite rich for a teenager! I earn £50 a week from my weekend job, and my parents give me an extra £20.

2.'I am a first year university student and I have to survive on my student loan, which is £70 a week. It's not really enough. I had a credit card but I cut it up. I spend my money on snacks, bus fares, going to the gym and going out.'

3 'I'm football crazy! I follow my team wherever they play. My parents give me £20 a week pocket money, and I earn an extra £40 a week helping my dad in his shop.'

4.'I get £15 a week and I spend it on computer games, CDs, comics, going out - anything really. I can't get a job at the moment because I'm studying for my exams.

5.'I earn £20 a week by doing household chores for my parents. I'm mad about computer games and spend hours playing with my friends. My parents can't afford to splash out on expensive things for me, so I save the money I earn from my Saturday job.

6'I get £10 a week. I enjoy going on shopping sprees and buying magazines. At the moment I'm saving up for a mobile phone.'

Стр 29 упр 7 написать короткое эссе , ответив на вопросы

how much money you get

• where you get your money from

• what you spend your money on

• whether you are good with money

Предварительный просмотр:

Практическое занятие №: «Спорт в Великобритании»

Стр.39 упр 1- прочитать текст ,соотнести высказывания и отрывки текста

1 offers a cash prize?

2 lasts the longest?

3 is attended by British royalty?

4 is a competition between two teams?

  A  Cambridge Boat Race The Boat Race is a rowing race along the River Thames. It takes place each spring on the River Thames. The 18 competitors (9 in each boat) must be students at Oxford or Cambridge University. They train extremely hard, six days a week for six months before the race.

  B If you get out of breath running for the bus, then can you imagine running 26 miles (about 42 km)? Every year, usually in April, this is exactly what around 40,000 people do when they take part in the London Marathon. It's a serious athletic event which offers big prize money for the winners, but the majority of runners do it for fun or to raise money for charity.

 C Royal Ascot is a 5-day horse racing event at the Ascot race course in Berkshire. Each year, about 300,000 people buy tickets to watch the races. Ascot is very popular with members of the royal family and the rich and famous, but anyone is welcome to go. Royal Ascot is a fashion show too! TV presenters love to comment on what everyone's wearing, especially the ladies' smart hats .

  D Anyone for tennis? Every June, the world's oldest and most famous tennis championship takes place in Wimbledon in London, The tournament lasts for two weeks. Hundreds of spectators queue for hours for tickets to see the world's top players compete. It's not just the tennis- they go for either! Strawberries and cream are the traditional snack at Wimbledon. 28,000 kilos of strawberries and 7,000 litres of cream are sold every year!


Предварительный просмотр:

                          Практическое задание №9:         Наш колледж.

   Наш колледж расположен на Ириновском проспекте. В колледже 4 здания: мастерские и гараж, учебный корпус, спортивный зал и столовая, классы профессионального образования.

   В гараже имеются грузовики, мы проходим практическое вождение, потому что получаем водительские права категории «B» и «C». В мастерских мы учимся работать слесарным инструментом и ремонтировать автомобили.

   На 1 этаже учебного корпуса расположены классы химии, биологии, библиотека и медпункт. На 2 этаже расположены кабинеты физики, ИКТ, литературы, географии и кабинет директора. На этом этаже много цветов. На 3 этаже находятся классы истории, ОБЖ, материаловедения. На 4 этаже имеются кабинеты математики и английского языка.

   Два раза в неделю мы занимаемся физической культурой. Мы имеем возможность дополнительно заниматься футболом, волейболом и тхэквондо. Обедаем мы в 11.35 , нам дают суп, макароны с котлетами, пюре с рыбой, гречу с тушенным мясом ,капусту с сосисками, плов, салаты, компот, йогурты и свежие фрукты.

   В классах профессионального образования мы изучаем ПДД и устройство автомобиля. Эти классы хорошо оборудованы.

   Мне нравится моя будущая профессия!


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