Методическая разработка
методическая разработка

Самароковская Галина Алексеевна

Методическая разработка по теме:Идиомы английского языка всключает в себя ряд заданий, способсвующих усвоению материала и расширению вокабуляра 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Unit 1. Nearest and Dearest

Idioms used to spear about family and relatives

Unit 2. Daily Grind

Idioms used to spear about time and our daily routine

Unit 3. Home, Sweet Home.

Idioms with «home and furniture» words.

Unit 4. Let`s Talk Shop. Business idioms.

Unit 5. Show Must Go On

Idioms used to spear about theatre, boors, cinema.

Unit 6. Don`t Beat About the Bush

Idioms with «nature» words.

Unit 7. Lt`s a Wild Goose Chase!

Idioms with «animal» words.

Unit 8. Murder will out

Idioms used to spear about crime and punishment.

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1. Meet with idioms «Nearest and Dearest» and write the translation



Nearest and dearest

Own flesh and blood

Blood is thicker than water

The black sheep of the family

Have a skeleton in the cupboard

Like two peas in a pod

 2.  Complete the sentences with idioms

3. Choose the right variant

1. Brian stole some money at school yesterday! He is the black baby\ sheep in the family.

2. It`s not surprising you don`t know the truth about Hugh`s family. Every family has a skeleton in the wardrobe\cupboard.

3. l can`t understand who is Jack and who is John. They are as like as two peas\beans in a pod.

4. Nearest\closest and dearest are always there to help us.

5. How dare you hit your child! Lt`s your own flesh\flash and blood!

6. Our turtle Timmy is one of the family\block.

4. Use correct idioms

1. He is a terrible son; he always does everything wrong! He is ___________________of the family.

2. Each family ______________n the cupboard.

3. Don`t forget to call your________________.

5 .Make your sentences with idioms


1. Meet with idioms «Daily Grind» and write the translation

Go out like a light

Go out on the town

Take each day as it comes

Put my feet up

Made my day

Daily grind


31. You made\did my day with this joke

2. l don`t like staying at home on Friday night. l usually go out\away on the town.

3. lt takes me two seconds to fall asleep. l go out like a lighting\light

4. lf you want to be happy, just take each day as it comes\goes.

5. He never works, just puts his hands\feet up and that`s it.

6. l feel depressed with this daily grind\grater.


On the house

Home, sweet home

Walls have ears

Home away from home

People who live in glass houses, should not throw  stones

Banging his head against the wall

Like a ton of bricks

Hit home

Got a foot in the door

Feel at home\make yourself at home

  1. The tax came on us like a ton of bricks\stones.
  2. When l have to go on business trips, l always remember my native town. Home, sour\sweet home.
  3. Don`t speak about that in their house. You know, walls have eyes\ears.
  4.  l am very happy to see you, come in, make yourself at house\home.
  5.  Congratulations! L heard you got a foot in the steps\door of Google.
  6.  His phrase about my mistakes punched\hit home, so I asked him for an excuse.
  7.  Stop complaining about people`s ignorance. You don`t know what the capital of England is. People who live in glass boxes\houses shouldn`t throw stones
  8. Lt`s boss`s birthday today! All the drinks are on the rocks\house.
  9. L love coming to my sister`s house by the sea. L feel perfect there. Lt`s my home away\far from home.
  10. He doesn`t understand that it will never function. He just bangs his head against the fence\wall.


  1. Don`t talk about it in the office. You know, walls have ears and l don`t want anyone to know about it.
  2. He got a foot in the door a big company. We hope it`s the beginning of his success.
  3.  The news about his illness came on me like a ton of bricks.
  4. I want that you feel comfortable and at ease in our house make yourself at home.
  5. Our boss is very generous, when there is a party, everything is always on the house.
  6. He complained to the boss that I am always late! But he never comes on time himself! People who live in glass houses shouldn`t throw stones.
  7. You must be determined, even stubborn! But sometimes it`s important to give up if you understand that the case is lost. You shouldn`t hong your hear agaist the wall.
  8. Your words have just hit home. I totally agree with you!
  9. I am always welcome at the house of my grandma, I feel perfect there and I like coming back there every time I can. It`s my home away from home.
  10. There is nothing better than your own bed, room, desk. Every time I come back, I think «home, sweet home».

Golden handshake

Busman`s holiday

Cornered the market

Cut to the chase

Went down swinging

Are going\ selling like hotcakes

Iearn the ropes

Mix business with pleasure

Talk shop

  1. Internship is a good chance to learn the ropes\threads.
  2. There doughnuts cornered the shop\market.
  3. As I am a professional dancer, going to a disco is like a busman\busman`s holiday for me.
  4. As the company is having financial problems now, l am really afraid to get the cut\the axe.
  5. He didn`t expect to get a golden milkshake\handshake when he went he went on pension.
  6. I don`t like going out with colleagues because I don`t like to talk shop\business during the parties.
  7. Talking shop while playing golf is a good way of mixing business and pleasure\leisure.
  8. I have to admit that we are losing. But we will go down singing\swinging.
  9. I am sure these T-shirts will be sold like hotcakes\hot muffins.


  1. I often listen to music while making the reports for my boss. I like mixing business with pleasure.
  2. Years ago Levi cornered the jeans market
  3. You have to learn the ropes before asking for a promotion. One can`t move forward without knowing the basics.
  4. I won`t give up that easily, even if I lose, I will go down swinging.
  5. Let`s skip the formalities and cut to the chose. I need to discuss it with you as fast as possible.
  6. He works as a clown in the circus and every child`s party is a busman`s holiday for him.
  7. He was expecting a golden handshake when he went on pension, but his colleagues didn`t give him anything.
  8. Fantasy books are selling like handshake now, while classical literature remains on the shelves of the shop.
  9. Let`s hot talk shop at home, our wives will get bored

Sends shivers down my spine

A page-turner

Read the fine print

From cover to cover

Take a leaf out of my book

Dry run

Stage fright

Stage whisper

Brings the house down


  1. He had great problems at school because he couldn`t speak in front of the class. He suffered stage/ scene fright.
  2. The play is not ready. We must have one more dry walk/run.
  3. This book is very interesting. It`s a real page/ paper-turner.
  4. When you act like this, you take a leaf/ page out of your brother`s book.
  5. These stories about ghosts send shivers/ showers down my spine.
  6. She told my secret to her sister in a stage whisker/whisper. Everybody in the class could hear her.
  7. I  am used to read the fine/small print as I have worked as a lawyer for many years.
  8. I like this book. I read it from cover on/ to cover three times.
  9. His jokes brought the house  backward/ down.
  10. A person who reads a lot is called a bookbug/ bookworn.

  1. Kevin always reads the fine print before signing the contract.
  2. The director is not very satisfied with the acting. We have to do one more dry run.
  3.  Why are you imitating your sister? You do exactly what she would have done. Don`t take a leaf out of her book.
  4. I can`t perform on the stage; I lose the ability to speak because of the stage fright.
  5. His voice is very scary. It sends shivers down my spine.
  6. I started reading this book and I couldn`t stop. It`s a real page-turner.
  7. Plays with his participation are always a success. He always brings the house down.
  8. Of course he wanted that everybody knew about it. He pronounced it in a stage whisper.
  9. Mike reads a lot of book. He is a real bookworm.

A late bloomer

A shrinking violet

As fresh as a daisy

Breaking the ice

Cat`s got his tongue

It`s an ill wind ( that blows nobody any good)

Like a bolt from the blue

The grass is always greener on the other side of a fence

To hedge their bets

  1. Jack was sure his position in the company was firm that`s why the news about his dismissal was like a bold\bolt from the blue for him.
  2. Are you afraid to tell me the truth or has the cat got your tank\tongue?
  3. He was just a late\an early bloomer. He didn`t study well at the elementary school but had the highest grades in the secondary school.
  4. Jeremy bought the shares of different companies to hedge his bats\bets.
  5. Go to bed. I want to see you as fresh as a chamomile\daisy tomorrow. Don`t worry, we will find another client if they refuse to work with us. It`s not the only pebble\stone on the beach.
  6. When forming a new team, it`s important to do something to break the ice cream\ice.
  7. Tom is such a shrinking\shaking violet. He can`t even ask for the indications in the street.
  8. My sister has a wonderful husband, prospective career and a detached house. And me? I am the unluckiest person in the world. It`s not that simple as it seems. The grass is always greener on the other side of the hedge\fence.
  9. It`s an ill\sick wind that blows nobody any good.


  1. Jason is very insecure when he is in a company of girls. He is afraid to speak and to look around. He is such a shrinking violet.
  2. He is not stupid. He is just a late bloomer. He needs more time than his peers to achieve certain results.
  3. Everybody was silent and the situation got awkward, so Ann decided to tell a funny story to break the ice.
  4. He had a good night`s sleep and came to work on time as fresh as a daisy. Everybody wondered where he got his energy from.
  5. He is not talking. It seems cat`s got his tongue
  6. Don`t worry, take a shower, drink some green tea and you won`t feel tired anymore. You will be as fresh as a daisy
  7. I absolutely didn`t expect it! It was like a bolt from the blue for me.
  8. Harry never risks. I am sure he found at least two solutions so that to hedge his bets.
  9. It`s not as bad as it seems. Maybe, it`s even for the better. You know, it`s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.

A copycat

A dog in the manger

A wild goose chase

At a snail`s pace

Get one`s ducks in a row

I`ll be a monkey`s uncle

Let sleeping dogs lie

Straight from the horse`s mouth

The lion`s share

The world is your oyster

  1. Jim is in the clink\cling for a bank robbery.
  2. A TV for 20.000 euros? So expensive! It`s a highway\motorway robbery.
  3. Mr. Whisley was on the fiddle\fibre and used the money for the project on his own needs.
  4. He did a run\runner when dead body had been discovered.
  5. I believed every word he said but he was only taking me for a run\ride.
  6. Lucy could never think she would have to sit in\on the dock.
  7. Michael has some friends in the Town Hall, he knows someone on the rake\take. He can help you.
  8. I am sure it`s somebody of the staff. It can be only an inside job\work.
  9. Did you know that Jean had her hand in the teal\till?
  10. He worked very honestly and never tried to line his own pockets\package even if he had a chance.


1.  The boss was very disappointed when he found out that Jacob was on the fiddle.

2.   She was in the dock, a defendant on the trial.

3.   The rector of the university was on the take and took money for students to get into the university.

4.   The new cashier had her hand in the till and was fired immediately when the theft had been discovered.

5.    The burglar heard the police siren and did a runner.

6.     The prices for medicine are too high! But you have no choice and you have to buy it. It`s just a highway robbery.

7.  Only the employees of the company could have opened his office without breaking the lock. It was for sure an inside job.

8.  How did he get all this money to build such a house? He must have lined his pockets when he was working for the government.

9.   Are you taking me for a ride?

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