Тест по английскому языку для студентов 3 курса
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Тест предназначен для контроля знаний граматического материала и может использоваться для промежуточной аттестации студентов 3 курса специальности "Гостиничный сервис"


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  1. There is no doubt that computers have _________ our lives easier.
  1. done
  2. got
  3. become
  4. made
  1. You will be here tomorrow, __________.
  1. is not it
  2. will not you
  3. will you
  4. will you be
  1. There was ________ to eat and drink after the party.
  1. many
  2. lot of
  3. a lot
  4. lots of
  1. ____________ that strange man sitting over there?
  1. whose
  2. which
  3. who is
  4. who
  1. Is there _______ in the room?
  1. somebody
  2. something
  3. anybody
  4. anywhere
  1. The telephone was ________ by Alexander Graham Bell.
  1. discovered
  2. invented
  3. explored
  4. studied
  1. This program _________ me a lot of money.
  1. cost
  2. costed
  3. had costed
  4. was cost
  1. It happened ____________ our way home.
  1. in
  2. on
  3. for
  4. about
  1. By the time, we arrived at the station, the train ________.
  1. left
  2. has left
  3. had left
  4. was left
  1. Mount Everest is _____________ mountain in the world.
  1. high
  2. highest
  3. the higher
  4. the highest
  1. Rome is famous for its _________ archaeological sites.
  1. ancient
  2. old
  3. old-fashioned
  4. modern
  1. When did he arrive ________ Moscow?
  1. at
  2. on
  3. in
  4. for
  1. Nobody ____________ why people walk or talk in their sleep.
  1. know
  2. knows
  3. knew
  4. is knowing
  1. There is oxygen on this planet! We _________ to breathe.
  1. can
  2. will can
  3. be able
  4. will be able
  1. What will __________ be like tomorrow?
  1. the weather
  2. a weather
  3. weather
  4. the weathers



  1. The Sahara is __________ desert in the world.
  1. the hottest
  2. hottest
  3. the most hot
  4. the hotter
  1. John is not interested _________ politics.
  1. about
  2. in
  3. for
  4. over
  1. I am sure we __________ before.
  1. have never met
  2. have not never met
  3. did not met
  4. had met
  1. They were in Spain last summer, _______Who?
  1. were they
  2. is not it
  3. did not they
  4. were not they
  1. New Year Day is ____________ popular in Britain then Christmas.
  1. more less
  2. more little
  3. less
  4. little
  1. _______________ Michelangelo began painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
  1. at the age of 33
  2. at 33 years
  3. at the age of 33 years
  4. at the age of 33 year
  1. The cost of living in our country has __________ again.
  1. rose
  2. raised
  3. picked up
  4. risen
  1. What _______________ we are having!
  1. the rainy weather
  2. a rainy weather
  3. rainy weathers
  4. rainy weather

  1. Who ______________ to go to the cinema with us?
  1. want
  2. does want
  3. wants
  4. is wanting
  1. I think that John Lennon is ___________ musicians in the world.
  1. greatest one of
  2. the greatest
  3. one of greatest
  4. one of the greatest
  1. I do not like coffee with ______________.
  1. the milk
  2. a milk
  3. milk
  4. milks
  1. I usually go to school ______________ bus.
  1. on
  2. by
  3. in
  4. at
  1. I do not want to go to the country; I would rather _________ at home.
  1. staying
  2. stay
  3. to stay
  4. will stay
  1. Everyone ___________ of Bill Gates, the icon of American business and the richest man in the world.
  1. have heard
  2. has heard
  3. is hearing
  4. has been heard
  1. It was _____________ cold that I put on my coat.
  1. too
  2. such
  3. very
  4. so



  1. The Internet ______________ as harmless as it may seem.
  1. is
  2. has been
  3. is not
  4. is not been
  1. He does ______________ but play computer games all days.
  1. everything
  2. nothing
  3. anything
  4. something
  1. I arrived ___________ the airport with plenty of time to check in.
  1. for
  2. to
  3. at
  4. in
  1. John has been to India, _____________?
  1. is not it
  2. has not he
  3. has not John
  4. does not he
  1. I am going to my dentist ______________.
  1. one of these days
  2. another day
  3. another of these days
  4. the other day
  1. In spite of Shakespeare`s fame we know very ___________ about his life.
  1. little
  2. a little
  3. few
  4. less
  1. Neither Helen nor Andrew ___________ to go the museum.
  1. is wanting
  2. wants
  3. does not want
  4. do not want
  1. The first film of this director is much more interesting ___________ the second one.
  1. then
  2. than
  3. that
  4. as

  1. By the time we got home, Alice ____________ a delicious dinner.
  1. prepared
  2. has prepared
  3. had prepared
  4. has been prepared
  1. Nobody __________ being shouted at.
  2. does not like
  3. is like
  4. like
  1. I do not know who ___________ your bike.
  1. stealed
  2. has stoled
  3. did stole
  4. has stolen
  1. She __________ at the bus stop when a young man took her bag and ran away.
  1. was waiting
  2. has been waiting
  3. is waiting
  4. had waited
  1. I ___________ an assay by six o` clock yesterday.
  1. have written
  2. had written
  3. wrote
  4. was written
  1. This newspaper is not very popular _____________- young people.
  1. for
  2. with
  3. about
  4. over
  1. Michelangelo Buonarroti was _____________ artists in history.
  1. a very famous
  2. one of the most famous
  3. the most famous
  4. one of famousest



  1. Shakespeare is _____________ to understand than Agatha Christie.
  1. difficult
  2. more difficult
  3. most difficult
  4. the most difficult
  1. I took a shower, shaved and __________ my best suit.
  1. wore
  2. dressed
  3. put on
  4. took off
  1. Who _________ America?
  1. discovered
  2. did discover
  3. did discovered
  4. discovers
  1. St. Basil`s Cathedral ____________ in the middle of 18 century in memory of the victory over Kazan.
  1. built
  2. was built
  3. was builded
  4. had been built
  1. She has got 3 children and her ___________ has just started school.
  1. oldest
  2. eldest
  3. the eldest
  4. the oldest
  1. I usually go to school _______ foot.
  1. in
  2. with
  3. on
  4. by
  1. A secretary is a person who ____________ letters.
  1. is typing
  2. types
  3. typed
  4. will type
  1. Neither Alex nor Nick ____________ German
  1. know
  2. are knowing
  3. do not know
  4. knows

  1. Our planet is in grave danger ____________ human activity.
  1. because
  2. the reason why
  3. for
  4. as a result of
  1. My parents have __________ lived in London.
  1. always
  2. usually
  3. from time to time
  4. never
  1. It was __________ a boring film that I fell asleep in the middle of it.
  1. so
  2. such
  3. too
  4. very
  1. When I ___________ at Baker Street, Holmes was sitting by the fire.
  1. reached
  2. entered
  3. arrived
  4. came
  1. We ate ____________ cake. It was delicious.
  1. the all
  2. the whole
  3. the every bit
  4. each
  1. ________________ difficult work!
  1. which
  2. what
  3. what a
  4. how
  1. Tom _____________ Ann since childhood.
  1. is loving
  2. was loving
  3. has been loving
  4. has loved

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