для студентов 4 курса
план-конспект урока

Дрофа Ирина Васильевна

Оказание помощи студентам 4 курса при самостоятельной работе с текстовым материалом, необходимым для совершенствования навыков и умений, чтения адаптированной и аутентичной медицинской литературы и ведения беседы по медицинской тематике. 

Литература: И.Ю.Марковина, Г.Е. Громова "Английский язык для медицинских училищ и колледжей", Л.Г.Козырева, Т.В.Шадская "Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ", С.А. Тылкина, Н.А. Темчина "Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ".


Предварительный просмотр:

Основные лекарственные формы

1) аптека - pharmacy, chemist`s (shop)

2) отдел ручной продажи -  chemist`s department

3) провизор, фармацевт - pharmacist

4) рецепт- prescription

5) рецептурный отдел - prescription department

6) отпускать лекарство - to dispense drugs (medicines)

7) побочное действие лекарственного средства - adverse effect of a drug  

8) терапевтическое действие лекарственного средства - therapeutic action of  a drug

9) лекарственное средство для внутреннего (наружного) применения -drug for  internal (external) use

10) принимать лекарство - to take a drug

 каждый час - every hour

натощак - on an empty stomach

перед едой - before meals

после еды after meals

по одной столовой ложке 2 раза в день - a tablespoonful twice a day

11) капли - drops

накапать семь капель — to drop seven drops

12) мазь — ointment

намазать мазь — to put the ointment on

13) микстура — mixture

встряхнуть бутылку с микстурой перед использованием — to shake the bottle with the mixture before use

14) настойка - tincture

принять 10 капель настойки - to take ten drops of the tincture

15) отвар - decoction

давать отвар 3 раза в день после еды — to give decoction three times a day after meal

16) пилюля — pill

обезболивающая  пилюля — pain-relieving pill

17) порошок - powder

сложный порошок - compound powder

18) присыпка - dust, powder

19) раствор-solution

давать раствор в соответствии с предписанием врача - to give solution according to the doctor instruction

20) свеча - suppository

применять свечи - to use suppositories

21) таблетка - tablet 

полтаблетки - a half tablet

принимать таблетки 3 раза в день - to take tablets three times a day

таблетка, покрытая оболочкой - coated tablet

22) растирать лекарство в порошок -  to powder drug

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The ladder of Aristotle

Лестница Аристотеля


 Aristotle was one of the best naturalists of all times. He observed the world of

life that was familiar to him and attracted his attention- particularly the habits of fish, the behaviour of insects, like bees, and the nature of mammals, like whales and dolphins. Aristotle also analysed the nature of reproduction and heredity. He

drew up his "ladder of nature" with simple forms like jellyfish at the bottom and man at the top. Aristotle made through studies of the anatomy of animals and described more than 500 kinds of them.

     Aristotle's system of plant and animal classification was in use more than 2000 years.


 Early people divided all living things into two groups: useful and harmful. When people learned more kinds of living things, they used new ways of classification.

     The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) described more than 500 kinds of animals and classified them into animals with blood and animals without blood. But this division is erratic.

     The French naturalist Lamark (1744 - 1829) divided animals into vertebrates and invertebrates. The first group includes animals that have a backbone; the second, very naturally, includes all other animals.

early ['з:lɪ] зд. древний

divide [dɪˈvaɪd] делить, подразделять

learn [lɜːn]] узнавать

way [weɪ] способ

without [wɪˈðaʊt]] без (предлог)        

erratic [ɪˈrætɪk] ошибочный

backbone ['bækbəʊn) позвоночник

Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Did Aristotle describe the habits of fish?

2. Did he analyse the nature of reproduction?

3. Did he make thorough studies of the anatomy of animals?

4. Did Aristotle draw the "ladder of nature"?

5. Was Aristotle one of the best naturalists of all times?

  1. В соответствии с содержанием текста, выберите из списка подходящее по смыслу существительное (в ед. или мн. числе) и заполните пропуски в предложениях:

           behaviour, heredity, kinds, naturalists, records

    В. Переведите составленные вами предложения

1. Aristotle left ________________________________about the world of nature.

2. He observed the _________________________ of bees.

3. He analysed the nature of reproduction and ____________________________.

4. He described more than 500___________________________ of animals.

5. __________________used Aristotle's system of classifying plants and animals for more than 2000 years.

Прочитайте текст и заполните схему, указав, на какие группы подразделялись живые существа в трех различных классификациях:

Early classification

Aristotle's classification

Lamark's classification

Ways of classification


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      Прочитайте и переведите текст   



  Man tried to protect health during the Middle Ages. Certain important health methods were used during this period. Epidemics of diphtheria, typhoid, fever, leprosy (проказа), influenza, bubonic plague and other diseases took millions of lives.
    Leprosy was spread for hundreds of years. This disease was controlled not by medical means. The patients lived in special colonies away from other people. This was a very important advance in public health during this period.
   During the Middle Ages plague killed many millions of people in Europe.
   In 1384  the ''Black Death'' struck (поразила) Britain; nobody knew how to fight with the disease. The doctors advised people to run away from the affected (пораженные) areas. Everybody agreed that plague was god's punishment (божья кара) for the sins (грех) of men.


 Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.
1) What diseases took millions of lives in the middle ages?
2) How was leprosy controlled in the middle ages?
3) What disease struck Britain in 1348?
4) How was plague called?

5) Was plague god's punishment for the sins of man?

Developments of the Middle Ages

 A very important development during the Middle Ages was the hospital. Hospitals appeared  in Ceylon early in the fifth century B.C. and in India in 260 B. C. Hospitals were founded during the Middle Ages in Italy, France, England, Spain, and other European countries.                                                                                                        

 The number of hospital beds was not always in indication of hospital size, usually great beds were used and four-six patients were put on one bed. Hospitals were founded to treat the sick people.

 Another development during the Middle Ages was the foundation of Universities. Many of the great European Universities were founded during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Biological sciences were taught in the universities. Students also studied the human body and some diseases.


          Найдите ответы на следующие вопросы в тексте

  1. What were important developments during the Middle Ages?
  2.  When and where did the first hospitals appear?
  3. Was the number of hospital beds an indication of hospital size?
  4.  What were hospitals founded for?
  5.  What sciences did students study in the universities in the Middle Ages?

Предварительный просмотр:

Rapid scientific advances

Great discoveries were made in the nineteenth century. One of them was the discovery of cocaine, which was very effective as a local anaesthetic. Surgeons could inject cocaine into a certain part of the body and deaden (заглушать) the pain in that part during the operation.

When the problem of pain was solved, surgeons could carry out long and complicated operations.

A very important discovery was made by the French chemist, physicist and bacteriologist Louis Pasteur. We know him as the originator of the «germ theory» of disease. He discovered fermentation and developed the process of pasteurization. Louis Pasteur produced the theory that disease and infection were caused by germs and he proved that they were spread through the air. He found that germs could be killed in the liquids (жидкостях) by heat (теплом) and the term «pasteurization» was given to this process. Milk is treated in this way today to make it safe to drink.

Rudolf Virchov became known for his work in cellular pathology, and Herman von Helmholtz for his invention of the ophthalmoscope in 1850.  

Lord Joseph Lister introduced antiseptic surgery in 1867, and Wilhelm K. Roentgen discovered X-rays in 1895. He placed his hand in front of the apparatus and saw that the rays passed through the hand and cast a shadow (тень) of bones on the screen (экран). Because he did not know what the rays were he called them X-rays.

Answer the questions:

1) What was very effective as a local anesthesia?
 When could surgeons carry out long and complicated operations?

3) Who was the originator of the germ theory of disease?

4) What is pasteurization?

5) Who is the founder of cellular pathology?

6) What are the main scientific advances of the nineteenth ctntury?

7) What did Wilhelm K. Roentgen discover in 1895?

Предварительный просмотр:

Прочтите и переведите текст, пользуясь словарем.


    During the first seventy years of the twentieth century many discoveries were made in the treatment and prevention of disease. In 1901 Karl Landsteiner discovered the blood groups.

    Some diseases are not caused by germs or infections but by the lack (недостаток, нехватка) of certain substances in our food. The discovery of vitamins in 1912 was very important to provide (обеспечить) people with a properly balanced diet. In 1922 Sir Frederick Banting found that insulin was very effective against diabetes. Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Dr. Alexander Fleming who became the founder of the modern science of antibiosis. Penicillin was used in hospitals to reduce infections in wounds during the Second World War. Streptomycin and a series of anti-infection drugs were discovered after penicillin. All these drugs are known as antibiotics.

    A drug known as sulphanilamide was discovered in 1935. It became the first of the "miracle" drugs (чудодейственное лекарства) which gave immediate and amazing results in the treatment of many infectious diseases including pneumonia.

   During the two world wars, great advances were made in the field of plastic surgery, in which skin, bone or muscle was taken from one part of the body and then was transplanted to a badly injured area in another part. Great progress was made in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, bacterial and viral infections, kidney disorders and other main causes of death and disability (потеря трудоспособности). The individual of today will live longer and more healthfully than ever before.

Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих русских слов и выражений:

Лечение и профилактика заболевания, группа крови, быть причиной, недостаток определенных веществ, обеспечить сбалансированной диетой, быть эффективным, уменьшить инфекционное поражение ран, пластическая хирургия, трансплантировать кожу, кость, мышцу, сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, рак, бактериальные и вирусные инфекции, причина смерти, потеря трудоспособности.

Предварительный просмотр:


 Louis Pasteur was born in 1822. He was a prominent French chemist, one of the founders of modern microbiology. His research work helped much to establish the field of bacteriology. In his early Pasteur devoted his energies to the discovery of microorganisms in wine and beer production. He introduced the idea of heat sterilization (pasteurization) for these products and milk.

   Later he became interested in hydrophobia. He showed that viral pathogenic properties could be attenuated by passing the virus through the body of a proper animal. On the basis of these observations he developed a vaccine for hydrophobia.

   Continuing his investigation L. Pasteur discovered the method to prevent some infection diseases by introducing attenuated causative agents. This method is know as vaccination. It has helped for fight against many infections diseases.

  1. prominent – выдающийся, известный
  2. to establish – основывать, создавать
  3. to devote one’s energy – посвятить свою энергию
  4. discovery – открытие, обнаружение
  5. to be attenuated – быть ослабленным, смягченным  
  6. observation - наблюдение
  7. to introduce – представлять, вводить в употребление

 Найдите английские эквиваленты в тексте:

   выдающийся французский химик, основатель современной микробиологии, посвятил свою энергию, открытие микроорганизмов, стерилизация жаром, заинтересоваться, патогенные свойства, могут быть ослаблены, на основе этих наблюдений, разработал метод предотвращения инфекционных заболеваний.

 Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

  1. When was Louis Pasteur born? 
  2. Was he one of the founders of modern microbiology?
  3. What did Pasteur devote his energies in his early for?
  4. What idea did he introduce?
  5. Did Pasteur become interested in hydrophobia?
  6. What did Pasteur develop on the basis of his observations?
  7. Who discovered the method of vaccination?



 I. I. Mechnikov was born in 1845 in the village if Ivanovka, not far from the city of Kharkov.

   Since his early childhood I. I. Mechnikov had become interested in natural sciences. Being a pupil of the sixth form he began to attend the course of university lectures. Mechnikov graduated from Kharkov University when he was only 19 years old. While studying at the University he published several scientific articles in zoology.

   In 1870 at the age of 25 Mechnikov became one of the leading professor of Odessa University. But twelve years later, in 1882 he left the University demonstrating his protest against the tzarist ministry of education. He began his intense work in his private laboratory. In 1887 Mechnikov went abroad and spent almost 30 years in Paris at the Pasteur Institute.

   I. I. Mechnikov was the first to observe the phenomenon of phagocytosis in experiments with lower animals.

   Mechnikov took great interest in this phenomenon and began his regular observations. On the basis of his observations he proved that that while blood cells of the human being had the ability to pass through the walls of the capillary vessels and to destroy the invading microbes. Mechnikov called these cells phagocytes and the phenomenon itself phagocytosis. He also determined what defence forces the human body had and why not every bacterial infection resulted in a disease.

   In 1908 I. I. received the Nobel Prize for his investigations on phagocytosis. Mechnikov performed considerable work on the effect of lactic acid on bacteria and devoted many years of he life to the problem of aging.

   He dead in 1916 at the age of 71.


  1.  childhood - детство
  2. to become interesting - заинтересоваться
  3. natural sciences -  естественные науки
  4. to attend - посещать
  5. to graduate from (the University) - закончить (университет)
  6. tzarist ministry of education - царское министерство образования
  7. to go abroad - уехать за границу  
  8. to observe – наблюдать
  9. to take great interest in - сильно заинтересоваться чем-либо, проявлять интерес к чему - либо

   10) to determine - определять

   11) white blood cells -  белые кровяные клетки

   12) defence forces -  защитные силы

   13) to result in -  приводить к чему-либо

   14) considerable - значительный

   15) to devote - посвящать

   16) the problem of aging – проблема старения


 Закончите предложения:

  1. I. I. Mechnikov was born in…
  2. Since his early childhood Mechnikov had became interested in…
  3. Mechnikov graduated from the University when he was only…
  4. In … Mechnikov became one of the leading professors od Odessa University.
  5. Twelve years later he left the University demonstrating his protest against…
  6. In 1887 Mechnikov went abroad and spent almost 30 years in…
  7. I. I. Mechnikov eas the first to observe…
  8. Mechnikov called these cells… and the phenomenon itself…
  9. In 1908 I. I. Mechnikov received the Nobel Prize for his…

10) Mechnikov performed considerable work on the effect of … on bacteria and devoted many years of his life to the problem of…

11) He died in …



  Robert Koch was a prominent German bacteriologist, the founder of modern microbiology. He was born in 1843, died in 1910. Koch carried on many experiments on mice (мышах) in a small laboratory.

   In 1882 Koch discovered tyberculosis bacilli. In his report made in Berlin Phisiological Society Koch described the morphology of tyberculosis bacilli and the ways to reveal them. His discovery made him known  all over the world. In 1884 Koch published his book on cholera. He included all the investigations during the cholera epidemic in Egypt and India into this book. Koch isolated a small comma-shaped bacterium. He determined that these bacteria spread through drinking water. In 1905 Koch go the Nobel prize for his important scientific discoveries.


  1. to carry on – проводить
  2. mouse – мышь, мыши
  3. bacillus – бацилла, бациллы
  4. to reveal – обнаружить
  5. bacterium (pl. bacteria) – бактерия, бактерии
  6.  to spread – распространять

  Вопросы к тексту

1. When was Robert Koch born?

2. Who was a prominent German bacteriologist?

3. What did Koch discover in 1882?

    Закончите предложения

  1. Robert Koch was the founder…
  2. He was born…, dead in…
  3. In 1882 Koch discovered…
  4. … made him know all over the world.
  5. In 1884 Koch published his book on…
  6. Koch isolated a small… bacterium.
  7. He determined that these bacteria spread through…
  8. In 1905 Koch got… for his important scientific discoveries.

I.P. Pavlov– Man and Scientist

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was born on September 14, in 1849 in Ryazan. When he was still a very little boy he helped his father on his farm. His father taught him to read books.

In 1870 Pavlov entered Petersburg University to study natural sciences. Soon he decided to become a physiologist himself.

During his work at the Academy Pavlov discovered some new facts about the blood pressure.

In 1881 Pavlov got married. His wife was a wonderful help and companion to him. Their marriage was a very happy one.

In 1890 Pavlov began to lecture on physiology in the Military Academy.

 Many of his ideas were new to the students and he was a very popular lecturer. His lectures were simple and clear. He didn’t use notes since his memory was wonderful. He allowed students to interrupt him and gladly answered their questions.

Pavlov studied the work of the digestive system. He made many experiments on dogs. He had to make operations on dogs and as he loved animals he treated his dogs with great kindness and they showed no fear of him. Pavlov never operated unless it was necessary and he always used anaesthetics. He was a very skilful surgeon and his dogs generally recovered very quickly.

Pavlov made great contribution to medical science. After the Great October Revolution Pavlov was given a splendid new laboratory at the village of Koltushy. Large sums of money were spent on him laboratory. Though he was  an old man of seventy four he worked as hard as ever. He rose at 7 o’clock each morning, ate a simple breakfast of tea and bread- and- butter usually to the accompaniment of the gramophone. He worked nine or ten hours a day.

A few years before his death he addressed the youth of our country:

«The first important thing is to be systematic in your work.

Never pass on to the next stage until you have finished the previous one.

Never try to hide the defects in your knowledge.

The second important thing is modesty. Never imagine that you know everything.

The third thing that is necessary is enthusiasm.

Remember that science demands of a man his whole life…»

Pavlov, the great Russian scientist, died on February 27, 1936 at the age of eighty-six.

1.natural sciences –естественные науки        8. contribution - вклад                                   

2. physiologist – физиолог                               9. splendid -великолепный

3. to discover –обнаруживать                        10. to pass on -переходить

4.to marry – жениться,выходить замуж      11. to hide - прятать

5.memory – память                                        12. knowledge - знание

6.to interrupt –прерывать                             13. modesty - скромность

7.digestive –пищеварительный                     14. to imagine - воображать


S. P. Botkin was born on September 17, in 1832. After finishing one of Moscow schools, he entered the Medical Faculty of Moscow University.

Botkin was very interested in medicine very much and soon became one of the best students.

After graduating from the Medical Faculty in 1855 Botkin went to the Crimea where he worked as a physician at the Simferopol Military Hospital under the direction of the well-known Russian surgeon Pirogov.

In 1860 Botkin began to work at the Medico-Surgical Academy in Petersburg. In 1861 he became a professor of the Therapeutic Clinic at the Academy. He worked hard. He wanted to have a model clinic at the Academy. Botkin organized a well-equipped physiological laboratory for clinical experiments. Botkin was a brilliant therapeutist and diagnostician. One of his greatest achievements was his theory of nervosism, which is the most progressive theory in clinical medicine.

Botkin was not only a brilliant scientist but an excellent teacher too. Many of his pupils became famous physicians and worked at Russian universities as professors.

Botkin was also one of the founders of military therapeutists. He worked at the front during the Russo-Turkish war giving much of his time to the organization of medical aid.

During his whole life he never stopped working for the good of the Russian people. His name is one of the most famous names in medicine and it will always be remembered in the history of Russian science.

1. faculty –факультет                             6. diagnostician - диагност

2. Crimea – Крым                                   7. achievement - достижение

3. direction – руководство                     8. scientist - ученый

4. model – образец                                  9. excellent - превосходный

5. to equip – оборудовать                      10. therapeutics - терапия


1. When was S.P.Botkin born?

2. Where did he enter after school?

3. Who organized the good laboratory?

4. What is the name of his progressive theory?

5. Who was the founder of military therapy?

6. Is S.P. Botkin popular in our time?

Предварительный просмотр:



 On receiving a prescription from a doctor or on following a home treatment all of us need medicines, which are ordered or bought at a chemist’s.

   There are usually two departments in a large chemist’s at the chemist’s department one can have the medicine immediately, other drugs have to be ordered at the prescription department.

   At any chemist’s all drugs are kept in drug cabinets. Each medicine has a label on it. White labels indicate drugs for internal use, yellow - for external use and blue - for injections. The dose to be taken and the directions for the administration are also indicated on a label. It very important for chemists, nurses, doctors and patients themselves. It prevents confusing different remedies, some of which are  poisonous. Their over dosage may cаuse  unfavourable reactions and even death.

   At the chemist’s one can buy different drugs for intramusculary and intravenous  injections, for oral administration and for external use.

1. a chemist’s (shop) – аптека

2. а chemist’s department – отдел ручной продажи

3. a prescription department – рецептурный отдел

4. for external use – для внешнего использования (для наружного употребления)

5. for internal use – для внутреннего использования, употребления

6. intramuscular – внутримышечный

7. intravenous - внутривенный


1.Where do we go to buy or order medicines? 2. How many departments are there in a large chemist’s? 3. What are they? 4. Where are all the drugs kept? 5. What do labels on medicines indicate? 6. What can one buy at the chemist’s?

Опишите 2 основных отдела в аптеке.

Предварительный просмотр:


1. collection [kə’lekʃən] сбор

2. medicinal a лекарственный

3. plant [pla:nt]  растение

4. to cultivate v.зд. выращивать

5. leaf [li:fl n лист (мн. ч. leaves)

6. root [ru:t] корень

7. seed [si:d] n семя

8. fully [‘fuli] adv полностью

9. to spoil v портить

    The collection and use of medicinal plants began many thousands years ago.

         Hippocrates is the father of medicine who lived in Greece

wrote in his books about such drugs as hemlock (болиголов), gentian (горечавка) and many others.

        Today many drug plants are cultivated and many drug plants are collected from fields and woods.

        Some drugs are made from fruits, léaves, flowers, roots, seeds of the plants.

        It is very important to collect plants in proper time. Leaves are collected when they are fully developed. The time of the day is also important in the collection of drug plants.

        Flowers are collected before the time of pollination. Fruits are collected when they are fully grown but unripe.

       To dry plants correctly is also very important. If it is made carelessly the drug may be spoiled.

       Drug plants which have glicosides must be dried at a low temperature. Digitalis leaves must be dried in the same way.

l. Скажите по-английски:

собирать своевременно; пора опыления; незрелые фрукты; правильно сушить; это сделано небрежно; можно испортить; при низкой температуре; тем же образом

ll. Ответьте на вопросы: 

1. When did the collection of medicinal plants begin? 2. What are some drugs made of? 3. When is it important to collect medicinal plants? 4 When are flowers and fruits collected? 5. How must drug plants with glicosides be dried?

Ill. Перескажите текст, используя данные слова и словосочетания: 

the collection and use; are cultivated; are collected; fruits; leaves; roots;

seeds; in good time; fully developed; the time of pollination; unripe; may be

spoiled; at a low temperature

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Abu Ali Ibn Sina, latinized name Avicenna

  He  was a physician and a philosopher of his time. He was also an astronomer, chemist, geologist, logician, mathematician, poet, psychologist, a scientist and teacher. His most famous work is The Canon of_Medicine, which was a standard medical text at many medieval universities.

 Канон врачебной науки (10231 — одна из наиболее знаменитых книг в истории медицины. Автор: Ибн Сина (Авиценна). С XII по ХУЛ в. врачи многих стран востока и Запада изучали азы своей науки по «Канону».

   Канон врачебной науки - это сочинение энциклопедического характера, в котором предписания античных медиков осмысленны и переработаны в соответствии с достижениями арабской медицины.

 Avicenna (973-1037) was a sort of universal genius, known first as a physician. To his works on medicine he afterward added religious tracts, poems,marks on philosophy, on logic, on mathematics, and on astronomy. He was also a statesman.

   Avicenna was born into a middle class family, and after studying in Bukhara,he entered a position as court physician. Among his works, the Canon of Medicine is the preeminent, used as it was as in both the Middle East and in Europe (Latin translation in 12th century).

   At the age of 17, he was fortunate in curing Nooh Ibn Mansoor, the King of Bukhhara, of an illness in which all the well-known physicians had given up hope. On his recovery, the King wished to reward him, but the young physician only desired permission to use his uniquely stocked library.

   His important original contribution includes such advances as recognition of the contagious nature of phthisis and tuberculosis; distribution of diseases by water and soil, and interaction between psychology and health. In addition to describing pharmacological methods, the book described 760 drugs and became the most authentic materia medica of the era. He was also the first to describe meningitis and made rich contributions to anatomy, gynaecology and child health.

  Materia Medica — собрание сведений о действии лекарственных веществ.

Translate the words:

 врач                   средневековый                                   придворный врач

 химик               известный, хорошо известный         между, среди  

учитель             государственный деятель                  использовать

ученый              добавить, в добавление к…               лечить (2 синонима)

перевод             заболевание (2 синонима)                  выздоровление

надежда            лекарство (2 синонима)                      заразный

хотеть               становиться – стал                               важный вклад

желать               позволение, разрешение                     описывать

природа             психология, психолог                         распространение

                           детское здоровье


What was Avicenna?

What is his most famous work?

What position did he enter after studying in Bukhara?

What does his important contribution include?

What did he describe in his book?

Предварительный просмотр:



In Great Britain the National Health Service (NHS) provides free medical care both in hospitals and in the out-patient clinic. Free emergency medical treatment is given to any visitor from abroad who becomes ill while staying in the country. But those who come to England specifically for treatment must pay for it. 

The general practitioner services include the family doctor service, the dental service, the pharmaceutical service and the ophthalmic service. If a patient is dissatisfied with NHS or family doctor, or a dentist, he may change to another one.  In fact, 97% of the population uses the NHS. It is necessary to say about the role of the family doctor (General Practitioner – GP), which is very important. As a rule, not all patients need highly specialized attention and GP does 90% or so of the total medical work. Family doctors work in close cooperation with the hospital doctors. 

A patient in England may choose between NHS or private treatment. Many people who have enough money prefer to be private patients because they want to establish a closer relationship with the doctor and they do not want to be put in a large ward with other patients. In big cities there are some private hospitals which people may use. There are many small hospitals with only about 200 beds in Great Britain.  Most of them are housed in inconvenient buildings because they are over 100 years. They are not economical and cannot provide a full range of service which requires a district hospital of 800 beds or more.

 Now there are more than 150 big health centers in the UK.  The first Scottish health center was opened in Edinburgh in 1953. Health centers are institutions where various medical services both preventive and curative are brought together. 

Health centers provide all the special diagnostic and therapeutic services family doctors may need, such as electrocardiography, X-ray, physiotherapy and good administrative and medical records systems. Health centers are the basis of primary care. They provide consultant services in general medicine, ear-nose-throat diseases , obstetrics and surgery, gynecology, ophthalmology, psychiatry and orthopedics. All consultations in the center are by appointment only. The patient is given a definite time at which to attend. Each doctor decides for himself how many patients he can examine in one hour. The patient is the most important person in the health center and the doctors should direct all their energy towards helping him as much as possible. 


to be dissatisfied - быть неудовлетворенным 

close cooperation - тесное сотрудничество 

enough- достаточно 

inconvenient - неудобный 

Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты. 

Национальная система здравоохранения; оказывается; население; как правило; нуждаться; работают в тесном сотрудничестве; индивидуальное лечение; быть помещенным; помещены, центр здоровья; рентгенологическое  обследование; электрокардиограмма; основа; хирургия; только по назначению; определенное время; за час. 

Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты. 

Our-patient clinic; free medical care; may change; highly specialized attention; to provide; a full range of service; are housed; preventive and curative; by appointment; a definite time; towards. 

Ex.3 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы. 

1. Where does the NHS provide free medical care in Great Britain? 

2. How do doctors help foreign visitors and citizens of the country? 

3. What do the general practitioner services include? 

4. Is GP´s role important in GB? Why? 

5. Why was it necessary to build new and big hospitals in Great Britain? 

6. Health centers provide all special diagnostic and therapeutic services family doctors may need, don’t they? 

7. Can a patient come to the center without appointment? 

8. Should doctors do their best to help patients as much as possible? 

Предварительный просмотр:


The characteristic feature of health care in Russia is the attention paid to the prophylaxis. One of the main tasks is the fight against various diseases is the early detection of the first signs of the diseases. That’s why much attention is paid to the health education of the population. 

The primary medical care is provided by polyclinics. Modern polyclinics are large, they have their own laboratories and X-ray, physiotherapy (medical treatment), surgical and dental departments. There are polyclinics for adult patients and for children. Out-patients are seen at the polyclinics by district doctors. 

The emergency ambulance service operates day and night and is free of charge. A person has to dial 03 for a doctor to come. 

Specialized hospitals in big cities are for the treatment of particular diseases –infectious diseases and mental impairments, cancer, eye diseases and others. Nowadays there are a number of private diagnostic and consultation centers, general hospitals specialized clinics in Russia. Medical and health care is provided with compulsory and voluntary medical insurance programs set up by the State via [vaiə] private insurance companies. 


1.health care-здравоохранение 

2.district doctor-участковый врач 

3.emergency ambulance service –скорая (неотложная) помощь 

4.primary medical care- первичная медицинская помощь 

5.to be equipped with- быть оборудованным чем-либо 


7.mental impairment [im'peəmənt]-умственное расстройство 

8.medical insurance - медицинское страхование 

Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты. 

Раннее выявление; санитарное просвещение, взрослые пациенты, участковые врачи, работает день и ночь, надо набрать 03, определенные заболевания, обязательное и добровольное страхование. 

Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты. 

the attention paid to the prophylaxis; the fight against various diseases; polyclinics for adult patients and for children; are for the treatment of particular diseases . 

Ex.3 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы. 

1. What is the characteristic feature of health care in Russia? 

2. Why is much attention paid to the health education of the population? 

3. What is primary medical care provided by? 

4. Is ambulance service free of charge in our country? 

5. What are specialized hospitals for? 

Предварительный просмотр:



Health care system in the USA exists on three levels: the level of the family doctor, the medical institution or hospital and the United States Public Health Service. Not many Americans seek medical help from private doctors.  

A private doctor, they call him a family doctor, gives his patients regular examinations and inoculations. In case professional care is needed, the family doctor arranges for the patient to see a specialist or to go to a hospital. The family doctors´ receives pay directly from the patient. Most physicians have private practices. They make use of the hospital`s facilities whenever necessary. A family doctor either has his own private office or works with several other doctors in a so-called group practice. 

Many Americans have no family doctor and they come directly to the hospital for all their medical needs. The hospital provides health care to the sick and injured. They have government-financed and private hospitals. The patients are admitted to hospitals or clinics staffed by consulting physicians, residents, interns and highly skilled nurses. The nursing staff is very important. Nurses and patients are in close contact throughout the patients` stay in the hospital. Social services are available to the patients and families regarding personal, emotional, and financial problems that may arise from continued illness or disabilities. 

Most hospitals have the following major departments or units: surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and general medicine. They may also have trauma and intensive care units, neurosurgical and renal care units, and a psychiatric unit. The emergency room (unit) is a very special area in the hospital. The emergency patients receive immediate attention. 

The cost of medical care in country is very high. Two thirds of the population has private health insurance. Some people have health insurance, life insurance (financial assistance for the relatives in case of death), disability insurance and retirement benefits at their place of employment. Most employees and their families now pay more than 50 per cent of the costs of health insurance. The great cost of medical care in the country and a lot of people who could not pay for it forced the federal government to develop two health insurance programs – Medicaid and Medicare. 

Medicaid, started in 1966, is a federal program providing free medical care for low-income people, the aged, the blind and for dependent children. 

Medicare, started in 1967, is a health insurance program for the elderly and disabled. It provides free medical care aged Americans over 65, for those who in the past had the greatest medical expenses. 

The chief scientific problems facing USA medicine are: heart disease and cancer. The chief causes of suffering and death today are cancer and cardiovascular disease, including hypertension, stroke and atherosclerosis. Also much medical research is done on illnesses of aging, disabilities caused by arthritis, mental illness, drug addiction, and genetic problems. 


private doctor – частный врач 

to inoculate - делать прививку 

inoculation – прививка 

consulting physician – врач-консультант 

disability - нетрудоспособность, инвалидность 

retirement - пенсия 

stroke - инсульт  

Medicaid - социальная правительственная программа, обеспечивающая бесплатное медицинское обслуживание беднякам и инвалидам. 

Medicare-правительственная программа, предусматривающая частичную оплату медицинского обслуживания престарелым за счет страхования, остальную часть – за счет государства. 

dependent children -  несовершеннолетние дети 

the aged -  пожилые 

the blind -  слепые 

the disabled - инвалиды 

Ex. 1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты. 

Здравоохранение; нуждаются в медицинской помощи; больницы, финансируемые государством; урологическое отделение; пособие по инвалидности; люди с низкими доходами; престарелые; бесплатная медицинская помощь; заболевания сердца; генетические проблемы. 

Ex. 2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты. 

To give regular examinations and inoculations; to arrange; to receive pay directly from the patient;  private practices; the hospitals facilities; provides health care; highly skilled nurses; are in close contact; social services; emergency patients; health insurance; scientific problems.  

Ex. 3 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы. 

1 .What kinds of hospitals are there in the USA? 

2 .What duties does a private doctor have? 

3. Who works at the American hospitals? 

4. Do social services help people at the hospitals? 

5. Do nurses work in close contact with patients? 

6. What are the departments of hospitals? 

7. Is the cost of medical care high in the USA? 

8. Are there people who can’t pay for medical care? 

9. What are Medicaid and Medicare? 

10. What are the main problems of medical science in the USA? 

Предварительный просмотр:

Cigarette smoking

This is a harmful habit which reduces the expectation of good health and shortens life. Cigarette smokers absorb into the lungs:

  1. Nicotine. This is a habit-forming drug with a mild stimulatory effect. It causes construction of small blood vessels and a rise in blood pressure.
  2. Carcinogenic tars. These tars isolated from cigarette smoke have been shown to cause cancer in experimental animals.
  3. Carbon monoxide. Cigarette smokers have raised blood levels of carboxyhaemoglobin passes through into the fetal circulation.

The following ailments are prone to occur in cigarette smokers:

Cancer of the lung. Heavy cigarette smokers are 30 times as liable to develop cancer of the lung as non-smokers are. There is overwhelming evidence that lung cancer is caused by cigarette smoking.

Bronchitis and emphysema. Prolonged cigarette smoking commonly leads to progressive cough and breathlessness, ultimately leading to respiratory incapacity. Gastric and duodenal ulcers take longer to heal in cigarette smokers.

Pregnant women who smoke cigarettes have smaller babies than nonsmokers, with a higher incidence of fetal abnormalities.


to reduce – уменьшать, снижать, сокращать

to absorb – поглощать, впитывать, втягивать

stimulatory – стимулирующий, возбуждающий

carcinogenic tars – канцерогенные смолы

fetal circulation – кровообращение плода

carbon monoxide – угарный газ

ailment – недуг

to be prone to – быть склонным к

liable – склонный, подверженный

ultimately – в итоге

ulcer– язва

to heal – лечить, излечить, исцелять, вылечить

 gastric ulcer – язва желудка

duodenal ulcer – язва двенадцатиперстная кишка

fetal abnormalities – аномалии развития плода

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