Overwork and depression-medical and social aspects

Overwork and depression-medical and social aspects


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Storozhenko Tatyana Nikolaevna

Teacher, a specialist in physical culture and sports

FSBEI of HE "Stavropol State Medical University" Essentuksky branch

(Russia, Essentuki)

Email: zevakav8@gmail.com

Kosykh Alexander Vyacheslavovich

Teacher, pharmacist technologist

FSBEI of HE "Stavropol State Medical University" Essentuksky branch

(Russia, Essentuki)

Email: alekskosyx@mail.ru

Chalenko Karina Andreevna

Teacher, dentist

FSBEI of HE "Stavropol State Medical University" Essentuksky branch

(Russia, Essentuki)

Email: karina.zolochevskaya@gmail.com

This article addresses the issue of depression as a disease. Early detection, prevention and treatment.

Keywords: therapy, health, depression, active substances

Have you ever thought about the concept of depression and what it can lead to?  We work and don’t notice the period when the body is already worn out.

Depression is a psychological disease that affects the physical condition of the body, mood and psyche. It affects the human sleep and thirst for food, on the perception of the surrounding world. Do not compare and confuse the concept of depression with a bad mood. This condition can not be overcome by a simple effort of will or raising the mood. People suffering from depression can not just concentrate and overcome this disease. If no efforts are made to treat depression, it can last for months and sometimes years, in time to see a doctor and the selection of the right treatment leads to recovery in the shortest possible time. We will try to deal with this problem in more detail.

The characteristic signs of depression are:

  • Depressed state, loss of sensation of pleasure;
  • Inability to focus;
  • Memory disorder;
  • Inability to make a decision;
  • Obsession with the same problems;
  • Fear which declares itself to uncharacteristic things;
  • Internal anxiety;
  • Anxiety state;
  • Tired condition;
  • Irregular sleep;
  • Absence of appetite;
  • Weight loss;
  • Loss of sexual desire;
  • Vegetative symptoms (constipation, sweating);
  • Memory and attention impairment.

It is necessary not to hide your problems but to take measures for a speedy recovery in time. Consult a doctor to determine the correct diagnosis.

In order to make treatment effective, it is necessary to start with a simple one.

First of all, it is a healthy sleep. There are some tips to improve your sleep quality:

1.        It is necessary to go to bed and wake up every day at the same time.

2.        Give up bad habits.

3.        Reduce the amount of caffeine and tannin.

4.        Reduce the amount of food consumed before bedtime.

5.        Ventilate the room before going to bed.

6.        It is necessary to eliminate irritating factors (light, noise, sharp smell).

Not always identified symptoms are depression, some drugs and diseases cause a similar condition. For example, a viral infection.  Therefore, to exclude this probability, the doctor is obliged to perform a physical examination, talk to the patient and check the patient's tests. If somatic causes of depression are excluded, it is necessary to conduct a psychological examination. This examination can be performed by a therapist, psychiatrist or psychologist. During the examination, the psychological state, speech structure and way of thinking, concentration and memory are checked.

There is also medication for depression.

Drugs which specifically relieve depression appeared in the late 1950s.

According to modern ideas, in depressive situations, there is a decrease in serotonergic and noradrenergic synaptic transmission. Therefore, an important factor in the action of antidepressants is considered to be the accumulation of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain caused by them.

The therapeutic effect of antidepressants, both oral and parenteral, develops gradually and usually shows itself in 3-10 or more days after the start of treatment. This is due to the fact that the development of antidepressant effect is associated with the accumulation of neurotransmitters in the nerve endings, and with slowly emerging adaptive changes in the circulation of neurotransmitters and in the sensitivity of brain receptors to them.

There are the following active substances used to treat depression:

Agomelatin* (Agomelatinum), Ademetionine* (Adamethioninum), Amitriptylline* (Amitriptylinum), Venlafaxine* (Venlafaxinum), Vortioxetine* (Vortioxetinm), Doxepine* (Doxepinum), Touch-and-heal grass extract (Extractum herbae Hyperici perforati), Touch-and-heal extract dry (Extractum hyperici perforati siccum), Imipramine* (imipraminum), Clomipramine* (Clomipraminum), Maprotilin* (Maprotilinum), Mianserin* (Mianserinum), Milnacipranum* (milnacipranum), Mirtazapine* (mirtazapinum), Moclobemid* (Moclobemidum), Paroxetine* (Paroxetinum), Pipofezin* (Pipofezinum), Pirlindol* (Pirlindolum), Sertraline* (Sertralinum), Tianeptin* (Tianeptinum), Trazodone* (Trazodonum), Fluvoxamine* (Fluvoxaminum), Fluoxetine* (Fluoxetinum), Citalopram* (Citalopramum), Escitalopram* (Escitalopramum)


Most people who have this disease do not apply for the help of a doctor. Although, thanks to fruitful research, there are many drugs and types of psychosocial therapy, but many people do not know about them. The information we provide will help people who suffer from depression to take action to save their lives.


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