Презентация по теме "Ожирение"
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Кравченко Лариса Викторовна

Презентация содержит учебный материал о проблематике ожирения в современном мире.


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Слайд 1

Obesity By: Bimbaeva Saryuna, Izdeleeva Victoria, Gasanova Khadizhat

Слайд 2

What is obesity? Obesity - is a disease that is characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in the body, leading to an increase in body weight. In most cases, obesity develops due to excessive food intake (90% of cases), metabolic disorders . PRIMERY SECONDARY (Excess or malnutrition) (Neuroendocrine diseases (metabolic defects, disorders of oxidative processes)

Слайд 3

Excess body weight is a big problem for its owner. Thus, most people who are obese usually have low self-esteem, depression, emotional stress, and other psychological problems due to the prejudice that exists in relation to them in society. Excess weight is also the cause of many serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, and also provokes the development of diabetes.

Слайд 4

The body mass index is a value that allows you to assess the degree of correspondence between a person’s weight and his height, and thereby indirectly assess whether the mass is insufficient, normal or overweight.

Слайд 5

Where do the fattest people in the world live Mexico Trinidad and Tobago Syria Libya USA Russia RBK

Слайд 6

Causes of obesity: Inactive lifestyle; Genetically determined disorders of enzymatic activity; Errors in the nature and diet (excessive consumption of carbohydrates, fats, salt, sugary and alcoholic drinks, eating at night, etc.); Some endocrine pathologies; Psychogenic overeating; Physiological conditions ( lactation, pregnancy, menopause); Stress, lack of sleep, taking psychotropic and hormonal drugs (steroids, insulin, birth control pills), etc.

Слайд 7

Obesity simptoms : W eight gain due to fat deposition; D rowsiness, weakness, decreased performance; S hortness of breath, nausea; I ncreased sweating; S welling; S tretch marks on the skin in places of accumulation of extra kg; Increased blood pressure; Angina, tachycardia; Constipation; Pain in the spine and joints; Disorders of the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems; Nervousness, irritability; Decreased self-esteem, dissatisfaction with appearance, complexes, difficulties in communicating with people;

Слайд 8

Treatment: Weight loss is carried out in a complex and includes: Diet; Exercise stress ; Treatment of complications;

Слайд 9

Treatment: For the treatment of 1 and 2 degrees of obesity, proper nutrition and physical activity are sufficient.

Слайд 10

Non-alcoholic steatohepatosis Gynecological diseases Arthrosis Skin Arthritis Phlebitis Cancer Pancreatitis Metabolic syndrome Cholelithiasis Diabetes Stroke Cataract Respiratory diseases Depression EFFECTS OF OBESITY

Слайд 11

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