Учебные материалы

Морозов Иван Александрович

На данной странице будут размещены различные учебные материалы, разработанные мной


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

English idioms

Слайд 2

To come down to earth To have to return to the reality of everyday life

Слайд 3

To promise the earth (the moon) To promise to give people things that they cannot in fact possibly get

Слайд 4

To ask (to cry) for the moon To ask for something you cannot possibly get

Слайд 5

Once in a blue moon Happening very rarely

Слайд 6

To be over the moon To be very happy about something

Слайд 7

To aim (reach) at the sky (the stars/the moon) To be very ambitious and try hard to achieve something difficult

Слайд 8

To have stars in your eyes To be very hopeful and excited about things that may happen in the future (Such hopes are usually unlikely to come true)

Слайд 9

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