Творческие работы учащихся

Собенникова Ольга Михайловна
Прытков Д., Бородина В 7 класс


Презентация "My School"



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Слайд 1

Vozdvizhenskay state school MY SCHOOL Created by Borodina V ., Prytkov D., 7 form

Слайд 2

My school is the 25 years and it is a private school and coeducation. My school is a white beautiful building.

Слайд 3

In my school the rich and poor people study . The famous people used to study in it too . T hey are Uri Petrovith Artuhin a cosmonaut, Sobolev Nikolai Aleksandrovitch an engineer- disgner .

Слайд 4

As a rule in my school we take part in sports competitions.

Слайд 5

In m y school lessons don’t start very early. The first lesson is at 8 : 30 and a lesson is only 40 minutes.

Слайд 6

In my school good boys and girls study, we are а happy family.