
Анандаева Цыцыгма Доржиевна

Предварительный просмотр:

Grammar Test

Adverbial Phrase of Frequency, Time and Place

Rules of comparative

Rules of Superlatives

For Basic Users (A1, A2)

  1. Choose the right variant

  1. They go to the amusement every day.
  2. They every day go the amusement park.                                                  
  3. They go every day to the amusement park.                                            
  1. Choose the wrong variant. 

a.    We had first of all a drink at a café.
We had a drink at a café first of all.
c.    First of all, we had a drink at a café.

 3.  The phone costs …. the other one.

  1. twice as much as
  2. twice more than
  3. twice  much as

  1. They always go to … restaurants where you can see the …  people

  1. more expensive, more famous
  2. the  most expensive, most famous
  3. more expensive, most famous

  1. They`re …  than they used to be so they have to get up even …  than before.

  1. the busiest / the earliest
  2. busier / the earliest
  3. busier / earlier

6.      Off road vehicles that use a lot of petrol are … now … twenty years ago.

  1. less popular, then
  2. less popular, than
  3. least popular, than

  1. This advice is … than the one you gave before.

  1. more useful 
  2. most useful 
  3. the more useful

  1.  Choose the wrong variant. 

  1. I’m going tomorrow to ride a roller coaster.
  2. Tomorrow, I’m going to ride a roller coaster.
  3.  I’m going to ride a roller coaster tomorrow.

9. Choose the wrong variant.

  1. Then the tourists arrived at the ancient castle.
  2. The tourists arrived at the ancient castle then.
  3. The tourists then arrived at the ancient castle.

10.  Which sentence is correct?

  1. You visited yesterday your grandmother.  
  2. Jim soon is going to the park.
  3. We're having a party tomorrow.

11.  We went to the theatre and we went out for a walk  …  .

  1. after 
  1. afterwards
  2. then

12.  Of the two reports, the one on the advantages of globalisation is the …   . 

  1. good
  2. well
  3. best

13.  ...    I visit my relatives living abroad. 

  1. From time till  time
  2. Since time to time
  3. From time to time

14. The maid  used to change the sheets …  .

  1. once a fornight
  2. once a fortnight
  3. once a fotnight

15.  Choose the wrong variant.

  1. A friend of mine often goes to the cinema.
  1. Often  a friend of mine   goes to the cinema.
  2. A friend of mine   goes often to the cinema.

16.  Choose the right variant.

  1. Wendy  used to work upstairs in that building.
  2. Upstairs Wendy used to work in that building.
  3. Wendy used to work in that building upstairs.

17.  Choose the right variant .

  1. Your ruler is on the table over there.
  2. Your ruler is over there on the table.
  3. Over there your ruler is on the table.

18.  Choose the right variant
     a.  My cousin lives abroad.
My cousin abroad lives.

     c. Abroad my cousin lives.

19. Choose the wrong variant.

  1. First of all, we had a drink at a café.
  2. We had first of all a drink at a café.
  3. We had a drink at a café first of all.

20.  Margaret always goes skating ___ Sundays.

  1. every
  2. each
  3. on

21.  Choose the wrong variant.

  1. The tourists went to the zoo yesterday.
  2. The tourists went yesterday to the zoo.  
  3. Yesterday the tourists went to the zoo

22.  Of her three attempts, the second one was the …   .

  1. most successful
  1. more successful
  2. successful

23. Choose the right variant

  1. Jenny goes jogging every day.
  2. Jenny goes jogging every days.                           
  3.  Jenny goes every day jogging.

24.  Which is correct?

  1. The guest bedroom is the quietest room in the house because it overlooks the garden.
  1. The more useful tool in the kitchen is a good sharp knife.
  2. This new bed is more narrower than the old one.

25. That book I borrowed from you is … I’ve read in years!

  1. one of the best stories 
  2. one of best stories  
  3. one of the better stories 

26. That is … story I’ve ever heard!

  1. the more touching
  2. most touching
  3. the most touching

27. Which sentence is correct?

  1. We always watch a performance on Thursdays evenings.    
  2. We always watch a performance on Thursday evenings.
  3. We always watch a performance every Thursday evenings.   

28. Alison  is    … person I’ve ever met.

  1. most thoughtful 
  2. the most thoughtful 
  3. more thoughtful 


29.  Colin is …  person I’ve ever met.

  1. the most obese 
  2. the more obese
  3. obeser

30. Which is correct?

  1. If you are going as a group, the less expensive option is to rent an apartment or villa.
  2. We’ve been less busier than ever at work this last month or so.
  3. She feels a little more confident now that she’s given her first public performance.

31. Which answer is correct?

  1. The more you read, the more you know. 
  2. More we study, the more we know. 
  3. The more we study,  more we know. 

32. Which is correct?

  1. Hydropower is not as efficient as wind power.
  2. Hydropower is not as more efficient as wind power.
  3. Hydropower is not as most efficient as wind power.

33. Which answer is correct?

  1. I guess that’s far I’ve ever been from my purpose.
  2. I guess that’s the farthest I’ve ever been from my purpose.
  3. I guess that’s the farther I’ve ever been from my purpose.

34.  Who is ….   person in your family?

  1. the more lazy
  2. the most responsible
  3. most talkative

35. I’m afraid he is getting ….  .

  1. fatter and fatter
  2. fat and fat
  3. fattest

36. Which is correct?

  1. You’re stronger than I.
  2. Have you managed to answer the ten questions correctly? Well, you’re definitely cleverer than I am!
  3. Why did you choose this employee? Marie is most experienced than him.

37. Which is NOT correct?

  1. The castle is the oldest building of the city. 
  2. The more generous you are towards others, the more generous they are likely to be towards you.
  3. The colder it is, the hungrier I get. 

38.  Which is correct?

  1. The next hotel we tried was more expensive than the first one.
  1. The next hotel we tried was  more expensive that the first one  
  2. The next hotel we tried was  most expensive as the first one.

39. Which is correct?

  1. It takes  four times more for plastic to decompose than for batteries.
  1. It takes  as four times more for plastic to decompose than for batteries.
  2. It takes  four times more for plastic to decompose then for batteries.

40. Which sentence is correct?

  1. Your yard is much more colourful than this park.
  2. Your yard is much  most colourful than this park.
  3. Your yard is much colourful than this park.

41.  Which sentence is correct?

  1.  Carrie is more hardworking than her classmates.
  2. Carrie is most hardworking than her classmates.
  3. Carrie is the more hardworking than her classmates.

42.  Which sentence is  NOT correct?

  1. Yesterday was the worse day I've had in a long time.
  2. Yesterday was the best day I've had in a long time.
  3. Yesterday was the worst day I've had in a long time.

43.  Which sentence is  correct?

  1. This is the less expensive fur coat in the shopping mall.
  2. This is the least expensive fur coat in the shopping mall.
  3. This is  least expensive fur coat in the shopping mall.

44.  Which sentence is correct?

  1. We ran pretty farther yesterday, but we ran even farther today.
  2. We ran pretty far yesterday, but we ran even farthest today. 
  3. We ran pretty far yesterday, but we ran even farther today.

45. The summer in Europe was ... than it was the year before.

  1. hotter
  2. hot
  3. hottest

46. Show me …lighthouse.

  1. best
  2. the most famous
  3. good

47. I believe I will learn Korean …   . I think the language is  … than Chinese.

  1. easily,  easier
  2. easy,  easy
  3. easily,  easily

48. Her backpack was …  yours. 

  1. as same as 
  2. same as
  3. the same as 

49. Which sentence is correct?

  1. His guest house is a bit more comfortable than a hotel.
  2. His guest house is a bit more comfortable then a hotel.
  3. His guest house is a bit most comfortable than a hotel.

50. Which is correct?

  1. Rolling Stones was by far the most successful rock band of the 1960s.
  2. She’s easily the best dancer in the group. No one is as elegant as her.
  3. This is quite the more unpleasant behaviour I ever seen.


Предварительный просмотр:

Grammar Test

Adverbial Phrase of Frequency, Time and Place

Rules of comparative

Rules of Superlatives

For Independent Users

1. Which answer is  correct?

  1. Of all the dogs in the world, English Mastiffs are more gentle.
  2. Big dogs are gentler than small dogs.
  3. Of all the dogs in the world, English Mastiffs are the most gentlest.

  1. The harder one studies, __________ one learns.
  1. the  more
  2. more
  3. the most

  1. Choose the sentence that is correct.
  1. Jane  considers  Jack to be attractive than Max.
  2. Jane considers  Jack to be more attractive than Max.
  3. Jane considers  Jack to be most attractive than Max.

4. …the food, … I like it.

  1. The spicier, the more
  2. The spiciest, the more
  3. The spicier, the most

5. Choose the sentence that is correct.

  1. The USA produces twice as more gas as Russia.
  2. The USA produces twice as much gas as Russia.
  3. The USA produces twice much gas as Russia.

6. Choose the sentence that is NOT correct.

  1. Solar power accounts for far less of the total energy production then gas or coal does.
  1. Solar power accounts for much less of the total energy production than gas or coal does.
  2. Solar power accounts for far less of the total energy production than gas or coal does.

7. Choose the sentence that is correct.

  1. Which is the city’s better hotel?
  2. He is the tallest boy of the team.
  3. He is the tallest boy in the team.

8. Which answer is NOT correct?

  1. They went for a walk and after we went to a café and had a cup of tea.
  2. They went for a walk and we went to a café and had a cup of tea afterwards.
  3. They went for a walk and afterwards we went to a café and had a cup of tea.

9. Which answer is NOT correct?

  1. I’m walking in the park and I’m going to the bar afterwards.
  2. I’m walking in the park and then I’m going to the bar.
  3. I’m walking in the park and I’m going to the bar after.    


10.  Which answer is correct?

  1. I’m afraid I’ll be late to class tomorrow. I’m going to the doctors before.           
  2. I’ll probably come late to class tomorrow. I’m going to the doctors beforehand.
  3. I’m afraid I’ll be late to class tomorrow. I’m going to the doctors after.


11. Which sentence is NOT correct?

  1. The weather is fine. Let's go outside! 
  2. They inside went because it was rainy.  
  3. She'd like to live overseas.   https://www.examenglish.com/images/blank.gif

12. Which sentence is correct?

  1. More you pay, the faster you get your letter delivery.
  2. The less you pay, the longer you wait for delivery. 
  3. The less you pay,  longer you wait for delivery.

13. She  felt … this morning but you look … now.

stressful / a lot happier
happier / a bit depressing
stressed / a bit happier

14. ... rate of unemployment there is,  … the situation gets.
a. The higher/ the worse

b. Hire/ worse

c. The hire/worse

15.  …money you save,  … you buy a new car.

  1. The more/ the sooner
  2. more/sooner
  3. the most/ the sooner

16. A friend of mine drinks  coffee …    .

  1. each now and again
  1. every now and again
  2. now and again

17. Choose the wrong variant.

  1. I’m going to the supermarket, and afterwards I’m going to the swimming pool.
  2. I’m going to the supermarket, and I’m going afterwards to the swimming pool.
  3. I’m going to the supermarket, and I’m going to the swimming pool afterwards.

18. My parents go to the theatre …  .

  1. once in a while 
  2. once in while
  3. once a while

19. He can speak French but…it in public, and almost never when on diplomatic duty.

  1. not once does he use
  2. seldom does he use
  3. rarely he uses
  4. rare he uses

20. Typically, there were few major differences between males and females. In holidays, personal business and walking both sexes took …  amount of journeys, while … men travelled for educational purposes and more women visited friends.

  1. approximately the same , slightly more 
  2. almost twice as many ,      few major  
  3. approximately the same, few major
  4.  most common ,    slightly more 

21.  Choose the sentence that is correct.

  1. Anna abroad lives with her husband 
  2. We're leaving soon, so can you get your bags ready?
  3. We're soon leaving, so can you get your bags ready? 
  4. We're leaving sooner, so can you get your bags ready? 

22. Choose the sentence that is NOT correct.

  1. We're leaving soon, so can you get your bags ready?
  2. Anna lives abroad with her husband.
  3. Anna abroad lives with her husband.
  4. Anna lives abroad.

23.  … the stress she was under

  1. Only now do I realize
  2. Only now I realize
  3. Now only do I realize
  4. Only now realize I

24.  The … common reasons were visiting friends and doing the school run at 15%, closely followed by personal business at around 10%.


  1. approximately the same     
  2. next most     
  3. slightly more     
  4. fewest   

25.  … such a dedicated and honest leaders.

  1. Nowhere have I encounter  
  2. Nowhere I’ve encountered   
  3. Nowhere have I ever encountered   
  4. Nowhere I ever have encountered   

26.  Finally, …. number of trips were travelling for holidays and walking, both of which accounted for around 3 per cent of all journeys.

  1. almost twice as many     
  2. approximately the same     
  3. the fewest   
  4. most common     

27.  Notably, … men as women travelled for entertainment reasons and, likewise, around 7% more men commuted to work.

  1. almost twice as many 
  2. approximately the same     
  3. most common     
  4. next most     


28. The two areas in which women travelled … than men were shopping and the school run.

  1. almost twice as many     
  2. approximately the same  
  3. significantly more    
  4. only just more     

29.  … such a challenge.

  1. Never before we have faced
  2. Never before have we faced
  3. Never we before have faced
  4. Never have before we faced

30.  …this puzzle.

  1. Only by guessing can we solve
  2. Only by guessing we can solve
  3. Only by guessing can solve we
  4. Only can we solve by guessing

Предварительный просмотр:



  1. Write the letter of the word which should be put in the blank space:

  1. He’s got so … money, he doesn’t know what to do with it.
  1. much
  2. many
  3. a lot of

  1. I wonder who they will … as a chairman.
  1. choose
  2. select
  3. elect

  1. I … him walking along the street.
  1. saw
  2. looked
  3. glanced at

  1. What’s … film you’ve ever seen?
  1. good
  2. better
  3. the best

  1. The exam was … than we expected.
  1. easy
  2. easier
  3. easiest

  1. … you do me a favour?
  1. can
  2. may
  3. must

  1. Don’t look out of the window. Concentrate … your work.
  1. with
  2. on
  3. at

  1. We had an enormous meal. It consisted … seven courses.
  1. of
  2. from
  3. with

  1. Can your baby … yet?
  1. say
  2. talk
  3. tell

  1. What time did you arrive … the station?
  1. in
  2. on
  3. at

  1. Arrange the  following  words  into  sentences:

  1. this,  did,  enter,  you, University  , decide,  why,  to?
  2. to, highest, vlogger, according, the, paid, Forbes, is, Jaffree Star.
  3. as,  of,   the,   out,  climbing,  was,  Tom,  window,  fell,  he.
  4. for,  plant,  not,  this,  some,  watered,  has,  time,  been.
  5. a,  minute,  your,  bring,  porter,  luggage,  the,  will,  in.
  6. school,  leaves,  university,  at,  study,  economics,  wants, he,     David,  when,  to.
  7. have,  exams,  points,  got,  for,  you,  many,  how,  your?
  1. Fill  in  the  blanks,  using  the  correct  form  of the  verb  in  brackets:

  1. Most  employers  assume  that  one’s  professional  personality  and  work  habits  (form)  as  a  result  of  his  early  work  experience.
  2. I (send)  him  a  telegram  if  he   (not come)  tomorrow.
  3. These  facts  (know)  by  mankind  since  the  Middle  Ages.
  4. A  very  important  work  (do)  now.  Don’t  bother  them.
  5. The football match had to be stopped. They (play) for half an hour when a terrible storm started.
  6. My new dress (make) by the end of the next week.
  7. Too many cooks (spoil) the broth.
  8. As it (rain) hard we ran for the taxi.
  9. He was arrested by the police yesterday. After he (give) his address he (allow) to go.
  10. Bob (look) for a few job since February.
  11. He hoped that if he (earn) enough money he would buy a car.
  12. I just (cut) my finger. It (bleed) now.
  13. When I opened my purse I saw that my money (steal).

  1. Choose 10 suitable words out of 15 given in the box  and fill in the gaps:

accommodation, occupations, repair, made, include, importance, conveniently, after, surprising, before, expansion, money, services, expanding, traveler

Staying at a hotel

Never … in the history of the world have businessmen travelled so much as they do nowadays. It is not …because we are living in the world of growing international trade and … economic and technical cooperation. Travelling has, however, become the most tiring of all the … for many businessmen and experts. Choosing a comfortable hotel to stay is therefore a matter of some … . There are plenty of good hotels, motels and guesthouses in the world  … located for major business centers. A lot of countries have excellent hotels. Their numerous facilities …conference halls, banquetting rooms equipped with up-to-date translation systems. There are parking areas which can … a lot of cars. It might be useful for travelling businessmen and tourists to know that laundries, dry cleaning and other … are available for guests. People in the office are always ready to give all necessary information.

Предварительный просмотр:

Grammar Test

Modal Verbs

1.  I didn’t feel very well yesterday. I ... eat anything.

a. couldn’t

b. can’t

c. didn’t have to

2. You ... look at me when I am talking to you.

a. would

b. should

c. could

3.  I was using my pencil a minute ago. It ... be here somewhere!

a.  might

b. must

c. can

4. If you don’t start working harder, you ..... repeat the course next year.

a. will have to

b. have to

c.  must

5. You really … be late again.

 a.  must not 

 b. don’t have to be

 c. need

6. Phone her now. She ..... home by now.

a. has to be 

b. must be

c. would be

7. You … forget your sun cream. It’s going to be very hot!

a. mustn’t 

b. must 

c. can

8.  Already as a child Mozart … play the piano beautifully.

a. could   

b. should

c. might

9. Which sign are you more likely to see at an airport: Bags … not be left unattended.

a. may

b. must 

c. can

10… take a photograph of you?

a. Should I                           

b. May I

c. Am I allowed to

11. Students … borrow up to 6 books at any time.
a. are allowed to 
b.  could                                                  
12. … I go to the bathroom, please? 

a. Must

c. Should

13. It’s very important to … speak more than one language. 

a. can

b. be able to  

c. able to

14.  … you speak French? - Only a few words, but my Russian is pretty good.

a. Could

b. Should

c. Can 

15.  … you help me move this table? (Both answers are possible. Choose the more polite request.) 
 a. Could 

 b. Can

16. I  … talk already before I was two years old.

a. should

b. could 

c. might

17. I  … help you, but I don’t want to.

a.  could 

b. must

c. need

18. … you open the window, please.

a. May  

b. Can 

c. Shall

19. I … move the table. It was too heavy.

a. couldn’t 

b. mustn’t

c. shouldn’t

20.  You …  put your feet on the cafeteria tables.

a. don’t have to    

b. must not  

c. needn’t

21. If you continue to practice so hard, you … beat me before too long!

a. will be able to  

b. could

c. can

22. You … eat so much chocolate. It’s not good for you.

a. needn’t

b. can’t

c. shouldn’t 

23. I’m afraid I … play tennis tomorrow. I’ve got a dentist appointment.

a. can’t 

b. couldn’t

c. may

24.  You can come to the meeting if you want but you …  .

a. have to

b. don’t have to 

c. mustn’t

25. You …  tired. You’ve only just got out of bed!

a. don’t have to be

b. can’t be  

c. mustn’t be

26. His parents spoil him. He’s always ..... to do whatever he wants. 

a. been able 

b. been allowed 

c. be able

27. I ..... be able to help you, but I’m not sure yet.

a. might          

b. must

c. would

28. Whose bag is this? - I don’t know, but it … belong to Yuta. 

a. may

b. must

c. can

29. His excuse … be true, but I don’t believe.

a. can   

b. may 

c. must

30. I don’t like … get up early on a Sunday.

a. being able to

b. being allowed to

c. having to 

31. What do you want to do? - Well, we … have a picnic, but it looks like rain.
 a. can

32.  The test starts at 10.30. You … be late.

a. need to

b. don’t have to

c. mustn’t 

33. He … broken the classroom window. He wasn’t even in school today.

a. shouldn’t have

b. couldn’t have 

c. mustn’t

34. Entrance to the museum was free. We … pay to get in. 

a. needn’t

b. didn’t need to 

c. mustn’t

35. I’m so hungry I  … eat a horse! 

a. can

b. must

c. could 

36. Why didn’t you tell me? I … you!

a. was able to help

b. could have helped 

c. would help

d. could help

37. How did you do in the test? - Ok. It … worse! 

a. could be

b. could have been 

c. might be

d. must have been

38. Choose the sentence that is NOT correct.

a. You must finish this project within two weeks.  

b. You must finish this project in two weeks’ time.  

c. You must finish this project during two weeks’ time.  

39. Can you read this for me? I  … see without my glasses.

a. couldn’t

b. can’t

c. ‘m not able to

40. I've never … speak Spanish as well as my brother.

a. can

b. could

c. been able to

41. Look! Our car isn't in the driveway! Somebody …  .

a. could have stolen it.

b. might have stolen it.

c. must have stolen it.

d. must be stealing it.

42. My friend promised to pick me up at 7:00. It's now 7:25 and I don't see him. He  …  .    

  1. might have forgotten.
  2. must have forgotten.
  3. might forget.
  4. might be forgetting.

43. We should be there by ten.

a. It's not absolutely certain but there is a strong possibility that we will arrive by ten.

b. I'm sure we will arrive by ten.

c. There is a small possibility we will arrive by ten

44. She can't be still at lunch.

a. almost twice as many 

b. She's only just gone.

 c. She's in the restaurant.

45. He mustn't have gone home already - it's only three o'clock. 

a. This sentence is correct.

b. This is wrong. A better sentence would be: He couldn't have gone home already. 

c. This is wrong. A better sentence would be: He can't have gone home already.

Предварительный просмотр:

Use of English

  1. Arrange the following words into sentences:

  1. your, University, last, at, will, the, long, course, how?
  2. document, the, management, been, already, reported, the, loss, to, of, the, has.
  3. Jim, he, arm, hurt, tennis, playing, was, his, while.
  4. not, safe, night, streets, our, in, the, city, are, at.
  5. day, after, tomorrow, the, me, bring, would, said, she, Mary, book, the.
  6. my, given, his, on, birthday, younger, toy, drum, a, brother, was.
  7. usually, breakfast, have, you, do, for, what?

  1. Fill in the blanks, using the correct form of the verb in brackets:

  1. All values in the economic system usually (measure) in the terms of money.
  2. Brian (elect) the President of the club last year.
  3. I (not wear) my black shoes today. They (mend) now.
  4. By the time we (see) you next week, we (buy) a new car already.
  5. I opened the window. The rain (stop), but the strong wind (still blow).
  6. I am tired. I (make) cakes for the party all the morning.
  7. If everything (go) well, I (finish) this work in time.
  8. The young man (work) at the laboratory for two years when he decided to enter the University.
  9. She promised that nothing (do) till he (come back) next week.
  10. My granny (knit) in the drawing room when I returned home.
  11. The teacher told his students that everything (organize) for the examination already.
  12. A bad workman always (blame) his tools.
  13. A lot of churches (restore) in St. Petersburg  now.

III. Choose 10 suitable words out of 15 given below and fill in the gaps:


            Computer speed up the business processes and systems with top (1)… . Today’s world computer is important to use to start an online and offline business. A computer is important to use in business to automate the manufacturing, marketing and, distribution process.

          A few decades ago people didn’t ever hear of computers, and today we can’t even (2) … life without them. If the motor car industry had progressed at the same rate as computer technology since 1945, a Rolls Royce would now be as cheap as a cinema ticket and powerful than the world’s fastest trains.

          We live in a society in which computers, laptops and mobile phones  are (3)… available to anyone. They can be used today for (4)… - from children’s games to space travel. With today’s prices computers are available to all businesses.

          How can a computer help (5)… ?

Computer help creates marketing and (6)… materials by using adobe photoshop, Corel draw, online designing tools.  The computer is used in business to (7) … websites for business. The computer is important in business to automate business transactions by using online banking, payment Gateway. You can store large (8)… of data, all sorts of information.

           The  (9)… of using a computer and the Internet is hacking and information  (10)…  .


Involves, leakage, wages, imagine, advertising, benefit, business, to correspond, anything, quantities,   a variety, create , quality ,widely, disadvantage.

  1. Сhoose the right words to complete the sentences.

  1. As for … , I’d like to have a steak.

            a) mine;      b) me;        c) hers;       d) he

2. That’s a nice dog of … .

              a) you;        b) my;        c) your;       d) yours

3. I want to buy a new car … shouldn’t be either an expensive car or a big one.

              a) he;          b) him;       c) its;          d) it;

4. She pricked … with her own needle.

              a) your;       b) hers;      c) his;         d) herself

5. The tree fell near … .

              a) he;          b) him;       c) his;         d) himself


6. The man … name I always forget is coming to tea.

              a) who;       b) whom;   c) whose;   d) which

7. He met my brother, from … he got the news of my marriage.

              a) who;       b) whom;   c) whose;   d) which

8. I have a TV set … isn’t working.

              a) who;       b) whom;   c) whose;   d) which

9. … first World War came to … end on November 11th, 1918.

              1. a) a;       b) an;         c) the;        d) some

              2. a) a;       b) an;         c) the;        d) some

10. We had … tea, but there wasn’t any sugar to put in it.


           a) a;       b) an;         c) the;        d) some

  1. Сhoose the right words to complete the sentences.

  1. How … mail did you get yesterday.                         (much / many)
  2. Can your baby … yet?                                              (say / talk / tell)
  3. Who is the … of this bicycle?                                   (owner / host / master)
  4. Susan plays the piano very … .                                (good / well)
  5. The … of the accident is still not known.                 (cause / reason)
  6. Let me ask him. I know him … than you do.           (good / better / best)
  7. What was the … day of your life?                            (happy / happier / happiest)
  8. … you wait a moment, please?                                 (can / may / must)      
  9. Tom has gone away. He’ll be away … Monday.      (until / by / before)
  10.  What time did you arrive … the station?                 ( in / at / on)

Предварительный просмотр:

Use of English

  1. Arrange the following words into sentences:

  1. locked up, the, summer, will, for, the, house, be.
  2. ten-minute, much, cost, call, how, would, a?
  3. as, the, leaving, just, doorbell, was, rang, the, he, house.
  4. ago, in, injured, two, accident, weeks, he, traffic, was, a.
  5. to, Friday, uncle, is, my, dinner, coming, on.
  6. doing, have, yesterday, you, been, what, since?
  7. it, drink, hot, coffee, can, so, not, this, I, is, that.


  1. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb in brackets:

  1. Nearly all business activities either (begin) or (end) in some forms of buying and selling.
  2.   - Whom you (call) to ?                                                                                                                  

       - I (try) to reach Lucy. I (try) to reach Lucy. I (try) for the last 10 minutes, but the line is busy.

  1. By the time we return from the South this house (build) already.
  2. This letter is for Ann. Can you give it to her if you (see) her?
  3. America (discover) more than 400 year ago.
  4. The conference began after all participants (introduce) to each other.
  5. Listen! The music of Mozart (play) by an orchestra.
  6. After she (spend) a week in the country, Ann looked almost fully recovered.
  7. I (read) this chapter since 9 o’clock. I (read) it four times, and I still don’t understand it.
  8. We (send) the documents to the parent company last week but we (not have) a reply yet.
  9. We (miss) the train unless we hire a taxi.
  10. These machines just (put) into production.
  11. A deposit account (use) for saving money.

  1. Choose 10 suitable words out of 15 giving below and fill in the gaps:

The English Language

        English is one of the most … languages in the world . It has become a … language during the last few centuries, and now over three hundred million people speak it. It is the official language of the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. As a second language it is spoken in many countries of Africa and Asia which are the … colonies of Great Britain.

        Besides, millions of people in all parts of the planet speak it as a … language. The English language developed on the basis of the dialects of Angels and Saxons who … British Isles in the fifth century. Later it was influenced by the language of Scandinavian Vikings and by Norman French. Many Latin and Greek … came into English during the period of Renaissance.

        At the present time when there are close … among nations, various languages influence each… , and so English also experiences this … and receives many new words and features from some modern languages of the world. English has become the … of science, technology, education, literature.


        ties, language, develops, world, influence, cooperation, spoken, other, tongue, words, former, makes, foreign, defended, invaded


  1. Сhoose the right words to complete the sentences.

  1. I like lemon in … tea.

        a) me;       b) its;       c) mine;       d) my

2. It was hard for me to part with … .

        a) her;       b) she;     c) his;          d) herself

3. It’s not my duty, it’s … .

        a) yours;   b) you;     c) our;          d) your

4. Why doesn’t he try fishing …?

        a) him;      b) his;      c) himself;    d) yourself

5. Is John at home? Give … his book, please.

        a) her;       b) hers;    c) he;           d) him

6. The girl … desk is next to mine learnt a poem by heart.

        a) which;   b) who;    c) whom;     d) whose

7. Mr. Gray.  … I travelled to Athens last summer with speaks modern Greek very well.

        a) which.   b) who.    c) - ;     d) whose

8. This volume, … contains lives of great men and women, has 496 pages.

        a) which;   b) who;    c) whom;     d) whose

9. … tea is very hot. I must put some milk in it.

        a) a;           b) an;      c) some;      d) the

10. I want a glass of lemonade with … sugar in it.

        a) a;           b) an;      c) some;      d) the

  1. Сhoose the right words to complete the sentences.

  1. He had … money, however he decided to buy that expensive book.          

(little / few)

  1. As I have left my book at home, I … one form a boy in another class.    

(lent / borrowed)

  1. What do you … when you are tired?                                                          

(make / do)

  1. Dr. Brown is very clever, but his … are high.                                            

 (fares / fees)

  1. Over a hundred people were killed in a terrible … .                                  

 (event / accident)

  1. I speak English … than my sister does.                                                      

 (bad / worse / worst)

  1. At school children … observe a number of rules.                                      

(must / may)

  1. Which is the … month of the year?                                                              

(warm / warmer / warmest)

  1. It is dark  … night.                                                                                      

 ( in / at)

  1. He is a good-natured man. We get … very well.                                        

(on / over / in)

Предварительный просмотр:

Тест по английскому языку для поступающих в 3-й класс

1. Вставь пропущенные буквы алфавита:

Aa, Bb, ____, Dd, Ee, Ff, ____, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, ____, Mm, Nn, ____, Pp, Qq, ____, Ss, Tt, Uu, ____, Ww, Xx, ____, Zz

  1. Соедини слово и его трнскрипцию


[ blæk]




[ ˈpensl]





3. Соедини слово с его значением:

  1. Bedroom


  1. Read

2.Морской конек

  1. Grey


  1. Bag


  1. Seahorse
  2. Dad
  3. Circle
  4. Sofa
  5. Clean
  6. Tomato







  1. Вставь глагол to be: am/is/are

  1. I ___ Liza.
  2.  Rob ___a pirate.
  3. It ___ a desk.
  4. They ____friends.
  5. You ______a girl.

6. It____a black pen.

7. He ___a pupil.

8. We _____in the living room. 9. Tom and Tim ____brothers. 10. A cat ____grey.

  1. Переведи на английский:
  1. Где Том? -   ___________________________________________
  2. Я умею плавать. - ______________________________________
  3. Он должен читать книги - _______________________________

6. Напиши о себе.  (Имя, фамилия, возраст, откуда ты, как твои дела)

Тест по английскому языку для поступающих в  4-й класс.

  1. Поставь во множественном числе.

1. a girl -

2. a house -

3. a city-

4. a man -

  1. Составь предложения из слов.

1.bag, The pens, in, are, the._____________________________________

2.is, kitchen, Bertie, the, in. ________________________________________

3. ship, We, in, are, the.__

  1.  Напиши значение следующих слов по-английски.

  1. плечо                            
  2. локоть                               
  3. колено                               
  4. пальцы                   
  5. черные глаза
  6. красная юбка    
  7. белая роза        
  8. зеленая книга    
  9. белая рубашка     
  10. длинные волосы       


  1.  Прочитай рассказ Подчеркни подходящие по смыслу слова.

Mike is a boy. His hair is (loud, curly, blue). His eyes are (orange, violet, black). His nose is (fast, short, green). He (wears, jumps, runs) a yellow shirt and grey (trousers, map, flag) and black  (books, boots, pencils).

  1. Напиши рассказ о себе, своей семье, своем хобби. (5-6 предложений)

Тест по английскому языку для 5 классов.

  1. Поставь во множественном числе.

1. a woman -

5. a city -

2. a house -

6. a man -

3. a mouse -

7. a fish -

4. a child -

8. a baby -

  1. . Составь предложения.

1. didn't / go / she / school / to. ………………………………………………………………

2. a lot of / on / apples / are  / table / there / the ………………………………………………

3. read / dad / my / newspaper / a / tomorrow / will?.................................................................

  1. . Выбери правильный вариант.

1. Bob.........................like apples.

A. don't              B. isn't           C. doesn't

2. The weather..................................rainy last summer.

A. were              B. was           C. is

3. Billy is................................... than Jimmy.

A. smallest         B. smaller     C. small

4. Did Boris .................................. London last winter?

A. visits              B. visited      C. visit

5. There isn't ...................................... milk in the glass.

A. a lot               B. much         C. many

IV. Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.

 The clever little bird.

A little bird comes and sits under a tree. A big grey cat comes to the tree, too. He sees a little bird. “ I am hungry”, the cat says and comes near the bird. But the little bird is very clever. She sees the cat and jumps into the tree. “ Hello, little Bird,” says the cat. “ Good news!” says the cat. The cat says, “ Very good news! All animals are friends now! Come to me. I want to speak to you. I like you very much.” “Yes“, the bird says. “You are my friend, I know it. You like me and I like you. But from this tree I can see the forest”. “ And what do you see in the forest?” says the cat. The bird says, “ I see many dogs and they are near the tree”.  “ Dogs!” says the cat and wants to run away. “ Don’t run away’. The dogs know that all animals are friends,” says the bird.“ I know the news, you know the news, but the dogs don’t know the news,” says the cat and runs away.

1 Отметь правильный ответ.

1 ) Who comes and sits under a tree?            a) A dog            b) a bird               c) A duck

2) What colour is the cat?                               a) Black              b) White                  c) Grey

3) What does the bird do when she sees the cat?                  

a)        She jumps into the tree

b)        She comes to the cat.

c)        She comes to the dogs.

4) Why does the cat come near the bird?

                     a) He likes the bird and wants to be her friend .

                     b) He wants to speak to the bird.

                     c) He is hungry.

5) What is the good news?

                  a) The bird likes the cat.

                  b) All animals are friends now.

                  c) The dogs are near the tree.

6) What can the bird see from the tree?         a) A house               b) The forest              c) a river

7) Why does     the cat want to run away?

a). He doesn’t like the bird.

b). He wants to speak about the news with all animals.

c). He doesn’t want to see dogs.

8) What does the cat say when he runs away?

                a) “The dogs know the news”

                b) “The dogs don’t know the news.”

                c) “I am hungry”

  1. Напиши рассказ о своем любимом времени года. (7-8 предложений)

Тесты по английскому языку для 6 класса.

  1. Choose the right variant.

1. A school subject in which you study the events of the past.

a) Geography b) Literature c) History

2. A large African animal with a very long neck and long legs.

a) crocodile b) rabbit c) giraffe

3. You make pancakes with flour, … and … .

a) butter, ice-cream b) toast, eggs c) eggs, milk

4. In … you kick a ball

a) football b) tennis c) basketball

5. Halloween is in … .

a) autumn b) winter c) summer

  1. Choose the right variant.

1. How many cousins … you got?

a) has b) have c) her

2.There are hundreds of  towns and villages … the UK.

a) in b) on c) at

3.  There aren’t … biscuits in the cupboard.

a) some b) any c) much

4.  They … going to buy a new piano tomorrow.

a) were b) are c) is

5.   … favourite group is The White Stripes.

a)they b) their c) she

6.  My mum … dinner now.

a)cooked   b) cooks  c)is cooking

7.   I … basketball yesterday.

a) don’t play b) didn’t play c) didn’t played

8.   Stop watching TV. You_______ do your homework.

a) must b) mustn’t c) has to

9.   Waiter, … a fly in my soup.

a) there are b) there is c) it

10.  Her bag ….  is than my bag.

a) biggest   b) bigger   c) the biggest

III. Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?

The Boehmer Family Jugglers.

Larry and Judy Boehmer have got 11 children, and they're all part of the Boehmer Family Jugglers. Their circus show is fantastic - it's got juggling, unicycles and gymnastics. It's at theme parks and festivals around the USA.

The Boehmers have got four sons and seven daughters. Their names are Ada, Casey, Holly, Sarah, Keri, Jonathan, Melissa, Austin, Rebecca, Elizabeth and Margaret.

Casey Boehmer is a fantastic juggler. He's got a dog medal from the International Juggling Association. It's amazing because Casey has only got one arm, but he can juggle five balls with one hand. The Boehmers have also got a dog called Bosco. Sometimes, Bosco is their assistant at the circus show!

1 The Boehmers have got 15 children. 

2. The Boehmers’ circus show has got juggling and gymnastics.

3. Larry and Judy have got seven sons

4. Casey hasn’t got two arms.

5. Casey has got a gold medal for juggling.

6. The Boehmers have got a cat called Bosco.

IV. Write about your favourite food.  What do like eating fot breakfast, lunch, dinner? (7-8 sentences)

Тесты по английскому языку для 7 класса.

  1. Choose the right variant.

1. A school subject in which you study the events of the past.

a) Geography b) Literature c) History

2. A large African animal with a very long neck and long legs.

a) crocodile b) rabbit c) giraffe

3. You make pancakes with flour, … and … .

a) butter, ice-cream b) toast, eggs c) eggs, milk

4. In … you kick a ball

a) football b) tennis c) basketball

5. Halloween is in … .

a) autumn b) winter c) summer

  1. Choose the right variant.

1. How many cousins … you got?

a) has b) have c) her

2.There are hundreds of  towns and villages … the UK.

a) in b) on c) at

3.  There aren’t … biscuits in the cupboard.

a) some b) any c) much

4.  They … going to buy a new piano tomorrow.

a) were b) are c) is

5.   … favourite group is The White Stripes.

a)they b) their c) she

6.  My mum … dinner now.

a)cooked   b) cooks  c)is cooking

7.   I … basketball yesterday.

a) don’t play b) didn’t play c) didn’t played

8.   Stop watching TV. You_______ do your homework.

a) must b) mustn’t c) has to

9.   Waiter, … a fly in my soup.

a) there are b) there is c) it

10.  Her bag ….  is than my bag.

a) biggest   b) bigger   c) the biggest

III. Read the text. Are the sentences true or false?

Turn your free time into cash!

If you like computer games, why not be a games tester? That's what Alex Potts does. Alex(15) is a student and he lives in Northern Ireland with his family. He goes to Belfast High School on Mondays to Fridays, but in his free time he's a games tester. 'This is perfect for me' says Alex. 'I don't make a lot of money, but I keep all the games! I've got about 80 now. My favourites are Zone and Urban Quest.'

So what do games testers actually do? Alex explains: 'The company sends the games, and I play them at home at the weekend. Then I complete an online questionnaire. I write about my favourite things in the game, and about the problems. I also answer questions about the design, sound effect and instructions. It isn't difficult!'

Alex thinks that games testing is good experience for his future job. When he finishes school he wants to be a games designer. 'That's what my stepbrother does, and think it's a fantastic job! But for now, testing games is fun. I recommend it to everyone!'

1. Alex is a film extra in his free time.

2. Alex doesn't go to school.

3. He makes a lot of money in his free time.

4. Alex plays games at the weekend.

5. He thinks that testing games is difficult.
6. Alex wants to be a games designer.

IV. Write about your school (teachers, classmates, favourite subjects) . (7-8 sentences)

Тест  по английскому языку для поступающих в  8-й класс

  1. Reading.

 Read the following text.

Hard work and no money

Every year thousands of young people in Britain finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to University. Some young people go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their time to help people – for example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they help with conservation.

Pauline Jones, 18, lives in Cardiff, Wales. Next year she wants to go to University to study Spanish, but now she is living in Belize. Pauline says, “I’m working with other people here to protect the coral reefs in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful, but if the sea water is very polluted, the coral dies. I’m helping to do research on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world, coral reefs are dying. We need to do something about the problem before it’s too late.

I’m staying with a family here and I help with the cooking and the cleaning. I don’t get any money, but that’s OK. I love my work here, and I’m learning a lot about the people of Belize – and myself!. When I finish my work, I want to stay here for another three months. I want to travel around Belize and Central America”.

a). Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

1) Pauline comes from Belize.

2) Pauline wants to save the coral reefs.

  1. Young people in Britain go to University just after they finish school.
  2. Pauline is studying the fish in the sea near Belize.
  3.  Pauline is unhappy because she doesn’t get any money.
  4. Pauline wants to go home when she finishes her work.
  5. Pauline thinks people need to help the coral reefs.

b). Turn the following sentences into negative.        

  1. Young people take a year off after school.
  2. Pauline is living in Belize.
  3. I’m helping to do research on the fish around the reefs.
  4. I want to travel around Belize.
  5. She wants to go to University to study Spanish.

  1. Vocabulary and grammar.

Complete the sentences.

  1. ..... you at school last week?
  1. Was        b) Were           c) Are
  1. When we .... the office, it ...... .
  1. left, was raining               b) were leaving, was raining       c) left, rained
  1. It .... a small car, but it .... four doors.
  1. is, is           b) has, is              c) is, has
  1. Give the book to .... .
  1. her            b) she                c) hers
  1. Flying is ..... than driving.
  1. the quicker            b) quicker              c) the quickest
  1. They work ... night.
  1. on                     b) at                  c) in
  1. When we were children, our parents .... family problems with us.
  1. discussed             b) found                  c) thought
  1. She was born twenty-five years ... in a small village.
  1. since              b) before                c) ago
  1. You have to be a very good .... to get a job as a chef..
  1. cooker             b) cookery              c) cook
  1.  If you are hot, you  can take .... your jacket.
  1. off                b) on                      c) away
  1.  You’re having a test next week, .....?  
  1. don’t you?               b) are you?            c) aren’t you?
  1. We haven’t got .... money.
  1. much                    b) many           c) more
  1. The ..... of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.
  1. protect                b) protection                   c) protective
  1. She lives in …. Rome with her family.
  1. -                 b) the               c) a
  1. Her hair …. lovely!
  1. are               b) is             c) it’s

  1. Use of English.

Complete these sentences by using the correct word from the box. There is an extra word     which you do not need to use.

In a Language School.

water                 subjects                 exciting            four                problems                        love

          making              teacher                 boring              summer                       learning                                  

Fourteen-year-old Andy, who is from Korea, lives in France. He is (1) _________ French and is also studying English. What’s it like for him? “I (2)__________ living here,” says Andy, “and I’m beginning to feel like I’ve lived here my whole life and not for only (3)___________ years. I’m not usually very good at (4)___________ friends, but everyone here is so nice that I’m not having any (5)___________. If I don’t understand an exercise at school, I ask the (6)____________ or one of my friends to help me with it, and they always do. I enjoy most of the (7)_____________  we do at school, but I’m not very fond of history. It’s a bit (8)___________! Another thing I like about living here is that I’m able to do lots of (9)_____________ sports, like swimming and water-skiing. I’m really looking forward to my (10)____________ holidays this year because I want to learn windsurfing!”

  1. Writing

Write about your favourite actor or actress. (8-9 sentences)

Тест  по английскому языку для поступающих в  9-й класс

  1. Reading.

 Read the following text.

Hard work and no money

Every year thousands of young people in Britain finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to University. Some young people go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their time to help people – for example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they help with conservation.

Pauline Jones, 18, lives in Cardiff, Wales. Next year she wants to go to University to study Spanish, but now she is living in Belize. Pauline says, “I’m working with other people here to protect the coral reefs in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful, but if the sea water is very polluted, the coral dies. I’m helping to do research on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world, coral reefs are dying. We need to do something about the problem before it’s too late.

I’m staying with a family here and I help with the cooking and the cleaning. I don’t get any money, but that’s OK. I love my work here, and I’m learning a lot about the people of Belize – and myself!. When I finish my work, I want to stay here for another three months. I want to travel around Belize and Central America”.

a). Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

1) Pauline comes from Belize.

2) Pauline wants to save the coral reefs.

  1. Young people in Britain go to University just after they finish school.
  2. Pauline is studying the fish in the sea near Belize.
  3.  Pauline is unhappy because she doesn’t get any money.
  4. Pauline wants to go home when she finishes her work.
  5. Pauline thinks people need to help the coral reefs.

b). Turn the following sentences into negative.        

  1. Young people take a year off after school.
  2. Pauline is living in Belize.
  3. I’m helping to do research on the fish around the reefs.
  4. I want to travel around Belize.
  5. She wants to go to University to study Spanish.

  1. Vocabulary and grammar.

Complete the sentences.

  1. ..... you at school last week?
  1. Was        b) Were           c) Are
  1. When we .... the office, it ...... .
  1. left, was raining               b) were leaving, was raining       c) left, rained
  1. It .... a small car, but it .... four doors.
  1. is, is           b) has, is              c) is, has
  1. Give the book to .... .
  1. her            b) she                c) hers
  1. Flying is ..... than driving.
  1. the quicker            b) quicker              c) the quickest
  1. They work ... night.
  1. on                     b) at                  c) in
  1. When we were children, our parents .... family problems with us.
  1. discussed             b) found                  c) thought
  1. She was born twenty-five years ... in a small village.
  1. since              b) before                c) ago
  1. You have to be a very good .... to get a job as a chef..
  1. cooker             b) cookery              c) cook
  1.  If you are hot, you  can take .... your jacket.
  1. off                b) on                      c) away
  1.  You’re having a test next week, .....?  
  1. don’t you?               b) are you?            c) aren’t you?
  1. We haven’t got .... money.
  1. much                    b) many           c) more
  1. The ..... of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.
  1. protect                b) protection                   c) protective
  1. She lives in …. Rome with her family.
  1. -                 b) the               c) a
  1. Her hair …. lovely!
  1. are               b) is             c) it’s

  1. Use of English.

Complete these sentences by using the correct word from the box. There is an extra word     which you do not need to use.

In a Language School.

water                 subjects                 exciting            four                problems                        love

          making              teacher                 boring              summer                       learning                                  

Fourteen-year-old Andy, who is from Korea, lives in France. He is (1) _________ French and is also studying English. What’s it like for him? “I (2)__________ living here,” says Andy, “and I’m beginning to feel like I’ve lived here my whole life and not for only (3)___________ years. I’m not usually very good at (4)___________ friends, but everyone here is so nice that I’m not having any (5)___________. If I don’t understand an exercise at school, I ask the (6)____________ or one of my friends to help me with it, and they always do. I enjoy most of the (7)_____________  we do at school, but I’m not very fond of history. It’s a bit (8)___________! Another thing I like about living here is that I’m able to do lots of (9)_____________ sports, like swimming and water-skiing. I’m really looking forward to my (10)____________ holidays this year because I want to learn windsurfing!”

  1. Writing

Write about extreme sports. (9-10 sentences)

Тест по английскому языку для поступающих в 10-11 классы

 I. Установите соответствие рубрик 1-6 текстам A–E. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна рубрика лишняя.  

1. History  2. Money  3. Statistics  4. Geography  5. Sightseeing  6. Jobs

  А. Mosfilm is the centre of the Russian film industry. It is as famous as Hollywood in the USA or Bollywood inIndia. Tours to the studio have become increasingly popular with tourists, as they allow to view Mosfilm’s enormous depot with 170 tanks and 50 vintage cars. Tour guides say that everyone hopes to see a famous actor or an actress when they are on an excursion there.

  В . January 30, 1924 is considered the birthday of Mosfilm studio. On this day the first film produced by Mosfilm was released. It was On the Wings Skyward directed by Boris Mikhin. During the Great Patriotic War, the film studio personnel moved to Alma-Ata but continued working.  All in all, Mosfilm has produced about 3,000 feature films.

 C. It takes a lot of different people to make a good film. A screen writer writes the script of the future film. Then a producer finds enough money to make this film and a film director chooses actors and actresses to play in this film. You also need people for costumes and make-up. Film-making is becoming more and more complex and requires a lot of IT specialists and technical staff.  

 D. Robert Downey once held the title of highest-paid actor in Hollywood, and now he is only the sixth on the list. Mark Wahlberg made more than any actor in the world this year. He earned huge sums from his two films, “Daddy’s Home” and “Transformers: The Last Knight”. He also earned some cash for appearing in his family’s reality show “Wahlburgers”.

 E. According to a recent survey, 13 percent of Americans go to the movies about once a month, 7 percent go see movies in the movie theater several times a month, and 31 percent go less than once a year. It is interesting that 52 percent of American adults prefer watching movies at home. The U.S. is the third largest film market in the world, only behind China and India.  

II. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1–7 словами, каждое из этих слов может быть использовано только один раз. В ответе укажите цифры, под которыми значатся выбранные Вами слова. Два слова в этом списке лишние.

Gorky Park Gorky Park is a bright spot on the entertainment map of modern Moscow. It is one of the most interesting places to 1 ______ your leisure time. There are bike rental stations, a 2 ______ business area with Wi-Fi, and an outdoor movie theatre in Gorky Park. There are also several different sports options in the indoor sports centre or on the park’s grounds: you can 3 ______ volleyball, handball, football and hockey or go jogging, or cycling around the park. If you find that you are hungry, you can stop and 4 ______ a tasty break at one of Gorky Park’s many cafés. Many 5 ______ events such as exhibitions, Christmas and Easter fairs, concerts, theatre shows and environmental and charity events take place in Gorky Park. These events have become very 6 ______ among Moscow citizens.  

a). comfortable b). cultural c). keep d). play e). popular f). see g). spend h). take

III. Vocabulary and grammar.

Complete the sentences.

  1. ..... you at school last week?
  1. Was        b) Were           c) Are
  1. When we .... the office, it ...... .
  1. left, was raining               b) were leaving, was raining       c) left, rained
  1. It .... a small car, but it .... four doors.
  1. is, is           b) has, is              c) is, has
  1. Give the book to .... .
  1. her            b) she                c) hers
  1. Flying is ..... than driving.
  1. the quicker            b) quicker              c) the quickest
  1. They work ... night.
  1. on                     b) at                  c) in
  1. When we were children, our parents .... family problems with us.
  1. discussed             b) found                  c) thought
  1. She was born twenty-five years ... in a small village.
  1. since              b) before                c) ago
  1. You have to be a very good .... to get a job as a chef..
  1. cooker             b) cookery              c) cook
  1.  If you are hot, you  can take .... your jacket.
  1. off                b) on                      c) away
  1.  You’re having a test next week, .....?  
  1. don’t you?               b) are you?            c) aren’t you?
  1. We haven’t got .... money.
  1. much                    b) many           c) more
  1. The ..... of the environment is everyone’s responsibility.
  1. protect                b) protection                   c) protective
  1. She lives in …. Rome with her family.
  1. -                 b) the               c) a
  1. Her hair …. lovely!
  1. are               b) is             c) it’s

IV. Напишите письмо другу.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Tom who writes:

Last summer my parents and I went hiking to the mountains. We spent the whole week together and enjoyed it very much. How often do you take active holidays? Who do you think is the best company for you? What extreme sports would you like to try, if any, and why? Last month our English class got an interesting project. We wrote a paper about interesting events in the past of our country …

Write a letter to Tom. In your letter

 - answer his questions

- ask 3 questions about his project paper

Write 100 – 140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Предварительный просмотр:

Grammar Test


  1. The play is set … the Middle Ages.
  1. at
  2. on
  3. in
  1. She’ll be ready … a few minutes.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  1.  She usually has a sleep … the afternoon.
  1. in
  2. at
  3. on
  1.  He was famous … the 1980’s.
  1. at
  2. on
  3. in
  1.  They’ve done work for me … the past.
  1. in
  2. at
  3. on
  1.  That book you lent me is one of the best stories I’ve read … years!
  1. at
  2. on
  3. in
  1. He’s gone away but he’ll be back … a couple of days.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  1. Shall I meet you … the station?
  1. in
  2. at
  3. on
  1. Write your name … the top of each page.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  1.  Turn right … the traffic lights.
  1. in
  2. on
  3. at
  1.  I had a cup of coffee …Helen’s .
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  1.  I’ll meet you … reception.
  1. in
  2. at
  3. on
  1.  She kept the horse … a nearby farm.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  1.  I like to read the children a story … bedtime.
  1. in
  2. on
  3. at
  1.  I’ll go shopping  … lunchtime.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  1.  We bought some bread …  the supermarket.
  1. in
  2. at
  3. on
  1.  We moved to a new house … Christmas Eve.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  1. They live … 70, Duncombe Place.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  1.  I bought this computer … the start of the summer.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  1.  They were very popular … the middle of the 19th century.
  1. at
  2. on
  3. in
  1.  They arrived in Moscow … a summer afternoon.
  1. in
  2. on
  3. at

22. In Spain, they give each other presents ..... Christmas Eve.

  1. in
  2. on
  3. at

23. I met her … Mary’s birthday.

  1. in
  2. on
  3. at

24. … last year we went … holiday … Thailand.

  1. In, at, to

b. -, on, to

c. At, in, at

  1.  I left work ______ ten o'clock last night.
  1. at
  2. on
  3. in
  1. I phoned her up and spoke to her ______ Wednesday morning.
  1. on
  2. at
  3. in
  1.  We bought the company ______ Thursday, 22 May.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  1.  The train leaves … 15 minutes.
  1. in
  2. on
  3. at
  1.  I met her … last year’s conference. She wasn’t … Simon’s party.
  1. in, at
  2. at, at
  3. at, in
  1.  The train stops … Bristol.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  1.  The bank is ..  the corner of King’s Street.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  1.  Bournemouth is … the south coast.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  1.   Koblenz is … the Rhine.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  1.  Choose the sentence that is NOT correct.

a.The train left on time.  

b. He was driving very fast last night because he wanted to be home on time for  the last film.   

c. He was in time for the 5 o’clock train.

  1.  Choose the sentence that is NOT correct.
  1. He went for a walk afterwards.     
  2. I stayed in Paris while the Christmas holiday.     
  3. He won’t start working until Friday.    

Предварительный просмотр:

Английский язык


Grammar  basis

Betty  Azar

English  grammar

  1. Distributives (either / or, neither / nor)
  2. Quantifiers (much, many etc.)



? I haven’t got … change. I’ve only got a ten euro note.

+ much

- many

- a lot of

? Gary believed ___ his son ___ his friend. He thought that both were lying.



-none of

?She can use ___ this car ___ the other one. Someone must fix them first.



-none of

?My neighbour can ___ read ___ write. She is illiterate.



-none of

?___ Sue ___ Sara will help you with your housework. They are both busy at the moment. 


-none of


? Are there … campsites near you?

- much

+ many

  • a lot of

?Is there … unemployment in that area?



-a lot of

?How  …  eggs are in the cake? 



- a lot of

?Do you think … people will come?



-a lot of

?Gina  and Henry want to get married but they've only known each other for a few weeks. I don't think they should get married yet. They … know each other.




?It was pouring with rain but wasn’t … wind  . 



- a lot of

? …trains arrive  every day.



+a lot of

?We must be quick. We have… time.

+ little

- a little

- a few

? We spent … sleepless nights  as the finals approached.



+a lot of

?The  bookcase  was - --- big -- -- fit through the door, so we had to take it apart first.

+too / to
-more / than
- so / that

?The recent election's results show that … people voted for the  main political party.



+a lot of

?The plot of the novel was - -- it was completely incomprehensible.

- such complicated
+ so complicated that
- much more complicated than

? … people in America live in big cities.



+a lot of

? They  learn … foreign languages in their free time.



+a lot of

?How … did you spend? 50 dollars?



-a lot of

?How … of this book is fact and how … is fiction?


-many/ much


?He spoke English very ---- .



-a lot of

?He  ----  had time to say hello.




?Claude, the 17th century French painter, spent … his life in Italy. 

- a lot of


+ much of

?He works --- on his research.



-a lot of

?There are ---- stunning examples of Indian silk embroidery.



+a lot of

?Unfortunately, not … the photographers were there .

-much of

+many of

-a lot

?How … them can act?

-much of

+many of

-a lot

?We’ve got … things to do.

  • many

+lots of

-a lot of

 ?That’s … money. What will we buy?

  • many
  • lots of

+a lot of

?Can you hurry up? I don’t have … time.

- a lots of



?A: Would you like some cheese?

B: Yes, please but not …  .

- too many

+too much

-a lot of

?I feel … calmer now I know she’s safe.

  • many


-a lot of

?She’s walking … more slowly since her operation.

  • many


-a lot of

?He shouts -----.




?There are … cars on the road . … people should use public transport.

-too much/much

+too many/more

-a lot of/ more


? It doesn’t need … effort.

  • many


-a lot of

? A: Do …people work in the building?

B: Yes. Quite … .

+many/ a lot

-many/ a lot of

-much/ a lot

?I tasted the soup …  times.



-a lot

?They learn English ----. They think English is  ---- .

+easily / easy

-easy / easy

-easily / easily

?He smells the hot soup -----   . 



-more careful

?She gave me … information

+ a lot of

  • a lot
  • many

?A: I work in the bank. 

B: … do I.



+ So

?He can speak ----- Japanese.



-the best

?I have -----any patience.

- hard



?In this contest, you ---- win --- lose.


+ either/or

-none of

?This is my offer. You will ___ take it ___ leave it.


+ either/or

-none of

?When I go to the cafe, I eat ----- fish ---- roast chicken. 


+ either/or

-none of

?---- Chris ----- Brad will write the essay. Just ask one of them.



-none of

?I need ___ your help ___ your compassion. I can perfectly handle my problems all alone.



-none of




?You may borrow … car. They are in good condition.

-neither of


  • neither
  • none of

? A: Mike, which would you prefer, tea or coffee?

B: ...  thanks. I’ve just had a coffee.

-neither of

- either

+ neither

  • none of

? …Italy … France got to the quarter finals last year. They lost.

+ Neither/ nor

  • Either/ or
  • None/or

? Italy didn’t get to the quarter finals last year and France didn’t ….

+ either

- neither.


?A:I hate snakes. I can’t even look at a picture of a snake.

B: …  can I.


- Either


? Books and television are different. … them should replace the other.
None of
 Neither of 

?...  the birthday cards was suitable.



+ Neither of 

?There was ---- a increase in the amount of coffee sold in the UK.

- markedly

+ marked

-more marked


?Choose the sentence that is NOT correct.

-All of the students have their own rooms.

+Every of the students have their own rooms.

-All of the students have their own rooms.

?Choose the sentence that is NOT correct.

-Each of them has their own car.

-All of them have their own car.

+Every of them has their own car.

?Choose the sentence that is NOT correct.

- A:  I haven’t ever tasted caviar.

  B:  I haven’t either.

  • A:  I haven’t ever tasted caviar.

 B:  Neither have I.

+ A:  I haven’t ever tasted caviar.

 B:  So have I.

?Choose the sentence that is correct.

+All the information is on the leaflet.

- All the information are on the leaflet.

-All these information is on the leaflet.

?Choose the sentence that is NOT correct.

-Neither of us went to the concert.

-Neither of the birthday cards was suitable

+Books and television are different. None of them should replace the other.

?Choose the sentence that is correct.

+Neither word is correct.

-Neither word are correct.

-Neither word  isn’t correct.

?Choose the sentence that is correct.

+Both of these questions are wrong.

- Both of these questions  is wrong.

-Both of these questions aren’t wrong.


? We saw _____ positive results from our investigation on aggressive human breast cancer cells.

+ quite a few

-        a good deal

-        the number of

- little

There are issues that needed______ attention before the disaster.

  • several of

+a great deal of

-the number of

- many

? With those scrutinising the election saying they found_____ widespread evidence of vote-rigging, there would seem to be _____ chance of the result being reversed. 




-a lot of/none

? Under torture a person will say_____ his captors want to hear. 


- whichever


- each other

? _____ of the past three recessions has been successively weaker and shorter as policy missteps have lessened.





?  He asked me _____ questions every _____minutes. 

-the number of / other 

+a number of/few

- many / one another 

-a lot of/ a few

? Radiation doesn't cause less DNA damage in cancer stem cells than in ______tumor cells.

- another
+ other

-the other

- every

? As China and America____ draw up military budgets with _____ in mind, there is the threat of a growing mutual suspicion that will be hard to ratchet down.

+each / the other

- both / themselves

-the other / the others



? ____ which feels that the worm will help in securing the system while _____ is of the opinion that a worm is a worm after all and has to be eradicated.

  • Some/others

+ One/ other

  • One/ the other
  • Few/other

? In December last year, the health secretary and five _____ cabinet ministers signed a concordat proposing a transformation of social care.

-the other




? The artists of the Spanish Market work with many different kinds of materials. _____ weave cloth on looms. ____make their own pottery or carve objects out of bone. 





Предварительный просмотр:

Английский язык


Grammar  basis

Betty  Azar

English  grammar

  1. Distributives (either / or, neither / nor)
  2. Quantifiers (much, many etc.)
  3. Forming  adjectives to adverb


?He would whisper …not to disturb others in the room.



-more quietly

?Our teacher treats us very… .




?The policeman gave him a ticket because he didn't park…



-in a properly way

?Have you seen Tom  …? 


- late


?Sarah was rather unfriendly to me at the party. She …spoke to me.




?George and Hilda want to get married but they've only known each other for a few days. I don't think they should get married yet. They … know each other.




?He behaves ….  . 

+in a friendly way



?The train arrived  … .




?We must be quick. We have… time.

+ little

- a little

- a few

?My students' sleepless nights became - --- as the finals approached.

-so frequently
+more frequent
-much more frequently

?The cupboard was - --- big -- -- fit through the door, so we had to take it apart first.

+too / to
-more / than
- so / that

?According to the recent election's results, the Democrats are -- -- of the four main political parties.

- smallest
- smaller
+the smallest

?The plot of the novel was - -- it was completely incomprehensible.

- such complicated
+ so complicated that
- much more complicated than

?People in America live -- -- than many other people.

-more extravagant
 +more extravagantly

?It's ---- to learn a foreign language in the country where it is spoken than in another country.

 +a lot easier
-more easily

?Are you an --- riser?




?She’s not  ----     –   she’s got a cold.




?He spoke English very ---- .




?He  ----  had time to say hello.




?This is a ---  exercise. 




?Work --- on your research.




?There are some ---- stunning examples of Indian silk embroidery.




?I plan my trips very ------ .




?He smiled ….




?She speaks English -----.



-more fluent

 ?He drives----.



more careless

?She often sneaks out of the house ----.



-more quiet

?He plays the piano----.



-more wonderful

?He paints ----.

-more awful



?She spoke to us -----.




?He shouts -----.




?You ------ have to put one word in each space.





?Dogs ----rely on their noses as they can smell --- .

+extremely/ well

- extreme/ well

-extremely/ good

?The little boy looked ---- . I went over to comfort him and he looked at me ---- .




?I tasted the soup --- …  but it tasted ---- .

+carefully/ wonderful

-careful/ wonderfully

-careful/ wonderful

?They learn English ----. They think English is  ---- .

+easily / easy

-easy / easy

-easily / easily

?He smells the hot soup -----   . 



-more careful

?The soup smells ----. 




?You look  ------. 


-the most beautiful


?He can speak ----- German.



-the best


?I have -----any money

- hard



?In this game, you ---- win --- lose.


+ either/or

-none of

?This is my offer. You ___ take it ___ leave it.


+ either/or

-none of

?When I go to the restaurant, I eat ----- fish ---- roast chicken. 


+ either/or

-none of

?---- Charly ----- Bill will write the report. Just ask one of them.



-none of

?I need ___ your help ___ your compassion. I can perfectly handle my problems all alone.



-none of

?His father believed ___ his son ___ his friend. He thought that both were lying.



-none of

?You can use ___ this computer ___ the other one. Someone must fix them first.



-none of

?My mum can ___ read ___ write. She is illiterate.



-none of

?___ Sue ___ Sara will help you with your homework. They are both busy at the moment. 


-none of





?Which answer is NOT correct?

You must stay in bed until you feel …




?Which answer is NOT correct?

– I caught a cold.

-I hope you get … soon. 




?You will also need to deliver it in a …, flexible and interesting way.




?We are going to be late. There is too …  traffic. Yeah, the …  of people driving is incredible.

+ much/number

- many/ number

- much/ amount

?-The polls say that there's  … support nationwide     for your military program. Isn't that going to hurt you?
 - Not in the long run, no. …. of the voters actually support the military system the way it is now. I think we will be successful.

+ little/Few

- a little/Few

- little/ A few

?You looked ---- this morning but you look ---- now.

 -depressing / a lot happier
 -happier / a bit depressing
 +depressed / a bit happier

?The figures for the number of children who owned iPads decreased ---- in 2012.


-more significant


?There was ---- a increase in the amount of coffee sold in the UK.

- markedly

+ marked

-more marked


?Choose the sentence that is NOT correct.

-All of the students have their own rooms.

+Every of the students have their own rooms.

-All of the students have their own rooms.

?Choose the sentence that is NOT correct.

-Each of them has their own room.

-All of them has their own room.

+Every of them has their own room.

?Choose the sentence that is correct.

+All the students have their own rooms.

-All the students has their own rooms.

-All the student have their own rooms.

?Choose the sentence that is correct.

+All the information is on the website.

- All the information are on the website.

-All these information is on the website.

?Choose the sentence that is NOT correct.

-Every student has a room.

-Each student has a room.

+Every student have a room.

?Choose the sentence that is correct.

+Neither answer is correct.

-Neither answer are correct.

-Neither answers is correct.

?Choose the sentence that is correct.

+Both of these answers are wrong.

- Both of these answers is wrong.

-Both of these answers aren’t wrong.


?Today, ---- people who enjoy winter sports is much greater than that of twenty years ago.

+the number of

-a number of

-a great deal of


? Serving ---- terms in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United States politician.




-a lot

? Although the language learning abilities of apes have surprised ---- scientists, they generally agree that apes do not progress beyond ---- linguistic abilities of a two-year-old child.

+many / the

-a little / the

few / a

-each / a

?The storm continued for ---- of the days when we were in New Orleans,·but fortunately there wasn't ---- damage in the city.

+ most / much

-several / a lot

-several / a lot

-a few / many

? Heavy fines and jail sentences have made ---- difference in preventing elephant poaching for their tusks.


- the number of

- none

-a lot

? Although ---- species of fox are reddish in color, ---- Arctic fox is often pure white.

+ most / the

- all / an
-plenty / the

- a great amount of / an

?Choose the sentence that is correct

-The number of children who listened to music before going to sleep rose dramatic in 2005.

-The proportion of boys and girls who watched television every night remained steadily from 1990 to 2010.

+Tea sales rose slightly in 2005 to a new high of $16 million.

?Choose the sentence that is correct

-There was a significantly fall in the number of women out of work.

+After falling from a peak of 200 units, sales remained steady at 150 units throughout October.

-The number of children who read books every night fell steady from 2005 to 2015.

? Choose the sentence that is correct

+Prices of vegetables have risen significantly.

- The number of children who listened to music before going to sleep rose dramatic in 2005.

-There has been a sharply drop in the price of onions.

? Choose the sentence that is  correct.

-There has been a significantly rise in the price of gold.

-We are experiencing a dramatically rise in temperature.

+There is a marginal increase in profits.

Предварительный просмотр:

Группа вопросов: Английский язык 8 класс  2.2.1 Артикли с именами собственными Базовый

Время ответа на один вопрос: 2 мин.

Балльная стоимость одного вопроса: 3 балл.

Составитель группы вопросов: Анандаева ЦД ( РБНЛИ ) от 23.10.2014

Выборка вопросов:  Закрытая форма,  Открытая форма,  Соответствия,  Правильная последовательность,

Вопрос № 1

Most students  in ... Russia study English as a foreign language.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. the

2. a

3. -

Вопрос № 2

He hopes t go to ...  Spain.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. the

2. a

3. -

Вопрос № 3

We will go to ... Black Sea  next summer.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. the

2. a

3. -

Вопрос № 4

He wanted to climb ... Elbrus.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. the

2. a

3. -

Вопрос № 5

We went to ski in ... Alps.  

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. the

2. a

3. -

Вопрос № 6

...  United Kingdom lies to the North of Europe.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. the

2. a

3. -

Вопрос № 7

The  United Kingdom lies to the north of ... Europe.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. a

2. the

3. -

Вопрос № 8

We lived  in ... Moscow last year.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. a

2. the

3. -

Вопрос № 9

... Russian Federation is one of the largest countries in the world.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. a

2. the

3. -

Вопрос № 10

... Thames is the river that London stands on.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. the

2. a

3. -

Предварительный просмотр:

Группа вопросов: Англ 8 класс  Времена  Past - повышенный

Время ответа на один вопрос: 2 мин.

Балльная стоимость одного вопроса: 5 балл.

Составитель группы вопросов: Анандаева ЦД ( РБНЛ-И №1 ) от 15.10.2014

Выборка вопросов:  Закрытая форма,  Открытая форма,  Соответствия,  Правильная последовательность,

Вопрос № 1

I ... my homework by 7 o'clock.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. had done

2. did

3. was doing

Вопрос № 2

The wind ... when I looked out of the window.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. was blowing

2. blow

3. were blowing

Вопрос № 3

I ... my homework at 6 o'clock yesterday.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. had done

2. did

3. was doing

Вопрос № 4

I ... my homework yesterday.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. had done

2. did

3. was doing

Вопрос № 5

I ... a book at 6 o'clock yesterday.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. was writing

2. wrote

3. is writing

Вопрос № 6

I ... outside at 6 o'clock yesterday.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. worked

2. is working

3. was working

Вопрос № 7

When I called him up, he ... a book.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. was reading

2. is reading

3. read

Вопрос № 8

It ... when we came out.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. is raining

2. rain

3. was raining

Вопрос № 9

What were you doing at 5 p.m. yesterday?

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. I was writting a letter

2. I am cleaning the room

3. I will be doing my homework

Вопрос № 10

When we came to the station, the train ... already ....   .

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. left

2. had left

3. was leaving

Вопрос № 11

When James came into the classroom, the teacher ... already ... some sentences on the blackboard.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. was writing

2. had written

3. wrote

Вопрос № 12

By Monday  I ... a book.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. was reading

2. had read

3. read

Вопрос № 13

By the time when Mary came, all her classmates ... already ...  .

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. had ... left

2. was leaving

3. were reading

Вопрос № 14

When Mary came, all her classmates  ...  .

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. was singing

2. were singing

3. sang

Вопрос № 15

The scientists   ....     a project last week.

Ответ: Выбор из вариантов ответа

1. launched

2. was launching

3. had launched

Предварительный просмотр:


Reported speech

  1. John said, “I’m sorry to disturb you, Eliza”.
  1. John told that he was sorry to disturb Eliza.
  2. John told Eliza he was sorry to disturb her.
  3. John said to Eliza he had been sorry to disturb her.

  1. Sally said, “ I would like to buy it”.
  1. Sally said that she would like to buy it.
  2. Sally said she would have liked to buy it.
  3. Sally said that she  liked to buy it.

  1. Kate said,  “I’m living in London now.”
  1. Kate said that  she was  living in London now.”
  2. Kate told  she lived in London now.”
  3. Kate said  she would live in London now.”

  1. John said, “My father isn’t very well.”
  1. John said his father isn’t very well.
  2. John said that  his father wasn’t very well.
  3. John told his father wasn’t very well.

  1. Tom said, “Sharon and Paul are getting married next month. “
  1. Tom said that Sharon and Paul are getting married next month.
  2. Tom told Sharon and Paul that they were getting married next month.
  3. Tom said that Sharon and Paul were getting married next month.

  1. James said, “I haven’t seen Diane recently”.
  1. James said that he hasn’t seen Diane recently.
  2. James said that he hadn’t seen Diane recently.
  3. James said that he didn’t see Diane recently.

  1. Tom said, “You can come and stay at my flat if you are ever in London”.

  1. Tom said that I can come and stay at my flat if I am ever in London.
  2. Tom said that I could come and stay at my flat if I was ever in London.
  3. Tom said that I can come and stay at my flat if I was ever in London.

  1. “I don’t know what Fred is doing”, said Mary.
  1. Mary said that she didn’t know what Fred was doing.
  2. Mary said that she didn’t know what Fred is doing.
  3. Mary said that she doesn’t know what Fred was doing.

  1. Tom said, “Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood.”
  1. Tom told Jerry that he had been his best friend since their early childhood.
  2. Tom said that Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood.
  3. Tom said that Jerry had been his best friend since their early childhood.

  1. Kim said, “My car was stolen a few weeks ago.”
  1. Kim said that her car is stolen a few weeks ago.
  2. Kim said that her car had been stolen a few weeks before.”
  3. Kim said that my car was stolen a few weeks ago.”

  1. He said,’ Where is Jill going’?
  1. He asked where was Jill going.
  2. He asked where Jill went.
  3. He asked where Jill was going.

  1. The doctor asked, “How do you feel?”
  1. The doctor asked how did I feel.
  2. The doctor asked how I felt.
  3. The doctor asked how I had felt.

  1. “Will you be free tomorrow?” Colin asked Richard.
  1. Richard asked would Colin be free the next day.
  2. Colin asked Richard if he would be free the following day.
  3. Colin asked if Richard will be free tomorrow.

  1. Why hasn’t he locked the car door?” the policeman said.
  1. The policeman asked why he hadn’t locked the car door.
  2. The policeman asked why hadn’t  he locked the car door.
  3. The policeman asked why he didn’t lock the car door.

  1. Where is the nearest bus stop?” the old man  addressed a policeman.
  1. The old man asked where was the nearest bus stop.
  2. The old man asked a policeman where the nearest bus stop was.
  3. The old man told a policeman where the nearest bus stop was.

  1.   Rick asked, “Bobby, do you know “Shamrock”? It’s in the 56th Street”.
  1. Rick asked Bobby if he knew “Shamrock” that was in the 56th Street.
  2. Rick asked Bobby did he know “Shamrock”; it was in the 56th Street .
  3. Rick asked Bobby where “Shamrock” was.

  1.  He asked me, “Where has he gone? ”
  1. He asked me where he had gone.
  2. He asked me where had gone.
  3. He asked me where he has gone.

  1. The tourist asked a tour guide, “What time do we leave tomorrow?”
  1. The tourist asked a tour guide what time we left the next day.
  2. The tourist asked a tour guide what time we leave the next day.
  3. The tourist asked a tour guide what time we had left the next day.

  1. The tourist asked a tour guide, “When is breakfast served in the hotel?”
  1. The tourist asked a tour guide when is breakfast served in the hotel.
  2. The tourist asked a tour guide when breakfast was served in the hotel.
  3. The tourist asked a tour guide when was breakfast served in the hotel.

  1. The teacher asked the pupil, “Can you read?”
  1. The teacher asked the pupil if could you read.
  2. The teacher asked the pupil if you could read.
  3. The teacher asked the pupil you could read.

  1. The teacher said to us, “Be quiet, please”.
  1. The teacher asked us be quiet.
  2. The teacher told us to be quiet.
  3. The teacher said to us to be quiet.

  1. “Could you show me these jeans, please?” said the boy.
  1. The boy said to show him those jeans.
  2. The boy asked to show him those jeans
  3. The boy asked if the salesgirl could show him these jeans.

  1. “Don’t swim too far, dear,” asked Dad.
  1. Dad asked him / her not to swim too far.
  2. Dad asked him / her don’t swim too far.
  3. Dad asked him ‘ her if he / she wouldn’t swim too far.

  1. Mrs. Smith said to Mr. Smith, “Don’t wear your best trousers in the garden.”
  1. Mrs. Smith told Mr. Smith not to wear his best trousers in the garden.
  2. Mrs. Smith said to Mr. Smith that he didn’t wear his best trousers in the garden.
  3. Mrs. Smith told Mr. Smith not to have worn his best trousers in the garden.  

  1. Sarah was driving too fast, so I asked her, “Please slow down!”
  1. Sarah was driving too fast, so I told  her he would slow down.
  2. Sarah was driving too fast, so I asked to her to slow down.
  3. Sarah was driving too fast, so I asked her to slow down.

  1. The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and said, “Can you open your bag, please?”
  1. The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and said me that I opened my bag.
  2. The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and told me that I opened my bag.
  3. The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and asked to open my bag.

  1.  I had difficulty understanding him. “Could you repeat what you said, please?” I said to Peter.
  1. I had difficulty understanding him, so I asked him to repeat what he had said.
  2. I had difficulty understanding him, so I asked him if he could repeat what he had said.
  3. I had difficulty understanding him, so I asked him to repeat what he would say.

  1. He started asking me personal questions and I said “Mind your own business”.
  1. He started asking me personal questions, so I told him to mind his own business.
  2. He started asking me personal questions, so I told him to mind his own business.
  3. He started asking me personal questions, so I told him to mind his own business.

  1. Sue was very pessimistic about the situation. I said “Don’t worry, Sue. “
  1. Sue was very pessimistic about the situation. I told her not to worry.
  2. Sue was very pessimistic about the situation. I told her to not worry.
  3. Sue was very pessimistic about the situation. I told her that she didn’t worry.

  1. John was very much in love with Mary. And he said “Will you marry me?”
  1. John was very much in love with Mary, so he asked her to marry him.
  2. John was very much in love with Mary, so he told her she would  marry him.
  1. John was very much in love with Mary, so he told her that she  married him.

31. “If I were you, I’d stop smoking,” Jeff said.

  1. Jeff said that if he were him he would have stopped smoking .
  2. Jeff said that if he had been him he would stop smoking.
  3. Jeff advised him to stop smoking.

  1. “Let’s have a party”, said Jack.
  1. Jack suggested having a party.
  2. Jack denied  having a party.
  3. Jack complained of having a party.
  1. “Leave the cat alone”, said Brad to Linda.
  1. Brad boasted of leaving the cat alone.
  2. Brad promised to leave the cat alone.
  3. Brad ordered to leave the cat alone.

  1. I’d rather do it myself”, said his brother.
  1. The brother said he was asked to do it himself.
  2. The brother said he promised to do it himself.
  3. The brother said he preferred to do it himself.

  1. “I am sorry I arrived so late”, said Martin.
  1. Martin apologised  for arriving so late.
  2. Martin insisted on my arriving so late.
  3. Martin complained to me of arriving so late.

Предварительный просмотр:


Distributives.  Quantifiers.  Forming  adjectives to adverb

  1. He would whisper …not to disturb others in the room.
  1. quietly
  2. quiet
  3. more quietly

2. Our teacher treats us very… .

  1. good
  2. well
  3. better

3. The policeman gave him a ticket because he didn't park…

  1. proper
  2. properly
  3. in a properly way

4. Have you seen Tom  …? 

  1. lately
  2. late
  3. later

5. Sarah was rather unfriendly to me at the party. She …spoke to me.

  1. hard
  2. hardly
  3. harder

6. George and Hilda want to get married but they've only known each other for a few days. I don't think they should get married yet. They … know each other.

  1. hard
  2. hardly
  3. harder

7. He behaves ….  . 

  1. in a friendly way
  2. friendly
  3. friendliest

8. The train arrived  … .

  1. late
  2. lately
  3. latest

9. We must be quick. We have… time.

  1. little
  2. a little
  3. a few

10. My students' sleepless nights became - --- as the finals approached.

a) so frequently
b) more frequent
c) much more frequently

11. The cupboard was - --- big -- -- fit through the door, so we had to take it apart first.

a) too / to
b) more / than
c) so / that

12. According to the recent election's results, the Democrats are -- -- of the four main political parties.

a) smallest
b) smaller
c) the smallest

13. The plot of the novel was - -- it was completely incomprehensible.

a) such complicated
b) so complicated that
c) much more complicated than

14. People in America live -- -- than many other people.

a) extravagantly
b) more extravagant
 c) more extravagantly

15. It's ---- to learn a foreign language in the country where it is spoken than in another country.

a) a lot easier
b) easily
c) more easily

16. Are you an --- riser?

  1. earlier
  2. early
  3. earliest

17. She’s not  ----     –   she’s got a cold.

  1. well
  2. good
  3. better

18. He spoke English very ---- .

  1. well
  2. good

с) better

19. He  ----  had time to say hello.

  1. hardly 
  2. hard
  3. harder

20. This is a ---  exercise. 

  1. hardly 
  2. hard
  3. harder

21. Work --- on your research.

  1. hardly 
  2. harder
  3. hard

22.There are some ---- stunning examples of Indian silk embroidery.

  1. absolutedly
  2. absolute
  3. absolutely

23. I plan my trips very ------ .

  1. carefully
  2. careful
  3. carefuly

24. He smiled ….

  1. happy
  2. happily
  3. unhappy

25. She speaks English -----.

  1. fluent
  2. fluently
  3. more fluent

 26. He drives  ----.

  1. careless
  2. carelessly
  3. more careless

27. She often sneaks out of the house ----.

  1. quietly
  2. quiet
  3. more quiet

28. He plays the piano----.

  1. wonderful
  2. wonderfully
  3. more wonderful

29. He paints ----.

  1. more awful
  2. awful
  3. awfully

30. She spoke to us -----.

  1. angry
  2. kind
  3. angrily

Предварительный просмотр:


Distributives.  Quantifiers.  Forming  adjectives to adverb

1. He shouts -----.

  1. quiet
  2. loudly

     с) loud

2. You ------ have to put one word in each space.

  1. simple
  2. simply
  3. easy

  1. Dogs ----rely on their noses as they can smell --- .
  1. extremely/ well
  2. extreme/ well
  3. extremely/ good

  1. The little boy looked ---- . I went over to comfort him and he looked at me ---- .
  1. sad/sadly
  2. sadly/sad
  3. sadly/sadly

  1. I tasted the soup --- …  but it tasted ---- .
  1. carefully/ wonderful
  2. careful/ wonderfully
  3. careful/ wonderful

  1. They learn English ----. They think English is  ---- .
  1. easily / easy
  2. easy / easy
  3. easily / easily

  1. He smells the hot soup -----   . 
  1. carefully
  2. careful
  3. more careful

  1. The soup smells ----. 
  1. good
  2. well
  3. greatly

9. You look  ------. 

  1. beautifully
  2. the most beautiful
  3. beautiful

  1. He can speak ----- German.
  1. good
  2. well
  3. the best

11. I have -----any money

  1. hard
  2. hardly
  3. harder

12. In this game, you ---- win --- lose.

  1. neither/nor
  2. either/or
  3. none of

13. This is my offer. You ___ take it ___ leave it.

  1. neither/nor
  2. either/or
  3. none of

14.  When I go to the restaurant, I eat ----- fish ---- roast chicken. 

  1. neither/nor
  2. either/or
  3. none of

15. ---- Charly ----- Bill will write the report. Just ask one of them.

  1. neither/nor
  2. either/or
  3. none of

16. I need ___ your help ___ your compassion. I can perfectly handle my problems all alone.

  1. neither/nor
  2. either/or
  3. none of

17. His father believed ___ his son ___ his friend. He thought that both were lying.

  1. neither/nor
  2. either/or
  3. none of

18. You can use ___ this computer ___ the other one. Someone must fix them first.

  1. neither/nor
  2. either/or
  3. none of

19. My mum can ___ read ___ write. She is illiterate.

  1. either/or
  2. neither/nor
  3. none of

20. ___ Sue ___ Sara will help you with your homework. They are both busy at the moment. 

  1. either/or
  2. none of
  3. neither/nor

21. Heavy fines and jail sentences have made ---- difference in preventing drink-driving.

  1. little
  2. the number of
  3. none
  4. a lot

22. Although ---- species of fox are reddish in color, ---- Arctic fox is often pure white.

  1. most / the
  2. all / an
    plenty / the
  3. -a great amount of / an

23. Choose the sentence that is correct

  1. The number of children who listened to music before going to sleep rose dramatic in 2005.
  2. The proportion of boys and girls who watched television every night remained steadily from 1990 to 2010.
  3. Tea sales rose slightly in 2005 to a new high of $16 million.

24. Choose the sentence that is correct

  1. There was a significantly fall in the number of women out of work.
  2. After falling from a peak of 200 units, sales remained steady at 150 units throughout October.
  3. The number of children who read books every night fell steady from 2005 to 2015.

25.  Choose the sentence that is correct

  1. Prices of oil have risen significantly.
  2. The number of teenagers who played games before going to sleep rose dramatic in 2015.
  3. There has been a sharply drop in the price of ginger.



Предварительный просмотр:


Distributives.  Quantifiers.  Forming  adjectives to adverb

  1. Which answer is NOT correct? You must stay in bed until you feel …
  1. well
  2. better
  3. good

  1. Which answer is NOT correct?

- I caught a cold.

- I hope you get … soon. 

  1. well
  2. better
  3. good

  1. You will also need to deliver it in a …, flexible and interesting way.
  1. lively
  2. live
  3. life

  1. We are going to be late. There is too …  traffic. Yeah, the …  of people driving is incredible.
  1. much/number
  2. many/ number
  3. much/ amount

  1. -The polls say that there's  … support nationwide     for your military program. Isn't that going to hurt you?
     - Not in the long run, no. …. of the voters actually support the military system the way it is now. I think we will be successful.
  1. little/Few
  2. a little/Few
  3. little/ A few

  1. You looked ---- this morning but you look ---- now.

    depressing / a lot happier
    happier / a bit depressing
    depressed / a bit happier

7. The figures for the number of children who owned iPads decreased ---- in 2012.

  1. significant
  2. more significant
  3. significantly

8. There was ---- a increase in the amount of coffee sold in the UK.

  1. markedly
  2. marked
  3. more marked

9. Choose the sentence that is NOT correct.

  1. All of the students have their own rooms.
  2. Every of the students have their own rooms.
  3. All of the students have their own rooms.

10. Choose the sentence that is NOT correct.

  1. Each of them has their own room.
  2. All of them has their own room.
  3. Every of them has their own room.

  1. Choose the sentence that is correct.
  1. All the students have their own rooms.
  2. All the students has their own rooms.
  3. All the student have their own rooms.

  1. Choose the sentence that is correct.
  1. All the information is on the website.
  2. All the information are on the website.
  3. All these information is on the website.

13. Choose the sentence that is NOT correct.

  1. Every student has a room.
  2. Each student has a room.
  3. Every student have a room.

14. Choose the sentence that is  correct.

  1. There has been a significantly rise in the price of gold.
  2. We are experiencing a dramatically rise in temperature.
  3. There is a marginal increase in profits.

15. Choose the sentence that is correct.

  1. Neither answer is correct.
  2. Neither answer are correct.
  3. Neither answers is correct.

16. Choose the sentence that is correct.

  1. Both of these answers are wrong.
  2. Both of these answers is wrong.
  3. Both of these answers aren’t wrong.

17. Today, ---- people who enjoy winter sports is much greater than that of twenty years ago.

the number of

a number of

a great deal of


18.  Serving ---- terms in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United States politician.




a lot

19. Although the language learning abilities of apes have surprised ---- scientists, they generally agree that apes do not progress beyond ---- linguistic abilities of a two-year-old child.

many / the

a little / the

few / a

each / a

20. The storm continued for ---- of the days when we were in New Orleans,·but fortunately there wasn't ---- damage in the city.

  1. most / much
  2. several / a lot
  3. several / a lot
  4. a few / many

21. Heavy fines and jail sentences have made ---- difference in preventing elephant poaching for their tusks.

  1. little
  2. the number of
  3. none
  4. a lot

22. Although ---- species of fox are reddish in color, ---- Arctic fox is often pure white.

  1. most / the
  2. all / an
    plenty / the
  3. -a great amount of / an

23. Choose the sentence that is correct

  1. The number of children who listened to music before going to sleep rose dramatic in 2005.
  2. The proportion of boys and girls who watched television every night remained steadily from 1990 to 2019.
  3. Tea sales rose slightly in 2017 to a new high of $16 million.

24. Choose the sentence that is correct

  1. There was a significantly rise in the number of freelancers.
  2. After falling from a peak of 250 units, sales remained steady at 90 units throughout December.
  3. The number of children who read books every night fell steady from 2010 to 2019.

25.  Choose the sentence that is correct

  1. Prices of vegetables have risen significantly.
  2. The number of children who listened to music before going to sleep rose dramatic in 2005.
  3. There has been a sharply drop in the price of onions.

Предварительный просмотр:

                 Use of English                                                

I. Arrange the following words into sentences:

1. buy, cannot, you, anything, no, you, have, it, money.

2. to, give, her, Helen's, mother, going, what, her, for, is, birthday?

3. that, girl, my, has, green, eyes, sister, is, who.

4. as, worked, she, a, clerk, an, office, in, year, last.

5. if, an, rains, take, it, umbrella, we.

6. gloves, show, pair, that, please, of, me.

a, dress, yellow, new, for, bought, was, Ann.

II. Fill in the blanks, using the correct from of the verb in brackets:

1. The Second World War (begin) in 1939.

2. Miss Grey (arrive) at her office a few minutes before nine every day.

3. We (do) research in this region for many years.

4. He asked me at what college I (study) that time.

5. New material (explain) by the teacher at every lesson.

6. I (learn) all the words by seven o'clock in the evening yesterday.

7. Mary is tired. She (prepare) for exams for 3 days.

8. Hello. This Peter (speak). How are you?

9. God (help) those who help themselves.

10. You (see) a lot this year?

11. Don't open the oven. The cake (bake).

12. He said he (leave) school the year before.

13. I (write) a letter to my sister before he came.

III. Choose 10 suitable words out of 15 given below and fill in the gaps:


December, 31, New Year's Eve is a time for merriment. At. . .  bells ring, horns blow, and friends exchange kisses. Everyone stays up late to. . .  the arrival of another January. At home or in restaurants most. . .  spend the final hours of the old year and the first. . .  of the. . .  year drinking and dining with . . .  .      One of the noisiest and most crowded of New Year's Eve. . .  takes place in New York at Times Square.  . . .  of New Yorkers gather there, and millions of Americans across the country join them via TV. New Year's. . .  has traditionnally been the occasion for starting a new. . .  and giving up bad habits.


life, midnight, good, day, celebrate, read, thousands, Americans, small, celebrations, hours, house, friends, new, dance.

IV. Write the letter of the word which ought to be used:

1. This is not my hat. I want . . .  not yours.

     a) you     b) me     c) mine     d) him

2. You are writing. Your desk is in front of . . .  .

     a) yours     b) you     c) yourself     d) your          

3. This hat is old. I cannot wear . . .  .

     a) its     b) him     c) it     d) his    

4. Mrs. Black is not so tall as . . .  husband.

     a) our     b) his     c) its     d)  her  

5. I can borrow . . .  dictionary.

     a) your     b)ours     c)you     d)its

6. Emma spoke of her illness . . . had almost killed her.

     a) whom     b) which     c) whose     d)who

7. Those . . . stayed at home spent the night sleeping.

     a) which     b) who     c) whom     d)whose

8. Harry did not know . . . to answer.

     a) which     b) who     c) whom     d)whose

9. Give me . . . magazine you bought yesterday.

     a) the     b)a     c)an     d)some

10. I want . . . glass of milk.

     a) an     b)a     c)the     d)some

V. Write the word which should be put in the blank space:

1. We haven't . . .  friends here.     (much/many)

2. Are there . . .  interesting books there?  (some/any)

3. Mary insisted . . .  taking the bus.  (at/on)    

4. You . . . beautiful today.   (look/see)

5. He's rather old. Is he . . .  working?   (still/already)

6. If you cannot play tennis, I will be pleased to . . .  you. (teach/study)

7. We decided to leave . . .  because the party was boring.    (earlier/earliest)          

8. Please, . . .  slowly. ( tell/speak)                                                                      

9. I've looked . . .  it everywhere but I can't find it.      (for/from)

10. Ann sang . . .  yesterday.      (beautiful/beautifully)


Предварительный просмотр:

Use of English

I .Arrange the following words into sentences:

1. bedrooms, house, have, their, four, in, they.

2.  the, man, not, anybody, did, hear, conversation, to, dying, want, their.

3. shorter, when, the, days, comes, and, colder, autumn, become.

4.  the, boy, knocked, bicycle, the, was, down, on, a, bus, by?

5.  In, time, by, were, the, postman, brought,  the,  letters.

6.  Buses, and, the, policeman, stopped, the, cars, has, all, just.

7.  Last, was, Nelly, cinema, to, the, invited, night.

II. Fill in the blanks, using the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. Jane and Mary (get) married in the 1990.

2. We (have) a lot of rain here  this month.

3. New metro lines (build) in Moscow every year.

4. What you (do) at 7 o'clock yesterday?

5. This message (send) tomorrow.

6. He said he (learn) English for five years.

7. She (write) a letter when I entered the room.

8.  How are you? I (look forward ) to meeting you.

9. Mr. Black and Mr. Smith ( go) to school together when they were boys.

10. If you want to buy this book, go to the bookshop. It (sell) there now.

11. I (sit) here since 2 o'clock.

12. Oh, sorry to disturb you. What you (do) tonight?

13. Don't phone at 2. I (shop) at that moment.

III. Choose 10 suitable words out of 15 given below and fill in the gaps:

Death of the double-decker

       The red double-decker buses which are such a ...  sight on London' s streets will soon disappear. Londoners ... small single-decker buses which can . . . quickly through busy high streets. The new buses will carry . . . people. Passengers will be closer to the . . . and there'll be a better atmosphere. In the nineteenth . . . horses pulled double-decker buses through London, but in the late 1990s computer screens at the bus stops will tell . . . exactly when the next . . . will arrive. An electronic "eye" at the front of the bus will be able to . . . traffic lights from red to . . . as the bus approaches.


green, famous, part, change, prefer, paper, bus, move, present, passengers, forty, pages, century, driver, hair.

IV. Write the letter of the word which ought to be used:

1. It speaks for . . .

a) himself;   b)his;   c) herself;   d)itself;

2.I am in front of the blackboard. The blackboard is behind ...

a) mine;      b) my;.      c)  me;.         d) myself;

3. Mary is going to brush and comb . . . hair.

a)her;.       b)hers       c) herself;.        d)it.

4.These apples are green. You cannot eat ...

a)they;.      b)them;.      c)his;.      d) themselves.

5.He hurt himself while . . . was making a fire.

a)it;.       b)he;.       c) his;.       d) himself

6.The man, . . .  Job was to play the piano, came early.

a)whom;.   b) which;.     c) whose;.     d) who

7.He broke the law . . . forbade all persons to practice medicine.

a)whom;.     b) which;.    c) whose;.  d) who

8.You are the only on . . . pleases me.

a) whom;.   b) which;.   c) whose;.  d) who

9.There is a book on the shelf. Give me . . . book.

a)the;.   b) a;.  c) an;.  d)some

10.Please, give me . . . more pudding.

a) an;. b)a;. c)some;.    d)the


V. White a word which should be put in the blank space:

1. I haven't . . . time for listening     to  the wireless.      ( much/many)

2. It was a . . . song.        (beautiful/beautifully)

3. He was ready to. . . me the truth  ( tell/speak)

4.Can you wait here . . . he gets  back?    (as soon as/ until)

5. Please, give me . . . more juice.   (some/any)

6. I think  I . . . my key at home.     (left/ forget)

7. I haven't driven a car . . . ten  years. (since/ for)

8. Everybody is fond . . . travelling. (of /at)

9. This flat belongs . . . me.     ( to/ for)

10.He . . . good- bye to everybody. (said/ spoke).

Предварительный просмотр:

Grammar Test

Active/Passive Voice, the Articles, Complex Object

  1. Change the verb in brackets to complete the sentence

  1. Саn you phone a bit later, please? Jane  (have a bath) now.
  2. After I (send) a message, I called them up.
  3. The Moon (rise) in the evening.
  4. I (stay) at the hotel for three weeks when I received your letter.
  5. If you (leave) home at 7, you (arrive) late.
  6. Why are you in a hurry? If you arrive at 8, they (still/pack) their luggage.
  7. He (meet) Mary last year, (fall) in love with her at first sight and now (to be going) to marry.
  8. Where is my umbrella? I can’t find it. I (lose) it.
  9. We (talk) about him when suddenly he came into the room.
  10. The neighbors (paint) their fence since morning.
  11. By the time you come they (buy) a ticket.
  12. I thought I (catch) a taxi.
  13. Where is my secretary? I want to have my papers (type).
  14. We expected them (keep) their promise.
  15. I will make her (tell) the truth.
  16. I hate my neighbors (tell) a lie.
  17. I have never heard them (sing).
  18. Let them (go) for a walk!
  19. I’d like him (bring) me a book.
  20. I had a new photo (take) yesterday.
  21. Look! The bridge (repair) now.
  22. When we came back the children (help) with their work.
  23. The problem (studied) for three years but they haven’t got any results.
  24. By the time you came the toy already (tear).
  25. I hoped the picture (draw).

  1. Insert the article where necessary
  1. He has got  … kitten and … puppies.
  2. … Browns lived next door three years ago.
  3.  Is  …   Pacific the largest ocean?
  4. … water boils at 100 C.
  5. … boys of our class are hardworking but sometimes they are naughty.
  6. We bought some cheese and ham. … cheese was delicious.
  7. Everybody knows that … cats are independent animals.
  8. He picked me up at … airport.
  9. My mother works as … accountant.
  10.  … President visited our school last week.