Методическая копилка

Якушев Александр Владимирович

Предварительный просмотр:

План открытого урока в 6 «Б» классе по теме  «Увлечения»

  1. T. What do you like to do when you have free time / spare time / on holidays / at the weekend / on Saturday / in the evening / after school / in winter?

T. What is the theme of our lesson? Yes, you’re right! (слайд 1)

  1. Look at slide 2. Unscramble the words to know some more hobbies. (слайд 2 – слова и картинки). Game “Tick-Tack-Toe”

  1. Let’s try to make clusters on our topic. (слайд 3 – пустой)

                      outdoor -   Hobby – indoor

                   doing things   collecting   sports

  1. Make the sentences. (слайд 4 – снежный ком)

I/He/They     am/is/are    fond/keen/interested    of/in/on (+/- /?)

  1. Now it’s time to listen to some of your classmates who will tell us about their hobbies. Then you will have to ask them questions. (Present Simple)

  1. Are you tired? Let’s relax. Stand up, read and act out. (слайд 5 - физкультминутка)

  1. Let’s remember some grammar material – reflexive pronouns.

  1. Now we are going to get new information about an interesting hobby in Great Britain. That is taking care of animals. Read the text and do the task.

  1. Cinquain (синквейн) – 5 lines (theme, 2 adjectives, 3 verbs, 4-word sentence, synonym) (слайд 6 – сперва вместе общий синквейн, затем свои) Раздать присутствующим листочки, зачитать.


Interesting, favourite

Make, learn, relax

Activity we like best


  1. Reflection.

It was interesting / It was boring / It was new

  1. Let’s sing.

  1. Open your diaries. Write down your homework. Put marks.

1.P1:  Do you have a hobby?

 P2: Yes? I do. My hobby is fishing. What about you?

P1: I have a hobby too. My hobby is sport. I like sport very much.  

P2:That’s great.

2. P1:Have you got a hobby?

P2Yes, I have. My hobby is dancing. And, I hope, you have a hobby too. What is your hobby?

P1: I m fond of playing football. I like football very much.

P2:That’s wonderful.

3. P1:Have you got a hobby?

P2:Yes, of course. My hobby is painting. And what is your hobby?

P1:My hobby is listening to music. I like rock very much.

P2:It’s wonderful.

4. P1:Have you got a hobby?

P2:Y es, of course. My hobby is fishing. And what is your hobby?

 P1:My hobby is sport. I like roller skating.

P2:That’s great.

5. P1: What do you prefer doing in your free time?

P2:I do judo. I like sports very much. Do you have a hobby?

 P1:Yes, I do. My hobby is playing computer games.

Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект урока «Мой дом – моя крепость» в 5 классе (УМК Spotlight)

5th Grade. Module 5.  My Home, My castle.

  1. (Слайд 1) Look at the board and make up English proverbs and sayings. Which word is in every statement? What are we going to talk about today? It’s HOME.

          My home is my castle. East or west, home is best. There is no place like home. Home, sweet home.

  1. (Слайд 2) Listen to the song “Home, sweet home”. Say what you feel  while you are listening to it.

(Happiness, love, joy, safety)

  1. (Карточки) When we talk about places where we live, we usually think about different rooms, appliances and furniture. Guess the room in a flat or a house. (Children can help)
  • We cook there
  • We sleep there
  • We take off our coats and shoes there
  • We watch TV there
  • We eat there
  • We wash our hands and brush our teeth there
  • We do homework there
  • We can breathe fresh air there
  • We keep our car there
  1. (Слайд 3) Let’s play a game. Throw a dice and put your counter onto a circle with a picture. Say and spell the word. If you make a mistake, move one circle back.
  2. Bingo (Draw a field with 9 squares, in each line write one word which is a room, furniture, appliance)
  3. (Слайд 5) The next task for you is to find the odd word out in each line.
  1.  Wall, floor, ceiling, vase
  2. Stool, sofa, table, chair
  3. Cupboard, wardrobe, bookcase, window
  4. Curtains, fridge, TV, dishwasher
  5. Kitchen, bathroom, garage, hall
  1. Try to make your own lines. Every student is a word.
  2. (Слайд 6) Look at the picture of a room, then listen to my sentences and say if they are true or false.
  1. This is a bathroom. (F)
  2. There are two windows and three doors in the room. (F)
  3. There is a sofa in the middle of the room. (T)
  4. There is no TV-set in the room. (F)
  5. There is a bookcase next to the window. (T)
  1. Now make your own sentences about this room. They can be both true and false.
  2. (Слайд 7) On your desks there is a text about Anne’s living room. Read it and say if the sentences below are True/False/Not Stated 
  3. (Слайд 8) Answer my questions about your homes. One student is speaking
  • Do you live in a house or in a flat? (I live in …)
  • What floor is your flat on? (My flat is on …)
  • What rooms have you got in your flat? (I have …. in my flat)
  • What is your favorite room? What is it like? What do you do there? (My favorite room is… /It’s cozy and nice/I usually … in this room)
  1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions. Then talk to someone from another pair.
  2. (Слайд 9) Cinquain.

- Home

- Sweet, safe

- Live, sleep, relax

- I love my home

- Best place

  1.  (Слайд 10) Color the pictures in bright (yellow, blue, green, red, orange) paints if you liked the lesson or in dull (grey, black, brown, dark blue) paints if you didn’t like it.
  2. Homework for the next lesson is to write about your flat or your favorite room. If it’s difficult, draw a picture and label the furniture.
  3. Your marks are …

Предварительный просмотр:

План открытого урока в 6 классе по теме: «Здоровье».

  1. Today we are going to speak about health. We will repeat different words and expressions on this topic, and maybe you will get to know something new. We will work in groups.

  1. First of all, let me ask you a question: What does it mean to be healthy? (A healthy person does morning-exercises, doesn’t smoke, eats fruit and vegetables …).

  1. What season is it now? You are right, it’s spring. In spring people often have lack of vitamins. Where can we take vitamins from? (food, the sun, tablets/pills). There is healthy and unhealthy food. What food is healthy? (fruit/vegetables, dairy products, eggs, grains).

Here is the text about vitamins. Read it and fill in the table. (grains: corn, rice, beans).



Influence on health

(Интерактивная доска – заполнение таблицы или перенос слов в неё).

Vitamin A is necessary to strengthen your eyes, and helps you to grow. It is also good for skin and hair. You can find it in red and yellow vegetables. Vitamin B helps to keep nerves healthy. You can take it from grains. Vitamin C is for healthy bones and teeth. It helps the body to fight against infection. You can find it in green vegetables and citrus fruits.

  1. So, as we see vitamins are good for different parts of people’s bodies, such as eyes, bones or skin. But do you remember the names of other parts? (Работа с карточками – два вида. Работают в группах).

  1. It’s time to relax. You probably like computer games. I offer you to play one. (Компьютерная игра).

  1. There are many proverbs about health. Work in groups. You should match 2 parts of the sentence to make a proverb. Make as many of them as you can.
  1. To have a healthy mind you must have a healthy body.
  2. One man’s meal is another man’s poison.
  3. The greatest wealth is health.
  4. A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in doctor’s book/for anything.
  5. Good friends are good for your health.
  6. An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
  7. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
  8. Merry heart is a good medicine.

(Можно иллюстрации пословиц).

  1. So we continue. Sometimes people get into accidents, have diseases or health problems. Every person must know what to do in the following situations. Use modal verbs must, mustn’t, shouldn’t and these phrases to make the sentences complete.

- If you have broken your leg you MUST visit a surgeon.

- If you feel tired you SHOULDN’T go to hospital at once.

- If you have got a backache you SHOULD’T carry heavy things.

- If you’ve got appendicitis you MUSTN’T stay at home.

- If your cat has a stomachache you SHOULD go to a vet.

  1. Listening comprehension. You will hear a conversation between 2 people. For statements 1 – 5 write a letter T if it is true or F if it’s false. You will hear the talk twice.

- Perhaps, the boy has the flu. (T)

- The boy has a backache. (T)

- The boy has hurt his leg. (F)

- The girl gives some medicine to the boy. (F)

- The boy should drink lemon juice. (F)

  1. Make your own dialogues.

  1. Make a questionary “Are you healthy?” The answer to all questions should be “YES”.

- Do you go in for sports?

- Do you take vitamins?

- Do you do morning exercises?

- Do you eat healthy food?

- Do you have regular medical checks?

- Do you walk to school?

- Do you consult a doctor if you have a serious health problem?

- Are you happy?

  1. To make a conclusion I’d like to say that being healthy also means being happy.

Let’s sing a song “If you are happy and you know it”.

If you are happy and you know it clap your hands.
(clap, clap)
If you are happy and you know it clap your hands.
(clap, clap)
If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you are happy and you know it clap your hands.
(clap, clap)

If you are happy and you know it stomp your feet.
(stomp, stomp)
If you are happy and you know it stomp your feet.
(stomp, stomp)
If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you are happy and you know it stomp your feet.
(stomp, stomp)


If you are happy and you know it slap your knees.
(slap, slap)
If you are happy and you know it slap your knees.
(slap, slap)
If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you are happy and you know it slap your knees.
(slap, slap)

If you are happy and you know it click your fingers.
(click, click)
If you are happy and you know it click your fingers.
(click, click)
If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you are happy and you know it click your fingers.
(click click)

If you are happy and you know it do all four.
(clap, clap, stomp, stomp, slap, slap, click, click)
If you are happy and you know it do all four.
(clap, clap, stomp, stomp, slap, slap, click, click)
If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it.
If you are happy and you know it do all four.
(clap, clap, stomp, stomp, slap, slap, click, click)

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Today we’ll talk about Education and Jobs. That’s our final lesson on this theme. I’m glad to see parents who have come to the lesson. They will watch your work and, may be, will become active participants.
  2. First, we are going to discuss school. You are pupils and go to school №1.

Do you like to go to school?

Who is your favourite teacher? What are your favourire subjects?

What is good and bad in our school? (two groups give arguments)

  1. Now it’s time for parents to work. On the interactive board there are teachers and subjects they teach. Match words and pictures.
  2. Soon you will finish the 9th form. What are you going to do after that? And what are your plans after you finish the 11th form? Discuss it in pairs.
  3. When people get education they try to get a job. What professions do you know?
  4. On the interactive board you can see pictures of people who have different professions. Make sentences.
  5. Now you will hear a girl being interviewed for a job at a swimming pool. Fill in the missing information in the application form. You’ll hear it twice. Some words are on the board:

Application form




Life guard





Предварительный просмотр:


  1. I know you are a hippie, aren’t you?
  2. Yes, I am. I became a hippie some years ago.

1. Can you tell me about the values of this subculture?

2. Of course, I can. Hippies are peace-loving people. We reject

    aggressiveness and violence. We protest against materialism.

  1. What music do you listen to?
  2. As for me, I enjoy rock-n-roll and pop. I am crazy about the Beatles, especially John Lennon. I even try to look like him.
  1. What do you mean?
  2. Well, I have long hair, round glasses, wear jeans all the time. And what about you? Do you belong to any subculture or organization?
  1. No, I don’t. I express my identity individually through sports. I am the best at basketball in our school.

  1. I don’t know what to do. My son has changed completely. He has brightly coloured hair and pierced ears. He wears black leather jacket with metal things on it all the time.
  2. I suppose your son is a punk. I’ve heard that these people are aggressive. They reject everything and rebel against the society.
  1. You are right. I can hardly influence him. He doesn’t obey me. When I ask him to turn that terrible loud music he listens to off, he seems not to mention it. And I can’t stand his ugly-looking friends.
  2. I am very sorry for you but there is nothing you can do about it. Maybe when your son grows older, he will change his lifestyle.

Предварительный просмотр:

План урока. Lesson Plan.

Тема: «Места, где живут люди». – Places where people live.

Обеспечение урока

  • План урока (Word)
  • Материалы для изучения новой темы на уроке - презентация (Power Point , Word)
  • Тесты для контроля знаний в презентации (Power Point)
  • Crossword (Excel)
  • Музыкальные заставки:
  • Песня Валерии «Волшебный дом» (Winamp)


Использованные материалы

  •  Материал, представленный в презентации:
  • Текст об образе жизни в Калифорнии
  • Текст о домах в Великобритании
  • Кроссворд
  • Интернет-ресурсы
  • www.google.ru/ (лучшая коллекция картинок)


  • Развивающий аспект: развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые навыки.
  • Воспитательный аспект: расширение кругозора, формирование понимания значимости и ценности объектов недвижимости.
  • Учебный аспект: совершенствование речевых навыков.

Ход урока                    


1.Слайд 1.

 All people need a place to live. Some live in houses, others in flats. Where do you live?

2.Слайд 2.

 A famous Russian pop-singer Valeria has a song called “A Magic House”. Have you heard this song? What house is it?

3. In her song Valeria mentions many different places. Listen, write down their names in Russian and match with the English equivalents.

4. In which of these places can people live?

5.Слайд 3.

There are many other places where people live. Read the words aloud and guess their meanings.

6. Гиперссылка на кроссворд (Excel).

Лист 1. Do a crossword puzzle and find the key word out. Лист 2. Check your results.

7.Слайды 4-6.

Most places where people live can be called Real Estate. Look at the pictures and say what you see in them.

8. Say which of these places are:

  • The most expensive / the cheapest
  • Convenient / inconvenient
  • Comfortable / uncomfortable
  • Have all modern conveniences
  • Popular among tourists / children / old people
  • Situated in our town
  • The best for you and your family

9. Choose one picture and describe it. Make up an imaginary story.

10.Слайд 7.

The following text provides some interesting facts about lifestyle in California.

11. Гиперссылка на новые слова (Word).

Before reading the text have a look at the list of new words.

12. Read the text.

13.Слайд 8.

Answer the questions to the text.

14.Слайд 9.

The last text presented to you is called “Homes in Britain”. Work individually. You have 5 minutes to read it and then you will get a task to the text.

15.Слайд 10. 

Your time is up. Do a “true or false” task. If you agree- put a plus, if you disagree – put a minus and correct the sentence.    

16.Слайд 11.

Check your answers. Thank you for nice work.

Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок в  5 «А» классе.  Тема: “Rules around us”.

  1. Duty. Date / day / weather.
  • How are you?
  • Is Wednesday a difficult day for you?
  • What is your favorite day / lesson at school?
  • Do you have any problems at school? Does Vlad have problems at school?
  • Do you like school? Does Nikita like school?
  • Do you have any chores in your family? And what about your father?
  • Do you write messages on the Internet? Is it safe or dangerous?
  1. Слайд 1. Вступление.

I asked you these questions because today we are going to speak about rules. Rules everywhere. Rules around us.

  1. Слайд 2. Повторяем за диктором слова.

But first, let’s remember words and expressions. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

Good. Now we’ll check how well you know the translation of these words.

  1.  Доска. Вставляем буквы в слова.

All right. Insert the missing letters to make words:

permission, danger, safe, fair, trick, follow, hurt.

  1. Перевод предложений.

OK. Listen to me and translate the sentences from English into Russian.

  • You should ask your parents’ permission before you go anywhere.
  • Children must be very cautious of strangers.
  • You mustn’t use the Internet alone.
  • Mum says a stranger can trick or hurt me.
  • Follow these rules and you will feel safe.
  1. Слайд 3. Текст о фейерверках.

Now you will read the text about fireworks, but some words are missing. You have to fill in the missing words. Open your exercise-books, write down the date.

Exchange your exercise-books. Let’s check.

  1. Слайд 4. Песня.

You must be very tired, I think. So it’s time to relax. Let’s sing the song “School rules rap”.  Stand up everybody.

  • Do you wear a school uniform?
  • What colour is it?
  • Do you like to wear it?
  1. Слайд 5-8. Рисунки.

Besides wearing a uniform there are some more rules at school and in our families.  Let’s look at some of your pictures and name the rules. Use verbs must (if you are sure about the rule) or may (if you are not sure).

  1. Диалоги.

Your home work for today was to prepare dialogues about any rules or chores in your families or at school. Now we will listen to some of them.

  1.  Слайд 9. Аудирование.

Our next task for today is listening comprehension. A girl will be talking about her family’s life. Listen to her and mark the following sentences with the letters “T” if the information is true or “F” if it is false.

  1.  Слайд 10. Игра.

How about playing? The game is called “Crosses and naughts”.  Let’s split up into 2 teams: boys versus girls.

Thank you for the lesson! I hope our guests enjoyed it. Your marks are: