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Материалы для учителя

Помимо самостоятельных цифровых ресурсов в наборе представлены уже готовые презентации и уроки, которые окажут учителю методическую поддержку в проведении занятий.

Тематические презентации в формате Power Point Show состоят из 10–15 слайдов каждая, предназначены для объяснения теоретические материала на уроках и могут воспроизводиться даже на компьютере, на котором не установлен Microsoft Power Point. Презентации включают графику, интерактивные компоненты, текстовые объекты по теме.

Учителем презентация может использоваться в качестве одной из форм чтения лекции. Эффектный показ презентации сопровождается объяснениями, комментариями учителя: он может приостановить показ «слайдов», более подробно остановиться на важном материале, не показывать все «слайды» сразу и т.д. Такая форма проведения урока–лекции более эффективна, так как дает возможность заинтересовать учащихся темой, заинтриговать, заставить думать, учит делать выводы.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Употребление Present Simple

Слайд 3

Present Simple используется, когда речь идет о : Пример 1: She lives in Moscow. We go to school №3 . 1. ПОСТОЯННЫХ ДЕЙСТВИЯХ

Слайд 4

Present Simple используется, когда речь идет о : Пример 2 : He goes to the swimming pool on Wednesdays. They visit their Granny on Sundays 2. ПОВТОРЯЮЩИХСЯ ДЕЙСТВИЯХ

Слайд 5

Present Simple используется, когда речь идет о : Пример 3: You do homework every evening. I usually do my household chores after school. 3. ПОВСЕДНЕВНЫХ ДЕЙСТВИЯХ

Слайд 6

Present Simple используется, когда речь идет о : Пример 4: Earth goes round the Sun. Snow melts at 0 degrees 4. ОБЩЕИЗВЕСТНЫХ ФАКТАХ

Слайд 7

Наречия частотности – признаки Present Simple Помогут тебе рассказать о том, что ты делаешь : Каждый день (every day) , утро (every morning) , вечер (every evening); Всегда – always (100% ), Обычно – usually (75% ) , Часто – often (50% ), Иногда – sometimes (25%) , Редко – rarely/ seldom (10%), Никогда – never (0% )

Слайд 8

Порядок слов в предложениях Present Simple с наречиями частотности I always go to school at 8

Слайд 9

Порядок слов в предложениях Present Simple с наречиями частотности I usually get up at 7

Слайд 10

Порядок слов в предложениях Present Simple с наречиями частотности I often watch TV

Слайд 11

Порядок слов в предложениях Present Simple с наречиями частотности I sometimes do household chores

Слайд 12

Порядок слов в предложениях Present Simple с наречиями частотности I rarely read books

Слайд 13

Порядок слов в предложениях Present Simple с наречиями частотности I never go to bed at 01.00

Слайд 14

Порядок слов в предложениях Present Simple с наречиями частотности I play football every day

Слайд 15

играю play Я I Из чего состоит Present Simple

Слайд 16

Формообразование в Present Simple

Слайд 17

Present Simple I play

Слайд 18

Present Simple Я – подлежащее Играю - сказуемое

Слайд 19

Спряжение глаголов в Present Simple

Слайд 20

I play football You play football We play football They play football (3 лицо, ед.ч. ) He play s football (3 лицо, ед.ч. ) She play s football (3 лицо, ед.ч. ) Sam play s football (3 лицо, ед.ч. ) My sister play s football

Слайд 21

Правила правописания окончаний глаголов в 3 лице единственного числа! Большинство глаголов добавляют окончание - s Ex: I talk – He talk s ; We hate – She hate s I say – he … I speak – he … I tell – he … I dream – he … I want – he … I live – he …

Слайд 22

Правила правописания окончаний глаголов в 3 лице единственного числа! Глаголы с окончанием -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o добавляют - es Ex: I pass – He pass es ; We fix – She fix es I brush – he … I watch – he … I wash – he … I touch – he … I go – he … I do – he …

Слайд 23

Правила правописания окончаний глаголов в 3 лице единственного числа! У глаголов с окончанием согласная + y (carry), окончание y заменяется на i и добавляется - es Ex: I carry – He carr ies I cry – he … I try – he … I fly – he … But : I play – He plays!

Слайд 24

I go to school You go to school We go to school They go to school He go es to school She go es to school Sam go es to school My sister go es to school

Слайд 25

I watch TV You watch TV We watch TV They watch TV He watch es TV She watch es TV Sam watch es TV My sister watch es TV

Слайд 26

I You We They watch TV He She Sam My sister watch es TV

Слайд 27

Say and tick I play – he …. I take – he … I have – he … I see – he … I go – he … I do – he … I want – he … I wash – he … I watch – he … [s] [z] [iz]

Слайд 28

Say and tick I play – he play s I take – he take s I have – he has I see – he see s I go – he go es I do – he do es I want – he want s I wash – he wash es I watch – he watch es [s] [z] [iz] + + + + + + + + +

Слайд 29

Say that your friend does the same My daily routine I usually get up at 7. Then I wash my face and hands. I always brush my teeth. I often have tea with bread for breakfast. I always go to school at 7.30 I usually catch the bus at 7.35 I want to tell you about my friend’s day. He usually …

Слайд 30

Say that your friend does the same My daily routine I usually have 6 lessons a day. I sometimes go to Music school. I rarely do homework after lessons. I never watch TV at 22.00. I often go to bed at 22.30 He usually …

Слайд 31

I We They He She You always often usually sometimes rarely never play football write letters send messages hang out with friends reads a book takes a shower Make up 6 phrases

Слайд 32

I We They Kate Ann and Liz My friend My friends My family has supper does exercises do homework read a book plays football go to school come home have breakfast every morning every day every evening at 8 o’clock at 7 o’clock

Слайд 33

Help Max to write a letter filling –s , -es or … Hello, my friend. This is my timetable: I usually get… up at 7. My brother get…up at 7.15. We always do… exercises. I go… to school at 7.45 and my brother go…at 7.50. My friends Pete and Mike go… to school at 7.30

Слайд 34

Help Max to write a letter filling –s or -es Hello, my friend. This is my timetable: I usually get up at 7. My brother Sam get s up at 7.15. We always do exercises. I go to school at 7.45 and my brother go es at 7.50. My friends Pete and Mike go to school at 7.30

Слайд 35

My brother and me come… home at 14.00 I usually do… homework at 15.00 And he do… homework in the evening. My brother watch… TV from 15 till 18 Then mother and father come… home. Our family usually have… supper at 20.00 After supper my Mum always read… a book. And we go… to bed at 22.00

Слайд 36

My brother and me come home at 14.00 I usually do homework at 15.00 And Sam do es homework in the evening. My brother watch es TV from 15 till 18 Then mother and father come home. Our family usually ha s supper at 20.00 After supper my Mum always read s a book. And we go to bed at 22.00

Слайд 37

My timetable Get up - вставать Do exercises – делать зарядку Go to school – идти в школу Come home – приходить домой Do homework – делать д/з Read books – читать книга Have breakfast - завтракать Have lunch - обедать Have dinner - полдник Have supper - ужинать Watch TV – смотреть ТВ Go to bed – ложиться спать

Слайд 38

Write a letter about your family’s day I get up at 7.00 I always do exercises at … I usually ……… I …………… ………… .

Слайд 39

Put the verbs in the Present Simple form. One fly_____________ (to fly) , two flies _____________ (to fly). One girl _____________ (to cry), four girls _____________ (to cry). When a wolf _____________ (to see) the moon, it _____________ (to begin) to howl (выть). Wolves and sheep _____________ (to be) never friends. Our hens _____________ (to lay [откладывать]) a lot of eggs. Boys _____________ (to fight) and_____________ (to shout). That boy _____________ (to try) to catch some balls. These girls _____________ (to try) to run away from an angry turkey. If one goose _____________ (to have) one tooth, how many teeth _____________ (to have) thirteen geese?

Слайд 40

Yan is at a summer camp in Poland. Write what he usually does in the camp. Put the verbs in bracket in the correct form. He ________ (get) up at 7. He ________ (have) his English lesson every day. Не ________ (speak) English to his friends. He ________ (play) board games in the afternoon. Sometimes he ________ (swim) in the lake. He often ________ (go) hiking. He sometimes ________ (sit) by the camp fire in the evenings. He never ________ (go) on a trip without his friends.

Слайд 41

Сделайте предложения правдивыми для вашей семьи. Используйте следующие слова : always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never We ____________ celebrate Christmas. My mum ____________ decorates a Christmas tree. My dad ____________ buys a Christmas tree. My granny ____________ makes a cake. My parents ____________ send Christmas cards. I ____________ get presents. We ____________ sing Christmas carols.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Present Simple Вопросительная форма

Слайд 2

Do you play football every day?

Слайд 3

Do I play football every day?

Слайд 4

Do we play football every day?

Слайд 5

Do they play football every day?

Слайд 6

Do es he play football every day?

Слайд 7

Do es she play football every day?

Слайд 8

Do es your brother play football every day?

Слайд 9

Do es Peter play football every day?

Слайд 10

you Do play? play You Спрашивать нам поможет вспомогательный глагол do

Слайд 11

I I Do play? play Present Simple вопросительная форма

Слайд 12

they They Do play? play Present Simple вопросительная форма

Слайд 13

we We Do play? play Present Simple вопросительная форма

Слайд 14

Вспомо- гательный глагол сказуемое сказуемое Подле - жащее Подле - жащее Present Simple вопросительная форма

Слайд 15

Do es play? play s he He В 3 лице единственного числа нам помогает спрашивать глагол does

Слайд 16

Do es wash? wash es she She Present Simple вопросительная форма

Слайд 17

Do es go? go es she Ann Present Simple вопросительная форма

Слайд 18

Do you usually get up at 6? Yes, I do

Слайд 19

Do you do exercises every morning? No, I don’t

Слайд 20

Do you like to swim? Yes, we do

Слайд 21

Do es your mother watch TV every evening? Yes, she does

Слайд 22

Do es your father eat nuts every evening? No, he doesn’t

Слайд 23

Do you get up at 7 every day? Ответь Максу

Слайд 24

Do you wash face and hands every day? Ответь Максу

Слайд 25

Does your sister help about the house every day? Ответь Максу

Слайд 26

Does your mother go to bed at 22? Ответь Максу

Слайд 27

Does your family have supper at 18 every day? Ответь Максу

Слайд 28

Does Cindy play football every day?

Слайд 29

Does Tiger jump every day?

Слайд 30

Does Abby eat sweets every day?

Слайд 31

What does Cindy do every day? She plays football every day

Слайд 32

What does Rose do every morning? She goes to school every morning

Слайд 33

What do Tim and Tom do every day? They play with a ball every day

Слайд 34

C просите что делает Роза каждый день What does Rose do every day?

Слайд 35

C просите когда завтракает Тина ? When does Tina have breakfast?

Слайд 36

C просите что делает Марк каждый день

Слайд 37

Помогите Максу спросить эти вопросы … you have breakfast at 8? Yes, I … … your friend go to school at 8? Yes, he … … your father do exercises every morning? No, he … … your friends do homework every day? Yes, they … … Kate help about the house? Yes, … …

Слайд 38

Помогите Касперу спросить эти вопросы 6. … we wash face and hands? Yes, we … 7. … they watch TV every day? No, … … 8. … she wash up every day? No, … … 9. … Ann and Tim read books every day? Yes, … … 10. … your grandmother skip every day? …, … …

Слайд 39

you Do play? play You Спрашивать нам поможет вспомогательный глагол do

Слайд 40

Do es play? play s he He В 3 лице единственного числа нам помогает спрашивать глагол does

Слайд 41

… you read books every day? Yes, I …. … you do homework every day? No, I …. … your brother play football every day?

Слайд 42

Do you read books every day? Yes, I do. Do you do homework every day? No, I don’t. Does your brother play football every day?

Слайд 43

No, she doesn’t. Yes, he does. Does your sister do exercises every day?

Слайд 44

Do you ……….? Yes, I …. Do you ……………..? No, I …. Does your brother\sister...? Yes\No, …. Does your ……………..?

Слайд 45

Специальные вопросительные предложения начинаются со слов: What ( что ), when (когда) , where (где, куда)

Слайд 46

do go? go you You Вопросительное слово стоит перед вспомогательным глаголом do Where

Слайд 47

does read? reads he Ron Вопросительное слово стоит перед вспомогательным глаголом does Why

Слайд 48

What do you do every day? I play football

Слайд 49

When do you play football? I play football at 15.00 every day

Слайд 50

What does Cindy do every day? She plays football

Слайд 51

When does Cindy play football? She plays football at 15.00 every day

Слайд 52

When do you ……….? I … at 15 o’clock. When do you ………..? I …………………. When does your brother\sister.......? He/She …………. When does your …….?

Слайд 53

Questionnaire … pupils read books every day. … pupils don’t read books every day. … pupils go to bed at 22.00. … pupils go to bed at 23.00. … pupils go to bed at 00.00.

Слайд 54

Do you take a shower every day? Does your friend read books? Do your parents watch TV? Do I help about the house? Do we love our school? Yes, they do. No, I don’t. Yes, he does. Yes, we do. No, you don’t.

Слайд 55

does get up? gets up she Liz Вопросительное слово стоит перед вспомогательным глаголом does When

Слайд 56

When do you get up? come home? do homework? go to bed? go for a walk? watch TV? ……………… ..?

Слайд 57

When do you get up every morning? What do you do after school? When does your mother come home? What do your friends do in the evening? Where does your brother go after school? They play basketball. I get up at 7. She comes at 18. He goes to play football. I read books.

Слайд 58

Help Mike to write the letter filling Do/Does/don’t/doesn’t Hello, my friend! This is my timetable: I (do) homework every day. My sister Ann (read) books every evening. I (not play) football. Ann (not help) about the house. You (do) exercises every morning? Your sister (play) football? When you (have) breakfast?

Слайд 59

Help Mike to write the letter filling Do/Does/don’t/doesn’t Hello, my friend! This is my timetable: I do homework every day. My sister Ann reads books every evening. I don’t play football. Ann doesn’t help about the house. Do you do exercises every morning? Does your sister play football? When do you have breakfast?

Слайд 60

I get up 7 o’clock. I don’t do exercises every day. But my brother Jack does . We go to school at 7.45. After school we don’t do homework, we play football. Jack doesn’t play basketball and I don’t play volleyball. Our parents come home at 18.00. They don’t watch TV every evening but they like to read newspapers. Then my brother and I do homework.

Слайд 61

My family has supper at 20.00. Then at 22.00 we go to bed. And now write about your timetable. Do you do exercises every morning? Does your sister go to school? When do you come home? What do you do after school? When do your parents come home? When does your family have supper? Bye, Mike.

Слайд 62

Do you play football or tennis? What do you do at 20 o’clock? Is your mother a teacher? Can you swim? Where does your sister go after school? Are you Russian? No, she isn’t. I play tennis. Yes, I can. She goes to the library. I read books. Yes, I am. Yes, she does.

Слайд 63

Общий вопрос Yes/No question Разделительный вопрос Альтернативный вопрос Special question Все виды вопросов

Слайд 65

Общий вопрос Yes/No question Разделительный вопрос Альтернативный вопрос Special question Все виды вопросов Do you like summer? Yes, I do!

Слайд 66

Общий вопрос Yes/No question Разделительный вопрос Альтернативный вопрос Special question Все виды вопросов Do you like summer? Yes, I do! What do you like? I like summer

Слайд 67

Общий вопрос Yes/No question Разделительный вопрос Альтернативный вопрос Special question Все виды вопросов Do you like summer? Yes, I do! You like summer or winter? I like summer What do you like? I like summer

Слайд 68

Общий вопрос Yes/No question Разделительный вопрос Альтернативный вопрос Специальный вопрос Все виды вопросов Do you like summer? Yes, I do! You like summer, don’t you? Yes, I do! You like summer or winter? I like summer What do you like? I like summer

Слайд 69

I I don’t I? play, play Present Simple Разделительный вопрос

Слайд 70

He He doesn’t he? plays, plays Present Simple Разделительный вопрос

Слайд 71

Ann Ann doesn’t she? plays, plays Present Simple Разделительный вопрос

Слайд 72

does she? Ann Ann doesn’t play, play Present Simple Разделительный вопрос doesn’t

Слайд 73

do you? You You don’t play, play Present Simple Разделительный вопрос don’t

Слайд 74

Masha always reads books, ……………? We often go to the museum, …………? Your friend doesn’t dance, …………….? You don’t play the piano, ………………? I don’t always help you, ……………….? Tom and Jerry are friends, …………….? I am a kind teacher, ……………..? You are nice children, …………………? Max and Andrew play chess every day, ………….?

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Present Simple Отрицательная форма

Слайд 2

You don’t play play You Отрицать нам поможет вспомогательный глагол do

Слайд 3

I I don’t play play Отрицать нам поможет вспомогательный глагол do

Слайд 4

We We don’t play play Отрицать нам поможет вспомогательный глагол do

Слайд 5

They They don’t play play Отрицать нам поможет вспомогательный глагол do

Слайд 6

doesn’t play plays He He В 3 лице единственного числа отрицать нам поможет вспомогательный глагол does

Слайд 7

doesn’t have has She She В 3 лице единственного числа отрицать нам поможет вспомогательный глагол does

Слайд 8

doesn’t do does Tom Tom В 3 лице единственного числа отрицать нам поможет вспомогательный глагол does

Слайд 9

Say that you neither do it I don’t get up at 6 and I don’t go to school at 7

Слайд 10

Say that you neither do it I don’t go for a walk at 22

Слайд 11

Say that you neither do it My grandmother doesn’t do exercises every day

Слайд 12

Say that you neither do it My friend doesn’t have supper at 23

Слайд 13

Say that you neither do it My friend doesn’t do homework at 22

Слайд 14

Say that you neither do it Kate doesn’t wash face and hands

Слайд 15

I don’t play football You don’t play football We don’t play football They don’t play football He doesn’t play football She doesn’t play football Sam doesn’t play football My sister doesn’t play

Слайд 16

I don’t go to school You don’t go to school We don’t go to school They don’t go to school He doesn’t go to school She doesn’t go to school Sam doesn’t go to school My sister doesn’t go

Слайд 17

I don’t watch TV You don’t watch TV We don’t watch TV They don’t watch TV He doesn’t watch TV She doesn’t watch TV Sam doesn’t watch TV My sister doesn’t watch TV

Слайд 18

My sisters don’t doesn’t take a shower at 7. We have breakfast at 9. My friend go for a walk at 17. Ann and Pam help about the house Your mother watch TV every day. Kate do exercises at 6. I wash up every day. You go to bed at 22.

Слайд 19

Помогите Тому правильно написать письмо I … get up at 5 o’clock We … have breakfast at 6 o’clock My mother … go to work My brothers … want to wash their faces every morning My sister … want to eat porridge They … go to school at 9 o’clock

Слайд 20

Помогите Тому правильно написать письмо I don’t get up at 5 o’clock We don’t have breakfast at 6 o’clock My mother doesn’t go to work My brothers don’t want to wash their faces every morning My sister doesn’t want to eat porridge They don’t go to school at 9 o’clock

Слайд 21

My friend Sasha … do homework every day Misha and Masha … read books every day We … come home at 5 o’clock I … watch TV at 23 and I think you … watch TV at 23 too My grandmother … do exercises She … play chess every day My parents … go for a walk at 23

Слайд 22

My friend Sasha doesn’t do homework every day Misha and Masha don’t read books every day We don’ t come home at 5 o’clock I don’t watch TV at 23 and I think you don’t watch TV at 23 too My grandmother doesn’t do exercises She doesn’t play chess every day My parents don’t go for a walk at 23

Слайд 23

What Sam says is not true Mike gets up at 6.00. Kate’s father does her homework. My Granny does exercises every day. My friends go for a walk at 23.00. You go to bed at 00.00. Your sister comes home at 16.00. I take a shower twice a day. Tom and Tim read books every day.

Слайд 24

Том – хвастун. То, что он говорит неверно, исправьте его I play football every day

Слайд 25

Том – хвастун. То, что он говорит неверно, исправьте его You don’t play football every day

Слайд 26

Том – хвастун. То, что он говорит неверно, исправьте его My sister gets up at 5

Слайд 27

Том – хвастун. То, что он говорит неверно, исправьте его Your sister doesn’t get up at 5

Слайд 28

Том – хвастун. То, что он говорит неверно, исправьте его My brothers play tennis at 23

Слайд 29

Том – хвастун. То, что он говорит неверно, исправьте его Your brothers don’t play tennis at 23

Слайд 30

Том – хвастун. То, что он говорит неверно, исправьте его You watch TV at 23 every day

Слайд 31

Том – хвастун. То, что он говорит неверно, исправьте его We don’t watch TV at 23 every day

Слайд 32

Rick goes to bed at 22 23

Слайд 33

Tim jumps every day

Слайд 34

Make sentences negative I run very fast. He runs very fast too. We often sleep in the garden. Her sister leaves home early. Sally opens the window in her room when it is hot. Mr. Bay often goes to the cinema with his son. My Mammy swims very well. We swim well too. She always makes a lot of mistakes. The Olympic Games take place every 5 years.

Слайд 35

+ - don’t/ doesn’t Do/Does…? I catch the bus at 7.30 I don’t catch the bus at 7.30 Do I catch the bus at 7.30? You always do homework at 22.00 We sometimes get up before the dawn They often hang out with friends on Fridays He does chores every day She listens to music in the morning It takes me 20 minutes to get to school

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Past Perfect

Слайд 2

Past Perfect обозначает действие, которое завершилось до некоего момента в прошлом : I called Jim too late, he had already left . Я позвонил Джиму слишком поздно, он уже ушел . We had lived in Paris for 12 years before we moved to America. До переезда в Америку мы прожили в Париже 12 лет.

Слайд 3

Formation had + V 3 had + V ed

Слайд 4

I had played We had played You had played You had played He / she / it had played They had played

Слайд 5

Interrogative form Had I played? Had we played? Had you played? Had you played? Had he / she / it played? Had they played?

Слайд 6

Negative form I had not played We had not played You had not played You had not played He / she / it had not played They had not played

Слайд 7

Match to make a sentence I went to see my friend after... I watched TV after... They went home after... He phoned me after... She went to dance after... We wrote a composition after... They rebuilt the house after... We went for a walk after ... to have dinner, to do homework, to come , to read the book, to clean the room, to go shopping, to return from Australia, to finish work

Слайд 8

I ... (to have) breakfast before I went to school. He went to meet his friends after he ... (to do) his homework. By 8 o’clock the rain ... (to stop). Alice was late because she ... (to miss) the bus. She went to the post-office after she ... (to write) the letter. He ... (to work) at the factory before he entered the college. He got a bad mark for his test because he ... (to make) a lot of mistakes in it. I went to bed after I ... (to finish) reading the book. The child ... (to fall) asleep before the parents came home. They ... (to marry) before they bought this house .

Слайд 9

Say what action was done before. Combine the two sentences into one. I had sent a telegram before I met my friend. The rain stopped. I went for a walk. I did my homework. My mother returned home. We met in the street. We went to the park. They packed their things. Then they started. I had dinner. I switched on the TV set. He returned home. The guests left. We came to the cinema. The film began. I read the book. I saw the play. They lived here. They moved to another place. We played а game of tennis. We went to my place

Слайд 10

Complete the sentences using Past Perfect. I watched a new film after… I went for a walk after... I fell asleep after... I began to read a book after... I helped my mother about the house after ...

Слайд 11

1. By eight o’clock yesterday I (to do) my homework and at eight I (to play) the piano. 2. By six o’clock father (to come) home and at six he (to have) dinner. 3. By nine o’clock yesterday grandmother (to wash) the dishes and at nine she (to watch) TV. 4. When I (to meet) Tom, he (to eat) an ice-cream which he (to buy) at the corner of the street. 5. When I ( tо come) home, my sister (to read) a book which she (to bring) from the library. 6. When mother (to come) home, the children (to eat) the soup which she (to cook) in the morning. 7. When I (to ring) up Mike, he still (to learn) the poem which he (to begin) learning at school. 8. When I (to look) out of the window, the children (to play) with a ball which Pete (to bring) from home. 9. By ten o’clock the children (to settle) comfortably on the sofa and at ten they (to watch) a TV film. 10. When father (to come) home, we (to cook) the mushrooms which we (to gather) in the wood. 11. When I (to see) Ann, she (to sort) the flowers which she (to pick) in the field. 12. When I (to come) home yesterday, I (to see) that my little brother (to break) my pen and (to play) with its pieces. 13. When I (to open) the door of the classroom, I (to see) that the teacher already (to come) and the pupils (to write) a dictation.

Слайд 12

Last night we (to go) to a football match. We (to take) a bus. The bus (to be) full of people as many people (to want) to see the match. We (to get) off the bus and (to go) in the direction of the stadium. While we (to cross) the road, I (to see) Victor. He (to stand) at the corner. He said he (to wait) for his friend who (to come) to St. Petersburg the day before and (to wish) to see the new stadium. A man (to come) up to me and asked if I (to have) a spare ticket for the match. Victor told us that two boys just (to ask) him whether he (to have) a spare ticket. We (to enter) the stadium just as the football players (to come) out on to the field. At the entrance to the stadium we (to meet) Sergei. He (to show) us to our seats and we (to agree) to meet in the refreshment-room during the interval. He (to ask) me if I (to play) football in my childhood.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Conditional 1 - 2 Для 7 класса

Слайд 2

CONDITIONAL 1 CONDITIONAL 2 CONDITIONAL 0 express situations based on fact in the present or future Unreal action in the present or future Expresses facts or true actions If If If Present Simple, Present Simple If it is warm , we will go to the park tomorrow If I were the God, I would help everybody When there is war, innocent people die Если завтра будет тепло, то мы пойдем в парк Если бы я был Богом, я бы всем помог Когда идет война, погибают невинные люди Present Simple Future Simple V2 Would + V1

Слайд 3

Conditional 1 The first conditional is used to express situations based on fact in the present or future (things which may happen). If I have time today, I will phone you. = I will phone you if I have time today. (It is possible that I will have time - therefore the condition is real )

Слайд 4

Make conditional sentences . I’ll have a party and we can dance to music if … I’ll send her a letter as soon as … If he does his homework every day, he … If he comes in the afternoon, we … If you live in a big city what …? If you don’t stop talking, the teacher … won’t become the last student in his class. will shout at us. will you do at the weekends? I come back from Spain. I win this competition. will go to a mall together

Слайд 5

Develop these ideas My Dad will get angry if ... . My Mum will be happy if I ... . My sister will shout at me if I ... The teacher will not be happy if we ... You will do well at school if you ...

Слайд 6

Use Conditional 1 to make sentences If Peter __________ (come) to my place, we__________ (go) to play in the yard . If Peter__________ (not come) to my place, I __________ (watch) TV. If Frank’s parents__________ (have) their holidays in summer, they __________ (go) to the seaside. If they __________ (have) their holidays in winter, they __________ (stay) at home. If the fog _______ (thicken), Harold _______ (put up) the tent for the night. When I _______ (finish) my work, I_______ (go) to the cinema. We _______ (buy) this book as soon as our mother_______ (give) us some money. When we _______ (come) to your place you_______ (show) us your present. I _______ (not return ) you your ring if you _______ (not ask ) me. I _______ (wait) for my friend until he_______ (come) from the shop. My father_______ (start) writing before the sun _______ (rise). As soon as you _______ (finish) your study I_______ (present) you with a new flat .

Слайд 7

What will you do if you jump into the river and see a crocodile there? What will your mother do if you break her favourite vase ? What will the teacher do if you don’t do what she asks you to do? What will your friends do if you call them bad names? What will you do if you lose your school record- book ?

Слайд 8

Form the First Conditional Maria is a girl from your country. She is studying English and she'd like to visit an English-speaking country. If Maria (go) abroad, she (go) to England or America. She (visit) London if she (go) to England. If she (stay) in London, she (spend) much money. She (not be able) to stay for long if she (spend) all her money. If her holiday (be) very short, she (not practice) her English. It (be) a pity if she (not try) to speak English .

Слайд 9

Conditional 2 CONDITIONAL 2 Unreal action in the present or future If If I were the God, I would help everybody Если бы я был Богом, я бы всем помог V2 Would + V1

Слайд 10

Conditional 2

Слайд 11

If all the seas were one sea, What a great sea that would be! If all the trees were one tree, What a great tree that would be! And if all the axes were one axe, What a great axe that would be! And if all the men were one man, What a great man that would be! And if the great man took the great axe, And cut down the great tree, And let it fall into the great sea, What a splish -splash that would be! Кабы реки и озёра Слить бы в озеро одно, А из всех деревьев бора Сделать дерево одно, Топоры бы все расплавить И отлить один топор, А из всех людей составить Человека выше гор, Кабы, взяв топор могучий, Этот грозный великан Этот ствол обрушил с кручи В это море-океан, То-то громкий был бы треск, То-то шумный был бы плеск!

Слайд 12

Conditional 2 If I had a lot of money, If my mother were a queen, If my family lived in Australia, I would play the guitar very well My father would speak 3 languages We wouldn’t wear warm clothes if I were talented If he had a good memory I would travel around the world I wouldn’t go to school at all

Слайд 13

If you (drive) more carefully, you (not/have ) so many accidents. If he (get up) earlier, he (get ) to work on time. If we (have) more time, I (tell) you more about it. If you (sell) more products, you (earn) more money. I (help) you if you (trust) me more. His car (be) a lot safer if he (buy) some new tires. The children (be) better swimmers if they (go) swimming more frequently. If I (be) you, I (not worry) about going to university. If I (have) any money, I (give) you some . I (live) in the country if my mother (not/work)

Слайд 14

If I had one million euro, I would … What would you do if it were the last day of your life tomorrow? What would you do if your friend were seriously ill? If I were a Brazilian boy/girl, …. I would win all the championships if … I would be the first student in class if

Слайд 15

Conditional 1 and 2 (oral) 1) If you come with me, I (to do) the shopping with you. 2) Walter (to help) his mother in the garden if she reads him a story this evening. 3) If it (to rain) , I will stay at home. 4) Our teacher will be happy if we (to learn) the poem by heart. 5) If they had enough money, they (to buy) a new car. 6) We (to pass) the exam if we studied harder. 7) If Pat (to repair) his bike, he could go on a bicycle tour with us. 8) She would get 100 pounds if she (to sell) this old shelf. 9) If I was/were you, I (to invite) Jack to the party. 10) If the weather (to be) fine, the children can walk to school.

Слайд 16

Unless = if not If I were my mother/father, I would … If I were my English teacher, I …. If tomorrow were the last day of my life, …

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Past Simple

Слайд 2

Past Simple Прошедшее Простое Время Поможет тебе рассказать о том, что ты сделал : Вчера (yesterday) , 3 дня назад ( 3 days ago) , На прошлой неделе, месяце, году (last week, last month, last year). То есть Past Simple обозначает обычное прошедшее завершенное действие .

Слайд 3

Past Simple I played football yesterday

Слайд 4

I helped my sister to do homework a week ago

Слайд 5

I watched TV at 23.00 last week

Слайд 6

играл play ed Я I Из чего состоит Past Simple

Слайд 7

I watch ed TV yesterday Чтобы рассказать о том, что произошло надо к глаголу добавить окончание - ed

Слайд 8

А есть еще и неправильные Но окончание –ed добавляется только к правильным глаголам

Слайд 9

I play ed football You play ed football We play ed football They play ed football He play ed football She play ed football

Слайд 10

I watch ed TV You watch ed TV We watch ed TV They watch ed TV He watch ed TV She watch ed TV

Слайд 11

Правильные глаголы V1 – V2 Play – play ed Clean - clean ed Like – like d Help – help ed Skip - skip ped Watch – watch ed Want – want ed

Слайд 12

ed = [d] ed = [t] ed = [id] Answered Carried Studied Listened Played Phoned Turned Called Worried Stayed Tried Happened Checked Dropped Matched Milked Walked Wished Asked Helped Looked Worked Decorated Repeated Rested Invited Dusted Granted Started Wanted

Слайд 13

Dear Boss, Yesterday (be) Sunday. I ( watch) the MacWizards from 7 in the morning. At 8 the door ( open) . It (be) Rosy. She ( walk) the dogs and ( close) the doors again. Betsey ( cook) breakfast and the boys ( help) her. The weather (be) very bad so Betsey ( watch) TV. With the boys Rosy ( look) at the family portraits. An interesting thing ( happen) .

Слайд 14

Dear Boss, Yesterday was Sunday. I watched the MacWizards from 7 in the morning. At 8 the door opened . It was Rosy. She walked the dogs and closed the doors again. Betsey cooked breakfast and the boys helped her. The weather was very bad so Betsey watched TV. With the boys Rosy looked at the family portraits. An interesting thing happened .

Слайд 15

Look and say what Lucy did last week

Слайд 16

Look and say what Willy did yesterday

Слайд 17

I play football every day Tom is a boaster ( хвастун ) . Say that you did the same yesterday

Слайд 18

I played football yesterday Tom is a boaster ( хвастун ) . Say that you did the same yesterday

Слайд 19

I watch TV every day

Слайд 20

I skip every day

Слайд 21

I jump every day

Слайд 22

I wash face and hands every day

Слайд 23

I clean teeth every day

Слайд 24

Past Simple Отрицательная форма

Слайд 25

You didn’t play played You Отрицать нам поможет вспомогательный глагол didn’t

Слайд 26

I didn’t play played I Отрицать нам поможет вспомогательный глагол didn’t

Слайд 27

He didn’t play played He Отрицать нам поможет вспомогательный глагол didn’t

Слайд 28

П didn’t V Ved П Отрицать нам поможет вспомогательный глагол didn’t

Слайд 29

I didn’t watch TV You didn’t watch TV We didn’t watch TV They didn’t watch TV He didn’t watch TV She didn’t watch TV

Слайд 30

My sisters didn’t skip 50 times. We like porridge yesterday. My friend ski yesterday night. Ann and Pam help about the house Your mother watch TV at 23.00. Kate skate in April. I wash up last week. You play chess a year ago.

Слайд 31

“ School news” Masha jumped 2 metres high yesterday. Sasha and Natasha walked in the park on Sunday. English teacher played computer games on her lesson a week ago. Maths teacher listened to English music on his lesson. 6 “A” class travelled to Irkutsk last month.

Слайд 32

Tom is a boaster ( хвастун ) . Correct him I played tennis with Safin yesterday

Слайд 33

You didn’t play tennis with Safin yesterday

Слайд 34

My brothers played football with Beckham last month

Слайд 35

Your brothers didn’t play football with Beckham last month

Слайд 36

You watched TV at 23 yesterday

Слайд 37

We didn’t watch TV at 23 yesterday

Слайд 38

Past Simple Вопросительная форма

Слайд 39

you Did play? played You Спрашивать нам поможет вспомогательный глагол Did

Слайд 40

he Did play? played He Спрашивать нам поможет вспомогательный глагол Did

Слайд 41

Вспомо- гательный глагол сказуемое сказуемое Подле - жащее Подле - жащее Past Simple вопросительная форма

Слайд 42

Did V? Ved Подле - жащее Подле - жащее Past Simple вопросительная форма

Слайд 43

Did you like to swim? Yes, we did

Слайд 44

Did your mother watch TV yesterday evening? No, she didn’t

Слайд 45

Did you play chess last month? Answer Kate ( Ответь Кейт )

Слайд 46

Did you play basketball last year?

Слайд 47

Did you wash your face and hands yesterday?

Слайд 48

Did your sister help about the house yesterday?

Слайд 49

Did your mother help you to do your homework yesterday?

Слайд 50

Did your brother watch TV late at night yesterday?

Слайд 51

Спросите о том, что Синди делала вчера

Слайд 52

Спросите о том, что Тигра делал на прошлой неделе

Слайд 53

Специальные вопросительные предложения начинаются со специальных слов: What, when, where, why, with whom, how, who

Слайд 54

did play? played you You Вопросительное слово стоит перед вспомогательным глаголом did What

Слайд 55

did skate? skated you You Where

Слайд 56

Sam skied in the forest last week Did Sam ski in the forest last week? Where did Sam ski last week? When did Sam ski in the forest? Who did Sam ski in the forest last week with ? What did Sam do last week? Who skied in the forest last week?

Слайд 57

We played tennis 2 days ago Did you play tennis 2 days ago? Where did you play tennis 2 days ago? When did you play tennis? With whom did you play tennis 2 days ago? What did you play 2 days ago? Who played tennis 2 days ago?

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Прошедшее Простое время Past Simple

Слайд 2

Неправильные глаголы Правильные глаголы V 2 Ved was were did did played went Past Simple

Слайд 3

Past Simple Прошедшее Простое Время Поможет тебе рассказать о том, что ты делал , например : Вчера ( yesterday ) , 3 дня назад ( 3 days ago ) , На прошлой неделе, месяце, году ( last week, last month, last year ). То есть Past Simple обозначает обычное прошедшее завершенное действие .

Слайд 4

Be was am is are were Present Simple Past Simple

Слайд 5

Be was am is are Present Simple Past Simple I He She We You They I He She were We You They

Слайд 6

I was at school yesterday

Слайд 7

I was at the stadium a week ago

Слайд 8

We were at the cinema last week

Слайд 9

Be I am at home He is at home She is at home It is at home We are at home You are at home They are at home I was at school He was at school She was at school It was at school We were at school You were at school They were at school

Слайд 10

Put was or were I am in Ulan-Ude now but two years ago I … in Barguzin . We are in the 6 th form now but last year we … in the 5 th form. Jim is taller than Bob now but 6 months ago he … shorter. Alice and Nancy are in London now but yesterday they … in Edinburgh.

Слайд 11

Put was or were I am in now Ulan-Ude but two years ago I was in Barguzin . We are in the 6 th form now but last year we were in the 5 th form. Jim is taller than Bob now but 6 months ago he was shorter. Alice and Nancy are in London now but yesterday they were in Edinburgh.

Слайд 12

Отрицательная форма was were not not

Слайд 13

Be + not ( n’t ) I am not at home He isn’t at home She isn’t at home We aren’t at home You aren’t at home They aren’t at home I wasn’t at school He wasn’t at school She wasn’t at school We weren’t at school You weren’t at school They weren’t at school

Слайд 14

Ex. 1 My mother … a teacher when she was young. We … in Moscow last summer. It … interesting. My friends … at school yesterday, but I … at home because I … well. We … happy with our room. It … very small and the windows … dirty. … Tom and Liz at your birthday party on Sunday? Tom …, but Liz …. She … busy yesterday. Where … your brother? He … at home with his friends.

Слайд 15

Ex. 1 My mother was a teacher. We … in Moscow. It … interesting. My friends … at school, but I … at home because I … well. We … happy with our room. It … very small and the windows … dirty. … Tom and Liz at your birthday party? Tom …, but Liz …. She … busy yesterday. Where … your brother? He … at home with his friends.

Слайд 16

Ex. A p.146 My mother was a teacher. We were in Moscow. It was interesting. My friends … at school, but I … at home because I … well. We … happy with our room. It … very small and the windows … dirty. … Tom and Liz at your birthday party? Tom …, but Liz …. She … busy yesterday. Where … your brother? He … at home with his friends.

Слайд 17

Ex. A p.146 My mother was a teacher. We were in Moscow. It was interesting. My friends were at school, but I was at home because I wasn’t well. We … happy with our room. It … very small and the windows … dirty. … Tom and Liz at your birthday party? Tom …, but Liz …. She … busy yesterday. Where … your brother? He … at home with his friends.

Слайд 18

Ex. A p.146 My mother was a teacher. We were in Moscow. It was interesting. My friends were at school, but I was at home because I wasn’t well. We weren’t happy with our room. It was very small and the windows were dirty. … Tom and Liz at your birthday party? Tom …, but Liz …. She … busy yesterday. Where … your brother? He … at home with his friends.

Слайд 19

Ex. A p.146 My mother was a teacher. We were in Moscow. It was interesting. My friends were at school, but I was at home because I wasn’t well. We weren’t happy with our room. It was very small and the windows were dirty. Were Tom and Liz at your birthday party? Tom was , but Liz wasn’t . She was busy yesterday. Where … your brother? He … at home with his friends.

Слайд 20

Ex. A p.146 My mother was a teacher. We were in Moscow. It was interesting. My friends were at school, but I was at home because I wasn’t well. We weren’t happy with our room. It was very small and the windows were dirty. Were Tom and Liz at your birthday party? Tom was , but Liz wasn’t . She was busy yesterday. Where was your brother? He was at home with his friends.

Слайд 21

Вопросительная форма Was I at school yesterday? Was he at school yesterday? Was she at school yesterday? Were you at school yesterday? Were we at school yesterday? Were they at school yesterday?

Слайд 22

Вопросительная форма was I I was where at school Yes, you were You were at school

Слайд 23

Вопросительная форма were you you were where Yes, I was I was at home

Слайд 24

I am hungry now Where is he today? We are cold now He isn’t late for school every day My breakfast is always very tasty Are your friends in the museum now? Who is at home now? Where are they at the moment? Is Cute at the office now? I am not busy at the moment I was hungry yesterday Where was he yesterday? We were cold yesterday He wasn’t late for school yesterday My breakfast was very tasty yesterday Were your friends in the museum yesterday? Who was at home yesterday? Where were they yesterday? Was Cute at the office yesterday? I wasn’t busy yesterday

Слайд 25

Abby was at the stadium last week Was she at the stadium last week? Where was she last week? When was she at the stadium? Why was she at the stadium? With whom was she at the stadium? Who was at the stadium last week ?

Слайд 26

Sam and Jane were at the disco last Sunday Were they at the disco last Sunday? Where were they last Sunday? When were they at the disco? Why were Sam and Jane at the disco last Sunday? Who were they at the disco last Sunday with? Who was at the disco last Sunday?

Слайд 27

My parents were at school yesterday

Слайд 28

Phone talk Hello, Jack! Where were you yesterday? Hello, Nan! I was at the swimming pool. With whom were you there? I was there with my brothers. Was your mother with you? No, she wasn’t. She was busy. She was at home.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

reported speech

Слайд 2

I say: “I love football!” Direct speech – Прямая речь

Слайд 3

I say: “I love football!” He says he loves football

Слайд 4

Reported speech – Косвенная речь Косвенная речь передает косвенно слова автора, без кавычек и двоеточия He says he loves football

Слайд 5

My friends love football! He says his friends love football

Слайд 6

I don’t love dogs! He says he doesn’t love dogs

Слайд 7

I have bought a car! He says he has bought a car

Слайд 8

I am playing football now! He says he is playing football now

Слайд 9

I will eat you! He says he will eat us

Слайд 10

I am glad to see you! He says he is glad to see us

Слайд 11

I am glad to see you! He is glad that he sees us

Слайд 12

I hate mice! He says he ……..

Слайд 13

I hate mice! He says he hates mice

Слайд 14

My brother likes to eat dogs! He says ……….

Слайд 15

My brother likes to eat dogs! He says his brother likes to eat dogs

Слайд 16

I have killed ten dogs! He says he has killed ten dogs

Слайд 17

Повелительная форма Повелительно-отрицательная форма В косвенной речи в повелительной форме глагол стоит в безличной форме после частицы to – to V1 Mother asks me to buy some bread Teacher tells us to write down this phrase Father asks me not to go to the disco Teachers tell us not to make a lot of noise

Слайд 18

Go away! He tells us to go away

Слайд 19

Don’t drink my coffee! He tells us not to drink his coffee

Слайд 20

Do homework every day!

Слайд 21

The teacher says to do homework every day

Слайд 22

Learn this poem by heart!

Слайд 23

The teacher says to learn that poem by heart

Слайд 24

Don’t talk on the lessons!

Слайд 25

The teacher says not to talk on the lessons

Слайд 26

Don’t watch TV late at night!

Слайд 27

The teacher says not to watch TV late at night

Слайд 28

Did you learn your homework? He asks me if I learnt my homework

Слайд 29

Вопросительная форма В косвенной речи общий вопрос передается при помощи if , после которого обязательно идет прямой порядок слов: подлежащее + сказуемое (без вспомогательного глагола do, does, did !) I ask you if you do homework every day

Слайд 30

Have you brought your textbook? He asks me if I … …………

Слайд 31

Does your mother look your copybooks? ………… ..

Слайд 32

Will your parents come to school? ……………… ..

Слайд 33

Специальный вопрос В косвенной речи в специальном вопросительном предложении сначала ставится специальный вопрос , а после него прямой порядок слов I ask you when you usually do homework

Слайд 34

When did Columbus discover America? He asks when Columbus discovered America

Слайд 35

Where does the Mississippi flow? He asks ………..

Слайд 36

How many poems by Pushkin have you read? ……………… .

Слайд 37

Согласование времен в косвенной речи

Слайд 38

Если вводный глагол (he said, he asked) стоит в Past Simple , то происходит согласование времен : He said: “I love English” He said he loved English Здесь происходит перенос глагола (love) из настоящего в прошедшее (loved) , чтобы показать равность происходивших действий (он сказал , что любил Английский язык)

Слайд 39

He said he was at home He said: “ I am at home”

Слайд 40

He said they were at home that day He said: “ We are at home today”

Слайд 41

He said he liked flowers He said: “ I like flowers”

Слайд 42

He said Past Simple He said: Present Simple

Слайд 43

He said: Past Continuous He said Present Continuous

Слайд 44

He said he was sleeping then He said: “ I am sleeping now”

Слайд 45

He said: Past Perfect He said Present Perfect

Слайд 46

He said he had slept He said: “ I have slept”

Слайд 47

He said Past Perfect He said Past Simple

Слайд 48

He said he had been at home the day before He said: “ I was at home yesterday”

Слайд 49

He said he had taken that book He said: “ I took this book”

Слайд 50

He said Future in the Past He said Future Simple

Слайд 51

He said he would come the next day He said: “ I will come tomorrow”

Слайд 52

Согласование времен Present Simple Past Simple Present Continuous Past Continuous Present Perfect Past Perfect Past Simple Past Perfect Future Simple Future in the Past

Слайд 53

Согласование времен Am, is, are Was, were Am, is, are + Ving Was, were + Ving Have, has + V3/ed Had + V3/ed V2/ed Had + V3/ed Will + V1 Would + V1

Слайд 54

Согласование времен Present Simple Am, is, are Past Simple Was, were Present Continuous Am, is, are + Ving Past Continuous Was, were + Ving Present Perfect Have, has + V3/ed Past Perfect Had + V3/ed Past Simple V2/ed Past Perfect Had + V3/ed Future Simple Will + V1 Future in the Past Would + V1

Слайд 55

Now Then Yesterday The day before Here There Last year The previous year This That Tomorrow The next day These Those In 2 days 2 days later Today That day Next day The next day, the following day 3 days ago 3 days before In a month A month later

Слайд 56

I am reading a very interesting book now!

Слайд 57

He said he was reading a very interesting book then

Слайд 58

My friends are here now!

Слайд 59

He said his friends were there then

Слайд 60

I saw your friends last week!

Слайд 61

He said he had seen our friends the previous week

Слайд 62

My brother has bought a new car!

Слайд 63

He said his brother had bought a new car

Слайд 64

I will travel to Europe next summer!

Слайд 65

He said he would travel to Europe the next summer

Слайд 66

Have you ever seen a kangaroo?

Слайд 67

Did you go to the disco yesterday?

Слайд 68

When did you get up today?

Слайд 69

Where did you go yesterday?

Слайд 70

Will you go to the disco with me?

Слайд 71

Reported Speech is very easy, guys!

Слайд 72

Для более точного изложения истории можно использовать менее распространенные глаголы, такие как admit ( признавать, соглашаться ) , claim (заявлять, утверждать) , confirm (подтверждать) , deny (отрицать) и insist (настаивать) . Такие глаголы также делают ваш рассказ более живописным и расширенным.

Слайд 73

Then, Gavin claims that he can use recycled cooking oil from restaurants as 'petrol' in his new truck. Затем Гевин заявляет, что в своём новом грузовике он может использовать переработанный кухонный жир из ресторанов вместо 'petrol'. First, I confirmed that 'petrol' means 'gas' in American English. Сначала я уточнил, что в американском варианте английского 'petrol' означает «бензин». Then, I insisted that we use real gasoline. Затем я настоял на том, чтобы мы использовали настоящий бензин. At first Gavin denied I had a point, but he later admitted it. Сначала Гевин отрицал мои аргументы, но потом он их признал.

Слайд 74

TEST Sasha said: “My sister isn’t sick” Sasha said: “His brothers are in New-York now!” Tanya said: “I have bought a dress!” Tanya said: “My sister has a toothache” Kolya said: “I am going to see the doctor.” Kolya said: “I can play the piano very well” Denis said: “The doctor is taking my temperature” Denis said: “Father takes me to the dentist twice a year” Max said: “The doctor prescribes the medicine” Max said: “I seldom eat chocolate” Roma said: “It doesn’t rain” Roma said: “I have no backache” Lucy said: “I don’t swim” Lucy said: “I didn’t eat healthy food” Ann was interested: “Are you drinking hot milk?” Ann was interested: “Does your mother take medicine?” Ann was interested: “Have you got a sore throat?” Ann was interested: “How often do you play tennis?” Mother said: “I shall be back next week” Andrew said: “We shan’t come to you next day” Andrew said: “They won’t arrive in 5 days” My little sister said: “I shan’t take this medicine” Sarah asked Rose: “Will you help me tomorrow?” Sarah asked the doctor: “Will you take my pressure?” Sarah asked father: “Why won’t you take me to the Zoo?”

Слайд 75

Sarah asked Mary: “When will you bring this dress?” Tom said: “I have lost my copybooks” Tom said: “Sandra has fallen ill” Tom said: “My sister has broken her arm” Bob said: “She broke this vase three days ago” Bob said: “Mother was on a diet last week” Fred said: “I saw this man yesterday” Jane asked Rita: “Have you seen this boy?” Jane asked Rita: “Has your friend ever written you?” Jane asked Rita: “Did you see Mary yesterday?” Marian asked Tom: “Were you at the Jones’ last week?” Marian asked Tom: “Have you ever been to Spain?” Teacher asked: “Who has lost these pencils?” Teacher asked Tim: “What have you seen here?” Teacher asked Rose: “What did you do a week ago?” Teacher asked Sam: “When did your parents come?” The teacher said: “Stop talking!” The teacher said: “Be ready to answer the questions!” The teacher said: “Learn this text by heart!” The teacher said: “Close the books, please.” The teacher said: “Kate, come to the blackboard, please.” Mother said: “Don’t go to the disco today” Mother said: “Don’t speak with this woman” Mother said: “Don’t walk late, please.” My friend told me: “Don’t smoke, please.”

Слайд 76

The doctor’s advice Once an old gentleman went to see a doctor. The doctor examined him and said: - Medicine won’t help you! Go to a quiet country for a month and have a rest. Your illness is not serious. Then he advised to the old gentleman: - Don’t worry! Go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot, smoke just one cigar a day and you will recover pretty soon. The old gentleman nodded and answered: - Thank you very much, doctor. I shall do everything you have said. A month later the same gentleman came to see the doctor again. The doctor asked him: - How are you? I am glad to see you. You look much younger! The old gentleman replied: - Oh, doctor, I feel quite all right now. I had a good rest. I went to bed early, I drank a lot of milk and I walked a lot. Your advice certainly helped me. But you told me to smoke one cigar a day, and that one cigar will kill me! It is not a joke to start smoking at my age!

Слайд 77

An Excellent Student A teacher was asking Tom a lot of questions. But his knowledge was very poor and he couldn't answer any of them. The teacher asked him questions on geography and history of Great Britain and the USA. - What parts does the United Kingdom consist of? - she asked him. - What are the emblems of England, Scotland and Wales? - she wanted to know. - I don’t know.- Tom said. He looked very unhappy. The teacher then decided to ask him some very easy questions: - Please tell me, when was the Great Fire of London? Tom shook his head: - I don't know the answer. - Who was the first President of the United States? continued the teacher. She thought it was the easiest question possible. But Tom couldn't answer it either. He thought for a long time, but didn't say anything. The teacher got very angry and shouted, "George Washington!" The student got up and began to walk to his seat. Come back! - the teacher said. - I didn't tell you to go. Oh, I'm sorry, - the student said. - I thought you call the next student.