Работа по выявлению и развитию способностей учащихся

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Олимпиадные задания по английскому языку для 6 классов

Use of English.

PART 1. Circle the odd word in each group.

1. table chair window bed stool

2. bear funny fox elephant tiger

3. hot cold blue sad tired

4. chicken eat duck parrot penguin

5. TV computer video player mobile phone CD

PART 2. Match the definitions to the words.

6. get on a bus here a) cinema

7. play sports here b) bank

you can 8. buy things here c) leisure centre

9. watch films here d) bus station

10. get money here e) shops

PART 3. Underline the correct word.

11. It’s very hot today. Where’s my T-shirt/jacket?

12. Linda’s cold. She’s looking for her scarf/dress.

13. Let’s play volleyball. I’ve got my shoes/trainers here.

14. My mum’s eyes are fair/grey.

15. My brother’s hair is reddish-brown/tall.

16. How tall are you? I’m of medium length/medium height.

17. It’s a cold day. Where are you trousers/shorts?

18. I’m going to the beach. I need my baseball cap/socks.

19. Sarah’s hair is very tall/long.

20. Anne’s hair is quite shorts/fair.

PART 4. Write the questions in the interview with a pop star.

21. A) ……….

B) I usually get up at seven o’clock

22. A)

B) I always have an apple for breakfast

23. A) ……….

B) No, I don’t. I never drink coffee

24. A)

B) Well, now I'm drinking water. It’s very good for you

25. A) ……….

B) My favourite food is fruit

26. A)

B) No, I don’t like chocolate!

27. A) ……….

B) Yes, I can. I like to cook when I'm not working

28. A) ……….

B) Yes, I have. I’ve got two cats

29. A) ……….

B) The cats’ names are Wiffy and Scrunch

30. A) ……….

B) Yes, I like them


PART 5. What do these signs mean? Circle the correct option.

a) open in the evenings

31) Open 9, Monday-Saturday b) open every day

c) not open on Sundays

a) no bikes on the grass

32) Don’t ride your bike on the grass b) park your bikes on the grass

c) leave your bike at home

a) see you later

33) Welcome to London b) this is way to London

c) we hope you have a nice time here in London

a) don’t turn left

34) Keep to the left b) look to your left

c) stay on the left side

a) this is hotel room

35) Class 2A b) This is a classroom

c) This is a train

PART 6. Read the text and answer the questions.

“When I wake up I don’t get up immediately. I turn on the television and watch the children’s programmes and old movies until about half-past ten. Then I get up, go downstairs and switch on the telly. For lunch, I have biscuits and a glass of milk, and I watch the news. In the afternoon? I often watch another old film – they're showing some good ones at the moment. In the evenings, I often watch soap operas or sport and the news again. I like the main news at six o’clock. At nine thirty, if there is a good play on BBC, I switch over and watch it. Then at night I watch more films and I usually switch off the telly at about two o’clock. I never watch the TV all ;

  1. What programmes does he watch in the morning?
  2. What programmes does he watch in the evening?
  3. What is his favourite programme?
  4. When does he switch the TV off?
  5. How many TV sets has he got?

PART 7. Read the following information and decide if the sentences below are true (T) or false (F).

Oscars – Brasserie Restaurant – an exclusive European – style restaurant with adjacent bar lounge at the south end of the Viewing Mall. Openings hours: Restaurant 12 noon – , – Telephone 545-3177

Le Cafe – specialises in Indian, Malay and local food, and western favourites. At the centre of the Viewing Mall. Open am – Telephone: 545-2413

Sakuraya Japanese Restaurant – a traditional Japanese restaurant serving typical Japanese dishes with style and grace. Open – and –

Telephone: 545-0780

  1. Oscars offers European food
  2. Le Cafe is at the south end of the Viewing Mall
  3. Sakuraya is a traditional Japanese restaurant
  4. All restaurants are open at
  5. Sakuraya has a bar lounge

PART 8. Read an extract from this letter and make questions for these answers.

Dear Libby,

Here I am deep in Mexico! It’s six in the evening, and nearly time for dinner. Pippa is looking at the map and planning tomorrow’s adventures.

We arrived in Mexico City at on Wednesday night. We decided to stay in an expensive hotel because this was our first night in a new country. Next day we did a few sights – governmental palace, textile museum etc. Then we caught a bus to Xela. It’s four hours by bus and we got there about Unfortunately it was dark so we couldn’t see the volcanoes and lakes as we drove up into the mountains.

  1. At on Wednesday night.
  2. A Palace and museum.
  3. It’s four hours by bus.
  4. About
  5. Because it was dark.





































medium height




baseball cap







When do you get up?


What do you have for breakfast?


Do you drink coffee?


What are you drinking?


What’s you favourite food?


Do you like chocolate?


Can you cook?


Have you got any pets?


What are their names?


Do you like them?















children’s programmes, old movies


soap operas, sports, news




2 am/2 o'clock at night
















When did they arrive?


What did they see?


How long did they go by bus?


When did they get there?


Why couldn’t they see the volcanoes?

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Грамматика в стихах и рифмовках.

Звук [ ] Звук [n]
This is my mother, I love learning English,
This is my father, I can read,
This is my sister, I can write,
This is my brother, I can speak English too.
This is my uncle, I love learning English,
This is my aunt Lily, And what about you?
This is my cousin,
And this is me.

Звук [f] Звуки [], [s]
Flowers here, She sells sea shells
Flowers there, On the sea shore. The shells
Flowers growing that she sells are sea shells,
Everywhere. I am sure.

Red and Yellow,
White and blue,
The gayest flowers
Are just for you.

Red, red, red the rose,
Blue, blue, blue the dress,
Grey, grey, grey the cat,
And so is the rat.

Once I saw a little bird
Come hop, hop, hop,
And I cried, Little bird,
Will you stop, stop, stop?

It’s fun to be this,
It’s fine to be that,
To leap like a lamb,
To climb like a cat,
To swim like a fish,
To hop like a frog,
To trot like a horse,
To jump like a dog.

Формы глагола
to be.

I am a mouse,
You are a cat.
One, two, three,
You catch me

I am Ann, I am not Ann,
You are Dan, You are not Dan,
He is Peter, Hi is not Peter,
She is Rita. She is not Rita.

They are four, Am I Ann?
No more. Are you Dan?
Is he Peter?
Is she Rita?

Present Simple

I live here, I love my cat
You live near, It’s warm and fat.
Tom lives so far My cat is grey,
That he goes in a car. It likes to play

We live near,
You live here,
Tom and Ray
Live far away.

This is my sister,
Her name ai Ann
She goes to school,
She is already ten.

Present Simple в придаточных условиях и времени.

When I am ten,
I’ll get a pen,
Then I shall write
Like brother Ben

Past Simple

Humpty Dupmty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dupmty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses,
And all the king’s men,
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Present Perfect, Past Simple/

Little girl, little girl,
Where have you been?
I’ve been to see grandmother
Over the green.
What did she give you?
Milk in a can.
What did you say for it?
Thank you, Grandam.

Present Continuous

One, two, three,
Look out for me,
For I am coming
And I can see.

I am counting to ten,
You are giving them a pen,
She is looking at the door,
He is sitting on the floor.
All of us are working well,
Waiting, waiting for the bell.

Модальный глагол can

I love learning English,
I can read,
I can write,
I can speak English too,
I love learning English
And what about you?

Личные и притяжательные местоимения.

I think mice
Are very nice.
Their tails are long,
Their faces small.
They don’t have any
Chins at all.
Their ears are pink,
Their teeth are white.
They run about
The house at night.
But I think mice
Are rather nice.

Mind the clock
And keep the rule;
Try to come
On time to school.

«Tick,» the clock says,
«Tick, Tick, Tick!»
What you have to do
Do quick.

Go to bed late,
Stay very small,
Go to bed early,
Grow very tall.

Early to bed,
Early to rise
Makes a man healthy,
Wealthy and wise.

Let us try to be polite
In everything we do
Remember always to say «Please».
And don’t forget «Thank you».

Hearth like doors will open ease
To very, very little keys,
And don’t forget that they are these
«We thank you all and If you please.»

Stop! Look! Listen!
Before you cross the street,
Use your eyes, use your ears,
And then use tour feet.

Learn this little lesson
As well as you can
Be tidy like Tom,
Not dirty like Dan

After dinner sit a while,
After supper walk a mile.

Предварительный просмотр:

Работа с текстом лингвострановедческого содержания на уроках английского языка

        Тексты лингвострановедческого характера занимают сегодня всё большее место в процессе обучения иностранным языкам. Благодаря таким текстам учащиеся знакомятся с реалиями страны изучаемого языка, получают дополнительные знания в области географии,  образования, культуры и т.д.  Работа с текстами лингвострановедческого содержания повышает качество знаний учащихся по предмету, активизирует их мыслительную деятельность, формирует определённый уровень социокультурной компетенции.

          Содержание данных текстов должно быть значимым для школьников, иметь определенную новизну при описании реалий стран изучаемого языка. Важным звеном в процессе обучения является контроль прочитанного. Формы контроля могут быть как традиционными: ответы на вопросы по содержанию текста, нахождение на карте географических наименований, встречающихся в тексте, краткий пересказ текста, характеристика ряда предложений, которые могут быть отнесены к тексту с  точки зрения их правильности  ( True or False?) так и нетрадиционными: прежде всего, разные виды тестов. Выполнение теста занимает немного времени и позволяет проверить всех учащихся класса, поставленных в равные условия. Иногда в зависимости от степени сложности текста и задач урока можно сочетать традиционные и нетрадиционные формы контроля.

Приведу пример работы с текстом «Wild America.The Grand Canyon»в X классе при изучении темы «How Different the World Is» (с применением традиционных форм контроля прочитанного):

Read this text attentively and complete the following tasks:

1. Are these sentences true or false?

1. Today the Grand Canyon is one mile deep and 277 miles long.

2. The oldest rocks at the bottom of the canyon are only one million years old.

3. The South Rim has tall forests. The North Rim is dry desert country.

4. In winter the canyon is covered with snow.

       2. Can you answer these questions?

  1. What river formed the Grand Canyon?
  2. Is it cold or hot inside the canyon?
  3. Why do many visitors come to the South Rim?
  4. How long does it take to get to the North Rim from the South Rim?
  5. What is the «Painted Desert»?
  6. What is better: to see the Grand Canyon from the top or from the bottom?

Пример работы с текстом «The Statue of  Liberty» (с применением смешанных форм контроля прочитанного):

Read this text attentively and complete the following tasks:

The statue of Liberty

One of the most famous statues in the world stands on an island in New York Harbor. This statue is, of course, the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is a woman who holds a torch up high. Visitors can go inside the statue. The statue is so large that as many as twelve people can stand inside the torch. Many more people can stand in other parts of the statue. The statue weighs 225 tons and is 301 feet tall.

The Statue of Liberty was put up in 1886. It was a gift to the United States from the people of France. Over the years France and the United States had a special relationship. In 1776 France helped the American colonies gain independence from England. The French wanted to do something special for the U.S. centennial, its 100th birthday.

Laboulaye was a well – known Frenchman who admired the United States. One night at a dinner in his house, Laboulaye talked about the idea of a gift. Among Laboulaye`s guests was the French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Bartholdi thought of a statue of liberty. He offered to design the statue.

Many people contributed in some way. The French people gave money for the statue. Americans designed and built the pedestal for the statue to stand on. The American people raised money to pay for the pedestal. The French engineer Alexander Eiffel, Who was famous for his Eiffel Tower in Paris, figured out how to make the heavy statue stand.

In the years after the statue was put up, many immigrants came to the United States through New York. As they entered New York Harbor, they saw the Statue of Liberty holding up her torch. She symbolized a welcome to a land of freedom.


Complete the sentences. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

  1. The people of France wanted to give the United States a special…
  1. gift b) torch
  1. France and the USA had a special…
  1. Independence b) relationship
  1. France helped the American colonies… independence.
  1. Build b) gain
  1. A famous Frenchman, Laboulaye, … the United States.
  1. admired  b) visited
  1. Frederic Bartholdi… to design the statue.
  1. Contributed b) offered
  1. The Statue of Liberty stands on a…
  1. Pedestal b) harbor

Comprehension (Looking for Details)

Circle T if the sentence is true. Circle F if the sentence is false.

  1. Twelve people can stand inside the torch of the statue. T/F
  2.  The United States helped France gain its independence in 1776. T/F
  3.  Alexander Eiffel was among the guests at Laboulaye`s house. T/F
  4.  Frederic Bartholdi was a French engineer. T/F
  5.  Americans designed the pedestal for the statue. T/F