Контрольные и проверочные работы.

Ольга Николаевна Глызова

На данной странице собраны различные виды контрольных и самостоятельных работ для проверки знаний учащихся 2-4 классов, обучающихся по УМК "Планета Знаний", "Forward", "Spotlight". Предлагаю воспользоваться готовыми разработками, которые подойдут как для текущего, так и для промежуточного контроля.


Файл Контрольная работа к УМК "Spotlight" 2 класс20.76 КБ
Файл Контрольная работа к УМК "Forward" 2 класс19.33 КБ
Файл Контрольная работа к УМК "Планета Знаний" 2 класс19.22 КБ
Файл Контрольная работа к УМК "Spotlight" 3 класс19.1 КБ
Файл Контрольная работа к УМК "Forward" 3 класс20.83 КБ
Файл Контрольная работа к УМК "Планета Знаний" 3 класс19.77 КБ
Файл Итоговая контрольная работа для 4 класса21.75 КБ
Файл Проверочная работа "Настоящее простое время"13.6 КБ
Файл Проверочная работа "Время. Часы."40.39 КБ
Файл Проверочная работа "Пища"14.84 КБ
Файл Проверочная работа "Числительные 1-100"12.97 КБ
Файл Проверочная работа по теме "Части тела" 2 класс11.53 КБ
Файл Проверочная работа по теме"Глаголы действия в Present simple" 2 класс16.84 КБ
Файл Самостоятельная работа по теме"Счет в пределах 1000" 3 класс13.22 КБ
Файл Экспресс-тест "Сравнение времен гр. Present"14.99 КБ
Файл Лексико-грамматический тест по теме"Мой дом"3 класс12.83 КБ
Файл Словарная прверочная работа по теме "Пища"14.18 КБ
Файл Тест к УМК "Forward" 4 класс13.15 КБ
Файл Проверочная работа по теме "Неопределенные количественные местоимения"12.73 КБ
Файл Лекско-грамматический тест по теме "Моя школа" 4 класс УМК "Планета Знаний"14.93 КБ
Файл Проверочный тест к УМК "Forward2 3 класс16.23 КБ
Файл Проверочная работа "Виды числительных"14.79 КБ
Файл Проверочная работа "Правильные/неправильные глаголы в английском языке"16.11 КБ
Файл Контроль чтения 4 класс.15.16 КБ
Файл Прочитай и разукрась!277.74 КБ
Файл Счет до 10. Let's count!78.96 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


He is Fred. He is a boy. He is seven. Fred has got a dog. The dog is big. The dog is black and white. Its name is Spot. Spot can run and jump. Spot cannot swim. Fred and Spot like to play. They are good friends.


Ann is a little girl. She is five. Ann has got a sister. Her name is Kate. Kate is three. Ann and Kate have got a lot of toys. They have got six nice dolls, two red and blue balls, a teddy bear and a bike. Ann likes to play with balls. Kate likes to play with dolls.

1 вариант.

  1. Listening. (true/false)
  1. Fred is seven.      2) Fred has got a cat.     3) The dog is brown.

     4) The dog’s name is Spot.     5) Spot can swim.

  1. Reading.
  1. Найди в тексте и выпиши на англ. яз. эти фразы.

Аня имеет сестру.


Катя любит играть с куклами.


  1. Найди и выпиши из текста

1 гл _______________1 прил________________1 сущ (кроме имен)_______________

  1. Grammar.
  1. Какая буква стоит под №8 в алфавите?
  1. Gg                     b) Ff                      c)Hh
  1. Какая буква дает 2 звука?
  1. Pp                      b) Jj                       c) Ss
  1. Какая буква из трех согласная?
  1. Ii                     b) Uu                     c) Rr
  1. Сколько букв в слове «лиса» в английском языке?
  1. 3                        b) 5                        c) 4
  1. Какая буква дает звук [ei]?
  1. Ii                        b) Aa                      c) Oo
  1. Cats  _________ jump.
  1. can                    b) cannot              c) have got
  1. They _________ a cat.
  1. have got           b) has got             c) is
  1. My dog often _____________
  1. run                    b) runs                   c) jumps
  1. Children ___________ every day.
  1. fly                     b) sleep                  c) sleeps
  1. Dogs are ____________.
  1. blue                  b) green                 c) black
  1. A frog _____ green.
  1. am                    b) is                         c) are
  1. Реши пример. Five+ two =?
  1. six                      b) seven                 c) five
  1. Каким местоимением можно заменить слово cats?
  1. she                    b) they                     c) it
  1. I have got ________ book.
  1. a                        b) an                        c) seven
  1. There is _____ ball under the table.
  1. a                        b) an                         c) --
  1. вариант.

1. Listening. (true/false)

  1.  Fred is six      2)Fred has got a dog.     3) The dog is black and white.

      4) The dog’s name is Spike.     5) Spot can run and jump.

2. Reading.

  1. Найди в тексте и выпиши на англ. яз. эти фразы.

Аня и Катя имеют много игрушек.


Аня любит играть с мячами.


  1. Найди и выпиши из текста
  1. гл _______________1 прил________________1 сущ (кроме имен)_______________


  1. Какая буква стоит под №6 в алфавите?

a) Gg                     b) Ff                      c)Hh

  1. Какая буква дает 2 звука?

a) Cc                      b) Jj                       c) Tt

  1. Какая буква из трех гласная?

a) Bb                     b) Uu                     c) Zz

  1. Сколько букв в слове «лягушка» в английском языке?

a) 3                        b) 5                        c) 4

  1. Какая буква дает звук [ai]?

a) Ii                        b) Aa                      c) Oo

  1. Cats  _________ fly.

a) can                    b) cannot              c) have got

  1. Mike _________ a cat.

a) have got           b) has got             c) is

  1. Dogs often _____________

a) run                    b) runs                   c) jumps

  1. My sister ___________ every day.

a) fly                     b) sleep                  c) sleeps

  1. Frogs are ____________.

a) blue                  b) green                 c) pink

  1. A cat _____ black.

a) am                    b) is                         c) are

  1. Реши пример. Nine – four =?

a) six                      b) seven                 c) five

  1. Каким местоимением можно заменить слово dogs?

a) she                    b) they                     c) it

  1. I have got ________ books.

a) a                        b) an                        c) seven

  1. There is _____ apple on the table.
  1. a                        b) an                         c) --

Предварительный просмотр:


He is Fred. He is a boy. Fred is seven. He is from America. Fred has got a family. He has got a mother, a father and two sisters. Fred has got a house. There are seven rooms in the house. The house is big and nice.


Pam is a little girl. She has got three pets. They are two cats and a parrot. The cats are big and funny. Their names are Jack and Jill. Jack is black and Jill is grey. Cats like to sleep. The parrot is little. Its name is Dan. The parrot is blue. It likes to fly. Pam likes to play with her pets.

1 вариант.

  1. Listening. (true/false)
  1. Fred is seven.      2) Fred is from Africa.     3) Fred has got two brothers.

   4) Fred has got a house.     5) There are five rooms in the house.

  1. Reading.
  1. Найди в тексте и выпиши на англ. яз. эти фразы.

Она имеет трех домашних питомцев


Джек черный, а Джилл серая.


  1. Найди и выпиши из текста

1 гл _______________1 прил________________1 сущ (кроме имен)_______________

  1. Grammar.
  1. Какая буква стоит под №8 в алфавите?
  1. Gg                     b) Ff                      c)Hh
  1. Какая буква дает 2 звука?
  1. Pp                      b) Jj                       c) Ss
  1. Какая буква из трех согласная?
  1. Ii                     b) Uu                     c) Rr
  1. Сколько букв в слове «лиса» в английском языке?
  1. 3                        b) 5                        c) 4
  1. Какая буква дает звук [ei]?
  1. Ii                        b) Aa                      c) Oo
  1. Cats  _________ jump.
  1. can                    b) cannot              c) have got
  1. They _________ a cat.
  1. have got           b) has got             c) is
  1. My dog often _____________
  1. run                    b) runs                   c) jumps
  1. Children ___________ every day.
  1. fly                     b) sleep                  c) sleeps
  1. Dogs are ____________.
  1. blue                  b) green                 c) black
  1. A frog _____ green.
  1. am                    b) is                         c) are
  1. Реши пример. Five + two =?
  1. six                      b) seven                 c) five
  1. Каким местоимением можно заменить слово cats?
  1. she                    b) they                     c) it
  1. I have got ________ book.
  1. a                        b) an                        c) seven
  1. There is _____ ball under the table.
  1. a                        b) an                         c) --
  1. вариант.

1. Listening. (true/false)

  1. Fred is six.      2) Fred is from America.     3) Fred has got two sisters.

   4) Fred has got a house.     5) There are seven rooms in the house.

2. Reading.

  1. Найди в тексте и выпиши на англ. яз. эти фразы.

Они большие и забавные.


Пэм любит играть со своими питомцами.


  1. Найди и выпиши из текста
  1. гл _______________1 прил________________1 сущ (кроме имен)_______________


  1. Какая буква стоит под №6 в алфавите?

a) Gg                     b) Ff                      c)Hh

  1. Какая буква дает 2 звука?

a) Cc                      b) Jj                       c) Tt

  1. Какая буква из трех гласная?

a) Bb                     b) Uu                     c) Zz

  1. Сколько букв в слове «лягушка» в английском языке?

a) 3                        b) 5                        c) 4

  1. Какая буква дает звук [ai]?

a) Ii                        b) Aa                      c) Oo

  1. Cats  _________ fly.

a) can                    b) cannot              c) have got

  1. Mike _________ a cat.

a) have got           b) has got             c) is

  1. Dogs often _____________

a) run                    b) runs                   c) jumps

  1. My sister ___________ every day.

a) fly                     b) sleep                  c) sleeps

  1. Frogs are ____________.

a) blue                  b) green                 c) pink

  1. A cat _____ black.

a) am                    b) is                         c) are

  1. Реши пример. Nine – four =?

a) six                      b) seven                 c) five

  1. Каким местоимением можно заменить слово dogs?

a) she                    b) they                     c) it

  1. I have got ________ books.

a) a                        b) an                        c) seven

  1. There is _____ apple on the table.
  1. a                        b) an                         c) --

Предварительный просмотр:


He is Fred. He is a boy. Fred is seven. He is from America. Fred has got a family. He has got a mother, a father and two sisters. Fred has got a house. There are seven rooms in the house. The house is big and nice.


Pam is a little girl. She is nine. She is a pupil. Pam usually gets up at 7 o’clock and has her breakfast. Then she goes to school. Pam comes home at 2 o’clock and has lunch. Then she does her homework. She often plays games and watches TV in the evening. At 10 o’clock Pam goes to bed.

1 вариант.

  1. Listening. (true/false)
  1. Fred is seven.      2) Fred is from Africa.     3) Fred has got two brothers.

   4) Fred has got a house.     5) There are five rooms in the house.

  1. Reading.
  1. Найди в тексте и выпиши на англ. яз. эти фразы.

Пэм обычно встает в семь часов и завтракает.


Она часто играет в игры и смотрит телевизор вечером.


  1. Найди и выпиши из текста

3 глагола ___________________________________________________________

  1. Grammar.
  1. Какая буква стоит под №8 в алфавите?
  1. Gg                     b) Ff                      c)Hh
  1. Какая буква дает 2 звука?
  1. Pp                      b) Jj                       c) Ss
  1. Какая буква из трех согласная?
  1. Ii                     b) Uu                     c) Rr
  1. Сколько букв в слове «лиса» в английском языке?
  1. 3                        b) 5                        c) 4
  1. Какая буква дает звук [ei]?
  1. Ii                        b) Aa                      c) Oo
  1. Cats  _________ jump.
  1. can                    b) cannot              c) have got
  1. They _________ a cat.
  1. have got           b) has got             c) is
  1. My dog often _____________
  1. run                    b) runs                   c) jumps
  1. Children ___________ every day.
  1. fly                     b) sleep                  c) sleeps
  1. Dogs are ____________.
  1. blue                  b) green                 c) black
  1. A frog _____ green.
  1. am                    b) is                         c) are
  1. Реши пример. Five + two =?
  1. six                      b) seven                 c) five
  1. Каким местоимением можно заменить слово cats?
  1. she                    b) they                     c) it
  1. I have got ________ book.
  1. a                        b) an                        c) seven
  1. There is _____ ball under the table.
  1. a                        b) an                         c) --
  1. вариант.

1. Listening. (true/false)

  1. Fred is six.      2) Fred is from America.     3) Fred has got two sisters.

   4) Fred has got a house.     5) There are seven rooms in the house.

2. Reading.

  1. Найди в тексте и выпиши на англ. яз. эти фразы.

Пэм приходит домой в два часа и обедает.


В десять часов Пэм ложится спать.


  1. Найди и выпиши из текста

3 существительных (кроме имен)_____________________________________________


  1. Какая буква стоит под №6 в алфавите?

a) Gg                     b) Ff                      c)Hh

  1. Какая буква дает 2 звука?

a) Cc                      b) Jj                       c) Tt

  1. Какая буква из трех гласная?

a) Bb                     b) Uu                     c) Zz

  1. Сколько букв в слове «лягушка» в английском языке?

a) 3                        b) 5                        c) 4

  1. Какая буква дает звук [ai]?

a) Ii                        b) Aa                      c) Oo

  1. Cats  _________ fly.

a) can                    b) cannot              c) have got

  1. Mike _________ a cat.

a) have got           b) has got             c) is

  1. Dogs often _____________

a) run                    b) runs                   c) jumps

  1. My sister ___________ every day.

a) fly                     b) sleep                  c) sleeps

  1. Frogs are ____________.

a) blue                  b) green                 c) pink

  1. A cat _____ black.

a) am                    b) is                         c) are

  1. Реши пример. Nine – four =?

a) six                      b) seven                 c) five

  1. Каким местоимением можно заменить слово dogs?

a) she                    b) they                     c) it

  1. I have got ________ books.

a) a                        b) an                        c) seven

  1. There is _____ apple on the table.
  1. a                        b) an                         c) --

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Listening.

Mike has got a funny toy monster. His name is Bobo.  Bobo is big and blue. His head is yellow. Bobo’s nose is long and pink. He has got three green eyes and four red ears. His mouth is very big. Bobo has got six arms and six legs. He can run and jump. Mike likes to play with his toy monster.

  1. Reading.

Tom and Fred are brothers. They are ten. They go to school every day. Tom gets up at seven o’clock and Fred gets up at a quarter past seven. They have breakfast at half past seven. Then they go to school together. The lessons start at eight o’clock. Boys usually have got four or five lessons. At one o’clock they come home and have lunch. After lunch Tom watches TV and Fred plays on the computer. They do their homework at half past four. They have supper at seven o’clock. Boys always go to bed at ten o’clock.

  1. вариант.
  1. Listening. (True/False)
  1. Mike has got a funny toy robot.
  2. Bobo is big and blue.
  3. Bobo’s nose is long and red.
  4. Bobo has got six arms and six legs.
  5. He can run and jump.
  1. Reading. (Right order)
  1. They do their homework at half past four.
  2. They have breakfast at half past seven.
  3. Boys always go to bed at ten o’clock.
  4. At one o’clock they come home and have lunch.
  5. Tom and Fred are brothers.
  1. Grammar.

1) ____________ a cat near the table.

a) There is          b) There are         c) Is there

2) There is a black-board ____ the wall.

a) in                    b) on                    c) under

3) ____________ pens in the schoolbag?

a) There are        b) Are there         c) Is there

4) Cats can _______ well.

a) fly                   b) read                 c) jump

5) Children _______ to play.

a) have                b) like                  c) likes

6) I often  ___________ books.

a)  read                b) reads                c) am reading

7) Tim ____________ now.

a) dance               b) are dancing      c) is dancing

8) My dog usually __________ meat.

a) eating               b) eat                  c) eats

9) Look! They _____________  football.

a) is playing         b) am playing       c) are playing

10) We like to drink ________.

a) apples               b) milk                  c) bananas

11) What’s the time? Half past eleven.

a) 11.15                 b) 12.30                 c) 11.30

12) What’s the time? 8.45?

a) a quarter to eight  b) a quarter past eight c) a quarter to nine

13) The lessons at our school start at ___________.

a) half past eight    b) eight o’clock    c) a quarter to eight

14) I ________ got a big family.

a) have                   b) has                    c) can

15) Sam ___________got a cat.

a) hasn’t                 b) don’t                c) haven’t

  1. вариант.
  1. Listening. (True/False)
  1. Mike has got a funny toy monster.
  2. Bobo is big and black.
  3. Bobo’s nose is long and pink.
  4. Bobo has got six arms and two legs.
  5. He can swim and jump.
  1. Reading. (Right order)
  1. Boys always go to bed at ten o’clock.
  2. After lunch Tom watches TV and Fred plays on the computer.
  3. They have breakfast at half past seven.
  4. They do their homework at half past four.
  5. Boys usually have got four or five lessons.
  1. Grammar.

1) ____________ two cats near the table.

a) There is          b) There are         c) Is there

2) There is a table ____ the room.

a) in                    b) on                    c) under

3) ____________ books in the schoolbag?

a) There are        b) Are there         c) Is there

4) Frogs can _______ well.

a) fly                   b) read                 c) jump

5) My sister _______ to play.

a) have                b) like                  c) likes

6) We often  ___________ books.

a)  read                b) reads                c) am reading

7) Children ____________ now.

a) dance               b) are dancing      c) is dancing

8) I seldom __________ meat.

a) eating               b) eat                   c) eats

9) Look! I _____________  football.

a) is playing         b) am playing       c) are playing

10) We like to eat ________.

a) coffee               b) milk                  c) bananas

11) What’s the time? Half past twelve.

a) 11.15                 b) 12.30                c) 11.30

12) What’s the time? 8.15?

a) a quarter to eight  b) a quarter past eight c) a quarter to nine

13) The lessons at our school start at ___________.

a) half past eight    b) a quarter to eight  c) eight o’clock    

14) Kate  ________ got a big family.

a) have                   b) has                    c) can

15) They ___________got a cat.

a) hasn’t                 b) don’t                c) haven’t

Предварительный просмотр:


Tom and Fred are brothers. They are ten. They go to school every day. Tom gets up at seven o’clock and Fred gets up at a quarter past seven. They have breakfast at half past seven. Then they go to school together. The lessons start at eight o’clock. Boys usually have got four or five lessons. At one o’clock they come home and have lunch. After lunch Tom watches TV and Fred plays on the computer. They do their homework at half past four. They have supper at seven o’clock. Boys always go to bed at ten o’clock.


Tom and Fred are brothers. They are ten. They go to school every day. Tom gets up at seven o’clock and Fred gets up at a quarter past seven. They have breakfast at half past seven. Then they go to school together. The lessons start at eight o’clock. Boys usually have got four or five lessons. At one o’clock they come home and have lunch. After lunch Tom watches TV and Fred plays on the computer. They do their homework at half past four. They have supper at seven o’clock. Boys always go to bed at ten o’clock.


Kate is a nice girl. She lives in Moscow. She is nine and she is a pupil. Kate goes to school every day. Her school is big and new. There are three floors in it. Her classroom is big and nice too. Kate comes to school at eight o’clock. She has five lessons every day. They are Russian, Maths, English, Music, PE and others. Kate likes English and Music lessons. She can speak English, read and write well. And she can sing and play the piano.  Kate has got a lot of friends there. Kate likes her school very much.


Kate is a nice girl. She lives in Moscow. She is nine and she is a pupil. Kate goes to school every day. Her school is big and new. There are three floors in it. Her classroom is big and nice too. Kate comes to school at eight o’clock. She has five lessons every day. They are Russian, Maths, English, Music, PE and others. Kate likes English and Music lessons. She can speak English, read and write well. And she can sing and play the piano.  Kate has got a lot of friends there. Kate likes her school very much.


Kate is a nice girl. She lives in Moscow. She is nine and she is a pupil. Kate goes to school every day. Her school is big and new. There are three floors in it. Her classroom is big and nice too. Kate comes to school at eight o’clock. She has five lessons every day. They are Russian, Maths, English, Music, PE and others. Kate likes English and Music lessons. She can speak English, read and write well. And she can sing and play the piano.  Kate has got a lot of friends there. Kate likes her school very much.


Kate is a nice girl. She lives in Moscow. She is nine and she is a pupil. Kate goes to school every day. Her school is big and new. There are three floors in it. Her classroom is big and nice too. Kate comes to school at eight o’clock. She has five lessons every day. They are Russian, Maths, English, Music, PE and others. Kate likes English and Music lessons. She can speak English, read and write well. And she can sing and play the piano.  Kate has got a lot of friends there. Kate likes her school very much.

1 вариант.

  1. Listening.(True/False)
  1. Tom and Fred are brothers.
  2. They have breakfast at half past nine.
  3. Boys usually have got five or six lessons.
  4. They do their homework at half past four.
  5. Boys always go to bed at ten o’clock.
  1. Reading. (Right order)
  1. There are three floors in it.
  2. She can speak English, read and write well.
  3. She lives in Moscow.
  4. Kate has got a lot of friends there.
  5. She has five lessons every day.
  1. Grammar.
  1. Tigers can__________
  1. read                    b) sing                    c) run
  1. Cats __________ fly.
  1.  can                    b) can’t                   c) cans
  1. ________ you jump and run well?
  1. can                     b) have                    c) is
  1. Look! Tom ____________ football.
  1. plays                  b) is playing            c) are playing
  1. My sister often __________ books.
  1. reading               b) read                     c) reads
  1. ________ he like apples?
  1. Do                      b) Does                    c) Has
  1. Children ______________TV now.
  1. am watching       b) is watching          c) are watching
  1. There are _________ apples on the table.
  1. some                  b) any                       c) an
  1. I can’t see _________cats in the room.
  1. some                  b) any                      c) no
  1. Is there _______ milk in the bottle?
  1. some                   b) any                      c) no
  1. ___________ is the first day of the week.
  1. Saturday             b) Monday               c) Tuesday
  1. March is _________ month in the year.
  1. the first                b) the second           c) the third
  1. What is the date? 22.11
  1. September, 22nd   b) November, 22th  c) November, 22nd  
  1. What’s the time? A quarter to eight.
  1. 7.30                      b) 8.15                     c) 7.45
  1. What’s the time? 4.15
  1. A quarter to four   b) a quarter past four c) a quarter past five

  1. вариант.
  1. Listening.(True/False)

                  1) Tom and Fred are friends.

2) They have breakfast at half past seven.

  1. Boys usually have got four or five lessons.
  2. They do their homework at half past five.

5)  Boys always go to bed at eleven o’clock.

  1. Reading. (Right order)
  1. Kate has got a lot of friends there.
  2.  She can speak English, read and write well.
  3. She has five lessons every day.
  4. There are three floors in it.
  5. She lives in Moscow.
  1. Grammar.
  1. Dogs can__________
  1. read                    b) run                    c) climb
  1. Parrots __________ fly.
  1.  can                    b) can’t                  c) cans
  1. ________ she jump and run well?
  1. can                     b) has                     c) are
  1. Look! Boys ____________ football.
  1. plays                  b) is playing          c) are playing
  1. Ann often __________ books.
  1. Is reading           b) reads                 c) read
  1. ________ you like bananas?
  1. Do                      b) Does                 c) Has
  1. I ______________TV now.
  1. am watching       b) is watching       c) are watching
  1. There is _________ apple juice on the table.
  1. some                  b) any                     c) an
  1. I haven’t got _________apples.
  1. some                  b) any                     c) no
  1. Are there _______ cats in the room?
  1. some                   b) any                    c) no
  1. ___________ is the second day of the week.
  1. Saturday             b) Monday             c) Tuesday
  1. January is _________ month in the year.
  1. the first                b) the second         c) the third
  1. What is the date? 23.05
  1. May, 23nd            b) May, 23th          c) May, 23rd  
  1. What’s the time? A quarter past eight.
  1. 7.30                      b) 8.15                   c) 7.45
  1. What’s the time? 3.45
  1. A quarter to four   b) a quarter past four c) a quarter past five

Предварительный просмотр:


My name is Dan. I have got a big family. I’ve got a mother, a father, two sisters and a brother. We live in a new house near London. Our house is very nice. It is brown and its roof is red. There is a big garden and a garage behind the house. There are three floors in our house. There is a modern kitchen and a large sitting room on the first floor. We usually have dinner in it. Our parents have their bedroom and a bathroom on the second floor. Children rooms and a bathroom are on the third floor. We like our house very much.


Mary is my best friend. She is a pretty girl. She has got a lot of different clothes. She likes to go shopping every weekend. Look at her clothes. Mary has got seven dresses, ten blouses and four skirts. She has got twelve T-shirts, shorts and sandals for summer. She’s got two coats, three jackets, jeans and scarves for winter. Yesterday we went to the shop together. Mary bought a new red dress, a blue sweater and green shoes. She was happy.


  1. Listening (true/false)
  1. Dave has got a big family.
  2. They live in a new house near Moscow.
  3. The house is brown and its roof is green.
  4. There is a big garden and a garage behind the house.
  5. There is a modern kitchen and a large sitting room on the first floor.
  1. Reading.
  1. Mary has got seven dresses, ten blouses and four skirts.
  2. Yesterday we went to the shop together.
  3. She is a pretty girl.
  4. Mary bought a new red dress, a blue sweater and green shoes.
  5. She likes to go shopping every weekend.
  1. Grammar.
  1. We usually wear sandals in ____________.
  1. summer             b) winter                    c) autumn
  1. Boys often wear _______________.
  1. dresses               b) trousers                 c) blouses
  1. Monkeys like to eat _______________.
  1. fish                     b) meat                      c) bananas
  1. We can drink tea with ____________.
  1. tomatoes            b) lemon                    c) salt
  1. Tom hasn’t got _________apples.
  1. some                  b) any                         c) no
  1. There is ________ milk in the glass. I can drink it.
  1. some                   b) any                        c ) no
  1. Are there _________ carrots in the box?
  1. some                   b) any                        c) no
  1. There ____ a cat on the sofa.
  1. is                         b) are                        c) two
  1. There are three chairs _____ the room.
  1. on                        b) under                    c) in
  1. There are ______ books on the table.
  1. a                          b) one                        c) five
  1. Pam _________ in the park yesterday.
  1. was                      b) were                      c) is
  1. Look! Children ___________ tennis.
  1. am playing         b) is playing               c) are playing
  1. My brother seldom __________ TV.
  1. Watch                 b) watches                 c) is watching
  1. I ______________ the test now.
  1. am writing          b) wrote                     c) write
  1. We ________in the some cakes last Sunday.
  1. eat                      b) ate                           c) are eating


  1. Listening (true/false)
  1. Dave has got a small family.
  2. They live in an old house near London.
  3. The house is brown and its roof is red.
  4. There are three floors in the house.
  5. Children rooms and a bathroom are on the first floor.
  1. Reading
  1. Mary bought a new red dress, a blue sweater and green shoes.
  2. She has got twelve T-shirts, shorts and sandals for summer.
  3. She likes to go shopping every weekend.
  4. Mary is my best friend.
  5. Yesterday we went to the shop together.
  1. Grammar.
  1. We usually wear shorts in ____________.

a) winter                   b) summer                    c) autumn

  1. Boys often wear _______________.

a) trousers                b) dresses                      c) skirts

  1. Cats like to eat _______________.
  1. fish                      b) apples                       c) bananas
  1. We can drink coffee with ____________.

a) salt                        b) onion                        c) milk

  1. Tom has got _________apples.

a) some                     b) any                           c) no

  1. There is ________ milk in the glass. I cannot drink it.

a) some                     b) any                           c ) no

  1. Is there _________ sugar in the box?

a) some                     b) any                           c) no

  1. There ____  cats on the sofa.

a)  is                          b) are                            c) two

  1. There is a table  _____ the kitchen.
  1. on                        b) under                        c) in
  1. There are ______ books on the table.

a) three                       b) one                           c) a

  1. They  _________ in the Zoo yesterday.
  1. was                      b) were                          c) is
  1. Look! I ___________ tennis with Tom
  1. am playing          b) is playing                  c) are playing
  1. My sisters seldom __________ TV.
  1. watch                  b) watches                     c) are watching
  1.  Children ______________ the test now.
  1. are writing          b) wrote                         c) write
  1. My friend  ________in the some tea 2 days ago.
  1. drink                    b) drank                        c) are drinking

Предварительный просмотр:

      1. Listening (True/False)                                                                     1 вариант.

  1. Our classroom is nice.
  2. There is a black-board on the door.
  3. The desks are nice and green.
  4. There are nineteen pupils in our class.
  5. We learn only three subjects at school: Math, Russian and English.
  1. Reading (Right order)
  1. We will buy a new dress and a raincoat or an umbrella for her.
  2. Next Sunday will be an unusual day for our family.
  3. I know Mother likes cakes very much.
  4. It is a great pleasure to make people happy and we want to make our mother happy.
  5. We can go to town by train or by bus.
  1. Grammar (Choose the right answer)
  1. My friends usually _____football after school.
  1. plays             b. play                      c. playing
  1. I ______in the lake next summer.
  1. swim            b. swam                    c. will swim
  1. She ________this story at the moment.
  1. is read          b. is reading             c. reads
  1. The children ________at the Zoo yesterday.
  1. was               b. were                     c. are
  1. He _______a lot of fruit every day.
  1. ate                b. eat                         c. eats
  1. We ______ a lot on the school party last Sunday.
  1. dance           b. danced                  c. will dance
  1. His dog is ______than my dog.
  1. big                 b. bigger                   c. the biggest
  1. I think, roses are very ______ flowers.
  1. beautiful      b. more beautiful    c. the most beautiful      
  1. This film is _______ off all.
  1. interesting   b. more interesting c. the most Interesting
  1. The weather is very _______in summer.
  1. hot                 b. hotter                   c. the hottest
  1. Dave is _______boy in his class.
  1. tall                  b. taller                     c. the tallest
  1. My toys are _______than your toys.
  1. good              b. goodder               c. better
  1. Mike is a very good football_______.
  1. play                b. playing                 c. player
  1.  I have _____little sisters.
  1. a                      b. an                         c. two
  1. I see ____ big red ball under the sofa.
  1. a                      b. an                          c. two
  1. Listening (True/False)                                                                                2 вариант.

1. Our classroom is light, clean and large.

2. There is one door and two windows in it.

3. The desks are nice and yellow.

4. There are seventeen pupils in our class.

5. We learn many subjects at school.

2. Reading (Right order)

A. It is a great pleasure to make people happy and we want to make our mother happy.

B. I think we will not go by bus, we will go by train.

       C. It will be our mother's birthday.

       D. My brother Nick and I decided to go to town and buy a present for her.

       E. I know Mother likes cakes very much.

3. Grammar (Choose the right answer)

  1. My friends ______football after school tomorrow.
  1. will play           b. play                      c. playing
  1. I ______in the lake last summer.

a.    swim            b. swam                    c. will swim

  1. I ________this story at the moment.
  1.  is read          b. is reading             c.  am reading
  1. My  sister  ________at the Zoo yesterday.
  1. was               b. were                     c. are
  1. Sue _______a lot of sweets yesterday.
  1. ate                b. eat                         c. eats
  1. We ______ a lot on the school party next Sunday.
  1. dance           b. danced                  c. will dance
  1. His dog is ______of all dogs.
  1. big                 b. bigger                   c. the biggest
  1. I think, roses are ______  than tulips.
  1. beautiful      b. more beautiful    c. the most beautiful      
  1. This film is very _______ .
  1. interesting    b. more interesting c. the most Interesting
  1. The weather is ________  in summer than in spring.
  1. hot                 b. hotter                   c. the hottest
  1. Tom is very_______ and nice.
  1. tall                  b. taller                     c. the tallest
  1. Your toys are _______than my toys.
  1. bad                 b. badder               c. worse
  1. Jane is a very good _______.
  1. sing                b. singing                 c. singer
  1.  I have _____little sister.
  1. a                      b. an                         c. two
  1. I see _____ big black cats under the sofa.
  1.  a                      b. an                          c. two
  1. Аудирование.

At school .

This is our classroom. It is light, clean and large. The room is nice. Its ceiling and walls are white, its floor is brown. There is one door and three windows in it. When it is warm, they are open. When it is cold, they are shut. The door is always shut when we have our lessons.
There is a blackboard on the wall. We write on it. We sit on chairs in front of desks. The desks are nice and green.
The teacher's desk is near the blackboard. There are not many pupils in our class. There are only seventeen in it. We learn many subjects at school. They are: Russian, English, Math, Reading, Drawing, Music, P.E, IT and other.

  1. Чтение

Mother's birthday.

Next Sunday will be an unusual day for our family. It will be our mother's birthday. My brother Nick and I decided to go to town and buy a present for her.
We will go to town on Saturday after school to do shopping. We can go to town by train or by bus. Nick likes to go by bus, but I don't like buses. I think we will not go by bus, we will go by train.
What will we buy? As we will have a party, we need good sweets, coffee, cheese, sausage, biscuits and cakes. I know Mother likes cakes very much. So we will buy cakes.
We will buy a new dress and a raincoat or an umbrella for her.
It is a great pleasure to make people happy and we want to make our mother happy.



1 вариант                                                    2 вариант

1.true                                                               1. True

2. False                                                            2. False

3. True                                                             3. False

4. False                                                            4. True

5. False                                                            5. True


1 вариант                                                    











2 вариант












1 вариант                                                    2 вариант

1.      b                                                        1.    a

2.       b                                                       2.    b

3.       b                                                       3.    c

4.       b                                                       4.    a

5.       c                                                        5.   a

6.       b                                                       6.    c

7.       b                                                        7.   c

8.       a                                                        8.   b

9.       c                                                        9.   a

10.    a                                                        10.  b

11.    c                                                         11.  a

12.     c                                                        12.  c

13.     c                                                        13.  c

14.     c                                                         14.  a

15.     a                                                         15.  c

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Заполни таблицу.


Глагол   swim








  1. Поставь окончание  -s, где это нужно.
  1. Children usually jump___.
  2. Cats often drink___   milk.
  3. Ann seldom play___ on the piano.
  4. They eat___ apples every day.
  5. My dog never fly___ .

  1. Составь предложение на английском языке и запиши его формы.

Мы бегаем.

+ _______________________________________________

- _______________________________________________

? _______________________________________________

  1. Заполни таблицу.


Глагол   run








  1. Поставь окончание  -s, где это нужно.
  1. My cat usually jump____.
  2. They often drink___ milk.
  3. Dan seldom play___ football.
  4. She eat___ bananas every day.
  5.  Dogs never fly___.

  1. Составь предложение на английском языке и запиши его формы.

Он плавает.

+ _______________________________________________

- _______________________________________________

? _______________________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

1 вариант.

  1. Аудирование. Отметь время на циферблате.

C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpgC:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpgC:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg

  1. Соедини циферблат и подходящее значение времени.

C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpgC:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpgC:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpgC:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg

   half past eight        four o’clock        a quarter to one        a quarter past eleven

  1. Прочитай и отметь время.

C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg   C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg   C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg   C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg

  1. Ten o’clock  2. A quarter past five  3. A quarter to three  4. Half past seven

  1. Запиши сколько времени (по английски).

C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg                  C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg                    C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg

_________________            _________________            __________________

  1. вариант.
  1. Аудирование. Отметь время на циферблате.

C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpgC:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpgC:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg

  1. Соедини циферблат и подходящее значение времени.

C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpgC:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpgC:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpgC:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg

half past two        a quarter past eleven        five o’clock        a quarter to six

  1. Прочитай и отметь время.

C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg   C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg   C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg   C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg

  1. Оne o’clock  2. A quarter to three  3. A quarter past ten  4. Half past twelve

  1. Запиши сколько времени (по английски).

C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg                  C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg                    C:\Users\Оля Глызова\Desktop\84068758_large_73933337_large_100_17506_lg.jpg

_________________            _________________            __________________

Предварительный просмотр:

1 вариант.

  1. Словарный диктант.
  1. _______________________           6)  _______________________
  2. _______________________           7) _______________________
  3. _______________________           8)  _______________________
  4. _______________________           9)  _______________________
  5. _______________________          10)  _______________________

  1. Работа со словами.

Salt, apple, sweet, cucumber, milk, lemon, cheese, tomato, water, soup, salad, banana, potato, juice, bread, orange, carrot, tea, pizza.





  1. Подчеркни исчисляемые существительные одной чертой, а неисчисляемые существительные волнистой линией.
  2. Выпиши слова в таблицу, объединив их по смыслу.

3.Вставь пропущенные местоимения some/any/no

There are ________apples on the table. They are big and red.

There is _______milk in the plate. My cat can’t drink.

Are there ________bananas in the fridge?

There isn’t ________butter on the table.

I can eat _______ sweets. I like sweets.

  1. вариант.
  1. Словарный диктант.
  1. _______________________           6)  _______________________
  2. _______________________           7) _______________________
  3. _______________________           8)  _______________________
  4. _______________________           9)  _______________________
  5. _______________________          10)  _______________________

  1. Работа со словами.

Sugar, apple, cake, tomato, coffee, lemon, sausage, cucumber, water, porridge, egg, milk, potato, juice, butter, fish, carrot, tea, pizza.





  1. Подчеркни исчисляемые существительные одной чертой, а неисчисляемые существительные волнистой линией.
  2. Выпиши слова в таблицу, объединив их по смыслу.

3. Вставь пропущенные местоимения some/any/no

There is ________water on the table. I can’t drink.

There is _______fish on the plate. My cat can eat.

Is there ________sugar in the cup?

There are ________sausage on the table. Tom can make a sandwich.

I haven’t got _______ apples, but I have got 2 bananas.

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Запиши дату на английском.






   2. Реши пример, выбери ответ.

      Twenty one + seven = (twenty six/thirty/twenty eight)

      Fifteen – nine = (six/sixteen/sixty)

      Seventy + eleven = (eighty/eighty one/seventy nine)

      One hundred – forty = (fifty/forty/sixty)

      Nineteen + one = (twenty/twelve/two)

  1. Запиши название месяца года.

_________________ is the ninth month of the year.

_________________ is the second month in summer.

_________________ is the first month of the year.

_________________ is the eleventh month of the year.

_________________ is the third month in spring.

1. Запиши дату на английском.



1.06 ______________________________________________



   2. Реши пример, выбери ответ.

      Twenty three + seven = (twenty six/thirty/twenty eight)

      Fifty – nine = (forty one/forty/forty two)

      Seventy + twelve = (eighty/eighty two/seventy nine)

      One hundred – sixty = (fifty/forty/sixty)

      eighteen + two = (twenty/twelve/two)

3. Запиши название месяца года.

_________________ is the tenth month of the year.

_________________ is the first month in winter.

_________________ is the second month of the year.

_________________ is the seventh month of the year.

_________________ is the third month in autumn.

Предварительный просмотр:

1 вариант

1) Словарный диктант

1_________________________   6__________________________

2_________________________   7__________________________

3_________________________   8__________________________

4_________________________   9__________________________

5_________________________   10_________________________

2) Вставь глагол-связку is/are

1. A frog _____ small and green.

2. Five lemons ______ yellow.

3. One cat _______ big and fat.

4. Tom ______ tall.

5. Ears ______ pink and long .

3) Запиши фразу № 2,5 на русском языке.



4) Составь и запиши предложения из слов задания №2

1. Лимон большой. _________________________________

2. Кошки толстые. __________________________________

3. Ухо маленькое. ___________________________________

2 вариант

1) Словарный диктант

1_________________________   6__________________________

2_________________________   7__________________________

3_________________________   8__________________________

4_________________________   9__________________________

5_________________________   10_________________________

2) Вставь глагол-связку is/are

1.  Dogs _____ small and black.

2. An apple ______ red.

3. Two cats _______ big and fat.

4. A nose ______ long.

5. Eyes ______ blue.

3) запиши фразу № 2,5 на русском языке.



4) Составь и запиши предложения из слов задания №2

1. Яблоки большие. _________________________________

2. Нос толстый. __________________________________

3. Глаз черный. ___________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:


1. Match (соедини)

Jump                                     спать

Swim                                    бегать

Run                                       ходить

Go                                         прыгать

Sleep                                     плавать

2. Поставь окончание  -s, где это нужно.

1) Ann eat___ cakes.   2) We read___ .   3) Dogs run____.  

4) I sleep____.   5) A cat jump___ on the bed. 6) My sister swim____.

3. Переведи и запиши на русском языке фразы №2,3,6




4. Запиши на английском языке

Он сидит. _____________________________________________

Вы спите. ___________________________________________

Они летают. ___________________________________________


1. Match (соедини)

Drink                                    спать

Stand                                    бегать

Run                                       пить

Jump                                     стоять

Sleep                                     прыгать      

2. Поставь окончание  -s, где это нужно.

1) They eat___  cakes.   2) He dance___.   3) A cat run____.  

4) You sleep____.   5) Cats jump___ on the bed.  6) Mike swim____.

3. Переведи и запиши на русском языке фразы №3,4,6




4. Запиши на английском языке

Она спит. _____________________________________________

Я бегаю. ___________________________________________

Мы прыгаем. ___________________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

1 вариант

1.Числовой диктант.

2. Запиши словами

587 _______________________________________________________________

2140 ______________________________________________________________

35 ________________________________________________________________

706 _______________________________________________________________

91 ________________________________________________________________

3. Запиши цифрой 

   Eight hundred twenty five - ____________________

   Three thousand fifty one - _____________________

   One hundred eleven - ________________________

   Twenty four _______________________________

   Nine thousand two __________________________

4. Прочитай и реши задачу. Запиши ответ словами.

Fred has got sixty nine toys.  Ann has got seventeen toys. Dave has got eighty toys. How many toys have children got together?



5. True/False

1) Ten horses have got fifty legs. ___________

2) Seventy hens have got one hundred forty legs. ____________

3) Sixty nine dogs have got sixty nine tails. ____________

4) Twelve crocodiles have got twenty eight eyes. ___________

5) One hundred cats have got four hundred legs. ___________

Кол-во баллов ______________ Оценка ________________

2 вариант

1.Числовой диктант.

2. Запиши словами

384 _______________________________________________________________

9601 ______________________________________________________________


76 _______________________________________________________________


3. Запиши цифрой 

   Two hundred twenty - ____________________

   Ten thousand fifteen - _____________________

   Seven hundred sixty three - _________________

   Fifty nine _______________________________

   Eight thousand four hundred one ____________

4. Прочитай и реши задачу. Запиши ответ словами.

Fred has got eighteen toys.  Ann has got three hundred toys. Dave has got fifty five toys. How many toys have children got together?



5. True/False

1) Eleven horses have got forty four legs. ___________

2) Sixty parrots have got one hundred twelve legs. ____________

3) Sixty nine cats have got sixty tails. ____________

4) Twenty five crocodiles have got twenty five eyes. ___________

5) One hundred rabbits have got two hundred legs. ___________

Кол-во баллов ______________ Оценка ________________

Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Make the table (sleep) (Заполни таблицу)

Кто? Что?

Present Simple

Present Continuous


My cat



Ann and Mike

Her mother


  1. Write the right form of this verb (jump)

        (Запиши правильную форму глагола).

  1. Frogs ____________ in the pond. Look!
  2. I _______________in the street now.
  3. My brother often ____________ on the sofa.
  4. Kate ______________ with her friends at the moment.
  5. They ____________every day.

  1. Write the verbs in Present Simple/ Present Continuous Tense
  1. Listen! Dave _________________the piano. (play)
  2. My friend usually _______________ apples. (eat)
  3. I ________________TV now. (watch)
  4. Children _________________to school every morning. (go)
  5. Her dogs _________________ at the moment. (swim)

Количество баллов____________ Оценка________________


  1. Make the table (play) (Заполни таблицу)

Кто? Что?

Present Simple

Present Continuous

Tom and Dave

My cats

His dog




Her sister

  1. Write the right form of this verb (eat)

        (Запиши правильную форму глагола).

1) My cat _________________ fish now.

2) Look! I ____________________an apple.

3) My sister often ___________________ bananas.

4)  My friends____________________ at the moment.

5) People _____________________every day.

  1. Write the verbs in Present Simple/ Present Continuous Tense

1) Listen! Girls _________________the piano. (play)

2) My friend usually __________________ milk. (drink)

3) Children ___________________TV now. (watch)

4) We _____________________to school every morning. (go)

5) I ____________________ at the moment. (swim)

Количество баллов____________ Оценка________________

Предварительный просмотр:

 1 вариант

1) Write the words

1_____________________     6_______________________

2_____________________     7_______________________

3_____________________     8_______________________

4_____________________     9_______________________

5_____________________    10_______________________

2) Choose: There is/There are

1. _______________ some pens on the desk.

2. _______________ one sofa in the living room.

3. _______________ two windows in the classroom.

4. ________________ a lot of lamps on the ceiling.

5. ________________ a wardrobe near the bed.

 3) Look around! 

1. There is a computer ____________ the table. (on/near/in)

2. There are a lot of desks _____________ the classroom. (under/near/in)

3. There is a book-case _____________ the window. (on/in/near)

4. There are books ______________ the book-cases. (behind/in/ above)

5. There are chairs ______________ the desks (on/behind/in)

4) Make the sentences.

Находится книжный шкаф около кровати.

+ ______________________________________________________

- _______________________________________________________

? _______________________________________________________




5) Translate and write.

There is a wardrobe near the sofa.


There aren’t pictures on the wall.


Is there a bed in the living room?


Кол-во баллов______________ Оценка_____________

 2 вариант

1) Write the words

1_____________________     6_______________________

2_____________________     7_______________________

3_____________________     8_______________________

4_____________________     9_______________________

5_____________________    10_______________________

2) Choose: There is/There are

1. _____________________ a bed near the wardrobe.

2. _____________________ chairs in the living room.

3. _____________________ one window in the kitchen.

4. _____________________ three pictures on the wall.

5. _____________________ a lot of books on the desk.

 3) Look around! 

1. There is a computer ____________ the window. (on/near/in)

2. There are a lot of desks _____________ the floor. (under/near/on)

3. There are book-cases_____________ the wall. (on/in/near)

4. There are lamps ______________ the desks. (behind/in/ above)

5. There are chairs ______________ the classroom. (on/behind/in)

4) Make the sentences.

Находятся стулья около стола.

+ ______________________________________________________

- _______________________________________________________

? _______________________________________________________




5) Translate and write.

There is a bookcase near the wall.


There aren’t books on the table.


Is there a sofa in the kitchen?


Кол-во баллов______________ Оценка_____________

Предварительный просмотр:

. 1 вариант.

  1.  Словарный диктант

1______________________        8________________________

2______________________        9________________________

3______________________        10_______________________

4______________________        11_______________________

5______________________        12_______________________

6______________________        13_______________________

7______________________        14_______________________


  1. Заполни таблицу






Cucumber, water, jam, porridge, juice, tomato, cherry, bread, melon,

pizza, tea, potato, chocolate, apple, pasta, milk, cake, sausage, pear.

  1. Some/ any/ no
  1. Have you ________ cheese for sandwiches?
  2. There is ________ tea on the table.
  3. Children have got ________ sweets and cakes.
  4. There are _______ tomatoes at home. We cannot make salad.
  5. I can’t see _______ soup in the fridge.

. 2 вариант.

1. Словарный диктант

1______________________        8________________________

2______________________        9________________________

3______________________        10_______________________

4______________________        11_______________________

5______________________        12_______________________

6______________________        13_______________________

7______________________        14_______________________


  1. Заполни таблицу






Carrot, coffee, jam, juice, tomato, banana, butter, lemon, pasta, meat, lemonade, potato, chocolate, apple, plum, milk, cake, soup, pear, onion.

  1. Some/ any/ no
  1. I haven’t ________ cheese for sandwiches.
  2. There is ________ tea at home. Let’s go to the shop.
  3. Children have got ________milk for breakfast.
  4. Are there _______ sausages in the fridge?
  5. We see _______ jam on the table..

Предварительный просмотр:

4б Тест

  1. Grammar
  1. Girls __________________ to the shop last Monday. (went/go/are going)
  2. We __________________TV now. (watch/ are watching/is watching)
  3. Tom and Sam _________at school week ago. (are/ is/ were)
  4. My sister often ________________ chicken soup. (eat/eats/ate)
  5. Look! I ________________with Pam. (am dancing/dance/danced)
  6. Jane ________________in the lake yesterday. (swam/swim/swimmed)
  7. Children _______________football every day. (played/play/are playing)
  8. Cats _____________ milk last morning. (drink/are drinking/ drank)
  9. Listen! Fred _______________a new song. ( singing/is singing/are sing)
  10. Her friend seldom _______________books. (read/reads/is reading)
  11. Dogs _______________on the sofa two days ago. (sleeped/sleep/slept)
  12. They ________________their homework at the moment. (do/did/are doing)
  13. Kate ___________at home yesterday. (was/were/is)
  14. Frogs _______green. (am/is/are)
  15. Alex ________________ the tests every Friday. (wrote/is writing/writes)

  1. Vocabulary
  1. He lives in _________________. (Volga/ Great Britain/Volcano)
  2. Jane lives in Australia. She is _____________. (American/Polish/Australian)
  3. Mike lives in_________________. He is American. (The USA/Italy/Russia)
  4. Sam goes to school every day. She is a___________. (a doctor/a pupil/a cat)
  5. Fred likes animals. He looks after sick animals. Fred is a ____________.


  1. The capital of Russia is ______________. (London/Canberra/Moscow)
  2. Volga is a _______________ in Russia. (river/lake/sea)
  3. Kangaroos live in _________________. (The USA/Russia/Australia)
  4. ____________ is a very big forest. (Kamchatka/Taiga/Volga)
  5. A lot of ____________ live in the Taiga. (koalas/elephants/bears)

Кол-во баллов ________________ Оценка__________

Предварительный просмотр:


1. some/any/no

1) Kate hasn’t got __________ fruit at home.

2) There is _______ milk in the fridge. We cannot cook porridge.

3) I eat _________ apples every day.

4) Is there _________ water for tea?

5) Have you got _______bananas in the basket?

2. a lot of/many/much

1) Are there ________lemons on the table?

2) Children have got ________jam for breakfast.

3) There isn’t ________ juice in the glass.

4) I see ________ cakes in the shop.

5) Has your brother got ________soup for lunch?

3. Translate these sentences.

1) They have got some porridge for breakfast.


2) Fred eats a lot of vegetables every day.


3) Have cats any milk for drink?


4. Choose the right word (1).

1) a ___________ of  jam (bar/jar/carton)

2) a ___________ of chocolate  (loaf/bin/bar)

3) a ___________ of milk (kilo/bin/carton)

4) a ___________ of  bread (loaf/bar/bottle)

5) a ___________of  lemonade (kilo/bar/bottle)

5. Circle the odd one out

banana       peach      apple     carrot     pine-apple     pear

sweet       honey       jam       cake      ice-cream    soup

tea     coffee     meat      water      coke     juice  lemonade


1. some/any/no

1) Kate has got __________ fruit at home.

2) There isn’t _______ milk in the fridge.

3) I drink _________ tea every day.

4) Are there _________ cakes for tea?

5) We have got _______bananas in the basket. Let’s go to the shop!

2. a lot of/many/much

1) Is there ________lemonade on the table?

2) Children haven’t got ________ bread for breakfast.

3) There aren’t ________ sweets on the plate.

4) I see ________ butter in the fridge.

5)  Your sister has got ________chicken for lunch.

3. Translate these sentences.

1) They have got some cucumbers for salad.


2) Fred drinks a lot of milk every day.


3) Have boys any tomatoes for juice?


4. Choose the right word (1).

1) a ___________ of  juice (bar/jar/carton)

2) a ___________ of bread  (loaf/bin/bar)

3) a ___________ of apples (kilo/bin/carton)

4) a ___________ of  water (loaf/bar/bottle)

5) a ___________of  chocolate (packet/bar/bottle)

5. Circle the odd one out

egg    soup    porridge    lemonade   sausage   chicken

cabbage       peach      tomato     carrot     onion     cucumber

tea     coffee     milk      water      coke     juice   lemon

Предварительный просмотр:

«My school» 1 вариант

  1. Write the words

1________________________   6______________________  11_______________________

2________________________   7______________________  12_______________________

3________________________   8______________________  13_______________________

4________________________   9______________________  14_______________________

5________________________  10_____________________   15_______________________

  1. Make the table

School subjects

School furniture

School things

music, pencil, reading, desk, maths, blackboard, copy book, rubber,

nature study, chair, computer, english, ruler, pencil case, book case

  1. True/False
  1. We have six-seven lessons every day. _____
  2. We sometimes need a pencil, a ruler and glue for Hand Craft lesson. ___
  3. We can read, write and speak in English lesson. _____
  4. We can see a brown blackboard in our classroom. _____
  5. We have got three Sports lesson a week. _____

Кол-во баллов _______ Оценка______

«My school» 2 вариант

  1. Write the words

1________________________   6______________________  11_______________________

2________________________   7______________________  12_______________________

3________________________   8______________________  13_______________________

4________________________   9______________________  14_______________________

5________________________  10_____________________   15_______________________

  1. Make the table

School furniture

School things

School subjects

russian, pen, book case, reading, chair, maths, copy book, rubber, blackboard, nature study, desk, computer, english, ruler, pencil case

  1. True/False
  1. We have four-five lessons every day. _____
  2. We usually need a pencil, a map and glue for Maths lesson. ___
  3. We can read, write and dance in Russian lesson. _____
  4. We can see a big, green blackboard in our classroom. _____
  5. We have got three English lesson a week. _____

Кол-во баллов _______ Оценка______

Предварительный просмотр:

Test 3b (1)

  1. There is a ________________ in the kitchen.
  1. fridge               b) bed                  c) bath
  1. There is a carpet on the ____________________.
  1. window            b) floor                c) door
  1. There is a sofa ___________the wall.
  1. near                  b) in                     c) on
  1. _______________ a table in the living room.
  1. There is            b) There are         c) There am
  1. There are ______ beds in the bedroom.
  1. a                        b) two                 c) an
  1. Cats _____ playing in the room now.
  1. am                     b) is                    c) are
  1. My sister usually ____________ on the sofa.
  1. sleep                 b) is sleeping       c) sleeps
  1. ________ are watching TV at the moment.
  1. I                        b) They                c) He
  1. Look! I _________________ in the pool.
  1. am swimming  b) is swimming  c) are swimming
  1.  We often ________________ fruit.
  1. eat                    b) eating             c) are eating
  1.  Children _____________tennis every day.
  1. sleep                b) play                c) swim
  1.  Listen! Fred _________________ a book.
  1. is reading        b) are reading     c) reads
  1. _______________ seldom drink milk.
  1. A cat               b) Ann                 c) Tony and Sam
  1. Boys are jumping __________________.
  1. every day        b) now                 c) always
  1. Dogs are _________________ in the street.
  1. run                  b) running            c) runs
  1. We are from _________________.
  1. the USA          b) Australia         c) Russia
  1. Австралия – это __________________.

а) город               b) материк           с) пустыня

  1. Столица Австралии – это ______________________.

а) Москва             b) Лондон           с) Канберра

      19. Коренные жители Австралии называются  _____________________.

            а) папуасы           b) аборигены      с) коалы

      20. Platypus – это _______________________.

           а) утконос            b) кенгуру           с) дикая собака

Кол-во баллов ___________________ Оценка_______________

Test 3b (1)

  1. There is a ________________ in the bathroom.

a) fridge               b) bed                  c) bath

  1. There is a carpet on the ____________________.

a) ceiling            b) floor                c) door

  1. There is a sofa ___________the wall.

a) near                  b) on                     c) in

  1. _______________ a bed in the bedroom.

a) There is            b) There are         c) There am

  1. There is ______ TV-set in the bedroom.

a) a                        b) two                 c) an

  1. A cat _____ playing in the room now.

a) am                     b) is                    c) are

  1. My brother usually ____________ on the sofa.

a) sleep                 b) is sleeping       c) sleeps

  1. ________ am watching TV at the moment.

a) I                        b) They                c) He

  1. Look! They _________________ in the pool.

a) am swimming  b) is swimming  c) are swimming

  1.  We often ________________ apples.

a) eats                    b) eat             c) are eating

  1.  Bob _____________tennis every day.

a) sleeps                b) plays                c) swims

  1.  Listen! Fred and Tom_________________  books.

a)  reading           b) are reading     c) are reads

  1. _______________ seldom drink milk.

a) A cat               b) Ann and Kate            c) Tony

  1. Boys are jumping __________________.

a) always           b) now                 c) seldom

  1. Children are _________________ in the street.

a) run                  b) running            c) runs

  1. We are from _________________.

a) the USA          b) Australia         c) Russia

  1. Австралия – это __________________.

а) материк               b) река           с) пустыня

  1. Столица Австралии – это ______________________.

а) Нью-Йорк             b) Лондон           с) Канберра

      19. Коренные жители Австралии называются  _____________________.

            а) африканцы           b) аборигены      с) австралийцы

      20. Platypus – это _______________________.

           а) утконос            b) коала           с) вомбат

Кол-во баллов ___________________ Оценка_______________

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Make the table


Какой по счету?

Three hundred sixty

Fifty one


2. Write th/st/nd/rd

November, 23 ---   _______________________

July, 11 --- __________________

January, 2 --- _________________

3. Guess the word

___________ is the first day of the week. (Sunday/Tuesday/Monday)

___________ is the third month in autumn. (September/November/October)

April is ____________ month in spring. (thetwoth/the first/ the second)

Saturday is ___________ day of the week. (the fifth/the sixth/the fiveth)

4. Choose ten/the tenth

They ate _________ apples last breakfast.

October is __________ month of the year.

Jane has got _________ dolls.

1. Make the table


Какой по счету?

Twenty five

One hundred two


2. Write th/st/nd/rd

December, 21 ---   _______________________

June, 3 --- __________________

March, 12 --- _________________

3. Guess the word

___________ is the third day of the week. (Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday)

___________ is the third month in summer. (September/August/July)

May is ____________ month in spring. (the third/the first/the second)

Wednesday is ___________ day of the week. (thethreeth/the third/the fourth)

4. Chooseone / the first

Russian is _________ lesson on Monday.

I see _______ book on the desk.

Jane finished _________ yesterday.

Предварительный просмотр:

4б (1 вариант)

  1. Make the table with Regular Verbs

(Запиши правильные глаголы в таблицу с учетом окончания ed)




Skate, love, like, want, add, play, jump, wash, clean, count, live, climb, land

  1. Make the table.

(Запиши глаголы в таблицу, поставив их в форму Past Simple)

Regular verbs

Irregular verbs

Help, dance, fly, run, watch, swim, drink, ski, answer, sleep, eat, live , go, see

  1. Choose the right form of the verb.

 (Вставь глагол в пропуск по смыслу, изменив форму в Past Simple)

  1. My sister _______ in Paris two months ago.
  2. Girls _________ in the sea last summer.
  3. Dave __________ computer games yesterday.
  4. We ___________ a tasty cake last birthday.
  5. Lena __________he mother about the house week ago.


Запиши предложения №2,4 на русском языке



Кол-во баллов ___________ Оценка _________

  4б ( 2 вариант)

  1. Make the table with Regular Verbs

(Запиши правильные глаголы в таблицу с учетом окончания ed)




Ski, live, count, dance, like, want, listen, play, jump, watch, clean, climb, land

  1. Make the table.

(Запиши глаголы в таблицу, поставив их в форму Past Simple)

Regular verbs

Irregular verbs

wash, sit, ride, ask, watch, make, drink, ski, answer, sleep, have, live , be, write

  1. Choose the right form of the verb.

 (Вставь глагол в пропуск по смыслу, изменив форму в Past Simple)

  1. My friends _______ in Moscow two days ago.
  2. Jane _________ a new film last evening.
  3. Dave __________ tennis with his dad yesterday.
  4. We ___________  tasty tea last party.
  5. Lena __________her room week ago.


Запиши предложения №1,3 на русском языке



Кол-во баллов ___________ Оценка _________

Предварительный просмотр:

Last weekend we ______ (go) to the city Zoo. The day ______(be) warm and sunny. We_____(see) a lot of animals there. First we ______(look) at giraffes. They_____(eat) leaves from the trees. Giraffes______(be) very tall and nice.

Then we_______ (look) at the brown bears. The bears _____(swim) and ______(play) in the pool. And I ______(like) monkeys best. They ______(climb) and ______(jump) in trees. We _____(give) them some bananas. They ______(be) very funny. We ______(laugh) a lot. We didn’t ______(see) a fat hippo because it _____(sit) in the pond and ______(sleep). We ______(come) home in the evening. We______ (be) very tired but happy. The zoo _____(be) fun!












Last weekend we ______ (go) to the city Zoo. The day ______(be) warm and sunny. We_____(see) a lot of animals there. First we ______(look) at giraffes. They_____(eat) leaves from the trees. Giraffes______(be) very tall and nice.

Then we_______ (look) at the brown bears. The bears _____(swim) and ______(play) in the pool. And I ______(like) monkeys best. They ______(climb) and ______(jump) in trees. We _____(give) them some bananas. They ______(be) very funny. We ______(laugh) a lot. We didn’t ______(see) a fat hippo because it _____(sit) in the pond and ______(sleep). We ______(come) home in the evening. We______ (be) very tired but happy. The zoo _____(be) fun!












1. Write the sentences +/-/?

1) Жирафы были высокие и красивые.




2)Мы пришли домой вечером.




2. Put the words in right order.

cage live my the didn’t parrots in big.


drank last  green morning Sam tea.


boys basketball  at yesterday did play school?


3. Answer these questions (по тексту).

1) Was the day warm and sunny?


2) Did giraffes sleep in the cage?


3) Did the bears swim in the pool?


4) Were monkeys sad and angry?


5) Did we see a fat hippo?


Количество баллов __________ Оценка __________

1. Write the sentences +/-/?

1) День был теплый и солнечный.




2) Они ели листья с деревьев.




2. Put the words in right order.

 street the run did my dogs in?


ate week cake ago Pam chocolate.


brother test yesterday didn’t  write my the.


3. Answer these questions (по тексту).

1) Was the day cold and rainy?


2) Did monkeys climb the trees?


3) Did a fat hippo eat fruit?


4) Were giraffes tall and nice?


5) Did we see an elephant?


Количество баллов __________ Оценка __________

Предварительный просмотр:

Read and draw. (Прочитай и разукрась)

  1. A snake is brown.              6) A lamp is green.
  2. A flag is yellow.                7) A fish is red.
  3. An egg is white.                 8) An apple is pink.
  4. A mouse is grey.                9) A table is black.

5) An orange is orange.          10) An umbrella is purple.

                  11) A chair is blue.

1) Нарисуй предмет и разукрась его заданным цветом.

2) Угадай, какого предмета нет, нарисуй и разукрась его сам.

http://steshka.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Printable-animal-coloring-pages-768x768.gif http://raskraskindom.ru/images/deti/stul/raskraski-stul-13.jpghttps://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/902125/af604a2f-8b3d-4d3d-ab68-92d24cac6cc7/s1200?webp=false http://raskraski-dlya-malchikov.ru/wp-content/uploads/Raskraska-Myshka-3.jpg  http://printonic.ru/uploads/images/2016/01/23/img_56a33f2e86dd5.jpg

http://www.dvaporosenka.ru/images/dlya-samih-malenkih-raskraski/raskraski-dlya-samih-malenkih-2-goda/download.php?file=raskraski-dlya-samih-malenkih-2-goda7.gif https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4c/77/a9/4c77a987c2452adbe48346ac8b8cf5c9--fish.jpg  http://vse-raskraski.ru/assets/images/resources/834/raskraska-stol8.jpg   http://raskraskindom.ru/images/raznye/yaico/raskraski-yaico-21.jpg http://prints.ultracoloringpages.com/b5bd45307e6f86079bdf6356f975f2a2.png


Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Запиши слово цифрой

        Seven -____, one -____, ten -____, five -____, three -____,

      six -____, two -____, eight -____, four- ____ nine - ____, zero -____.

  1. Реши пример, выбери верный ответ.
  1. Four + three = (six, seven, eight)
  2. Ten – seven = (two, one, three)
  3. Two + six = (eight, seven, five)
  4. Nine - one = (seven, ten, eight)
  5. Five + five = (two, ten, nine)

  1. Прочитай и разукрась.

Three is red.  Nine is yellow. Four is grey. Seven is orange. Two is white.

Five is green. One is purple. Eight is pink. Six is blue. Zero is black.
