Задания для 10 класса

Задания к учебникам Комаровой Ю.А.и Ларионовой И.В. "Английский язык" и Биболетовой М.З. "Английский с удовольствием" для 10 класса


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Microsoft Office document icon карточка 2 упражнения на отработку лексики63.5 КБ
Файл таблица глаголов и выражений, требующих после себя инфинитив или герундий 10-11 классы17.43 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon правило согласования времён при переводе из прямой речи в косвенную 8-11 классы78.5 КБ
Office spreadsheet icon таблица "Условные предложения нулевого, первого, второго, третьего и смешанного типа" 7-11 классы25 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon таблица времён английского языка (активный и пассивный залоги)72 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon Список неправильных глаголов английского языка32.5 КБ
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Microsoft Office document icon подсказка для написания писем личного характера, эссе "за" и "против", эссе "выражение своего мнения" 7-11 классы90.5 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon средства связи для писем, сочинений и говорения (английский язык) 9-11 классы35 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon задание для 9 "А" и 9"Б" класса по артиклям22.5 КБ
Office presentation icon образование глагола с окончанием ing152.5 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon упражнение на закрепление материала упр.24 с.10 (8 класс)32.5 КБ
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Предварительный просмотр:

What in the world …!


1. What special abilities do you think the animals in the pictures have?

2. Read the article quickly and make notes in the table.






Migratory bird




It is unlikely that humans will ever be able to see in the dark naturally. They will never have sonar abilities or be able to find their way from one corner of the Earth to the next without a map, a compass or a GPS. Abilities like these are unthinkable for a human, they always will be. Only fictional superheroes have these kind of abilities, or animals. In the animal world, these things are definitely possible. Some of the most ordinary animals are capable of extraordinary things. Read on to find out what they can do.


Ever heard the expression ‘blind as a bat’? Bats don’t have very good eyesight but they can sense obstacles (rocks, trees or other animals) better than any other animal with excellent eyesight. And they can do this perfectly in the dark! How do they manage it? Bats use sonar to find their way around. They produce a high-pitched sound that we humans can’t hear! This sound bounces off the obstacles and back to their ears. In this way, bats know if the obstacle is moving, where it is exactly and where it is going to be in a few moments time. This makes it possible for the bat to easily find the small insects it likes to eat. The sonar is so precise that, in the dark, they can fly close enough to the water’s surface to drink without getting wet!


It is well known that sharks have a very strong rise of smell and that they can detect a drop of blood in a hundred litres of water. But sharks can do something more than that. Sharks have special cells in their brains that are sensitive: to the electricity that other creatures produce when their muscles move. Sharks are so good at doing this that they will find a fish hidden under a lot of sand just by detecting the electric signals they give off.


Cats aren’t able to see in complete darkness they are very good at seeing in semi-darkness, like in moonlight for example.

Humans can hardly see a thing in such dim How do cats do it? It is the structure and size of their eyes that makes it possible. Cats’ eyes are very large for the size of their heads. They also open very wide and let in a huge amount of light. As well as being large, the eyes contain a membrane at the back that acts as a mirror. This membrane reflects light after it has already entered the eye so that it increases the amount of light available. This allows cats to have excellent night vision, which explains why they are so active after dark.

Migratory birds

When humans want to find their way, they have to rely on familiar landmarks (natural features or buildings, for example) or the sun to work out which way is north. But birds can travel thousands of kilometres and instinctively find their way by using the Earth’s magnetic field. Scientists are still not sure how they do it exactly, but there is one theory that says that birds have something called synaesthesia, which lets them ‘see’ the planet’s magnetic lines. Superman wasn’t even capable of doing mat!

3. Read the text more carefully. Tick (√) the correct statements.

  1. Many common animals have abilities that humans do not.
  2. Bats can see very well in the dark.
  3. Bats use something other than sight to find food in the dark.
  4. Sharks only use smell to find their food.
  5. Something in the shark’s brain allows it to find food it cannot see.
  6. Cats’ eyes are different from human eyes.
  7. Cats can see in complete darkness.
  8. Birds can find their way using the Earth’s magnetic field.

Vocabulary deduction

4. Match the underlined words and phrases in the text with the definitions.

  1. exact                                ____________
  2. things that are in front of        ____________

you that you must go around or

over before you can go on

  1. something you cannot        ____________
  2. imagine                                ____________
  3. noticing                                ____________
  4. almost darkness                ____________
  5. how you do something        ____________

without being trained

  1. to do it                                ____________
  2. plays the part of                ____________
  3. the way something is                ____________
  4. built                                ____________
  5. a tennis ball does this        ____________
  6. off a racket                        ____________

Предварительный просмотр:


1. Write the words and phrases in the correct column.

climate change • drought • exhaust fumes fine and mild • flood • foggy

global warming • heatwave • hurricane

icy • rubbish/litter/waste •showers

solar power • wind power




2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words and phrases in Exercise 1.

  1. Global warming is causing ____________ the Earth’s temperature is increasing.
  2. Next week, we are expecting a _________.
  3. with temperatures expected to climb to 40 degrees Celsius.
  4. It was so ______________ this morning that they closed the airport. Apparently, the pilots couldn’t see.
  5. Older cars produce more toxic __________ than newer ones.
  6. Today we’re in for a __________________ day, but tomorrow we’re expecting some ____________ so make sure you take         your umbrellas.
  7. It rained so much last week that it caused a _____________.
  8. In some parts of Australia and Africa it hasn’t rained in years, which has led to severe ______________.
  9. Both ________ and ________ are greener forms of energy than coal.

3. Choose the correct words.

  1. Mt Vesuvius in Italy is one of the biggest volcanoes / hurricanes in the world. When it erupted it destroyed the ancient city of Pompeii.
  2. The Nile river / desert in Africa is the longest in the world.
  3. If we don’t do something to stop global warming, many animals around the world will become extinct / died out.
  4. Wild animals that are taken out of their natural habitat / place sometimes die from stress.
  5. I would love to visit a tropical rainforest / forest.
  6. The panda is one of the world’s many endangered / dangerous species.

4. Match the sentence halves.

  1. That old bus is giving
  2. We have set
  3. We may run
  4. I think people need to give
  5. The grey wolf had died
  6. I bought myself a shopping bag, so I’ve cut

a up a website informing people about how to go green.

b up using their cars and take trains or buses.

с out in England by the 15th century.

d off a lot of smelly black fumes.

e down on the amount of supermarket bags I bring home.

f out of clean drinking water soon.

5. Write four sentences of your own using phrasal verbs from Exercise 4.





Предварительный просмотр:


afford; agree; aim; appear; arrange; attempt; beg; claim; decide; demand; deserve; enable; expect; fail; force; help; hope; invite; learn; manage; offer; order; persuade = get; plan; prepare; promise; prove; refuse; remind; seem; surprise; tell sb to do sth.; tend; threaten; volunteer; warn; wait.

would + like / love / prefer to do sth;

The + first / next / last / best to do sth;

ask / explain / know / learn / remember / understand / wonder + what / whether / how + to inf;

show /tell / advise / teach sb + what / where / how + to do;

happy / glad / sorry / enough / too / only + to inf.

It + be + adj. to do sth;

It + be + adj + of + noun / pronoun to do sth;

so + adj + as to do sth;

for + noun / pronoun to do sth.

To tell the truth, …;

To begin with, …;

To be honest, …;

INFINITIVE without ‘TO’ (bare infinitive)

help / know sb (to) inf.

BUT: be known / helped to inf.

modals verbs + inf.

had better / would rather + inf.

make / let + inf.

see / hear / feel / watch +sb + inf. (complete action)

BUT: be made / be seen / be heard + to inf.

Infinitive or Gerund

without a change in meaning:

begin; continue; intend; start + to inf. / v-ing

advise; allow; encourage; permit; recommend (in active form and no object) + v-ing; (in passive form or fld by an object) + to inf.

with a change in meaning:

1. forget + to-inf (в настоящем);

    forget + ing (в прошедшем);

2. remember + to-inf (в настоящем);

    remember + ing (в прошедшем);

3. mean + to-inf (намереваться);

    mean + ing (значить, иметь в виду);

4. go on + to-inf (начать что-л.);

    go on + ing (продолжить);

5. regret + to-inf (сожалеть о ещё не сделанном);

    regret + ing (сожалеть о сделанном);

6. would prefer + to-inf (предпочёл бы);

    prefer + ing (в общем, всегда);

    prefer + v-ing to v-ing;

    prefer + to-inf + (rather) than + bare inf;

7. try + to-inf (стараться, прилагать усилия);

    try + ing (попытка, эксперимент);

8. want + to-inf (желание);

     want + ing (необходимость, нуждается в);

9. stop + to-inf (остановиться, чтобы что-л. сделать);

    stop + ing (прекратить делать);

10. be sorry+to-inf (сожалеть);

      be sorry for+ing (извиняться за сделанное);

11. hate+to-inf. (извиняться, что беспокоишь);

      hate+ing (ненавидеть);

12. be afraid + to-inf. (чувствовать беспокойство по поводу чего-л.);

      be afraid of + ing (бояться, что ч-л случится);

13. like; love; enjoy; dislike + -ing (вообще);

      like; love; enjoy; dislike + to inf (в данном случае);

14. need / require + ing (что-то нуждается в) = need / require to be done;

      need + to inf (кому-то нужно).

Gerund after:

admit (to); anticipate; appreciate; avoid; consider; can’t help; can’t stand; carry on; consider; continue; delay; deny; discuss; escape; excuse; face; fancy; finish; forgive; give up; go (+ physical activity); imagine; involve; justify; keep (on) = continue; look forward to; mention; mind; miss; object to; postpone; practice; prevent; put off; quit; recall; recollect; report; resent (негодовать); resist; risk; save; spend time; stand; suggest; tolerate; understand; waste time.

preposition +v-ing;

I’m busy; It’s no use; It’s (no) good; It’s (not) worth; What’s the use of; There’s no point (in); have difficulty (in); in addition to; as well as; have trouble; have a hard / difficult time; feel like; be / get used to; be / get accustomed to

see / hear / listen / watch sb doing sth (incomplete action)

Предварительный просмотр:

Sequence of Tenses

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

Present Simple

Past Simple

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Simple

Past Perfect

Past Continuous

Past Continuous / Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect

Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

Future Simple (will)

Future – Simple – in- the – Past (would)

Future Continuous (will)

Future - Continuous– in- the – Past (would)

Future Perfect (will)

Future - Perfect– in- the – Past (would)

Future Perfect Continuous (will)

Future - Perfect - Continuous– in- the – Past (would)

Conditional I

Conditional II

Conditional II

Conditional II

Conditional III

Conditional III


that day


that night


the day before


the next day

(a week) ago

(a week) before

last year

the year before

next year

the following / next year

this evening

that evening













must / mustn’t

had to / couldn’t

have to / don’t/doesn’t have to

had to / didn’t have to















Sequence of Tenses

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

Present Simple

Past Simple

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Simple

Past Perfect

Past Continuous

Past Continuous / Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect

Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

Future Simple (will)

Future – Simple – in- the – Past (would)

Future Continuous (will)

Future - Continuous– in- the – Past (would)

Future Perfect (will)

Future - Perfect– in- the – Past (would)

Future Perfect Continuous (will)

Future - Perfect - Continuous– in- the – Past (would)

Conditional I

Conditional II

Conditional II

Conditional II

Conditional III

Conditional III


that day


that night


the day before


the next day

(a week) ago

(a week) before

last year

the year before

next year

the following / next year

this evening

that evening













must / mustn’t

had to / couldn’t

have to / don’t/doesn’t have to

had to / didn’t have to















Предварительный просмотр:

Simple Active

Continuous /Progressive/ Active

Perfect Active

Perfect Continuous /Progressive/ Active


Действие или последовательные действия происходили в известный период времени в прошлом и закончилось в прошлом. Ничем не связано с настоящим.

Обст-ва: in (1992), yesterday, last (week), (an hour) ago, when?.

(когда нет основного гл.)

I (he, she, it) was (not)                V2;V-ed

You (we, they) were (not)          didn’t V1

                                                    Did … V1?

They were in the park last Sunday.

I played and ran yesterday.

1. Действие происходило в какой–то момент, период времени в прошлом. Момент указан временем или другим действием.

2. Фон для других действий в рассказе.

3. Постоянно меняющиеся действия в прошлом.

Обст-ва: at that time yesterday, at 5 o’clock yesterday, when (he came), while, as.

I (he, she, it) was (not) V-ing

You (we, they) were (not) V-ing

I was reading when he came.

Действие произошло к определённому моменту времени или к началу другого действия в прошлом.

Обст-ва: by 5 o’clock last Monday, by the end of , when/before (he came).

had (not) V3/V-ed

He had gone away before I returned home

1. Действие длилось в течение определённого периода времени в прошлом (указано начало действия или период его длительности).

2. Действие завершилось к определённому моменту времени в прошлом (указано начало действия или период его длительности), важно показать его длительность.

Обст-ва: since …, for …, … before (I came)

had (not) been V-ing

He had been working for two hours before I came home


1. Действие происходит в настоящий период времени регулярно, обычно, всегда, часто, не происходит никогда.

2. Будущие расписания и официальные события.

3. Глаголы состояния (вместо Present Continuous). (He looks nice)

Обст-ва: every (day), in the morning, at night, usually, always, sometimes, seldom, rarely, often, on (Mondays), never.

(когда нет основного гл.)

I                        am                V1;

You (we, they) are (not)       (he, she, it) V-(e)s

He (she, it)        is                  don’t V1

                                               doesn’t V1

                                               Do V1?

                                               Does V1?

I am a student. The train arrives at 8.

I go to school every day except Sunday.

1. Действие происходит непосредственно сейчас, в момент речи, или несколько совпадающих по времени действий.

2. Действие происходит ограниченный промежуток вокруг момента речи и является наиболее важным на данный момент.

3. Личные запланированные будущие действия.

4. Постоянно меняющиеся действия.

5. Критика  или недовольство (always).

Обст-ва: at this time, now, right now, at the moment, this (month), at present.

I                        am

You (we, they) are (not) V-ing

He (she, it)       is

I am reading now. I can’t talk to you.

1. Действие произошло и завершилось. Время действия не имеет значения.

2. Важен результат.

3. Глаголы состояния (вместо Present Perfect Continuous) (for, since).

Обст-ва: today, this (week), just, already, yet, never, just, before, recently, lately, so far, since (then).

I (you, we, they) have (not) V3/V-ed

He (she, it) has (not) V3/V-ed

I have done my homework, you can check it.

1. Действие длится в течение указанного периода времени (указано начало действия или период его длительности) и ещё продолжается.

2. Действие и завершается к моменту речи (указано начало действия или период его длительности), важно показать его длительность или есть последствия его.

Обст-ва: since (he was 3), for (an hour), already, for a long time, how long?, Since when?

I (you, we, they) have (not) been V-ing

He (she, it) has (not) been V-ing

I have been waiting for you for two hours.

I have been running since early morning. I’m tired.


1. Действие произойдёт в будущем (решение принято в момент речи).

2. Выражение предсказания, основаного на опыте или интуиции. (I think, I believe, I’m sure, probably).

3. Выражение твёрдого обещания.

4. Просьба или предложение. (Will you …?)

5. Вежливое предложение или запрос совета. (Shall I/we …?)

Обст-ва: tomorrow, next (week), in (через) a week.

Shall I/we (not) V1?

will (not) V1

Shan’t ['SRnt]; won’t ['wqVnt]

I’ll go to the cinema on Monday

Действие будет происходить в какой-то момент, период в будущем, который указан непосредственно временем или совпадающим действием.

Обст-ва: tomorrow at this time, this time next Monday, when he comes.

will (not) be V-ing

I will be reading a book this time tomorrow.

Действие завершится к определённому моменту в будущем, который выражен указанием точного времени или началом последующего действия.

Обст-ва: by this time (next Monday), as soon as he comes.

will (not) have V3/V-ed

I’ll have done it by 5 o’clock tomorrow.

1. Действие будет длиться определённый период времени в будущем (указано начало действия или период его длительности).

2. Действие завершится к известному моменту в будущем (указано начало действия или период его длительности)

Обст-ва: by (the end of May), … for (5 years).

will (not) have been V-ing

By the end of this year I will have been studying in the university for five years.


would V1

would be V-ing

would have V3/V-ed

would have been V-ing

Simple Passive

Continuous /Progressive/ Passive

Perfect Passive

Perfect Continuous /Progressive/ Passive


Действие или последовательные действия происходили в известный период времени в прошлом и закончилось в прошлом. Ничем не связано с настоящим.

Обст-ва: in (1992), yesterday, last (week), (an hour) ago, when?.

I (he, she, it) was (not) V3/V-ed

You (we, they) were (not) V3/V-ed

Many games were played yesterday.

1. Действие происходило в какой–то момент, период времени в прошлом. Момент указан временем или другим действием.

2. Фон для других действий в рассказе.

3. Постоянно меняющиеся действия в прошлом.

Обст-ва: at that time yesterday, at 5 o’clock yesterday, when (he came), while, as

I (he, she, it) was (not) being V3/V-ed

You (we, they) were (not) being V3/V-ed

The book was being read when he came.

Действие произошло к определённому моменту времени или к началу другого действия в прошлом.

3. Вместо Past Perfect Continuous

Обст-ва: by 5 o’clock last Monday, by the end of, when/before (he came).

had (not) been V3/V-ed

It had been taken away before I returned home


1. Действие происходит в настоящий период времени регулярно, обычно, всегда, часто, не происходит никогда.

2. Будущие расписания и официальные события.

3. Глаголы состояния (вместо Present Continuous). (He is liked by everybody.)

Обст-ва: every (day), in the morning, at night, usually, always, sometimes, seldom, rarely, often, on (Mondays), never.

I                        am

You (we, they) are (not) V3/V-ed

He (she, it)       is


The picture is painted by the artist.

1. Действие происходит непосредственно сейчас, в момент речи, или несколько совпадающих по времени действий.

2. Действие происходит ограниченный промежуток вокруг момента речи и является наиболее важным на данный момент.

3. Личные запланированные будущие действия.

4. Постоянно меняющиеся действия.

Обст-ва: at this time, now, right now, at the moment, this (month), at present.

I                        am

You (we, they) are (not) being V3/V-ed

He (she, it)       is

The book is being read now. I can’t talk to you.

1. Действие произошло и завершилось. Время действия не имеет значения.

2. Важен результат.

3. Вместо Present Perfect Continuous

Обст-ва: today, this (week), already, yet, never, recently, lately, so far, since (then).

I (you, we, they) have (not) been V3/V-ed

He (she, it) has (not) been V3/V-ed

The homework has been done, you can check it.


1. Действие произойдёт в будущем (решение принято в момент речи).

2. Выражение предсказания, основаного на опыте или интуиции. (I think, I believe, I’m sure, probably).

3. Выражение твёрдого обещания.

3. Вместо Future Continuous

Обст-ва: tomorrow, next (week), in (через) a week.

 will (not) be V3/V-ed

The work will be done on Monday.

Действие завершится к определённому моменту в будущем, который выражен указанием точного времени или началом последующего действия.

3. Вместо Future Perfect Continuous

Обст-ва: by this time (next Monday), as soon as he comes.

will (not) have beenV3/V-ed

The work will have been done by 5 o’clock tomorrow.


… would be V3/V-ed

… would have been V3/V-ed

Предварительный просмотр:

List of irregular verbs

        past                        past

infinitive        simple                participle

be        was/were                been

beat                beat                beaten

become                became                become

begin                began                begun

bend                bent                bent

bet                bet                                bet

bite                bit                                bitten

blow                blew                blown

break                broke                broken

bring                brought                brought

build                built                built

burst                burst                burst

buy                bought                bought

can                could                been able to

catch                caught                caught

choose                chose                chosen

come                came                come

cost                cost                cost

cut                cut                                cut

deal                dealt                dealt

dig                dug                dug

do                did                        done

draw                drew                drawn

drink                drank                drunk

drive                drove                driven

eat                ate                                eaten

fall                fell                                fallen

feed                fed                        fed

feel                felt                        felt

fight                fought                fought

find                found                found

fly                flew                flown

forbid                forbade                forbidden

forget                forgot                forgotten

forgive                forgave                forgiven

freeze                froze                frozen

get                got                        got

give                gave                given

go                went                gone

grow                grew                grown

hang                hung                hung

have                had                had

hear                heard                heard

hide                hid                        hidden

hit                hit                                hit

hold                held                held

hurt                hurt                hurt

keep                kept                kept

know                knew                known

lay                laid                laid

lead                led                                led

learn                learnt                learnt

leave                left                        left

lend                lent                lent

let                let                                let

lie                lay                                lain

light                lit                                lit

lose                lost                lost

make                made                made

mean                meant                meant

meet                met                met

pay                paid                paid

put                put                        put

read /ri:d/                read /red/                read /red/

ride                rode                ridden

ring                rang                rung

rise                rose                risen

run                ran                        run

say                said                said

see                saw                seen

seek                sought                sought

sell                sold                sold

send                sent                sent

set                set                        set

sew                sewed                sewn/sewed

shake                shook                shaken

shine                shone                shone

shoot                shot                shot

show                showed                shown

shrink                shrank                shrunk

shut                shut                shut

sing                sang                sung

sink                sank                sunk

sit                sat                        sat

sleep                slept                slept

speak                spoke                spoken

spend                spent                spent

split                split                split

spread                spread                spread

spring                sprang                sprung

stand                stood                stood

steal                stole                stolen

stick                stuck                stuck

sting                stung                stung

stink                stank                stunk

strike                struck                struck

swear                swore                sworn

sweep                swept                swept

swim                swam                swum

swing                swung                swung

take                took                taken

teach                taught                taught

tear                tore                torn

tell                told                told

think                thought                thought

throw                threw                thrown

understand        understood        understood

wake                woke                woken

wear                wore                worn

win                won                won

write                wrote                written

Предварительный просмотр:

                        Flat 1

                        12 Frunze St







Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (76 words)


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


As far as I am concerned … To start with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, …. (Besides,/Furthermore,/As well,)


In contrast, there is an opinion that … as (так как) …. Then, such people also admit that ….


In fact, I cannot agree with them because ….  Actually, ….


In conclusion, I would like to state that … since (поскольку, так как) ….


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


On the one hand, …. To begin with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, ….


On the other hand, …. First of all, …. Besides, …. Furthermore, ….


In conclusion, I would like to admit that … since (поскольку, так как) ….

STATE the problem

Arguments “against”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “against”

My opinion “for”

My opinion “against”

EXAMPLES: as, such as, for example, particularly, especially






Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (70 words)

                        Flat 1

                        12 Frunze St







Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (76 words)


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


As far as I am concerned … To start with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, …. (Besides,/Furthermore,/As well,)


In contrast, there is an opinion that … as (так как) …. Then, such people also admit that ….


In fact, I cannot agree with them because ….  Actually, ….


In conclusion, I would like to state that … since (поскольку, так как) ….


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


On the one hand, …. To begin with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, ….


On the other hand, …. First of all, …. Besides, …. Furthermore, ….


In conclusion, I would like to admit that … since (поскольку, так как) ….

STATE the problem

Arguments “against”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “against”

My opinion “for”

My opinion “against”

EXAMPLES: as, such as, for example, particularly, especially






Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (70 words)

                        Flat 1

                        12 Frunze St







Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (76 words)


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


As far as I am concerned … To start with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, …. (Besides,/Furthermore,/As well,)


In contrast, there is an opinion that … as (так как) …. Then, such people also admit that ….


In fact, I cannot agree with them because ….  Actually, ….


In conclusion, I would like to state that … since (поскольку, так как) ….


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


On the one hand, …. To begin with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, ….


On the other hand, …. First of all, …. Besides, …. Furthermore, ….


In conclusion, I would like to admit that … since (поскольку, так как) ….

STATE the problem

Arguments “against”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “against”

My opinion “for”

My opinion “against”

EXAMPLES: as, such as, for example, particularly, especially






Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (70 words)

                        Flat 1

                        12 Frunze St







Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (76 words)


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


As far as I am concerned … To start with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, …. (Besides,/Furthermore,/As well,)


In contrast, there is an opinion that … as (так как) …. Then, such people also admit that ….


In fact, I cannot agree with them because ….  Actually, ….


In conclusion, I would like to state that … since (поскольку, так как) ….


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


On the one hand, …. To begin with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, ….


On the other hand, …. First of all, …. Besides, …. Furthermore, ….


In conclusion, I would like to admit that … since (поскольку, так как) ….

STATE the problem

Arguments “against”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “against”

My opinion “for”

My opinion “against”

EXAMPLES: as, such as, for example, particularly, especially






Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (70 words)

                        Flat 1

                        12 Frunze St







Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (76 words)


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


As far as I am concerned … To start with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, …. (Besides,/Furthermore,/As well,)


In contrast, there is an opinion that … as (так как) …. Then, such people also admit that ….


In fact, I cannot agree with them because ….  Actually, ….


In conclusion, I would like to state that … since (поскольку, так как) ….


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


On the one hand, …. To begin with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, ….


On the other hand, …. First of all, …. Besides, …. Furthermore, ….


In conclusion, I would like to admit that … since (поскольку, так как) ….

STATE the problem

Arguments “against”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “against”

My opinion “for”

My opinion “against”

EXAMPLES: as, such as, for example, particularly, especially






Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (70 words)

                        Flat 1

                        12 Frunze St







Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (76 words)


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


As far as I am concerned … To start with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, …. (Besides,/Furthermore,/As well,)


In contrast, there is an opinion that … as (так как) …. Then, such people also admit that ….


In fact, I cannot agree with them because ….  Actually, ….


In conclusion, I would like to state that … since (поскольку, так как) ….


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


On the one hand, …. To begin with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, ….


On the other hand, …. First of all, …. Besides, …. Furthermore, ….


In conclusion, I would like to admit that … since (поскольку, так как) ….

STATE the problem

Arguments “against”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “against”

My opinion “for”

My opinion “against”

EXAMPLES: as, such as, for example, particularly, especially






Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (70 words)

                        Flat 1

                        12 Frunze St







Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (76 words)


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


As far as I am concerned … To start with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, …. (Besides,/Furthermore,/As well,)


In contrast, there is an opinion that … as (так как) …. Then, such people also admit that ….


In fact, I cannot agree with them because ….  Actually, ….


In conclusion, I would like to state that … since (поскольку, так как) ….


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


On the one hand, …. To begin with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, ….


On the other hand, …. First of all, …. Besides, …. Furthermore, ….


In conclusion, I would like to admit that … since (поскольку, так как) ….

STATE the problem

Arguments “against”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “against”

My opinion “for”

My opinion “against”

EXAMPLES: as, such as, for example, particularly, especially






Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (70 words)

                        Flat 1

                        12 Frunze St







Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (76 words)


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


As far as I am concerned … To start with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, …. (Besides,/Furthermore,/As well,)


In contrast, there is an opinion that … as (так как) …. Then, such people also admit that ….


In fact, I cannot agree with them because ….  Actually, ….


In conclusion, I would like to state that … since (поскольку, так как) ….


… There are different points of view on this matter. Some people say … whereas others believe ….


On the one hand, …. To begin with, …. Moreover, …. In addition, ….


On the other hand, …. First of all, …. Besides, …. Furthermore, ….


In conclusion, I would like to admit that … since (поскольку, так как) ….

STATE the problem

Arguments “against”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “for”

Arguments “against”

My opinion “for”

My opinion “against”

EXAMPLES: as, such as, for example, particularly, especially






Dear …,


Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry for not writing but I was really busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you and your family.


In your last letter you asked me about …. Well, …. You see, ….As for …, ….


What about …? (3 QUESTIONS)


Well, I must finish. I have to help my mum about the house. Hope to hear from you soon.


All the best,

Ilia/Ksenia (70 words)

Предварительный просмотр:


Disagreeing and Contradicting

Expressing Opinions and Preferences

Asking for Opinion\Advice

Giving Advice

Everyday Expressions and Hesitation Words


I / we agree with you.

I totally agree.

Because we also …

What’s more …

More than that …

Besides …

That’s (very) true / That’s true, but…

Right / You are right / Right you are.

Yeah, I know.

That’s interesting.

Oh, yes.

It sounds great.

Oh, let’s do that.

Yes, that’s nice.


I am of the same opinion.

That’s a good idea.

You may be right, but …

I feel the same way as you.

I think you are right.


I don’t think so.

I / we don’t agree with you.

I completely disagree.

My opinion is quite different.

I have a different point of view.

Our opinion is different from what … thinks.

I’ve got a better idea.

It sounds a bit boring.

You see, …

But … / However, …

In fact, … /Actually, …

Really? / Mm, yes?

Er, I’d rather not, thanks.

Rubbish! / Nonsense!


I’m afraid you are wrong.

I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.

I am not so sure.

I don’t think it’s a good idea.

I don’t think that’s such a good idea because …

You’ve got a point, but on the other hand…

I see what you mean, but …

You could be right, but …

Yes, but don’t you think …?

That’s true, but what about …?

Although / Nevertheless, …

On the one hand, … / On the other hand, …

Despite / In spite of …

Opinion “for”:

As for me, … \ As I see it, …

We all think …

Personally, I think … I personally believe …

I’m (quite) sure …

In my opinion … / In my view …

I mean … \ What I mean is that …

You know, …

It seems to me that …

We also consider …

To start with, …

Due to the fact that …

That’s why …

And another important thing is …

In addition, / … plus…


Particularly / Especially

In order to … / so that

I’m bound to …, because …

I’m (quite) convinced that …

There’s a chance that …

I get fed up with …

Most people tend to …

It is common … / Generally speaking, …

People generally …

On the whole, …

Opinion “against”:

Personally, I am against …

I doubt if … / I shouldn’t think …

I don’t understand why …

Why don’t people understand …

I can’t see why …


I’m in favour of …

I like / dislike / hate / prefer / love / quite like / enjoy / can’t stand (doing).

I would love to/ would like to / would prefer / would quite like to (do).

I would enjoy (doing).


It is so …

… looks a bit of /sort of (adjective).

Are you sure?

Why don’t …?

How about (doing)?

What about (doing)?

Anything else?

Do you know what I mean?

What do you think (about …)?

What’s your opinion of …?

What about you?

Could you tell me about …?

I’d also like to know about …

I’m sorry, but what do you mean exactly?

What do you think we should do?

Could I ask your advice about …?

What would you advise?

Have you thought about …?

If I were you, I would (do).

The best thing to do is to …

You could try (doing).

Perhaps you could (do).

Be careful not to …

A golden rule is …

Remember to …

You had better …

If you want to …

One thing you should remember …

I think the best thing to do would be to …

It would be a good idea to …


Excuse me, …

Excuse me, may I come in?

Excuse me, may I go out?

I’m (really) sorry.

I’m (terribly/awfully) sorry, I’m late.

I missed last class because I missed the bus / I overslept / I was ill.


Thank you (very much / ever so much)/ Thanks a lot.

That’s very kind of you.


It’s no trouble / Any time / I promise.

You are welcome.

Never mind / not at all.


I’m sorry, could you say that again?

Do you think I can have a word with you? / Could I have a word with you?

Are there any questions you would like to ask me?

Would you mind (doing)?

Everyday phrases: Let’s (take) …

For instance, … / For example, …

(I’m) feeling really tired today.

(We’ve) been going out for five years now.

Can you believe it?

Asking for a word:

Is it all right if I ask you for a word?

What is this called in English?

What is the English for …?

Explaining a word:

It is a sort of / a kind of …

It is something we use for … /in …

You find things like this in …

It looks like …

Hesitation words: right, OK, so now

Предварительный просмотр:

8. Underline the correct option. This may include a space (--) for zero article.

a The / -- Republic of Slovenia lies at a / the heart of the / -- Europe.

b It is where the / -- Alps face the / -- Pannonian plains and the / -- Mediterranean meets the / -- Karst region.

c To the north is the / -- Austria and the / -- Hungary is to the / -- east.

d To the south is the / -- Croatia and to the west is the / -- Italy.

e A / The / -- weather here is ideal for the / -- holidays.

f There are approximately 2,000 hours of a / the / -- sunshine per year, and there is plenty of the / -- snow in winter.

g There are many woods and forests covering more than half of a / the / -- country.

h In the / -- Kocevje area in one of a / the / -- oldest forests in the / -- Europe, it is possible to walk among the trees for days.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Предварительный просмотр:

Ex.24 p.10 Answer the questions:

1. What country does Steven call the Lucky country?

2. What season is in January there?

3. Why do they have air conditioning in this country?

4. Why is the population in this country called ‘a beach people’?

5. Which country is Linda in?

6. What can you do in this country when it is cold outside?

7. How can you get to the parts which are cut off?

8. Which country is Carol visiting?

9. How does Carol describe the weather here?

10. What have you learnt about the weather in Carol’s native country?

Ex.24 p.10 Answer the questions:

1. What country does Steven call the Lucky country?

2. What season is in January there?

3. Why do they have air conditioning in this country?

4. Why is the population in this country called ‘a beach people’?

5. Which country is Linda in?

6. What can you do in this country when it is cold outside?

7. How can you get to the parts which are cut off?

8. Which country is Carol visiting?

9. How does Carol describe the weather here?

10. What have you learnt about the weather in Carol’s native country?

Ex.24 p.10 Answer the questions:

1. What country does Steven call the Lucky country?

2. What season is in January there?

3. Why do they have air conditioning in this country?

4. Why is the population in this country called ‘a beach people’?

5. Which country is Linda in?

6. What can you do in this country when it is cold outside?

7. How can you get to the parts which are cut off?

8. Which country is Carol visiting?

9. How does Carol describe the weather here?

10. What have you learnt about the weather in Carol’s native country?

Ex.24 p.10 Answer the questions:

1. What country does Steven call the Lucky country?

2. What season is in January there?

3. Why do they have air conditioning in this country?

4. Why is the population in this country called ‘a beach people’?

5. Which country is Linda in?

6. What can you do in this country when it is cold outside?

7. How can you get to the parts which are cut off?

8. Which country is Carol visiting?

9. How does Carol describe the weather here?

10. What have you learnt about the weather in Carol’s native country?

Ex.24 p.10 Answer the questions:

1. What country does Steven call the Lucky country?

2. What season is in January there?

3. Why do they have air conditioning in this country?

4. Why is the population in this country called ‘a beach people’?

5. Which country is Linda in?

6. What can you do in this country when it is cold outside?

7. How can you get to the parts which are cut off?

8. Which country is Carol visiting?

9. How does Carol describe the weather here?

10. What have you learnt about the weather in Carol’s native country?

Ex.24 p.10 Answer the questions:

1. What country does Steven call the Lucky country?

2. What season is in January there?

3. Why do they have air conditioning in this country?

4. Why is the population in this country called ‘a beach people’?

5. Which country is Linda in?

6. What can you do in this country when it is cold outside?

7. How can you get to the parts which are cut off?

8. Which country is Carol visiting?

9. How does Carol describe the weather here?

10. What have you learnt about the weather in Carol’s native country?

Предварительный просмотр:


p.171 Choose the verbs from the box which cannot be used in Continuous and write down their meaning:

appreciate, agree, believe, eat, doubt, hate, use, imagine, do, involve, like, mean, describe, owe, forget, possess, remember, express, suppose, suggest, want, wait






Meaning in which it isn’t used in Continuous

Meaning in which it is used in Continuous






p.171 Choose the verbs from the box which cannot be used in Continuous and write down their meaning:

break, appear, bite, believe, forget, cut, hear, impress, know, create, love, need, own, hold, prefer, seem, read, understand, write, wish, pull






Meaning in which it isn’t used in Continuous

Meaning in which it is used in Continuous






p.171 Choose the verbs from the box which cannot be used in Continuous and write down their meaning:

appreciate, agree, believe, eat, doubt, hate, use, imagine, do, involve, like, mean, describe, owe, forget, possess, remember, express, suppose, suggest, want, wait






Meaning in which it isn’t used in Continuous

Meaning in which it is used in Continuous






p.171 Choose the verbs from the box which cannot be used in Continuous and write down their meaning:

break, appear, bite, believe, forget, cut, hear, impress, know, create, love, need, own, hold, prefer, seem, read, understand, write, wish, pull






Meaning in which it isn’t used in Continuous

Meaning in which it is used in Continuous






p.171 Choose the verbs from the box which cannot be used in Continuous and write down their meaning:

appreciate, agree, believe, eat, doubt, hate, use, imagine, do, involve, like, mean, describe, owe, forget, possess, remember, express, suppose, suggest, want, wait






Meaning in which it isn’t used in Continuous

Meaning in which it is used in Continuous






p.171 Choose the verbs from the box which cannot be used in Continuous and write down their meaning:

break, appear, bite, believe, forget, cut, hear, impress, know, create, love, need, own, hold, prefer, seem, read, understand, write, wish, pull






Meaning in which it isn’t used in Continuous

Meaning in which it is used in Continuous





Предварительный просмотр:

Комарова Ю.А. Ларионова И.В. 10 класс

p.28 Answer the questions:

The Golden Ring

1. Where did the first Slavonic people lived according to the text?

2. Why are these cities called the spiritual home of the Russian Orthodox Church?


3. What event stopped the Golden Age in this city?

4. Which sights are included in the UNESCO World Heritage list?


5. Which city is older Suzdal or Vladimir? Give evidence.

6. Why do you have the impression that you are in an old Russian village while visiting Suzdal?

Sergiev Posad

7. Which Russian doll was created in Sergiev Posad?

8. Which terrible event did it survive?

Комарова Ю.А. Ларионова И.В. 10 класс

p.28 Answer the questions:

The Golden Ring

1. Where did the first Slavonic people lived according to the text?

2. Why are these cities called the spiritual home of the Russian Orthodox Church?


3. What event stopped the Golden Age in this city?

4. Which sights are included in the UNESCO World Heritage list?


5. Which city is older Suzdal or Vladimir? Give evidence.

6. Why do you have the impression that you are in an old Russian village while visiting Suzdal?

Sergiev Posad

7. Which Russian doll was created in Sergiev Posad?

8. Which terrible event did it survive?

Комарова Ю.А. Ларионова И.В. 10 класс

p.28 Answer the questions:

The Golden Ring

1. Where did the first Slavonic people lived according to the text?

2. Why are these cities called the spiritual home of the Russian Orthodox Church?


3. What event stopped the Golden Age in this city?

4. Which sights are included in the UNESCO World Heritage list?


5. Which city is older Suzdal or Vladimir? Give evidence.

6. Why do you have the impression that you are in an old Russian village while visiting Suzdal?

Sergiev Posad

7. Which Russian doll was created in Sergiev Posad?

8. Which terrible event did it survive?

Комарова Ю.А. Ларионова И.В. 10 класс

p.28 Answer the questions:

The Golden Ring

1. Where did the first Slavonic people lived according to the text?

2. Why are these cities called the spiritual home of the Russian Orthodox Church?


3. What event stopped the Golden Age in this city?

4. Which sights are included in the UNESCO World Heritage list?


5. Which city is older Suzdal or Vladimir? Give evidence.

6. Why do you have the impression that you are in an old Russian village while visiting Suzdal?

Sergiev Posad

7. Which Russian doll was created in Sergiev Posad?

8. Which terrible event did it survive?

Предварительный просмотр:


Underline the predicate and name the tense. Explain the use of it in Russian.

  1. I’m sure he’ll sell his car.

  1. I’m going to buy some new clothes next week

  1. They’re leaving for Mexico tomorrow.

  1. The bus leaves at nine o’clock.

  1. Come round in the morning. I'll be painting the kitchen.

  1. They will have finished the work by June.


Underline the predicate and name the tense. Explain the use of it in Russain.

  1. I like this dress. I’ll take it.

  1. She’s going to study abroad next year.

  1. Hurry up! The tram is just leaving.

  1. The lesson starts in five minutes.

  1. I won't bother to fix a time to see you, because I'll be calling into the office anyway.

  1. In two years' time I'll have finished this book.


Underline the predicate and name the tense. Explain the use of it in Russian.

  1. She will probably win.

  1. Now that she’s rich, she’s going to travel round the world.

  1. Are you doing anything in the evening?

  1. The train leaves Manchester at 7:23.

  1. The band will be performing live in Paris this summer.

  1.  Will our luggage have arrived by the time we get to the baggage area?


Underline the predicate and name the tense. Explain the use of it in Russian.

  1. I hope he’ll like his birthday present.

  1. It looks like the plane is going to take off now.

  1. What are you doing in the afternoon?

  1. The next bus comes in 35 minutes.

  1.  Martha will be planting flowers while Katie is planting vegetables.

  1.  Do you believe that species will have disappeared by the end of the century?