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Альзинская Татьяна Владимировна

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The magic box
T.V. AlzinskayaBelozerki Secondary School“Cambridge English for Schools in Russia - 3”2012
What programmes do you like/dislike to watch?
SHOWS: Talk shows Game shows Reality shows
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What are YOUR TV viewing habits? Why?
Make a report about TV viewing habits of your class…classmate(s)out of …watch… Nobody….Everybody… Most classmates say…Almost everybody… The only exception is…,who…Hardly anybody…
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TV schedules
BBC 1 Listings for Monday 24th October Listings:  all day   morning   afternoon   evening   late night 06:00 Breakfast (Magazine Programme)  The latest news, sport, business and weather from the BBC's Breakfast team. 09:15 Helicopter Heroes (Documentary)  Rav Wilding presents a series looking at the work of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. A man severs his hand in an accident with a saw, but the team are determined to save it. Paramedic Lee is called to help out his girlfriend as a 999 call threatens their Valentine's Day supper, and helimed 99 brings a motorway to a halt. 10:00 Homes Under the Hammer (Consumer)  Property auction series. Martin Roberts and Lucy Alexander visit a development opportunity in East Lothian, a property in Wiltshire and a house in Derbyshire. All of these properties have been sold at auction, and Martin and Lucy find out who bought them and what they paid when they went under the hammer.
TV schedules
BBC 1 Listings for Monday 24th October Listings:  all day   morning   afternoon   evening   late night 11:45 Cash in the Attic (Consumer)  Series looking at whether household junk could be worth a small fortune. Jean Chopping of Stansted wants to create a nest egg for her grandchildren. With the help of her son Mark, plus Angela Rippon and expert John Cameron, she sorts through a large collection of glassware, furniture and jewellery. Their target at auction is 800 pounds. 12:15 Bargain Hunt (Game Show)  Oswestry. Philip Serrell and his red team of girls find themselves up against Catherine Southon and two farmers' daughters. And Tim Wonnacott makes a mid-episode escape to Bantock House Museum to see some gorgeous enamels. 13:00 BBC News at One (News)  The latest national and international news stories from the BBC News team, followed by weather.
TV schedules
BBC 1 Listings for Monday 24th October Listings:  all day   morning   afternoon   evening   late night 18:00 BBC News at Six (News)  The latest national and international news stories from the BBC News team, followed by weather. 18:30 Regional News and Weather (News)  The latest local news, sport and weather from newsrooms around the country. 19:00 The One Show (Magazine Programme)  If it has Britain talking then it will be talked about on the One Show. Matt Baker and Alex Jones present the stories that matter from across the country. 19:30 Inside Out (Magazine Programme)  It'll cost up to nine thousand a year to get a degree, but former NUS President Aaron Porter asks the South East's Vice Chancellors, what's the point of going to university? University fees explained by financial guru Alvin Hall - plus an exclusive survey into the effect of the fees on young people applying for higher education. And the Sumatran tiger cubs born in Kent that are keeping the genetic line pure of one of the world's most endangered species 20:00 EastEnders (Soap)  Whitney finds herself with a new boyfriend, but she has to decide if he is the man she wants. A scheming Ben exposes Syed's lies about Amira to an incredulous Christian. Lola blags herself a job, and the ever-reliable Norman comes to Pat's rescue. Starring: John Partridge, Marc Elliott, Preeya Kalidas, Shona McGarty, Ricky Norwood, Tony Discipline 20:30 Panorama (Documentary)  Britain, Gaddafi and the Torture Trail. After four decades as one of the world's most notorious dictators, Colonel Gaddafi is now dead - just weeks after being forced from power. Panorama has uncovered shocking pictures and testimony, never seen before, that reveal the truth about the regime and its ties with the British government. Reporter Paul Kenyon tracks down the man responsible for much of the brutality, who fled to Britain during the recent civil war. Kenyon finds him at a luxury hideout in the Gulf, and challenges him to come clean about his role in torture 21:00 Young Apprentice (Business and Finance)  Frozen Treats. Lord Sugar is on the hunt for a Young Apprentice, as the business-based reality show returns. Chosen from thousands of applicants, twelve candidates aged between 16 and 17 compete for a Ј25,000 fund that will be tailor-made to kick-start a business career. In this first episode, the boys are pitted against the girls as Lord Sugar sets his first task: to make a new range of frozen treats, ice creams, sorbets and frozen yogurts, and then sell them directly to the public. Under the watchful eyes of Lord Sugar's trusted aides Karren Brady and Nick Hewer, it is not long before everyone begins to feel the heat. Relationships become chilly and, as dreams of success melt away, the losing team faces a frosty reception in the boardroom, before Lord Sugar utters his infamous last words: "You're fired". 22:00 BBC News at Ten (News)  The latest national and international news, with reports from BBC correspondents worldwide. (Stereo, Widescreen, Subtitles, 4 Star) 22:25 Regional News and Weather (News)  The latest local news, sport and weather. Followed by national weather. (Stereo, Widescreen, Followed by National Weather, Subtitles, 2 Star) 22:35 A Question of Sport (Quiz Show)  Sue Barker asks the questions as team captains Matt Dawson and Phil Tufnell lead their teams of sporting stars. They are joined by Olympic gold medallist Sally Gunnell, Derby-winning jockey Johnny Murtagh, Welsh international rugby star Scott Quinnell and former Manchester United and Scotland footballer Gordon Strachan. (Stereo, Widescreen, Subtitles, 4 Star) 23:05 Spooks (Drama)  Drama series. As the man responsible for the kidnapping of their deputy-director, Harry is handed over to the CIA, ready for deportation to the US. But when fresh evidence surfaces that there are darker forces at work, his loyal team break Harry out of his enforced custody. Harry's suspicions now lead him to another of his former Cold War adversaries. Events are soon thrown into turmoil when they receive detailed knowledge of a new attack on the UK. A commercial passenger jet is approaching London and cannot be contacted - is it a 9/11-style suicide mission, or do Harry's real enemies want to trigger a bigger conflict by tricking him into giving the order to shoot down an entirely innocent planeload of civilians? Harry will surely avert a national disaster, but not without the greatest personal sacrifice he has ever known. Director: Bharat Nalluri Starring: Peter Firth, Nicola Walker, Max Brown, Lara Pulver, Geoffrey Streatfield, Tom Weston-Jones
TV schedules
BBC 1 Listings for Monday 24th October Listings:  all day   morning   afternoon   evening   late night 00:05 The Graham Norton Show (Chat Show)  The award-winning host returns with a new series of his unique talk show, featuring a mixture of celebrity guests and Graham's irrepressible audience. Together on Graham's sofa in this opening episode are Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet, talking about her remarkable career and new film Contagion; top comedian Rob Brydon; Billy Elliott star Jamie Bell, now starring as Tintin in the new Spielberg movie; and indie band Noah and the Whale, performing L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N. 00:55 Weatherview (News)  Detailed weather forecast. 01:00 The Great British Bake Off (Cookery)  Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins host the grand final. After seven gruelling weeks, the three finalists face their biggest challenge yet - baking for The Great British Bake Off's street party. Inside the Bake Off tent new levels of stress are reached and the pressure hits boiling point as they must bake not only for judges Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood, but also friends, family and former Bake Off contestants. None of them have baked on this scale before. In order to be crowned the victor they need to bring together their skills, making a selection of petits fours and - for the first time ever in the Bake Off - puff pastry. Among their offerings are mille-feuille, mini Victoria sponges, strawberry and cream meringue nests and miniature strawberry and rhubarb cheesecakes. Only one can be crowned Britain's Best Amateur Baker and take home the Bake Off trophy. 02:00 The Body Farm (Drama)  Crime drama series. The team are called in to investigate the death of Ray Quinn, who was killed in what looks like a robbery at a classic car garage. The owners, Mick and Martin Flannery, are keen to clear the scene so that they can open for business again, but after an initial investigation, Eve is convinced that there is more to the case than a robbery gone wrong. Hale visits Ray's home. Ray was from a Travelling community who are very suspicious of the police and refuse to tell Hale anything; they say they will deal with Ray's death themselves. Eve and Hale later discover that a young girl, Amanda, is also missing and possibly in a lot of danger. Eve must earn the trust of Ray's family by showing them that she is a scientist and only motivated by finding justice for Ray. If they pursue their own justice then the truth about what happened may remain hidden forever. Director: Mark Everest Starring: Tara FitzGerald, Keith Allen, Wunmi Mosaku, Mark Bazeley, Finlay Robertson, Grace Cohen 03:00 Reel History of Britain (History Documentary)  The Birth of the NHS. Episode 11. Melvyn Bragg, accompanied by a vintage mobile cinema, travels across the country to show incredible footage preserved by the British Film Institute and other national and regional film archives, and to tell the history of modern Britain. This episode comes from the College of Medical and Dental Sciences in Birmingham and looks back to 1948 and the formation of the NHS. June Rosen shares a childhood memory of serving breakfast to the health secretary Nye Bevan on the day he announced the birth of the NHS, while Aneira Thomas reveals her remarkable claim to fame: she was the first baby born on the NHS. And one of Britain's top nurses, Nola Ishmael, shares her experiences on arriving from Barbados to start her training. 03:30 BBC News (News)  BBC One joins the BBC's rolling news channel for a night of news, with bulletins on the hour and the headlines every 15 minutes.
TV effects
·   TV helps people to learn about other cultures ·    TV gives family members of all ages an opportunity to spend time together while watching it ·    parents can use TV to get kids reading by getting books on the same subjects ·    parents and children can talk about TV programs ·    educational programs can teach children new things, and even help them make new friends ·    news, current events and historical programs can help kids find out more about other cultures and people ·    documentaries can create a picture of the world in kids' minds ·    cultural programs can show children the world of music and art
TV viewing is probably replacing activities in your child' s life that you would rather have them do (playing with friends , being physically active, getting fresh air, reading, playing imaginatively, doing homework , doing chores). Kids who spend more time watching TV spend less time interacting with family members.Excessive TV viewing can contribute to poor grades , sleep problems, behavior problems, obesity, and risky behavior. Most children’s programming does not teach; many shows are filled with stereotypes, violent solutions to problems, and mean behavior. Advertisers target kids.  This includes many ads for unhealthy snack foods and drinks.  Children and youth see, on average, about 2,000 beer and wine ads on TV each year. Kids see favorite characters smoking, drinking, and involved in sexual situations and other risky behaviors in the shows and movies they watch on TV TV can discourage and replace reading
Positive effects
Negative effects
All Genres Animation Comedy Drama Kids/Teens News Reality Soap Sports Action/Suspense Sci-Fi Family Romantic Game Show Talk Show Endurance Lifestyle Celebrity
http://www.express.co.uk/tvlistings http://www.xtvworld.com/listing/uktvlisting.html www.parenting-healthy-children.com/effects-of-television.html

Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект урока « Страны и языки»

Учебный предмет: английский язык

Автор: Альзинская Татьяна Владимировна, учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ с. Белозерки Красноярского района Самарской области

Учебник: Английский с удовольствием

Класс: 6

Тема урока: Countries and languages

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации изученного материала по теме

Цели урока: образовательные – обеспечить закрепление навыков грамматически правильного построения предложений используя конструкции I am from.., I speak…, проверить прочность усвоения лексического материала

развивающие – развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи на иностранном языке, формировать навыки аудирования, развивать умение действовать по аналогии

воспитательные – продолжать формирование навыков работы в парах,  прививать интерес к изучению английского языка, повышать уровень мотивации учащихся на уроке через использование современных ТСО

Планируемый результат: сформировать практические умения применения полученных знаний, совершенствовать навыки учащихся в аудировании, письме, чтении и устной речи по теме

Межпредметные связи: география

Оборудование: учитель- доска, мультимедийный проектор, экран, компьютер, колонки,  мультимедийная презентация, раздаточный материал

учащиеся – тетрадь, ручка, простой карандаш

Структура урока.



Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

1.Организационный момент

2. Постановка темы и целей урока

3. Обобщение и систематизация знаний

- активизация лексики по теме

фронтальный опрос

работа с презентацией

работа с презентацией

- работа с презентацией и в тетрадях

работа в тетрадях

фронтальный опрос

работа в тетрадях

 зарядка для глаз

  • работа в парах над диалогической речью

подготовка диалога

проверка задания (выборочно, по желанию)

 зарядка для глаз

4. Рефлексия.

5. Подведение итогов

1 мин

1 мин

35 мин

9 мин

2 мин

4 мин

3 мин

12 мин

4 мин

1 мин

5 мин

2 мин

14 мин

3 мин

5 мин

4 мин

2 мин

2 мин

1 мин

Good morning! How are you today?

I’m glad to see you in good mood and I think you are ready to begin our lesson.

(Slide1)For several lessons we’ve been talking about different continents, countries, nationalities and languages. And today we’re going to sum up all  you know about it and check your knowledge.  So, let’s get it started!

(Slide2) We all live on a planet called the Earth. The population of our planet is more than 6 billion people.  And I want to ask you

    Where do all they live?

Right you are.

And now I want you to look at Slide3.  

What do you see in it?

Well done! What continents do you know?

Let’s check your answers!  Repeat after me. (Click on the slide: in order of appearance) : 1. North America

2. South America

3. Africa

4. Australia

5. Europe

6. Asia

7. Antarctica

Well done! And now it’s a song time!(Slide4) Let’s sing “A Continent Song” together.

Look at Slide5. I want you to open your exercise-books. Your task is to label the following parts of the world (click 7 times on the slide)

What continent is it?

Well done!  People also live in countries (Slide6).

 What countries do you know?

Countries are in continents.  For example, (Slide7)

Canada is in North America.

I want you to do the next task in a written form in your exercise-books using that pattern.







Fine! And now let’s our eyes relax. (Slide8)Let me introduce Molly to you. She is from Ireland. Follow Molly with your eyes.

People in different countries speak different languages. Look at Slide9 . Here you can see a country and a language people speak there.

Your task is to make up a dialogue with your deskmate

At Slide10  you can see a dialogue model

- Hello!

- Hello!

-What is your name?

- My name is ….. What is your name?

- My name is …..

- What country are you from, ….?

- I am from ….. What country are you from, …?

- I am from …. I speak …. What language do you speak?

- I speak ….

- OK, see you later. Bye!


 You’ve got 5 minutes to do it.

Your time is over. Who wants to act your dialogues?

Thank you for your dialogues! And now it’s high time for eyes relaxing. (Slide11)Buzz will help you to do it.

It was great, wasn’t it? But it’s time to finish up our lesson. (Slide12) In front of you there are sheets of paper. Take your pencils and paint as much stars as you think you are good at the point.

Collect your exercise- books and sheets of paper and give them to me. Everybody’s worked well today. I want to thank all of you. But our lesson is over and it’s time to say “good-bye”!(Slide13)

Greet the teacher.

Give their answers according to the pattern written on the blackboard:

I think they live in …

(America, Russia, Moscow, Africa, etc)

Right answer:

I see continents.

I know… (Australia, South America etc.)

It is…

  1. South America
  2. Australia
  3. North America
  4. Europe
  5. Asia
  6. Africa
  7. Antarctica

Give their answers.

Pupils do the task in their exercise-books.

Japan is in Asia

Egypt is in Africa

Brazil is in South America

France is in Europe

Italy is in Europe

Australia is in Australia



- Hello!

-What is your name?

- My name is Rita. What is your name?

- My name is Pete.

- What country are you from, Pete?

- I am from Australia. What country are you from, Rita?

- I am from Poland. I speak Polish. What language do you speak?

- I speak English.

- OK, see you later. Bye!


2-3 pairs

Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Определите, где находятся следующие города:
  1. Norilsk   2. Anadyr   3. Orenburg    4. Lesosibirsk  5. Chita
  1. Напишите 5 предложений, используя оборот there is/ there are для описания карты.

  1. Переведите предложения на английский язык и сделайте их отрицательными.
  1. Моя кошка белая.
  2. Она умеет плавать.
  3. У моей мамы есть велосипед.
  4. Мы любим апельсины.
  5. Мой брат любит готовить.
  1.  Напишите, в какой день и какие занятия идут у Тома.

Hello! My name’s Tom. I’m eleven. I go to school six days a week. I’ve got only one day out – Sunday.  On Monday and Friday I’ve got  five lessons: two English and three Maths.   On  Tuesday I’ve got History and Biology. The next day I’ve got Russian and Art.  I like Thursday because we have three lessons of Sports! On Friday and Saturday we’ve got History, Biology, two lessons of Literature and Maths.

Day of the week



  1. Определите, где находятся следующие города

1.Murmansk  2. Surgut  3. Aldan 4. Barnaul    5. Kirov

II.  Напишите 5 предложений, используя оборот there is/ there are для описания карты.

  1. Переведите предложения на английский язык и сделайте их отрицательными.
  1. Моя собака черная.
  2. Он умеет прыгать.
  3. У меня есть кошка.
  4. Они любят яблоки.
  5. Моя сестра любит кроликов.
  1. Напишите, в какой день и какие занятия идут у Джона.

Hello! My name’s John. I’m twelve. I go to school five days a week. I’ve got two  days out – Sunday and Saturday.  On Monday and Friday I’ve got  five lessons: two Russian and three Maths.   On  Tuesday I’ve got History, Literature and Biology. The next day I’ve got English and Art.  I like Thursday because we have three lessons of Sports! On Friday  we’ve got History, Biology, two lessons of Literature and Maths.

Day of the week
