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Office presentation icon are_you_ready_to_travel.ppt527.5 КБ
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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

+ ? -

Слайд 7

You … Susan. He … Tom . She … my sister . They … students.

Предварительный просмотр:

Аннотация (краткое описание)

Тренажер “Глагол to be”  состоит из 22 слайдов.

Слайд 2. Содержание.

Слайд содержит гиперссылки на теорию  и упражнения положительной, отрицательной и вопросительной форм глагола to be.

Слайд 3-6. Теория.

Слайд 7. Заполните пропуски.

Если кликнуть мышкой по предложению, то появится правильный ответ.

Слайд 8. Исправьте ошибки.

Если кликнуть мышкой по предложению, то появится правильный ответ.

- гиперссылка на слайд 2 (Содержание).

Со следующими слайдами работа аналогична.

Ключевые слова

Дидактический материал: тренажер «Глагол to be» для 2 класса.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Are you ready to travel? Project work

Слайд 2

Introduction You are twenty-three years old and have just finished your university. Your plan is to go to the UK to improve your English. You have always wanted to travel abroad and this is your opportunity to explore another culture. You have only 7 days free. You ask yourself: where will you go? how will you get there? will you find adequate accommodations? what will you do there? will you have enough money to stay comfortably?

Слайд 3

Tasks Two activities are proposed. Firstly you'll find primary information on the chosen country. Secondly you'll schedule a trip throughout this country Good luck!

Слайд 4

Process Choose the destination and the activity you would like to have during your travel Choose the way of travelling Book the tickets for the transport you prefer Select the accommodation to your taste Book the hotel or whatever you choose Get ready all the documents you need Think of the luggage you are going to take Count the cost of your travelling

Слайд 5

What a tourist should know about the UK http:// www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/ukfacts.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet

Слайд 6

What part of the UK you would like to visit England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland

Слайд 7

England (Steps 1-3) Find out what a tourist should know about the country you’ve chosen http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/ukefacts.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet Find out how to get to the capital http://www.visitbritain.co.uk/travel-and-transport/ Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet

Слайд 8

Steps 4-5 Find out what to see and to do ( Travel Information and ENGLAND TOURISM SITES) http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/uketravel.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet Find out how to travel around (ENGLAND TOURISM TRANSPORTATION) http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/uketravel.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet Find out where to stay http://www.visitbritain.co.uk/accommodation / Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet If you have finished with these tasks go to step 6 …

Слайд 9

Wales (Steps 1-3) Find out what a tourist should know about the country you’ve chosen http:// www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/ukwfacts.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet How to get to the capital http:// www.visitbritain.co.uk /travel-and-transport/ Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet

Слайд 10

Steps 1, 4-5 What to see and to do (Travel Information and WALES TOURISM SITES) http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/ukwtravel.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet How to travel around ( WALES TOURISM TRANSPORTATION ) http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/ukwtravel.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet Where to stay http://www.tripadvisor.com/SmartDeals-g186425-Wales-Hotel-Deals.html Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet If you have finished with these tasks go to step 6 …

Слайд 11

Scotland (Steps 1-3) Find out what a tourist should know about the country you’ve chosen http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/uksfacts.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet How to get to the capital http://www.visitbritain.co.uk/travel-and-transport/ Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet

Слайд 12

Steps 1, 4-5 What to see and to do ( Travel Information and SCOTLAND TOURISM SITES) http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/ukstravel.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet How to travel around (SCOTLAND TOURISM TRANSPORTATION) http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/ukstravel.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet Where to stay http://www.cheaphotelsresorts.com/glasgow.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet If you have finished with these tasks go to step 6 …

Слайд 13

Northern Ireland (Steps 2-5) Find out what a tourist should know about the country you’ve chosen http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/uknifacts.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet How to get to the capital http://www.visitbritain.co.uk/travel-and-transport/ Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet

Слайд 14

Steps 1, 4-5 What to see and to do ( Travel Information and NORTHERN IRELAND TOURISM SITES) and How to travel around (ENGLAND TOURISM TRANSPORTATION) http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/uknitravel.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet Where to stay http://www.tripadvisor.com/SmartDeals-g186469-Northern_Ireland-Hotel-Deals.html Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet

Слайд 15

Getting ready (Steps 6-8) Get ready all the documents you need http://europa.eu/abc/travel/doc/index_en.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet Think of the luggage you are going to take (according to when you are going to travel and what you are going to do) ENGLAND http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/ukeweather.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet SCOTLAND http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/uksweather.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet WALES http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/ukwweather.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet NORTHERN IRELAND http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/ukniweather.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet Count the cost of your travelling http://europa.eu/abc/travel/money/index_en.htm Transfer your answers to Answer Sheet

Слайд 16

The end My congratulations! Now I’m sure you are able to organize any trip wherever you like to travel. Happy new journeys!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Paper Plate Angel a paper plate pencil scissors tape or stapler crayons, paint, markers for decoration

Слайд 2

Draw a pattern like this on the underside of a paper plate. Cut along the lines, discarding the dark section.

Слайд 3

Decorate the angel. Overlap the edges of the angel's skirt slightly and tape or staple it into place .

Слайд 4

That’s all...

Слайд 5

Paper Tree from Little Hand Prints

Слайд 6

A lot of green construction paper A piece of red or yellow construction paper for balls & stars Pencil Scissors Glue Optional: Glitter or glitter glue

Слайд 7

Trace your hand on a piece of green construction paper. Cut out the hand print. Fold the wrist over.

Слайд 8

Make a lot of paper paper hands (the number you'll need depends on the size of your tree). P ut your name or a Christmas wish on the hand print. P ut the tree up .

Слайд 9

Draw a tree shape on a large piece of paper. Cut out a small rectangle of dark brown paper (this will be the tree trunk). Glue the rectangle below the tree. Glue the hand prints together in a tree shape

Слайд 10

Start at the bottom of the tree. Starting with the second row, make the fingers overlap the next hand a little bit.

Слайд 11

Decorate your tree with glitter, glitter glue, or paper ornaments.

Слайд 12

Christmas Garland

Слайд 13

1 st step 2 nd step 3 rd step

Слайд 14

Thank you!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Christmas Tree Most houses in Britain have got a tree which they decorate and place the presents under.

Слайд 2

The traditional Christmas tree is a fir tree but now-a-days more people buy artificial trees to “ save the earth ” . The decorating of the tree is usually a family occasion, with everyone helping.

Слайд 3

Long time ago people used to decorate trees outside each winter. When the trees had lost their leaves, it was felt that the spirits living in the trees had abandon them. This made people very worried because they believed that without tree-spirits the trees would not grow leaves ever again.

Слайд 4

The Christmas tree became popular in England in 1841 when Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert, brought a Christmas tree over from Germany and put it in Windsor Castle.

Слайд 5

The Royal couple were illustrated in a newspaper standing around the Christmas tree with their children, and the tradition of decorating a tree became fashionable.

Слайд 6

During the Victorians Times , Christmas trees were decorated with candles to remind children of the stars in the sky at the time of the birth of Jesus. Using candles was, of course, a great fire hazard. Today, candles have been replaced by little coloured electric lights

Слайд 7

In 1880, Woolworths first sold manufactured Christmas tree ornaments which proved to be very popular.

Слайд 8

Today, Christmas trees are decorated with tinsel, lights and small ornaments which hang from the branches. Chocolate coins or chocolate shapes are also hung on the Christmas tree and the presents are put under the tree.

Слайд 9

An angel or star is usually put on the very top of the tree. The angel reminds Christians of the angel who brought glad tidings of great joy to the shepherds in the field.

Слайд 10

Let’s make a “fir” tree and decorate it!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

COMPARATIVE OR SUPERLATIVE? The comparative is usually followed by than : He is taller/more intelligent than John. The superlative is usually followed by in or of. Use of when the thing/person being compared belongs to the same category as the object of the comparison, otherwise use in : He’s the fastest (- in the race.- of the competitors). He’s the tallest (-in the army. -of the soldiers). She’s the brightest ( -in my family. - -of my sisters). (Note: it is not correct to use the superlative when only two persons/things are being compared: *He’s the youngest of the two brothers).

Слайд 3

Comparatives and superlative forms can function as nouns with the definite article: The tallest will stand on the right. The younger of the two brothers was the most intelligent in the class.

Слайд 4


Слайд 5

ADJECTIVES WITH ONE SYLLABLE clean clean er clean est new new er new est cheap cheap er cheap est

Слайд 6

ADJECTIVES WITH TWO SYLLABLES AND THE FOLLOWING ENDINGS: adjectives with two syllables, ending in -y dirty dirti er dirti est easy easi er easi est happy happi er happi est pretty pretti er pretti est

Слайд 7

ADJECTIVES WITH TWO SYLLABLES AND THE FOLLOWING ENDINGS: adjectives with two syllables, ending in –er adjectives with two syllables, ending in –le adjectives with two syllables, ending in -ow clever clever er clever est simple simpl er simpl est narrow narrow er narrow est

Слайд 8

COMPOUND ADJECTIVES Some compound adjectives have two possible comparative and superlative forms. Good-looking/better-looking/best-looking Good-looking/more good-looking/most good-looking Well-known/better-known/best-known Well-known/more well-known/most well-known

Слайд 9

ADJECTIVES/ ADVERBS -LY Slowly – more/most slowly Carefully – more/most carefully Exception Early – earlier - earliest

Слайд 10

IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES good better best bad worse worst much more most uncountable nouns many more most countable nouns little less least little smaller smallest

Слайд 11

ADJECTIVES WITH TWO FORMS far далёкий 1. F arther - более отдалённый, более далекий (по расстоянию) 1 .(the) farthest самый далекий 2. F urther - дальнейший, последующий (по порядку), добавочный 2. (the) furthest - самый отдаленный, самый далекий near близкий Nearer - более близкий 1. (the) nearest - близкий ближайший (по расстоянию) 2. (the) next - будущий, следующий (по порядку) old старый 1. older - более старый 1. (the) oldest - самый старый, старший 2. elder - старше 2. (the) eldest - самый старший late поздний 1. later - более поздний (по времени) 1. (the) latest - самый поздний, последний 2. latter - (по порядку) 2. (the) last - самый последний (по порядку); прошлый

Слайд 12

FARTHER, THE FARTHEST; FURTHER, THE FURTHEST . Farther, the farthest используются в тех случаях, когда речь идет о расстоянии: You must drive a little farther . - Вы должны проехать немного дальше. Further, the furthest могут выражать значение "дальнейший", "последующий", "добавочный": further information, further discussion, further details - дополнительная информация, дальнейшее обсуждение, дополнительные детали.

Слайд 13

ELDER, THE ELDEST . Прилагательные elder, the eldest - "старший", "самый старший" употребляются главным образом для сравнительных характеристик членов одной семьи и выражают в большей мере старшинство по положению в семье, нежели по возрасту: his eldest brother, nephew, my elder brother, sister, cousin. Elder не употребляется в сравнительной конструкции с союзом than , где возможно только слово older : Не is older than me . - Он старше меня . The eldest может употребляться без последующего существительного : Tom is the eldest. - Том самый старший (из них). The eldest is only 7 years old. - Самому старшему (из них) только 7 лет.

Слайд 14

LATER, LATTER; LATEST, LAST Later and latest refer to time Latter and last refer to position He is later than I expected. (he has come late) I have not heard the latest news. (recent news) The latter chapters of the book are interesting . (order of position) The last chapter is bad. (order of position) [Suppose there are ten chapters in a book, the “lat t er” chapters could be Chapters 7,8,9 & 10; the ‘last’ chapter is chapter 10.) l atter is also used to talk about the second of the two people or things mentioned.]

Слайд 15

MOST Слово most употребляется перед прилагательными не только при образовании превосходной степени у многосложных прилагательных, но также и со значением "крайне", "весьма": This is a most interesting book. - Это весьма интересная книга . These are most interesting books . - Это весьма интересные книги . В этом значении перед most определенный артикль не ставится . Такое употребление более свойственно разговорному стилю. Перед существительным слово most употребляется в значении "большинство", "большая часть": Most young people are fond of sport. - Большинство молодых людей любит спорт. Если существительное, к которому относится most , имеет при себе определенный артикль, указательное или притяжательное местоимение, то most употребляется с предлогом of : Most of my friends leam English . - Большинство моих друзей изучает английский.

Слайд 16

ФОРМА МЕСТОИМЕНИЙ В СРАВНИТЕЛЬНЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЯХ После than и as обычно употребляют местоимения mе, him, her, them, us , если за ними в сравнительной конструкции не следует глагол. Сравните: You are taller than I am. or You are taller than me . - They have more money than we have. or They have more money than us.

Слайд 17


Слайд 18

27-04-2009 MADE BY BCK DEGREE OF EQUALITY John is as strong as James. ‘ strong’ – adjective in positive form showing equality

Слайд 19

27-04-2009 MADE BY BCK DEGREE OF IN EQUALITY Peter is not as (so) fast as Paul.

Слайд 20

27-04-2009 MADE BY BCK PROGRESSIVE DEGREE Параллельное нарастание интенсивности какого-либо качества выражается конструкцией the + сравнительная степень … the + сравнительная степень (в русском: чем… тем): The steep er the hill, the more difficult it is to push the rock up! The older he grew the wiser he became. The bigger the house is the more expensive it'll be.

Слайд 21

1. The (large) the house is, the more money it will cost. 2. The more leisure time she has, the (happy) she is. 3. The (much) books you read, the more ideas you have. 4. The (many) ideas you have, the more knowledgeable you become. 5. The (good) they knew him, the more disillusioned they became. 6. The more, the (merry). 7. The quicker you are, the (early) you will be. 8. The (hard) you work, the more results you obtain. 9. The (slim) you are, the quicker you run. 10. The (near), the better. 11. The more you eat, the (fat) you become. 12. The (ugly) it is, the worse it is.

Слайд 22

- Sometimes the subject and the verb (to be) are omitted. The sooner, the better. The less said about it, the better.

Слайд 23

27-04-2009 MADE BY BCK PARALLEL DEGREE AFTER BECOME & GET The days are getting hott er and hott er . It is getting hott er and hott er day by day. The sea is getting rougher and rougher

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1
Fairy Tales
Fairy Tales

Слайд 2
What stories do we call fairy tales ? Why?Do you think fairy tales are only for children ?What are the stars ( characters ) of fairy tales ?How did people pass tales when they couldn’t write?Did the tellers change the stories?The earliest fairy tales were meant for entertainment, weren’t they ?Where and when do the events usually take place ?What is a typical beginning of any fairy tale ?How do fairy tales generally end ? What is the traditional closing line ?Are fairy tales always folktales ?Name some fairy tales you like most of all.

Слайд 3
Supernatural beings - сверхестественные существаFairy (fairies) - фея, волшебницаElf (elves) - эльф Goblin(s) - домовойGremlin(s) - злой гномBrownie (brownies) - домовойPixy (pixies) - эльф, феяWitch(es) - ведьма

Слайд 4
Who doesn’t love a fairy tale? You may think you’ve outgrown them. But fairy tales remain favorite stories for readers of all ages. The stars of many fairy tales are supernatural beings called fairies. Fairies usually take human form, but they can also fly. They have magic powers and generally act kindly toward human beings, like Cinderella’s fairy godmother.Fairy tales may have elves, goblins, gremlins, brownies, pixies, or other unusual beings instead of fairies. The stories may feature such creatures as witches and talking animals like the wolf in “Little Red Riding Hood.”Some fairy tales have none of these creatures. But they contain many other characteristics of traditional fairy tales.

Слайд 5
Fairy tales have been popular with people all over the world from earliest times. Many of them were made up thousands of years ago. People then passed them down through word of mouth. The tales changed over time. As the stories were retold, the tellers added some details and left others out.Although we think of fairy tales as children’s stories, the earliest fairy tales were stories for adults. The stories were meant mainly for entertainment, although some fairy tales also contain a moral. The message of “The Ugly Duckling,” for example, suggests that people who are considered unattractive or unpopular as children may have their true worth and beauty discovered in adulthood.

Слайд 6
Fairy tales generally take place in a far-off time and place. They typically begin, “Once upon a time.” In the land of fairy tales, magical happenings are everyday occurrences. Bad kings or queens, beautiful but ill-treated girls, and handsome princes are frequent characters in fairy tales. So are poor young men ready for adventure.A fairy tale often tells the story of an individual. It takes into account the entire life of the hero or heroine, but focuses on a single event such as marriage. Fairy tales generally end happily. Goodness is rewarded, and evil is punished. The traditional closing line of a fairy tale is, “and they lived happily ever after.”

Слайд 7
Cinderella is a popular folktale about a poor girl who meets a handsome prince with the help of her fairy godmother. The story is at least 300 years old.

Слайд 8
Cinderella, heroine of a European folktale, is mistreated by her jealous stepmother and stepsisters; and her fortune is reversed when a prince falls in love with her and marries her. The familiar English version is a translation of French writer Charles Perrault’s “Cendrillon.”
Cinderella Flees

Слайд 9
Beauty and the Beast
In the folktale Beauty and the Beast a young maiden saves her father’s life by agreeing to live with a beast. Her love frees the beast from his curse, turning him into a prince.
( compare with Russian tale “ Alenkiy Tsvetochek”)

Слайд 10
Snow White
The story of Snow White is a well-known folktale. It was turned into an animated movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, in 1937.( do you know Pushkin’s tale similar to that one ?)

Слайд 11
Little Red Riding Hood
“Little Red Riding Hood” is a well-known fairy tale. A wolf pretends to be Red Riding Hood’s grandmother so the little girl will come close enough that he can eat her. The story ends happily, like most fairy tales.

Слайд 12
Puss in Boots
Some fairy tales star talking animals like the clever cat in “Puss in Boots.” Puss helps his poor master gain a fortune and marry a beautiful princess. In this picture, Puss follows the happy couple as they ride off at the end of the story.

Слайд 13
English writer A. A. Milne originally wrote Winnie-the-Pooh for his son in 1926.Not only Christopher Robin himself, with his stuffed bear Winnie-the-Pooh and their constant companion Piglet, but also Kanga and Roo, Eeyore the donkey, the kittenish Tigger, Rabbit, and Owl—all the fanciful characters created by Milne—are beloved by both children and adults.
This pen-and-ink illustration by English artist E. H. Shepard shows Pooh Bear standing on a chair trying to reach his honey pot.

Слайд 14
Alice in Wonderland
The Alice stories, which have made the name Lewis Carroll famous throughout the world, and have been translated into many languages, were originally written in 1862 for Alice Liddell, a daughter of Henry George Liddell, dean of Christ Church College.

Слайд 15
“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”-1865“Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found there”- 1871 The names and sayings of the characters, such as the March Hare, the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, and the White Knight, have become part of everyday speech.

Слайд 16
Just So Stories
English writer Rudyard Kipling wrote several animal stories for children including The Jungle Book in 1894, which was made into a popular American film. Most of animal stories are wonderful tales which are both interesting for children and for grown-ups too.
Shown here is the cover illustration from Kipling’s Just So Stories for Little Children, from 1902.

Слайд 17
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was the first in a series of 14 books for children by American writer L. Frank Baum. The first book about Oz was published in 1900. It is about a girl from rural Kansas who travels to a magical land. This illustration from the book depicts the main characters seated around a dinner table.

Слайд 18
Peter Pan
In the famous fairy-tale play Peter Pan, a fairy named Tinkerbell helps Peter Pan and his friends go to Never-Never Land, where they have many adventures. Scottish dramatist and novelist James Barrie is best known for his play Peter Pan, which was written in 1904.
Peter Pan and Tinkerbell

Слайд 19
“Do you believe in fairies? Say quick that you believe. If you believe, clap your hands!”
James Barrie

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

s unny[‘sʌnɪ] солнечно w indy[‘wɪndɪ] ветрено cloudy[klaʊdɪ] облачно snowy[snəʊɪ] снежно hot[hɒt] жарко cold[kəʊld] холодно warm[wɔ:m] тепло rainy[‘reɪnɪ] дождливо

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

« The ABC » 2 класс

Слайд 2

http://www.linkelink.nl/images/Kerstklok_hulst_kleurplaat.gif Разработка по теме: « The ABC » предназначена для обучающихся 2 класса и может использоваться с любым УМК. После повторения алфавита обучающимся предлагается выбрать любой колокольчик и назвать появившиеся буквы. После возвращения на слайд с колокольчиками можно выбрать следующий объект и т.д. Колокольчики можно выбирать в любой последовательности и неограниченное количество раз. ОПИСАНИЕ РАБОТЫ РЕСУРСЫ

Слайд 3

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Слайд 5

Bb Dd Ss Oo Ww

Слайд 6

Kk Ff Oo Tt Vv

Слайд 7

Mm Yy Xx Gg Ll

Слайд 8

Tt Cc Oo Mm Dd

Слайд 9

Ff Yy Ll Vv Bb

Слайд 10

Aa Zz Cc Pp Qq

Слайд 11

Aa Hh Rr Mm Dd

Слайд 12

Ii Cc Pp Xx Jj

Слайд 13

Oo Hh Ww Ss Bb

Слайд 14

Cc Ee Nn Vv Zz

Слайд 15

Dd Mm Uu Oo Ww

Слайд 16

Kk Ss Ee Jj Dd

Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

Seasons and weather

Слайд 2

Let’s describe the weather in… Autumn hot rainy snowy windy cloudy

Слайд 3

Summer cloudy hot sunny cold snowy

Слайд 4

W inter sunny cold rainy snowy hot windy

Слайд 5

Spring cold hot rainy cloudy fine warm

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The Weather Prezentacii.com

Слайд 2

What can the weather be like ? Good Bad Cold Frosty Hot Rainy Wet Windy Sunny Warm Dry Cloudy Terrible Nasty Fine Snowy Foggy Freezing Clear Stormy Sleety Humid Dreadful Wonderful Cool Misty Sultry Calm

Слайд 3

Match the words to the symbols 1 Sunny 2 foggy 3 cloudy 4 rainy 5 snowy 6 thunder and lightning a b c d e f

Слайд 4

to warm to heat to freeze to dry to snow to rain to thunder to lighten to clear up to shine to melt to sleet to pour to drop to rise to fall to change to storm to blow to forecast to expect to listen to to observe To influence The weather in verbs to drizzle

Слайд 5

What weather do you like? My favourite weather is Calm Windy Foggy Clear I like the weather with Heavy showers a lot of snow a lot of sunshine a thick fog Fine drizzle Light rain Hard hailstorm Prolonged frost Thunder and lightning Answer choosing some expressions: Cold Warm Cool Hot Dry Wet Sunny Cloudy

Слайд 6

Describe the weather in the picture

Слайд 7

What is the weather like today? It is … (fine, cloudy) today. The atmospheric pressure is … (high, low…). The sun is shining (It is raining). It is … (warm, cold). The temperature is …-… degrees (below, above) zero. The wind is blowing from the (south, north, south-east…). The wind is (warm, cold, strong, light…).

Слайд 8

What is the weather in the pictures? Use the structure: To be + V-ing

Слайд 9

What is the weather in different parts today? Describe: Temperature Precipitations Clouds Wind Atmospheric pressure Atmospheric phenomena

Слайд 10

What was the weather yesterday? Don’t forget to use the V-structure: was/were + V-ing V (ed), V 2 for example : It was not cold yesterday. The wind blew from the west. Describe: the temperature, precipitations, the wind direction, the clouds, the atmospheric pressure…

Слайд 11

Let’s play : you are the weather forecast. What will the weather be like in our city tomorrow? In Great Britain? Use the verb structure : It will be … The weather will be …