8 "Б" и 8 "В" классы

Панина Виктория Леонидовна

Предварительный просмотр:

Вариант 1

I. Make up sentences, write down them. Translate from English into Russian.

If I see John, _____

1) if you don’t tell him the truth.

If I knew her phone number__

2) if it doesn’t rain.

If you don’t call me, _______

3) if Maria doesn’t ask him to.

He wouldn’t do it _____

4) I’d drive us to the park.

Jim will be angry ______

5) I’ll tell him you’re waiting for him.

If I had a car,____

6) I would call her.

Paolo won’t invite Bob _______

7) we’ll do the shopping.

Where will you go ______

8) I would make a cake.

If we have time,  ______

9) I won’t help you.

If she came to the dinner,

10) if you didn’t pay.

We’ll go to the match  ______

11) if you need a new computer?

II. Write down sentences.  Translate from English into Russian.

  1. If I ___ (go) to university, I’ll study really hard.
  2. I ______(not invite) you for dinner if I didn’t have enough money to pay for you.
  3. Mark would dance with Julia at the party if he ____(think) she liked him.
  4. He will miss the bus if he____(not run).
  5. If we spoke English fluently (свободно), we ______(not have to) study it at school.
  6. If I ______(be) you, I’d study better.
  7. I would help you if you _____(ask) me.
  8. If it rains, we____(stay) at home.
  9. What would you do if you ___ (win) $1 million?

Вариант 2

I. Make up sentences, write down them. Translate from English into Russian.

If I see John, _____

1) if you don’t tell him the truth.

If I knew her phone number__

2) if it doesn’t rain.

If you don’t call me, _______

3) if Maria doesn’t ask him to.

He wouldn’t do it _____

4) I’d drive us to the park.

Jim will be angry ______

5) I’ll tell him you’re waiting for him.

If I had a car,____

6) I would call her.

Paolo won’t invite Bob _______

7) we’ll do the shopping.

Where will you go ______

8) I would make a cake.

If we have time,  ______

9) I won’t help you.

If she came to the dinner,

10) if you didn’t pay.

We’ll go to the match  ______

11) if you need a new computer?

II. Write down sentences.  Translate from English into Russian.

  1. If I ___ (go) to university, I’ll study really hard.
  2. I ______(not invite) you for dinner if I didn’t have enough money to pay for you.
  3. Mark would dance with Julia at the party if he ____(think) she liked him.
  4. He will miss the bus if he____(not run).
  5. If we spoke English fluently (свободно), we ______(not have to) study it at school.
  6. If I ______(be) you, I’d study better.
  7. I would help you if you _____(ask) me.
  8. If it rains, we____(stay) at home.
  9. What would you do if you ___ (win) $1 million?

Предварительный просмотр:

Everybody knows that the Internet is very popular nowadays. It is used be millions of people all over the world. But there are people who do not approve of it. In my essay I am going to present arguments for and against the Internet.

On the one hand, many people criticize for causing problems with our health. Being on-line means spending time in front of a computer, which can do a serious harm to your eyesight. Browsing the Internet purposelessly is a waste of time. Also, people can get addicted if they use it too much.

On the other hand, the Internet is really useful in the modern world. People can do almost everything online, for example, look for any kind of information, entertain themselves by watching films or reading books, chat with friends, and even buy anything they need.

In my opinion, the Internet is really necessary nowadays despite all its drawbacks. It makes people’s lives much easier and helps them to solve any kinds of problems.

Предварительный просмотр:

Tag Questions

  1. Paul McCartney comes from Liverpool, .... he? B

A isn’t B doesn’t C hasn’t D didn’t

  1. There isn’t much news in the paper today, ...? B

A isn’t it B is there C are there

  1. She’ll be 16 on her next birthday, ... she? B

A isn’t B won’t C hasn’t

  1. She was 14 on her birthday, ... she? B

A didn’t B wasn’t C hadn’t

  1. Bono comes from Ireland, .... he? B

A isn’t B doesn’t C hasn’t D didn’t

  1. Paulo is Brazilian, .... ? B

A is he B isn’t he C does he D doesn’t he

  1. There’s a cinema in the town centre, .... there? A

A isn’t B hasn’t C wasn’t D doesn’t

  1. Terry drives too fast, .... he? B

A isn’t B doesn’t C won’t D don’t

Предварительный просмотр:

Карточка для 8 класса для написания писем личного характера.

Полный адрес пишем от малого к большому, т.е начинаем с квартиры и доходим до страны  и индекса

Flat 4

80 Stepan Razin St



445000 (9 слов)

краткий вариант


Russia (2 слова)

Если адрес краткий, то тоже пишем от малого к большому.



24/05/12 (1 слово)

24 May, 2012 (3 слова)

May 24, 2012 (3 слова)

Saturday, May 24th, 2012 (4 слова)

The 24th of May, 2012 (5 слов)


Dear Sally, (если имени в письме нет, надо его придумать)


Благодарность и упоминание о предыдущих контактах (обязательно благодарим, извиняемся и/или упоминаем какой-то факт из предыдущего письма)

  • Thanks for your (recent) letter. (4 слова или 5 слов)

            Many thanks for your letter. (5 слов)

            Thanks for writing to me. (5 слов)

            I was awfully glad to get your letter (8 слов)

  • I’m sorry I couldn’t answer you as I was busy with my exams. (13 слов)
  • I’m sorry I couldn’t answer you as I was busy preparing for my school exams. (15 слов)
  • Sorry for not writing for a long time. (8 слов)
  • I’m sorry I haven’t written for a long time. (9 слов)

Можно (но не обязательно) вместо извинения/вместе с извинением  упомянуть какой-то факт из предыдущего письма

  • I’m glad you passed your History test!
  • Great news about your ….!
  • Sounds like you have a great time in London!
  • It was great to read all your latest news!
  • It was nice of you to drop me a line.


Main Body (основная часть письма) состоит из ответов на 3 вопроса и объясняем ПОЧЕМУ такие ответы.

Письмо пишем в неформальном стиле, для этого НАДО использовать различные неформальные слова-связки и сокращенные формы глаголов, например, I’m, don’t can’t и так далее!!!

Чтобы письмо было логичным, нельзя сразу бросаться отвечать на вопросы. Необходимо сделать плавный переход при помощи следующих фраз

You asked me about …

Well, I can say that..

As for your questions, …(что касается твоих вопросов)

In your letter you ask me about..

As you’re interested in…(так как ты интересуешься…) I’d like to tell you that….

As you’re interested in…(так как ты интересуешься…) well, I can say that…

You want to know what I prefer..

As for me,……(выделяем водные слова запятой) – далее ответ на первый вопрос


Main Body (основная часть письма) –ответ на второй вопрос

I think,………….. As I see it,           I believe            As for me,            To my mind,


Main Body (основная часть письма) –ответ на третий вопрос

Actually, (на самом деле)

Guess what! (можешь себе представить!)

By the way, (между прочим)


Упоминание о дальнейших контактах, выражение на будущие контакты:

Well, I must finish. My mum wants me to help her.

 I’m looking forward to your answer. с нетерпением жду ответа (17 слов)

Write soon and tell me about…

Write back soon.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Please, write me soon.

That's all for now. Hope to hear from you soon.


Завершающая фраза:


Best wishes, (2 слова)   ЗАПЯТАЯ!!!

All the best, (3 слова)

With love,





Объем письма 100-120 слов вместе с адресом и датой (допустимо +/- 10 % или 90-132 слова)

Как считать слова в письмах:

Краткие формы (I’ve, he’s, wasn’t, hasn’t) – как 1 слово

Числительные, выраженные числами (1, 7877, 345) – 1 слово

Числительные, выраженные словами (twenty-one, forty-three) – 1 слово

Сложные слова (pop-singer, English-speaking, ill-manned) – 1 слово

Сокращения (UK, e-mal, sms, TV) – 1 слово

Домашнее задание:

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Frank.

…One of my friends gets ill very often. The doctor says that it’s because he lives in a big city with a poor environment…

What ecological problems are the most serious in your country? What can teenagers do to make their hometown cleaner? Would you like to live in a big city or in the country, why?

Предварительный просмотр:

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Sally

…I’m very busy preparing for my school exams in Literature and History. To pass them successfully, I have to remember a lot.

…What subjects have you chosen for your exams and why?....What type of exam do you prefer – oral or written? How do you prepare for exams?




Dear Sally,

Thank you for your letter. I’m sorry I didn’t answer I was busy with my exams. I hope everything is OK with you. 28 слов вместе с датой и адресом.

In your letter you ask me about my exams and the way I prepare for them. Well, I have chosen English because today all kinds of specialists need foreign languages in their work. 33 слова 

As for me, I prefer oral exams. It’s easier than writing. 11 слов

In my opinion, the best thing I can do when I prepare for my exams is to revise all grammar rules and write tests. It helps me very much. 29 слов

Sorry, I must finish. My mum wants me to help her. I’m looking forward to your answer. 17 слов

Best wishes, 2 слова

Daniel 1слово

Итого 121 слово

Предварительный просмотр:



  1. Образуй сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательных:

great –

red –

pleasant –

white –

thin –

good –

terrible –

rainy –

  1. Распредели прилагательные по двум колонкам:

tall, angry, interesting, fat, clever, hot, rich, nice, attractive, narrow, deep



  1. Выбери и подчеркни правильное слово.

Our cat is (smaller/the smallest) than his dog.

This market is as (tall/taller) as this house.

My town was (worse/the worst) than Samara.

The Volga is (longer/the longest) river in Europe.

Today is (hotter/the hottest) day.

We eat (healthier/the healthiest) food.

  1. Найди ошибки (если они есть) в предложениях и исправь их. Перепиши предложения правильно. Предложения, в которых ошибок нет, переписывать не нужно.

She is not busier as me. __________________________________________________


Asia is largest than Australia. _________________________________________________


The Thames is not as longer as the Volga. ________________________________________


His tour is bad than my tour.__________________________________________________


The monument in the park is the goodest.________________________________


I buy bigger shoes in the shop._________________________________________________


This is smaller room in our flat._______________________________________________


She was as nice as her sister._________________________________________________