9 "А" класс

Панина Виктория Леонидовна

Предварительный просмотр:

Самостоятельная работа для 9 класса по теме «Образование вопросительных предложений в английском языке»

I. Make up Wh-questions.

1. Three months ago I joined the Zoological Society.


2. Melissa had just fed her baby-sister when I came.


3. I am going to visit a dentist.


4. The elephant is the biggest land animal.


5. Tomorrow they’ll tell us about their visit.


II. Make up Yes/No questions.

  1. My nieces were very busy last summer.


  1. Our friends visited London two years ago.


  1. Yesterday my father read newspapers.


  1. Her mum will meet us tomorrow.


  1. My sister and I like reading very much.


III. Make up Tag-questions.

My sisters always chat about their problems for hours, ______________?

Last summer your uncle saw him, _________________?

I’m your best classmate, _______________?

He isn’t a bookworm, ________________?

You’ve never seen such a gorgeous girl, __________?

IV. Make up questions using OR

  1. He worked out a plan for our holiday trip.


  1. Your sister has been working for this company about three years.


  1. They had seen this film before.


  1. You must be patient towards your family.


  1. My sister is playing the piano now.


Read the text and then write questions for the answers.

In a small village in North Yorkshire, there’s a big old farmhouse where three families live together: Alice and George and their three children, Joe and Pam and their two children, and Sue and her baby daughter. The adults divide up the work between them. George does the cooking, Joe and Sue do most of the housework, Pam looks after the shopping and does the repairs, and Alice takes care of the garden. Alice, George and Sue go out to work; Joe works at home designing computer system, and Pam, who is a painter, looks after the baby during the day. Two of the children go to school in the village, but the three oldest ones go by bus to the secondary school in the nearest town, ten miles away.

The three families get on well and enjoy their way of life. There are a few difficulties, of course. Their biggest worry at the moment is money – one of the cars needs replacing and the roof needs some expensive repairs. But this is not too serious – the bank has agreed to loan, which they expect to be able to pay back in three years. And they all say they would much rather go on living in their old farmhouse than to move to a luxury flat in a big city.

For example:

Two. How many children have Joe and Pam got?

The cooking. What does George do?

  1. _______________________________________________________________________________ In North Yorkshire.
  2. _______________________________________________________________________________ A big old farmhouse.
  3. _______________________________________________________________________________


4. _____________________________________________________________________________

Sue has.

5. _____________________________________________________________________________

The house work.


The garden.


At home.


Computer system.

9. _____________________________________________________________________________

She’s a painter.

10. ____________________________________________________________________________

Two of them.


By bus.


In the nearest town.

Предварительный просмотр:


I. Make up Wh-questions.

1. He has got two animals at home.


2. Isaac Newton was a world-famous scientist.


3. My family was watching TV when he arrived.


4. His dog can run fast.


5. Jane is having a shower.


II. Make up Yes/No questions.

  1. Mary’s parents are very interesting people.


  1. They have already done their tests.


  1. H e can play football well.


  1. The girls are enjoying the film.


  1. My elder bother has played the game.


III. Make up Tag-questions.

  1. On holiday he can sleep longer than usual, _________________?
  2. Mary was cycling in the park at 5 pm yesterday, ______________?
  3. Your relatives won’t visit you, ____________?
  4. My mum had cleaned the room before, __________?
  5. Your friends didn’t want to hurt you, _______________?

IV. Make up questions using OR

  1. His friends live in Moscow.


  1. Jane bought a car yesterday.


  1. At the age of five, Jack had read this book.


  1. Sally and Julia have been sharing a room for two months.


  1. My sister is playing the piano now.


Предварительный просмотр:

We can handle conflict in different ways. Answer these questions to get an indication of your conflict management style.

1. You see one of your mates being bullied at lunchtime. Do you:

a) Go up to the bully and start a fight?

b) Talk to a teacher about the problem to try to find an agreement?

c) Tell your friend to ignore it and they’ll probably stop?

2. You overhear a friend saying something bitchy and cruel about you to another student. Do you:

a) Pretend nothing happened?

b) Go up to them, push them hard and tell them to shut up?

c) Ask them to explain what they mean?

3. You have been rehearsing (репетировать) with your friends for a competition but you have found out that they have had a rehearsal (репетиция) without you and don’t seem to want you involved any more. Do you:

a) Speak to your friends and ask them why?

b) Tell them you’ve decided you don’t want to be in the competition anymore?

c) Turn up at a time you know they are rehearsing without you and demand to know what is going on?

4. There is a new teacher in school who always seems to be making negative comments about you which you do not think are fair or justified. Do you:

a) Confront the teacher during a lesson and tell him/her that they don’t know what they’re talking about?

b) Ask to see them during a break time to discuss the problem?

c) Keep your head down and carry on working hard and hope they change their opinion of you?

5. It is your best friend’s birthday party but you have been grounded for the weekend for always leaving your bedroom in a mess and coming in late. Do you:

a) Find something good to watch on TV?

b) Sneak out of the house anyway when no one is looking?

c) Apologize, tidy up and promise to get in on time in future. Explain how important the party is to you and ask if you could stay in on a different day instead?

Use the grid below to add up your score then check below to see what your confrontation style is.

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5































How did you score?

Mostly 1s: You tend to avoid problems and do nothing rather than trying to sort problems out. This is very passive behavior. You must value yourself and respect your own rights. Try to express your opinions in an assertive (уверенно) way. Practise your skills!

Mostly 2s: Well done! You try to sort out conflicts in an assertive way. You try to find solutions to problems and deal with things in a healthy and positive way. You express your own opinions confidently but also listen to others as well. Keep it up and don’t stop listening to others.

Mostly 3s: Be careful, as your way of dealing with problems can be quite aggressive and you may harm others either verbally or physically. There is more than one side to every argument and you must make sure you always respect other people’s opinions and beliefs and don’t shout them down.

Предварительный просмотр:

I. Раскрой скобки, правильно используя Passive или Active Voice.

  1. English ……in Australia. (speak)
  2. I ….French last year. (study)
  3. This window……by your little boy yesterday. ( not break)
  4. We…..too much money on holiday. (spend)
  5. Her clothes …….in Paris. (made)
  6. This book …… by my brother. (write)
  7. The new university …..by the Prime Minister tomorrow. (not open)
  8. Ann…..too fast and she ……..by the police. (drive, stop)
  9. This house……next month. (built)
  10. Everybody …….a good time at the party. (have)

II. Перепиши предложения в пассивном залоге.

  1. My friend speaks Italian well.
  2. Your mother cooked a tasty pie.
  3. Students will use a lot of books for their projects.
  4. The writer will publish his new book next year.
  5. The girl cleaned the room yesterday.
  6. A group of artists organized this original exhibition.
  7. Thousands of tourists visit London every month.
  8. Joseph Turner painted this unforgettable landscape.

III. Найди ошибки, если они есть, и перепиши неправильные предложения.

  1. I am born in Moscow.
  2. The new school will finished in May.
  3. We invited Jane to our party.
  4. Our car washed yesterday.
  5. My homework was done by me.
  6. These phones was bought by my friends.
  7. Emma invited to a party by her boss.

I. Раскрой скобки, правильно используя Passive или Active Voice.

  1. This book….by my uncle. (write)
  2. Bob …..his letter to the university tomorrow. ( not send)
  3. French……in Belgium. (speak)
  4. A new hospital……in the town center last month. (build)
  5. My friends …..many languages. (speak)
  6. This computer …..in China (made)
  7. The new road …….before next Monday. (open)
  8. These TV programmes…….by many people every week. (watch)
  9. Our windows……once a month. (clean)
  10. My father ……in England. ( not educate)

II. Перепиши предложения в пассивном залоге.

  1. People eat pasta all over the world.
  2. People send millions of emails every day.
  3. They will build the new theatre in 2015.
  4. Someone broke the shop window last night.
  5. My friend will read the book next week.
  6. We speak English at international meetings.
  7. Their team lost the game yesterday.
  8. In Bangladesh people celebrate New Year in April.

III. Найди ошибки, если они есть, и перепиши неправильные предложения.

  1. My exams will taken next week.
  2. The room are cleaned by my sister.
  3. This book was read by me.
  4. My sisters were born in London.
  5. The new hotel built a year ago.
  6. The game is played by a racket.
  7. The visitors are took to the hotel by bus.

Предварительный просмотр:



  1. Образуй сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательных:

cold –

merry –

small –

tall –

good –

interesting –

cosy –

weak –

  1. Распредели прилагательные по двум колонкам:

green, lower, hot, nice, happy, interesting, big, delicious, large, clever, cold



  1. Выбери и подчеркни правильное слово.

My street is not as(long/longer) as your street.

His car is (better/the best) than his wife’s car.

Our town is not (big/bigger) than Samara.

The Black Sea is (colder/the coldest) than the Red Sea.

Peter is (better/the best) friend.

I play (more interesting/ the most interesting) computer game..

  1. Найди ошибки (если они есть) в предложениях и исправь их. Перепиши предложения правильно. Предложения, в которых ошибок нет, переписывать не нужно.

Her house is (cosy/the cosiest) than my.___________________________________________


Which is the highest mountain in the world?______________________________________


The Don is as long as the Volga. ________________________________________


September this year was hoter than last year. ____________________________________


Kate is better of all. _______________________________________________________


The church is near than the cinema._________________________________________


This is older tower in the city._______________________________________________


I was happyer than my friend._________________________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

Geographical features (test)

I. Put in “the” where necessary.

1.……Togliatti is situated on…….Volga. …..Volga is a river that moves very fast. ……Volga is …….longest river in ……..Russian Federation. There is …..canal called …….Moscow-Volga canal which joins …..Moscow and …….Volga.  …….Moscow River is …….slower than …….Volga. …..Volga runs into …….Caspian Sea.

2. What country is …..Washington ……capital of? …….United States.

…….United Kingdom consists of…..Great Britain and ……Northern Ireland.

3. ……Chicago in on …….Lake Michigan.

4. …….Moscow is ……capital of…….Russia.

5. …….Black Sea is in ………south of our country.

6. …….Philippines are in ………south-east.

7. …….Pacific Ocean is very deep.

8. …….Urals are not very high.

9. …….Is …..Canada ……largest country in ……..America?

10. …...Lake Baikal is…….deepest lake in ……..world.

11. …...Europe and……..America are separated by ……..Atlantic Ocean.

12. ……Balkans are old mountains.

13.…..Cambridge University is ……..most famous in…….world.

14. I live in…….Voroshilova Street.

II. Put in “the” where necessary. If sentence is correct, write “okay”.

  1. Kevin lives in Coronation Street.  - Okay
  2. Where are you staying? At International Hotel – the International Hotel
  3. Milan is a large city in north of the Italy. – ___________________________________________
  4. Brussels is capital of Belgium. - ___________________________________________________
  5. Manila is capital of Philippines - ___________________________________________________
  6. National Gallery is in Trafalgar Square in London. ____________________________________
  7. Most of best shops are in Merrion Street.__________________________________________
  8. Rocky Mountains are in North America.__________________________________________
  9. In London Houses of Parliament are besides River Street.____________________________
  10. We saw a play at Royal Theatre.________________________________________________
  11. You must visit Museum of Modern Art. It’s very interesting.___________________________
  12. Alan studied chemistry in London University. _______________________________________
  13. Panama Canal joins Atlantic Ocean and Pasific Ocean. ________________________________
  14. There two cinemas in our city – Regal and Plaza. ____________________________________
  15. Mary comes from a small village in west of Ireland.__________________________________