Английский язык 6 класс

Мартыненко Анна Александровна

Полезная информация к урокам по английскому языку для 6 класса (Спотлайт)


Файл Входной тест35.71 КБ
Файл Possesive Pronouns24.89 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Входной тест по английскому языку для 6 класса.

Часть 1: Лексика

I.          Выпишите лишнее слово из логической цепочки слов:

a) Butter, pineapple, cabbage, parrot, meat ________________________

b) Umbrella, jacket, blouse, dress, trousers_________________

II.        Выбери подходящее слово по смыслу:

1) Mike likes computers. What is his favourite subject?

A) Art                       B) IT                          C) PE

 2) Jane likes to help people. She works as a _______.

A) teacher                B) painter                  C) doctor

3) Dasha lives in Volgograd. She went to Canada by_______.

A) plane                   B) bike                      C) car    

III.       Напишите существительные во множественном числе:

  1. child ___________________
  2. lady____________________
  3. leaf ____________________

IV.        Напиши парами слова с противоположным значением.

Morning, short, tight, always, fun, loose, boring, evening, sunny, tall, never, rainy.

1) _______________________________     4) ______________________________

2) _______________________________     5) ______________________________

3) _______________________________     6) ______________________________

Часть 2: Грамматика

  1. Вставить пропущенную форму глагола to be.
  1. Sally has two brothers. They ______ students.
  2. Shakira _____ a popular singer.
  3. I _____cooking dinner for my parents.

  1. Выбери правильное слово.
  1. What are your plans for the weekend? – I ________ at home.
  1. will  stay                   B) stay                  C) am staying    
  1. We usually___________ five classes a day. 
  1. has                         B) have                      C) are having
  1. I________ to the dentist today.
  1. go                          B) am going               C) goes
  1. He often __________ football with his friends after school.
  1. play                       B)is playing               C) plays

  1. Выбери подходящее слово.
  1. He (have/ has) got a skateboard.
  2. Katie likes animals. (She/her) has got two cats, a dog and a hamster.
  3. Penguins and kiwi birds (can/ can’t) fly.
  4. Sam is (never/often) late. He is always on time.
  5. (This/these) red school bag is under the desk.
  6. I was (in/at) the zoo with my family yesterday.
  7. I went (on/by)foot, and others by bicycle.

  1. Раскрой скобки, употребляя глаголы в правильном времени.
  1. My working day_________________ (to begin) at seven o'clock.
  2. He __________ (to come) to visit me next month.
  3. My grandfather_____________ (to read) a book now.
  4. My sister _______ (to live) in Moscow two years ago.

Часть 3: Чтение

  1. Прочитай текст, затем выполни задания.

           Yesterday Kate had a great weekend. The weather was sunny. She woke up early in the morning and invited her friend Ann to the zoo. Ann was glad to go with Kate. There were a lot of people at the zoo. They saw different sections with wild animals, birds and reptiles there. Kate saw the elephants for the first time in her life. The animals were so huge and cute! Ann was excited to meet with the giraffes. Then the girls wanted to eat and bought some Coke, candy floss and burgers. They stayed there until late evening. It was a wonderful day and Kate was happy that her friend Ann was with her.

  1. Выбери правильный ответ, опираясь на текст.
  1. What was the weather like on weekends?
  1. Bad                             B) wonderful
  1. Who was with Kate at the zoo?
  1. Her friend                  B) her sister
  1. What animals did Kate see for the first time in her life?

A) giraffes                  B) elephants

  1. What did girls eat there?
  1. Burgers                       B) sandwiches

Ключи для проверки входного теста.

Часть 1: Лексика

  1. a) parrot

b) umbrella

           II.         1) B

                        2) C

                        3) A

          III.         a) children

                        b) ladies

                        c) leaves

         IV.          1) morning – evening

                        2) short – tall

                        3) hot – cold

                        4) always – never

                        5) sad – happy

                        6) sunny – rainy

Часть 2: Грамматика

  1. 1) are

2) is

3) am

   II.       1) A

             2) B

             3) B

             4) C

III.         1) has

              2) she

              3) can’t

              4) never

              5) this

             6) at

             7) on

     IV.   1) begins

             2)  will come

             3) is reading

             4)  lived  

Часть 3: Чтение

  1. 1) B

2) A

3) B

4) A

Предварительный просмотр:

Choose the correct possessive pronouns.

1. Is this (your / yours) book?

2. It's (their / theirs) door, not ( our / ours ).

3. They're new pupils and I don't know (their / theirs) names.

4. (Му/ Mine) flаt is bigger than (her / hers ), but(her /hers) is nicer.

5. That's not (my / mine) book. (Му / Mine) is new.

6. They took (our / ours) books and we took (their / theirs).

7. Are these pencils (her / hers)?

8. Is this (your / yours) house or (their / theirs)?

Choose the correct possessive pronouns.

  1. Is this yours / your daughter?
  2. It's theirs / their problem, not our/ours.
  3. Are these her / hers shoes?
  4. We're going swimming with some friends of our/ours.
  5. Is it yours / your article about spiders? -No, it's not my / mine.
  6. We know their / theirs address but they don't know our / ours.
  7. That's not my / mine wallet. Mine / my is black.
  8. His cottage is bigger than her / hers but her / hers is nicer.
  9. My / mine parents live in Samara region, and your / yours?

Complete the sentences with correct possessive pronouns.

  1. It is my house. It is… .
  2. It is his house. It is … .
  3. It is their house. It is …  .
  4. It is her house. It is … .
  5. It is our house. It is … .
  6. It is your house. It is … .