Подготовка к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ

Гатиятова Гузель Ильдусовна

Письмо и эссе




Предварительный просмотр:

Тренировочные тестовые задания

Задание 1.

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English pen-friend Peter who writes:

…At school we are doing projects about the traditions of celebrating Christmas in different countries. Could you tell me what Christmas traditions do you have in Russia?

As for the family news my sister broke her leg last week…

Write a letter to Peter.

In your letter:

 tell him about the traditions of celebrating Christmas in your country

 ask 3 questions about his sister’s accident

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Задание 2.

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English pen-friend Sarah who writes:

…At Art School I won an annual prize for the best picture of autumn forest…

As for our news we decided to move into a flat in a new district which is considered the best in our city…

Write a letter to Sarah.

In your letter:

 congratulate Mary

 ask 3 questions about her new flat

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Задание 3.

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English pen-friend James who writes:

…My friends and I are going to come to St. Petersburg for a week in August. Could you tell me what the weather is like in St. Petersburg at this time of the year and what clothes we should take?

As for my news last Saturday I went to the National Art Gallery…

Write a letter to James.

In your letter:

 tell him about the weather in St/ Petersburg in August and give him advice what clothes he should take

 ask 3 questions about his visit to the National Art Gallery

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Задание 4.

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English pen-friend Ann who writes:

…I got interested in jazz. What is your attitude to it? What about your friends?

I began learning to play the saxophone…

Write a letter to Ann.

In your letter:

 tell her about your preferences in music

 ask 3 questions about his music lessons

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Задание 5.

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English pen-friend Steve who writes:

…In yesterday’s magazine I saw a picture of Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. It amazed me greatly. Are there any other beautiful cathedrals in your country?

We decided to make a small pond in our garden…

Write a letter to Steve.

In your letter:

 tell him about Russian’s cathedrals

 ask 3 questions about his new pond

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Задание 6.

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English pen-friend Mary who writes:

…At school we are doing projects on different methods of learning the English language in non English-speaking countries. Could you tell me how in Russia learn English at schools?

As for the news I have a new hobby. It’s diving…

Write a letter to Mary.

In your letter:

 answer her questions

 ask 3 questions about her new hobby

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Задание 7.

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English pen-friend Victoria who writes:

…Obesity rates in children have doubled in the past 20 years. This could be the reason why people tend to eat healthily. What are the food preferences in your family? And can you give me any recommendations to improve the diet?

In our family organic food is becoming more and more popular…

Write a letter to Victoria.

In your letter:

 answer her questions

 ask 3 questions about organic food

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Задание 8.

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English pen-friend Simon who writes:

...Last week I watched a very interesting a documentary on how teenagers in different countries spend their free time. Could you tell me more about favourite activities of Russian school children?
         …As for my news, well, next week my friends and I are going on an excursion to a small town in the South of England...

Write a letter to Simon.

In your letter:

 answer his questions

 ask 3 questions about their excursion

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Задание 9.

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English pen-friend Susan who writes:

...For me it’s fun to go somewhere I’ve never been to, to see other places, to mix with new people and to get new experiences. So far I haven’t travelled abroad, but I hope to go to France this summer. What about you, where would you like to go to if you could choose? Have you travelled a lot in Russia? Who do you prefer to travel with?

Just imagine our drama teacher wants us to stage a comedy…

Write a letter to Susan.

In your letter:

 answer her questions

 ask 3 questions about her drama class

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Задание 10.

You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English pen-friend Lisa who writes:

…Our school administration is planning to introduce a new school uniform. Students and parents are welcome to come up with ideas. Personally I’m quite happy with the old one – a white short or a blouse and a tie for both boys and girls. Do all school students in Russia wear a uniform? What’s your idea of a good school uniform? Should it be the same for boys and girls, why?

…Just imagine I am going on an exchange program to France!

Write a letter to Lisa.

In your letter:

 answer her questions

 ask 3 questions about her school exchange program

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Предварительный просмотр:

Основные требования к письму на Едином Государственном Экзамене

  1. Требуемый объем письма – 100-140 слов. Время выполнения задания – 20 минут.
  2. Письмо  должно иметь четкую структуру и следовать точному плану:


              приветствие (обращение);

              основной текст письма;

      заключительная формула вежливости.

  1. Все части личного письма должны быть логично и четко взаимосвязаны.
  2. В письме необходимо прямо ответить на заданный в тексте-стимуле вопрос и уметь задать вопросы другу по переписке по поставленной им проблеме.
  3. Личное письмо должно отразить то, как вы владеете речевой культурой,  правилами построения письма и различными грамматическими конструкциями.

Указания по написанию личного письма

Личное письмо обычно пишется в неформальном стиле, эмоциональным языком. Принятые в устной речи сокращения необходимы при написании текста.

I'm sorry that I haven't written for a while, but I've been really busy.

I'm very eager to hear from you, so please write as soon as you can.

What’s the news?

Употребление фразеологических оборотов, сленга и фразовых глаголов уместно и допустимо при написании письма личного характера.


Письмо начинается с оформления адреса отправителя, который пишется в верхнем правом углу страницы в следующем порядке:

1-ая строка – номер дома, название улицы;

2-ая строка – город, почтовый индекс;

3-я строка – страна. 

Под адресом пишется дата написания письма: число, месяц, год.

Дату лучше писать полностью, например, 20 March, 2012. Принятые в датах порядковые окончания -th, -st, -nd, -rd числительных писать не следует.


Личное письмо обычно начинается неформальным обращением к другу по переписке Hi, Hello или словом Dear, к которому добавляется имя, после чего ставится запятая.

Hi, Sam,

Hello, Mary,

Dear Mark,

Все обращение пишется на левой стороне без отступа на красную строку.

Далее следует благодарность за полученное письмо. Также уместно будет задать несколько вопросов о делах и семье своего друга.

Thanks for your letter. It was nice to hear from you. How are you getting on? I hope everything is all right. How is your grandmother? Has she already recovered?

Основной текст письма

В этой части письма представляются новости, факты и события вашей жизни, выражается ваше мнение и чувства, описываются планы на будущее. Также можно расспросить друга по переписке о его делах. В личном письме уместно содержание поздравления, благодарности, просьбы, соболезнования, жалобы или упрека.

Some facts about our group are here. Nelly made a decision to go to a Medical College and she is training hard.

I hope you are studying hard now. Have you already chosen the university where you are going to apply? Will it be difficult to study there?

Вводные слова и выражения, а также слова, связывающие отдельные части предложений.

Дополнение: first, also, finally

Противопоставление: but, however

Цель: so that

Пример: such as, for example

Причина as, because

Время: when, while

Начальное предложение: Anyway, Well, Right

Заключительная формула вежливости

Заключительная форма вежливости оформляется на отдельной строке и может включать в себя такие слова, как Yours cordially, Faithfully yours, Ever yours, Yours as always, (Lots of) love, (Lots of) kisses, Love, Best regards, Best wishes, Looking forward to see you, Fondly, Missing you, после которых ставится запятая.

На отдельной строке после вежливого заключения необходимо подписаться – написать свое имя.


  Внимательно изучите инструкцию к заданию, обращая внимание на лимит времени и объема.

 Внимательно прочитайте предложенный вам отрывок из письма друга по переписке. Это поможет понять коммуникативные задачи и определить объем и содержание информации, которая должна быть включена в ответное письмо. Выделите вопросы, которые вам задает зарубежный друг – ни один из них не должен остаться без ответа. Причем недопустимо отвечать кратко и формально «Да» – «Нет». Содержание вашего письма должно быть максимально приближено к письму, которое могло быть написано в действительности.

 В задании под письмом-стимулом также содержится указание на дополнительную задачу: задать другу 3 вопроса на определенную тему. НЕ забудьте это сделать!

 Неправильно уделять внимание какой-то одной стороне содержания и описывать в тексте детали, не относящиеся к предложенной коммуникативной задаче – это может вызвать нежелательное увеличение объема текста.

 НЕ забывайте, что текст письма должен представлять собой связное и логичное целое. Текст делится на абзацы в соответствии с логикой, абзацы между собой и предложения внутри абзацев должны быть связаны при помощи различных средств связи: вводных слов, союзов, союзных слов и т.п.

 Нужно обязательно помнить: объем письма – 100-140 слов. Не следует писать лишних подробностей. Обязательные элементы письма – адрес, обращение, благодарность за полученное письмо, заключительные фразы и ваше имя в конце письма уже составляют около 30 слов. Полезно заучить эти фразы и визуально запомнить расположение частей письма. Запомните свой адрес в правильном порядке.

 Сделайте проверку на наличие грамматических или орфографических ошибок. Если нет уверенности в правильности написания каких-то слов, постарайтесь заменить их словами-синонимами, в написании которых вы уверены.

Словарь полезных слов и выражений

also – тоже, также, к тому же

anyway – во всяком случае; что бы то ни было

as far as I know – насколько мне известно

as for me – что касается меня

Best regards – С уважением. С наилучшими пожеланиями.

Best wishes – Наилучшие пожелания.

finally – в заключение; в конечном счете; в конце концов

Fondly – Любящий тебя.

hear from – получать известие

Hi! How are things?- привет! Как дела?

How about / What about…? – Как насчет…?

Look forward to seeing you – С нетерпением ожидаю встречи с тобой

Look forward to hearing from you – С нетерпением ожидаю известий от тебя

(give / send my) love to… – (передай) привет, наилучшие пожелания

Missing you – скучаю по тебе

See you soon! – До скорого! Еще увидимся!

Warmly – С наилучшими (сердечными) пожеланиями

Why don’t you…? – Почему бы тебе не…?

Образец написания личного письма

You have received a letter from your English pen-friend Paul who writes:

…My friends and I decided to do a project about people’s habits. Have you got any habit, harmful or useful? What about your friends?

My brother Jack is going to study in France…

Write a letter to Paul.

In your letter:

 tell him about your and your friends’ habits

 ask 3 questions about his brother’s studying

Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

7 Shirokaya St.

Zelenodolsk 422540


6 December, 2011

Dear Paul,

Thanks for your letter. It’s so nice to get news about you and your family.

As for my family news, my parents are planning to built a country cottage. I think it’ll be great to spend summers in the country. My mother and I are fond of planting.

So, as you see, it’s one of my useful habits. It helps me to be more responsible and accurate. And one of my worst bad habits is nail-biting. I do it when I’m nervous. And I can’t get rid of it My friend’s very harmful habit is using of word-parasites.

 I’m glad for Jack very much. When is he going to France? Which University did he choose? Does he have a fear to misunderstand his new teachers because of language barrier? Well, I must finish now. My friend is waiting for me.

Best wishes,


Предварительный просмотр:

Личное письмо в ГИА

      Одним из заданий в разделе «Письмо» является написание  личного письма. И, что бы это задание не было для учащихся трудным, необходимо знать установленные правила его написания.

1. Необходимо обратить внимание  на всю структуру письма, которую можно представить в следующем виде:


                        Dear (first name),

                        Introduction:  Opening remarks

                        Main Body: You asked me about [subject]. Well, (answering 3 questions).

                         Conclusion: Closing remarks

                           (Your first name)

            2. Чтобы облегчить работу на самом экзамене, в период подготовки к ЕГЭ, необходимо научиться пользоваться определенными клише, которые должны быть усвоены и использованы в предварительной практике. Вы должны сами выбрать варианты клише и в дальнейшем использовать их при  написании личного письма на экзамене.

                        Opening remarks:
1. Sorry I haven’t been in touch for a while but I’ve been really busy.  Anyway, I’ve finally got  
some time, so I thought I’d drop you a line and tell you about …..
2. Thanks for your letter. It is always great to hear from you. As for me, I’m really busy.
3. Sorry that I haven’t written for ages, but I’ve been busy studying.
4. Thank you for your letter. I’m sorry I didn’t answer earlier, but I was busy with my end of term  
5. I thought you might be interested to hear about/know that …..
6. This is just to let you know that ……
7. Sorry I haven’t been in touch for a while

                        Closing remarks
1.  I’d better finish here because my mum is calling me to come and help her. Come and visit me soon.
2.  I hope I’ve been of some help. Let me know what happens.
3.  Drop me a line as soon as possible.
4.  That’s all my news! I’d better go and do some work now.
5.  Please write soon and tell me all your news.
6.  Drop me a line and tell me all your news.
7.  Well, that’s all for now. Do drop me a line.
8.  I look forward to hearing from you.
9.  Write back soon and tell me your news.
10. Well, that’s all from me. Got to go now.

Одним из вариантов письма может послужить следующее:

You have 20 minutes to do this task.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Tom who writes:
… In Great Britain most young people want to become independent from their parents as soon as possible. Could you tell me what you and your friends think about not relying on your parents? Are you ready to leave your family immediately after you finish school? Is it easy to rent a house or an apartment for students in Russia?
As for the latest news, I have just returned from a trip to Scotland…
Write a letter to Tom.
In your letter
− answer his questions
Write 80 – 100 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.






Dear Tom,
Thanks for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you.

You asked me about independence from parents. Well, in Russia opinions are different. Personally, I don’t want to live alone as I don’t have enough money. And yes, it’s easy to rent an apartment for everyone, but only if you have money.

Well, I have to go now. I promised my Mom to clean the bathroom.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.




Предварительный просмотр:

Useful vocabulary for composition"expressing opinion"

1 абзац   Вводные фразы

  • It is popularly believed that….
  • People often claim that... Some people argue that…
  • A lot of people think that…
  • It is often suggested /believed that…
  • Many people are in favour of idea that... Many people are convinced that...
  • Some people are against…

2 абзац. Фразы, выражающие свою точку зрения:

  • I would like to explain my point of view on this situation.
  • I would like to express my opinion on this problem.

   Фразы, характеризующие преимущества  обсуждаемой проблемы:

  • As already stated I’m in favor of… for a number of reasons…
  • There are many things to be said in favour of…
  • The best/ thing about……. is…

Фразы, перечисляющие точки зрения:

  • Firstly, /First of all….
  • In the first place
  • To start with, / To begin with,
  • Secondly, Thirdly, Finally,
  • Last but not least,

Фразы, добавляющие новые аргументы:

  • Furthermore, /Moreover, /What is more,
  • As well as…. /In addition to this/that…
  • Besides, /…….also….
  • Not only…., but…… as well.
  • Apart from this/that….
  • not to mention the fact that

3 абзац.

  • Some people believe that… however they fail to understand that…
  • they fail to consider that… they forget that…
  • Some people argue that …. I can not agree with it as …
  • I disagree with this point of view (statement, opinion) because …
  • It has become fashionable for some people to argue that…
  • Contrary to what most people believe, I think that…
  • As opposed to the above ideas…I believe that…

4 абзац. Заключительные фразы:

  • In conclusion,
  • On the whole,
  • To conclude,
  • To sum up,
  • All in all,
  • All things considered
  • Finally,
  • Lastly,
  • Taking everything into account,
  • Taking everything into consideration

Выражение личного мнения:

  • In my opinion this subject is very controversial
  • In my view…
  • To my mind…
  • To my way of thinking…
  • Personally I believe that…
  • I feel strongly that…
  • It seems to me that…
  • As far as I am concerned…


Предварительный просмотр:


( тренировочные работы для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку)


Be and have

Task1. Which words and expressions go with BE, and which go with HAVE? Tick (×) the correct column.



fed up with somebody /something

a right  to do something

on the safe side

In touch with somebody

somebody round

a word with somebody

no point in doing somebody

off colour

on one’s mind

out of one’s mind

up to date

a ball

in charge of somebody/something

no chance of doing something

the nerve to do something

Task 2 Complete the sentences with one of the expressions above in the correct form.

  1. There aren’t usually any major side effects after this injection, but you might____________ a bit_________________ for a few days.
  2. Thank you for your time, Miss Clarke. We still have to interview a few more candidates, so we ________________ with you as soon as we’ve made a decision.
  3. We _______________ Mel and Andy ______________ for dinner next Friday. We haven’t seen them for ages.
  4. I can’t stop thinking about my ex-girlfriend. She ________________ always _______________.
  5. Where have you been all night? I ______________ with worry. I even rang the police.
  6. Excuse me, Mrs. Bennett! Can   I _________________ for a minute? It’s about your son Ben.
  7. Jack was so cheeky! He _______________ to tell me that I was too fat. He should look at himself in the mirror.
  8. I’ve got extra insurance just in case we have an accident on holiday. You know me! I always like ________________.
  9. I’m going to apply for a new job, but I know I ____________ getting it. I just have the right experience.
  10. I _____________ the office while the manager is away for a few days.
  11. Did you read Sally’s postcard She‘s in Greece, sunbathing all day and dancing all night. It sounds like she’s __________________.
  12. If there‘s something you don’t like, it’s just bad luck. There ________________ complaining. It’s the same for all of us.

  13   If you’re a stock broker, you need to _____________on the state of the markets in different parts      of the world.

Do and make.

Task 1 Choose the correct collocation, do or make.

  1. Did the fire do/make much damage to the factory?
  2. I hate doing/ making my homework at the last minute.
  3. You must do/make an effort to work harder.
  4. Did you do/ make any work at the weekend?
  5. We are trying to do/make improvements to the system for registering.
  6. Do you think it would do/make any harm if cut some leaves off this plant?

Task 2 Complete each question of the questionnaire with do or make.

  1. Do you always________________ your best to be on time when meeting a friend.__________--
  2. Do you ever _______________ the cooking at home?                                               ______________
  3. Do you ___________excuses if someone asks you to___________ a big favour for them.________-
  4. Do you ever _____________ negative comments about your friends’ hair, clothes, etc? ______________
  5. Do you find it easy to _______________ friends?_______________

Task 3 Match 1-8 and a-h form expressions with make and do.

  1. make a good  _____________________________ a)understood
  2. do a good ________________________________b) best
  3. do somebody _____________________________c) a favour
  4. do something for ___________________________d) a living
  5. do your __________________________________e) impression
  6. make yourself _____________________________f) business
  7. make something _________________________    _g)job
  8. do ______________________________________h)clear

Task 4 Complete these sentences with a form of do or make and any appropriate noun.

  1. While she was skiing she hit a tree and _______________ herself a serious ______________.
  2. If you give him the job you’ll be ____________ him a(n) ___________.HE  needs some money at the moment.
  3. She was feeling unwell at the party, so she _____________a (n) __________- and left.
  4. When Clive left school, he had to_____________ a (n) ___________- between working for his father and going to university.
  5. I tried to dissuade her from leaving her job. But it_____________ _any__________ she handed in her resignation the next day.

Task 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of do or make.

  1. She is fond of children. She will ___________ a perfect mother one day. !
  2. I don’t know what to______________ of the new president.
  3. They spent most of the last yea r__________ _up their kitchen.
  4. There’s no electricity at the moment so we’ll have to ___________without it .
  5. It really ___________ my day when he gave me those flowers.
  6. They ___________ away with one-pound notes years ago. They only use one-pound coins now.
  7. He’s always _______________ up excuses for being late to class!
  8. I’ve been working non-stop for the last five hours. I could really __________- with a break.
  9. It ____________ a big difference to the cost if you pay in advance.
  10. Do you think we’ll _________________ the bank in time before it closes?
  11. OK. That ____________ it!. I’m leaving! I can‘t stand any more of your rudeness!
  12. After graduating from university he’s going to ___________ a skilled scientist.



Be and have

Task 1.

Be     no point in doing something

         out of one’s mind

         in chair of somebody/ something

        in touch with somebody

        on the safe side

         off colour

         up to date

          on one’s mind!

Have       the nerve to do something

                 a word with somebody

                 somebody round

                   a ball

         no chance of doing something

Task 2

  1. Be a bit of colour,          2. Will be in touch,            3. Are having Mel and Andy round, 4. Is always on my mind,               5.have been out of my mind,             6. Have a word with you,     7. Had the nerve,           8. To be on the safe side,          9. Have no chance,          10. am in change of,      11. Having a ball,        12. Is no point in,      13. Be up to date.

Do and make    

Task 1.

  1. do,     2. doing,    3. make,     4. do,  5.do,      6 do

      Task 2    

  1. do,   2. make,    3. make,   do , 4. do, 5.do,  6. Do

Task 3  

  1. e,  2.g,  3.c,    4. d, 5. b, 6. a,    7 h, 8f

Task 4.

  1. Did…….. injury
  2. Doing ………a favour
  3. Made an excuse
  4. Make a choice
  5. Didn’t do any good

Task 5

  1. make,    2 make, 3 doing,  4do, 5 made, 6 did, 7 making, 8 do, 9 makes, 10 make, 11 does, 12 make


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( тренировочные работы для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку)

Пояснительная записка.

Цель работы: помочь ученикам  10-11 классов подготовиться к выпускным экзаменам в формате ЕГЭ. В работе предлагаются  лексические упражнения разных видов. К работе прилагаются ключи. Работа рассчитана для всех УМК.

Использованная литература

Ю.С. Веселова  Тематический тренажёр по английскому языку

 (готовимся к ЕГЭ ) Москва «Интеллект  – Центр» 2011


Be and have

Task1. Which words and expressions go with BE, and which go with HAVE? Tick (×) the correct column.



fed up with somebody /something

a right  to do something

on the safe side

In touch with somebody

somebody round

a word with somebody

no point in doing somebody

off colour

on one’s mind

out of one’s mind

up to date

a ball

in charge of somebody/something

no chance of doing something

the nerve to do something

Task 2 Complete the sentences with one of the expressions above in the correct form.

  1. There aren’t usually any major side effects after this injection, but you might____________ a bit_________________ for a few days.
  2. Thank you for your time, Miss Clarke. We still have to interview a few more candidates, so we ________________ with you as soon as we’ve made a decision.
  3. We _______________ Mel and Andy ______________ for dinner next Friday. We haven’t seen them for ages.
  4. I can’t stop thinking about my ex-girlfriend. She ________________ always _______________.
  5. Where have you been all night? I ______________ with worry. I even rang the police.
  6. Excuse me, Mrs. Bennett! Can   I _________________ for a minute? It’s about your son Ben.
  7. Jack was so cheeky! He _______________ to tell me that I was too fat. He should look at himself in the mirror.
  8. I’ve got extra insurance just in case we have an accident on holiday. You know me! I always like ________________.
  9. I’m going to apply for a new job, but I know I ____________ getting it. I just have the right experience.
  10. I _____________ the office while the manager is away for a few days.
  11. Did you read Sally’s postcard She‘s in Greece, sunbathing all day and dancing all night. It sounds like she’s __________________.
  12. If there‘s something you don’t like, it’s just bad luck. There ________________ complaining. It’s the same for all of us.

  13   If you’re a stock broker, you need to _____________on the state of the markets in different parts      of the world.

Do and make.

Task 1 Choose the correct collocation, do or make.

  1. Did the fire do/make much damage to the factory?
  2. I hate doing/ making my homework at the last minute.
  3. You must do/make an effort to work harder.
  4. Did you do/ make any work at the weekend?
  5. We are trying to do/make improvements to the system for registering.
  6. Do you think it would do/make any harm if cut some leaves off this plant?

Task 2 Complete each question of the questionnaire with do or make.

  1. Do you always________________ your best to be on time when meeting a friend.__________--
  2. Do you ever _______________ the cooking at home?                                               ______________
  3. Do you ___________excuses if someone asks you to___________ a big favour for them.________-
  4. Do you ever _____________ negative comments about your friends’ hair, clothes, etc? ______________
  5. Do you find it easy to _______________ friends?_______________

Task 3 Match 1-8 and a-h form expressions with make and do.

  1. make a good  _____________________________ a)understood
  2. do a good ________________________________b) best
  3. do somebody _____________________________c) a favour
  4. do something for ___________________________d) a living
  5. do your __________________________________e) impression
  6. make yourself _____________________________f) business
  7. make something _________________________    _g)job
  8. do ______________________________________h)clear

Task 4 Complete these sentences with a form of do or make and any appropriate noun.

  1. While she was skiing she hit a tree and _______________ herself a serious ______________.
  2. If you give him the job you’ll be ____________ him a(n) ___________.HE  needs some money at the moment.
  3. She was feeling unwell at the party, so she _____________a (n) __________- and left.
  4. When Clive left school, he had to_____________ a (n) ___________- between working for his father and going to university.
  5. I tried to dissuade her from leaving her job. But it_____________ _any__________ she handed in her resignation the next day.

Task 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of do or make.

  1. She is fond of children. She will ___________ a perfect mother one day. !
  2. I don’t know what to______________ of the new president.
  3. They spent most of the last yea r__________ _up their kitchen.
  4. There’s no electricity at the moment so we’ll have to ___________without it .
  5. It really ___________ my day when he gave me those flowers.
  6. They ___________ away with one-pound notes years ago. They only use one-pound coins now.
  7. He’s always _______________ up excuses for being late to class!
  8. I’ve been working non-stop for the last five hours. I could really __________- with a break.
  9. It ____________ a big difference to the cost if you pay in advance.
  10. Do you think we’ll _________________ the bank in time before it closes?
  11. OK. That ____________ it!. I’m leaving! I can‘t stand any more of your rudeness!
  12. After graduating from university he’s going to ___________ a skilled scientist.



Be and have

Task 1.

Be     no point in doing something

         out of one’s mind

         in chair of somebody/ something

        in touch with somebody

        on the safe side

         off colour

         up to date

          on one’s mind!

Have       the nerve to do something

                 a word with somebody

                 somebody round

                   a ball

         no chance of doing something

Task 2

  1. Be a bit of colour,          2. Will be in touch,            3. Are having Mel and Andy round, 4. Is always on my mind,               5.have been out of my mind,             6. Have a word with you,     7. Had the nerve,           8. To be on the safe side,          9. Have no chance,          10. am in change of,      11. Having a ball,        12. Is no point in,      13. Be up to date.

Do and make    

Task 1.

  1. do,     2. doing,    3. make,     4. do,  5.do,      6 do

      Task 2    

  1. do,   2. make,    3. make,   do , 4. do, 5.do,  6. Do

Task 3  

  1. e,  2.g,  3.c,    4. d, 5. b, 6. a,    7 h, 8f

Task 4.

  1. Did…….. injury
  2. Doing ………a favour
  3. Made an excuse
  4. Make a choice
  5. Didn’t do any good

Task 5

  1. make,    2 make, 3 doing,  4do, 5 made, 6 did, 7 making, 8 do, 9 makes, 10 make, 11 does, 12 make


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