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Слайд 1

TEACHING PUBLIC SPEAKING AT SCHOOL The presentation is made by Khapaeva E.V . .

Слайд 5

Public Speaking Helps Hone presentation skills Improve Listening Skills Boost Confidence Teach How to Argue Develop vocabulary and speech fluency Influence people Inspire people

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Teaching Strategies Word-Object-Person “ Hot chair” PechaKucha

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PechaKucha Tokyo in 2003 - Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein devised a new style of presentation for “ Young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public.” PechaKucha is Japanese for “Chatter ”.

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PechaKucha The speaker creates 20 slides Each slide appears on screen for exactly 20 seconds The slides are automated to advance on their own, creating a time constraint that compels speakers to express their ideas in a highly organized, clear manner

Слайд 9

Word-Object-Person The Word-Object-Person speech narrows the scope of the topic to three easy-to-remember elements. Most of the time students use this speech to talk about themselves . They only have to stand up and answer three questions : What’s one WORD that describes you? What’s one OBJECT that relates to you? Who’s one PERSON who has affected you ?

Слайд 10

Hot Chair Take a chair and identify it as “the hot chair.” Set a timer for any length of time and ask each person to take a turn on the hot seat. Once they are seated, the timer begins and people may ask the seated person any question in rapid-fire succession. The hot seat member is allowed to say “pass” for any too personal questions — try to avoid asking these, as it can ruin the fun .

Слайд 11

Problems Lack of Confidence. If you don't have confidence in yourself, you'll risk alienating the audience Lack of Attention to Audience. Make sure you know the audience, or the presentation will be unsuccessful Lack of Organization Lack of Preparedness Lack of Time Management

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Public Speaking A good speech should be like a woman’s skirt: long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest. Winston Churchill

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Tips for being successful at public speaking Talk about what you know and make your speech yourself. Never plagiarize Organize your talk Have one main message Practise Mind the timing Illistrate your speech with examples and statistics data

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Tips for being successful at public speaking Visualize confidence Grab the audience's attention Develop your own style Avoid filler words Vary your tone, volume, and speed. Be emotional and pursuasive Smile

Слайд 16

Plan for making a speech Introduction Describing the problem Statistics data The cause of the problem The Consequences Measures which are taken to solve the problem Personal opinion concerning measures which might be taken Conclusion

Слайд 17

Useful Phrases For Making a Speech Good morning and welcome to … the name of the conference. Thank you very much for coming today . Let me introduce myself …and I am responsible for …. The purpose of my speech today is to give an overview/ to draw the attention of the audience to the problem of/ to dwell on the problem of …/ to outline the main aspects of the problem of…/to cover the following points/ to explain… I will illustrate the point by giving the following examples.. Let me start by… Now let us move on to the aspect of…. Now I would like to take a look at … Well, that brings us to the end of the final section. Now I’d like to summarise….. I address the audience/ call on you/urge you to do/

Слайд 18

Assessment Criteria Introduction : How effective is the introduction? Does it grab attention? Content : Is the content well organised? Are the ideas generated suitable to the purpose of the speech? (e.g. expository, narrative, persuasive etc.). Has sufficient library research been carried out? Voice Quality : Is the voice loud and clear? Are aspects of speech delivery well executed? (aspects such as pitch, rate, pace and pronunciation) Non-verbal Communication : Are gestures used suitable? Does body language of speaker help/hinder speech delivery? Eye Contact : Does speaker look at audience when speaking? Visual Aids : What types of visual aids are used? Are visual aids well prepared and are they suitable? Conclusion : Is the conclusion effective? What types of strategies are used? (summarising main points, using a quotation, relating an anecdote, etc.). Is the conclusion interesting ?

Слайд 19

Assessment Criteria Language Accuracy Criteria Fluency

Слайд 21

Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening . Dorothy Sarnoff

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Формирование коммуникативных УУД на уроках английского языка Хапаева Е.В., учитель английского языка СОГБОУИ «Лицей имени Кирилла и Мефодия »

Слайд 2

Великая цель образования – это не знания, а действия Герберт Спингер

Слайд 3

Школа в настоящее время - это место, где школьники учатся: - построению коммуникаций - приобретению и развитию тех качеств личности, которые нужны ей и обществу для включения в социально значимую деятельность

Слайд 4

Проблемы, препятствующие построению коммуникации на иностранном языке Отсутствие ситуации реального общения Недостаточная языковая подготовка Наличие языкового барьера Отсутствие мотивации Понижение общего культурного уровня школьников Переизбыток информации Разноуровневые группы

Слайд 8

Диалог - сотрудничество Учител ь Наставник Партнер по общению Советчик Консультант Фасилитатор

Слайд 9

Используемые технологии - п роектная - технология критического мышления - case-study – кейс-технология - игровая - технология мастерских - технология развивающего обучения - обучение в сотрудничестве - информационно-коммуникационная

Слайд 10

Интерактивные технологии - мозговой штурм - дебаты - проблемные ситуации - достижение консенсуса - аквариум (одни разыгрывают ситуацию, другие наблюдают и анализируют) - метод «пресс» (выскажи свою позицию-обоснуй ее-приведи примеры и аргументы-сделай вывод) - метод-пила - дерево решений ( 3-4 группы обсуждают вопрос и делают записи на дереве – лист ватмана, потом меняются и дописывают на деревьях соседей свои идеи) - круг идей (цепочка ответов на поставленный вопрос) - займи позицию

Слайд 11

Формирование коммуникативных УУД. Монологическая речь Приоритеты - ранжирование Описание картинок по предложенному плану – describing pictures Формирование самостоятельного высказывания с опорой на картинку, ключевые слова Характеристика действующих лиц (по материалам прочитанных произведений) Продуцирование самостоятельного высказывания (по ключевым словам, по плану, на заданную тему, изложенную кратко); Сравнение картинок по плану - comparing ( contrasting ) pictures Драматизация текста – монолог Определение и краткое обоснование темы прослушанного рассказа; Пересказ прослушанного, прочитанного Сокращение прослушанного сообщения или прочитанного рассказа, передача информации несколькими фразами - summary Определение и краткое обоснование темы прослушанного (прочитанного) текста ;

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Формирование коммуникативных УУД. Диалогическая речь Мозговой штурм Поиск недостающей информации - communication gap activity P icture gap Плюсы и минусы Text gap Pro - contra аргументы Поделись мнением по поводу услышанного/прочитанного – sharing opinion . Ролевые игры – role play Ответы на вопросы (краткие, полные, развернутые) Диалогизировать прослушанный или прочитанный монологический текст Диалог на изучаемую тему или заданную ситуацию Дополнение или видоизменение диалога Объединение диалогических единств, данных в произвольной последовательности, в диалог Упражнение «горячий стул» Дискуссия, диспут

Слайд 13

Формирование коммуникативных УУД. Письменная речь Поздравительные открытки, телеграммы Резюме Личное письмо Письмо официального характера (протест, жалоба, извинение) Кулинарные рецепты Ведение конспекта (краткое изложение содержания прочитанного); Поделись с другом впечатлениями (об увиденном и услышанном) в письменной форме; Отзыв, рецензия (на книгу, фильм); Сообщение (о новостях, о последних событиях); Ведение дневника (наблюдений, путешествий); Параграф по предложенной теме, ситуации Эссе – вырази свое мнение - Opinion Essay Эссе « за и против» – “For and Against Essay” C очинение - размышление по прочитанному или увиденному Character Sketch – по материалам домашнего чтения Ведение конспекта (краткое изложение содержания прочитанного написать рассказ по предложенным картинкам – прослушанному и просмотренному кинофрагменту

Слайд 14

Интерактивные технологии: из опыта работы Think – Pair-Share Set a problem or a question around a certain topic, and pair up your students. Give each pair of students enough time so they can reach a proper conclusion , and permit the students to share their conclusion in their voice. This way your students will be engaged, communicating, and remember more of the class than ever before. Optimist/Pessimist In pairs, students take opposite emotional sides of a case study, statement, or topic. Encourage them to be empathic and truly “ live” the case study. You’ll discover some good solution proposals and your students will learn some exceptional social skills .

Слайд 15

Интерактивные технологии Buzz Sessions Participants come together in session groups that focus on a single topic . Within each group, every student contributes thoughts and ideas. Encourage discussion and collaboration among the students within each group. Everyone should learn from each other’s input and experiences. Some some keywords to spark the conversation can be given to students. Pick the Winner Divide the class into groups and let them work on the same topic/problem. Let them record an answer/strategy on paper or digitally. Then, ask the groups to switch with a nearby group and let them evaluate their answer. After a few minutes, allow each set of groups to merge and ask them to select the best answer from the two choices, which will be presented to the complete class. Forced Debate Let students debate in pairs . Students must defend the opposite side of their personal opinion. It encourages them to step away from their own beliefs and teaches them to look through a different colored glass once in a while.

Слайд 16

My motto is Keep your students busy and let them be involved in the lesson all the time!

Слайд 17

Ресурсы https:// moluch.ru /archive/181/46476/ http:// cei.hkust.edu.hk /files/public/20100318_ta123_interactiveteaching.pdf https:// www.usf.edu / atle /documents/handout-interactive- techniques.pdf

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Алгоритм подготовки обучающихся к написанию эссе в рамках сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Эссе-мнение. Opinion Essay СОГБОУИ «Лицей имени Кирила и Мефодия » Хапаева Елена Владимировна, учитель английской языка

Слайд 2

Opinion Essay Основная черта opinion essay - повествование от первого лица, в ходе которого автор должен поставить проблему , исходя из предложенной темы, выразить свою точку зрения и аргументированно защитить ее , следуя предложенному плану. Главная задача - продемонстрировать собственные мысли и умение их обосновать.

Слайд 3

План - вступление — постановка проблемы; - личное мнение по теме и 2-3 аргумента в его защиту; - противоположное мнение и 1-2 аргумента в его защиту; - контраргумент(ы) – объяснение, почему автор не согласен с противоположным мнением; - заключение , в котором автор, резюмируя все сказанное выше, еще раз констатирует свою позицию, выраженную во втором абзаце.

Слайд 4

Необходимо помнить: Эссе должно быть логично построено и стилистически выдержано. Эссе-рассуждение пишется в нейтрально-формальном стиле : в работе не должно быть сокращений и разговорных выражений. Сложные лексические и грамматические конструкции предпочтительнее простых . Текст эссе должен содержать не менее 200 и не более 250 слов , допускается отклонение в 10%. Если объём эссе составляет менее 180 слов , за всю работу ставится 0 баллов. E сли больше 275 — проверяется часть эссе до 250-го слова.

Слайд 5

Максимальный балл - 14 баллов: 3 - решение коммуникативной задачи; 3 - организация текста; 3 - лексическое оформление текста; 3 - грамматическое оформление текста 2 - орфография и пунктуация.

Слайд 6

первый абзац - вступление - необходимо правильно поставить проблему , выделив ключевые слова в предложенной теме. Наиболее распространённая ошибка при написании эссе-рассуждения — подмена темы или смещение акцента. - нельзя использовать оригинальное предложение , необходимо прибегнуть к перифразу, используя синонимы, антонимы, либо же изменить оригинальную грамматическую структуру, но смысл утверждения при этом меняться не должен. Считаю полезным данный словарь синонимов - http :// isynonym . com / - необходимо подчеркнуть дискуссионный и противоречивый характер проблемы, то есть автор должен указать на то, что существуют две противоположные точки зрения .

Слайд 7

Схематично вступление выглядит следующим образом: одно предложение — общая информация + актуальность , введение в тему; одно предложение — первая точка зрения; одно предложение — вторая точка зрения; одно предложение – мостик – переход ко второму абзацу.

Слайд 8

вступление одно / два предложения — общая информация + актуальность, введение в тему; To play an important (essential/significant/crucial) role To be vital for smb / to be an integral part of It is common knowledge (It is a well-known fact) that/ it is undeniable / It is widely debated Modern world is unimaginable without…. Nowadays,… the problem of… causes great argument and controversy. In today’s world,… the issue of… is considered to be a matter of common concern/the main concern of

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Фразы для постановки проблемы и обозначения ее дискуссионного характера : Some people think (hold the idea ( the opinion); maintain the idea that … At the same time, others consider that… Others believe (argue) that… Other people are of the opinion that… Others claim that… Yet other people put forward the view that ... Other people do not support (do not agree with this idea (opinion)

Слайд 10

Второй абзац – личное мнение 1.Фразы для обозначения авторской позиции: 2.Фразы для начала абзаца: 3. Слова-связки для введения аргументов, подтверждающих Вашу позицию: 1. I do strongly support the idea that… / I am inclined to think that I agree with the point of view that… As far as I am concerned, I believe (agree) that … I believe (consider) that … It seems to me that… 2. Here I would explain a few of the most important reasons./ My arguments for this point of view are listed as follows. 3. First of all, (firstly, secondly, thirdly…) Besides, …(Additionally, …) What is more, … (Furthermore; In addition, …; Moreover, …; Last but not least, ...) It is worth mentioning that/ it should be emphasized/ One cannot deny that/It goes without saying / There is no doubt that

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Третий абзац – противоположное мнение Фразы для введения противоположного мнения : Nevertheless/ At the same time we can find a contrary opinion. Some people are sure that… However, some people think... (consider/ believe, claim) Some people argue that ...

Слайд 12

Четвертый абзац - несогласие с точкой зрения, представленной в абзаце 3 Фразы для введения контраргумента( ов ): Personally, I believe… However, I cannot agree with this opinion completely because To my mind, it is hard to accept that… At the same time, I am sure that… As for me, I am not sure that it is true. I think that… However, I cannot agree with this opinion completely. I am sure that… Nevertheless, I feel… To be frank, there is little evidence for me to support the idea that …

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Пятый абзац – заключение (вывод) Фразы- клише для написания заключения: According to the arguments presented above, I can note… (it is important to pay attention to…) In conclusion, (To sum up,) I would like to stress that… To conclude, I would like to note that… All things considered,… As a conclusion, it is important to emphasize… In conclusion, there is no doubt that… Thus, it becomes clear that …

Слайд 14

Как избежать ошибок в эссе Сокращения. Согласно стандартам ЕГЭ в эссе по английскому языку не должно быть никаких сокращенных форм - haven’t , don’t , can’t , you’re , I’m или it’s . Неформальная лексика: разговорная лексика ( informal vocabulary ), использование спорных идиоматических выражений. Примитивизм в лексико-грамматическом оформлении текста: Уровень лексики и грамматики должен быть соответствующим: не ниже уровня B 2. Использование отглагольных форм – герундий, причастие 1 и 2, придаточные уступки очень украсят эссе.

Слайд 15

Как избежать ошибок в эссе Вопросительные и восклицательные предложения: являются маркерами неформального стиля, который недопустим в экзаменационном эссе. Следует избегать риторических вопросов – они относятся к публицистическому стилю. Чрезмерное употребление вводных фраз. Не следует начинать каждое предложение со слов-связок. Они должны логически связывать текст, иллюстрируя ход мыслей автора. Яркие экспрессивные прилагательные оценочного характера . Такая лексика очень хорошо подойдет при написании письма личного характера, она более уместна в устной речи.

Слайд 16

Как избежать ошибок в эссе Посторонние рассуждения. Часто обучающиеся «уходят в сторону», поднимая те вопросы, которые имеют лишь опосредованное отношение к теме работы, приводят многочисленные примеры. Это ведет к нарушению логики в работе, превышению объёма и потере баллов . Стандартизация . П риведенный выше шаблон помогает в написании эссе, значительно облегчая работу обучающимся. Ш аблон – не догма, а просто руководство к действию. Необходимо помнить об уместности использования данных фраз.

Слайд 17

Some people believe that the main environmental problem of our time is deforestation Nowadays the ecological situation is getting worse and worse. It is widely believed t hat the most essential issue is cutting down forests. Some people claim it is not so. In this essay I am going to share my opinion on this issue. I agree with the point of view that cutting down trees is the most important environmental problem. First of all, it makes the situation with air pollution worse. It is common knowledge that forests are the lungs of the planet, so when we cut them all down, the humanity will suffocate from carbon dioxide. Secondly , deforestation leads to the death of many kinds of animal species. Forests are their natural habitats, so logging them means killing living creatures. Many of them are not able to adapt to new conditions. So , deforestation is a serious problem which needs a solution. Nevertheless, we can find a contrary opinion . The worst damage is not caused by deforestation but by different kinds of pollution. All of them are fatally dangerous for us. We contaminate air with exhaust fumes from cars and factories and pollute water with chemicals. The environment is being killed by the human’s activity. However , lack of forests causes more problems. It can also lead to soil damage. Forests usually protect soil from hot temperatures and droughts. Consequently , without tress many areas will become deserted. To conclude , deforestation is a problem that requires special attention and strict laws to be passed in order to stop logging companies. It is our planet and we should not destroy it. ( 259 words)

Слайд 18

Space exploration is a good investment into the future We can often hear that the idea of allocating money for space exploration is beneficial for the humanity. However, not everyone agrees with this idea. In this essay I am going to share my opinion on this controversial issue. As far as I am concerned, I disagree that spending money on space exploration is a good investment. Firstly, equipment tests and experiments will almost certainly give an unsatisfactory result at the first attempts. Secondly, the research itself does not bring any direct benefits. The acquired knowledge still needs putting into practice and it is costly. Consequently, space exploration requires a lot of money, but does not provide any guarantees. However, there is an opposite opinion . Some people talk about the possibility of using achievements in the sphere of space exploration on Earth. In particular , Google maps were created with the help of a satellite. Also , space exploration programs contribute to creation of new jobs and opportunities to become a scientist or an engineer. Therefore, space exploration has its evident benefits for the humanity. To be frank, there is little evidence for me to support the above-mentioned idea. I assume there are more important issues than space exploration such as poverty, health care, education, social inequality that need an immediate solution. Thus, space exploration programs are quite controversial. I am inclined to think a more reasonable solution would be to invest money into those areas where they are more likely to pay off. (246words)

Слайд 19

Из опыта работы Writing a paragraph - познакомить обучающихся с рамочной конструкцией ( framing ): любое высказывание (устное или письменное) включает в себя необходимые элементы: вступление – основная часть- заключение. - научить обучающихся правильно пользоваться вводными фразами и словами-связками. - уметь увидеть дискуссионный характер проблемы в предложенном высказывании и выбрать нужную стратегию для написания параграфа. Выделяю три следующих стратег ии: 1. согласие с предложенной точкой зрения+ аргументация 2. несогласие с предложенной точкой зрения+ аргументация 3. согласие с одной стороны + аргументация и несогласие с другой стороны +аргументация (о n the one hand / on the other hand strategy ) - практиковать работу над банком аргументов. Аргументы пишутся в форме плана и являются результатом совместной работы учителя и обучающихся. Share your opinion on the following issue. Support your point of view with 2-3 arguments. Start with yourself if you want to keep your community clean. Making a shopping list is not a good idea if you want to save money. Being a freegan is the best way to reduce consumer waste. It is not necessary to give homework to students.

Слайд 20

Из опыта работы 1. Банк аргументов School is the main cause of stress among children . 1. Постановка проблемы и перифраз оригинального предложения: Stress: nervous breakdown/ emotional burnout/ mental disorder The main cause: is the reason for/ result in/ lead to/ produce / a source of No one will deny that school is a very important part of every child’s life. Some people hold the opinion that school, in spite of evident benefits, is often considered to be the key source of emotional burnout among students. Other people do not agree with this point of view.

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за - a tight schedule: too much homework, tests, exams can result in feeling stressed out - bullying at school and peer pressure lead to nervous breakdowns - poor academic results and parents’ pressure can cause psychological problems - family problems (toxic relationships, antisocial environment, parents’ divorce) cause a more serious damage to health - problems in relationships with friends (misunderstanding, betrayal) make children suffer - moving to some other place (city/ country) does much harm to the emotional health of children против аргументы

Слайд 22

Collocations to solve a problem, to decide to do smth , to make a mistake, to master a language, to adopt a pet (a child), to adapt to harsh living conditions, be sensitive to criticism, a sensible person, reasonable prices to raise funds, to raise children Fast food, a quick decision Heavy rain, strong tea important – significant- vital – essential - crucial to influence smb - to have a great impact on smb – to affect smb basic – fundamental beneficial – profitable – rewarding difficult – hard – complicated - challenging Synonyms Из опыта работы

Слайд 23

Контрольные вопросы 1.Должно ли различаться количество аргументов в третьем и четвертом абзаце ? Ответ – нет. Если вы дали два аргумента в третьем абзаце, то опровергнуть нужно обязательно оба. 2.Обязательно ли подкреплять аргументы примерами? Ответ – нет, необязательно. Примеры могут нести избыточную информацию, могут привести к превышению объема. Если приведены правильные аргументы без примеров, ответ считается полным. 3.Считается ли ошибкой копирование темы во вступлении? Ответ – да. Тему во вступлении нужно обязательно перефразировать.

Слайд 24

Контрольные вопросы 4.Что считается перефразированием темы ? Ответ – использование синонимов, антонимов, изменение грамматической структуры без изменения смысла оригинального утверждения считается перифразом. 5.Необходимо ли использовать перифраз при написании второго абзаца, выражая свое мнение? Ответ – нет. Это необходимо сделать только во вступлении. 6.Правильным ли будет выразить свое мнение в первом абзаце (вступлении), а аргументы в поддержку приведем во втором абзаце ? Ответ – нет. Это ошибка по критерию организация текста. Выражаем мнение и приводим аргументы только во втором абзаце.

Предварительный просмотр:

 Introductory Test .

Task 1. Choose the right answer.

1.We …. already discussed all the news.

a). discuss b) are discussing c) discussed d) have discussed

2. Mother … to the market when she saw me. -  A). is going b) was going c) has come d) will go

3. We …. our final test in Maths soon.

a) had b) will have c) are having d) have

4. He played football ….  - a) next Sunday b) from 7 till 9 a.m. yesterday c) last Sunday d) recently

5. I …. make tea in  the morning.

a) never b) just c) now d)at the moment

6. I am writing  my English test …. . - a) the whole day already b)at present c) in two months d) last Monday

7. Henry …. at 2 o’clock yesterday.

a) left b) was leaving c) has left d) will leave

8. He …  when I arrived - . A).slept b) will sleep c) has slept d) was sleeping

9. What time  … the train usually leave?

a) does b) will c) do  d) has

10. The plane ..  off in 2 hours. -  a) has taken b) was taking c) will take d) took

Task 2.Ask questions to the underlined words in the sentences.

1.I am sure we will hear from him soon. 2. The sun sets very late in summer. 3.I am hurrying to the station to meet my friends. 4. He gave me a very interesting book to read.

Task 3. Share your opinion on the topic.  (Write a few sentences).

The best way to have a good time is to surf the Internet.

Test   Paper in English.  Unit 1. Variant 1.

Task 1. Open the brackets using Present and Past Tenses.

     1.He explained  that he (stay) at home the day before.

  1.  – You ever  (spend) your holidays in the Crimea? – Yes, (be) there last year.

3..  When you (meet) Mary? – I (meet) her last week.

   4.They (work) at this article for 3 hours but they ( translate) only half of the article so far.

  5.He (learn) the poem for two hours before he (finish) it and was ready to go to bed.

  6.When he entered the room his eyes (be) red because he (cry) for a long time.

  7.Lena is a good daughter. She always (help) her mother about the house. Today she (help) her since morning. She already (wash) the floor. Now they (cook) dinner.

 8.You (smell) anything? – No, I … . You (hear) this strange noise? – Yes, it is my brothers, they (play) the piano.

 9.  He is a promising actor. He (work) at the theatre for 7 years already. He (act) in many films already.

10. At last they (find) the key which they (lose) the day before.

Task 2.  Choose the right word. There is only one correct variant.

1.I tried to keep it secret. Very  much/ many/few/a great number  people know about it. 2. Leave the child alone. How much/many/little/few times should I tell you about it?! 3. My sister spends so little/few/much/a lot of money on her clothes. It costs her husband a fortune. 4. Ann has had few/plenty of/a great deal of / a little visitors lately. She looks tired.5.  I wanted to have several/some/ any/no coffee, but we didn’t have some/no/any/lots of in the house. 6. He is here all day. You can find some/any/no/several time between nine and six. 7. Each /no/several/hardly of them is expecting my call, I am sure.

Task 3. Form the derivatives of the following words to fit grammatically and lexically.

1.Villagers struggled to cope with (1-devastate) flooding.

 2. The (2-declare) of Independence is a very important document in the history of the USA.

 3. After the tornado the (3-survive) searched for their belongings in the rubble

4. The volcanic (4- erupt) shook the ground.

 5. Look, it is going to rain, the sky is grey and (5- cloud).

 6.I found the book very (6- predict) and I had already  guessed the ending.

 7. A great number of  (7-rescue) arrived very soon and saved people.

Test   Paper in English.  Unit 1. Variant 2.

Task 1. Open the brackets using Present and Past Tenses.

  1. What you (do) at 5 pm yesterday? – I (make) my report in English at this time yesterday.
  2.  – You  (do) your homework? – No, I still (do) it. I (do) it for two hours already but I (not finish) it yet.
  3. You (play ) football since 7pm. already. Go home and do your homework!
  4. What you (read)? – I (read) a magazine. – How long you (read) it? – For half an hour.
  5. When I left  home yesterday, the snow already (stop), but a strong wind (blow).
  6. He said he (work) for a long time without achieving good results.
  7.    What you (do)? – I (cook) the fish my bother just (buy).
  8. .He is an experienced volcano chaser. He already (take) a lot of spectacular photos of different volcanoes.
  9. The disaster (strike) last night and (cause) a lot of damage.

10. The plane (land) a few minutes ago and the passengers slowly (leave) the plane.

Task 2.  Choose the right word. There is only one correct variant.

1.There is few/little/a great number of hardly hope of finding his belongings in the rubble. 2. There were plenty/ much/ several/ little people injured during the car crash. 3. There wasn’t many/much/some/several chance of finding survivors in the plane crash. 4. The earthquake caused a couple of/a large number of/ a great deal of/ many/ damage.5.  I see some/any/no/plenty of tomatoes in the salad. Why haven’t you added any? 6. There isn’t some/any/no/hardy milk left.  Will you buy some? 7.Every /lots of /few/ a great deal of people were laughing because  the show was very funny.

Task 3. Form the derivatives of the following words to fit grammatically and lexically.

1.Yesterday’s train crash resulted in a terrible (1-lose) of life.

2. The (2- deaf) roar of the volcano could be heard for miles.

 3. Gemma finds TV news very (3- bore).

 4. Neither Peter nor William has ever experienced a (4- nature) disaster.

5. The miners are (5- exhaust), they have been working since early morning.

6. John has had a (6-luck) escape from the volcano trap.

7. The (7- explode) at the nuclear power station triggered the tsunami.

Test  2. Variant 1.

Task 1. Read the text and questions below. For each question, choose TRUE if the statement is true according to the text, FALSE if the statement is false and NOT STATED if the information about this statement is not given in the text.

A Hard Lesson

        My name’s Jon and this happened to me when I was on holiday in Seville, in the south of Spain.

I was having a coffee in a bar when a man came up to me. He was quite smartly dressed, and he looked very respectable. “Do you speak English?” he asked. He definitely wasn’t Spanish, but I’m not sure where he was from. “I’m very sorry to bother you, but I have a serious problem”, he continued. “I’m here on a business trip, and I’ve lost my briefcase – it had my passport, my wallet, my money, my credit cards, my mobile, my address book, everything. Could you help me? I need to borrow 60 euros to get the train to Madrid – my company has an office there. I’ll pay you back, of course. When I get home, I’ll send you the money. You can give me your address in England”. I wasn’t sure, but he didn’t seem suspicious, so I agreed. I wrote down my home address on a business card he had, and I gave him 60 euros. I even bought him a coffee.

        We chatted for a few minutes, and then he looked at his watch and said, “Well, I should get to the station. Thank you very much for your help. You’ll have your money back in a couple of weeks, I promise.” And he walked out of the bar.

        So… do you think he paid me back? No, you’re right, he didn’t… and I won’t lend money to strangers again!

1.    The foreigner explained his problem.

A) True        B) False        C) Not stated

2.    He was from Madrid.

A) True        B) False        C) Not stated

3.The stranger asked the money to buy a ticket for a train.

A) True        B) False        C) Not stated

4.   Jon received his 60 euros in a couple of weeks.

A) True        B) False        C) Not stated

5.    Jon won’t lend money to strangers again because he was fooled on his holiday.

A) True        B) False        C) Not stated

Task 2. Use the appropriate derivatives of the following words.

1.Have you ever seen a volcano (erupt)? 2. (Unfortunate), (poison) gases caused his death. 3.Were there any (survive) after the earthquake? – Yes,  a lot of (exhaustion) by the disaster people were saved. 4. He was struggling (desperate) to cope with his fear. 5. The city is making a slow (recover) after the flooding. 6. The doctor wrote out the (prescribe) and I took it to the drugstore. 7. It was really a (devastate) disaster.

Task 3. Open the brackets using the appropriate tenses.

1.When I entered the room, her eyes (be) red because she (cry) for a long time. 2. When he came home, she still (cook) dinner. 3.  By 8 o’clock yesterday I (do) my homework and at 8 I (play) the piano. 4. What you (read)? – I (read) a magazine. I (read) it for half an hour already. 5. Last year I (spend) my holidays in Greece. I (have) a good  time  there. 6. I (clean) the room yet, but I already (wash) the dishes. 7. I am a happy person,  because recently I (take) part in the  Olympic Games in Sochi.

Test 3. Variant 1.

Task 1. Open the brackets using degrees of comparison of adjectives.

  1.  This flower is  a bit (beautiful) than that one.
  2. This is by far the (interesting)  book I have ever read.
  3. Non-smokers usually live much (long)  than smokers.
  4. Who is the (lucky)   in the your class?
  5. A holiday by the sea is much  (good)  than a holiday in the mountains.
  6. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)  than a beer.
  7. The (old) he became, the (little) he understood people.
  8. This newspaper is as (interesting) as that one.

9. He sings (bad) than his friends.

10.. Very few books are as (popular) as…………………. as David Copperfield.

Task 2. Open the brackets using the appropriate  tenses. – Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous.

1.I just (lose) the keys and I cannot remember where I (see) them last. 2. How is Jack?   I (not see) him for ages.  3. What you (do) now? – I (cook) dinner. I (cook) dinner since morning and I hope I (finish) it by 2 p.m. 4. He said that  that someone (eat) his porridge. 5. They (translate)  the text at 5 p.m. next Monday. 6. They say they (publish) the book next year. 7. They (drive) for 7 hours yesterday before they (reach) the village. 8. How long you (play) football? – I (play) football since 2009.

Task 3. Use the derivatives of words that grammatically and lexically fit the context.

1.We have all modern (convenient): electricity, running water, telephone, wi-fi. 2. My family supports (tradition) values: we love and respect each other. 3. He was (thrill) to see the new series of the Hunger Games. 4. I never waste money, I am a responsible (shop). 5. (Tempt) displays of various goods attracted the customers so much . 6. (Environment)-friendly goods have gained (popular) among people. 7. The   task turned out to be (challenge). 8. Don’t be a (fuss) diner, it is not polite.

Task 4. Make necessary changes using the given word - signals.

Father is repairing the fax now.

 (two days ago, recently, from 3 till 5 yesterday, before mother came, for 2 hours before mother came from work, by 2 p.m. …….. for 4 hours.)

Task 5. Choose the correct word.

1.She plays the flute (beautiful/beautifully). 2. Being a chemist, my father knows this product (good/well). 3.It is (dangerous/dangerously) for children to swim there. 4.He knows we should use very (good/well) products to cook our meals. 5, You must admit it was not a (sensible/sensibly) remark. 6. She lives (near/nearly) out school. 7. He could (hard/hardly) walk because of his injured leg.

Task 6. Share your opinion on one pf the following statements. Do you agree or disagree with it? To what extent?

  1. Shopping will never become as popular with men as it is popular with women.
  2. Buying things on-line is the most convenient kind of shopping

Test 3. Variant 2.

Task 1. Open the brackets using degrees of comparison of adjectives.

1.She is a bit………………… than her sister. (pretty)

2. Milk is much………………….. than any other food. (nourishing )

3. Radium is one of the ……………………… metals. (valuable)

4. Few English poets were as ……………………. as Wordsworth. (great)

5. Shimla is far………………….. than most other hill stations in India. (famous)

6. Gold is one of the ……………………. metals. (precious)

7. Solomon was …………………… than any other king. (happy )

8.. The (much) money he has, the (little) he spends.

9. She runs …… than all other students in her class. (fast).

  1. The weather this summer is even far (bad)  than last summer.

Task 2. Open the brackets using the tenses. – Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous.

1.Nelly, why you (hurry) so much? – My plane (leave) at 7.45. 2. They (write) a test in grammar  at this time tomorrow.. 3. Martha (turn) off the light and (go) to bed. She fell asleep quickly because she (not sleep) the night before.4. Jane (type) letters when her computer (crash). 5.You ever (be) to Canada? – Yes, I (visit) this country a year ago. 6. Oh, no. It (rain) again.  It (rain) since early morning. I hope it (stop) by the evening. 7. They (walk) for 4 hours before they arrived at the station.

Task 3. Use the derivatives of words that grammatically and lexically fit the context.

1.I always buy goods at (reduce) prices. 2.I find the idea of vertical (farm) very useful but (challenge) at the same time. 3. Very often I can’t resist (tempt) and buy those goods that are not on my (shop) list. 4. I can’t come at 5, I am busy. This time is (convenient) for me. 5. Of course, these jeans are very (fashion), but I won’t buy them because   I don’t buy (necessary) things. 6. That was a (value) experience for me.

Task 4. Make necessary changes using the given word - signals.

 We are finishing preparations for the party at the moment.

  • Already
  • When mother came
  • For 6 hours already
  • At this time tomorrow
  • For a month before father arrived
  • By this time …… for 3 hours
  • Yesterday

Task 5. Choose the correct word.

1.Being an editor, you must read very (careful/carefully). 2.He hurt himself very (bad/badly). 3.Could you speak a little more (quiet/quietly)? 4.That was a (great/greatly) show. 5.He was (great/greatly) impressed by the film. 6. The boys worked very (hard/hardly) at their project. 7. He usually dives (deep/deeply).

Task 6. Share your opinion on one pf the following statements. Do you agree or disagree with it? To what extent?

1.Shopping is really complicated if you are a girl. (Anton Strout).

2.Paying cash will die (disappear)  soon.

Test 4.  Variant 1.

Task 1. Open the brackets using tenses in the active and passive voice.

1.Nobody (to see) him yesterday. 2. The money (to receive) tomorrow. 3. The book (to discuss) at the next conference. 4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia. 5 The mobile phone (to use) at the lesson when the teacher entered the classroom. 6. The picture already (taken) by the photographer. 7. The UFO pictures (publish) by 2010. 8. Kelly (go) on ghost tour with her friends yesterday.9. Every night strange voices (hear) from the cave. 10. Peter (walk) through the forest when he saw a wolf. 11. The film (make) soon. 12. Prehistoric creatures (study) by the scientists.  

Task 2. Rewrite these sentences in Passive Voice.

 1. I bought bread yesterday. 2. We will bring the books tomorrow. 3. They sell milk in this shop. 4. They  have just stolen a lot of money from the bank. 5. They are teaching three languages at this school at present. 6. They report they will do the work in the evening.

Task 3. Male up tag questions.

1.Everybody is here,    ?. 2.It never snows in the Sahara,     ?. 3. He can make computer programmes, …?. 4.She had to wake up late yesterday, ….?. 5. Let’s walk, …..? 6. There is no Underground in Smolensk, ….?

Task 4.  Use the proper reflexive pronouns.

1.The boys ….. saw a strange creatures in the park. 2. I fell and cut … on the rock. 3. Tim blames … for the accident. 4. Do it ….. . 5. She enjoyed … at the party. 6. The telephone ….. is very expensive.

Task 5. Use the derivatives of the following words.

1.Do you believe in the (revive) of the dinosaurs? 2. The (extinct) of many animals was caused by different reasons. 3.Suddenly he saw a (horror) creature and got frightened. 4. The night was (scare). 5. His (disappoint) led him to depression. 6. People think that the (usual) object they saw was a UFO. 7. The (surprise) incident happened to me a few days ago. 8. We will go the (exhibit) tomorrow.

Task 6 Share your opinion on the topic “Bringing back extinct species of animals to life is a very silly idea.” – Write a paragraph expressing your point of view.

Test 4.  Variant 2.

Task 1. Open the brackets using tenses in the active and passive voice.

1..I ... (remember) this story forever. 2. These beautiful plants ... (grow) by my grandmother every summer. 3.This gadget ... (produce) in France next year. 4. We  just ... (find) him in his room. 5.This ancient settlement ... (discover) by the famous archaeologist in 1925.  6. I can't pay the fare, because my purse just  ... (steal). 7.They … (finish) the  irrigation project  tomorrow. 8.Sandra ... (drive) to work by her husband every day. 9. My car ... (repair) at the moment. 10. My brother (make) breakfast when she came. 11.The paleontologist already (find) the hair samples from the unknown creature. 12. The composition must (write) tomorrow.

Task 2. Make the sentences passive.

1.Nobody has used this room for ages. 2. We will give you the keys tomorrow. 3.Someone is interviewing Dr Johnson at the moment. 4. By the time I arrived, someone had already opened all your letters.5. We usually talk about the problems of the family at dinner time. 6. They say they will do the task tomorrow.

Task 3. Make up tag questions.

1.You can’t buy health and happiness, ….?  2.Nobody called me yesterday,…? 3.There is no wind today, …? 4. They are elected as twice a year, …? 5. We had to stay at home yesterday, … ? 6. Let’s have a chat, …?

Task 4. Use reflexive pronouns.

1.Behave …. . 2. She looked at … in the mirror and smiled. 3.  They … did this work. 4. The country …. is very big. 5. He enjoyed … at the disco. 6. We hurt … while repairing the fence.

Task 5. Use the derivatives of the following words.

1.A very (astonish) incident happened to me yesterday. 2. When I opened the door, I saw a very (creep) creature. 3.People are usually (fascinate) by the show. 4. I am not very (enthusiasm) about UFOs. 5. (Unfortunate), they witnessed the car accident last Friday. 6. It was  a completely new, but (frighten) experience. 7. These men are (hunt), they chase UFOs. 8. Climbing the mountain is very (danger).

Task 6 Share your opinion on the topic “Bringing back extinct species of animals to life is a very silly idea.” – Write a paragraph expressing your point of view.

Test Unit 5.                                                                                          

Task 1. Paraphrase the sentences using Conditionals 2,3, mixed.

1.You did not come to see me yesterday, and I am not happy today. 2. I do not live in Saint-Petersburg, I do not go to the Hermitage every day. 3. I did  not go to the theatre yesterday , I was ill. 4. I do not understand the rule now, because I did not listen to the teacher yesterday. 5. I am not a bookworm, I do not spend much time reading books.


Task 2. Open the brackets using Conditionals 1,2,3, mixed.

1.I would  not have bought the car last year, if  he (not give) the money to me. 2. If my brother (be) in trouble, I will help him, of course. 3. My father would have more free time, if he (not read) so many newspapers. 4. If you had let me know, I (go) their immediately. 5. If I (be) rich, I (buy) a new house at the seaside long time ago. 6. I wish I (have) a birthday today. 7. I wish I (meet) you at the railway station yesterday.

Task 3. Use the derivatives of the following words.

1.Air (pollute) is a very serious problem nowadays. 2. The (solve)  to this problem depends on all people on the planet. 3. He decided to help the homeless making some  (donate) to a charity organization. 4. The first space (colonise) will settle on the Mars. 5. (Forest) can lead to very serious consequences. 6. (Employed) people have no jobs because of different reasons. 7. The prices for travelling around Russia are quite (afford) for many people. 8. This year’s World Kindness Concert will be full of terrific (perform).  9. We can recycle and (use) old materials and things to help nature. 10. Great sums of money should be spent on (protect) of the environment.                               


Task 4. Fill in WHO, WHICH, WHERE, WHOSE.

1.The boy, ... has broken the chair, is her son. 2. This is the university ... I work. 3. The new fellow in our group ... name is Alex seems to be very nice. 4. We have just bought a new camera ... takes clear pictures.

Task 5. Write a paragraph on one of the given topics. Express your agreement or disagreement with the following. Present your arguments.

1. Living in space is a better alternative for people than living on the Earth.

2. Helping homeless people we do a very great deed.

Test 6. Variant 1.

Task 1. Read  the text and mark the sentences as True, False or Not Stated.


Halloween dates back to an ancient Celtic festival. The Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago in the area of Ireland, the United Kingdom and northern France, celebrated their new year on 1st November. This day showed that the summer was over and winter had come. Because of the cold and darkness, winter was associated with human death.

Celts believed that on Halloween night the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. With their help, the Druids or Celtic priests, could predict the future. It was important because people depended on the natural world which was dangerous and changeable. They wanted to know what their life would be like in the next year.

For this event the Druids built big bonfires, where the people gathered to burn crops and animals. It was a gift to the Celtic gods. During the celebration, the Celts wore costumes made of animal heads and skins. They sang, danced and listened to the stories the Druids told them. When the celebration was over, they went home and brought burning pieces of wood with them. They lit their fires and hoped it would ensure good fortune and protect the family during the winter.

The first celebrations of Halloween in America were public events. Neighbours got together to celebrate the harvest and tell each other stories of the dead. They also sang and danced. By the middle of the nineteenth century, these autumn festivals were common, but Halloween was not yet celebrated everywhere in the country.

In the second half of the nineteenth century, lots of immigrants started coming to America. They helped to make the celebration of Halloween a popular national event. Americans began to dress up in frightening costumes and go from house to house asking for food or money. The most popular characters were witches, ghosts, and vampires. Everyone tried to look as ugly and scary as possible.

Halloween is closely associated with the Jack-o’-lantern, a pumpkin with a candle inside that shines through the holes to make a horrible face. Most people think that the Jack-o’-lantern is an American tradition. However, the original Jack-o’-lantern was not a pumpkin but a man who, according to the old Irish legend, played a trick on the devil himself. He was punished for that and was accepted neither to heaven nor to hell. The Irish people shared the legend with the Americans and showed them how to make Jack-o’-lantern out of the pumpkin.

By the 1930s, Halloween had been celebrated with parades, town-wide parties and lots of other entertainment. Later a new tendency appeared. By the 1950s, Halloween had changed into a holiday directed mainly at children. On that evening children in costumes travel from house to house in order to ask for treats (such as some sweets, a small present or a few coins) with the question “Trick or treat?” The trick is a threat (usually not working) to perform mischief on the owner of the house if no treat is given. “Trick or treat?” has become a traditional practice on Halloween in many countries.

1.For the Celts Halloween was associated with the change of the seasons.

1) True                2) False                3) Not stated

2.The Celts paid the priests for their predictions.

1) True                2) False                3) Not stated

3.In ancient times fires were prohibited on Halloween night.

1) True                2) False                3) Not stated

4.The church strongly disapproved of Halloween celebration in America.

1) True                2) False                3) Not stated

5.Halloween came to the USA only in the 20th century.

1) True                2) False                3) Not stated

6.The Irish immigrants taught Americans how to use pumpkins for Halloween ceremonies.

1) True                2) False                3) Not stated

7.From the middle of the 20th century, children have taken an active part in Halloween celebrations.

1) True                2) False                3) Not stated

8.“Trick or treat” means “we wish you good luck”.

1) True                2) False                3) Not stated

Task 2. Make all necessary lexical changes to fit the context.

I like reading and watching films about animals and wildlife. I saw a TV series about polar bears recently. These _____1_WONDER______ animals live in the northern Arctic.

It’s ____2__BELIEVABLE______,

but they feel very ____3__COMFORT______ in freezing cold weather.

A polar bear is a very good __4____HUNT______ – it dives into the cold ocean water to hunt seals.

___5___FORTUNATELY______, global warming is very dangerous for polar bears. They may die out if the temperature rises too high.

Task 3. Make all necessary grammar changes.

She rides a bike every summer. (Look, the whole evening yesterday, already, next Friday, last Saturday.)

Task 4. Open the brackets using the appropriate grammar tenses.

1.He (arrive) yesterday morning. 2. We (meet) her at the station in two hours. 3. I already (visit) many countries though I  (not be) to Great Britain yet. 4. She (shelter) behind the boulders when  the earthquake started. 5. Look! They (run) along the road.6. She (travel) every summer. 7. They (book) a tour to Spain last week. 8. She already (take) sleeping pills and she (sleep) peacefully now.

Test 7. Variant 1.

Task 1. Choose the right answer.

  1. Andy … when the explosion woke him up.
  1. Slept; B. was sleeping; C. had slept; D. sleeps
  1. It …. for two days before the town became flooded.
  1. Was raining; B. had been raining; C. had rained; D. rained
  1. I can’t meet you at 5. I … work by that time.
  1. Won’t have finished; B. won’t finish; C. won’t have been finished; D. didn’t finish
  1. The clothes sold at the market are often … than those in shops.
  1. Cheap; B. more cheap; C. more cheaper; D. cheaper
  1. If  I … more, I would have passed the exam.
  1. Would study; B. studied; C. had studied; D. will study
  1. You  … chat at the lesson.
  1. May not; B. must not; C. should not; D. will not.
  1. Carla went to the museum yesterday, … she?
  1. Wasn’t; B. hasn’t; C. did; D. didn’t
  1. Strange lights  … many times in the area since 1952.
  1. Were seen; B. are seen; C. have been seen; D. are being seen.
  1. Marc said that he … the report the next day.
  1. Would hand in; B. will hand in; C. handed in; D. is handing in.
  1. Charlie … that he was studying for the exam all night.
  1. Told; B. said; C. ordered; D. asked

Task 2. Use the derivatives of the words to fill in the blanks.

  1. Have you ever seen a volcano (erupt)?
  2. Are you ready to make a (donate) for our fund?
  3. Many (nature) species of plants are found in rainforests.
  4. Larry and Kevin decided to start the (explore) of the new lands after watching an (education) film about famous travellers.
  5. My friend always helps the (home).

Task 3.  Make the sentences Passive.

  1. They called a local zoologist to identify the strange animal.
  2. They will publish the UFO pictures in tomorrow’s newspaper.

Task 4.  Transfer the sentences into Reported Speech.

  1. The teacher asked: ”Do you speak English, Sam?”
  2. Jim said to the teacher: “ I haven’t done my homework in English.”

Task 5. Read the text and mark whether the statements are True (T), False (F) or Not Stated  (NS).

Joseph Rudyard Kipling

Joseph Rudyard Kipling is considered to be one of the greatest English writers. He was born in 1865, in Bombay, India. At the time of his birth, his parents were recent arrivals in India. They had come to India with plans to start a new life. The family lived quite well. His father, an artist, was the head of the Department of Architectural Sculpture at the School of Art. For the young Kipling, India was a wonderful and happy place.

 However, at the age of 6, Kipling's life changed greatly. He was sent to England to receive a formal British education. These were hard years for Kipling. The boy suffered from strict school discipline, his classmates’ insults and bullying. His only comfort was books: he enjoyed reading. By the age of 11, Kipling was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Fortunately, Kipling’s mother placed him in a new school. There, Kipling found friends and discovered his talent for writing, eventually becoming the editor of the school newspaper.

         In 1882, Kipling was told by his parents that they didn't have enough money to send him to college, and he returned to India. It was a powerful moment in the young writer's life. He found a job with a local newspaper. Kipling's experiences as a reporter formed the backbone for lots of his stories. Later, his collection of 40 short stories called Plain Tales from the Hills gained wide popularity in England.

        Seven years later, Kipling returned to England in the hope of becoming a famous writer. In London, he met Wolcott Balestier, an American publisher who became one of Kipling's great friends and supporters. Later, Kipling happily married Wolcott’s sister, Carrie.

 As a writer, Kipling flourished. His portfolio contained gems like The Jungle Book, The Naulahka: A Story of the West and East and The Second Jungle Book. Kipling loved children and understood them very well. His tales fascinated boys and girls all over the world.

 Kipling travelled a lot but in 1902 he returned to Great Britain with his wife and children. The Kiplings bought a large estate in Sussex and many of his most famous books were written there. One of them was Just So Stories. The book's name had, in fact, come from his daughter, who asked her father to repeat each tale several times, or "just so," as she often said.

 In 1907 he was the first English writer to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature. It was international recognition of his talent.

 In 1914, the First World War began and Kipling was a passionate supporter of the fight against Germany. He even encouraged his son John to join the army though John had a serious problem with his eyesight. Kipling and his son were very close. Unfortunately, in October of 1915, John was killed in 28 France. Kipling, feeling guilty about persuading his son to become a soldier, was terribly depressed. Due to these sad circumstances, for the last twenty years of his life Kipling did not write any more of his wonderful children's tales.

1. Kipling was born into the family of a writer.

 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2. His school teachers considered the young Kipling a capable student.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3.Kipling studied at college.

 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4. Kipling met his future wife due to (благодаря) his friend.

 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

5..The book Just So Stories got its name due to Kipling’s daughter.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

.6 At the beginning of the 20th century, Kipling was given a prestigious literary award.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

7. Kipling’s son returned from the war with a problem with his eyesight.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

8. Kipling continued creating tales for children until the end of his life.

 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Test 7. Variant 2.

Task 1. Choose the right answer.

1.The local people … the village before the volcano erupted.

A. had been leaving; B. had left; C. were leaving; D. left

2. I already … the tickets for the plane.

A. buy; B. bought; C. have bought; D. was buying

3. Pail must be careful not to spend … money than he earns.

A. more; B. most; C. much; D. a lot

4. By the time Jane arrives, we …. for 6 hours!

A. have been shopping; B. will have shopped; C. will have been shopping; D. will shop

5. If Joy had found the lost dog, she … it home with her.

A. will take; B. would take; C. had taken; D. would have taken

6. The camp … we usually go in summer has a recycling programme.

A. when; B. where; C. which; D. who

7. The boys … saw a strange creature in the woods.

A. itself; B. ourselves; C. themselves; D. myself

8. Every night strange noises … coming from the cave.

A. have been heard; B. were heard; C. were being heard; D. are heard

9. Alex asked when we … the next day.

A. will meet; B. are meeting; C. would meet; D. meet

10. They  … if I wanted to study abroad.

A. asked; B. suggested; C. said; D. told

Task 2. Use the derivatives of the words to fill in the blanks.

  1. Have you found the (solve) to the problem?
  2. You must be not only (physical) but  mentally (strength) to do martial arts.
  3. Unfortunately, exchange programmes are not (afford) to everybody.
  4. Margaret is a highly (skill) mountain climber.
  5. The novel’s popularity is due to its (grip) storyline.

Task 3.  Make the sentences Passive.

  1. They followed the strange creature’s footprints in the snow.
  2. The scientist is making an experiment in the laboratory.

Task 4.  Transfer the sentences into Reported Speech.

  1. Maria said to me: “I teach a design class at the University”.
  2. The teacher asked: “Will you make a project in English for the school conference?”

Task 5. Read the text and state whether the statements are True (T), False (F) or Not Stated  (NS).

A Desperate Adventure

 Captain Cowgill had always wanted to arrange a hot-air balloon expedition. One day, he placed an announcement in all the morning papers. He wrote that he needed three people who wanted to take a risky adventure. Ten people came to his office and Captain Cowgill selected three of them: two men and a young lady.

The first volunteer was Mr. Crutter, a well-dressed man of about sixty. He looked depressed and unhappy. The second one was a doctor, Dr. Hagan, a sad thin gentleman. The third adventurer, Miss Dermott, looked slim and miserable. They were ready to fly in the balloon in spite of the risks. Though Captain Cowgill hoped for success, there was a great chance that the participants wouldn’t come back.

 The next day, the balloon was ready for the journey. They had some food and the gas equipment. It was supposed that the travellers would fly during the day and then land for the night. Right before take-off, a young man ran up to Captain Cowgill and begged to let him join the expedition. Captain Cowgill listened to his arguments and let the young man, Mr. Winden, fly too.

 With the last farewell to Captain Cowgill, the balloon went sailing towards the clouds. At first the travellers said nothing. An hour later they found the journey exciting. Two hours later they revealed their reasons for coming on the dangerous flight.

 Mr. Crutter said that he had been cheated by his partners and had lost a large part of his business. Though he had enough money left, he felt extremely depressed. Dr. Hagan told the travellers that he had lost his job in a hospital. He felt lonely and unwanted. Miss Dermott said that she suffered from a serious disease and had no money for treatment. Mr. Winden had just split up with his girlfriend and was ready to die.

 In the evening, the travellers decided to take a rest. They landed in a deserted place and tied the balloon to a tree. After supper they continue talking about their unhappy fates. Suddenly, Mr. Crutter offered to share his money with his new friends. Dr. Hagan smiled and looked at Miss Dermott. “I think I can cure you, Miss Dermott,” he said. “I have already had patients with the same diagnosis.” Miss Dermott smiled. But it wasn’t the last surprise. Mr. Winden proposed to Miss Dermott saying that he had fallen in love at first sight. She shyly promised to think it over.

 The talk raised their spirits and, in the morning, everybody decided to go back home. Now that all their problems were happily solved, they didn’t want to go anywhere. Suddenly Miss Dermott cried out pointing to distant object in the sky. It was their balloon that had broken loose while they were having breakfast. Nobody felt upset!  The group decided to walk to the nearest railway station. Mr. Crutter bought tickets for his new friends and they sent Captain Cowgill a telegram. It said that the balloon had flown away accidentally, their expedition had failed and they would arrive in town the next day.

1. Captain Cowgill tried to find the participants for his project using an advertisement in newspapers.

 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated  

2.Captain Cowgill couldn’t take part in the expedition for health reasons.

 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3.The balloon took off with four travellers on board.

 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4. During the flight, the travellers kept secret their reasons for going on the expedition.

 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

5.  All the travellers had the similar (похожие)  troubles in life.

 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

6. The travelers were afraid and  decided to stop the expedition.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

7.  In the morning the travellers sold the balloon to buy their tickets home.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

8. Captain Cowgill got angry when he got the telegram.

 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Test 8. Variant 1

Task 1. Open the brackets.

  1. Why …. (TALK) to Matt so rudely when I saw you in the café yesterday?
  2. They … (GET) married next Sunday.  Now they … (PREPARE) for the wedding party.
  3.  I hate such weather, it always … (RAIN) here at this time of the year.
  4. I …  (VISIT) all European countries  already and I’m happy.
  5. She …  (WASH) up while her brother … (COOK) dinner.
  6. My little brother … (BE) born last year.
  7.  You’re wrong. They … ( NOT TO LIVE) in Manchester  8 years ago.
  8. She …  just (GET) off the bus and she … (HURRY) to work now.
  9. The plane … (TAKE) off and  we …(LAND) in two hours and a half.
  10. My daughter … (PASS) her exams well and … (ENTER) the University last year.

Task 2. Word-building. Use prefixes and suffixes to make new words so that they grammatically and lexically fit the context.

Millions of people want to learn English. There are lots of _____1___DIFFER__________ methods and the main problem is how to choose the best one.

Some people believe that the most ________2_EFFECT_________ way is to study English in Britain or in any other English-speaking country.

The advantage of going to Britain seems obvious. Everyone around you speaks English. It’s practically _______3_POSSIBLE__________ to avoid communication, so you’ll learn English _____4___QUICK__________. 

On the other hand, one can learn English at home. There are lots of possibilities there too: a good _______5__TEACH_________, a language school or an on-line course.

There are many ways to get a good language ______6__EDUCATE__________ now.

Task 3. Answer the following questions. Give full answers. (not less than 2 sentences)

  1. Do you like to go to school? Why?
  2. Do you think every person should do sports? Why?
  3. Do you prefer to do sports or to watch sports on TV? Why?

Test 8. Variant 2

Task 1. Open the brackets

1.My daughter … (SLEEP) at 5 p.m yesterday, she couldn’t call you.

2.  We are late. The train …  already (LEAVE).

3. Listen! Mu sister … (SING) her favourite song. She .. (LIKE) it a  lot. Last week she even … (PARTICIPATE) in a singing contest and … (WIN) it.

4. The River Nile … (FLOW) into the Mediterranean.

5. I .. (READ) the novel you gave me a week ago, but I … (NOT TO FINISH) it yet.

6. Last week my mother … (NOT TO GO) shopping. She … (BE) ill.

7. They … (GO) horse riding tomorrow.

8. He … (PLAY)  tennis with his friend at the moment.

9. Just imagine, I… (TRY) eating snails!

10. Tom .. (HAVE) a shower when mother came home.

Task 2. Word-building. Use prefixes and suffixes to make new words so that they grammatically and lexically fit the context.

Dublin is the capital city of the Republic of Ireland. It has an ____1____NATIONAL__________  airport with flights from London and European capitals.

Dublin is a ____2____BEAUTY__________ and cosmopolitan city.

If you walk along its different central streets, you will find a wide range of _____3__DIFFER_______ shops, bars and restaurants.

If you like sightseeing, you can also visit the famous Dublin castle, one of the most _______4__IMPRESS_________ buildings in the city.

Dublin is a green city. It is such a pleasure to walk there on a hot ___5____SUN_______ day.

In the evening you can listen to _____6____TRADITION_________ Irish music played in the streets and in the pubs. 

Task 3. Answer the following questions. Give full answers. (not less than 2 sentences)

  1. What are your favourite school subjects? Why do you like them?
  2. What do you use your computer for?
  3. Is a computer a necessary thing for school children? Why?

Предварительный просмотр:


Useful Vocabulary Items

Low-budget [ləʊ ˈbʌdʒɪt] — малобюджетный;

box-office hit [bɒks ˈɒfɪs hɪt] — кассовый хит;

a flop [flop] — фильм-провал;

action-packed — насыщенный событиями;
impressive — впечатляющий;;
compelling— захватывающий;
thought-provoking — заставляющий думать;
hilarious— очень смешной;sentimental— сентиментальный;
unconventional — неординарный;
insightful — поучительный;
jaw-dropping — потрясающий (дословно – такой, что челюсть отваливается);
breathtaking  — захватывающий дух;
action packed — наполненный действиями;
hair-raising — страшный (дословно – такой, что волосы встают дыбом);
tearjerker— душещипательный (дословно – слезоточивый);
spine-tingling — берущий за живое (дословно – такой, что испытываешь покалывание в позвоночнике);
eye-opening — поучительный (дословно – открывающий глаза на что-то);
thought-provoking — заставляющий думать;
awe-inspiring — внушающий благоговение;

critically acclaimed  — признанный критиками;

boast a star-studded cast – похвастать звездным коллективом;
explore (dare to tackle) many issues – исследовать (осмелиться решить) многие проблемы;
deal with controversial issues – иметь дело с противоречивыми проблемами;
be a true classic of the silver screen – быть настоящей классикой киноэкрана;
eclipse all preceding – затмить всех предшествующих;
trigger a great deal of heated debates – вызвать много жарких дебатов;
win universal approval – завоевывать всеобщее одобрение;
bombard the viewer with scenes of suffering, upsetting or misleading information – «закидывать» зрителя сценами страданий, расстраивающей или неверной информацией.

(главные герои)

Believable (правдоподобные)
Likeable (симпатичные)

Shallow (поверхностные)
Unconvincing (неубедительные)

Special effects

Stunning (ошеломляющие)
Impressive (впечатляющие)

Cheap (дешевые)
Laughable (смехотворные)
Poor (убогие)
Amateurish (дилетантские)

(работа оператора)

Outstanding (выдающаяся)
Remarkable (замечательная)

Meaningless (бессмысленная)


Profound (проникновенная)

Unimaginative (лишенная воображения)
Clichéd (клише)


Has a surprising twist (имеет неожиданный поворот сюжета)

Weak (слабый)
Appalling (ужасный)
Incoherent (бессвязный)
Mediocre (посредственный)


Moving (вдохновляющий)
Entertaining (развлекательный)
Hilarious (смешной)
Amusing (забавный)
Exciting (захватывающий)
Informative (информативный)
Realistic (реалистичный)
Gripping (захватывающий)
Absorbing (увлекательный)
Believable (правдоподобный)

Overcomplicated (слишком сложный)
Predictable (предсказуемый)
Confusing (запутывающий)
Depressing (депрессивный)
Humorless (без юмора)
Slow-moving (вялотекущий)
Far-fetched (надуманный)


The Review on the Film «Avatar» by James Cameron

The main film of the year 2009 is «Avatar» by James Cameron, the producer of such films as «Terminator», «Titanic», «The Strangers». This film ranks with above-mentioned world-famous films and probably belongs to the science-fiction genre.

The action of the film is set on the planet Pandora in the year of 3000. The plot is rather simple: the super hero Avatar is to save the alien planet and to fulfill this mission he struggles with a lot of difficulties.

The main character, Jack Sally, is a disabled navy who has just come back from the war. The film starts with the scene when he is invited to take part in a secret expedition to the planet, inhabited by weird creatures. Thus, he becomes the part of the programme called Avatar. Being turned into a a tree-metre giant with blue skin, he is sent to the planet with the help of special «drivers» that link his mind to the mind of Avatar.

What impressed me most is the spectacular world of aliens that we, the audience, see through the eyes of the main character. The special effects and 3D technologies enhance the impression of the bright and colourful world in contrast to the human one, which is grey and dying. The plot of the film is fast-moving with some amusing episodes.

For those who are indifferent to the computer graphics, there is another storyline that is love of «the dream worker» to a beautiful female alien, who, being hostile and suspicious at first, falls in love with him. Such love is forbidden and as a result the pair is chased by the aliens. Happily, they managed to escape in the end. To my mind, the brillant acting of Sam Worthingdon, who is starring in the film, is above all expectations.

To sum up, I can say that the film «Avatar» is that kind of film that takes us to a special world beyond imagination. More than that,  it is the film that you want to watch over and over again. Definitely, the new film by Cameron couldn’t be missed.

Task 1. Part 4 (30 minutes)


You've bought a new gadget recently. Write a review to a website called www.gadget.com. In you review remember to mention:

  • what and why you've bought;
  • how it looks;
  • if it meets your requirements;
  • if you have any complaints;
  • if you would recommend it to other people.

Write about 140–180 words.

Task 2.

You’ve been to a very interesting excursion recently.   Write a short review in 150–170 words.

In your review:

  • describe what the excursion was about;
  • share your impressions; (mention what you liked and disliked during the excursion)
  • give a recommendation whether to go on it or not.

Предварительный просмотр:

How to write a report


The aim/purpose of this report is to examine/evaluate/describe/outline the positive and negative features of two different phenomena… – Цель этого доклада – изучить/оценить/описать/выделить положительные и отрицательные черты двух разных явлений…

This report aims to provide an overall view of the situation below. – Цель этого доклада – дать полное представление о ситуации.

It will also include/consider/suggest/recommend… – Он также будет включать/рассматривать/предлагать/рекомендовать…

The report is based on a survey conducted among college students. – Этот доклад основан на опросе, проведенном среди студентов колледжа.

It is generally accepted that… – Общепринято, что…

Description+ recommendation

The vast majority of… – Подавляющее большинство…

This is probably due to the fact that… – Вероятно, это происходит потому, что…

One measure which may improve the situation would be to introduce… – Одной из мер, которые могут улучшить ситуацию, станет внедрение…

I would recommend that the company (college) should…(do…) – Я рекомендую компании (колледжу)… (сделать…) – или лучше impersonal – It is highly/strongly recommended that

Making recommendations

I would strongly / highly recommend …

My first / second recommendation would be to ..

It would be (highly) advisable to …

If my recommendations are followed, then …

The best solution / ideas would seem to be …


In the light of the results of the survey, I strongly advise… – Ввиду результатов опроса я настоятельно советую…

It appears that… – Оказалось, что…

In conclusion / On balance / To sum up… – В заключение / В итоге…

 I strongly recommend...ing

It would be highly advisable to...

I would no doubt suggest...ing

 I also believe we should..

  • Introduction – вступление.
  • Reasons why you are writing (write about facts) – причины, побудившие вас писать об этом (сообщите факты).
  • Suggestions to solve a problem (a kind of discussion) – предложения и способы решения проблемы (аналог обсуждения).
  • Conclusion – выводы.


To : Marina Scripnikova
From : Maria Matafonova
Subject : School canteen
Date : 12-th February

Introduction :
The purpose of this report is to outline positive and negative features of the school canteen and comment on some necessary changes.
Food : 
As far  as I remember, there always has been a huge number of tasty dishes. So, you can always choose that one that you want.
Service :
Every student thinks that the staff are the nicest people in the world. Every dish is cooked with love  and it really tastes delicious. If you look for   help they will be able to give you a helping hand. Still sometimes  it is rather challenging to find a vacant seat in the canteen, especially if it is a long time break.
Prices :
My classmates and I do not think that prices are big. That is why every student can buy everything he wants and  can spend a lot of free time in the canteen.
Recommendations :
Maybe it could be better to add some ice-creams and different types of juice to the menu. All of us, especially small children, are fond of such  sweet food. Besides, it would be a ice idea to put some more tables  so that everyone could find a seat to have a snack.
All in all, I believe, that our canteen is really nice place with wonderful people work here. And none wants to leave it.