Спектакль "The Cloud over the Baikal". Исполнители: Гулина Софья, Асалханова Диана, Сидоренко Варвара (6"В"), Данилов Александр, Игумнов Николай, Номоконова Екатерина (6 "Б"), 2013 г. Художественный руководитель: Клюева И.Д.

Клюева Ирина Даниловна

Nominated "For Creativity and Dramatic Perfection":
...Teller: Indeed, there was such a rapid discussion. Then the drops started voting. Unfortunately, the drops couldn’t make up a decision where to go. So the cloud had to be motionless. Perhaps, lots of clouds would have still been motionless, in the if there hadn’t been just a little wise drop in each of them. Such little wise drops don’t interfere with the debating unless the matter fails. It’s just then that little wise drops announce their final decision and the rest drops in the clouds obey them.
Wise drop: Dear drops!
My dear sisters! Our cloud is in trouble because you’ve quarreled to each other. And there is only one way out of it! It’s necessary to fly to the Baikal! Fly and to look down attentively. The Baikal is just the place where you can learn to be generous and compassionate. The Baikal is great and wise, he presents to everyone its huge energy. But there are indifferent people who spoil the Baikal with different garbage, digging, cutting, burning, dishing and cleaning dirty things and clothes in the saint Baikal waters. Round the Baikal you’ll see mountains of garbage. Watching it, you’ll pour down into the Baikal because you’ll become ears of Nature. Be sure, the Baikal will save you. When you return up in the sky again, you’ll be the Baikal drops- wise and kind. The more Baikal drops there’ll be in each cloud the quicker each cloud will take the right decision. Buy if you’ll happen to stay alone, be calm!
If you’re right, you will be supported! Be sure, my dear sisters! Let’s fly to the Baikal!
Teller. That’s why the weather is so rainy over the Baikal. And in each of us in me, in you, in your relatives and friends, in all people all over the world who aren’t indifferent to the Baikal’s destiny there is a little wise drop – the Baikal wise drop.