Спектакль "The Cloud over the Baikal". Исполнители: Гулина Софья, Асалханова Диана, Сидоренко Варвара (6"В"), Данилов Александр, Игумнов Николай, Номоконова Екатерина (6 "Б"), 2013 г. Художественный руководитель: Клюева И.Д.

Клюева Ирина Даниловна

Nominated "For Creativity and Dramatic Perfection":
...Teller: High up in the sky the cloud was flouting. It consisted of lots of the smallest drops water. There were so many of them, far more than stars in the sky. Each drop had got its own temper. When the cloud had to go to, and chiefly, when it was going to pour down with rain, that thing was definitely together. Sometimes the cloud stood stated still and even grew black with anger. There were exited passions inside the cloud. If you want, please, watch our performance.