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Lebedeva Anastasia
Student of the 7th Form
Teacher – Baeva M.L.
Sch 629, Moscow
How to make cheesecakes.
It is time to say “Good bye” to winter and meet spring. It is time for a spring festival – Shrovetide! It is a Russian holiday.
How do Russian people celebrate this holiday? First of all, they have a lot of fun! Then they cook special food for this holiday, which symbolizes the sun – pancakes. After a festive week the Lent comes.
But I like to eat cheesecakes. I know that people in Britain and America do not cook this dish. And I want to tell them my recipe.
The recipe:
You need some ingredients.
Ingredients: cottage cheese - 0.5 kg, one egg, 1 PC sugar, 2 tablespoons of flour, 1 glass of sunflower oil for frying and cooking pancakes with cottage cheese.
2. Added to the cream cheese and sugar and stir thoroughly.
6. Take the cake flour from all sides. Now you are ready to fry!
Delicious cottage cheese pancakes ready!
Serve them with sour cream.
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