В этой презентации рассказывается о воздействии людей на животных
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The influence of man and his activity on animalsСлайд 2
natural resources renewable nonrenewable
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Renewable resources include flora and fauna, soil fertility. Animals are material and aesthetic value to humans. In the early stages of civilization the cutting and burning of forests for agriculture, grazing, fishing and hunting, led to the destruction of plant communities, destruction of individual species.
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Changes in the biosphere processes began in XX century. as a result of the next industrial revolution. The rapid development of energy, engineering, chemistry, transport has led to the fact that human activity has become comparable in scale to the natural energy and material processes occurring in the biosphere
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«Man becomes a geological force which is capable of changing the face of the Earth» В.И. Вернадский
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What do you know the consequences of human activity on our planet? Exhaustion of natural resources Pollution of the biosphere with waste production The destruction of natural ecosystems Changes of the structure of the Earth's surface Changes of the climate
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The influence of the man on animal world direct indirect
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One form of direct influence is the felling og the forests. Animals disappear or migrate to other places.
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Direct human impact is the the extermination of species that are the food for him or other useful benefit. It is believed that since 1600 people exterminated 160 species or sub-species of birds and more than 100 species of mammals.
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There is a wild bull, lived in Europe, in the long list of extinct species
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In the XVIII century sea cow was exterminated. It was described by Russian naturalist GV Steller. It is an aquatic mammal related to the Sirenia.
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A little more than 100 years ago wild horse tarpan disappeared. They lived in the south of Russia.
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Many species of animals are on the verge of extinction or preserved Only in the reserves. For example buffalo, they lived in the prairies of North America; bison, they lived in the forests of Europe. Bison Зубр
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In the Far East spotted deer were almost completely exterminated
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Reinforced cetacean fishery led to the venge of destruction several species of whales: gray, harp, blue. harp Кит синий
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Indirect impacts. The human activities which are not related to fisheries influenced on the number of animals. The number of the Siberian tiger was reduced as a result of developing areas. In the Pacific, each year tens of thousands of dolphins die: in a period of fishing they get into the network and can not escape.
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Siberian tiger
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Crafts are withdrawal of animal from the nature by man. Types of crafts differ in the name of the group of animals or their metabolic products: trapping, fishing, bee-keeping, fish for crabs, oysters, pearl mussels, mussels.
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The first place in the extraction of fur-bearing animals in our country is squirrel. The craft of it is in the forests of the European part of the country and in Siberia.
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Sable on the territory of our country was almost completely exterminated. Restore, and then increase the number of his became possible a ban on hunting, captive breeding and resettlement. sable in the fishery takes second place after the proteins.
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Third place belongs to the muskrat. This small mammal were introduced into our country of America in the early 20 - ies of XX century. now in our country muskrat is found almost everywhere, where there are ponds with non-frozen fresh water.
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Important fishery ordinary fox, fox, martens, rabbits and hare hare, as well as marmots and gophers. Песец Куница
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High value has fur muskrat, beaver, marine cat. However, the number of these animals has not yet reached commercial quantities. Beaver about 300 years ago distributed almost all the rivers of Russia, now its number declined sharply. Русская выхухоль Морские котики
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Wild boar has long been the subject of fishing. the number of its in currently grown. This was facilitated by the restriction of hunting, feeding animals and resettlement.
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Of commercial species of birds are particularly important Tetraonidae occupying first place in the blanks and exporter of game, as well as domestic purposes hunters. More sports - hunting significance waterfowl.
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Of great importance for the protection of forest fauna have laws and regulations governing hunting. Single Hunting Act is not, and there are only laws on certain issues it. There are "Basic provisions on the production of hunting and hunting activities," "On measures to improve game management." On the basis of these decisions and recommendations of specialists, local authorities determined the timing and methods of hunting, limit the list of those permitted for shooting, as well as areas where hunting is allowed in this area. The mere precise execution of the rules about hunting can bring great benefit to wildlife protection.
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