"Russian wooden architecture. Domes of temples and churches"
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Гончарова Любовь Николаевна

Презентация посвящена русскому деревянному зодчеству.Технологии создания деревянных куполов храмов и церквей на Руси


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Слайд 1

Russian wooden architecture. Domes of temples and churches Работу выполнила студентка ГАПОУ СО «Саратовский архитектурно-строительного колледжа» Пепчук Светлана

Слайд 2

What are wooden domes made of? The frame of the dome is made of larch. Larch is a strong wood impregnated with resins that protect larch from external atmospheric influences and insects, make it strong and durable without additional treatment.

Слайд 3

What is the outside of the wooden dome covered with ? The outside of the dome is covered with aspen plowshare, most often of town-shaped or wedge-shaped form. Aspen is a noble white wood with a beautiful golden hue. It is resistant to high air humidity and precipitation.

Слайд 4

How do you make a dome out of wood? The first step is choosing the material To make a dome, you will need logs and boards. It is best to use pine, spruce or fir, because they are not subject to destruction and are easily processed. In addition, the wood should be dry and durable.

Слайд 5

The second step is the design and manufacture of the frame First, you need to determine the shape of the dome and measure its dimensions. Then you need to create a frame, which will represent the basis of the structure. The frame can be made of timbers or boards, which need to be carefully labeled to match the plan exactly. Then the timbers are screwed to each other with the help of special presses. After that, the frame is assembled with bolts and nuts.

Слайд 6

The third step is decking and covering After the frame is ready, it is necessary to make decking - mesh or googles. Decking is a special mesh, on which the coating will be laid. For this, you need to use the same kind of wood as the frame. The decking is fixed on the frame with self-tapping screws or fasteners. After laying the decking, you need to cover it with soft roofing, which will create a dome. Soft roofing can be ready-made (e.g. asphalt shingles) or custom-made. Depending on the desired effect, different shapes and colors of soft roofing can be used

Слайд 7

The fourth step is finishing and protective treatment After the dome is constructed, the interior of the dome must be finished. Usually, the finishing is decorative elements - carving or painting. After finishing, do not forget to protect the wood from rot and moisture. To do this, use protective paints or varnishes.

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