музыкальная гостинная
план-конспект занятия по теме

Мероприятие проводится в форме музыкальной гостиной. Студенты вместе с учителем ведут беседу о различных музыкальных жанрах, их развитии, поют песни легендарных исполнителей прошлых лет. В конце урока двое студентов танцуют хип-хоп. Мероприятие сопровождается презентацией и оставляет МАССУ положительных эмоций.


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Онлайн-тренажёры музыкального слуха
Музыкальная академия

Теория музыки и у Упражнения на развитие музыкального слуха для учащихся музыкальных школ и колледжей

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Данная методическая разработка внеклассного занятия по английскому языку предназначена для студентов 3-4 курсов, изучающих английский как основной язык.


Кришталь Е. В., преподаватель английского языка, ГБОУ СПО «Алексеевский педагогический колледж»


Швец И.В., преподаватель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории, ГБОУ СПО «Алексеевский педагогический колледж»

Битюцкая Н.Н., Доцент кафедры филологии и педагогики Алексеевского филиала федерального государственного автономного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования «Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет», кандидат педагогических наук

Пояснительная записка

Музыка и пение оказывают неоценимую помощь в изучении иностранного языка, поскольку являются средством более прочного усвоения и расширения лексического запаса, так как включают новые слова и выражения. В песнях уже знакомая лексика встречается в новом контекстуальном окружении, имена собственные, географические названия, реалии страны изучаемого языка, поэтические слова. Это способствует развитию у студентов чувств языка, знания его стилистических особенностей. 

Достоинства песен и музыкальных композиций при обучении иностранному языку можно перечислять бесконечно долго: это и средство для расширения лексического запаса, и инструмент для эффективного усвоения и активизации грамматических конструкций, и совершенствование навыков англоязычного произношения в комплексе с развитием артикуляционного аппарата и музыкального слуха и мн. др.

Помимо указанных достоинств, музыкальные композиции способствуют развитию важнейших социальных функций вроде эстетического воспитания, раскрытия творческих способностей и др.

Благодаря музыке на уроке создается благоприятный психологический климат, снижается психологическая нагрузка, активизируется языковая деятельность, повышается эмоциональный тонус, поддерживается интерес к изучению иностранного языка.


In the world of music


  1. Создавать условия для ознакомления студентов с историей развития музыкальных жанров и лучшими образцами песен зарубежных авторов.

  1. Создавать условия для совершенствования произношения,  правильной интонации и аудитивных навыков.

  1. Способствовать воспитанию музыкального вкуса и развитию интереса к изучению английского языка.

  1. Способствовать развитию таких творческих способностей, как выразительность, эмоциональность, чувство красоты.


компьютерная презентация, ММ проектор, доска, МР3 – файлы  песен,  постеры певцов, музыкантов, музыкальных групп

Тип занятия:

музыкальная гостиная

Ход занятия:

  1. Организационный момент (слайд 1).

Teacher: Dear friends! Today we will have an unusual lesson – a kind of musical journey through major genres which the humanity has faces during 2 preceding centuries. We’ll talk about different genres of music, their background and roots. We’ll listen to the best works and sing together with outstanding singers and musicians of various times. Let me ask you a few questions:

  1. “What is music for you?”
  2. What role does music play in our life?                         

Student 1: People cannot imagine their life without music. We listen to music, dance to music or learn to play musical instruments. Music has become the part of our life. There is music everywhere: at home, in a concert hall, in the park, at the seaside, in the forest and even in the street, on radio and TV. Music is a word whose accepted definitions vary with time, place and culture.

In the ancient world it was thought to be magic, the voice of gods. Music is not a combination of pleasant sounds only. It is said to be an art, or form of entertainment, which reflects our life. It is also can be defined by contrast with noise or speech. Generally it is a kind of art, because music reflects people’s ideas and emotions. In this world filled with conflicts, tragedies, joys and hopes, music strives to speak people of what is most important and urgent.  

Different people like different kinds of music or different genres of music. As there are many definitions for music and there are many divisions and groupings of music. Among larger genres are classical music and a popular or commercial music which itself can be divided into the most popular genres of music: rock, metal, disco, pop-music, jazz, rave, hip hop etc. Anyway there enough one for every fastidious listener and admirer; if not, there is a wide range of technical measures to create a new genre of music.

Teacher: When did music appear?                                 

Student 2: Ancient music pursued religious goals. (слайд 2) Ancient people were very sensitive to music. It penetrated people’s souls. In the majority of countries musicians were clergymen or even priests and the ability to play some musical instrument was considered sacred or divine. Improvisation was greatly appreciated. That’s why ancient almost nothing about ancient music in the course of 3 thousand years.

Nowadays traditions of ancient civilizations in different regions of the world are treated differently. For example Egyptian music is considered to be long outdated, whereas for China and India ancient music is inseparable part of contemporary music. In the course of time new genres appeared, others – disappeared. I suggest to start our journey with the Blues. Does somebody like the Blues?

Student 3: Yes, I do. The earlier history of the Blues is almost entirely Negro. Its musical tradition is traced as far back as 1860s. The word “blue” has been associated with the idea of melancholia or depression since the times of Queen Elizabeth.

When African and European music first began to merge to create what eventually became the blues, the slaves sang song of their extreme suffering and privation.

Some «bluesologists» claim, that the first blues song that was ever written down was «Dallas Blues», published in 1912 by Hart Wand (слайд 3), a white violist from Okhlahoma City.

Instrumental blues had been recorder as early as 1913. Mamie Smith (слайд 4) recordered the first vocal blues song, «Crazy Blues» in 1920. During the twenties, the blues became a national craze. Records by leading blues singers like Bessie Smith and later in the thirties, Billie Holiday (слайд 5) were sold in million.

Since the sixties, rock guitarists, such as Eric Clapton, Timmy Page, and Eddie Van Halen (слайд 6) have used the blues as a foundation for offshoot styles. While B.B. King (слайд 7) and other musicians continued to make fantastic music in the blues tradition.

        Stevie Wonder

No New Year’s day to celebrate

No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away

No first to of spring

No song to sing

In fact here’s just another ordinary day

No April rain

No flowers bloom

No wedding Saturday within the month of June

But what it is, is something true

Made up of these three words that I must say to you

I just called to say I love you

I just called to say how much I care

I just called to say I love you

And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

No summer’s high

No warm July

No harvest moon to light one tender August night

No autumn breeze

No failing leaves

Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies

No Libra  sun

No Halloween

No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring

But what it is, though old so new

To fill your heart like no three words could ever do


 I just called to say I love you

I just called to say how much I care

I just called to say I love you

And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

Teacher: As we can see the Blues is very charming, touching and tuneful. And what was the next stage in music development?

Student 4: It was jazz. It originated in the beginning of the 20th century in New Orleans, a port in Louisiana, the US. Later this music moved up the Mississippi river to Memphis and finally to Chicago. This style grew from blues motives, characterized by complicated rhythm and bright improvisation.

Notwithstanding the fact that jazz is traditionally considered to be black music, the 1st recording of jazz was made by 5 white musicians in 1917 in New York. This record was a hit among the public and jazz began its victorious journey through America. America gave birth to many well known jazz musicians: (слайд 8)  Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong and others. By the way, Duke Ellington gave his last concert at the age of 75 at Westminster ABBY and President Nixon dedicated a special party at the White House to this great musician.

Those who play jazz often say that jazz should be only felt with one’s soul.  Louis Armstrong, who was once asked “What is jazz?” answered “If you are asking this question, you are incapable to understand it”.

“Let My People Go”

When Israel was in Egypt land...

Let my people go!

Oppressed so hard they could not stand...

Let my people go!


So the God seyeth: ‘Go down, Moses

Way down in Egypt land

Tell all Pharaohs to

Let my people go!

So Moses went to Egypt land...

Let my people go!

He made all Pharaohs understand...

Let my people go!


Thus spoke the Lord, bold Moses said:

- Let my people go!

‘If not I’ll smite, your firstborn’s dead’

- Let my people go!


Tell all Pharaohs to

Let my people go!

Teacher: As far as I know America gave birth not only to jazz or blues. Are there any other genres or sub-genres which originated in America?

Student 5: Yes, there is. It is Country Music. (слайд 9) It is a genre of American popular music that originated in the rural regions of the Southern United States in the 1920s. It takes its roots from southeastern American folk music, Western cowboy. Blues mode has been used extensively throughout its recorded history. Country music often consists of ballads and dance tunes with generally simple forms and harmonies accompanied by mostly string instruments such as banjoes, electric and acoustic guitars, and harmonicas.

The term country music gained popularity in the 1940s in preference to the earlier term hillbilly music. The term country music is used today to describe many styles and substyles. In 2009 country music was the most listened to rush hour radio genre during the evening commute, and second most popular in the morning commute in the US.

Boxcar Willie – “Yankee Doodle”

Yankee Doodle went to town,

on a striped pony,

Stuck a feather in his cap

and called it macaroni.

Yankee Doodle, keep it up,

Yankee Doodle dandy,

Mind the music and the step,

And with the girls be handy.

Fath’r and I went down to camp,

Along with Captain Gooding,

And there we saw the men and boys

As thick as hasty pudding.

Yankee Doodle, keep it up,

Yankee Doodle dandy,

Mind the music and the step,

And with the girls be handy.

And here was Captain Washington

Upon a muddy stallion,

A-giving orders to his men,

I guess there was a million.

Yankee Doodle, keep it up,

Yankee Doodle dandy,

Mind the music and the step,

And with the girls be handy.

Teacher: Jazz is perfect, country is very popular. But I think they were not so popular around the 1950-s. what were the new styles?

Student 6: In the 1940s and 1950s new styles of music emerged. Swing, rock-n-roll (слайд 10) and singers like Jerry Lee Lewis and Chuck Berry destroyed the laws of morality that were imposed on the people by the Church for centuries. In the 1950s Elvis Presley (слайд 11) became the King of rock-n-roll in the USA. The music travelled to Europe soon. It was especially popular among the teenagers. The parents were really shocked by the music their children adored. The young people disagreed with their parents, wore jeans and danced to their rock-n-roll records.

Elvis Presley was known as “The King of rock-n-roll”. He was born in Mississippi in 1935. At the age of 13, Elvis and his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee. There Elvis recorded his first song in 1954. He sold millions of records, served in the army, moved to Hollywood and appeared in 33 films. Elvis brought together the musical sounds of the blacks in America and of country people. Elvis’ songs are still popular today. People love to imitate him. We can hear one of his best songs “Love me tender” in a very nice Russian film “An American Daughter”.


Maybe I didn’t treat you
Quite as good as I should have
Maybe I didn’t love you
Quite as often as I could have
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time

You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind

Maybe I didn’t hold you
All those lonely, lonely times
And I guess I never told you
I’m so happy that you’re mine
If I make you feel second best
Girl, I’m sorry I was blind

You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind

Tell me, tell me that your sweet love hasn’t died
Give me, give me one more chance
To keep you satisfied, satisfied

Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind

You are always on my mind
You are always on my mind

Teacher: So, the King of rock’n’roll was Elvis Presley but who was the King of music in the 60s? :

Student 7: The Beatles were (слайд 12), and their birthplace was in Liverpool, Great Britain. As the music of that time was too soft and tidy, the new generation of the 60s wanted something more energetic and powerful. In the 1960s in Great Britain a new band was created “The Beatles”. John Lennon and Paul McCartney were writing simple songs and performing them so brilliantly that they gave a new impulse for the development of the musical community. Other members of the famous group were George Harrison and Ringo Starr. Such songs as “Yesterday”, “Let it be”, “Love me do”, “Yellow Submarine” made them the most popular band not only in England, but throughout the world as well. From the British Isles their music quickly travelled to Europe, America and other continents. Early in 1964 was soon called “Beatlemania”. Their music inspired hundreds to create new music.

Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away

Now it looks as though they are here to stay

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Suddenly I’m not half the man I used to be,

There’s a shadow hanging over me

Oh, yesterday came suddenly…

Why she had to go, I don’t know, she wouldn’t say.

I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.

Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.    

Now I need a place to hide away

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Why she had to go, I don’t know, she wouldn’t say.

I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday...

Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.    

Now I need a place to hide away

Oh, I believe in yesterday.

Teacher: Do you know that the 70s was the time of revolution in rock music?

Student 8: Yes. The music became aggressive. It was a protest against the order. New styles appeared: Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Trash Metal. The main groups were: “Pink Floyd”, “Deep Purple”, “Led Zeppelin”, “Iron Maiden”, “Guns’ an roses”, “Metallica”, “the Rolling Stones” and  “the Eagles”. They used electronic equipment for light and sounds, special effects, intensely vivid sounds. Rock was represented by such individual superstars, such as Stevie Wonder and Elton John.

Hard Rock later turned into Techno Rock with its machine-made sounds, showing civilization of machines doing everything better, faster than humans. The groups are “The Kraftwerk” (Germany), Depeche Mode, Prodigy (Great Britain), Scooter (Germany).

In the 21st century Technometal and Electronic Rock appeared with groups: “Linken Park” (the USA), “Rammstein” (Germany).

Extremely popular was and still is the German rock group “The Scorpions” (слайд 14). They sing in English. When they visited Moscow for the 1st time they wrote their famous “Wind Of Change”

“Wind Of Change”

I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change

The world is closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close, like brothers
The future’s in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past forever
I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

The wind of change
Blows straight into the face of time
Like a storm wind that will ring the freedom bell
For peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing
What my guitar wants to say

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change

Teacher: Do you know, what are the traits of the music in the 80s and 90s?

Student 9: It’s interesting that no single style was set. We can see a lot of new branches: “disco”, “new wave”, “punk”, “rap”, “hip-hop”. Let’s take ABBA (слайд 15) (presents “disco”), a Swedish music group, internationally famous and popular with people of all ages. All know their famous hits “Thank you for the Music”, “Dancing Queen”, “The Winner takes it all”, “Happy New Year” and others.

Student 10: I would say that pop music has always been very popular among people. Pop music is a branch of contemporary music, a kind of contemporary mass culture. Pop songs are often devoted to personal feelings, emotions, love & hate, passion etc.

Of great importance is visual performance: concert shows and imposing or even extraordinary costumes. Pop singers usually employ a lot of dancers, actors and other people to perform on stage. Among world-known pop-stars there are such names as (слайд 16) Prince, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Stevie Wonder, “ABBA”, “Modern Talking” and others.

You can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
See that girl
Watch that scene
Dig in the dancing queen

Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for a place to go
Where they play the right music
Getting in the swing

You come to look for a king

Anybody could be that guy
Night is young and the music’s high
With a bit of rock music
Everything is fine
You’re in the mood for a dance

And when you get the chance

You are the dancing queen
Young and sweet
Only seventeen
Dancing queen
Feel the beat from the tambourine

You can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
See that girl
Watch that scene
Dig in the dancing queen

You’re a teaser, you turn ‘em on
Leave ‘em burning and then you’re gone
Looking out for another
Anyone will do
You’re in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance

Teacher: Disco music is energetic. But what is fashionable among young people today?

Student 9: Today there is a great diversity of music stiles. Among the popular ones I can point out rap & hip-hop styles.        Rapping refers to “spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics” but is distinct from spoken word poetry. it is performed in time to a beat. Stylistically, rap occupies a gray area among speech, prose, poetry, and song. Rapping can be traced back to its African roots where slaves were delivering stories rhythmically, over drums. This style in music began developing in the US, in Bronx, New York City. The founding father of rap is considered Сool Herk (слайд 17).

hip-hop is a music genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music with rhyming speech that is chanted. It developed as part of hip hop culture, a subculture defined by four key stylistic elements: rapping, scratching, break dancing, and graffiti writing.

The term “hip hop music” is sometimes used synonymously with the term “rap music”, though rapping is not a required component of hip hop music.

Creation of the term “hip hop” is often credited to Keith Cowboy, a rapper with Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five. It is believed that Cowboy created the term while teasing his friend who had just joined the U.S. Army, by scat singing the words “hip/hop/hip/hop” in a way that mimicked the rhythmic cadence of soldiers marching.

Двое студентов танцуют хип-хоп.

Teacher: Our time is out. I think that you enjoyed our lesson because I know that music is a part of your life. Today you know about it much more, I suppose. Thank you for your participation. Good-bye.  

Использованная литература:

  1. Голубев А.П., Смирнова И.Б. Песня в курсе английского языка, М. «Академия», 2003
  2. Дзюина Е.В., Мастерская учителя иностранного языка. Нестандартные уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке, Москва «Вако», 2011
  3. Штарина А.Г. Компетентностный подход в преподавании английского языка, Волгоград, 2008
  4. http://im5-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=136620613-29-72 – рисунок титульного листа (танцы)
  5. http://im2-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=46085121-01-72 - - фото Э. Пресли

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