Заключительный урок по теме "Сослагательное наклонение"
план-конспект занятия на тему

Шехурина Светлана Александровна

Урок включает комплекс упражнений и заданий, позволяющий обобщить материал по теме и проверить насколько хорошо

учащиеся усвоили материал ро теме. Предлагаемые задания необычны и интересны: закончить предсказания, ответить на

необычные вопросы, используя необходимую структуру предложения, лпределить тип условного предложения, ответить на

вопросы опросника, рассказать о своих желаниях, разгадать традиции разных стран, перевести предложения, написанные

на лепестках ромашки.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                       Обобщающий урок по теме «Сослагательное наклонение»

  Урок проводился после изучения темы «Сослагательное наклонение» на 5 курсе факультета иностранных языков ГАОУ СПО МО «Губернский профессиональный колледж» (г.Серпухов) на завершающем этапе.


Практические: проконтролировать речевые умения по теме «Сослагательное наклонение», активизировать коммуникативные навыки

Образовательные: совершенствовать умения употреблять придаточные предложения нереального условия,  совершенствовать умения работать во времени, вырабатывать темп учебной работы

Развивающие: развивать аналитико-синтезирующее мышление, логику, память, развивать самостоятельность, совершенствовать навыки восприятия иноязычной речи на слух, совершенствовать навыки связной речи, развивать интеллект и познавательные способности, способствовать развитию творческой деятельности, развивать умение сравнивать, обобщать, абстрагироваться

Воспитательные: учить студентов проявлять интерес к стране изучаемого языка, обеспечить нравственное воспитание учащихся, повышать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка, осуществлять эстетическое воспитание студентов

Оборудование: аудиозапись текста “А New Lawyer”, анкета “How Agressive Are You?”, карточки с ситуациями для задания “What a Question!”, опросник “Traditions and Customs” карточки для составления предложений, карточки с вопросами и ответами, «Ромашка» с предложениями на русском языке, плакаты со словами Р. Тагора и Эдгара Уотсона Хоува для оформления кабинета


1. Мыльцева Н.А., Цветкова И.В., Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка. – ч. 2

2. Просто о сложном: Условные предложения. Сослагательное наклонение. 10-11 кл.: учебное пособие/ Авт.-сост. С.В. Фурсенко. – М.: Дрофа, 2004. – 190,[2] с. :ил. – (Английский для школьников)

3. Mark Foley, Diane Hall My Grammar Lab. Pearson Education Limited 2012

If you don’t learn to laugh at trouble, you won’t have anything to laugh when you are old.                

                                                                                                                                   (E. W. Howe)

Today we are having our last lesson devoted to the Subjunctive Mood. Let’s revise everything for you to be a success at writing a test.

  1.  ‘WARMING UP’

I’m sure you know a lot of superstitions. The task is to finish them.

1. If you walk under a ladder, you’ll   (have bad luck)

2. If a girl catches the bride’s bouquet after a wedding, she will  (be the next to marry)

3. If you break the mirror, you’ll   (have seven years’ bad luck)

4. If you talk of the devil, he will   (appear)

5. If you see a small spider, you will   (get a lot of money)

6. If you scratch your left hand, you will   (give money away)

7. If a black cat crosses your path, you will   (have good luck (in Britain))

8. If a black cat crosses your path, you will   (have bad luck (in Russia))


II. What a question!

Read the question very attentively and answer it.

What a question!

For a person you loved deeply,

would you be willing to move

to a distant country knowing

there would be little chance of ever seeing your family and friends again?

Would you have one of your fingers removed if it somehow guaranteed immunity from all major diseases?

Would you accept twenty-five years of extraordinary happiness if it meant you would die at the end of the period?

You are given the power to kill people. They would die a natural death and no one would suspect you. Are there any situations in which you would use this power?

Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one  item. What would it be?

Would you rather be extremely successful professionally and have a fairly ordinary private life, or have a very happy private life and only an ordinary professional life?

Would you be willing to become extremely ugly physically if it meant you would live for 500 years at any physical age you chose?

Assuming that you had no children and felt the only way to have a family was to marry someone you didn’t love, would you be willing to do so?

Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if it would end hunger in the world?

Given the ability to project yourself into the past but not return, would you do so? Where would you go and what would you try to accomplish if you knew you might change the course of history?

If a crystal ball would tell you the truth about any one thing you wished to know concerning yourself, life, the future, or anything else, what would you like to know?

In front of you are ten pistols – only one of which is loaded. For £1million would you pick one up, point it at your head and press the trigger? If you survive, you keep the money.

    III. ‘What is the type?’

You are to guess the type of the clause.

  1. She turned swiftly as if she wanted to say good night. (comparison)
  2. His mother looked as if she had spent a restless night. (predicative)
  3. They made a fire so that they could cook dinner and dry their clothes. (purpose)
  4. Andrew feared lest he should fail to diagnose the case. (object)
  5. It’s unbearable to think that she should be seriously ill. (subject)
  6. If you had listened to the weather forecast you would have taken your umbrella. (III Cond)
  7. Whenever he might be asked for money, he always says that he’s broke. (concession)
  8. If the missing money is found, you’ll be the first to know. (I Cond)
  9. Were they married, they would have rows even more often, I suppose. (II Cond, inversion)
  10. If you worked hard, you wouldn’t have made so many mistakes in the last test. (mixed type)

IV. Questionnaire  (How Aggressive are you?)

If you want to know how sociable you are, read the questions, put the verbs into the correct form and answer the questions.

1. If I (get) stuck in a lift,

a) I (press) all the buttons            b) I (press) the button “Call”   c) I (feel) slightly annoyed, but resign myself to the situation  d) I (return) on my Walkman and relax

2. If I (discover) my friend has used my bicycle without my permission,

a) I (make) a row             b) I (tell) him he’s been wrong

c) I (make) a joke of it    d) I (say) nothing to him and hide my bike        

3. If I (see) two people fighting in the street,

a) I (join) the fight           b) I (try) to stop them

c) I (call) the police          d) I (pass) by

4. If I (come) to a party with my boyfriend/girlfriend and he/she started dancing with someone else,

a) I (grab) his/her hand and take him/her from the party  b) I (feel) nervous

c) I (feel) happy because he/she was having a good time   d) I (go) over and join the dance

5. If I (get) on a bus and (see) only one seat left,

a) I (rush) to get it            b) I (push) the person who was standing nearest to the seat and get it

c) I (see) if there were any old people who might want it   d) I (make) no special effort to get there first

6. If  a passer-by (push) me by chance,

a) I (push) him too            b) I (say) something rude to him

c) I (say) nothing              d) I (smile) at him

7. If I (have) an argument with a friend,

a) I (say): ‘I won’t speak to him/her  unless he/she apologizes to me  

b) I (forget) the offence five minutes later    c) I (phone) him/her and apologize

d) I (wait) and see what will happen

8. If I (come) to dinner and (realize) that the meal was terrible,

a) I  (throw) it away         b) I (tell) the people how terrible it was

c) I (say) that I could cook better     d) I (say), “I’m not hungry”

9. If I (see) a caricature on me, made by a friend of mine,

a) I (slam) the door and leave the room      b) I (get) offended but won’t show it

c) I (try) to find something funny in the man and make fun of him

d) I (burst) out laughing and like the fact that I’ve got something original in myself

10. If I (come) to my office late and the boss (shout) at me,

a) I (apologize) politely              b) I (keep) silent

c) I (make) excuses to him         c) I (shout) back and leave the job



Add the numbers:

  1. a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
  2. a-4, b-3, c-1, d-2
  3. a-4, b-2, c-3, d-1                                  
  4. a-4, b-3, c-1, d-2
  5. a-3, b-4, c-2, d-1
  6. a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
  7. a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
  8. a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
  9. a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
  10. a-3, b-3, c-2, d-1

 40-30 points: you are a fairly aggressive person. No one would like to step on your foot or make friends with you

 29-20 points:  you are a fairly balanced person

 19-10 points:  you are a kind and ready to help person. Everyone would be happy to make friends with you


An Indian writer R. Tagore said, “You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. Don’t let yourself indulge in vain wishes.”

What are your wishes? The Englishmen use the structure “I wish...” Do the same, please. Just fancy, you’ve found an old corked jar. You uncork it and see a genie. He is ready to fulfill all your wishes. Express them correctly.

 e.g. I wish I could travel all over the world. I wish I could give some money to children and hospitals.

                  VI.   ‘A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD’

Let’s travel around the world. Refer them to unreal present. What can you see there?

1.If I (go) to India,..................

I would ............

2. If I (go) to Spain,.........

3. If I ( go) to Brazil, ............

4 If I (go) to Egypt, .......

5 If I (go) to Italy, ..........

6 If I (go) to Japan, .........

7 If I (go) to China, ...........

8 If I (go) to Greece, .........

9 If I (go) to Australia, ......

10 If I (go) to Finland, .............

But while travelling you should know a lot about traditions and customs of different countries. Do you know some?


Put the verbs into the correct form.

1 c; 2c; 3a; 4b; 5c; 6b; 7a; 8c; 9a; 10a.

                VIII.  ‘WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF…………..’

The first part of the task is to finish the sentences.

1. If I found a gold watch in the street, ……………..

2. If my best friend moved to another town, …………………

3. If I had a toothache, ……………………….

4. If I saw an accident, …………………

5. If all the lights suddenly went out, ……………………….

6. If I lost all my  money, ……………………….

7. If I lived on a tropical island, ………………….

8. If I found a dog with a broken leg, …………………

9. If I forgot my best friend’s birthday, ……………………..

10. If I spilled a glass of juice on my essay, ……………………

The second part will be a game. Some students will write the questions, the others will write answers. We’ll put them into different boxes, mix them. Then each player will draw one slip from both boxes and read them out.

The possible questions:

  • What would you do if the roof fell in?
  • What would you do if you won $10,000?
  • What would you do if you had no money to get home?
  • What would you do if your TV set didn’t work?
  • What would you do if your friend borrowed money from you and hadn’t given it back?
  • What would you do if you saw a strange object in the sky?
  • What would you do if you suddenly saw yourself on television?
  • What would you do if you won a car?
  • What would you do if you found a snake in the cupboard?
  • What would you do if you found a hairy spider in your bed?

The possible answers:

  • I would call the police.
  • I would shut the door.
  • I would laugh.
  • I would sell it.
  • I would jump out of the window.
  • I would go for a long holiday.
  • I would walk home.
  • I would have it repaired.
  • I would keep it as a pet.
  • I would put the pillow over my head.

  IX.    ‘A  NICE  FLOWER’

Look here, I’ve got a nice flower with the sentences. The task is to translate them into English.

1. Жаль, что я не могу тоже пойти.

2. Ей казалось, что она давно знает его.

3. Я считаю необходимым, чтобы вы все приготовили заранее.

4. Дай ему руку, чтобы он не упал.

5. Будь я там тогда сама, я бы все организовала.

6. Она боялась, что они опоздают на поезд.

7. Если бы я был художником, я бы обязательно нарисовал этот пейзаж.

8. Когда он хочет съесть что-нибудь вкусное, он идет в ресторан, если же он просто хочет есть, он ест макароны.

9. Я требую, чтобы он ушел.

10. Вполне естественно, что она хотела пойти туда.

11. Ты смог бы справиться без посторонней помощи, если бы ты не был таким ленивым.

12. Если бы ты помыл посуду, мы сейчас ели бы мясо не ложками, а вилками.

13. Он заговорит с вами как ни в чем не бывало.

14. Если бы не она, ребенок бы утонул.

15. Он боится, что кто-нибудь поднимет этот вопрос.

16. Жаль, что она не изучала французский в детстве.

17. Странно, что вас никто не видел.

18. Я бы давно ей написала, если бы знала ее адрес.

19. Мне так хотелось проводить вас!

20. Не горит ли ваша квартира, пока вы сидите здесь в театре.

The key:

1. I wish I could go there too.

2. She felt as if she had known him for a long time.

3. I find it necessary that you should prepare everything beforehand.

4. Give him a hand in order that he should (may) not fall.

5. Had I myself been there then, I would have arranged everything.

6. She feared that they might miss the train.

7. If I were an artist, I’d paint this landscape.

8. When she wants to eat something special, he goes to the restaurant, if he is just hungry, he eats pasta.

9. I demand that he should leave.

10. It’s quite natural that she should have wanted to go there.

11. You would have managed everything yourself if you weren’t so lazy.

12. If you had washed up, we wouldn’t eat the meat with forks, not spoons.

13. He will talk to you as if nothing had happened.

14. But for her the child would have drowned.

15. She is afraid that somebody may raise the question.

16. She wishes she had learnt French in her childhood.

17. It strange that nobody should have seen you.

18. I would have written to her if I knew her address.

19. I wish I saw you off.

20. Is your flat on fire while you are at the theatre?


Listen to the text and guess the last line of the story.  A New Lawyer

                 XI.  WRITING

Write what you would say in these situations, using the third conditional.

1. You have made some soup for dinner. Your brother comes back with three friends. He didn’t tell you he was going to do this and you don’t have enough soup for everyone. What do you say to your brother?

2. You were in the shower when the telephone rang, so you didn’t answer it. Your mother told you later that it was her on the phone and wondered why you hadn’t answered it. What do you say to her?

3. A friend has just reminded you that there is a party on Saturday night. You nearly forgot about it. What do you say to your friend?

4. A friend is upset because when you visited his home town  last week you didn’t have enough time. What do you say to him?

5. Your younger sister took a photo of her best friend, but, unfortunately, she stood too close, so the photo wasn’t very good. What do you say to her?

6. A company offered you a job, but the salary was very low. You didn’t take the job. Your father wonders why. What would you tell him?

          XII.  HOMETASK

Let’s check the task you were to do at home.

Три желания

Жили-были старик и старуха. Однажды старуха сказала: «Хорошо бы случилось1 что-нибудь хорошее!» И старик добавил: «Давно пора, чтобы нам тоже повезло2».

И только они это сказали, как перед ними появилась фея, словно она этого только и дожидалась3, и сказала, что исполнит три их желания.

«Но лучше хорошенько подумайте4, прежде чем пожелать чего-нибудь, - сказала она. – А не то будете потом жалеть5». И она исчезла.

«Как хорошо! – воскликнул старик. – Теперь мы будем счастливы и богаты. Что это мне всегда есть хочется, когда я счастлив? Эх, была бы у меня сейчас хорошая колбаса6

И только он это сказал, как на столе перед ним появилась колбаса.

«Ах ты, дурак! – закричала старуха. – Болтаешь, словно малый ребенок7. Хоть бы она приросла к твоему носу8, эта колбаса».

И колбаса приросла к носу старика так, словно она всегда там находилась9.

«Ох, - сказала старуха, - мы уже потеряли два желания. Будем осторожней, чтобы не потерять10 третьего. Я предлагаю пожелать11 побольше золота, тогда мы бы могли сделать12 золотой ящик на твою колбасу и были бы счастливы13».

Но старик сказал, что он скорее умрет14, чем будет жить с колбасой на носу. И они потеряли и третье желание.

The key:

1. happened

2. had some luck

3. had been writing

4. had better think

5. you should be sorry

6. Oh, if I had (I wish I had)

7. as if you  were a child

8. I wish it stuck

9. as if it had always been

10. lest we should lose (waste)

11. suggest we should wish

12. could make

13. would be happy

14. would rather die

Dear students! It’s a pity but our lesson is coming to an end. Thank you for working hard. You are really bright and industrious. You can do different kinds of work you know much about the category of mood. I’m sure your good knowledge of grammar will help you in future.

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