История развития медицины от первобытных времён до Древнего Рима
презентация к уроку

Булавина Елена Вадимовна

Как область науки история медицины изучает общие закономерности всемирно-исторического процесса становления и развития врачевания и медицины в различных странах мира с древнейших времен до нашего времени, достижения выдающихся циви- лизаций и каждой эпохи в области медицины в контексте поступательного развития человечества, интересные события в истории врачевания и медицины, жизнь великих ученых-медиков, выдающиеся достижения врачебной практики.


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История развития медицины от первобытных времён до Древнего Рима часть 1

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Медицина в первобытном обществе The idea that a primitive person was completely healthy and that diseases arose later as a result of civilization is true only for a limited number of diseases. The bones of a primitive person bear traces of injuries and serious diseases (arthritis, tumors, tuberculosis, curvature of the spine, caries of teeth)

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In the cave of La Chapelle (France), a skeleton of a male paleoanthropist was found who died at the age of about 45, being a cripple (deforming arthritis of the spine, arthritis of the lower jaw and fracture of the thigh).

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Medical practice was a collective exercise. Women did it because it was demanded by the care of the children and other members of the community; Men assisted congeners during the hunt or in the fight with neighboring teams.

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Primitive healers also possessed surgical techniques. This was evidenced by the presence of various tools (scrapers, chisels, a knife with an end sharpening), which were discovered by archaeologists in ancient Neolithic sites.

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The average life expectancy of a primitive man did not exceed 30 years. Primitive man died in the prime of life, not having time to grow old, died in the fight with nature, which was stronger than his

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The desire to expel the spirit of the disease from the body of the patient gave rise to a whole direction of religious practice - shamanism.

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Врачевание в Месопотамии During the archaeological excavations of the ancient Sumerian city of Nippur in 1889, a cuneiform tablet with 15 recipes was found. Its text was recorded at the end of III millennium BC. Er This is the oldest of the medical content that has come down to us and at the same time the oldest pharmacopoeia in the history of mankind.

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According to the Hammurabi Laws, in case of successful treatment, doctors received high remuneration : If a doctor spliced a broken bone in a person or cured a sore joint, then the patient must pay the doctor five shekels of silver. In the event of an unfavorable outcome of the treatment, the healer was severely punished : If the healer made a strong incision to the free man with a bronze knife and so killed the man with a knife or killed the man’s eye, he should cut off his arm.

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История развития медицины от первобытных времён до Древнего Рима часть 2

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Врачевание в Древнем Египте The first ideas about the structure of the human body (anatomy) Egyptians received from the practice of embalming. Already in the middle of the II millennium BC. er the ancient Egyptians described large organs (brain, heart, vessels, kidneys, intestines, muscles, etc.).

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The most extensive information about internal diseases and medicinal healing in ancient Egypt is contained in a large medical papyrus by G. Ebers (16th century BC) - glued together from 108 sheets, 20.5 m long, “The Book of Preparation of Medicines for All Parts of the Body” (about 900 prescription drugs)

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The physician had to openly inform the patient about the prognosis for the treatment of one of three phrases: 1) "this is a disease that I can cure"; 2) “this is a disease that I may be able to cure”; 3) “this is a disease that I can not cure."

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Медицина Древней Индии The healers of ancient India performed amputations of the limbs, laparotomy, stone-cutting, hernia repair, plastic surgery. They were able to restore noses, ears and lips. In this area, Indian surgery was ahead of Europe until the 18th century.

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Disease prevention was one of the most important areas of Indian healing. Already in ancient times, attempts were made to prevent smallpox.

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After graduation, the future healer delivered a sermon (oath). Remuneration for treatment was forbidden from demanding friends of a doctor and brahmans If wealthy people refused to pay for treatment, the healer was awarded all their possessions. For improper treatment, the healer paid a fine depending on the social status of the patient.

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История развития медицины от первобытных времён до Древнего Рима часть 3

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Медицина Древней Греции According to Hippocrates, the human body is built from a mix of blood, bile, black bile and mucus. If the juices are mixed correctly, the person is healthy. Imbalance leads to illness. The ancient Greeks did not have special knowledge of anatomy, since they did not open the bodies of the dead.

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Finishing the training, the future healer gave the “Oath”, which he invariably followed throughout his life. When the “Oath” was first compiled is unknown. Orally, she passed from one generation to another. In the III. BC er "Oath" was included in the "Hippocrates Collection", after which it became known by the name Hippocratic.

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Медицина Древнего Рима Until the end of the III c. BC Oe .) There were no professional healers in Rome — they were treated at home with folk remedies, often in conjunction with magical conspiracies. There were no state hospitals: doctors visited the patients, and the patients came to their homes. Slaves were not treated, they were sent to about. Asclepius (or St. Bartholomew) on r. Tiber and left there to die. In the case of recovery, such a slave would become free.

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By the end of the II. in the capital of the empire there were eye and dentists, specialists who treated only diseases of the bladder, surgeons who performed only one operation. The development of surgery in the period of the Roman Empire is evidenced by the sets of surgical instruments found during the excavations of ancient cities.

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