200 Important English Expressions

Марина Зязина

Список 200 Важных английский выражений 


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200 Important English Expressions

100 Top Daily Routine Phrases

Waking Up

1. Push snooze: When I hear my alarm, I immediately push snooze.

2. Overslept: Oh no! I accidentally turned my alarm off and I overslept!

3. Sleep in/sleep late: I like to sleep in on the weekends.

4. Jumped out of bed: I jumped out of bed because I overslept.

5. Rise and shine: It’s time to rise and shine! Wake up!

6. Wake up on the wrong side of bed: I am usually a morning person, but today I

woke up on the wrong side of bed and was in a bad mood.

7. Make the bed: I make the bed every morning as soon as I wake up.

8. Wash my face and brush my teeth: After I make the bed, I go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

9. Get dressed: I pick out what I am wearing for the day and get dressed.

Eating Breakfast/Drinking Coffee, Tea

10. Whip up some breakfast: I like to whip up some breakfast before I start the day.

11. Brew the coffee: I turn the coffee pot on to brew the coffee.

12. Boil water for tea: I turn on the kettle to boil water for tea.

13. Make some juice: When I have fresh lemons, I make some juice.

14. Throw some bread in the toaster: When I want toast for breakfast, I throw some bread in the toaster.

15. Scramble some eggs: If I have time, I will scramble some eggs for breakfast.

16. Scarf down breakfast: I realize I’m running late for work, so I scarf down breakfast.

17. Clear the table: I clear the table and put the dirty dishes in the sink.

18. Fill up my to-go mug with coffee: I fill up my to-go mug with coffee and head out the door.

A “to-go mug” can also be called “a ;

19. Get something on the way: If I overslept and didn’t have time to make breakfast, I will get something on the way to work, maybe stop at my favorite cafe.

Going to Work/School

20. Head to work: It’s time for me to leave my house and head to work.

21. Buckle up: Before I start the car, I buckle up my seatbelt.

22. Back out of the driveway: I back out of the driveway and pull onto the street.

23. Speed up: Once I am on the highway, I speed up and drive faster.

24. Slow down: When I am stuck in traffic, I slow down or come to a stop.

25. Use the blinker: When I need to turn, I use the blinker to show that I am turning.

26. Avoid traffic: I try to avoid traffic on my commute by leaving my house earlier.

27. Merge into traffic: I have to merge into traffic to get on the highway.

28. Watch out for: When I’m driving, I watch out for school buses and pedestrians.

29. Kill two birds with one stone: I like to kill two birds with one stone and listen to Vanessa’s English videos on my commute.

Working with Other People

30. Excuse me, when you have a moment…: Excuse me, when you have a moment, can I ask you a question?

31. Can you explain it/that? I’m having trouble understanding the assignment. Can you explain it?

32. Can you help me with something? Can you help me with something? I am looking for a book about women in aviation, can you tell me where to look?

33. Filling in: I’m filling in for my manager today because she’s sick.

34. Lead: Who is going to be the lead for this project?

35. What can I help you with? Hi, I heard you were asking for help. What can I help you with?

36. Bite the bullet: I think I am going to have to bite the bullet and tell my boss I made a mistake on my report.

37. Back to the drawing board: Well, that plan didn’t work, so I guess it’s back to the drawing board.

38. Touch base: Let’s touch base about the project next week and make sure we’re making progress.

39. Pull your own weight: When you work on a group project, you need to pull your own weight–one person shouldn’t be doing all the work.

Taking a Break

40. Take a smoke break: My coworkers take a smoke break during work, but since I don’t smoke, I take a break to sit in the sunshine.

41. Get some fresh air: When I was painting inside my house, I took several breaks and stepped outside to get some fresh air.

42. Snack break: Are you hungry? I think it’s time for a snack break.

43. Coffee/tea run: I’m going on a coffee/tea run, do you want anything?

44. Take a lap: I’m falling asleep at my desk, I think I am going to take a lap around the office to wake myself up!

45. Run some errands: I need to run some errands during my lunch break.

46. Take a breather: It’s so hot outside and we’ve been working so hard. I think we should take a breather and rest in the shade.

47. Take a minute: I got that assignment finished, now I am going to take a minute

before I start the next one.

48. Let’s hit pause: Since it’s the end of the day, let’s hit pause before starting any new projects.

49. Catch my breath: This hike is harder than I expected it to be! Let me catch my breath before we keep going.

Saying Goodbye at Work/School

50. Shut down: I am shutting down for the day.

51. Pack up: Time to pack up and go home!

52. Let’s call it a day: Let’s call it a day. We can pick up where we left off tomorrow.

53. Alright, that’s it: Alright, that’s it I think we’ve done all we can do for the day.

54. That’s a wrap: That’s a wrap, we finished, nice work everyone!

55. I’m headed out: I’m headed out, is there anything you need before I go?

56. Gotta run: I’ve gotta run, I’ll catch up with you tomorrow.

57. I’m outta here: I’m outta here, I’ve got an appointment to get to.

58. See you tomorrow: Bye, see you tomorrow!

59. Have a good evening: Bye everyone, have a good evening!

Going Out for Dinner with Your Family

60. Let’s eat out: I don’t feel like cooking tonight, let’s eat out.

61. Can we get a table on the patio? It’s such a beautiful day. Can we get a table on the patio?

62. Do you have any specials? I usually order the grilled chicken and vegetables, but do you have any specials today?

63. I’d like…please: I’d like the caesar salad and soup of the day, please.

64. What do you recommend? I haven’t eaten here before. What do you recommend?

65. Do you want to split …? I’m not very hungry. Do you want to split a pizza?

66. Can I get a …? Can I get a refill on my drink when you get a chance?

67. How is your food? How is your food? It looks delicious. I think I’ll order that next time.

68. To-go box: Can you bring me a to-go box? I’ll eat this for lunch tomorrow.

69. Splurge: Let’s splurge and get some dessert!

Playing with Your Kids

70. Roughhouse: It seems like little (and big) boys always want to roughhouse and play hard.

71. Eat a snack: It seems like my kids always want to eat a snack.

72. Build legos: Wow, look at that tall lego tower you made!

73. Go on a bike ride: It’s a beautiful day to go on a bike ride down the street.

74. Do a puzzle: Sometimes doing a puzzle is a great way to calm down and relax.

75. Hit a ball: It’s so satisfying to hit a baseball, even if you’re playing by yourself.

76. Go down the slide: Nothing is more fun than going down a slide into a huge pile of leaves!

77. Do chalk: My kids love to do chalk in a shady part of the walkway.

78. Pick fruit: The first thing my son does in the morning is pick raspberries in our backyard.

79. Take a nap: Sometimes my son gets so tired that he takes a nap in the middle of the floor.

Relaxing at the End of the Day

80. What a day! I am so happy to finally be home. What a day!

81. Finish up: Before I can relax, I need to finish up some chores.

82. Tidy up: I spend a few minutes tidying up, then I relax on the couch.

83. Kick back and relax: It’s time to kick back and relax.

84. Veg out: Sometimes, I like to turn on my favorite show and veg out for hours at a time.

85. Catch up on: On rainy days, I like to catch up on my reading.

86. Take your shoes off and stay a while! Welcome to my home! Please make yourself comfortable. Take your shoes off and stay a while!

87. Put your feet up: I know you’ve had a long week. Put your feet up and I’ll bring you a snack.

88. Rest/relax and recuperate (R&R): I am so thankful we have a long weekend coming up. I am ready for some R & R.

89. Wind down: I like to wind down with a cup of hot tea and a book.

90. Chill: I don’t usually make plans during the week, I like to come home and just


Going to Bed Routine

91. Lock the doors: I always check and make sure I lock the doors at night.

92. Turn off the lights: I go through the house and turn off the lights.

93. Read bedtime stories: I read bedtime stories to my boys before they go to sleep.

94. Tuck in the kids: After bedtime stories, I tuck them in and tell them goodnight.

95. Tiptoe to the bedroom: I don’t want to wake the kids, so I quietly tiptoe to the bedroom.

96. Take a shower: I need to take a shower before I go to bed.

97. Brush my teeth: I brush my teeth, spit, and rinse with water.

98. Put on pajamas: I put on pajamas and put today’s clothes in the dirty laundry hamper.

99. Double-check my alarm: I don’t want to oversleep tomorrow, so I double-check my alarm.

100. Hit the hay: Finally, it’s time to hit the hay and go to sleep.

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