Входной контроль по английскому языку 9 класс

Входной контроль по английскому языку в виде теста. (9 класс)


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Предварительный просмотр:


по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

Задание № 1 - Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Указать верную форму глагола «to be».

I…in the 10thgrade.

a) is

b) are



2. Указать верную форму глагола «to be».

He … at the theatre yesterday.

a) is

b) was

c)will be


3. Выбрать правильно написанное предложение:

a) He not to like to play the piano

b) He don’t like play the piano

c) He doesn’t like to play the piano

d) he doesn’t likes to play the piano

4. Выбрать слово, которое не подходит для описания внешности человека

a) Slim

b) Fat



e) Cute

5. Выбрать слово, которое не подходит для описания характера человека.

a) Kind

b) choleric

c) handsome

d) Passionate

e) calm

6. Выбрать предложение, которое написано правильно.

a) My friend have got a long curly hair.

b) My friend has got long curly hair.

c) My friend has long curly hairs.

d) My friend have longs curly hairs.

7. Указать верную форму глагола «to be».

… you join us in the evening?

a) are

b) were

c) will

d) is

#1042;ыбрать вспомогательный глагол.

… you see her yesterday?

a) does

b) did

c) was

9. Указать верную форму глагола «to be».

1. My father… a pupil twenty years ago.

a) am c) are e) were

b) is d) was d) will be

#1059;казать верную форму наречия.

Tom is their… son.

a) older

b) elder

11. Определить в каком предложении глагол “to be” является вспомогательным.

a) She was sixteen last year.

b) The delegation is to come on Monday.

c) Mother is at home.

d) What are you doing?

12. Заполнить пропуски в предложении.

Many people ___morning exercises, jog in morning or train in different clubs and take part in sports competitions.

a) does

b) do

c) make

d) makes

13. Выбрать фразовый глагол.

Children and grown-ups must ….. their health and do morning exercises regularly.

a) keep fit c) look for

b) take care of d) look after

14. Указать правильный вариант перевода.

The flowers are in the vase.

a) Цветы в вазе.

b) В вазе цветы.

15. Выбрать предлог:

Moscow is one … the most beautiful cities in the world.

a) of

b) from

16. Выбрать предлог:

Usually I go to the college … train.

a) on

b) at

c) to

d) by

17. Выбрать предлог:

I saw him ... the bus stop yesterday.

a) on

b) at

c) in

d) by

18. Выбрать местоимение:

I invited my friend to… place.

a) me

b) his

c) my

d) mine

19. Выбрать местоимение:

It’s easy, you can do it…

a) you

b) your

c) yours

d) yourself

20. Выбрать нужную форму глагола:

Autumn… in September with the beginning of the school year.

a) come

b) comes

Задание № 2. Read the text. Choose the right answer:

Business Traveling

I travel a lot for my job, so I’ve been to lots of cities around the world. Last month I was in Rome. It’s such an interesting city and the architecture is wonderful, all those ancient buildings and statues. And of course, Italian food is fabulous – I love pasta! What I don’t like in Rome is the traffic – the roads are terrible and Italians drive so fast!

I think one of my favourite cities is Sydney. The outdoor lifestyle is great, especially all the bars and restaurants by the harbor, and Australians are so friendly too. Unfortunately, when you are there for business, the hot weather can be a problem. When you arrive at your meetings, you feel all hot and sweaty.

Tokyo is fun to visit, although you can have a lot of problems with the language. Japanese is such a different language. I can’t even read the road signs! They have some amazing shopping centers though where you can buy anything you want. I always come home with my suitcase full!

Why does she travel a lot?

  1. For her job
  2. On holiday

What type of architecture does she like in Rome?

  1. Very old buildings
  2. Modern shopping centers

What type of Italian food does she like?

  1. Pizza
  2. Pasta

Why doesn’t she like the weather in Australia?

  1. It’s too hot to sit outside
  2. It’s too hot when you have to work

What problem does she have with language in Japan?

  1. She can’t read the road signs
  2. People speak too fast

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