Презентация к ЕГЭ
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) на тему

Исаева Ольга Николаевна

Презентация к ЕГЭ


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Letter writing

Слайд 2

Task 1. Read the task. You have received a letter from your English pen friend Martha who writes : …Guess what! I’ve recently joined our local fitness club. Do you do anything special to stay healthy? I’d like to lose weight. Do you think I should go dieting? What do you think of a healthy lifestyle? By the way, my brother has given me a book “Yoga for women”… Write a letter to Martha. In your letter: • answer her questions; • ask 3 questions about her new book. Write 100–140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Слайд 3

Exercise 1. Read the sample letter. Why will the student NOT score maximum points for organisation ? Answer the questions and put a tick (V) if it is done correctly, a cross (Х) if it is done incorrectly and (+/-) if it is almost correct . 1. Is the letter written logically? ______ 2. Is the letter divided into paragraphs? ______ 3. Are the linking words used in a proper way? ______ 4. Are the address and the date written correctly? ______ 5. Are the salutation, ending the letter, signing off, and the signature written on separate lines ? _____ Russia, Moscow Dear Martha, Thank you for your last letter. I was so glad to hear from you again. You asked me about health. Leading a healthy way of life should be everyone's main purpose in life. Doing sports or simple exercises trying to avoid harmful food and habits make people healthy and strong. You should lose weight or your boyfriend won't like you at all. I try to follow these rules, but sometimes it's really difficult. Dieting is OK if you have much time and will. Does it big for you? What you can get from it? Is there many good exercises with yoga? That's all for now. I must go. Best wishes, Julia

Слайд 4

1. Is the letter written logically? X Не совсем логична последовательность ответов: You should lose weight or your boyfriend won’t like you at all. I try to follow these rules, but sometimes it’s really difficult . Dieting is OK if you have much time and will. Непонятно, о каких правилах говорит учащийся: о том, что надо сбросить вес, или о том, что надо заниматься спортом и делать простые упражнения. Очевидно, лучше было бы поменять предложения местами: сначала написать про себя, а потом про диету Джулии . 2. Is the letter divided into paragraphs? Х Письмо неверно поделено на абзацы: первый абзац должен содержать благодарность , ссылку на предыдущие контакты. Второй – ответы на вопросы . 3. Are the linking words used in a proper way? Х В письме практически нет средств связи внутри абзацев и при переходе от ответов на вопросы к параграфу, где нужно задать вопросы, кроме связующей фразы You asked me about health . Можно было бы добавить линкеры внутри второго абзаца: You asked me about the health. Leading a healthy way of life should be the main life purpose of everyone. Doing sports or simple exercises and trying to avoid harmful food and habits make people healthy and strong. I try to follow these rules, but sometimes it’s really difficult. As for you, I think you should lose weight or your boyfriend won’t like you at all. However, dieting is OK if you have much time and will . Между вторым и третьим абзацем: By the way , … 4. Are the address and the date written correctly? X Адрес написан неверно и в левом верхнем углу, нет даты . 5. Are the salutation, ending the letter, signing off, and the signature written on separate lines ? +/- На отдельной строке написано только обращение. Заключительная фраза и подпись стоят на одной строке. Ссылка на последующие контакты отсутствует .

Слайд 5

Exercise 2. In the letter the student made some grammar mistakes when asking questions . Can you correct them? Does it big for you? (Is the book long?) What you can get from it? (вопрос не совсем понятен. Возможно, автор имел в виду What can you learn from it ?) Is there many good exercises with yoga? (Are there many good yoga exercises?)

Слайд 6

Exercise 3. Improve the letter. 1) Write the date and address. 2) Divide it into paragraphs. 3) Arrange the answers in a logical way. 4) Use linkers to connect ideas, to change the topic.

Слайд 7

Вариант исправленного письма: Moscow , Russia 21/04/2013 Dear Martha, Thank you for your last letter. I was so glad to hear from you again . You asked me about health. Leading a healthy way of life should be everyone’s main purpose in life . Doing sports or simple exercises and trying to avoid harmful food and habits make people healthy and strong. I try to follow these rules, but sometimes it’s really difficult. As for you, I think you should lose weight or your boyfriend won’t like you at all. However, Dieting is OK if you have much time and will. By the way, is the book long? Are there many good yoga exercises? Can you do any of them now ? That’s all for now. I must go. Write back soon. Best wishes, Julia

Слайд 8

Task 2 . You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Charles who writes: … My class went on a one-day trip to Stratford-upon-Avon last week. I really enjoyed it. Do you often go on school outings? Do you enjoy these trips? Why or why not? What was the most interesting trip? By the way, my grandfather was 75 last week and we had a family gathering… Write a letter to Charles. In your letter: • answer his questions; • ask 3 questions about the family gathering. Write 100–140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Слайд 9

Exercise 1. Read a sample letter. Why will the student NOT score maximum points for it? Analyse the content, organisation and use of English. (1) Moscow, Russia (1) ______ (2) 24/11/2013 (2) ______ (3) Dear Charles, (3) ______ (4) Glad to hear from you again! (4) ______ (5) How did you celebrated the B-day? Do you usually (5) ______ (6) have many guests on a family gathering? What (6) ______ (7) presents do you like to give? (7) ______ (8) As for your questions, each year my class organise (8) ______ (9) some trips. Usually we go to any Russian town for a (9) ______ (10) few days. So my classmates have already been to (10) ______ (11) Vladimir, Suzdal and Zvenigirod . What’s more, last (11) ______ (12) year the class went to Riga. According to what they (12) ______ (13) said, they really liked it very much. Although, the trip (13) ______ (14) to Zvenigorod bio station was the most interesting (14) ______ (15) and I liked it very much. I realy spend a great time (15) ______ (16) and got a lot of positive emotions. (16) ______ (17) Sorry, but I must go now. (17) ______ (18) Best wishes, (18) ______ (19) Ann (19) ______     How did you celebrate (gr)   my class organises (gr) we go to some /a Russian town (gr) So, (p)   However, the trip to… ( voc )  I really had a great time there ( sp + gr/ voc )    

Слайд 10

Содержание: В письме 126 слов 1. Ответ на вопрос, часто ли автор путешествует с классом, отсутствует: each year my class organise some trips и далее про то, где были одноклассники. 2. Ответ на вопрос, нравятся ли автору эти путешествия и почему, отсутствует. 3. Ответ на вопрос, какое путешествие было наиболее интересным, дан: Although , the trip to Zvenigorod bio station was the most interesting and I liked it very much . I really spend a great time and got a lot of positive emotions . 4. Из трех заданных вопросов о дне рождения дедушки принимается только один: How did you celebrate the B- day ? Остальные вопросы не по теме. 5. Кроме того, отсутствует фраза-благодарность за полученное письмо и нет фразы-надежды на последующие контакты.

Слайд 11

Организация: 1. Адрес и дата под адресом в правом верхнем углу написаны верно. 2. Обращение, завершающая фраза, подпись автора написаны на отдельных строках. 3. Средства связи в основном использованы верно, однако неправильно употреблен союз " although " (должен быть " however "). 4. Письмо написано логично. Автор разделил его на абзацы, хотя нарушил последовательность их изложения: сначала заданы три вопроса, а потом даны ответы на вопросы друга. В принципе, при условии логичного изложения, такая последовательность не вызовет понижения балла. Языковое оформление Имеется ряд ошибок (см. исправления).

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Полоскова Мария Дмитриевна

Актуально, спасибо!