"История кино"
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Солнышкина Ольга Геннадьевна

В данной презентации представлена история создания кино.


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It is difficult nowadays to think about our life without cinema. It has become a very popular entertainment since more than a hundred years ago Lumiere brothers shot their first three- minute film about a train arrival to the railway station. The movie was shown to public in December 1895 and since then the era of cinematography has begun.

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First motion pictures were very short, lasting for about a minute. They were black and white and silent. A few years later the duration of the films was already 15-20 minutes.

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First films had no sound and were black-and-white but still people were fond of them because of Charlie. His character was created and performed by the well-known film director and actor Charles Spencer Chaplin. His small and clumsy man yet kind, generous and brave attracted the hearts of millions of spectators in the world who were so crazy about him that they would queue long hours to get a chance to enjoy seeing their favorite actor on the screen.

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Later color and sound were added into films. People of different professions are involved in modern cinema production : directors , scriptwriters, cameramen, composers, costume designers and, of course, actors and actresses.

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They make films of different genres: feature movies, historical and detective films, documentaries, screen versions of novels, cartoons, series and what not all of which are demonstrated both at cinemas and on TV. We can say that cinema combines various arts such as literature, painting, music, theatre, architecture.

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Types of films There are several types of films, such as short films, documentaries and feature films. Short films are considered to be a separate genre. A lot of professionalism is required to convey a whole range of emotions within a short period of time. The duration of such films does not usually exceed 15-20 minutes. Documentaries are based on real stories and facts. Usually these are the films about historical events, famous people and so on. Educational films also relate to this category. Feature films are the films where actors play a certain part. There are many different genres of feature films such as melodrama, comedy, thriller and other ones.

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There is no problem to go to a cinema nowadays. Every town and city has at least one cinema hall where one can see a film. There are even specialized halls for 3D movies.

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Thank you for attention

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