Задания 8 класс
методическая разработка

Протасова Татьяна Валерьевна

Предварительный просмотр:

 Test 8. Module 2. Variant I.

1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian (2x4=8):


We're having grilled fish with mashed potatoes for dinner.


Jane don’t eat lemons because they are too sour for her liking..


Milk is very nourishing for children, as it helps them to be strong and healthy.


Dinner is almost ready. I just have to grate the cheese for the pasta.

2 . Choose the correct tense Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous (3x7=21):

5. Do you want to go shopping? I............(not/spend) my birthday money yet and I want to buy a new outfit for the party.

6. Phillip................(never/buy) anything from a flea market before.

7. I .... (look for) this book for three days. But I....... (not/find) it yet.

8. “ Would you like something to eat?”

     “No,thank you. I…. (have/just) lunch.

9. I …. (write) the letter already but I…. (not/post) yet.

3.  Fill in the gaps using articles  a/ an/ the (2x5=10):

 10.   ……River Thames is situated in England.

11. My mother invited …….  Browns for the evening.

12. I go to the library once…… week.

13. ……Mary likes swimming.

14. She stayed at …..   hotel to visit Ted.

4. Complete the sentences with  is/ are (1x6=6) :

15. Maths    …..  not  my  favourite  subject.

16. My shorts  …..  very dirty.

17. The furniture  in my room  ...   old.

18.  I think billiards  ….   a very  boring game.

19. The news  ….  shown by TV  every evening.

20.These old blue  jeans …. the coolest of all.

5. Read the text and answer T(true), F (false), NS (not stated) (2x5=10)

There are countless flea markets all around the world, and they are especially popular in Europe. One of the busiest markets in Europe is in the town of Lille, Northern France: La Braderie. With two hundred kilometres of open air stalls, this flea market offers a massive diversity of things to buy at reduced prices. Unfortunately, this amazing event, which has over a million visitors, is only an annual event which happens during the first weekend of September. Another shopper’s paradise is in Russia. Moscow has many flea markets but the Vernisazh flea market at Izmailovsky Park is perhaps the most famous. There is almost nothing that you can’t find there, especially if you are a tourist looking for authentic Russian souvenirs to bring back home.

But flea markets are not just places where tourists can buy inexpensive things. The Annex Antiques Fair and Flea Market in New York, the USA is a trendy market which has been attracting famous Hollywood stars as well as people living in the area ever since it opened. So, as you see, flea markets offer something for everyone!

21.        There are innumerable flea markets in Europe…

22.        You needn’t pay twice price for the goods…

23.        La Braderie offers the customers great variety of goods once a year …

24.        Flea markets in Russia afford fakes ….

25.        Flea market in New York sets up meetings with the celebrities.….

6.Listen to the text. Answer the questions by choosing the correct answer (2x5=10):

26.Who did the American travel with?

A)friends        B) family        C) alone

27. What did he always do for his children?

A) He bought tasty food.        B) He bought everything they wanted.        C) He took them to the Zoo every day.

28. Why did the children frighten the animals?

A) They were afraid of animals.        B) They feed the animals.        C) They were naughty.

29. Why did the American ask about the price of the Zoo?

A) He decided to buy the Zoo.        B) It was really interesting for him.        C) He wanted to help animals.

30. What did the Zookeeper answer?

A) The Zookeeper got angry.        

B) The Zookeeper said it was a good idea.        

C) The Zookeeper said that the Zoo can buy the American's children for the Zoo.

Total: 65 points

Test 8. Module 2. Variant II.

1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian (2x4=8)

1. Joe always has a nice home-cooked meal when he visits his mother.

2. The new clothes shop has a great variety of jeans and shirts at very low prices.

3. Jane made a tasty spicy sauce for the spaghetti.

4. Nathan likes  scrambled eggs every weekend for breakfast.

2 . Choose the correct tense Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous(3x7=21)

5. We........(walk) around this department store for the last two hours! We …(not/buy) anything yet.

6. I.................. (look) through these cookbooks for a good seafood recipe for over an hour, but I can't decide on one. Can you help me choose?

7. ................(you/try) the new Chinese restaurant that opened last week yet?

8.Paul is very tired. He …(work) very hard for three hours.

9.Tim is still watching television. He… (watch) television all day.

10.He told me his name but I… (forget) it.

3.  Fill in the gaps using articles  a/ an/ the (2x5=10):

11.We go to…school five days a week.

12. ….  Smiths live in a big house.

13. …  River Volga is situated in Russia.

14. …Sam hates reading.

15. ….London is a capital of England.

4. Complete the sentences with  is/ are (1x6=6)  :

16. Physics   …..   my  favourite  subject.

17. The news …..  very interesting.

18. The police ….  running after the burglar.

19.  I think dominoes….   a very  boring game.

20. His advice    …..   useful.

21…. Brown’s Hotel is the best in the town.

5. Read the text and do the task below (2x5=10).


Answer the questions.

22.What department store has more than 300 departments?

23.How many people visit Selfridge?

24.What is famous in Selfridge at Christmas?

25.What are the cheaper stores in London?

26.Find the word “самообcлуживание» in the text and write it.

6.Listen to the text. Answer the questions by choosing the correct answer (2x5=10):

27.Who did the American travel with?

A)friends        B) family        C) alone

28. What did he always do for his children?

A) He bought tasty food.        B) He bought everything they wanted.        C) He took them to the Zoo every day.

29. Why did the children frighten the animals?

A) They were afraid of animals.        B) They feed the animals.        C) They were naughty.

30. Why did the American ask about the price of the Zoo?

A) He decided to buy the Zoo.        B) It was really interesting for him.        C) He wanted to help animals.

31. What did the Zookeeper answer?

A) The Zookeeper got angry.        

B) The Zookeeper said it was a good idea.        

C) The Zookeeper said that the Zoo can buy the American's children for the Zoo.

Total: 65 points

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Present perfect 1 . Hurry up! They _____ (start) the film! 2 . Mary _____ (study) hard this year, so she'll pass her exams. 3 .Oh no! She _____ (drop) the plate! 4 .The garden is very green. It _____ (rain) a lot this month. 5. These are my favourite trousers. I _____ (have) them for five years. 6 .Tom's my best friend. I _____ (know) him for three years. 7 .They _____ (live) in Miami for two years. 8 .Jo has earache. He _____ (have) it since 7 o'clock. 9 .Brad _____ (live) in Chicago since 1998. 10. I t's my birthday party today. I _____ (not invite) many people. 11.He _____ (not wash) his hands. They're very dirty. 12.Mum's really angry. We _____ (not tidy) our room!

Слайд 2

Present Perfect Дополните предложения словами for или since. Complete the sentences. Use for or since. 1.I've lived in Washington _____ 1997. 2.Ben has studied English _____ three years. 3.They haven't visited their grandparents _____ months. 4.Julie's ill. She's been in bed _____ Tuesday. 5.My dad has had his car_____ sixteen. 6.It's been ten years_____ we moved to Oxford.

Слайд 3

Present perfect Continuous 1. Maria _______________ (learn) English for two years. 2. Hello, Tom. I _______________ (look) for you all morning. Where have you been? 3. He (do) his lessons since lunch. 4. She (teach) at this school for twenty years. 5. David (paint) in his studio since 10 o’clock. 6. Jenna (talk) to the marketing director for two hours right now. 7. The soup (boil) since 12 a.m. Should I turn it off? 8. Uncle Tim (decorate) the New Year Tree for the whole day.

Предварительный просмотр:

1.Correct the mistakes.

  1. Ann had been done the ironing for two hours yesterday.
  2.  We had tried to catch a taxi for twenty-five minutes last Sunday before we managed to stop one.
  3.  Margaret had been not surfing the Net all day yesterday.
  4.  Nigel had being trying to get in touch with you for a week.
  5.  Had been they waiting for a bus for half an hour last Wednesday?
  6.  How long Nelly had been speaking on the phone yesterday?
  7. Had Sue been sunbathing all day yesterday? — No, she had.
  8.  They have been dancing for more than an hour yesterday before Helen got tired.
  9.  Who had played the piano in your room from 3 to 4 o’clock yesterday?
  10. Why had been crying your baby all the morning yesterday?


Предварительный просмотр:

Unit test 3a, 3b

Card 1

  1. Fill in the words.

                    freelancer        desk job              deadline      salary

1.One of the things Tony loves about working as a ______  is that he doesn’t have to spend eight hours in an office every day.

2. Alex has a tough ___ to meet, so he’s been working during the weekend.

3. John hated working in a bank  and he came to a conclusion that a _____ wasn’t for him.

4. His _____ is 40,000$ a year.

  2. Translate into Russian.

inventor, unusual, pay (noun), part-time job,  promotion, weekday, well paid

Unit test 3a, 3b

Card 2

1.        Fill in the words.

                    freelancer        desk job              deadline      salary

1.My father works as a_____ from home.

2. Alex has a tough ___ to meet, so he’s been working during the weekend.

3. John hated working in a bank  and he came to a conclusion that a _____ wasn’t for him.

4. Jim’s father is very well paid. His_____ is 30,000$ a year.

  2. Translate into Russian.

curious, contain, application, full-time job,  desk-job, graphic designer, salary

Unit test 3a, 3b

Card 3

1.        Fill in the words.

                    freelancer        desk job              deadline      salary

1.One of the things Tony loves about working as a ______  is that he doesn’t have to spend eight hours in an office every day.

2. Alex has a tough ___ to meet, so he’s been working during the weekend.

3. John hated working in a bank  and he came to a conclusion that a _____ wasn’t for him.

4. His _____ is 40,000$ a year.

  2. Translate into Russian.

earth science, contain, flight, cashier,  customer, duty, well-paid, do for a living

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

В жизни бывает так, что мы не можем или не хотим выполнять какое-либо действие самостоятельно. В таком случае нам нужно сделать так, чтобы кто-то другой сделал то, что нам нужно. Чтобы сказать, что кто-то другой сделал то, что нам нужно было, нам понадобится знать правило о каузативной конструкции. Каузативная конструкция используется, когда говорящий не сам выполняет действие, а побуждает кого-то другого его совершить . Пример : 1. I paint my house every spring. (Do I paint it? Yes, I do it myself .) 2. I have my house painted every spring. (Do I paint it? No, I find some painters and they paint it for me .) Пассивный каузатив означает устройство (организацию) чего-либо самостоятельно или с помощью других людей. Он употребляется с глаголами have и get . Subject + have ( has,had , will have, is/are/am having) + object + V3( ed ) They had their car repaired. (Someone repaired the car for them. They arranged it) They will have their garden cleaned.

Предварительный просмотр:

Тест 4

1.Choose the correct word (1x16=16)

2. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition (1x6-6)

3. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold (1x6=6)


More than half of the population still stays  on the continent of Africa.


How many English  verbs do you know?


The smell of fried bacon and eggs was .


It was  for him to forgive her.


Usually children are so .


His  style of life puts me off.

4.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense (5x2=10)

5. Turn the following sentences into passive (7x2=14)

6. Complete the exchanges using the phrases (A-F). One phrase is extra (5x2=10)

7.Listen to the conversation between Jane and Mark and choose True, False, Not stated (5x2=10).

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Used to / be used to/get used to

Слайд 2

u sed to + infinitive We use it for regular activities that don’t happen now. I used to go over to my sister’s house a lot. (In the past, I went to my sister’s house a lot, but I don’t do it now). We use it for situations in the past that are no longer true. My sister used to live next door. (In the past my sister lived next door, but this isn’t true now).

Слайд 3

Negative statement and questions I didn’t use to like jazz. (I didn’t like jazz in the past, but now I like it) What kind of music did you u se to like ?

Слайд 4

Paraphrase When I was younger, I ate pizza almost every day. Bradley is a teacher, but he wanted to be a train driver. I didn’t like eating cabbage, but now I love it! When Rick was a little boy, he had blonde hair.

Слайд 5

b e used to + ing /noun – есть привычка get used to + ing /noun – приобретение привычки

Слайд 6

Frank lives alone.He doesn’t mind this because he has lived alone for 15 years.I is not strange for him.He is used to it .He is used to living alone . Our new flat is on a very busy street. I expect we’ll get used to the noise , but at the moment it’s very disturbing . I bought some new shoes.They felt a bit strange at first because I wasn’t used to them .

Предварительный просмотр:


1.Выберите  из скобок герундий или инфинитив. Переведите предложения.

I am planning … (to visit/visiting) my granny next week.

When they finish … (to eat/eating) their lunch, they’ll go to the office.

He suggested … (to buy/buying) some food.

Does Sally enjoy … (to go/going) to the gym?

John refused … (to answer/answering) my question.

My brother intends … (to get/getting) married soon.

2. Выберите инфинитив с частицей to или без нее.

We can … (speak/to speak) Spanish.

He often makes me … (feel/to feel) guilty.

You have … (be/to be) friendly and polite.


Выберите  из скобок герундий или инфинитив. Переведите  предложения.

I think she didn’t mean … (to hurt/hurting) you.

Keep … (to beat/beating) the eggs.

Fred can’t afford … (to travel/travelling) this year.

We expect … (to leave/leaving) tomorrow.

Mary decided … (to fly/flying) to Venice.

Are you going to give up … (to smoke/smoking)?

2. Выберите инфинитив с частицей to или без нее.

The lawyer will … (call/to call) you later.

I’d like … (send/to send) him a present.

You’d better … (move/to move) faster.

Card 3

Выберите  из скобок герундий или инфинитив. Переведите  предложения.

They don’t want … (to have/having) any more children.

I don’t mind … (to wash up/washing up).

Girls, stop … (to giggle/giggling).

Ben likes … (to play/playing) chess.

Lara goes … (to dance/dancing) every weekend.

Harry can’t stand … (to work/working) on Saturdays.

2. Выберите инфинитив с частицей to или без нее.

Mother wants … (paint/to paint) the walls in the kitchen.

We decided … (sell/to sell) the car.

He always fails … (keep/to keep) his word.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Reported Speech Косвенная речь

Слайд 2

Прямая речь – это чьи-либо цитируемые, точные слова. Прямая речь заключается в кавычки She said: " I can speak two foreign languages“. Косвенная речь передает содержание чьего-либо высказывания, но не точные слова. В косвенной реки кавычки не используются. После глаголов ( say, tell) используется или может быть опущено that She said ( that) she could speak two foreign languages

Слайд 3

Say (говорить) или tell (сообщить) SAY – при отсутствии us,me,him,them,her Jack said (that) he felt tired SAY+ to+ us,me,him,them,her Jack said to us (that) he felt tired. TELL + us,me,him,them,her Jack told us (that) he felt tired

Слайд 4

Высказывания в косвенной речи В косвенной речи личные/притяжательные местоимения изменяются соответс т венно значению предложения. Peter said, “ I ’ve lost my watch.” Peter said (that) he had lost his watch.

Слайд 5

Согласование времен в косвенной речи Согласование времен может вызвать трудности, когда сказуемое главного предложения (непосредственно слова автора) использовано в одной из форм прошедшего времени. Если сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом в настоящем времени , то предложение в косвенной речи сохраняет глагольные формы во всех частях предложения: He says , ' I will come .' He says that he will come .

Слайд 6

Согласование со сказуемым в прошедшем времени Здесь действует принцип - сказуемое придаточного предложения (того, что стояло в кавычках) будет введено в косвенную речь во времени на ступень ранее, то есть: Present перейдет в Past He said, 'I love my wife.‘ He said he loved his wife. Future перейдет в Past Mike was told, 'They will arrive tomorrow.‘ Mike was told that they would arrive the next day. Past перейдет в Past Perfect “I saw this film in Spanish ”, he said . He said (that) he had seen that film in Spanish

Слайд 7

Так же меняются указатели времени now ( сейчас) => then ( тогда) here ( здесь) => there ( там) today ( сегодня) => that day ( в тот день) tomorrow ( завтра) => the next day ( на следующий день) the day after tomorrow ( послезавтра) => two days later ( два дня спустя) yesterday ( вчера) => the day before ( накануне) the day before yesterday ( позавчера) => two days before ( двумя днями ранее) next week / month ( на следующей неделе / в следующем месяце) => the next week / month ( на следующей неделе / в следующем месяце) next year ( на следующий год) => the next year / the following year ( на следующий год) last week / month ( на прошлой неделе / в прошлом месяце) => the previous week / month ( за неделю / месяц до) last year ( в прошлом году) => the year before ( за год до ) ago ( тому назад) => before ( до этого)

Слайд 8

Местоимения I => he / she You => I / he / she We => they He / she / it / they => не меняются Me => him / her You => me / him / her Us => them Him / her / it / them => не меняются My => his / her Your => my / his / her Our => their His / her / its / their => не меняются This => that These => those

Слайд 9

1. She said, "I am reading." She said that 2. They said, "We are busy." They said that 3. He said, "I know a better restaurant." He said that 4. She said, "I woke up early." She said that 5. He said, "I will ring her." He said that 6. They said, "We have just arrived." They said that 7. He said, "I will clean the car." He said that 8. She said, "I did not say that." She said that 9. She said, "I don't know where my shoes are." She said that 10. He said: "I won't tell anyone." He said that s he was reading. t hey were busy. he had known a better restaurant . s he had woken up early. he would ring her. t hey had just arrived. h e would clean the car. s he hadn’t said that. s he didn’t know where her shoes were. h e wouldn’t tell anyone.

Слайд 10


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

MODAL VERBS c an/ can’t m ust/ mustn’t h ave to/ don’t, doesn’t have to Need/ needn’t/don’t, doesn’t need m ay/ might s hould/ ought to

Слайд 3

Can/can’t can- you are allowed, physical ability can’t-you’re not allowed Can you speak E nglish? You can keep pets in the room. You can’t have parties in the room.

Слайд 4

must/ musn’t must-it’s a rule mustn’t-it’s forbidden You must always register your guests in the camp. You mustn’t make noise at the lesson. You mustn’t park your car in the garden.

Слайд 5

h ave to/ don’t,doesn’t have to have to-it is necessary because of the circumstances don’t/doesn’t have to-you are not obliged (but you can if you want) I have to get up early tomorrow.I’m going away and my train leaves at 7.30. I am not working tomorrow, so I don’t have to get up early.

Слайд 6

n eed/ needn’t, doesn’t, don’t need need-it is necessary needn’t,don’t /doesn’t need to – it’s not necessary We’ve got plenty of time. We needn’t hurry (We don’t need to hurry). You need to ask your teacher if you don’t understand the lesson.

Слайд 7

m ay/might may/might- it’s possible She might (may) be in the office. May I open the door ? ( разрешение)

Слайд 8

s hould/ought to s hould/ought to –advice, opinion I don’t think they should get married. You look tired. You should (ought to) go to bed now. выход

Слайд 9

www.mentimeter.com выход

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

Модальные глаголы могут употребляться в сочетании с перфектной формой инфинитива , такая глагольная группа слов называется модальный перфект ( modal perfect ): ( not ) have + глагол в 3 форме . You should have stayed . – Тебе следовало остаться. They must have gone away already. – Они , должно быть , уже уехали . Перфектный инфинитив с модальными глаголами обычно используется, когда ситуация относится к прошлому.

Слайд 3

В русском языке при переводе появятся такие слова, как «бы», «возможно», «вероятно», «должно быть». Сам модальный глагол при этом не обязательно должен стоять в форме прошлого. Он может оставаться в форме настоящего . Знаменитая песня « It must have been love » (группы Roxette – хит на все времена). Перевод этой фразы звучит, как «Должно быть, это была любовь». Must стоит в предложении, контекст которого связан с прошлым событием («Любовь была»). И переводится must не как «должен», а как «должно быть».

Слайд 4

Can’t – « этого не может быть» The room is a mess! You can’t have cleaned it. – Комната в беспорядке. Не может быть, чтобы ты ее убирал . Could – « должно быть», «возможно» It could have been me who forgot to close the door. – Это, возможно, я забыл закрыть дверь.

Слайд 5

Must – « должно быть», «наверное» Where is my phone? I must have forgotten it at home. – Где мой телефон? Я, должно быть, забыл его дома. May/might – « возможно», «вероятно», «должно быть» She didn’t answer the phone, because she may have been asleep. – Она не ответила на звонок, потому что, должно быть, она заснула.

Слайд 6

Need/needn’t – необходимость/отсутствие необходимости You needn’t have done the work yesterday. – Не было нужны делать работу вчера . Should /ought to – « следовало бы», «должен был» Why didn’t you tell me the truth? You should have told me. – Почему ты не сказал мне правду? Ты должен был сказать мне.

Слайд 7

Предположение, относящееся к настоящему времени

Предварительный просмотр:

Olga Korbut

1.Was she famous when she came to the Olympics?

2.What medals did she win?

3.How old is Olga now? Where does she live?

1. How did it come the she did gymnastics?

2. Where is Olga from?

3.How old was Olga when she take up gymnastics?

1. Had she any fear of falling?

2.Why was she different?

3.What is her most famous element?

1.How many letters did she get from her fans every year?

2.Why was she invited to the White House?

3.What did president say to the gymnasts?

Предварительный просмотр:

Olga Korbut

1.Was she famous when she came to the Olympics? – No,she wasn’t.

2.What medals did she win? (3 golds and the silver)

3.How old is Olga now? Where does she live? (62, in the USA)

1. How did it come the she did gymnastics? (The coach came to her school and asked who wanted to do gymnastics).

2. Where is Olga from? (Belarus)

3.How old was Olga when she take up gymnastics? (8 years old)

1. Had she any fear of falling? (No, she hadn’t).

2.Why was she different? (She was short, strong,her plastic was absolutely different( artistic, determined,fit))

3.What is her most famous element? (Korbut flip – петля Корбут)

1.How many letters did she get from her fans every year? (20 000)

2.Why was she invited to the White House? (to meet the president Richard Nickson).

3.What did president say to the gymnasts? (You are athletes, gymnasts particularly, you are doing such a difficult elements, going back but all the time you are landing on your feet and I would like to do in politics the same thing.)

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