Супрыкина Татьяна Юрьевна

сайт учителя английского языка

Don't Worry, Be Happy.

Профессия: учитель английского языка

Профессиональные интересы: образовательные технологии

Увлечения: культура англоговорящих народов

Регион: Московская область

Место работы: МОУ Черновская СОШ


Мои сайты
Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:
In ancient Greece, the temple of Apollo at Delphi bore the inscription Meden Agan (μηδὲν ἄγαν) - 'Nothing in excess'
Some Ancient Greek possibly

"Know thyself… by writing your first essay"

Get inspaired by essays of some fellow students

Read as much as you can if you be a good writer
No matter how well you plan a written work beforehand, it is in the act of writing itself that the best ideas usually present themselves.
Don't leave it until the last minute. While some students do seem to thrive on last-minute 'cramming', it's widely accepted that for most of us, this is not the best way to approach an exam. Set out a timetable for your study. Write down how many exams you have and the days on which you have to sit them. Then organize your study accordingly. You may want to give some exams more study time than others, so find a balance that you feel comfortable with.

Make sure you have enough space to spread your textbooks and notes out. Have you got enough light? Is your chair comfortable? Are your computer games out of sight?

Try and get rid of all distractions, and make sure you feel as comfortable and able to focus as possible. For some people, this may mean almost complete silence; for others, background music helps. Some of us need everything completely tidy and organized in order to concentrate, while others thrive in a more cluttered environment. Think about what works for you, and take the time to get it right.

One of the most effective ways to prepare for exams is to practice taking past versions. This helps you get used to the format of the questions, and - if you time yourself - can also be good practice for making sure you spend the right amount of time on each section. 

Good luck!


О себе

I have been working as an English teacher for 10 years and it is still my dream job. I believe teaching can be one of the best ways to improve oneself, then the world around seems better. Our profession gives us many opportunities of continuing education and positive, active attitude to life. 

In my school, I am fortunate enough to have a comfortable classroom with information technology devices, which allow me to be creative and flexible in the language teaching process. During my studying at Lomonosov Moscow State University courses two years ago, I made educational blog ‘English Exam Revision’ with writing activities to promote my subject. The influence of online language learning on achievements of my students has definitely increased their motivation, persistence, attention, positive attitude to English. We are not a profile foreign language school, so English is taught on a basic level, and I am very proud that my students regularly show really good results in the unified state examination. Some of my students take part in the regional competitions in English, and, I am sure, their results can be even better with proper training in effective communication skills.

Since the first English lessons I have been trying to involve students in real meaningful conversations in the target language, with various degree of success of course, to increase their natural language acquisition. Although I find it very useful to include in my lessons such classroom activities as role-plays, discussions, problem solving, brainstorming for building fluency and self-confidence, not all of my students equally focused on these activities. I realize that some of them naturally prefer leading roles and happy to make their speeches, while the others just listen and agree with the last speaker.  I am prepared to work hard and learn how to achieve my goal: everyone participating and contributing in classroom discussions according to his/her abilities. 

 I am much interested to learn more about communicative approach to language teaching and developing innovative tasks to facilitate my lessons. I am sure there is a lot to be learned from language schools of the UK and the US as the leaders in language teaching. Studying abroad in the target culture environment allows me to learn new skills and expand my teaching abilities to continue my professional development to expert knowledge in developing beneficial activities for language learners.

Also, I, hopefully, am qualified to share this academic experience: my colleagues and students must be interested in learning from it and I intend to give them an informative presentation about my studies and implementing new methods in my work, doing some research on students’ progress, I will be able to publish the results.  I hope very much that dedication to my profession and hard, but none the less enjoyable, studying of English through all my life enable me to help evryone interested in learning English.

Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир

I'd like it to be works by P.G. Wodehouse, Jane Austen, Barbara Pym and others with great sense of humour

Моё портфолио

Scrivener: "You cannot be given motivation to learn something you have no interest in". 

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