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В этом разделе вы можете найти проверочные работы по английскому языку


Предварительный просмотр:

Олимпиадные задания (начальная школа)

3 класс.

Тест 1

I Подчеркни слова, в которых есть следующие звуки:

1. [u:]                   flute, bus, true, fluffy

2. [ai]                sail, kite, night, nine

3. [e]                pen, pan, map, bed, let

4. [?]                flag, man, pen, bag, cat

II. Coедини слова и их значения.

1) arm                        a) зуб

2) ear                        b) глаз

3) foot                        с) правый

4) eye                        d) палец

5) tooth                e) рот

6) right                            f) левый

7) left                        g) рука

8) finger                    h) ухо

9)mouth                     i) стопа


III. Напиши значение следующих слов по-английски.

  1. плечо                                _______________
  1. локоть                                _______________
  1. колено                        _______________
  1. палец на ноге                   _______________
  1. упражнение                        _______________
  1. согнуть                        _______________
  1. повернуться налево                _______________
  1. повернуться направо        _______________

IV Переведи следующие слова на русский язык.

  1. short                __________________
  1. car                __________________
  1. doll                __________________
  1. drum                __________________
  1. kite                __________________
  1. stick                __________________
  1. morning        __________________
  1. horse                __________________

V Прочитай рассказ Подчеркни подходящие по смыслу слова.


Mike is a boy. His hair is (short, long, blue). His eyes are (orange, violet, black). His nose is (long, short, green). He (wears, jumps, runs) a yellow shirt and grey (trousers, map, flag). His (books, boots, pencils) are black.

VI Образуй множественное число следующих существительных.

  1. hand                _____________________
  1. mouse                _____________________
  1. tree                _____________________
  1. boy                _____________________
  1. hen                           _____________________
  1. teacher                _____________________
  1. man                _____________________
  1. tooth                _____________________

VII. Вставь like или likes.

  1. I ________________ my toy car.
  1. He _______________ his black cat.
  1. My sister ______________ to run.
  1. We _____________- to jump.
  1. She _____________ her white dog.

VIII. Напиши вопросы, которые были заданы.

1-________________________________________________________ ?

His hair is brown.

  1. __________________________________________________________?

  Yes, it is. Her hair is long.

  1. ______________________________________________________________?

Yes, they are. Her lips are red.

     4. -______________________________________________________________?

  1. Her eyes are blue.

         -5 _______________________________________________________________?

         -Yes, she does. She likes to skip.

IX. Преобразуй данные предложения в отрицательные.

       1.Betty has got a yellow ball.

       2.His mum is a teacher.

       3.Jim's eyes are blue.

       4.Kate likes riding her bike.

       5.I am nine.

X Переведи следующие словосочетания на английский язык.

  1. красная юбка     ______________________________
  1. белая роза          ______________________________
  1. зеленая книга    _________________________________
  1. темный лес       _____________________________
  1. правое плечо   ____________________________
  1. длинные волосы   ________________________            

XI переведи следующие предложения на английский язык.

1 У моей сестры красивое платье.


2 Её глаза голубые.


3. Лиса живет в лесу.


4. Я люблю рисовать.


XI I. Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.


The clever little bird.

A little bird comes and sits under a tree. A big grey cat comes to the tree, too. He sees a little bird.

“ I am hungry”, the cat says and comes near the bird. But the little bird is very clever. She sees the cat and jumps into the tree.

“ Hello, little Bird,” says the cat.

“ Good news!” says the cat.

The cat says, “ Very good news! All animals are friends now! Come to me. I want to speak to you. I like you very much.”

“Yes, she says. “ You are my friend, I know it. You like me and I like you. But from this tree I can see the forest”

“ And what do you see in the forest?” says the cat. The

 bird says, “ I see many dogs and they are near the tree”.

“ Dogs!” says the cat and wants to run away.

“ Don,t run away’. The dogs know that all animals are friends,” says the bird.

“ I know the news, you know the news, but the dogs don’t know the news,” says the cat and runs away.

1 Отметь правильный ответ.

           1 ) Who comes and sits under a tree?

a) A dog            b) a bird               c) A duck

2) What colour is the cat?

a) Black              b) White                  c) Grey

3) What does the bird do when she sees the cat?

a)        She jumps into the tree

b)        She comes to the cat.

c)        She comes to the dogs.

4) Why does the cat come near the bird?

                     a) He likes the bird and wants to be her friend .

                     b) He wants to speak to the bird.

                     c) He is hungry.

5) What is the good news?

                  a) The bird likes the cat.

                  b) All animals are friends now.

                  c) The dogs are near the tree.

6) What can the bird see from the tree?

       a) A house               b) The forest              c) a river

7) Why does     the cat want to run away?

  1. He doesn’t like the bird.
  1. He wants to speak about the news with all animals.
  1. He doesn’t want to see dogs.

8) What does the cat say when he runs away?

                a) “The dogs know the news”

                b) “The dogs don’t know the news.”

                c) “I am hungry”

2. Отметь утверждения, соответствующие содержанию рассказа , знаком (+), не соответствующие - знаком (-)

  1. A little bird comes and sits under a tree.
  1. A big cat sees the bird.
  1. The cat is hungry.
  1. The bird is not very clever.
  1. The bird sees the cat and jumps into the tree.
  1. The cat has got good news.
  1. The news is that all animals like the bird.
  1. The cat says to the bird, “Come to me. I want to speak to you.”
  1. The bird sees many cats near the tree.
  1. “Run away!” the bird says to the cat.

Ответы к олимпиадному заданию.

I. 1) flute, true 2 ) kite, nine , night; 3) pen, bed, let; 4) flag, man, bag, cat.

II 1) g; 2) h; 3) i; 4) b; 5) a; 6) c; 7) f; 8) d; 9) e;

III 1) shoulder; 2) elbow; 3) knee; 4) toe; 5) exercise; 6) bend; 7) turn to the left;  8) turn to the right.

IV 1) короткий.; 2) машина; 3) кукла;  4) барабан; 5) воздушный змей; 6)палка; 7) утро; 8) лошадь

V Mike is a boy. His hair is short. His eyes are black. His nose is short. He wears a yellow shirt and grey trousers. His boots are black.

VI. 1) hands; 2) mice; 3) trees; 4) boys; 5) hens; 6) teachers; 7) men; 8) teeth.

VII 1)like; 2) likes; 3) likes; 4) like; 5) likes..

VIII. 1).What colour is his hair? 2) is her hair long?  3) Are her lips red?  4) What colour are her eyes? 5) Does she like to skip?  

IX.1) hasn't got.  2) isn't. 3)aren't. 4) doesn't like.  5) am not.

X. 1) a red skirt; 2) a white rose; 3) a green book; 4) a dark forest; 5) right shoulder; 6) long hair;

XI 1) my sister has got a nice dress.  2) Her eyes are blue.  3)A fox lives in the forest .  4)  I like drawing. 

XII   1. 1) b;  2)c; 3) a; 4) c; 5) b; 6) b; 7) c 8) b.

     2. 1)(+); 2(-); 3( +); 3) (+); 4( -); 5(+); 6(+); 7) (-); 8( +); 9( -); 10( -); .



  1. Биболетова М.З. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием. / Enjoy English: учебник для 3 класса общеобразоват.  учреждений / М,З. Биболетова , Н.Н.Трубанёва. Обнинск :Титул , 2008

  1.  Верещагина И.Н. Английский язык : учебник для 3 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка , лицеев и гимназий. 3-й год обучения в 2 –х частях/ И.Н. Верещагина , Т.А. Притыкина .-М.: Просвещение, 2008

  1. Evans, Virginia. Enterprise2 .Elementary/ Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley.- Oxford: Express Publishing, 2007

  1. Мёрфи, P.Essential grammer in Use for elementary students of English/Р Мёрфи.- Кембридж : University Press, 2006

Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Времена группы Perfect (действительный залог).
  2. Времена группы Perfect (страдательный залог).
  3. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.
  4. Бессоюзное подчинение придаточных предложений.
  5. Повелительное наклонение.
  6. Условные предложения.
  7. Многозначность as, since, for, too.


1. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждой из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. They had washed him and he had not come out of his coma.
  2. Why has he come here?
  3. By this time tomorrow he will have completed his work.
  4. The article has been often referred to.
  5. The proposal has not been approved of.
  6. He was an outstanding person and had been always spoken about with admiration.

2. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. They will have to stay for the time being.
  2. "I can do it," he said softly.
  3. One day the people of the world may develop a real world government.
  4. We must walk fast to get to the station.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение придаточных предложений.

  1. They called us up the day they arrived.
  2. I placed an order for the monograph the professor was referring to in his yesterday's lecture.
  3. He probably didn't know the book had been published.

4. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод повелительного наклонения.

  1. Don't let him do it!
  2. Open the window, please.
  3. Let them go there!

5. Перепишите и письменно переведите следующие сложные предложения, содержащие придаточные предложения условия.

  1. Не won't finish his work in time, unless he works hard.
  2. If he were here, he would help us.
  1. They would not have caught cold if they had put on warm coats.

6.        Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их, учитывая различные значения слов as, since, for, too.

  1. As I was coming here, I met your brother.
  2. Since the documents haven't arrived, we cannot load the goods.
  3. The manager will be there too.
  4. He walked quickly for he was in a great hurry.

7.        Прочтите и устно переведите тексты. Переведите письменно текст Noise Pollution.

The Attack on Britain's Environment

Most of the Western nations have the same basic environmental problems, but they take different forms in each country. Here you can read about some of the dangers facing Britain's environment.

Air Pollution

One of Britain's environmental successes has been the control of air pollution, especially in London. Thirty years ago hundreds of people died every year from the dreadful London smogs. Since then London and some other cities have become "smokeless zones", areas where no coal fires are allowed. But now the increase in traffic is threatening serious air pollution in our cities again.

Noise Pollution

Traffic and aircraft can cause serious noise pollution. Aircraft are very noisy when they take off and the noise spreads over a wide area. Heathrow airport, near London, is one of the busiest airports in the world. Planes are only allowed to take off and land at Heathrow between six in the morning and eleven at night, but during the day fifty planes take off and land there every hour.

Water Pollution

There has been bad pollution of Britain's rivers, and the government has tried to stop it. There are now strict laws against water pollution, though it still quite often happens accidentally. Britain and France share the problem of oil pollution from the Channel. This has caused great damage to beaches and wildlife.

Cars and Roads

The need for new roads causes great environmental difficulties. They often spoil the countryside and bring noise and air pollution to thousands of homes. Since 1958 the population of Britain has increased by 11 per cent, but the number of cars has increased by 400 per cent.

Cars cause other problems too: thousands of people die in car accidents; car parks use valuable space in towns and cities; cars use a lot of our limited amount of oil.

Friends of the Earth suggest that the bicycle is the best way to travel because it's cheap, quiet and riding it keeps you healthy. However, there are far fewer cyclists in Britain than in some other European countries, so our roads aren't built for cycling. It can be dangerous to cycle in large cities as British motorists don't seem to notice cyclists. Some people think that only buses and bicycles should be allowed in our city centres.

Do You Know …

... that there are some parts of the Sahara Desert on which rain never falls. Though clouds pass over these parts, and raindrops really fall, the water itself never reaches the ground. The heat of the desert air turns the raindrops, as they fall, back into vapour.

8. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. What dangers face Britain's environment? 2. Does London control air pollution? 3. Why did hundreds of people die 30 years ago? 4. What can cause serious noise pollution? 5. Do Britain and France share oil pollution?


  1. Причастие I. Причастие II.
  2. Зависимый причастный оборот. Независимый причастный оборот.
  3. Герундий. Герундиальный оборот.
  4. Инфинитив.
  5. Субъектный инфинитивный оборот. Объектный инфинитивный оборот.
  6. Многозначность like, both, only.


1. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в них Причастие I и Причастие II, установите функцию каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого.

  1. Taking his seat, he looked at his watch.
  1. Their room had two curtained windows looking over the street, a couch with cushions, an almost empty bookcase and some photographs of the family standing on it.
  2. When questioned closely, she said it was true that she hadn't seen her husband up and about lately.
  3. And each answer made was written down quickly upon the sheets of paper.

2. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них зависимый или независимый причастный оборот. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Having put the check into my pocket, I started for the door.
  2. It being chilly, we thought it wiser to stay in.
  3. He came forward to meet me hands outstretched, a sunny smile lighting up his face.

3. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них герундий или герундиальный оборот, установите его функцию, т.е. укажите, является ли он подлежащим, частью сказуемого, дополнением, определением или обстоятельством. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Keeping his secret won't do any harm.
  2. All I want is getting to the truth.
  1. He did not like the idea of her staying with her father's people in Capetown.
  1. He was aware of Jack's watching him attentively.
  2. She smiled without showing her teeth.
  1. It was some time before I remembered having met him on the Liston plane.

4. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них инфинитив, установите его функцию, т.е. укажите, является ли он подлежащим, частью сказуемого, дополнением, определением или

обстоятельством. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. То hear him talk is an education in itself.
  2. Our task is to master English.
  3. The Farrells like to tell jokes.
  4. You see I have no time to waste.
  5. I arrived on a Saturday afternoon to spend a week there.

5. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них субъектный или объектный инфинитивный оборот. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. There's some information I want you to obtain.
  2. He liked to see them work.
  3. I have never heard him speak of his boyhood.
  4. He was seen to cross the street and turn round the corner.
  5. He is said to be one of the best students at our faculty.
  6. He seemed to know her thoughts.

6. Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на различные значения слов like (alike), both (both ... and), only (the only).

  1. We were more like brothers than father and son.
  1. He had a stubborn desire for his own way which the Committee did not like.
  1. They both laughed and Dan looked down at his desk.
  1. The chief is much pleased with your report, only he doesn't want to show it.
  2. The only piece of furniture worthy of note was a large grandfather chair standing in front of the fireplace.
  1. She both sings and dances.
  2. He acts like a millionaire.
  3. The brothers were very much alike.

7. Прочтите и устно переведите текст. Переведите письменно восьмой абзац текста.

Ernest Rutherford

Ernest Rutherford was born on August 30, 1871, in South Island, New Zealand, in the family of English settlers.

In 1861 gold was found in New Zealand and many foreigners came to live there. Industry began to develop, the country began to increase its export.

Ernest's father earned his living by bridge-building and other construction work required in the country at that time. At the same time he carried on small-scale farming.

When James Rutherford, the father of the future great scientist, was 26 he became friends with Miss Tompson, a teacher of an English school. The young people fell in love and in 1866 they married.

Little Ernest was the fourth child in the family. W sent to primary school. He was one of the best pupils there. After finishing primary school he went to the secondary school. He liked to read at school very much. His favourite writer was Charles Dickens. He made models of different machines. Especially he was interested in watches and cameras. He liked to take photos and constructed a camera himself. At "Nelson College" (that was the name of the school) Ernest distinguished himself in physics, mathematics, English, French and Latin. He became the best pupil at school. He paid much attention to chemistry, too. Chemistry was not obligatory but Rutherford was the only pupil to study chemistry at Nelson College. At the age of 19 he finished school and entered the only New Zealand University, called Canterbury College. The University was founded in 1870. When Rutherford entered the University there were only 150 students and 7 professors there. At the University Ernest Rutherford was one of the most talented students. He studied much but took an active part in sport competitions. He also took an active part in the work of the Scientific Society at the University. At one of the meetings of this Society he made his scientific report "The Evolution of Elements". At the same time he began his research work. For his talented scientific research work he got a prize. Later Rutherford went to Cambridge where he continued his researches.

About ten years Ernest Rutherford lived and worked in Canada. There he occupied a research chair in physics at the University in Montreal. Then he lectured in leading Universities in the United States and England, from 1907 till 1919. He worked at the University of Manchester.

Rutherford's famous work is "The Scattering of Alpha and Beta Particles of Matter and the Structure of the Atom." The book deals with so-called "atom models", according to which the atom is pictured as composed of a central charge surrounded by a sphere of electrification of equal but opposite charge.

The atom had always been regarded as the smallest indivisible units of which matter was composed. Further research showed that the atom was made up of smaller parts and that its structure was very complex. It resembled the solar system, with a central nucleus and a number of electrons very much smaller than the nucleus and revolving around it. It was shown by Rutherford that the atom could be bombarded so that the electrons could be thrown off, and the nucleus itself could be broken in the process of splitting the nucleus, matter was converted into energy which for the scientists of the 19th century seemed to be impossible.

The splitting of the atom has opened to man a new and enormous source of energy. The most important results have been obtained by splitting the atom of uranium.

At present we are only at the beginning of the application of atomic energy and all its possible uses for peaceful purposes in power engineering, medicine and agriculture.

Ernest Rutherford paid much attention to his young pupils. After 1920 he did not make great discoveries in science but taught young scientists in the field of atomic research work.

The great scientist died in the autumn of 1937 after an operation at a Cambridge hospital. He was 66.

hen the boy was five he w Many people took part in the funeral. There were great scientists and friends there, many of his students who loved their teacher and honoured him.

Ernest Rutherford was buried at Westminster Abbey not far from the graves of Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Michael Faraday.

8. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. In what subjects did Ernest Rutherford distinguish himself at school? 2. Was he interested only in studies at the University? 3. Did he get a prize for his research work? 4. What has the splitting of the atom opened to man? 5. Did Ernest Rutherford make great discoveries in science after 1920?


Предварительный просмотр:

Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.
One day Mary and Bob went shopping. They wanted to buy some ice cream. Then they saw a little man selling balloons. "Mister, we want a balloon”, said Mary to the man. "Here is our money”. "What balloon do you want?”, said the balloon man. Mary and Bob wanted a bright green balloon. So they gave the man some money. The little man began to blow the balloon. He blew and blew. He blew up a big green cat. It was beautiful. Mary and Bob were happy to have a green cat balloon. Now they didn’t want any ice cream.

I. Верно (+) или неверно (-) утверждение.
___1.One day Mary and Bob went to the park.
___2.They saw a little man selling balloons.
___3.They gave the man a big apple.
___4.The balloon was beautiful.

II.Выбери утверждения, которые соответствуют содержанию текста.

1.Mary and Bob went shopping because:
a) they wanted some oranges; b) they wanted ice cream; c) they liked shopping.

2.The children wanted:
a) a red ball; b) a green balloon; c) a bright green balloon.

3.So they gave the man:
a) some sweets; b) some money; c) some oranges.

4.They didn’t want any ice cream because:
a) they had no money; b) they were happy to have balloon; c) it was cold.

Предварительный просмотр:

Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.

The clever little bird.

A little bird comes and sits under a tree. A big grey cat comes to the tree, too. He sees a little bird. “ I am hungry”, the cat says and comes near the bird. But the little bird is very clever. She sees the cat and jumps into the tree.

“ Hello, little Bird,” says the cat.

“ Good news!” says the cat.

The cat says, “ Very good news! All animals are friends now! Come to me. I want to speak to you. I like you very much.”

“Yes, she says. “ You are my friend, I know it. You like me and I like you. But from this tree I can see the forest”

“ And what do you see in the forest?” says the cat. The

 bird says, “ I see many dogs and they are near the tree”.

“ Dogs!” says the cat and wants to run away.

“ Don,t run away’. The dogs know that all animals are friends,” says the bird.

“ I know the news, you know the news, but the dogs don’t know the news,” says the cat and runs away.

1. Отметь правильный ответ.

 1 ) Who comes and sits under a tree?

a) A dog            b) a bird               c) A duck

2) What colour is the cat?

a) Black              b) White                  c) Grey

3) What does the bird do when she sees the cat?

a)        She jumps into the tree

b)        She comes to the cat.

c)        She comes to the dogs.

4) Why does the cat come near the bird?

                     a) He likes the bird and wants to be her friend .

                     b) He wants to speak to the bird.

                     c) He is hungry.

5) What is the good news?

                  a) The bird likes the cat.

                  b) All animals are friends now.

                  c) The dogs are near the tree.

6) What can the bird see from the tree?

       a) A house               b) The forest              c) a river

7) Why does     the cat want to run away?

  1. He doesn’t like the bird.
  1. He wants to speak about the news with all animals.
  1. He doesn’t want to see dogs.

8) What does the cat say when he runs away?

                a) “The dogs know the news”

                b) “The dogs don’t know the news.”

                c) “I am hungry”

2. Отметь утверждения, соответствующие содержанию рассказа , знаком (+), не соответствующие - знаком (-)

  1. A little bird comes and sits under a tree.
  1. A big cat sees the bird.
  1. The cat is hungry.
  1. The bird is not very clever.
  1. The bird sees the cat and jumps into the tree.
  1. The cat has got good news.
  1. The news is that all animals like the bird.
  1. The cat says to the bird, “Come to me. I want to speak to you.”
  1. The bird sees many cats near the tree.
  1. “Run away!” the bird says to the cat.

Предварительный просмотр:

Use of English: Выбери верный ответ из предложенных ниже. Есть только  один правильный вариант.

1. It …snow in summer.

don’t      doesn’t      isn’t

2. … Dad … any brothers or sisters?

Have Dad got  Does Dad have  Does Dad has

3. Вставь пропущенное слово:

How … you today? – I’m fine thanks

are    am    is    be   am   will

4. Выбери необходимый вспомогательный глагол:

… you bring your dictionary?

Can      Are    Is

5. Выбери и вставь подходящее слово.

My favourite sports is …

Music  Football   Reading    Drawing    Dancing

6. Выбери правильный перевод вопроса на английский язык.

Около стены есть диван?

Are there sofas near the wall?

Is there a sofa near the wall?

Is there a sofa near the walls?

7. Выбери и вставь правильный вариант.

Terry drives too fast, …he?

isn’t   don’t   didn’t   doesn’t    does

8. Замените пропуски предлогами:

I get up … 7 o’clock. I jump … my bed. I wash myself, I dress, then I have breakfast and I put my books … my bag. I go …school. I go there … bus.

1) at, into, out of, by, to

2)  to, at, into, out of, by

3) at, out of, into, to, by

4) by, out of, to, into, at

5) at, by, out of, into, to

9. Согласись (T) или не согласись (F) с утверждениями о месяцах года.

There are ten months in a year. _____

There are thirty days in February. ____

The winter months are December, January, and February. ____

The summer months are June, July, and August. ____

School begins on the first of September, school is over in May. ____

The spring months are June, July, and August. ____

It is warm in summer.___

10. Найди в каждом предложении ошибку и исправь её. Используй зашифрованные слова в скобках.

Example:        I sleep in my kitchen.                        bedroom (rmdbeoo)

I have breakfast in the bathroom.         ________            (tchkien)

I watch TV in the garden.                _________            (vignli moro)

I have a shower in the living room.    _________            (troboham)

I play football in the bedroom.            __________            (rdagne)

I leave my coat in the dining room.       ____________           (lalh)

Cultural Awareness: Хорошо ли вы знаете страну изучаемого языка?  Выбери правильный ответ.

What is the official name of the country whose language you study?

 Great Britain


 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?




What is the capital of the UK?




Which of these cities is not in Britain?

New York



Which holiday is on the 25th of December?

Christmas Day



Writing. Умеешь ли ты писать по-английски? Заполни анкету о себе.

Name ______________________________________________

Surname ______________________________________

Home address ______________________________________

Date of birth ____________________________________

Family _____________________________________________

Favorite subjects_____________________________________

What are your hobbies?__________________________

Favorite sports___________________________________

Do you have any pets?___________________________


Предварительный просмотр:

Словообразование в английском языке

Высокие результаты ЕГЭ по английскому языку являются реальной возможностью для выпускников школ поступить в ВУЗы на специальности, требующие владение английским языком. Согласно официальным данным раздел «Грамматика и лексика», где проверяется языковая компетенция выпускников, экзаменуемые выполняют хуже, чем разделы «Аудирование» и «Чтение», поэтому подготовка к нему требует серьезного внимания. Но особенно трудными для выпускников кажутся задания на словообразование.

В разных учебниках упражнения на словообразование встречаются, но должной систематизации нет ни в одном из них. В связи с этим возникла необходимость создать систему упражнений вместе с обобщением и систематизацией знаний учащихся по теме «Словообразование». На первый взгляд может показаться, что таких упражнений в любом сборнике много. Но структура данной подборки такова, что систематизация проводится от простого к сложному с увеличением и расширением информации. Сначала учащиеся упражняются в словообразовании при помощи аффиксов только существительных, затем только прилагательных, затем существительных и прилагательных, после этого добавляются глаголы, наречия и числительные. Есть упражнения на распознавание суффиксов различных частей речи, на определение состава слов. Заканчивается подборка упражнений контрольной работой, которая включает в себя все виды упражнений. 

Данная система упражнений может быть использована в подготовке к ЕГЭ при повторении темы «Словообразование при помощи аффиксов».

Словообразование при помощи аффиксов

Многие новые слова в английском языке образуются путем аффиксации, когда к началу или концу слова (корня) прибавляются префиксы en-joy, dis-like, re-read или суффиксы develop-ment, self-ish.

Аффиксы — это префиксы и суффиксы. Префиксы стоят в начале слова, а суффиксы — в конце. 

Префиксы, как правило, изменяют значение слова, но не меняют его принадлежности к той или иной части речи:
order (существительное) порядок — disorder (существительное) беспорядок.

Суффиксы служат для образования одной части речи из другой:
beauty (существительное) красота — beautiful (прилагательное) красивый.


Префиксы с отрицательным значением

Префиксы с отрицательным значением — un-, in-, dis-, non-.
comfortable — uncomfortable,
limited — unlimited. 

Префикс un- иногда присоединяется к глаголам для выражения противоположного действия:
to load — to unload,
to lock — to unlock,
ability — inability,
complete — incomplete.

Перед l префикс in- превращается в il-, перед r — в ir-, а перед m и p — в im-:
legal — illegal,
regular — irregular,
patient — impatient.

Этот префикс выражает отрицание или противоположное действие:
отрицание противоположное действие
to like — to dislike, to appear — to disappear,
honest — dishonest, to arm — to disarm. 

Слова с префиксом non- чаще всего пишутся через дефис:
conductor — non-conductor.

Префиксы с разными значениями



Соответствие русской приставке




анти- противо-

fascist - antifascist


между, взаимно


existence – co-existence




attack - counterattack




champion - ex-champion




 rich - enrich


между, среди, взаимно


national - international


неправильно, неверно


to understand – 


сверх, чрезмерно


to load – to overload


после (противоположен по значению префиксу  pre-)


war – postwar


перед, ранее


historic - prehistoric


снова, заново, вновь.


to read – to reread 




division - subdivision


ультра-, сверх


short - ultrashort


недостаточно (противоположен по значению префиксу over-)


to pay - to underpay


Суффиксы существительных





а) действие, условие или резуль- тат;
б) количественное значение или значение собирательности;
в) место действия, место жительства

to marry – marriage

acre - acreage
herb – herb
to harbour
 - harbourage


процесс, состояние или свойство

important – importance


абстрактные и собирательные существительные, обозначающие:
а) общественный статус или яв- ление;
б) состояние


king - kingdom

free - freedom


лицо, на которое направлено действие

to address - addressee


действующее лицо

to sell – seller
to visit - visit


а) место;
б) действие, род занятия или деятельности; поведение или связанное с ним качество;
в) состояние или положение

to bind – bindery
to rob – robb
 – chemistry

slave - slavery


а) состояние, общественное поло- жение;
б) качества, свойства;
в) совокупность людей или семей-ные отношения

child - childhood

saint - sainthood
brother - brother


национальная принадлежность

Russia - Russian


лицо по роду работы, занятий

mathematics - mathematician


а) действие, процесс, состояние;
б) абстрактное понятие; свойство, качество

to transform – transformation
to accommodate -    accomo-d


отвлеченные имена существитель- ные

Marx - Marxism


профессия, принадлежность к  партии, религии, философскому течению

to type - typist


a) действие, процесс, состояние;
б) результат действия или продукт деятельности

to move – movement
to improve – improve


качество или состояние

hарру - happiness


а) положение человека в обществе; звание, должность, титул;
б) умение, мастерство, искусство; занятие;
с) чувство, отношение к чему-либо;
д) абстрактные понятия

captain – captainship

draftsman – draftsmanship

comrade – comradeship

citizen - citizenship


а) процесс, состояние; свойства; абстрактное понятие;
б) сфера деятельности; офици-альное учреждение и его функции

to depart – departure

portrait – portraiture


абстрактные и собирательные существительные

soldier - soldiery

Упражнения по словообразованию.

1. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса —er или -or. Переведите на русский язык.
To act, to conduct, to compose, to direct, to drive, to fight, to found, to invent, to lead, to mine, to read, to report, to speak, to teach.

2. Образуйте от данных слов существительные при помощи суффиксов -ist, -ism, -ian. Переведите на русский язык.
Art, social, type, capital, music, international, piano, electric, Canada, Russia.

3. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса —ment. Переведите на русский язык.
To improve, to measure, to disappoint, to pave, to announce, to agree, to state, to govern, to require, to arrange, to move, to develop, to achieve.

4. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффиксов —ion, -ation, -sion, -ssion, -tion. Переведите на русский язык.
To collect, to combine, to connect, to dictate, to include, to introduce, to produce, to restrict, to submit.

5. Образуйте от данных прилагательных существительные с помощью суффикса —ness. Переведите на русский язык.
Bitter, absolute, damp, cold, dark, kind, happy, weak.

6. Образуйте как можно больше существительных, используя префиксы и суффиксы из таблицы. Можно пользоваться словарем.

dis-                                                        excite                                                   -y
un-                                                        appoint                                                 -ship
im-                                                        honest                                                  -ment 
patient                                                  -
success                                                 -

Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами — существительными


More and more often people are told not to be in direct sunlight, because ultraviolet (1)________ from the sun can cause skin cancer. Normally the ozone (2)________ in the atmosphere protects us from such radiation, if there are no holes in it. Many scientists think that these holes are the result of air (3)____________ . The air needs (4)________ and care. Man is beginning to understand that his (5)_________ is not just his own town or country, but the whole earth.





KEY:  1 radiation, 2 layer, 3 pollution, 4 protection, 5 environment.


(1)__________ are proud of their Constitution. It was written more than 200 years ago and it is still working! But the people of the United states can change the Constitution. Changes in the Constitution are called (2)___________.  The first ten of them are called the Bill of Rights. They were made in 1791. The Bill of Rights guarantees to people of the USA very important rights and (3)__________. Soon after the Civil War (1861-1865) there were three important amendments. The 13th amendment ended (4)_________ , the 14th amendment made all Black people  (5)__________ of the United States, the 15th amendment gave Blacks the right to vote.







Key:  1 Americans, 2 amendments, 3 freedoms, 4 slavery, 5 citizens.


Lord Byron (1788-1824) didn’t live a long life. He was an aristocrat and a fashionable man. But he loved (1)_________ and a simple country life. His (2)_________ attracted Britain and all Europe. He brought to his (3)_________ romanticism of his times. He was talented and handsome, noble and brave. (4)_________ admired him. In 1812 he became famous after the (5)__________of his autobiographic poem “Childe Harold”.




KEY:  1 freedom, 2 personality, 3 poetry, 4 Londoners, 5 publication.


I always wanted to be a great (1)_________. I had the dreams of discovering a new drug that would save the lives of hundreds of people. Unfortunately I was never good at (2)_________ at school and the teacher used to be very cross with me. After a while I decided I would become an (3)_________ and design an amazing new (4)_________ which would become a household name. A few weeks later I had a brilliant idea for a pen that would write upside down. To my (5)_________ a friend of mine pointed out that it was not a new (6)________.






Key:  1 scientist, 2 chemistry, 3 inventor, 4 production, 5 disappointment, 6 discovery.


The trade union (1) _____________ has a long and important history in Britain, but since 1980 the influence of trade unions has declined dramatically.
Trade union (2)_____________ has fallen because of changes in the    structure   of  (3)______   ,  including
(4)__________, the shift away from manufacturing, the rise in smaller firms, the increase in part-time employment, and the constructing out of work. The Conservative government restricted unions’ (5)___________ to launch strikes and made unions legally responsible for the actions of(6)____________; this has considerably reduced union power and substantially decreased the number of strikes, called (7)____________.








Key: 1 movement, 2 membership, 3 employment, 4 privatization, 5 ability, 6 strikers, 7 stoppages.