Учебные пособия для изучения профессионально направленной терминологии для студентов Алатырского технологического колледжа.

Михалькова Татьяна Леонидовна

Предварительный просмотр:

Каждая контрольная работа содержит 5-6 заданий. За каждое правильно выполненное задание ставится 10 баллов. Для успешного выполнения контрольной работы студентам необходимо набрать от 55-60 баллов.        



оценки в баллах

Описание оценок

50 - 60

Отлично- «5» - теоретическое содержание материала освоено полностью, без пробелов, необходимые практические навыки работы с освоенным материалом в основном сформированы, все предусмотренные программой обучения учебные задания выполнены, качество выполнения большинства из них оценено числом баллов, близким к максимальному.


Хорошо-«4» - теоретическое содержание материала освоено полностью, без пробелов, некоторые практические навыки работы с освоенным материалом сформированы недостаточно, все предусмотренные программой обучения учебные задания выполнены, качество выполнения ни одного из них не оценено минимальным числом баллов, некоторые виды заданий выполнены с ошибками.


Удовлетворительно-«3» - теоретическое содержание материала освоено частично, но пробелы не носят существенного характера, необходимые практические навыки работы с освоенным материалом в основном сформированы, большинство предусмотренных программой обучения учебных заданий выполнено, некоторые из выполненных заданий, содержат ошибки.

Менее 25

неудовлетворительно-«2» - теоретическое содержание материала освоено частично, необходимые практические навыки работы не сформированы, большинство предусмотренных программой обучения учебных заданий не выполнено, либо качество их выполнения оценено числом баллов, близким к минимальному; при дополнительной самостоятельной работе над материалом курса возможно повышение качества выполнения учебных заданий.

Система средств для проведения контрольной работы по учебной дисциплине английский язык:

Обоснование проводимого занятия: 
в настоящее время социальные изменения настолько быстры и значительны, что современным юношам и девушкам предстоит жить в совершенно новых условиях, поэтому, прежде всего надо учить их самостоятельно мыслить и действовать, формировать навыки самостоятельной работы и умения пользоваться иностранным языком в своей профессиональной деятельности.
Актуальность: особенности подготовки и проведения данного вида деятельности стимулируют активизацию мышления и креативных способностей студентов и создают оптимальную информационно-лингвистическую обстановку, направленную на поиск и отбор нужной информации. При подготовке к контрольным работам организуется систематическое повторение материала, активизируются межпредметные связи через использование дополнительной литературы.
Тема занятия: контрольная работа ( с элементами тестирования)
Тип занятия: комбинированный
Метод: частично – поисковый
Форма: тестирование
Оборудование:    классная доска, индивидуальные тесты для учащихся на английском языке в напечатанном или в электронном виде, компьютеры (по возможности), если уровень учащихся слабый - словари, справочники, грамматические таблицы.
Цели занятия:

Учебная: обеспечить овладение студентами иноязычной деятельностью в пределах, позволяющих им участвовать в межкультурном общении и создающих условия для многостороннего развития личности. Контроль ранее изученного материала, систематизация, формирование, закрепление и совершенствование знаний, умений и навыков.

Воспитательная: воспитание чувства ответственности за качество выполненной работы, настойчивости в преодолении трудностей.

Развивающая: развитие познавательного интереса, развитие внимания, воображения, пространственного мышления, памяти, творческого мышления, развитие навыков письменной речи, повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка.
Познавательная: систематизация знаний студентов в различных профессиональных областях.
Задачи:  усвоить лексико-грамматический материал основного курса изучаемого иностранного языка,  усвоить основные грамматические формы,  научиться пользоваться грамматическими таблицами, техническими справочниками, уметь находить необходимый материал в справочной литературе, учебниках.

Контрольная работа  (с элементами тестирования).

Данный пакет контрольных работ, созданный  на базе действующей рабочей программы, позволит студентам  проверить знания лексики и грамматики и умение извлекать информацию из иноязычных текстов. Для того чтобы выполнить контрольные задания нужно усвоить лексико-грамматический материал основного курса изучаемого иностранного языка. В процессе обучения студенты должны усвоить основные грамматические формы. Должны научиться пользоваться грамматическими таблицами, техническими справочниками, уметь находить необходимый материал в справочной литературе, учебниках.
Контрольные  работы ( с элементами тестирования) разделены на четыре части:

1 часть (1-2 вариант) - (4 семестр 2 курс )
2 часть (1-2 вариант) - (6 семестр 3 курс)
3 часть (1-2 вариант) - (7 семестр 4 курс)
4 часть (1-2 вариант) - (8 семестр 4 курс)

Каждая контрольная работа включает 5-6 заданий.

Структура отдельного теста следующая:
первое задание направлено на проверку знания изученной лексики;
второе задание имеет своей целью контроль навыков перевода интернациональных слов;
третье задание - контроль навыков чтения;
четвёртое задание - контроль навыков перевода технической и специальной профессиональной литературы;
пятое задание - найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы;
шестое задание - закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания.
Кроме этого к каждой контрольной работе прилагается список технических терминов, которыми нужно пользоваться при выполнении контрольной работы, и которые потом выносятся на устный зачёт (знать наизусть).

Основными требованиями к выполнению контрольной работы  является:

  1. Прочитать и понять содержание текста, пользуясь  словарём. Формы проверки понимания: письменный перевод всего текста или его
    фрагмента, ответы на вопросы по тексту или выбор адекватного ответа из предложенных, задания типа «закончить предложение, выбрать из ряда предложенных окончаний предложения правильное» и др.
  2. Грамматический материал проверяется в форме контрольных упражнений или тестов на базе проработанного лексического минимума.
    Материалы тестов использованы для повторения и систематизации грамматических структур, для пополнения словарного запаса, изучения технической терминологии и совершенствования навыков чтения.

 Контрольная работа  (с элементами тестирования).
(8 семестр 4 курс) V-1

  1. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:  
  1. mainframe                               a. гибкий диск
  2. execute                                    b. получать данные на выходе
  3. to obtain                                  c. печатная плата                            
  4. set of instructions                 d. память с произвольной выборкой  
  5. hard disk                                 e. жесткий диск
  6. floppy disk                              f. набор инструкций
  7. to input data                           g. исполнять (команду)
  8. to output data                         h. память для хранение программ
  9. random access memory         i. получить, добиться

10. Read only memory                j. (универсальная) вычислительная машина
11. Program storage                    k. вводить данные
12. Printed board                         l. постоянная память

  1. Переведите на русский язык встречающиеся в тексте интернациональные слова:
    Computer, function, class, microcomputer, supercomputer, electronic, system, processor, limit, instruction, information, program, type, disk, standard, mathematical, logical, operation, algebra, algebraic.

  1. Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие за ним упражнения:
  1. Computer can perform many functions: they can do mathematical and logical operations, mathematical operations including arithmetic and algebraic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, raising to a power, differentiating and integrating Logical operations include comparing, selecting, sorting and matching.
  2. Computers are divided into four main classes’ microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes and supercomputers.
  3. A minicomputer is a computer manufactured on a single printed board which contains one or more chips. Most microcomputers are personal computers. At present personal computers have become so powerful that they are used as CAD/CAM systems.
  4. A microprocessor is a very small used in microcomputers, which deals with memories by reading and writing process. Microprocessors can obtain from memory and execute a limited set of instructions in order to perform addition or subtraction on a binary word and to input or output binary data.
  5. Memory is a device for storing digital information. Memory should be small in size and large in capacity. Lt should take little power and work at the same speed as computer logic. There are many types of memories. All microcomputers use Random Access memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM).
  6. RAM is called so because information can be put into or out of any single byte of memory. ROM is permanent memory for program storage.
  7. People know many types of memory units, hard disks and floppy disks being widely used. Floppy disks (flexible plastic disks) are used in personal computers.                                        
  1. Переведите на русский язык в письменной форме.
  2. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:
  1. A microcomputer is…. a) a computer which can perform addition or                                

                                                            Subtraction on a binary word;

                                                      b) a computer manufactured on a single printer                                          

                                                             board which contains one or more chips;

                                                       c) a very small device that can obtain from

                                                             memory and execute a limited set of  Instructions;  

  1. A microprocessor is…. a) a device which can perform logical Operations;

                                       b) a computer manufactured on a single printer
                                          board which contains one or more chips;

                                       c) a device which can obtain from memory a
                                          limited set of instructions in order to perform
                                          addition or subtraction;

3.     RAM is ….                   a) memory for a limited set of instructions;

                                                         b) permanent memory for program storage

                                                          c) memory when information can be put          
                                                              into or out of any single byte memory.

4.     ROM is ….                     a) memory for a limited set of instruct
                                                         b) permanent memory for program storage
                                                         c) random access memory.  

5.Закончите предложение, выбрав вариант окончания: 1-b; 2-c; 3-c; 4-b.

 Контрольная работа  (с элементами тестирования).
(4 семестр 2 курс)

1.Найдите в первой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:

1.to deal (with)                                                  а.долгий срок службы          

2.designing cars                                                b.запустить в массовое производство

3.To put into mats production                          с.подвергать испытаниям

4.Long service life                                            d.плавное сцепление

5.To subject to tests                                          e.отвечать современным требованием

6.To meet up-to-date demands                         f. иметь дело(с кем-л.,чем-л.,)

7.smooth-acting clutch                                g.надежные тормоза и рулевое управление

8.silent gearbox                                                 h.безопасность езды(вождение)

9.Dependable brakes and steering  system        i.бесшумная коробка  передач

10.driving safety                                                j.инженер-механик

11.mechanical engineer                                     k.конструктор автомобилей

2.Переведите на русский язык встречающиеся в тексте интернациональные слова:

Mechanical, mechanism, specialist, industry, phase, technology, process, laboratory, test, fast, automobile, engineer, method, principle, corrosion, type, material, comfortable.

3.Прочтите текст и выполните следующие за ним упражнения:

Automobile production

Specialists in automobile industry deal with designing and manufacturing cars, so they should know that the production of the automobile comprises the following phases:

  1. Designing
  2. Working out the technology of manufacturing processes,
  3. Laboratory tests,
  4. Road tests.
  5. Mass production (manufacturing),

Why is it necessary to know all these facts?

It is important to know them as before the automobile (car or truck) is put info mass production, it should be properly designed and the automobile mast meet up-to-date requirements.

What are these requirements?

The automobile must have high efficiency, long service life, driving safely, ease of maintenance and pleasant appearance.

In order to obtain all these qualities engineers should develop up-to-date methods of designing cars, using new types of resistant to corrosion light materials. Also it is important to know computer science because it is intended to shorten the time between designing and manufacturing Computers offer quick and optimal solutions of problems.

But before the car is put info mass production all its units and mechanisms are subjected to tests, first in the plant’s laboratory, then the car undergoes a rigid quality control in road tests. Only then the car is put info mass production. Why are these tests required? What qualities are required of the automobile? The modern automobile must be rapid in acceleration, must have smooth acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable brakes and steering system, as well as pleasant appearance. Also it must be comfortable and have all conveniences.


4.Переведите на русский язык в письменной форме текст:

5.Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и запишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы:


1.What phases does the production of the automobile comprise?

2.What requirements must the automobile meet?

3.Why are cars subjected to road tests?

4.What qualities are required of the automobile?

5.Why is it important for the specialists in automobile industry to know computing methods?

  1. It must high efficiency, long service life, driving safety, ease of maintenance and pleasant appearance.
  2. They should be able to develop up-to-date methods of designing cars and shorten the time between designing and manufacturing.
  3. Because they must meet up-to-date requirements.
  4. Designing working out technological progresses, laboratory and road tests, mass production.
  5. It must be rapid in acceleration, must have smooth acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable and steering system.

6.Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:

1.The cars are subjected to road tests in order…
a) to shorten the time between designing and manufacturing;
b)to meet up-to-date requirements;
c)to work out new technological processes.


2.The car must have the following units…
3.The car must have the following qualities…
a) high efficiency, long service life, driving safety and pleasant appearance;

b) smooth activing clutch, silent gearbox, dependable brakes and steering system.

Контрольная работа  (с элементами тестирования).
(6 семестр 3 курс)


1.Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:

1. internal combustion engine             a. поршень

2. combustion chamber                       b. верхняя мертвая точка

3. Stroke                                              c. четырехтактный двигатель 

4. Piston                                               d. коленчатый вал

5. top dead centre                                 e. отверстие клапана

6. bottom dead centre                           f. двигатель внутреннего сгорания

7. four-stroke cycle engine                   g. нижняя мертвая точка

8. two-cycle engine                               h. топливная система

9. Crankshaft                                         i. такт впрыска 

10. intake stroke                                    j. двухтактный двигатель

11. valve opening                                  k. камера сгорания

12. fuel system                                      l. ход, такт

13.power stroke                                    m. выхлоп

14. Exhaust                                           n. рабочий ход поршня

2. Переведите на русский язык встречающие в тексте интернациональные слова:

Cylinder, automobile, limit, centre, cycle, compression, gas.

3. Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие за ним упражнения:


1.The engine is the source of power that makes the car move. It is usually called an internal combustion engine because gasoline is burned within its cylinders or combustion chambers. Most automobile engine have six or eight cylinders.

2. The operating cycle of the four-stroke engine that takes place in the engine cylinder can be divided into four strokes. The upper limit of  the piston movement is called the top dead centre. The lower limit of piston movement is called the bottom dead centre. A stroke is the piston movement from the top dead centre to the bottom dead centre or from the bottom dead centre to the top dead centre. In other words the piston completes a stroke each time it changes the direction of its motion.

3. Where the entire cycle of events in the cylinder reguires  four strokes the engine is called a four-stroke cycle engine. The four strokes are: intake, compression, power and exhaust.

4. Two-cycle engines have also been made, and in such engines the entire cycle of events is completed in two strokes or one revolution of the crankshaft.

5. On the intake stroke the intake valve is opened. The mixture of air and vaporized gasoline is delivered into the cylinder through the inlet valve.

On the compression stroke the inlet valve is closed so that the mixture can be compressed.

On the power stroke both valves are closed in order to rise pressure during the mixture combustion.

On the exhaust stroke the exhaust valve is opened to exhaust the residual gas.

4. Переведите на русский язык в письменной форме

5. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы:  


  1. What is the top dead centre?
  2. What is the bottom dead centre?
  3. When is the engine called a four-stroke cycle engine?
  4. When is the engine called a two – cycle engine?
  5. What kind of strokes can the events in the engine cylinder be divided into?


a. When the entire cycle of events is completed in two strokes.

b. The lower limit of the piston movement.

c. The upper limit of the piston movement.

d. When the entire cycle of events in the cylinder is completed in four strokes.

e. Intake, compression power and exhaust strokes.

  1. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:

     1. An internal combustion engine is          a) inside the combustion chamber;

      called  so because gasoline is burned        b)outside the combustion chamber.

2. The upper limit of the piston movement

is called… .                                                     a) the bottom dead centre;

3. The lower limit of the piston movement     b) the top dead centre.

is called… .

4. The for-cycle engine reguires… .                a) two strokes of piston movement;

                                                                         b) four strokes of piston movement.

5. The mixture of air and gasoline is

delivered into the cylinder… .                           a) on the power stroke;

                                                                           b) on the exhaust stroke;

                                                                           c) on the Intake stroke;

                                                                           d) on the compression stroke.

Контрольная работа  (с элементами тестирования).
(4 семестр 2 курс) V-1

1.Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:

1. lustre                                                      a. окружающая среда

2. property                                                 b. защищать от

3. guantity                                                  с. подвергаться

4. conductivity                                           d. плохой проводник        

5. solid state                                               е. количество

6. brittle                                                       f. блеск

7. undergo                                                   g. сплав    

8. to protect from                                       h. свойства      

9. environment                                            i. проводимость    

10. alloy                                                         j. твердое состояние

11. poor conductor                                      k. хрупкий

12. distinction                                               l. прочность

13. strength                                                   m. жесткость

14. hardness                                                   n. различие

2. Переведите на русский язык встречающиеся в тексте интернациональные слова:

Metal, metallic, electricity, electric, fact, group, rocket, construction, element, material, corrosion,  chemical, electromechanical, product, steel, organic, barrier, industry.

3.Прочтите текст и выполните следующие за ним упражнения:

1. There are some distinctions between metals and nonmetals. Metals are distinguished from nonmetals by their high conductivity for heat and electricity, by metallic lustre and by their resistance to electric current. Their use in industry is explained not only by those properties, but also by the fact that their properties, such as strength and hardness, can be greatly improved by alloying them with other metals.

2. There are several important groups of metals and alloys. The common metals such as iron, copper, zinc, etc. are produced in great guantities.

3. The so-called precious metals include silver, gold, platinum  and palladium. The light metals are aluminium, beryllium and titanium. The are in important  in aircraft and rocket construction.

4. Many elements are classified as semimetals ( bismuth, for example) because there have much poorer conductivity than common meals.

5. Nonmetals ( carbon, silicon, sulphur) in the solid state are usually brittle material without metallic  lustre and are usually poor conductor of electricity. Nonmetals show greater variety of chemical properties than common metals do.

6. Metals can undergo corrosion, changing in this case their chemical and electromechanical properties. In order to protect metals from corrosion the products made of metals and coated by  some films ( coatings). Organic coatings protect metals and steel from corrosion by forming a corrosion- resistant barrier between metal or steel and the corrosive environment.

4. Переведите на русский язык в письменной форме:

5. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы:  


1.Bу what properties are metals distinguished from nonmetals?

2.What  common metals are produced in great guantities?

3.What metals  are called light?

4.What properties do nonmetals have?

5.What is done to protect metals from corrosion?


a . Iron,  copper and zinc.

b. There are  usually poor conductor of heat and electricity.

c. They are coated by some organic coatings.

d. High conductivity for heat and electricity.

e. Aluminium, beryllium , and titanium.

6. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:

There are some different groups of metals, such as:

1. light metals….                    a) iron, copper, zinc

2. cjmmon metals…               b) silver, gold, platinum.

3.precious meals                     c) aluminium, beryllium, titanium.

4. Nonmetals are…..               a) carbon, silicon, sulphur.

                                                 b) aluminium, beryllium, titanium

Контрольная работа  (с элементами тестирования).
(7 семестр 4 курс) V-1

  1. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваенты английских слов и словосочетаний:

  1. Sole proprietorship                                a. Управление
  2. Partnership                                             b. Доля потерь
  3. Share of profit                                        c. Партнёрство с огр. юрид. ответств.
  4. Incom tax                                               d. Партнёрство
  5. Management                                           e. Недостатки
  6. Corparation                                             f. Налог на доходы
  7. Advantages                                             g. Льготы по налогообложению
  8. Tax advantages (benefits)                       h. Доля прибыли
  9. Disadvantages                                         i. Единоличное владение
  10. Share of loss                                            j. Преимущество
  11. Life insurance                                          k. Корпорация
  12. Limited partnership                                 l. Страхование жизни

  1. Переведите на русский язык встречающиеся в тексте интернациональные слова:

Form, Formal, Business, Organization, Position, Title, President, Documentation,

Corporation, Economical, Product, Partner, Service, Industry, Personal, Professional,

Manager, State, Financial, Resources, Sum, Registration, Specialist.

  1. Прочтите текст и выполните следующие за ним упражнения:


1. There are three forms of organization of your business. These forms are the sole proprietorship, the partnership and the corporation. Which of these forms of organization you choose depends on such questions as the size of your business, whether you are the only owner of your business or you have partners.
2. Sole Proprietorship. A sole proprietorship is the simplest organizational form. There is one owner of the business, who usually takes the title of President. So he or she can make any decision without consulting anyone. Such kinds of business are in the service industries, such as repairing shops, restaurants, etc.
3. Partnership. A partnership means that there is more than one owner to carry out business. And each partner declares his or her share of profit or loss on the personal income tax return.
There is a special type of partnership, called a limited partnership, where the limited partner is not involved in the management of the firm.
4. This form of organization is useful in such professional fields as law, insurance, and some industries, for example, oil prospecting.
But partnership has some disadvantages. Partnership business fails when one of the partners loses his interest or disagrees with the other.
5. Corporation. A corporation is a more formal way of organization. It is established for the purpose of making profit and operated by managers. Corporation involves registration with a state department of commerce. There are some advantages, such as being able to attract financial resources, and to attract talented specialists and managers due to high salaries. In general, this form is economically better for business when its profit reaches a great sum of money.

  1. Переведите текст на русский язык в письменной форме:
  2. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности , в которой заданы вопросы:


  1. What forms of business organization do you know?
  2. What is a sole proprietorship?
  3. Wat is a limited partnership?
  4. What is a corporation?
  5. What are the advantages of a corporation?


  1. in this form of organization there is more than one owner, but the limited partner has no right to take part in the management of the firm.
  2. It is a more formal way of organization, which is established to make profit and is operated by managers.
  3. Sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation
  4. The ability to attract financial resources and to attract talented managers and specialists.
  5. It is the simplest form of business organization. There is only one owner of his or business.

6. Закончите предложения,выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:

1. a sole proprietorship is an  organizational form of  
a)only one owner

2. a partnership is a business form of  
b)that the partners may disagree  with each other                                                                                              

3.a corporation is a business form of  
c) an institution operated by managers      

4. the disadvantage of a partnership is  
b)that the partners may disagree   with each other  

5.the advantage of a corporation is
a)the ability to attract financial resources and talented managers.



       Контрольная работа  (с элементами тестирования).
(7 семестр 4 курс) V-2

1.Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:

1.To deal (with)                                                    а. Программное обеспечение

2.Tо elaborate (to work out) programs   b. Отвечать современным требованиям

3.Computer – aided- design                              c. Аппаратная часть

4.Computer – aided- manufacturing               d. Иметь дело

5.To meet up-to date demands              e. Автоматизированное проектирование

6.Software                                                            f. Защищать от вирусов

7.Hardware                                                          g. Предлагать решения

8.To offer solutions                                             h. Разрабатывать программы

9.To solve problems                                 i. Автоматизированное производство

10.To defend from viruses                                   j. Решение проблемы

2.Переведите на русский язык встречающиеся в тексте интернациональные слова:

Specialist, Productivity, Optimal, Problem, Logic, Operation, Program, Virus, Expert, Instruction, Method, Computer, Mathematics, Designer, Manager, Calculator.

3.Прочтите текст и выполните следующие за ним упражнения интернациональные слова:  Computer science.

Computer science is a part of an applied mathematics. Specialists in computer science say that this field of knowledge is very interesting because it deals with computer- aided- design (CAD) and computer- aided- manufacturing (CAM). Computers are intended to improve the productivity of labor of labor of scientists, designers, engineers, managers, and other specialists, because computers CAD/CAM is to shorten the time between designing and manufacturing. Moreover, computers came in our life and to our houses and houses and now we can solve our everyday problems with their help.

Computers can be divided into simple and complex devices. Simple computers such  as calculators can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. As far as complex computers are concerned they can do different logical operations and some of them even have artificial intelligence. Thus in order to elaborate up-to-date and inexpensive programs as well as to defend them from viruses, it is important to know some programming languages. There are low- level programming languages, for instance, FORTAN, PASCAL, ADA,C, BASIC, etc.
4.Переведите на русский язык в письменной форме:

5.Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы:

1.What do specialists in computer science deal with?

2.What are the computers used for?

3.What operations can simple devices perform?

4.What operations do complex computers perform?

5.What are CAD/CAM systems intended to do?

6.What high- level programming languages to do?


a.To improve the productivity of labour of scientists, designers, managers  and other specialists by offering quick and optimal solutions to them.

b.Computer- aided- design (CAD) and computer- manufacturing  (CAM).

c.For shortening the time between designing and manufacturing.

d.Different logical operations.


f.Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

6.Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующее по смыслу окончание:
1.Experts in computer science deal with…  
a) manufacturing cars; b) computer-aided-design; c) increasing the productivity of car.

2.One of the aims of using computers is… a) to work out up-to date demands;  b) to shorten time between designing and manufacturing; c) to construct hardwares.

3.Simple devise can do…  4.Complex computers perform… a) logical operations;
b) such operations as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

5.High-level programming languages are…  
a) BASIC, FORTAN; b) assembly and machine languages.


Контрольная работа  (с элементами тестирования).
(6 семестр 3 курс)  V-2

1. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:

  1. pollution        а) отходы
  2. up-to-date        b) заболевать
  3. carry (goods)        с) опасный
  4. wastes        d) кислота
  5. contaminate        e) влиять, воздействовать
  6. get sick        f) загрязнение
  7. destroy        g) разрушать
  8. dangerous        h) быть озабоченным
  9. acid        i)  перевозить(товары)
    lO.to be concerned about        j)  загрязнять

11. affect        k) современный

12.dirty        1)  грязный, загрязнённый

13.result (in)        m) привезти (к результату)

2. Переведите на русский язык встречающиеся в тексте интернациональные слова:

Problem; machine; technology; comfortable; result; ozone; activity; planet; balance; catastrophe; atmosphere.

3. Прочтите текст и выполните следующие за ним упражнения:


People have designed and produced up-to-date machines and technologies to make their life easier and more comfortable. But all these activities result in air and water pollution.

One of the most important problems is the oceans. A lot of ships crossing the oceans and seas, especially those that carry oil, put their wastes into water, and the water becomes dirty. As a result many birds and fish die because of polluted water, others are getting contaminated and people may get sick from eating them. The second problem is air pollution. Cars and plants pollute the atmosphere with their wastes. They destroy the ozone layer which protects us from the dangerous light of the Sun. They also destroy forests which are dying from acid rains. Now people begin to realize the danger of their activities. People are concerned about the air and the water used by everyone, they are also concerned about the future of the planet because they understand that these activities affect the balance of nature. In order to make our life not only easier but better and healthier we must learn to protect the water, the air and the earth from pollution. Our planet belongs to our children and if we want our children to live in a healthier world we must do everything to protect them from the catastrophe.
4. Переведите на русский язык в письменной форме.

5.        Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той
последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы:


  1. What do people's activities result in?
  2. What happens to birds, animals, fish and people because of polluted water?
  3. What do wastes of cars and plants destroy?
  4. What must we do if we want our children to live in a healthier world?


a.        Many birds, animals and fish die of polluted water. Others are getting
contaminated and people may
get sick from eating them.

b.        We must learn to protect the water, the air and the earth from the pollution.

c.        Air and water pollution.

d.        The ozone layer which protects us from the sun.

6.        Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующее окончание:
1.People have produced new machines to make their life easier…

  1. but all these activities did not result in air and water pollution.
  2. but all these activities result in water and air pollution.
  3. but all these activities do not affect the balance of nature.

2. A lot of ships crossing the oceans, especially those that carry oil, put their wastes into water. As a result... .

  1. they destroy the ozone layer.
  2. they destroy forests which are dying from acid rains.
  3. they pollute water and many fish and birds die.
    3.People are concerned about the air and the water used by everyone because they understand that their activities ... .
  1. improve and make their life healthier.
  2. improve machines and do not affect the balance of nature.
  3. result in air and water pollution and affect the balance of nature.
    4.The wastes of cars and plants pollute the atmosphere ....
  1. but do not destroy the ozone layer and forests.
  2. and destroy the ozone layer and forests which are dying from acidrains.
    c)  but do not affect the balance of nature.

Контрольная работа  (с элементами тестирования).
(8 семестр 4 курс)  V-2
Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов:

1.business activities        а. определите проблему

2.the flow of goods        b. изучение рынка сбыта

3.consumer        с. Собирать данные

4.advertising        d. Обоюдная выгода

5.mutual benefit        e. стоимость

6.pricing        f. реклама

7. to define the Problem        g. деловая деятельность

8.storing        h. потребитель

9. compile data        i. складирование

10.value        j. Поток товаров

11.marketing research        k. Калькуляция цен

12.vendor        I. Продавец
2.Переведите на русский язык встречающиеся в тексте интернациональные слова:

Marketing; business; transporting; process; information; potential; problem; analyze; results; operation; activity.

3.Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие за ним упражнения:


Marketing is the performance of business activities connected with the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers. Marketing includes the following operations: transporting, storing, pricing, and selling goods. The most important thing in marketing is finding out who the costumers are and what they want. Marketing Is the process of having the right product at the right time in the right place, the process that brings mutual benefit to costumers and vendors. Transporting means carrying goods from the place of their production to the place of their selling. Storing is necessary because the consumer desires to buy goods without waiting. Pricing involves the art of determining what price is the best. Selling Involves helping consumers to discover their needs. Marketers should inform potential buyers of where goods can be bought and how must they cost. Marketing research is also very important. The following are steps in marketing research: defining the problem, collecting data, compiling data and analyzing the results, advertising. Marketing operations are very expansive and one should considers the value added through marketing. Marketing becomes too costly only when cost exceeds the value it adds.

4. Переведите на русский язык в письменной форме:

5. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы


l.What is marketing?

2.What operations does marketing include?
3.What is the most important thing in marketing? 4.What are the main steps in marketing research?

a. To find out who the costumers are and what they want.
b. defining the problem, collecting data,
compiling data and analyzing the results, advertising.,
c. the performance of business activities connected with the flow of goods
and services from producers to consumers.

d. transporting, storing, pricing, and selling goods.

6.Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:
1.Transporting means …

2.Pricing is …

3.Selling involves …

a. determining the best  price.

b. helping consumers to discover their needs.

с. carrying goods from the place of their production to the place of
their selling.

Предварительный просмотр:

Устный зачёт по деловой лексике 4 курс.

ШАБЛОНЫ фраз для деловых писем. 

Thanks for your quick reply. - Спасибо за Ваш быстрый ответ.

Apologies for the delay. - Извинения за задержку.

Sorry for the delay with the answer. - Извиняемся за задержку с ответом.

Thank you for your letter. - Благодарю Вас за Ваше письмо.

We thank you for your letter of the 10th of July. - Благодарим Вас за Ваше письмо от 10-го июля.

We thank you for your inquiry of the 10th of July. - Благодарим Вас за Ваш запрос от 10-го июля.
Due to the fact that... - Благодаря тому, что...

In reply to your letter of the 25th of May... - В ответ на Ваше письмо от 25-го мая...

In answer to your letter of the 25th of May... - В ответ на Ваше письмо от 25-го мая...

Further to our letter of the 11th of January... - В дополнение к нашему письму от 11-го января...

In response to your cable... - В ответ на Вашу телеграмму...

In response to your telex... - В ответ на Ваш телекс...

All whom it may concern... - Всем, кого это может касаться...

In accordance with the terms of our agreement... - В соответствии с условиями нашего соглашения...

In conformity with your instruction we ... - В соответствии с Вашими указаниями, мы...

We are writing to inform you... - В этом письме мы хотим сообщить Вам...

Kindly note that... - Заметьте, пожалуйста, что...

I regret to inform you... - К сожалению, должен сообщить Вам...

I have been informed that... - Мне сообщили, что...

We are forced to inform you... - Мы вынуждены сообщить Вам...

We wish to draw your attention to the following: - Мы должны обратить Ваше внимание на следующее:

We draw your attention to the fact... - Мы обращаем Ваше внимание на тот факт...

We confirm that... - Мы подтверждаем, что...

We acknowledge the receipt of... - Мы подтверждаем получение...

We have received your letter of... - Мы получили Ваше письмо от...

We have learnt with regret of... - Мы с сожалением узнали о...

We have learnt with regret about... - Мы с сожалением узнали о...

We regret to hear of... - Мы с сожалением слышим о...

We regret to hear about... - Мы с сожалением слышим о...

We are surprised to learn that... - Мы с удивлением узнали, что.

Regarding your letter of... - Относительно Вашего письма от...

Will you please notice that... - Просим Вас заметить, что...

Please note that... - Просим заметить, что...

Please take notice that... - Просим заметить, что...

Please inform us about... - Просим сообщить нам о...



Предварительный просмотр:

Зачёт по технической терминологии 2 курс.

Unit One

Text: Automobile Production

technician — техник

deal with manufacturing cars -

иметь дело с производством


work out the technology of

manufacturing processes —

разрабатывать технологию

производственных процессов

put into mass production

запустить в массовое


subject to tests — подвергать


dependable brakes - надежные


driving safety

безопасность управления


long service life - долгий срок


rapid acceleration


ease of maintenance

простота техобслуживания

meet up-to-date demands

(requirements) — отвечать

современным требованиям

be stable on the road — быть

устойчивым на дороге

ignition system — система


fuel consumption — расход


car — легковой автомобиль

truck - грузовой автомобиль

Unit Two

Text: Components of the Automobile

engine (power plant)

двигатель(силовая установка)

chassis — шасси

body — кузов

power train — силовая


running gear — ходовая часть

steering system - рулевое


brakes — тормоза

clutch - сцепление

gearbox — коробка передач

propeller shaft — карданный


final drive - главная передача

differential - дифференциал

rear axle — задний мост

axle shafts — полуоси

frame with axles — рама с


wheels and springs — колеса с


hood — капот

fenders — крылья

heater - отопитель

windshield wiper


include — включать в себя

consist of — состоять из

as well — также

in turn — в свою очередь

source of power — источник


fuel — топливо

cooling — охлаждение

Unit Three

Text: Principle of Operation of the

Four-Stroke Petrol Engine
Dialogue A: Tracing a Fault

Dialogue B: At the Repairing Shop

bottom dead center - нижняя мертвая точка

charge of fuel — заряд топлива

combustion — сгорание

combustion chamber – камера сгорания

compression stroke — такт сжатия(смеси)

connecting rod - шатун

crankshaft — коленчатый вал

cylinder - цилиндр

diesel engine — дизельный двигатель

engine — двигатель

exhaust stroke — такт выпуска

four-stroke cycle — четырехтактный цикл

fuel injection — впрыск топлива

ignite — воспламенять

ignition — воспламенение

intake (inlet) stroke — такт впуска

internal combustion engine – двигатель внутреннего сгорания

mixture — смесь

operating cycle - рабочий цикл

petrol engine — бензиновый двигатель

piston — поршень

power stroke — рабочий ход

pressure - давление

reciprocating movement — возвратно-поступательное движение

residual gas — остаточный газ

rotary movement — вращательное движение

spark plug — свеча зажигания

stroke — ход (поршня);

top dead center — верхняя мертвая точка

valve – клапан

Unit Four

Text: Chassis

Dialogue: Transmission Mechanism

unit - узел, блок, агрегат

gear — шестерня

power transmission -


gearbox - коробка передач


tractive effort — тяговое


running gear — ходовая


driving wheels — ведущие


steering system — система

рулевого управления

shaft — вал

car springs — рессоры


flywheel — маховик

rear axle — задний мост

clutch — сцепление

final drive — главная


friction device

фрикционное устройство

axle shafts - полуоси

crankshaft — коленчатый


brakes – тормоза

Unit Five

Text: Frame

frame — рама

twist - кручение

support — опора

suspension - подвеска

body - кузов

channel section — полая


longitudinal members -

лонжероны weld


cross members


rivet — заклепывать

reinforce — усиливать

insulate — изолировать

rigid — жесткий

rubber pad - резиновая


mining - прочный

unibody construction


withstand strains

выдерживать с

несущим кузовом


strengthen – укреплять

Unit Six

Text: Clutch

friction device — фрикционное

pressure disc — нажимной диск


hard-wearing material - износо-

connect — соединять

стойкий материал

gearbox — коробка передач

frictional force - сила трения

start the car - завести автомобиль

clutch pedal — педаль сцепления

release the engine


at rest — в покое


is engaged — включено(подсоеди-

fix — крепить (устанавливать)


flywheel - маховик

is disengaged - отключено

friction disc (plate)


run idly - работать вхолостую


Unit Seven

Text: Gearbox

gear — шестерня, передача

gearbox - коробка передач

gearing - зубчатое соединение

road conditions — дорожные


forward speed — передняя


reverse drive - обратный

(задний) ход

low gear - первая передача

top gear — четвертая (прямая)


sliding-mesh gearbox - коробка

передач со скользящими


constant-mesh gearbox- коробка

передач с постоянным зацепле-

нием шестерен

epicyclic (planetary) gearbox -

эпициклическая (планетарная)

коробка передач

ordinary gearing — стандартное

зубчатое соединение

characteristic feature

характерная особенность

fixed axes - зафиксированные

(неподвижные) оси

rotate bodyly — вращаться


axis - ось

axle — вал

secure — обеспечить

shifting – переключение

in direct line-важно 

Unit Eight

Text: Brakes

brakes — тормоза

force the fluid — подавать


performance - работа

under pressure - под давлением

safety — безопасность

brakes are applied — тормоза


depend — зависет

slow – замедлять

braking effort - тормозное усилие

divide - разделять

push down on the brake pedal -

нажать на тормозную педаль

namely - именно

drum brakes — барабанные


band brake — ленточный тормоз

disk brakes - дисковые тормоза

shoe brake — колодочный


hydraulic assisted brakes

тормоза с гидравлическим


brake shoes — колодки тормоза

brake fluid — тормозная


brake pedal - тормозная педаль

master cylinder - главный


Unit Nine

Text: Steering System

guide the саг — управлять


means of turning — средство


front wheels - передние


steering wheel — рулевое


steering column — рулевая


for this purpose — для этой


pivot — шарнир

swing (swang, swung) -


steering knuckle arm - рычаг

поворотного кулака

tie-rod — поперечная тяга

in turn — в свою очередь

pitman arm - рулевая сошка

rack and pinion assembly

рулевоймеханизм с рейкой и


ball joint — шаровой шарнир

leverage — рычажный


hose — шланг, рукав

steering gear assembly

рулевой механизм

rack and pinion type -

реечно-шестеренчатый тип

(рулевого механизма)

recirculating ball steering -

рулевой механизм с

шариковой гайкой

worm and sector — червяк и


injury - повреждение

steering box - картер рулевого


Unit Ten

Text: Using Computer

invent — изобретать

a breaker point ignition —

прерывистое зажигание



fire the spark plug

воспламенять свечой


meet emission control levels

отвечать требованиям по

ограничению уровня вредных

компонентов в выхлопных

gas mileage - пробег в

милях на галлон топлива

smooth operation — плавная


provide – обеспечить

onboard computer system

бортовой компьютер

hardware - аппаратная часть


software - программное


CPU — Central Processing

Unit - центральный процессор

integrated circuit

интегральная схема



silicon — кремний

until - пока не

specific sequence

специальная по-


permanent memory

постоянная память

ROM — read only memory

постоянная память,

постоянное запоминающее

устройство, ПЗУ

RAM - random access

memory - оперативная память,

оперативное запоминающее

устройство, ОЗУ

PROM — programmable

read only memory -

программируемое постоянное

запоминающее устройство,


trouble code — неисправный


expensive — дорогостоящий

adaptive memory —

адаптивная память

Предварительный просмотр:

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Чувашской Республики "Алатырский технологический колледж" Министерства образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики

Рассмотрен на заседании предметной                                         УТВЕРЖДАЮ

(цикловой) комиссии общих
гуманитарных и социально-экономических    
                Зам. директора по учебной работе                                                        

 дисциплин                                                                                                          / Аладьева И.Н. /                                                                                                   

                                                                                                              «       »                   2015г.

Протокол №       от «     »               2015г.

Председатель комиссии                / Ерёмина М.К. /              


Методическая разработка
Пособие по учебной дисциплине Иностранный (английский язык)


Рабочая тетрадь

 для специальности:

09.02.03 Программирование в компьютерных системах. 

преподаватель английского языка
Михалькова Татьяна Леонидовна.

Алатырь, 2015

Пояснительная записка.


         Рабочая тетрадь предназначена для студентов 2, 3, 4 курса специальности 09.02.03 Программирование в компьютерных системах. 

         Рабочая тетрадь включает в себя 7 тематических циклов, в каждый из которых входят текст, лексические и грамматические упражнения. Учебные задания способствуют усвоению и запоминанию специальных терминов по компьютерным технологиям. В конце пособия имеется англо-русский учебный словарь, который содержит значительное количество слов, понимание которых необходимо для работы с персональным компьютером.

       В систему упражнений входят как языковые, так и речевые упражнения. Тексты тематически связаны со специальными предметами, изучаемыми на этом курсе, отражают специфику будущей профессии.

Темы циклов:

  1. История компьютера
  2. Значение компьютера в современной жизни
  3. Введение в процесс обработки информации
  4. Компьютерные системы
  5. Программирование
  6. Интернет
  7. Компьютерные команды и сообщения

Структура цикла:

  1. Тематический текст
  2. Список активной лексики
  3. Упражнения для развития навыков устной речи и перевода
  4. Упражнения по совершенствованию навыков владения грамматическим материалом
  5. Словарь компьютерных терминов

Unit 1

Computers origins

The first suggestion that a machine for mathematical computation could be built was made more than a hundred years ago by the mathematician Charles Babbage. We now realize that he understood clearly all the fundamental principles of modern computers.

        Babbage was born in Devonshire, England, 1792. He did not receive a good education, but he taught himself mathematics so well that when he went in Cambridge, he found that he knew more algebra than his tutor.

        At that time mathematics in Cambridge was still under the influence of Newton and was quite unaffected by the contemporary developments on the continent.

        Charles Babbage was outstanding among his contemporaries because he insisted on practical application of science and mathematics. For example, he wrote widely on the economic advantages of mass productions and on the development of machine tools.

        In 1812 he was sitting in his room looking at a table of logarithms which he knew to be full of mistakes, when an idea occurred to him of computing all tabular functions by machinery. Babbage constructed a small working model which he demonstrated in 1822.

        The Royal Society supported the project and Babbage was promised a subsidy.

        In 1833 he began to think of building a machine which was in fact the first universal digital computer, as the expression is understood today.

        Babbage devoted the rest of his life to an attempt to develop it. He had to finance all of  the work himself and he was only able to finish part of the machine though he prepared thousands of detailed drawings from which it could be made.

        Babbage wrote more than 80 books and papers, bur he was misunderstood by his contemporaries and died a disappointed man in 1871.

        He tried to solve by himself and with his own resources a series of problems which in the end required the united efforts of two generations of engineers.

        After his death his son continued his work and built part of an arithmetic’s unit, which printed out its results directly on paper.


to insist                            настаивать

table                                 таблица

to devote                          посвящать

to continue                       продолжать

Fundamental principals   основные принципы

Advantage                        преимущество

to print                              распечатать

to finance                          финансировать

computation                      вычисление

I. Translate the words from Russian into English

1) Математические вычисления_____________________________________________

2) Основные принципы____________________________________________________

3) Хорошее образование____________________________________________________

4) Практическое применение науки и математики______________________________


5) Экономические преимущества производства________________________________


6) Логарифм______________________________________________________________

7) Подсчет функций при помощи машины____________________________________


8) Конструировать_________________________________________________________

9) Рабочая модель_________________________________________________________

10) Цифровой компьютер___________________________________________________

11) Арифметический центр_________________________________________________

12) Распечатать результаты_________________________________________________

13) Основные принципы современных компьютеров____________________________


14) Математик____________________________________________________________

15) Финансировать________________________________________________________

II. Complete the sentences.

1) Babbage was born ...______________________________________________ .

2) Charles Babbage was outstanding because ... __________________________________________________________________.

3) Babbage constructed ...____________________________________________ .

4) In 1833 he began ...________________________________________________


5) When he went to Cambridge ..._______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________.

6) Babbage devoted ..._______________________________________________ .

7) Babbage wrote ...__________________________________________________ .

8) He was misunderstood ...___________________________________________ .

9) Babbage was promised ...___________________________________________ .

10) His son built ...__________________________________________________ .

11) Babbage did not receive ..._________________________________________ .

12) He understood clearly ...__________________________________________ .

III. Agree or disagree.

1) Babbage knew more algebra than his tutor in Cambridge.


2) He received a good education.


3) Babbage was born in Cambridge.


4) Babbage insisted on the practical application of science and mathematics.


5) Babbage constructed a small working model and demonstrated it in 1833.


6) The Royal Society financed all of the work.


7) Babbage finished his machine in 1871.


8) He was misunderstood by contemporaries.


9) Babbage taught himself mathematics very well.


10) Mathematics in Cambridge was under the influence of Babbage.


11) Babbage wrote on the economic advantages of mass productions.


12) Babbage died a disappointed man in 1833.


IV. Answer the questions to the text.

1) When was the first suggestion about computers made?


2) When did Babbage demonstrate a small working model?


3) Did anybody finance all of the   work?


4) When did Babbage die?


5) Who continued his work?


6) He did not receive good education, did he?


7) Why was Babbage outstanding among his contemporaries?


8) Who wrote on the economic advantages of mass productions?


9) Who built apart of an arithmetic unit after his death?


10) When did he begin to think of building a machine?


11) At that time mathematics in Cambridge was under the influence of Newton, wasn't it?


12) Did Babbage finish his work?


V. Translate the sentences.

1) Первый компьютер был разработан Чарльзом Беббиджем более 100 лет назад.


2) В 1822 г. Беббидж сконструировал небольшую рабочую модель.


3) Ч.Беббидж написал более 80-и книг.


4) В 1833 г. он начал разрабатывать первый универсальный цифровой компьютер.


5) После его смерти сын продолжил его работу.


The Present Perfect Tense (Настоящее совершенное время)

Спряжение глагола to ask в the Present Perfect Tense

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I have asked


She         has asked



You          have asked


Have I asked?


Has          she asked



Will         you asked?


I have not asked


She         has not asked



You          have not asked


Present Perfect употребляется:

1) Для выражения действия, законченного к моменту речи, но связанного с настоящим. Эта связь с настоящим может быть выражена:

 а) имеющимся налицо результатом ранее совершившегося действия:

I have received a letter, Look! Here it is! - Я получил письмо. Посмотрите! Вот оно.

 б) временем совершения действия, выраженным следующими обстоятельственными словами:

today, this week, this month, this year и т. п., которые обозначают не истекший период времени:

 I have seen this film today. - Я видела этот фильм сегодня.

2) С наречиями неопределенного времени, такими как еvеr когда-либо, nееr

никогда, just только что, yet всё еще, often часто, already уже:

Have you ever been to Leningrad? - Были ли вы когда-нибудь в Ленинграде?

No, I have never been there. I have just seen him. - Нет, я никогда там не был. Я

только что его видела.

3) Иногда Present Perfect употребляется для выражения действия, которое

началось в ПРОШЛОМ и не закончено к настоящему моменту (со словами since

с тех пор, с, и for в течение):

I have not seen you since spring. - Я не видела вас с весны.

He fell ill and left Moscow and I have not seen him since. - Он заболел и уехал из

Москвы, и с тех пор я его не видела.

I have known him for 10 years. - Я знаю его 10 лет.

Present Perfect обычно переводится на русский язык глаголом в прошедшем времени совершенного или несовершенного вида. Если же действие, выраженное Present Perfect , не закончено к данному моменту, то Present Perfect переводится глаголом настояшего времени:

I have known him for many years. - Я знаю его много лет.

1. Make questions from the words in brackets.

1. (ever/ ride/ horse) Have you ever ridden a horse?

2. (ever/ be/ California)______________________________________________________

3. (ever/ run/ marathon)_____________________________________________________

4. (ever/ speak/ famous person)_______________________________________________

5. (always/ live/ in this town)________________________________________________

6. (most beautiful place/ ever/ visit) What_______________________________________

2. Complete these sentences using today/ this year/ this term etc. 

1. I saw Tom yesterday but I haven’t seen him today.

2. I read a newspaper yesterday but I___________________________________________

3. Last year the company made a profit but this year_______________________________


4. Tracy worked hard at school last term but_____________________________________


5. It snowed a lot last winter but_______________________________________________


6. Our football team won a lot of games last season but we__________________________


3. Supply either the Present Simple or the Present Perfect in the following sentences. 
1. I can’t speak about the book. I (not read)_______________________________ it yet.

2. Every day I (wind up)_____________________ my watch at 7 o’clock in the morning.
3. It is Friday. ...     you (see)___________________________ him this week?
4. Students usually (buy)_______________________ books at the House of Books.
5. It’s a pity, but I (not buy)_________________________________ this dictionary yet.
6. As a rule we (do)___________________________________ many exercises in class.
7. Re (tell)_____________________________________________ this joke many times.
8. Something (go)_____________________________________ wrong with my watch.
9. I already (translate)_____________________________ these sentences into French.
10. They (have)_______________________________ their English many hours a week.
11. She (work)_________________________ much and usually (get) many’ good marks.
1 2. We (buy)_________________________________________ a new TV set this year.

4. Rewrite the sentences using the Present Perfect or the Past Simple: 

Examples: I am writing a letter to my cousin (already. yesterday).

I have already written a letter to my cousin.
I wrote a letter to my cousin yesterday.

1. The waitress is bringing our tea. (a few minutes ago. not yet)

2. The bell is ringing, (just; some minutes ago)

3. He is going to London in a few
 days. (already; last week)

. The boys are playing football in the yard now. (yesterday; many times)

5. Mother is reading a new novel by Aitmatov. (this month; last year)


6. Students are cleaning their classrooms. (already, last Saturday)


7. The teacher is explaining a new rule. (Just; at the previous lesson)

8. Ann is doing her homework now. (just; on Friday)

9. They are discussing this problem again. (many times; a few days ago)


10. Granny is making a birthday cake. (just, yesterday)


11. The birds are flying to the South, (already; at the end of August)

1 2. The train is coming. (just; an hour ago)

13. Who is your friend speaking to? (yesterday, just)

14. We are writing the words of Lesson 7. (Already, at the last lesson)


Unit 2

Computers today

Yesterday’s computers were tools for scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. Today many businesses and organizations own computers although they have different types of computers and use them for different purposes. Hardly a day goes by when do not make a controlled business transaction. Each time we visit the bank, use a credit card, pay a bill or a ticket a computer lurks behind the scene, recording each transaction. Computers can process data in a fraction of the time it would take to perform the same jobs manually. They reduce the paperwork involved in these transactions and also reduce costs. No area of enterprise seems without computers nowadays. Scientists build computer models of airplane crashes in order to determine the ‘crash behavior’ of airplanes, which in turn helps aircraft designers plan safer seats, windows, and fabrics to decrease fire hazards during a crash. Ecologists use computers to monitor environmental problems like acid rain and suggest solutions. Engineers use computers to design replacement for the damaged bones. Educators use computers in the classroom to perform chemistry experiments that might otherwise be dangerous. There seems to be no limit to computer applications. Hard copy, modem, database, peripherals: all these words refer to a relatively new and rapidly changing technology – that of the computer. Computers are changing our language, and they are also changing us. No longer are computer expert the only people who interact with computers. Today the lives of most of us are affected by computers every day.


tool                                                  инструмент;

Peripheral devices (peripherals)       периферийные устройства;

instruction                                        команда, инструкция, указание;

enable                                               разрешать, позволять, делать возможным,  

fraction of the time                          за короткое время;

to lurk                                               скрываться, оставаться незамеченным;

transaction                                        сделка, группа операций;

to monitor                                         наблюдать, контролировать, следить;

to process                                          обрабатывать;

solution                                              решение

application                                         применение, использование

to interact                                           взаимодействовать;

to control                                           управлять, регулировать;

to reduce costs                                   сокращать затраты;

otherwise                                            иначе, иным образом;

to affect                                              влиять, воздействовать.

I. Answer the following questions:

1. Who interacted with yesterday’s computers?


2. What service do computers in business provide?


3. How do ecologists use computers?


4. How do engineers use them?


5. How do educators use them?


6. Where can we find computes in our life?


7. What computer manufacturers do you know?


II. Agree or disagree with the statements.

1. Today computers are operated only by scientists, mathematicians and engineers.


2. Businesses and organizations own and use only personnel computers.


3. All computers are produced of the same size and power.


4. In offices computers are used only as typewriters.


5. Any kind of job can be performed with the help of the computer.


6. Our lives are affected by computers every day.


7. All country schools have computer classes.

III. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. В настоящее время нельзя обойтись без компьютера.


  1. Каждый день мы ходим в банк, пользуемся кредитной картой, оплачиваем счёт, а компьютер остается незамеченным.


  1. Компьютеры могут за короткое время обработать информацию.


  1. Нет предела применению компьютера.


  1. Экологи используют компьютеры, чтобы наблюдать за проблемами окружающей среды.


  1. Учёные строят компьютерные модели самолётов.


  1. Компьютеры используются в разных целях.


IV. Read the text

Without my computer I would not have the pleasure of the getting to my favourite sites, I would have difficulty in communication with my friends, and I would not be able to do my work for college. I often wonder how we all managed before computers were a common place in the home. I just don’t have the time to be always running to the post box to send letters. E – mail is very important when you have a tough schedule. Most of my relaxed time is spent at the computer as by the time I finish doing homework. I am too tired and it is often too late to go out. It is reference aid and educational tool. If all else fails, you can play cards on it, although I am for action games!

V. Write an essay giving your opinion on the following topic:

,, Imagine that you could only use one of the following: a computer, a mobile phone or a car. Which one would you use and why? “


VI. Speak on the following:

,, Computers change our life. “


Use questions:

  1. Do you have your own computer?
  2. What purposes do you use it for?
  3. How long have you had PC?
  4. What devices is it supplied with?


Модальные глаголы и их заменители

Модальные глаголы показывают отношение говорящего к действию, выраженному инфинитивом. Например, сравните:

You can speak English. - Вы можете (умеете) говорить по-английски.

You must speak English. - Вы должны говорить по-английски.

You may speak English. - Вы можете говорить по-английски. (Вас поймут.)

Модальные глаголы не имеют форм во всех временах, для этого употребляются их эквиваленты (заменители).

Вопросительные    и    отрицательные    предложения    с    модальными глаголами строятся без вспомогательных глаголов:

Can you help me? Yes. I can,- No, I can't. Вы можете помочь мне? - Да. - Нет.

К основным модальным глаголам относятся:

Модальный глагол сап

can - мочь, быть в состоянии,

could - прошедшее время

предполагает       наличие      физической,       умственной       и       прочих возможностей, позволяющих сделать что-либо:

 I can swim. - Я могу (я умею) плавать.

I could translate this text. - (Я мог, был в состоянии) перевести этот текст

Вежливую просьбу можно начинать с модального глагола could:

Could you help me, please! - Me могли бы вы помочь мне, пожалуйста!

В будущем времени у глагола can есть заменитель - конструкция to be

able to (быть в состоянии что-либо сделать):

I shall be able to  help you when I am free. - Я смогу помочь тебе, когда освобожусь.

Модальный глагол may

may - иметь возможность, получить разрешение (делать что-либо).    

May I help you? - Можно вам помочь?       Yes, you may. - Да, можно.

Форма   прошедшего   времени   might   употребляется   для   выражения      предположения:

Не might know about it. - Он, вероятно, знал об этом.

В  будущем   времени   у  модального   глагола  may   есть  заменитель - конструкция to be allowed to (получить разрешение сделать что-либо).

Не will be allowed to take the book. - Ему разрешат взять книгу.

Модальный глагол must

 must - должен, обязан.

You must write It down now. - Вы должны написать это сейчас.

Заменителями глагола must являются глаголы to have to и to be to. Глагол have to означает долженствование, вызванное обстоятельствами, вынужденную необходимость,  глагол to be to - долженствование, связанное с расписанием, планом или заранее сделанной договоренностью.

She had to stay at home. - Она вынуждена была (ей пришлось) остаться дома.

The train was to arrive at 8 in the evening. - Поезд должен был прибыть в 8 вечера. (По расписанию).

После модальных глаголов и некоторых их эквивалентов инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.

Заменителями   модального  глагола  must являются  также  модальные глаголы ought to, should (в значении совета, рекомендации, упрека).

Children ought to obey their parents. - Дети должны слушать своих родителей.

You   should   enter    the    Institute.    Вам    следует    поступить    в    институт (рекомендация, совет),

В   сочетании   с   перфектным   инфинитивом   глагол   should   выражает сожаление о невыполненном действии и переводится «следовало бы».

You should have helped them.  -  Вам следовало бы  помочь  им.  (Но вы  не .сделали этого).

Модальный глагол should

 Модальный  глагол  should в сочетании  с  перфектным инфинитивом should hove done выражает действия,  которые должны  были  произойти в прошлом, но по каким-то причинам не произошли, переводится на русский язык «следовало», «нужно было».

You should have helped them. - Вам следовало помочь им.

You should have done this. - Вам следовало это сделать, (упрек)

This work should have been done yesterday. - Эту работу нужно было сделать вчера

Модальный глагол would

Модальный глагол would может иметь следующие значения:

  1. Вежливая просьба. Would you help те? - Не поможете ли вы мне?
  2. Повторяемость действия в прошлом. Не would often help me. - Он, бывало, часто помогал мне.
  3. Стойкое  нежелание   совершать  какие-либо  действия.   Не wouldn’t listen to me. - Он никак не хотел слушать меня.

Модальный глагол need

Модальный глагол need - «нужно, надо» употребляется, в основном, в отрицательных предложениях.

You needn't do it now. - Вам не нужно делать это сейчас.

Модальный глагол shall

 Модальный    глагол    shall    употребляется    в    тех    случаях,    когда испрашивается разрешение на совершение какого-либо действия, и является иногда заменителем модального глагола must.

 Shall I help you? - Вам помочь?

Shall we translate the text? - Нам переводить текст?

I. Translate the sentences.

  1. Nobody could translate this text.


  1. He has to do this task at once.


  1. Must I attend this meeting? - No, you needn't.


  1. You should have shown your notes to the teacher.


  1. I asked him, but he wouldn't listen to me.


  1. They should have visited her, she was in the hospital.


  1. Last summer we would often go to the country.


  1. Your son соuld do this wоrk himself.


  1. Would you tell me the way to the station?


  1. Your friend might have informed us.


11. Who is to answer my question?


  1. May I leave for a while? - Yes, you may.


  1. She should be more attentive to her parents.


  1. You needn't come so early.


II. Fill in the modal verbs.

(must, should, would, ought to, have to, needn't, can, could, may)

1. I ...    not go to the theatre with them last night, I ...     revise the grammar rules and the words for the test. 2. My friend lives a long way from his office and ...       get up early. 3. All of us ...    be in time for classes. 4. When my friend has his English, he ...       stay at the office after work. He (not) ...     stay at the office on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and ...      get home early. 5. ...    you ...    work hard to do well in your English? 6. ...     we discuss this question now? No, we ...    . We ...        do it tomorrow afternoon. 7. I'm glad you ...     come. 8. ...     you ...   come and have dinner with us tomorrow? I'd love to. 9. Please send them this article. Oh, ...        I do it now?

III. Fill in the modal verbs.

(must, should, would, ought to, have to. needn't, can, could, may)

  1. They _________________________ not do this work themselves.
  2. You __________________________________ take my dictionary.
  3. You don't look well, you __________________ consult the doctor.
  4. Why ________________________________I give you my money?
  5. She _________________________ not speak any foreign language.
  6. He __________________________ to help them, they need his help.
  7. ______________________________________ you tell me the time?
  8. _______________________I go with you  ? No, you______________
  9. Your daughter _______________________________have told about it.
  10. In winter we ______________________________________ often skate.

IV. Translate the sentences.

  1. This building should have been constructed a year ago.


  1. The letter should have been sent yesterday.


  1. The tests of materials should have been conducted before their use.


  1. We should not have used that sort of steel.


  1. This phenomenon should be explained by thermal expansion.



V. Translate the messages of the computer.

1.Cannot recover nonremovable drive X      a) Не следует восстанавливать несъемный         накопитель Х

                                                                             б) Нельзя восстановить несъемный         накопитель Х

                                                                                           в) Восстановите несъемный накопитель Х


2. Target disk cannot be used for back-up.           а) Диск, на который осуществляется запись, не может быть использован для резервного копирования.

                                                                                          б) Не используйте диск, на который осуществляется запись, для резервного копирования.

                                                                                          в) Диск, на который осуществляется запись,  может быть использован для резервного копирования.

3. Unable to create table in resident memory      а) Возможно создать таблицу в резидентной памяти.

                                                                                          б) Невозможно создать таблицу в резидентной памяти.

                                                                                          в) Создайте таблицу в резидентной памяти.

4. Target diskette may be unusable.                        а) Дискета, на которую ведется запись, является непригодной.

                                                                                          б) Дискета, на которую ведется запись, может быть непригодной.

                                                                                          в) Дискета, на которую ведется запись, должна быть пригодной.

5. Drive letter must be specified.                         а) Буква, определяющая дисковод, должна быть определена

                                                                                           б) Буква, определяющая дисковод, может быть определена

                                                                                           в) Буква, определяющая дисковод, определена


Unit 3

What is a computer?

  Computer is device for processing information. Computer has no intelligence by itself and is called hardware. A computer system is a combination of four elements:

  • Hardware                                                                                                                                                      
  • Software
  • Procedures
  • Data/information

    Software are the programmes that tell the hardware how to perform a task. Without software instructions, the hardware doesn’t know what to do.

     The basic job of the computer is the form of instructions called programs and symbols called data. After that they perform various mathematical and logical operations, and then give the results (information). Computer is used to convert data into information. Computer is also used to store information in the digital form.


Device               устройство

Intelligence        разум

Hardware           оборудование

Software             программы

Processing          обработка

Procedures         процедуры, операции

to perform          выполнять

Manner               манера, способ

Various               различные

Purpose               цель

to convert            превращать

Data                     данные

to store                 хранить

Digital                  цифровой

I. Answer the questions:

  1. What does the term «computer» describe?


  1. Is computer intelligent?


  1. What are four components of computer system?


  1. What is software?


  1. What's the difference between the hardware and software?


  1. In what way terms «data» and «information» differ?


  1. How does computer convert data into information?


II. Translate into Russian

Computer, diskette, metal, processor, scanner, information, data, microphone, printer, modem, Internet.

III. Agree or disagree with the statements

  1. Computer is made of electronic components so it is referred to as electronic device.


  1. Computer has no intelligence until software is loaded.


  1. There are four elements of computer system: hardware, software, diskettes and data.


  1. Without software instructions hardware doesn't know what to do.


  1. The software is the most important components because it is made by people.


  1. The user inputs data into computer to get information as an output.


IV. Fill in the gaps:

  1. Information in the form of instruction is called a …_____________________________
  2. The basic job of the computer is the…________________________________________
  3. Computer is used______________________________   information in the digital form.
  4. Computers take information in the form of symbols called________________________

V. Translate the text

IMB (international business Machines) launched the PC in 1981. Improved versions quickly followed. The basic PC had just 64K (K=Kilobyte) of RAM. RAM is (R)andom (A)ccess (M)emory, the computer's built-it memory, used for holding the instruction programs, for working space, and working storage. The first PC had one floppy-disk drive. Floppy disks are a mean of electronically recording computer programs and computer output.

The disks are “read” and “written to” in a disk drive. They are called “floppy” disks because, initially, they were.

Today, huge-capacity storage disks are built into most computers.


  1. Ask some questions to the text.


  1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:  

1)Компьютер – это устройство для обработки информации.


2)Без программ устройство не работает.


3)Компьютерная система состоит из 4 элементов:

  • Оборудование
  • Программы
  • Операции
  • Данные


4)В 1981 году в ПК было только 64 килобайта оперативной памяти.


5)У первого ПК был один дисковод.


6)Компьютер превращает данные  в информацию.


7)Компьютер сохраняет информацию в цифровом виде.


8)Компьютер выполняет разные математические и логические операции.


9)Информация в форме инструкций называется программой.

______________________________________________________________________3.Give some information about computers.

Unit 4

What is hardware?  

 The hardware- the devices composing a computer system.

Computer hardware can be divided into four categories:

  • input hardware.
  • processing hardware.
  • storage hardware.
  • output hardware.

Input hardware

        Input hardware collects data and converts them into a form suitable for computer processing. The most common input device is a keyboard. It looks very much like a typewriter. The mouse is  hand-held device connected to the computer by a small cable. As the mouse is rolled across the desktop, the cursor moves across the screen. When the cursor  reaches the desired location, the user usually pushes a button on the mouse once or twice to give a command to the computer.

Processing hardware

        Processing hardware directs the execution of software instructions in the computer. The most common components of processing hardware are the central processing unit and main memory.

The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer. It reads and interprets software instructions and coordinates the processing.

        Memory is the component of the computer in which information is stored. There are two types of computer memory: RAM and ROM.

RAM (random access memory) is the memory, used for creating, loading and running programs.

ROM (read only memory) is computer memory used to hold programmed instructions to the system.

The more memory you have in your computer, the more operations you can perform.

Storage hardware 

The purpose of storage hardware is to store computer instructions and date hardware.

There are two types of output; soft copy and hard copy. Soft copy is information that is seen on a television-like screen, of monitor, attached to most computers. It is temporary; as soon as the monitor is turned off or new information is required, the old information vanishes. Hard copy is output printed in a tangible form such as on paper. It can be read without using the computer and can be conveniently carried around, written on, or passed to other readers.  


Keyboard            клавиатура

Mouse                 мышь

to load                  загружать

Instruction            команда

Error message      сообщение об ошибки

Input                     ввод

Output                  вывод информации  

Button                  кнопка

Memory               память

to create               создавать

Soft copy             мягкая копия, изображение на экране

Hard copy            твердая копия, машинная (печатная)

to attach               подсоединяться, подключать

I. Answer the following questions.

1. What is hardware?


2. What does input hardware do?


3. What is the most common input device?


4. What are the main components of processing hardware?


5. What is the purpose of storage hardware?


6. What do you think is a hard copy?


II. Agree or disagree with the statements.

1. Hard copy vanishes when we turn the computer off.


2. There are two types of input: soft copy and hard copy.


3. Processing occurs in the part of the computer called the mouse.


4. Information is stored in memory.


5. The more memory you have in you computer, the less operations you can perform.


6. Hard copy can be read without using the computer.


III. Fill in the table. Use the picture.

English terms





Hard disk







Гнездо, порт










Дискета, гибкий диск



IV. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Одним из входных устройств является клавиатура.


2. К устройствам ввода относятся мышка, сканер, микрофон и многое другое.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Самая главная часть компьютера – центральный процессор.


4. Память помогает компьютеру хранить информацию.


5. Чем больше память в компьютере, тем больше операций можно выполнять.


6. Существуют 2 типа входных устройств: мягкая копия и твердая копия.


Passive Voice

    Времена страдательного залога образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени и причастия прошедшего времени (Past Participle) смыслового глагола.

При спряжении глагола в страдательном залоге изменяется только глагол to be , смысловой же глагол имеет во всех временах одну и ту же форму – Past Participle. Следовательно , время определяется формой , в котором стоит глагол в страдательном залоге , определяется формой , в которой стоит вспомогательный глагол to be:





I am asked.

I am being asked.

I have been asked.


I was asked.

I was being asked.

I had been asked.


I shall be asked.


I shall have been asked.

При образовании вопросительной формы  вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим:

Am I asked?

Меня спрашивают?

Shall I be asked? Меня спросят?

Have I been asked?

Меня спросили?

When was the book written?

Когда была написана книга?

При образовании отрицательной формы Passive Voice  частица not ставится после вспомогательного глагола:

I am not asked.

I shall not be asked.

С модальными глаголами must, can (could) , may (might) , should, ought to, have to , be to пассивная форма образуется с помощью to be и Past  Participle основного глагола.

This work must be finished today.

This report ought to be finished tonight.

That room cannot be used as a classroom.


1.) Rewrite these sentences in the Passive using Present Simple Tense:

1. Students write tests every month.


2. They make beautiful toys at this factory.


3. They export millions of cars from Japan every year.


4. Watchmakers repair watches.


5. The bill includes service.


6. They close the shop. at 8.


7. He translates articles every day.


8. She doesn't send telegrams before every holiday.


2.) Supply the Passive forms of the verbs in the box, using the Past Simple Tense: invent, plant, kill, write, discover, design, paint, build, name:

1. When _____________ America_____________________________________ ?

2. Five fruit-trees _________________________________ in our garden last year.

3. The picture Mona Liza___________________________ by Leonardo da Vinci.

4. Marat __________________________________________________ in his bath.

5. Radio ________________________________________________ by A.Popov.

6. The first pyramid of Egypt _____________________________around 3000 BC.

7. The Winter Palace _______________________________________by Rastrelli.

8. "War and Peace" _______________________________________by L.Tolstoy.

9. Rossi street ____________________________after a famous Russian architect.

3.) Make the following sentences active:

1. Peripheral devices can be attached to the computer.


2. Computer instructions are also called programs.


3. This work is usually performed manually.


4. Computers are used to monitor environmental problems.


5. Today the lives of most of us are affected by a computer every day.


6. This program was damaged by a computer virus.


7. The ’crash behavior’ of the airplane was determined by the scientists.


8. This monitor was designed by Dell Corp.


4.) Make the following sentences passive:

1. Hardware also includes peripheral devices.


2. Educators use computers in the classroom.


3. Scientists can build computer models of airplane crashes.


4. Today many businesses and organizations own computers.


5. These organizations use computers for different purposes.


6. Computers can process data in a fraction of time.


7. Engineers use computers to design replacement for the damaged bone.


8. Computers are changing our life.



Unit 5


Not visible units the software. Software consists of the instruction to the computer that enable it to do things, such as finding the best sport to drill for oil or playing a competitive game of bridge. These computer instructions are also called programs.

Computers only do what they are told to do. Often, we want the computer to do the same thing again and again. So standard instructions – programs – are produced.

        First though, a computer needs to know where, within its built-in memory, to store information and how to work on it. This basic program is called an operating system (or disk operating system).

        One popular operating system, introduced with the IBM PC, is called MS-DOS (from (M)icro(S)oft (D)isk (O)preating (S)ystem). A recent development from MS-DOS lets you tell the computer what to do by “pointing” at things (words or pictures) on the screen. This easy to use system is called Windows.

        Once the computer has its operating instructions it can be programmed to do many other things. Popular computer programs include word processors, databases, spreadsheets and graphics:

  • Word processors produce the printed words – immaculately.
  • Databases store masses of information – for easy access.
  • Spreadsheets record and process numbers.
  • Graphics programs produce graphs and diagrams.


Data base                        база данных

Access                             доступ

Graphic                            графика

Operating system             операционная система

to enable                           разрешать, позволять, допускать

Spreadsheet                      электронная таблица  

to record                           записывать

Built-in                             встроенный

Disk operating system      дисковая операционная система

Word processor                текстовый процессор

Directory                          директория

Root                                  корневой

Subdirectory                     субдиректория

I. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is a software?


  1. What is the basic program?


  1. What system is called Windows?


  1. What system is introduced with the IBM PC?


  1. What does word processor do?


  1. What is database?


  1. What programs produce graphs?


  1. What are popular computer programs?


II. Find the term for each definition.

1. The instructions, which control what a computer does.


2. This program produces diagrams.


3. This program store information for easy access.


4. This program produces the printed word.


5. Information in an electronic form that can be stored and processed by a computer.


III. Find the translation of the word.

а) клавиша        1. port, 2. key, 3. root, 4. drive, 5. mouse

б) память                1. error, 2. message, 3. memory, 4.mouse, 5. name        

в) имя                 1. port, 2. key, 3. name, 4. mouse, 5.character

г) порт                1. keyboard, 2.drivr, 3. mouse, 4. port 5. file

д) корневой        1. hard, 2. floppy, 3. personal, 4. root,

е) дисковод        1. disk, 2. diskette, 3. drive, 4. port, 5. screen

ж) экран                1. display, 2. keyboard, 3. memory, 4. error,        5. screen

з) ошибка         1. root, 2. error, 3. port, 4. print, 5. message

и) программное 1. program, 2. hardware, 3. software,

обеспечение        4. command, 5. character  

к) символ                 1. error, 2. command, 3. name, 4. character,        5. message

IV. Choose the words concerning to hardware and concerning to software.

program, 2) drive, 3) print, 4) device, 5) keyboard, 6) root directory, 7) floppy disk, 8) memory, 9) hard diskette, 10) key, 11) character, 12) mouse, 13) error message, 14) computer, 15) file, 16) command, 17) screen, 18) display;

V. Translate the words from Russian info English.

        Персональный компьютер, принтер, гнездо, клавиатура, клавиша, устройство, жесткий диск, гибкий диск, дискета, мышь, экран, дисплей, программа, файл, директория, сообщение об ошибках.

VI. Translate the sentences from Russian info English

1. Программное обеспечение представляет собой инструкции, позволяющие компьютеру выполнять различные задачи.


2. Одна из наиболее популярных операционных систем называется Майкрософт.


3. Компьютерные программы включают в себя текстовый редактор, базу данных, графику.


4 .Текстовый редактор отвечает за печать.


5. База данных сохраняет массу информации.


VII. Tell some words about Software.

Unit 6




Part I

The Internet is a global computer network.

Millions of people around the world use the Internet to search for and retrieve information on all sorts of topics, such as arts, business, humanities, news, politics, recreation and others. People communicate through electronic mail (e-mail), discussion groups, chat channels and other means of informational exchange. They share information and make commercial and business transaction.

How did Internet get started?

The Internet began in the late 1960s as an experiment by the U.S Department of Defense to see if a non-centralized network could be built to 'withstand the destruction of one or more of its parts. Unlike previous networks, this new network did not have a single central point. Instead, all sites on the network were interconnected.

Out of this network came a protocol for linking computers together.

A protocol is a set of standards for how network communication takes place. The protocol is called TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/lnternet Protocol). This protocol is the standard that makes it possible for different computers all over the globe to talk to each other. The TCP/IP protocol is the foundation of the Internet.

Part II

At first, the Internet was used solely by the US government, but soon universities and other institutions connected themselves to the Internet to communicate with one another and collaborate on projects. The Internet grew to connect hundreds or different sites all across the world. Each organization on the Internet was responsible for maintaining its part of the network, so the Internet was not owned or controlled by anyone organization.

Today, the Internet connects up to 40 million people around the globe and is growing by as much as 10% per month.

The Internet is like a system of roads, freeways, and bridges. The term "Information Superhighway" describes how the Internet works. From road in any city, you can get to almost any other road in any other. From your computer you can send all electronic mail message to icone sitting at a computer in Helsinki, Warsaw, or Moscow.

Internet access companies or Internet Service Providers (lSP) vide physical connections that allow you to access the internet.

These connections are called "POPs,” which stands for "points of sence."

Your computer uses a modem to dial into a POP, which connects you to the Internet. Once connected to a POP, you have access to all the resources of the Internet. Most ISP's will also supply you with software available for work in the Internet: a Web browser.


to retrieve



to share



department of defense

to withstand


network communication

TCP/IP (Transmission

Control Protocol/Internet





Internet Service


software program

web browser



host address






email software


virtual circuit


undeliverable message

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is Internet?


  1. Who uses Internet'?


  1. When and how did Internet get started?


  1. What is the TCP/IP protocol?


  1. Who provides physical connections that allow the access to the Internet?


6. What are called "POPs"?


II. Translate into Russian:

1. The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over the world, began in US in 1969 as a military experiment.

2. Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50%) are in the United States, while the rest are located in more than 100 other countries.

3. When they send e-mail messages, they only have pay for phone calls to their local service provides, not for calls across their countries or around world.

4. The WWW is a part of the Internet, but it’s not a collection of networks.

However, there are still both commercial and technical problems, which will take time to be resolved.

III. Make the following sentences active:

  • The Internet was designed to survive a nuclear war.


  • This technology is called packet switching.


  • The rest of the Internet host computers are located in more than 100 other computers.


  • The data is constantly being directed towards its destination by special computers.


IV. Agree or disagree:

  1. The Internet isn't a global computer network.


  1. Most of the people who have access to the Internet, use the network only for sending

e-mail messages.


3. The Internet began in the late 1960s as an experiment by the U.S. Department of Defense.


4. Today, the Internet doesn't connect up to 40 million people around the globe and is growing by as much as 10% per month.


5. From your computer you cannot send an electronic mail message to someone sitting at a computer in Helsinki, Warsaw, or Moscow.


6. Your computer uses a modem to dial into a POP, which connects you to the Internet.


V. Make up your own sentences, using the words or word combinations from the text.

Unit 7


Lesson I. 


enough - достаточно

room - место

such – такой

usage – использование, применение

warning - предупреждение

allocation – назначение, размещение

partition - часть

destination – адресат, место назначения

communication - связь

all – весь, вся, все

1) Translate the words.

1. code

2. number

3. format

4. parameter

5. syntax

6. specification

7. parallel

2) Find English equivalent.

а) место

б) использование

в) достаточно

г) такой

д) предупреждение

4) Translate the messages.

1. Error in drive. ______________________________________________________________________

2. No such file or directory.


3. No room for system on disk.


4. No room in directory for file.


5. No room in root directory.


6. No system files on drive.


7. Non – DOS disk.


8. Out of memory.


Lesson II.


to prepare - готовить

signature – сигнатура, показатель

bad – плохой, неподходящий

current текущий, нынешний, современный

default – умолчание; предполагаемый, устанавливаемый по умолчанию

failure отказ, сбой, неудача

font- шрифт, комплект шрифта

handle – манипулировать, обрабатывать

overflow - переполнение

pipe – перекачивание, передача

probable- вероятный, возможный

search - поиск

size - размер

space – пространство, место

switch – переключатель, параметр (опция) команды












non- removable

 1) Translate the words.

а) поиск

б) шрифт

в) плохой, неподходящий

г) перекачивание

д) переключение

е) умолчание

 2) Translate the pairs of words.

legal – illegal                        correct – incorrect                 valid – invalid

consistent - inconsistent                finite – infinite                        

recoverable – unrecoverable                 suitable – unsuitable                usable - unusable

removable – non-removable

3) Translate the words from Russian into English.

внутренний                                --ter---

неправильный                                --cor----

бесконечный                                --fi----

невосстанавливаемый                        --rec--------

несовместимый                                --comp------

неподходящий                                --suit----

неперемещаемый                        -----mov----

промежуточный                                -----m



Read the messages. Pay attention to the structure.

а)bad command                          прилагательное +      существительное

неверная команда

б)input file _                                существительное + существительное

входной файл

в)end of input file                        существительное + существительное

окончание входного файла

1.Write down the numbers of the sentences concerning the following structures.

 1. list device; 2. printer file; 3.path of parameter; 4. current directory; 5. root directory; 6. invalid path; 7. incorrect parameter; 8. destination disk; 9. invalid argument; 10. default file; 11. bad file; 12. file name; 13. allocation table; 14. DOS partition; 15. input file; 16. device drive; 17. current date; 18. internal command.




2. Translate the word combinations.

Root directory, destination disk, graphics printer file, name of device, input file, incorrect number of parameters, insufficient space, volume label, insufficient room, parallel printer, keyboard system file, non – system drive error, invalid drive specification, current keyboard code, insufficient disk space, illegal device name, incompatible system size, incorrect DOS version.

3. Choose the correct translation.

1. incorrect number of parameters

2. bad command of file name

3. insufficient disk space

4. no room for system on destination disk

5. syntax error

6. keyboard system

7. read error in the file “x”

8. file creation error

9. invalid drive specification

  1. Translate the messages.

1. Invalid current directory.


2. Bad command or file name.


3. Incorrect number of parameters.


4. Not a graphics printer file.


5. No room for system on destination disk.


6. No room in root directory.


7. End of input file.


8. Invalid character of volume label.


9. Invalid parameter.


10. Error in file.


11. Memory allocation error.


12. Syntax error.


  1.  Non-system disk or disk error.


  1.  Allocation error in file.


  1.  Probable non-DOS disk.


  1.  Illegal device name.


5. Read the text and translate.


MS-DOS lets you organize the files on your disk into directories. Directories are a way of dividing your files into convenient groups. A directory may contain any number of files, but it is often more convenient to separate the files into subdirectories. The method of organizing the disk is like a tree where the files are the leaves of the tree and the directories are the branches. (The first directory is called the “ROOT”.)

MS-DOS needs a pathname to find its way to a particular file. You must tell the computer which directory it is to use as its current working directory-that is, the directory you wish to work in. The current working directory is often called the default directory.

Lesson III.


complete – полный, завершенный

     to complete – завершать, заканчивать

present – присутствующий, имеющийся

range – диапазон, пределы чего-либо

out of range – за пределами (допустимого) диапазона

support – поддержка

track – дорожка на диске, дискете

source - источник

queue - очередь

full - полный

empty - пустой

target цель, объект, на который направлено действие

environment – среда, конфигурация

copyright – авторское право

sequence - последовательность

contiguous – смежный, прилегающий, непрерывный

available – имеющийся в наличии

bootable – способный выполнить начальную нагрузку

suitable - подходящий

removable - перемещаемый

usable - используемый

compatible совместимый, сочетаемый

1.) Translate the words.

способный к начальной нагрузке                        --oot----

имеющийся в наличии                                av-------        

перемещаемый                                                rem------        

совместимый                                                --mpa-----

используемый                                                --sa---

подходящий                                                -uit----

2.)  Read the messages. Pay attention to the structure.









Именная часть сказуемого

Что? Кто?

Что делает?

Каким является?

        В сообщениях глагол-связка может отсутствовать. Смысл сообщения при этом не меняется:

        Directory is empty. – Directory empty.

Именная часть сказуемого может быть представлена не только прилагательным, но и, например, предлогом:

        Verify is on.

3.) Choose the correct translation of the messages.

1. Parameters not compatible  

a) Несовместимость параметров

б) Параметры не совместимы

в) Несовместимые параметры

2. Sector size too long              

а) Длинный секторный размер

б) Длина размера сектора

в) Размер сектора слишком длинный (большой)

3. Too many files open                  

а) Слишком много файлов открыто

б) Слишком многие файлы открываются

в) Открытие слишком многих файлов

4. Target disk is non-removable

а) Диск, на который производится копирование,  не является съемным

б) Перенесение диска, на который производится копирование

в) Не переносится диск, на который производится         копирование

5. Partition selection is not bootable

а) Не способная к первоначальной загрузке выбранная совокупность частей диска

б) Выбранная совокупность частей диска не способна к первоначальной загрузке

в) Не осуществляйте первоначальную загрузку из  выбранной совокупности частей диска

4.) Translate the messages of the computer

1. Echo is off.


2. Diskette out of sequence.


3. Copy complete.


4. Page not available from device.


5. First diskette bad or incompatible.


6. Line too long.


7. Track 0 bad. Disk unusable 58.


8. Disk unsuitable for system disk.


9. Second diskette bad or incompatible.


10. Sector size too large in file X.


11. File allocation table bad.


12. All files are contiguous.


13. First cluster numbers invalid.


14. Target disc is non-removable.


  1. Directory is totally empty.



Lesson IV


Side – сторона

Continue – продолжать

Specify – устанавливать , определять

Transfer – переход , перенос

Batch – группа , серия

Batch file – файл, содержащий группу команд.

Strike – ударить

Retry – повторить попытку

Recover – регенерировать , возвращать, восстанавливать

Reinsert – снова вставить

Rename – переименовать, дать новое имя

Replace – ставить на место, вернуть, заменить

1.) Read the message. Pay attention to the structure.



In drive



В дисковод


Дополнение прямое

Обстоятельство места

Что сделайте?

Вставьте что?

Вставьте куда? (во что?)

2.) Translate the words.

Использовать                1.and, 2. use, 3.any, 4.read, 5.when

Любой                        1.end, 2. and, 3.any, 4.use, 5. when

Читать                        1.divide 2. ready 3. any 4. read 5. when

Делить                        1. do 2. read 3. when 4. divide 5. side

Находить                        1. begin 2. later 3. red 4. find 5. and

Когда                        1. restore 2. write 3. repeat 4. when 5. place

3.) Choose the correct translation:

1. Insert source diskette

а) Дискета, с которой осуществляется копирование, вставлена.

б) Вставьте дискету, с которой осуществляется копирование.

в) Копирование осуществляется со вставленной дискеты.

2. Strike any key

а) Все клавиши  нажаты.

б) Нажмите любую клавишу

в) Клавиша нажата

3. Enter new date

а) Новая дата введена

б) Введите новую дату.

в) Введение новой даты.


4. Re-insert diskette for drive X

а) Дискета снова вставлена в дисковод Х.

б) Вставьте снова дискету для дисковода Х.

в) Повторная вставка дискеты в дисковод Х.

5. Rename file

а) Переименуйте файл.

б) Переименование файла.

в) Файл переименован

6. Please check it

а) Пожалуйста, проверьте это.

б) Пожалуйста, это проверено.

в) Проверка проведена, пожалуйста.

4.) Complete the sentences:

1. Press…

2. Insert    

3. Check…      


5.) Translate the messages:

1. Insufficient room in root directory. Erase files in root directory and repeat chkdsk.


2. Insert target diskette and strike any key when ready.


3. Incorrect DOS version, use DOS 2.0 or later.


4. Replace diskette or continue if o’kay.


5. Press any key to begin recovery of the files on drive.


6. Insert DOS disk in drive and strike ENTER when ready.


7. Insert last backup diskette in drive.


8. Replace and strike any key when ready.


9. Restore the sequence.


10. Enter current volume label for drive.


11. Re-insert diskette for drive.

______________________________________________________________________12. Enter new date.


Lesson V


To access – доступ

To require – требовать

Halt – остановка

Edits – отредактированный текст

Rate – коэффициент, степень

Chain – цепь, последовательность

To direct – напрокат

Mark – маркировать, отмечать

Operator – оператор

Start – операция

Operation – процесс

Resident – защищать

Process – начинать

Protect – резидент, резидентская часть программы

Duplicate – дубликат, копия, дублировать, снимать копию

1.)Translate the words

Загружать                 1. lose 2. load 3. letter 4. start 5. mark

Находить                        1. Hide 2. lose 3. start 4. point 5. find

Цепь                        1. Cluster 2. letter 3. cross 4. chain 5. baud

Данные                         1. date 2. data  3. rate 4. fit 5. letter

Часть                        1. mark 2. resident 3. part 4. past 5. rate

Терять                        1. letter 2. load 3. lose 4. mark 5. find

Защищать                        1. process 2. resident 3. program 4. protect 5. point


1.) Read the messages. Pay attention to the structure.

Root directory will be erased. Корневая директория будет стерта.

Last file was not restored. Последний файл не был восстановлен.

Table is loaded. Таблица загружена.


Is canceled




Что с файлами сделано?



Объект, над которым совершено действие

Действие, которое совершено

2.) Choose the correct translation

1. Files in target drive will be erased

а) Уничтожьте файлы на дискете, на которую ведется запись.

б) Файлы на дискете, на которую ведется запись, были уничтожены.

в) Файлы на дискете, на которую ведется запись, были уничтожены.

2. Diskette is write -protected.                       а) На дискету ведется запись

                                                б) Дискета защищена от записи

                                                в) Защитите дискету от записи

3. Data on disk will be lost.

                                                а) Данные на диске потеряны.

                                                б) Данные на диске буду потеряны.

                                                в) Данные на диске будут уничтожены

4. Write not completed.

                                                а) Не заканчивайте запись

                                                б) Запись не закончена

                                                в) Незаконченная запись

5. No target drive specified.

                                                а) Укажите дисковод, который ведет запись

                                                б) Не указан дисковод, который ведет запись

                                                в) Указан дисковод, который не ведет запись

6. No differences encountered.

                                                а) Встреченные различия

                                                б) Не обнаружено различий

                                                в) Различия не будут обнаружены

7. Path not found

                                                а) Найдите путь к файлу

                                                б) Путь к файлу не обнаружен

                                                в) Необнаруженный путь к файлу

8. No space left on devise.

                                                а) Слева нет места на устройстве

                                                б) На устройстве (диске) не осталось места

                                                в) Не оставляйте пробел на устройстве

9. Last file was not backed up.

                                                  а) Последний файл нерезервированный

                                                                     б) Последний файл не был включен в резервную   копию

                                                  в) С последнего файла не будет снята копия

4. Translate the messages.

1. End of life encountered.


2. Warning! The active partition is not bootable.


3. Active partition not changed.


4. First cluster number is invalid.


5. All logical drives deleted in the DOS partition.


6. Invalid environment size specified.


7. Graphics characters already loaded.


8. Maximum number of logical DOS drivers installed.


9. File cancelled by operator.


10. File was changed after it was backed up.


11. Corrections will not be written to disk.


12. Code page has not been designed.


13. Target diskette is write protected.


14. Make sure a diskette is inserted into the drive and door is closed.


15. Files in the target drive will be erased.


16. Directory is joined.


17. Not found.


18. No logical drive defined.


19. Not processed.


20. Copy not completed.


21. Disk full – write not completed.




1. File creation error


      2. Partition selection is not bootable

3. Please, check it

4. Source does not contain backup files

5. Diskette is write-protected

6. Unable to create table in resident memory

7. Do you wish to make the DOS partition active?

8. Maximum number of logical DOS droves installed

9. No space left on device

10. Insufficient memory for system transfer


accept- принимать

access- 1) доступ, 2)проход, подход, 3) выборка информации

according(to)- соответственно

active- 1) деятельный, активный; 2) действующий

add- прибавлять, присоединять

additional- добавочный, дополнительный

allow- позволять, разрешать

appearance- внешний вид, наружность

append- прибавлять, добивать

appendix- приложение

apply- использовать применять

archive- архив

arrange- приводить в порядок, систематизировать

assign- назначать, определять

attach- прикреплять, присоединять

attempt- 1) попытка  2) пытаться

attribute- свойства

avoid- избегать


backslash- обратная косая черта

back-up - дублирование

basic - основной, главный

batch - 1) ряд, партия   2) группа, серия

belong - принадлежать

blink - мерцание

boot - осуществить первоначальную загрузку

bootable - способный выполнить первоначальную загрузку

break - прерывать

buffer - 1) буфер 2) промежуточная область памяти

bug - ошибка, дефект, помеха

build - строить

build into - встраивать


cable - кабель, провод

capital - заглавная буква

carry on - продолжать

carry out - выполнять

cause - вызывать, быть причиной

caution - 1) осторожность 2) предосторожность

chain - последовательность, цепь

change - заряд, заряжать

check - проверять

choice - выбор

circular - круглый

clear - 1) чистый 2) очищать

close - закрывать

cluster - 1) группа 2) кластер, пакет, блок

code - 1) код 2) программа 3) кодировать

combine - объединять, комбинировать

compare - сравнивать

compatible - совместимый

complete - полный, законченный

completely - современно, полностью

compute - вычислять

connect - соединять

conserve - сохранять

consist (of) - состоять (из)

consistent - последовательный, совместный

console - 1) кронштейн 2) пульт

contain - содержать в себе

contents - содержимое

contiguous - смежный, соприкасающийся

continue - продолжать

control - управление, контроль, регулировать

cord - шнур

correct - правильный

correspond - соответствовать

cover - покрывать

current - 1) текущий 2) течение, ток


deal - заниматься чем-либо, иметь дело

debug - устранять неполадки, неисправности

define - определять

delete - стирать

deny - отрицать, отказываться

design - проектировать, предназначать

destination - назначение

destination disk - диск, на который ведется запись

destroy - разрушать

differ - отличаться, разлагать

direct - руководить, направлять

directory - директория

default directory - директория, имя которой можно не указывать

disk - диск

blank disk - гибкий диск

double-density disk- диск с удвоенной плотностью

double-sided disk - двустороний диск

master disk - диск оригинал

MS DOS installed disk - инсталляционный диск для установки операционной системы

single-sided disk - диск, с которого осуществляется копирование

write-protected disk - диск, защищенный от записи

divide - разделять

drive - дисковод

default drive - дисковод используется по умолчанию

external floppy disk drive - внешний дисковод

internal floppy disk drive - встроенный дисковод

drive identifier - идентификатор дисковода


echo - отображение выполненных команд на экране

edit - редактировать

editor - редактор

embedded - встроенный, включенный

empty - пустой

encounter - встречаться

entire - полный, целый, весь

equal - одинаковый

error - ошибка

disk error writing - ошибка допущенная при записи данных на диск

disk error reading - ошибка, допущенная при считывании

divide error - ошибка, допущенная при делении

escape - выход из текущего режима

exceed - превышать

except - кроме

except for - за исключением

executable - выполнимый

executive - исполнительный

extend - расширять, продлить

extension, file extension - расширение имени файла

extra - добавочный

extremely - крайне, чрезвычайно


fail - потерпеть неудачу

failure - отказ, сбой

fast - быстро

file - файл

batch file - файл, содержащий группу команд

finite -ограниченный

fit - соответствовать

fix - укреплять, закреплять

floppy - гибкий

follow - следовать

font - шрифт

format - 1)формат, 2)форматировать


halt - остановка

handle - управлять, оперировать

handler - программа обработки

handy - удобный

hard - жесткий

harm - вред, ущерб

hide - прятаться

hold - держать


identify - идентифицировать

illegal - недопустимый

include -  включать, содержать в себе

indicate - показывать

initialize - инициализировать, устанавливать в исходное положение

input - 1) ввод информации, 2) информация на входе

insert - вставлять

install - устанавливать

interchangeably - заменяя друг друга        

italics - курсив


job - задание, задача, работа

joint - соединяться


keep - иметь, хранить

kind - сорт, разновидность, класс


label - 1) метка, 2) маркировать, различать

leftmost - крайний левый

level - уровень

link - связь, соединение

list - список

locate - устанавливать

lowercase - нижний регистр



manage - руководить, управлять

menudriven - (программа) управляемая с помощью меню

message - сообщение

multilevel - многоуровневый



nest - 1) гнездо, 2) вставлять

network - сеть

notation - обозначение

notch - метка

numerical – числовой, цифровой


occupy – занимать, заполнять

option - выбор

optional – необязательный

order – 1) порядок 2) исправное состояние

overcome – преодолеть

overflow – переполнение

overview - обзор

overwrite – переполнить записью


path – тропа, путь к файлу

permit - разрушать

point – точка, пункт

portable – портативный, переносной

porition – часть, доля

power - мощность

powerful – сильный, мощный

press – жать, давить

prevent – предотвращать

previously – предварительно, заранее

primary – первоначальный

prompt – напоминание, подсказка

proper – правильный, надлежащий

protect – защищать

provide – обеспечивать


range – диапазон, предмет

rate – норма, скорость, степень

receive – получать, принимать

record – записывать, запись

recover – возвращать, восстанавливать

redirect – перенаправлять

re-display – вывод на экран дисплея повторно

refer – 1)посылать 2) ссылаться

reference – ссылка

reinsert – вставлять снова

relate – 1)устанавливать связь 2) иметь отношение

reload – перезагружать

remainder – остаток

remark – примечание

remove – передвигать

rename – переименовывать

repeat – повторять

replace – заменить

report – сообщать

require – требовать, нуждаться

reserved – запасной, резервный

reset – перенастроить

response – 1) ответ 2) реакция

restart – начинать снова

return – возвращение

review – рассматривать


safe – безопасный

sample – образец, шаблон, модель

schedule – список, каталог

select – отбирать

separate – отделять

sequence – последовательность

serial port – разъем

series – ряд, серия

session - сеанс работы с системой

set - устанавливать, назначать

share - разделять

shell - оболочка

shift - сдвиг

side - сторона

similar - подобный

skip - пропускать, перепрыгивать

slash - разрез, косая черта

specification - спецификация, перечень

specify - определять

spot - место

start-up - 1) начало, пуск, 2) начинать

string - ряд, последовательность

substitute - заменять, замещать

sufficient - достаточный

support - 1) поддержка, 2) поддерживать

suspend - приостанавливать

switch - 1) переключение, 2) переключатель


tab - учет

table - таблица, график

target - цель

template - шаблон, модель

temporary - временный

term - термин

terminate - завершать, заканчивать

track - дорожка

transfer - перенос, перемещение

transmit - сообщать, передавать

turn – поворачиваться ,turn on – включать, turn off - выключать

in turn - в свою очередь


unable - неспособный

unigue - уникальный

unless - если не, пока не

unlock - открывать

update - модернизировать

uppercase - верхний регистр

utmost - крайний, предельный



vary - меняться

verify - проверять, контролировать


  1. Полякова Т.Ю. Английский язык для диалога с компьютером. -М; Высш шк, 2006
  2. Куценко Л. И. Английский язык.- М; Щит-М, 2005
  3. Борковский А.Б. Словарь по программированию. –М; Русский язык, 2000.
  4. Торгашов В. И. English for personal computer users. –М, 2004.
  5. Зейденберг В. К. Англо-русский словарь по вычислительной технике. –М, Русский язык, 2000
  6. Радовель В. А. Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности.- Ростов-н/Д; Феникс, 2006

Предварительный просмотр:

What is law?

The term “law” is used in many senses: we may speak of the laws of

physics, mathematics, science, nature, or the laws of football, logic or health.

Some laws are descriptive: they simply describe how people, or even natural

phenomena, usually behave. An example of descriptive law is rather

consistent law of gravity, another example is the less consistent laws of


Other laws are prescriptive – they prescribe how people should or

must behave. An example of prescriptive law is traffic regulations. When we

speak of the law of a state we use the term “law” in a special and strict sense,

and in that sense law may be defined as “a rule of human conduct, imposed

upon and enforced among, the members of a given state”.

In any society, laws have several characteristics. First, laws

symbolize norms, values, traditions. Second, laws must be codified in some

way, usually through writing. Third, there must exist a method of

enforcement: this can include police, social pressure, “magic”, or some other

force that enable society to punish or reward its members. And finally, there

must be something specific to be enforced: laws are not general, but specific.

The main characteristic of law is that it is enforced, and such enforcement is

usually carried out by the State. If the rules or laws are broken, compulsion is

used to enforce obedience. Thus if A steals a watch from B, A may be

prosecuted before the court. The court may then order the restitution of the

watch to its rightful owner, B. If A refuses to obey, he or she may be

punished, that means a penalty will be imposed on A.

This is why we need law: if we all behaved according to our

personal standards of behaviour and morality, anarchy would rule the world.

We may say, then, that two ideas underlie the concept of law: 1) order, in the

sense of method or system; and 2) compulsion – i.e. the enforcement of

obedience to the rules or laws laid down.


С1. Answer the following questions:

1. In what senses can we use the word “law”?

2. What is the difference between descriptive laws and prescriptive

laws? Give some examples.

3. How is the law of the state defined?

4. What do laws symbolize?

5. What can be used as methods of enforcement?

6. Why do methods of enforcement exist?

7. What is the chief characteristic of law?

Explain the notion “compulsion”. Give examples.

9. Identify two main ideas underlying the concept of law.

10. Why do we need law?

C2. Complete the sentences using the text.

1) Descriptive laws usually describe __________ .

2) Prescriptive laws prescribe __________ .

3) The law of a state may be __________ as “the rule of human

__________ , imposed _______ and _________ among the

________ of a given state”.

4) Laws have several __________: first, they symbolize

__________; second, they must be _________ through writing;

third, there must exist methods of _________ that enable

society to ________ or ________ its members.

5) Such enforcement is usually ___________ by the State.

6) If the laws are broken, __________ is used.

7) Two ideas _________ the concept of law: _______ and

_________ .


D1. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following expressions.

Work in groups: one group is dealing with column A, the second one –

with column B. Check each other using double-way translation.

- постоянный закон гравитации

- менее постоянные законы экономики

- природные явления

- нарушить закон

- истинный владелец

- обеспечивать повиновение

- отказаться подчиниться

- человеческое поведение

- описательные законы

- предписывающие законы

- налагать наказание

- потребовать возмещения/ возвращения

- вести себя в соответствии с личными стандартами морали

D2. a) Note the meaning of the word “law”. Translate the expressions:


  1. ЗАКОН - laws of nature; business law; law on citizenship; law on

universal education; law on public health

ПРАВО – commercial law; criminal law; international law

! Don’t confuse with RIGHT (“право”) e.g. human rights; to have no right

to do sth

3) СУД - to go to law (against sb); to be at law with sb; to take the law into

one’s own hand

b) Match the expressions. Make up 5-6 sentences using them.

1. unwritten law

2. civil law

3. criminal law

4. natural law

5. law of nature

6. Mosaic laws

7. law of nations

8. canon law

9. to keep within the law

10. to be equal before the


11. question of law

12. doctor of law

13. law of self-preservation

14. law of probability

15. the faculty of law

16. law-book

17. law-sheep

18. lawsuit

19. lawmaker (lawgiver)

a) юридический факультет

b) быть равным перед


c) гражданское право

d) законодатель

e) теория вероятности

f) доктор юридических наук

g) неписанный закон

h) судебный процесс

i) Моисеевы законы (библ.)

j) баранья кожа для

переплетов юр.


k) уголовное право

l) юридический факультет

m) естественное право

n) международное право

o) свод законов

p) инстинкт самосохранения

q) вопрос права

r) закон природы

s) каноническое право


E1. Work in groups. Write definitions of your own of the following

words. Compare your definitions with those given in a dictionary and

decide if you were right or not. Whose definition was most precise?





A4. Choose the suitable word to complete the sentences:

1. Police believe the fire was started ________ .

a) securely b) illegally c) compulsory d) deliberately

2. His political reputation had been seriously _______ by the scandal.

a) defined b) damaged c) provided d) convicted

3. The owner of the building is ________ by law from making any changes.

a) prevented b) concerned c) mistreated d) enacted

4. Students who ________ the rules and smoke in college will have to leave.

a) obey b) break c) enforce d) carry out

5. The demonstrators made such ________ that the government could never


a) notions b) rights c) demands d) means

6. Smoking is usually ________ inside buildings.

a) prescribed b) banned c) enforced d) ordered

7. The maximum ________ for this offence is 2-years’ imprisonment.

a) compulsion b) restitution c) threat d) penalty

8. Each worker should be provided with the list of safety ________ .

a) requirements b) behaviour c) facilities d) violations

9. The decision on this difficult problem must be a matter of individual

________ .

a) disobedience b) regulation c) conscience d) insecurity

10. Freedom of the press is ________ in this country because of political


a) influenced b) flourished c) attempted d) restricted

11. Unfortunately, their actions did not ________ their claims.

a) enable b) codify c) treat d)correspond

12. The information received is highly confidential and relates to national

________ .

  1. security b) equality c) execution d) arrangement


B1. Read the following situations. Give your comments on each of the

situations. How would you judge the behaviour of people in each of the


Case 1

Angela K., 29, is engaged to an old friend of hers. She is going to get married

in a few months’ time. John S., her fiancé, is a bright, educated man who

works as a top-manager of a huge corporation. He seems to adore her,

satisfying every wish of hers. Suddenly you find out that she is seeing

another young man secretly, although has no intention to break the

engagement. John has no idea about her affair. Both Angela and John are

your friends.

How would you behave (talk to Angela, talk to John, pretend you don’t

know, etc.)? Would your attitude to your friends change? Is Angela breaking

any rules?

Case 2

Yesterday’s football match between Solsdale and Milenton (the UK amateur

football league) ended in a huge scandal. The first period ended in a 1:1

draw, the second period began with a foul committed by Milenton’s defender

Gill T. , who bumped into Solsdale’s forward Ken B., the latter answered by

kicking him secretly on the ankle. The defender returned and took revenge by

kicking the lying forward on the stomach. When the referee ordered him out

of the pitch, the rebellious defender refused to go claiming that the decision

was unfair. The Solsdale’s captain tried to help the referee and pushed the

protesting defender out of the pitch, the action caused a huge dissatisfaction

among Milenton’s players who eagerly joined the conflict. The poor referee

wanted to stop the fight but was knocked out by an unidentified player. The

linesmen didn’t dare to interfere and called the police. By their arrival about a

half of spectators were participating in the fight. The League’s officials are

now investigating the case to take proper measures.

What legal offences or violation of rules can you identify in the case? Was

the referee’s decision fair? Comment upon the scale of guilt of each of the

participants. What moral norms were violated?

Case 3

The Dean of Law Faculty of Michigan University is now investigating the

details of cheating on Midterm exams. Two students were asked to leave the

exam room when the professor noticed they were using their mobiles while

filling the exam tests. The students claim they were only trying to switch the

mobiles off and were not using them for cheating. They also insist that they

saw some other students using hand-held computers and the professor left

that cheating unnoticed. They are even ready to name the cheating students.

Are the students breaking any rules, if “yes”, which rules do they break? Was

the professor’s decision fair? Comment upon the wish of the students to

disclose the secret of cheating in class.

Case 4

Part 1

Your friend Emily is rather well-off. She works as a brand manager with the

annual salary of about $40,000. She had a happy childhood (though being a

single a single child in the family she is a bit spoilt) and never experienced

financial problems. Still she has a bad habit that annoys some of her friends

very much. When she does the shopping in huge supermarkets or

hypermarkets she usually steals some trifle like a pack of chewing gum or a

chocolate bar. You are in a supermarket and you see she’s just stolen a pack

of candies.

What would you do? Would you talk to her, pretend you saw nothing, pay for

the stolen article, etc.? How would you call her behaviour? Would your

attitude to this person change?

Part 2

That time you told her nothing, the next time she did it you asked her about

her behaviour but it did not help. Emily just replied she was not stealing, she

just checked the security system o the shop. Once you went shopping and as

usual she stole a bottle of beer. Unfortunately that action was not left

unnoticed and you both were detained by the shop’s security guards.

Are their actions legitimate? What might the penalty be? Is it fair that they

detained you too?

Case 5

Amira Sinch, 23, is from India, but studied abroad for more than 5 years. Last

year she graduated from Oxford and returned to India to work as a senior

manager of a huge Indian corporation. On her return she found out that her

parents had already arranged her marriage to a person she had never seen.

Amire refused to get married to an unknown man but her parents insisted and

even arranged a date of a formal engagement. Her father even threatened to

make her leave her job. Amira is afraid to lose her job and spoil the

relationship with her family, however, she is definitely against her parents’


What do you think about the situation? What can you advise her? Do her

parents have a right to make her marry the man they want?

Case 6

Ginny S. was a star of an incredibly successful TV soap opera “Sweet

Mothers”. She was extremely popular and served as an example of an ideal

mother for millions of TV viewers. Three months ago one of the leading US

tabloids published an article where they claimed that the “ideal mother” had

had an abortion at the age of 15. After the revelation the show’s rating fell,

the producers broke the contract and replaced her by another actress who, as

they explained, had a better reputation and could pull in the viewers. Ginny

wants to sue the newspaper for defamation and the show’s producers for

breaking the terms of the contract. She is sure that the affairs of her past are

not for public scrutiny. Besides, she claims that the rumors about her abortion

are groundless.

Do you think she’ll be successful in the lawsuit? Were the actions of the

producers legitimate? Comment on the attitude of the public to the situation.

Who do you support in the case? Would your vision of the situation change if

it turns out that the information about the abortion was truthful? Would you

agree that pop stars have the same right for privacy as ordinary people? Do

you read articles about celebrities in yellow press?

Case 7

James A., 46, from Great Britain lived and worked in his native country for

all his life. Last year, however, he was offered a good job in Germany and

moved to Hamburg. James is an experienced driver, but the first attempt of

driving in the new country resulted in a car crash. The unsuccessful driver

just forgot that unlike Britain they have a right-hand driving system in

Germany. So he just entered the opposite lane thus scaring all the drivers

who were moving in the right direction.

What might the penalty be? Do you think all countries should have the same

system of traffic rules? Have you ever broken traffic rules, if yes, which

ones? What was the punishment?



according to







back (v)



break (rules)

carry out















damage (v/n)














fine (n)



harm (v/n)





impose on/ upon







lay down















order (v/n)



























set forth

















Laws of the past

Different countries had different laws in the past. Sometimes these

laws were strange, or at least they seem now to be strange. The following

information illustrates some peculiar laws adopted in various countries years


Everyone knows that in the times of Peter the Great in Russia

noblemen weren’t allowed to have beards. If they were against the law, or

they didn’t obey it, and still wanted to keep their beards, they had to pay a

special tax to the Tsar’s government.

Some singular laws were introduced in eighteenth-century England.

How strange it might seem now, people had to pay “window tax” for each

window in their house. Later, this law was changed because many poor

people chose to live in houses without windows just so that they didn’t have

to pay. Another law was no less funny. If you traveled in any motor vehicle

in nineteenth-century Britain, the law said that someone had to walk in front

of you waving a red flag, or at night time a red lamp. This meant, in practice,

that you couldn’t travel at more than about 8 kilometers per hour! Some other

British laws concerning social behaviour were very strict. For example, until

recently pubs in Britain weren’t allowed to stay open all day. They opened at

eleven in the morning and had to shut again at three in the afternoon. In the

evening they closed at half past ten. On Sundays the laws were stricter.

The USA are also famous for their quite odd laws. For example, in

Illinois animals could go to jail, in Florida you had to wear clothes in the

bath, in Kansas you were not permitted eat snakes in public, in North

Carolina you could not drink milk on train, in Idaho you could not buy a

chicken at night without the sheriff’s permission. Such bizarre laws originate

from the fact that each state was ruled by its own government, which enacted

laws according to political, economical, or religious reasons. Geographical

position and natural resources might also influence legal rules. Modern

feminist-oriented women would be struck to know that in the 19-th century,

female teachers in the USA couldn’t get married, or even go out with men. If

they got engaged, they had to resign from their job immediately. Male

teachers, on the contrary, could get married and have children without any

problem! Or in Montana it was a criminal offense for a wife to open a

telegram sent to her husband. However it was perfectly acceptable for a

husband to do the same.

One more curious law in the Midwest of the USA in the 1880s was

that you were not allowed to eat ice-cream sodas on a Sunday. Restaurant

owners managed to solve this problem by serving ice-cream without soda,

which became known as a “Sunday” or a “Sundae”. In the beginning of the

20-th century drinking of alcoholic beverages was prohibited in the USA. A

new word –“prohibition”- appeared: it meant that you could not produce or

consume alcoholic drinks. Prohibition was not popular, and it was too

expensive to make sure that the law was obeyed. So later the prohibition law

was changed, because it was causing terrible crime, and people were drinking

more alcohol than they had done before! Prohibition amendment was the

only repealed amendment to the US Constitution.

Some American laws served their function at some point of time, but

outlived their usefulness. However, they are still on the books…may be

because no one can be bothered to get rid of them. In Michigan, for example,

a woman is breaking a law if she cuts her hair without getting her husband’s

permission, because in this state a man legally owns his wife’s hair.

Similarly, in Kentucky lady must have her husband’s permission to buy a hat.

These days the state laws are becoming more and more similar

across the country, but there are still different laws in different states

concerning age limits for driving cars, getting married, having guns, etc.

In other European countries there were also many unusual laws

which arose from country’s policy of that time. For example, during the

French Revolution, people could not use the polite form of “you” (“vous”),

because this was the word servants used to speak to their masters. Instead

everyone had to use “tu”, the familiar form. Or in Italy in the 1930s when

Mussolini ruled the country, Italians weren’t allowed to use foreign words.

That’s why Italian is one of the few languages which doesn’t use the

international word “football”: they use their own word “calcio”.


C1. Agree or disagree with the following statements on the text:

1. Noblemen in Russia had to pay special taxes for wearing moustache.

2. Two centuries ago people had to pay “door taxes” in England.

3. In Britain you were allowed to travel in a motor vehicle with a red

flag on it.

4. Different laws in the USA originate from various political, religious

or other reasons.

5. In the USA all teachers were allowed to get married and have

children without any problem.

6. in the Midwest of the USA in 1880s people were not allowed to eat

ice-cream sodas on Mondays.

7. In 1920 in the USA “prohibition” meant that you were not permitted

to produce or consume cigarettes.

8. Some curious American laws are still on the books, perhaps,

because nobody got rid of them.

9. In America there were different laws in different states in the past,

but now laws in all states are similar.

10. Italian is one of the few languages which doesn’t use the word


C2. Complete the sentences:

a) If noblemen wanted to keep their beards they had to pay ………

b) Poor people in England didn’t want to pay “window tax”, so they


c) Until recently pubs in Britain ……..to stay open all day.

d) State governments adopted laws according to …….

e) Female teachers in the USA had to …..immediately in case they got


f) In Montana it was …..for a husband to read a telegram sent to his


g) In the beginning of the 20-th century drinking of alcohol ……in the


h) The government had to change this law because …….

i) In European countries many unusual laws originate from …….

j) During the French Revolution people couldn’t use …….because



D1. Translate the following expressions using the text:

1) странные (необычные) законы в разных странах

2) дворянам не позволялось иметь бороды

3) люди должны были платить “оконный налог”

4) они предпочитали жить без окон

5) законы, имеющие отношение к общественному поведению

6) географическое положение могло влиять на законы

7) однако, это было совершенно приемлемо для …

8) удалось решить эту проблему

9) это являлось причиной преступности

10) некоторые законы изжили себя

D2. Give the opposites to the words below:

different –

usual –

polite –

poor –

funny –

famous –

acceptable –

useful –

allow –

obey –

buy –

send –

appear –

keep –

permission –

D3. Write out from the text all the words with the meaning “странный,

причудливый, необычный”.

D4. Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

Allow, tax, permission, originate, resign, acceptable, prohibit,


1) That kind of behaviour is not ……… in public place.

2) She is very strict with her children and …….. them to watch

television only at weekends.

3) Bad weather in Spain continues to ……. problems for travellers.

4) You are not allowed to camp here without …….

5) Smoking is ……. inside the building.

6) He makes it clear that he doesn’t want to …….. from active politics.

7) The government promised not to increase …….. on petrol.

8) Although the technology ……..in the UK, it has been developed in

the US.

D5. Word study. Pay attention to the following information.

a) The verb cause involves the meaning “cause a bad situation, cause

something bad”. The following nouns are often used with cause:

Cause: alarm, anxiety, concern, confusion, damage, distress, harm,

problems, pain, suffering, trouble, etc.

b) Cause, followed by an infinitive, is used mostly in formal or technical

language. The usual and less formal verb for saying that one thing makes

another thing happen is make.

Translate the sentences:

1) Smoking causes cancer.

2) A lot of traffic accidents are caused by carelessness.

3) Robert’s behaviour is causing his family a lot of anxiety.

4) Inflation has caused fuel prices to rise sharply in recent month.

5) Petra’s new hairstyle makes her look a lot younger.

6) Stop doing this – you’re making me nervous.

7) His actions made him widely respected.


E1. Discuss the questions below. Provide arguments for your opinion.

Which of the laws from the text do you find: a) the most strange? b) the most

funny? c) the most unfair? d) the most reasonable?

QUIZ 1. Dumb American laws

1. In Sarasota, Florida, while wearing a bathing suit in a public

place it is illegal:

- to shower

- to eat

- to dance

- to sing

2. In Baltimore, Maryland, it is illegal to take to the movies…

- your mother-in-law

- a swarm of bees

- a lion

- a drink

3. In Lexington, Kentucky, it is illegal to carry in your pocket…

- a slice of pizza

- an ice-cream cone

- a small animal

- eggs

4. Which of these in Utah is NOT a law?

- you can have the nuclear weapons, but you cannot detonate


- it is illegal to fish from horseback

- no one may have sex in the back of an ambulance if it is

responsible to an emergency


- it is against the law to drink milk

5. In Ohio it is illegal to sell beer while wearing…

- a bathing suit

- religious garb

- nothing

- a Santa suit

6. In Idaho you can not give it to someone if it weighs over 50


- a box of candy

- a Christmas present

- a sack of potatoes

- a book

7. In Atlanta, Georgia, it is illegal to do this to a lamp post or

street light;

- dance with it

- tie a giraffe to it

stand under it at night

- take a picture of it

8. In West Virginia it is illegal to do what underwater:

- to fish

- to sleep

- to swim

- to whistle

9. Which of these are actual laws in the cities of California state?

- Arcadia: peacocks have the right of way to cross any street,

including driveways

- Baldwin Park: you are not allowed to ride the bicycle in a

swimming pool

- Hermosa Beach: one may not show their buttocks while on a


- all of these

10 In Ohio it is illegal to do what to a fish?

- throw it back in a river after catching it

- get it drunk

- fry it on Sunday

- name it “Fido”

11. If you commit adultery in West Virginia, what is the penalty?

- 6 months jail

- $20 fine

- $500 fine

- you must apologize to your wife in front of her parents

12. In Minnesota it is illegal to make fun of…

- humans

- monkeys

- skunks

- fish

it is necessary or


b) it is okay/ permitted c) it is a good idea

(the correct thing to


d) it is not


e) it is not okay/ it is


f) it is not a good

idea (not the correct


A2. Choose the best form.

1. You mustn’t/needn’t smoke in the classroom.

2. You mustn’t/needn’t make your report tomorrow.

3. (Formal) Whoever commits robbery shall/should be punished

with rigorous imprisonment.

4. If you see anything unusual you shall/should call the police.

5. You shouldn’t/needn’t talk too loud; you’ll wake the baby.

6. You shouldn’t/needn’t talk so loud; I can hear you.

7. The doctor says you should/can stop smoking.

8. The doctor says you should/can go out.

9. We have to/must send these VAT forms back before the end of

the month: we are required to do so by law.

10. You have to/must phone home: it’s urgent.

11. You cannot/mustn’t smoke here (you are not allowed).

12. You cannot/mustn’t smoke here (you are forbidden to).

A3. Make up sentences of your own to say what people must do, can do,

must not do. Use different language structures.



B1. We can express moral and legal obligations not only with modal

verbs. Learn the following patterns by heart:

1) with verbs (often in passive):

Visitors are not permitted to picnic on the grass.

Smoking on this premises is strictly forbidden.

Chewing gum has been banned from the canteen area.

Guests are required to vacate their rooms by midday.

You’re not expected to leave a tip.

You’re not obliged to pay to go into the gallery.

You’re supposed to smile at all of your clients.

2) with adjectives:

Military service is still compulsory in many countries.

Joining the union is not obligatory.



A1. Read the text below, define its main ideas. Pay attention to the

underlined words. What might be the title of the text?

burglary (n) – кража со


robbery (n) – грабеж

minor (adj) – мелкий,


anxiety (n) – тревога.


loiter (v) – слоняться без дела

harassment (n) – беспокойство

impact on (v) – влиять

damage (v) – причинять вред

begging (n) – выпрашивание


issue (n) – спорный вопрос

outline (v) – обрисовывать в

общих чертах

disperse (v) – разгонять

fireworks (n) – фейерверк

hoax (n) – розыгрыш,


issue (v) – выпускать, издават



In the past ten years criminal incidents in Great Britain have become

rarer. Burglary and car crime are about half as common as they used to be

earlier, robbery has fallen by a fifth. Instead of calming down, though, the

public seems to have become more troubled by minor offences being

committed by young people. Concerns about anti-social behavior are more

widespread than anxieties about crime. More people see loitering teenagers

as a problem these days, they believe anti-social behaviour in the streets to be

a big problem in their area.

What does anti-social behaviour mean? It causes or is likely to cause

harassment, alarm, or distress and covers a wide range of anti-social actions

which impact on individuals and damage the wider community. Anti-social

behaviour may be both criminal and non-criminal and includes such actions

as, for example, attacks, begging, drug dealing, hate behaviour, threatening

behaviour, prostitution, graffiti, shouting and public disorder, racism,

vandalism, under age drinking, verbal abuse, street robberies, vehicle crime,


Having identified anti-social behaviour as a problem issue, the UK

Government published a White Paper* called “Respect and Responsibility”

which outlined the strategy to deal with the problem. In January 2004 Anti

Social Behaviour Bill became a law and came into force introducing a whole

lot of new laws aimed to reduce a wide-range of low-level crime from noisy

neighbours to graffiti and litter. Here are some of new laws:

11) police are given the power to disperse groups of to or more people

from an area if they are behaving or have the potential to behave in

an anti-social manner;

12) 16 and 17 year-olds may also be given on-the-spot fine for such

offences as throwing fireworks and making hoax 999 calls*;

13) police can take home under-16s if they are out on the streets after 9

p.m. without an adult;

14) accredited private security firms have police powers to issue £30 onthe-

spot fine to cyclist for riding on the pavement;

15) local authorities have new powers to shut down noisy pubs and

clubs, and even to fine noisy neighbours (up to £100) or to

confiscate their stereos;

16) people aged 16 or over who are found drunk and disorderly in a

public place can be fined for £40

However, the new Act has come in for criticism and provoked much debate

in the media because of certain aspects that will impact on the lives of young

people. Some people consider this Act to be a political trick of the

government to win popularity. They think this Act in practice will criminalize

and victimize young people without giving them the support they need to

help them to change their behaviour.

*White Paper – (in Britain) an official report presenting the government’s

policy on a particular question to be discussed in Parliament

*999 calls – people dial this number when they want to report about a crime

being committed


B1. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

1. Criminal situation in Great Britain has become harder.

2. The British public is much worried about behaviour of young


3. People do not like the loitering youngs and see them as a problem

these days.

4. Anti-social behaviour is considered criminal in Great Britain.

5. The British Government introduced a new law concerning criminal


6. The British police are now given more powers than earlier.

7. All people are happy to have the new law on anti-social behaviour.

Answer the questions on the text.

1. What is the reason for anxiety of the British people?

2. Why do people see loitering young people as a problem?

3. What does anti-social behaviour mean?

4. What kinds of actions are considered as anti-social ones?

5. What steps did the British Government take to deal with this


6. What can police do with those who behave in an anti-social manner?

7. Why do some people strongly disagree with the new Act?


C1. Which words do the following sentences define? Underline the

correct word.

1. The crime of stealing money or other things from a bank, shop, etc,

especially by using threats or violence. (burglary/ fine/ hoax/


2. Not very important, less serious or dangerous. (widespread/ minor/

compulsory/ peculiar)

3. To make something happen, especially something bad. (issue/

originate/ cause/ damage)

4. To give the main ideas of something, summarize. (outline/ permit/

disperse/ oblige)

5. Something that you have to do as a duty or a job. (security/ anxiety/

responsibility/ begging)

6. To make something smaller or less in amount, importance, price,

etc., to cut down (provoke/ resign/ reduce/ consume)

7. To have an effect or influence on someone or something. ( require/

commit/ forbid/ impact on)

C2. Translate the following expressions and sentences using the text

a. криминальные происшествия стали вполовину меньше

обычного, чем были раньше;

b. мелкие правонарушения, совершаемые молодыми людьми;

c. анти-социальное поведение вызывает беспокойство и

тревогу среди широкой публики;

d. документ обрисовывает в общих чертах стратегию решения

этой проблемы;

e. комплекс новых законов, направленный на то, чтобы

сократить уровень незначительных преступлений;

f. молодые люди могут быть оштрафованы на месте;

политический трюк правительства, чтобы завоевать



D1. Think about the following:

a) Will new anti-social behaviour laws protect young people or

discriminate against them?

b) Can you think of some reasons why people (usually young ones)

behave antisocially?

c) Will the laws tackle the root causes of anti-social behaviour or are

just a trick to win over voters?

d) Is this Act a response to a moral panic or a threat to society?

e) Will the new laws save the Government money or hit the taxpayers

Предварительный просмотр:

  Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Чувашской Республики "Алатырский технологический

колледж" Министерства образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики


Методическая разработка

упражнений для практических занятий по
английскому языку

К учебнику
В. П. Кузовлева
и др. для 10-11 классов.


Для специальностей:
21.02.05  Земельно-имущественные отношения                              
23.02.04  Техническая   эксплуатация подъемно-транспортных, строительных, дорожных машин и оборудования
08.02.05  Строительство и эксплуатация автомобильных дорог и аэродромов      

09.02.03 Программирование в компьютерных системах

 Курс  первый.

Выполнил преподаватель:
Михалькова Татьяна Леонидовна.

Алатырь, 2015


Данный сборник упражнений для практических занятий по английскому языку предназначен для формирования, отработки и контроля лексико-грамматических навыков и умений у студентов 1 курса Алатырского технологического колледжа. Он разработан к учебнику В.П. Кузовлева, Н.М.Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудовой для 10-11 классов. Задания составлены таким образом, что могут быть использованы на различных этапах обучения.

Сборник включает 83 упражнения по основным разделам грамматики, а также упражнения для отработки и обобщения лексико-грамматического материала.

В него вошли задания, направленные на подготовку к тестам, а также тесты для контроля усвоенных знаний.

Сборник содержит тексты о культурной жизни англоязычных стран, упражнения к каждому тексту, которые позволят студентам быстрее усвоить предлагаемый материал.

Кроме того, на уроках можно использовать таблицы сравнения времен действительного залога.

Предлагаемый сборник упражнений для практических занятий по английскому языку может быть использован преподавателями, родителями и студентами.

Упражнение № 1

Расставить   пробелы.

  1. iamasinger
  2. heisawriter
  3. sheisateacher
  4. heisanengineer
  5. heisafamouspoet
  6. sheisagreatsinger
  7. heisanexcellentwriter
  8. heisagreatwriter
  9. sheisafamousdoctor
  1. Глагол to be в настоящем простом времени.
  2. Упражнение № 2

Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple.

  1. I ... from New York.
  2. ... they at home?
  3. What ... your name?
  4. I ... in the kitchen.
  5. You ... right.
  6. I ...a pupil.
  7. Do you have any idea where he ...?        
  8. ... you an engineer? - Yes, I ... .
  9. We ... interested in classical music.
  10. Where ... Fred?
  1. Артикли a, an, the.
  2. Упражнение № 3

Вставьте артикли a, an, the.

  1. ... moon is full tonight.
  2. ... dozen eggs.
  3. There was ... accident yesterday.
  4. Peter is ... lorry driver.
  5. He was doing ninety miles ... hour.
  6. We went by train to ... west of England.
  7. ... earth is round.
  8. ... apple ... day keeps the doctor away.
  9. Fear has ... quick ear.
  10. They crossed ... Atlantic Ocean.
  1. Множественное число существительных.
  2. Упражнение № 4

Вставьте существительные во множественном числе.

  1. I met six pretty ... (woman).
  2. Our ... (mouse) are very nice.
  3. I know tall ... (man).
  4. I saw three ... (tree).
  5. My ... (foot) hurt.

       6.    We saw ... (sheep) in the field.

       7.    Her ... (child) are very clever.

       8.    I like ... (fruit).

       9.   We saw seven ... (goose) in the street.

      10.  My uncle has many ... (ox).

  1. Местоимения (a) little, (a) few, much, many.
  2. Упражнение № 5

Вставьте (a) little, (a) few, much, many.

  1. I've got ... bread and we can do some toasts.
  2. I've got ... pencils so I can give one to you.
  3. How ... money did you pay for your dress?
  4. Let's have a snack I have ... time.
  5. There is not too ... space in my flat.
  6. He is very sociable he has ... friends.
  7. Do you spend ... time on your homework?

  1. There is / there are.
  2. Упражнение № 6

Вставить is, are.

There ___ a pet shop in my area.

___ there a swimming pool in your area?

Yes, there ___.

There ___ a lot of churches and cathedrals in London.

There ___ not any cafes behind our school.

What ___ there in Yakutsk?

There ___ a lot of museums and theatres.

  1. Упражнение № 7

Вставить is, are.

___ there any interesting museums in our town?

Yes, there ___.

How many rooms ___ there in your house?

There ___ five rooms in my new house.

___ there a church in your town?

No, there ___ not.

What ___ there in Yakutsk?

There ___ many theatres in our capital

  1. Упражнение № 8

Вставить is, are.

There ___ a church in the centre of the town.

There ___ not the Natural History Museum in the capital of the         


There ___ four pet shops in our area.

There ___ a lot of theatres and cinemas in the capital of Russia.

  1. Упражнение № 9

Напишите по одному вопросу к предложениям.

There is a large lake in the village.

There are many cathedrals in the capital of Russia.

There is a school in my area.

There are a lot of villages in our republic.

  1. Упражнение № 10

Напишите краткий и полный ответы.

Are there children in the classroom?

Is there a telephone in the room?

Are there any theatres in our city?

Is there a computer class in your school?

  1. Упражнение № 11


В центре города есть 2 музея.

В школе есть столовая.

В моем районе есть один бассейн.

В столице России есть много церквей.

  1. Степени сравнения прилагательных.
  2. Упражнение № 12

Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.

Good, comfortable, dry, fat, dirty, big, convenient, high, popular.

Переведите прилагательные на английский язык и подберите к ним антонимы.

Высокий, маленький, старый, сильный, дорогой, быстрый.

  1. Упражнение № 13

Вставьте прилагательное в правильной степени сравнения.

  1. Coffee is ... (strong) than tea.
  2. Juice is ... (good) than Coke.
  3. “My heart will go on” is ... (charming) song I have ever sung.
  4. It’s ...(easy) to forgive it.
  5. The Great Britain  is ... (small) than Greenland.
  6. It is ... (far) than school.
  7. She is ... (beautiful) than Kelly.
  8. He is ... (old) than Jude.
  9. This book is the ... (interesting) book in the world.
  10. Today I am ... (happy) than yesterday.
  1. Упражнение № 14

Вставьте вместо точек прилагательные в нужной форме.

My old house is large but new house is ... .

Linda’s car is fast but her new car is ... .

My uncle is clever but my aunt is ... .

Henry is tall but his friend is ... in the group.

I am ... man in the world (happy).

Her dress is ... than your dress (expensive).

  1. Упражнение № 15

Travelling by plane is – than travelling by train (expensive).

This girl is – in our class (fast).

My house is high but your house is -.

Tatiana Ovsienko is popular but Philip Kirkorov is -.

She is – than you (old).

She is – in our group (tall).

  1. Упражнение № 16

Напишите время словами.

2:30, 12:15, 15:45, 2:00, 14:15, 3:05, 11:55, 8:35.

  1. Предлоги места.
  2. Упражнение № 17

Опишите класс, вставляя предлоги места.

This is a classroom. There are two windows ___ the classroom. Тhere are many flowers ___ the windows. There are many desks ___ the classroom.  ___ the desks there are some lamps. There is a blackboard ___ the desks. It is ___ the wаll. There is a shelf ___ the classroom.  There is  a TV set ___ the shelf.  There is our teacher’s table ___ the shelf and the desks. ___ there is a door. There is a chair ___ the blackboard.

(Under, on the right, on, in, in front of, in the middle of, in the corner of, between, above.)

  1. Настоящее простое время.
    Упражнение № 18

Вставьте глаголы в нужной форме.

They … in the seventh form (to be).

My uncle … English very well (to speak).

John … not … (to watch TV).

Helen … not … breakfast (to have).

We … two lessons on Monday (to have).

He … got five toys (to have).

  1. Упражнение № 19

Вставьте do, does.

… you speak English well? Yes, I … .

… your brother get up at 8 o’сlock? No, he … not.

Sarah … not go to bed at 9 o’сlock.

How many lessons … you have today?

What subjects … they like?

  1. Упражнение № 20

Сделайте предложения отрицательными.

They are good at English.

She comes home at 8 o'сlock.

His name is Freddie.

I wash my face every morning.

Упражнение № 21

Составьте вопросы.

  1. you, do, get up, when?
  2. is, good, at, Geography, who?
  3. is, what, name, your?
  4. goes, who, to bed, at 10 o’сlock?
  5. she, where, live, does?
  6. his, birthday, when, is?
  7. old, are, you, how?
  1. Упражнение № 22

Составьте вопросы.

  1. Ann, TV, watch, when, does?
  2. often, feeds, who, cat, the?
  3. book, favourite, your, what, is?
  4. old, she, how, is?
  5. does, Peter, where, live?
  6. is, her, name, what?
  7. books, does, what, Mary, read?
  1. Упражнение № 23

Вставьте глаголы в нужной форме.

We ... in the fifth form (to be).

My mother ... very well (to cook).

My uncle ... not ... (to work).

John ... not ... lunch (to have).

Her favorite subject ... Biology (to be).

They ... not ... six children (to have).

She ... got three lessons on Saturday (to have).

  1. Упражнение № 24

Вставьте do, does.

... you read an interesting book? Yes, I ... .

... your sister wash her face every morning? Yes,  she … .

Paul … not have Russian today.

What subjects … you like?

How many words … Ann know?

  1. Упражнение №25

Сделайте предложения отрицательными.

He usually reads detective stories.

We are in the seventh form.

She goes to school every day.

He is a good boy.

  1. Упражнение № 26

Составьте вопросы из слов.

  1. his, when, birthday, is?
  2. is, good, who, Mathematics, at?
  3. do, the, have, when, supper, Browns?
  4. goes, who, to school, at 10 o’clock?
  5. they, do, get up, when?
  6. is, good, at, who, History?  
  7. they, where, spend, usually, do, summer?
  1. Упражнение № 27

Составьте вопросы.

  1. you, TV, watch, when, do?
  2. often, walks, who, dog, the?
  3. subject, favorite, your, what, is?
  4. old, he, how, is?
  5. does, he, where, live?
  6. is, her, name, what?
  7. books, do, what, they, read?
  8. your, when, birthday, is?
  9. is, good, who, Geography, at?
  10. does, she, have, when, dinner?
  11. goes, who, to bed, at 10 o’clock?
  12. you, do, get up, when?
  13. is, good, at, who, English?        

Настоящее совершенное время

Упражнение № 28

Поставьте слова в скобках в настоящем совершенном времени .

  1. Jane _____ her project in Geography. (to finish, already)
  2. Steve _____ a new computer programme. (to develop, just)
  3. Levis _____ a new model of an airplane. (to make, already)
  4. Sandy _____ a new article for a school newspaper. (to write, already)
  5. Walter _____ his project in Physics. (not to make , yet)
  6. Our football team _____ the last game. (not to win)
  7. Mary _____ a prize in a running competition. (to get)
  8. Nick _____ a new pen for test writing. (to invent)
  1. Упражнение № 29

Задайте  вопросы  в настоящем совершенном времени.

 Example: Have you ever been to the hottest place in the  world?

   you ever (to be) to the hottest place in the world?

  1. you ever (to swim) in winter?
  2. you ever (to polish) your shoes with a toothbrush?
  3. you ever (to catch) a crocodile?
  4. you ever (to swim) in a river?
  5. you ever (to have) a dog?

6.    you ever (to cook) dinner?

  1. Упражнение № 30

Поставьте глаголы в настоящем совершенном времени.

  1. I (to clean) the room.
  2. He (to read) this book.
  3. We (to play) football.
  4. They (to see) three films.
  5. He (to be) to America.
  6. They (to eat) bananas.
  7. I (to send) a message.
  8. He (to come) home.
  9. She (to translate) two texts.
  10. I (to phone) Tom.
  1. Упражнение № 31

Поставьте глаголы в настоящем совершенном времени. Добавьте наречия: just, already, this  afternoon, today, this year, yet.

  1. I (to clean) _____ the room (already).
  2. He (to read) _____ this book (just).
  3. We (to play) _____ football (this afternoon).
  4. They (to see) _____ three films (today).
  5. He (to be) ____ to America (this year).
  6. They (to eat)_____ bananas (already).
  7. I (to send) _____ a message (just).
  8. He (not to come) _____ home (yet).
  9. She (to translate) _____ two texts (today).
  10. I (not to phone) _____ Tom (yet).

Прошедшее простое время.

  1. Упражнение № 32

Вставьте глагол to be в прошедшем простом времени.

  1. The house ... not clean.
  2. They ... not in the yard.
  3. I ... at home.
  4. She ... hungry.
  5. There ...dirty dishes on the table.
  6. I ...not ill.
  7. He ... old.
  8. Her children ... at school.
  9. I ... very angry yesterday.
  10. There ... not even bread in the house!
  1. Упражнение № 33

Глаголы в скобках поставьте в простом прошедшем времени.

It (to be) one of the greatest cities in Europe. It’s a beautiful city. A lot of tourists visit it. It is very popular. It (to be) one of the richest and most famous cities of Britain. The Vikings (to come) there a thousands years ago. Then they (to make) the city. It (to be) the capital of the North of England. The city is the home of the National Railway Museum. It (to be) a busy international port. Traders (to travel) to the Caspian and Black Seas, to Scandinavia.

  1. Упражнение № 34

Напишите 3 формы глаголов:

To wear, to be, to go, to eat, to find, to do, to spend, to buy, to make, to drink, to write, to read, to come, to see.

  1. Упражнение № 35

Напишите глаголы в прошедшем простом времени.

To look, to dance, to watch, to help, to live, to travel, to develop, to invade, to link.

  1. Упражнение № 36

Вставьте was/ were

There – one window in my room. There – white curtains on the window. Under the window there – a desk. There – a vase on it. There – three roses in the vase. To the right of the window there – a lamp. In front of the window there – a chair.  On the wall behind the computer there – a calendar. There – a picture between the lamp and the door. There – a lamp above the picture. There – a bed near the wall. There –pillows on the bed.

  1. Упражнение № 37  

Вставьте was/were

The weather … fine. The boy … angry and hungry. Ann and Fill … in hospital because they … ill. Yesterday she … at the theatre. Last week they … in the library. He … a teacher.

  1. Прошедшее простое, прошедшее совершенное время.
  2. Упражнение № 38

Раскройте глаголы в скобках в  прошедшем простом, прошедшем совершенном времени.

When Horatio Nelson (to be) 12, he (to go) to work with his uncle. In 1772 he (to sail) to the Arctic. He (to travel) to Canada and America before he (to become) the captain of the Agamemnon. Before he (to lose) his right eye in the battle near Corsica he (to become) the captain of the Agamemnon. In 1797 he (to lose) his arm in the battle near Tenerife. Before he (to win) the battle of Trafalgar he (to go) to Spain. In 1805 he (to die).

  1. Настоящее простое, настоящее продолженное, настоящее совершенное, прошедшее простое, прошедшее совершенное, будущее простое время.
  2. Упражнение № 39

Определите время.

  1. I have already written a letter to my grandparents.
  2. He wrote a historical book in 2001.
  3. We have just heard about a famous English writer.
  4. He heard about this concert yesterday.
  5. I have never seen this woman.
  6. She saw her classmate three days ago.
  7. They have already been at the National Theatre.
  8. I was at the Natural History Museum last week.
  9. Helen read “Adventures of Tom Sawyer” last year.
  10. We have never read this magazine.
  1. Упражнение № 40

Определите время

  1. Pupils have examinations once a year.
  2. He had become the captain of his first ship before he travelled to Canada.
  3. Horatio Nelson won the battle of Trafalgar.
  4. I am learning English words now.
  5. I have not seen you for ages.
  6. We shall buy many toys.
  1. Упражнение № 41

Определите время

  1. He had lost his arm in the battle before he went to Spain.
  2. She is raising money for the blind at this moment.
  3. I have already done my homework.
  4. We visit the swimming pool twice a week.
  5. There will be a storm tomorrow.
  6. Elizabeth II became queen in 1952.
  1. Упражнение № 42

Определите время

  1. She spent her holidays at the seaside.
  2. Chemistry is very interesting.
  3. We are doing experiments in the laboratory now.
  4. I shall take part in the concert.
  5. He has just got A’s in physics.
  6. They had done two difficult physical exercises before they listened to the tape- recorder.
  1. Страдательный залог.
  2. Упражнение №43

Выберите правильный перевод.

  1. She was sent a fax.
  1. Она послала факс.
  2. Ей пришлют факс.
  3. Ей послали факс.
  1. They were told an interesting story.
  1. Они рассказали интересную историю.
  2. Им рассказали интересную историю.
  3. О них была рассказана интересная история.
  1. We were shown a film.
  1. Фильм будет показан нам.
  2. Мы показали фильм.
  3. Нам показали фильм.
  1. Sasha was offered help.
  1. Саша предложил помощь.
  2. Саше предложили помощь
  3. Помощь будет предложена Саше.
  1. I was promised a trip to England.
  1. Мне обещали поездку в Англию.
  2. Я обещала поездку в Англию.
  3. Они обещали поездку в Англию.
  1. He will be asked a lot of questions.
  1. Он задаст много вопросов.
  2. Ему задали много вопросов.
  3. Ему зададут много вопросов.
  1. Упражнение № 44

Вставьте глагол в нужной форме.

  1. Water (to be) polluted.
  2. Animals (to be) disturbed.
  3. Litter (to be) thrown away.
  4. Forests (to cut) down.
  5. Wildlife (to be) destroyed.
  6. Air (to be) polluted.
  1. Упражнение № 45

Вставьте форму глагола to be.

  1. They – told to protect wildlife.
  2. He – asked to throw away litter.
  3. I – allowed to organize environment group.
  4. Our class – asked to collect metal.
  5. The Browns – told not to disturb animals.
  6. Mary, Peter and I – asked not to leave litter.
  1. Упражнение № 46

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в страдательном залоге.

  1. We (to tell) to take litter home.
  2. They (to ask) to be quiet.
  3. I (to ask) to raise money.
  4. He (to allow) to feed birds.
  5. Mary (to tell) to water flowers.
  1. Упражнение № 47

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в страдательном залоге.

  1. Bob (to ask) not to leave an exercise- book at home.
  2. He (to tell) to learn English well.
  3. Ted and Diana (to allow) to recycle paper.
  4. I (to ask) not to cut down the tree.
  5. You (to allow) to care for wild animals.
  1. Упражнение №48

Поставьте глагол в страдательном залоге.

  1. The forest (to destroy).
  2. Nature (to damage).
  3. Birds (to disturb).
  4. Animals (to hurt).
  5. Water (to pollute).
  6. Trees (to cut) down to make new paper.
  1. Косвенная речь в настоящем простом времени.
  2. Упражнение №49

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

  1. Kate: “Our form teacher is ill. We won’t go to the library.”
  2. John: “I am good at Biology. I get only A’s and B’s”
  3. Linda: “I am a new pupil. I don’t know anyone in the class.”
  4. Ann: “My father is strict but fair.”
  5. Robert: “We shall do interesting projects.”
  6. Mother: “Sveta, pass me the salt, please.”
  7. Olga: “I shall go to the cinema.”
  8. The policeman: “Cross the street here, children.”
  9. The teacher: “Children, don’t talk at the lesson.”
  10. Bob: “I can swim in the river.”
  11. Tom: “Helen, how many lessons do you have on Tuesday?”
  12. Jane: “Kate, bring the plates, please.”
  13. Mother: “Ben, how many spoons are there on the table?”
  14. Dan: “Do not open this box!”
  15. Harry: “Don’t watch TV.”
  1. Упражнение № 50

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

  1. Bob says: “I am glad to be back to school. I shall see my  friends every day.”
  2. Marry says: “I am looking forward to school. I shall get a lot of information.”
  3. Peter: “Oh no. I’m not glad to be back to school. I’ll have to do my homework.”
  4. Helen: “I’m nervous because I have a new teacher in Literature.”
  5. Sam: “I’m sure I’ll be good at English.”
  1. Упражнение № 51

 Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

  1. Ann says: “Mike, do you  want to take my ball?”
  2. My aunt says: “Do you take my dress?”
  3. She says: “Please, take me to the USA with you.”
  4. “Bob, don’t forget to take my book.”, says Natalie
  5. “Call me when you will go to the chess club.” says Helga.
  1. Герундий
  2. Упражнение № 52

Составьте предложения.

  1. my, tennis, is, playing, hobby.
  2. them, by, morally, disabled, she, people, helps, supporting.
  3. people, like, giving, a helping,  hand, to poor, we.
  4. my, looks, sister, after, orphans, them, visiting, by.
  5. organizing, time, a good, for, it’s, concerts.
  1. Упражнение № 53

Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык.

  1. Перестаньте разговаривать!
  2. Я ненавижу слушать рэп.
  3. Он, наконец, бросил курить.
  4. Джейн любит читать сказки.
  5. Эту книгу стоит прочитать.
  1. Упражнение № 54

Составьте предложения

  1. like, the sun, I, in, sitting.
  2. boating, go, let’s.
  3. house, she, now, in, enjoys, a beautiful, living, new.
  4. eating, sweets, I, like, don’t.
  5. needs, the machine, cleaning!
  1. Наречия
  2. Упражнение №55

Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. I know English (good, well).
  2. It’s not (good, well) for you.
  3. He speaks (angry, angrily).
  4. They lived (happy, happily).
  5. It’s a very (serious, seriously) thing.
  6. The sea was (quiet, quietly).
  7. He is (dangerous, dangerously) ill.
  8. The ice is (dangerous, dangerously).
  9. I wrote a dictation (bad, badly).
  10. It is not (bad, badly).
  1. Упражнение №56

Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. He walked (slow, slowly) under crocodile.
  2. She felt (happy, happily).
  3. The sun shines (bright, brightly).
  4. It’s (near, nearly) 5 o’clock.
  5. His English is (fair, fairly) good

Test  1

  1. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
  1. My classmate (live / lives / to live) near my house.
  2. Her sister’s name (am / is / are) Sarah.
  3. We (like to fish / likes fishing / like fishing).
  4. He (enjoy reading / enjoys reading / enjoy to read).
  5. Anna hates (cook / cooking / to cook) an Italian pizza.
  1. Вставьте артикли: a, an, если необходимо.
  1. Would you like ... oranges?
  2. Please, give me ... tea.
  3. She is ... singer.
  4. They are ... famous.
  5. I read ... historical book.
  6. I think it is ... good magazine.
  1. Переведите предложения.
  1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  2. He teaches me to speak and read English.
  3. They will buy a big bicycle.
  4. I hate doing gymnastics.
  5. It’s important to play sports.
  6. I would like to go home.
  7. I am afraid of ghosts.
  1. Test  2

Вариант  I.

  1. Вставьте формы глагола to be.
  1. I ... 10 years old.b) My name ... Ann.c) I ... from Yakutsk.d) It ... in Russia.e) My friends ... from England. f)They ... English.

      2.Вставить  артикль а или аn, если необходимо.

                     a)    I like ... interesting magazines.

  1. We speak ... English.
  2. I am …pupil.
  3. You are ... Scottish writer.
  4. It is ... fantasy tale.
  5. They are ... great singers.
  6. He is ... Irish poet.

      3.Вставьте have или has.

a)I ... got a brother. b) My brother ... got two parrots.c) We ... got many  toys.d) Our mother ... not got toys.e) She ... got two wonderful sons.

      4.Раскройте скобки.

a)My friend ...doing gymnastics (to enjoy).

b)We ... playing tennis (to hate).

c)I ... cooking (to hate).

d)She ... playing the piano (to enjoy).

e)Kate ... doing yoga (to like).

     5.Переведите предложения.

a) Я могу плавать.

b) Он может играть в дартс.

c) Они умеют готовить.

  1. Test 2

Вариант II.

1. Вставьте формы глагола to be.

a) This ... a boy. b) His name ... Tom. c) He ... from Yakutsk. d)It ... in     Russia. e)His friends ... from Ireland. f) They ... Irish.

2. Вставьте  артикль а или аn, если необходимо.

He likes ... interesting books.

She speaks ... English.

I am ... boy.

They are ... famous writers.

It is ... good book.

I am ... English singer.

You are ... American poet.

We like reading ... Russian tales.

3.Вставьте have или has.

This is Ann. She ... got a mother and a father. Her mother ... got a    

 cat. Her father ... got a car. They ... got many books. Ann ... got  

 many toys.

4.Раскройте скобки.

a)She ... playing the piano (to like).

b)We ... doing yoga (to enjoy).

c)I ... cooking (to like).

d)She ... speaking English (to enjoy).

e)Bob ... reading books (to hate).

5. Переведите предложения.

a)Я могу читать.

b)Мы умеем работать.

c)Она умеет делать гимнастику.

  1. Test 3

Вариант 1.

1.Дополните предложения,  выбрав соответствующие обстоятельства времени.

1)He is feeding a dog.

2)He feeds a dog.




d)at this moment

2.Выберите правильный перевод.

1)play the harp.

2)am playing the harp.

a)играю (сейчас)

b)играю (вообще)

3.Соотнесите русские и английские формы глаголов.

1)Я часто обедаю здесь.

2)Я сейчас обедаю.

a) have dinner

b) am having dinner

3)Он поет.

4)Он занят, сейчас он поет.

a)is singing


4.Задайте общие и специальные вопросы к следующим  


He is taking part in a horse race.

We often visit the British Museum.

5.Поставьте глаголы в скобках  к соответствующим  


a)We ... an English lesson now (have).

b)They usually ... Russian in the morning (have).

c)Our teacher ... on the blackboard at this moment (write).

d)Sometimes I ... to the radio (listen).

  1. Test 3

Вариант 2.

1.Соотнесите русские и английские формы глагола.

1)Он всегда ждет её здесь.

2)Сейчас 6 часов. Он ждет её.

a)is waiting


3)Она часто покупает фрукты.

4)Сейчас она покупает фрукты.

a) is buying

b) buys

5)Сейчас 12 часов. Она обедает.

6)Она обычно обедает в 12 часов.

a)has dinner

b)is having dinner

2.Задайте общие и специальные вопросы к следующим  


She usually listens to rock music.

We are singing folk songs.

Sometimes they have a competition at school.

3.Дополните предложения, выбрав соответствующие обстоятельства времени.

1)I am taking part

2)I take part

a) every day

b) now

c) sometimes

d) at this moment

4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующем времени.

a)I ... a magazine at this moment (read).

b)She usually ... part in a concert (take).

c)We ... a dog now (feed).

d)Sometimes they ... the piano (play).

  1. Test 4

Вариант 1.

1.Напишите  формулы прошедшего простого времени и  

 настоящего совершенного времени.

2.Выберите один правильный вариант.

I travelled round the world ...

a) before

b) now

c) last year

He has lived in Yakutsk ...

a) 2 years ago

b) at this moment

c) for five years

We have not written a songbook ...

a) yesterday

b) now

c) yet

He bought a picture of  Mickey ...

a) for 6 years

b) today

c) in 1928

She has won a competition ...

a) in summer


c) last winter

Они захватили Северную Англию в 793 году.

a) have invaded


c) are invading

Йорк стал столицей в 866 году.

a) has become

b) becomes

c) became

Они развивали международную торговлю много лет назад.

a) develop

b) developed

c) have developed

Я уже съел ягоды.

a) am eating

b) have eaten

c) ate  

3.Вставьте правильный вариант.

Long ago men ... tunics and trousers.

a) wear

b) have worn

c) wore

In winter they ... on the rivers.

a) have skate

b) skated

c) skate

I ... never ... England.

a) have visited

b) visited

c) visit

How long ... to America?

a) were you

b) have you been

c) are

I ... here for a week.

a) was

b) have been

c) am

We ... part in a competition yesterday.

a) have taken

b) take

c) took

He ...already…a letter.

a) writes

b)has written

c) wrote

I ...  here since Monday.

a) was

b) haven’t been

4.Составьте общие вопросы.

1)We bought a new car last week.

2)I saw this film 2 years ago.

3)Gagarin was the first man in the space.

4)They have already planned the holiday.

5)They were popular actors.

6)He has never met this man.

5. Переведите предложения.

1)He was a great Russian traveller.

2)We have taken part in a competition since June.

3)Sam spent a week in Britain.

4)I have already bought a new house.

5)Have you ever been to Britain?

  1. Test 4

Вариант 2.

1.Напишите  формулы прошедшего простого времени и  

настоящего совершенного времени.

2. Выберите один правильный ответ

They brought their traditions ...

a) now

b) for an hour

c) since

              d) many years ago

She has done her homework ...

a) two days ago

b) today

c) at this moment  

Я только что купил эту книгу.

a) have bought

b) bought

c) buy

Они построили дом давно.

a) are building

b) built

c) have built

3.Вставьте правильный вариант

Helen ... school in June.

a) finished

b) has  finished

I ... never ... to Canada.

a) have been

b) was

How long ... you ... there?

a) have been

b) were

I ... there for 2 hours.

a) was

b) have been

Where ... they yesterday?

a) have been

b) were

He ... at the Black Sea since August.

a) has been

b) was

4. Составьте общие вопросы.

Tom went to Canada last year.

He has eaten Italian food.

Linda won a competition two years ago.

The actors were wonderful.

5. Переведите предложения.

1)Have you ever eaten Chinese food?

2)I have never seen this man.

3)He has written a book before.

4)We have just bought tickets.

  1. Test 5

Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive.

1. Дополните следующие предложения, выбрав соответствующие обстоятельства  времени из правой колонки.

1) He is flying over the Pacific Ocean        a) for two days

b) right now

c) every day

2) She learns new words         a) since morning

b) now

c) every day

3) He has been reading this magazine         a) every week

                                        b) now

                                        c) since 2 o’clock

4) We have seen her        a) just

b) yesterday

                        c) since evening

2. Соотнесите формы глагола с характеризующими их    


 1) to be V – ing                        a) Present Perfect

 2) to have been V – ing                b) Present Progressive

 3) to have V – ed, V3                c) Present Perfect Progressive

3. Соотнесите английскую форму глагола с правильным  

переводом на   русский язык

1) eat                        a) съел (уже)

2) am eating                b) ем (уже час, с 2 часов)

3) have been eating        c) ем (сейчас)

4) have eaten                d) eм (вообще)

4. Из правой колонки выберите ту форму глагола, которую следует употребить при переводе следующих предложений.

1) Я изучаю английский  уже 7 лет.        a) study

                                        b) am studying

                                        c) have been studying

 2) Она читает по-английски хорошо.        a) is reading

b) reads

                                        c) has been reading

3) Не мешайте Кате. Она учит английские слова.        a) learns

                                                b) has been learning

c) is learning

4) Они нарисовали картину.                a) have been painting

b) have painted

c) painted

5. Раскройте скобки.

 1) I (write) a story now

 2) I (write) a story for 2 years since the fifth form.

 3) I (write) a story every month.

 4) I (write) already a story.

6.Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам или начните предложения с вопросительных  слов в скобках.

 1)  He  has been reading a book for 2 hours. (How long)

 2)  They  are going to Atlanta at the moment.

 3) He doesn’t play football. (What)

 4) Her uncle is a pilot.

 5) We have been to Wales this summer.

  1. Test 6

1.Переведите. Объясните, почему в предложениях

 употреблено Past Perfect.

1) Jane had visited all her classmates by the end of her winter  


2) John had come home before it began to rain.

3) He said that he had already been to America.

4) My friend had repaired his TV set by the end of the month.

2.Соедините 2 предложения, изменив союз then на союз указанный в скобках.

Example:         Mrs. Garrett made a cake. Then the guests came. (before)

Mrs. Garrett had made a cake before the guests came.

1) Everybody sang “Happy Birthday”. Then Natalie blew out

 the candles on the cake. (after)

2) Rose invited Mike to her birthday party. Then he went to a  

gift shop. (after)

3) He was very ill. Then he died. (before)

4) They had dinner. Then Betty came. (when)

5) I fastened my seat –belt. Then the plane took off. (when)

6) Ann’s parents bought a car. Then they gave it to her. (after)

3.Ответьте на вопросы, употребив Past Perfect или Past  


 Example: Why did Sasha visit America? (because, the Garrets, invited, him)

Sasha visited America, because the Garrets had invited him.

1) When did she arrive? (after, they, go)

2) When did he lock the car? (after, he, park, it)

3) Why did John sell his car? (because, his friend, offer him a  

 good price)

4) Why didn’t she call us? (because, she, lose, our phone number)

5) When did he start reading this book? (after, he, see, film)

4.Переведите на английский язык.

1) Она распаковала чемодан после того, как приехала в отель.

2) После того как он посмотрел фильм, он пошёл спать.

3) Она позвонила родителям после того, как купила


4)Миссис Гэрэт прочитала письмо после того, как  

 почтальон принёс почту.

5. Выберите глагол (to make,  to buy, to paint, to clean, to do)

 и вставьте его в нужной форме.

1)Mrs. Garrett----------- a cake before Natalie arrived.

2)The Garretts ---------- Natalie a birthday present by her birthday.

3)Peter ---------- the picture by the end of the year.

4)She ---------- the room before the guests arrived.

5)She ---------- dinner after she ---------- the shopping.

  1. Test 7

Вариант 1

1. Задайте общие вопросы.

1) I have got Biology on Monday.

2) We help each other.

3) My classmate is polite.

4) Boys never argue.

5) Mary quarrels with her brother.

2.Составьте сложные предложения, соединив правую и левую колонки.

1) We became friends                a) if he promises something

2) If we have arguments                b) if I ask something

3) If she has something to say to us           c) we are sorry afterwards

4) I always say “Please”                d) when we were 10

5) He keeps his word                 e) she says it straight

3. Раскройте скобки.

1) They (to have) English yesterday.

2) I (to meet) my friend tomorrow.

3) Mandy (to be) a good president.

4) Kate (to have) a dog.

5) The weather (to be going) to be fine next Saturday.


Ленивый, общительный, умный, добрый, честный, вежливый,

любящий командовать, злой.

  1. Test 7

Вариант 2

1. Задайте общие вопросы.

1) I’ve got a lot of friends.

2) We work a lot.

3) My friend is very sociable.

4) Girls often chatter about their friends.

5) Tom fights with his brother.

2.Составьте сложные предложения, соединив правую и    

 левую колонки.

1) If  we have quarrels                a) when he was 5

2) We started to play tennis        b) if she asks about something

3) He learned to read                c) if she looks upset

4) She always says “Please”        d) we are sorry afterwards

5) I try to help her                e) when we were 10

3.Раскройте скобки

1) We (to see) the film yesterday.

2) She (to be) not right.

3) They (to arrive) at 6 p.m. tomorrow.

4) My family (to have) a good time.

5) The weather (to be going )to be fine next Sunday

4. Переведите.

Застенчивый, ленивый, полезный, неопрятный, общительный, бодрый, грустный, любящий командовать, тихий, осторожный, умный, глупый, забавный, добрый, честный, приятный, послушный, вежливый, жадный.

5. Закончите предложения.

1) He gives his bicycle because he is … .

2) Don’t ask him to give you this book, he won’t because he is … .

3) She’s …, she easily makes friends.

4) They are …, they smile and talk all time.

5) My Dad gives orders to everybody in the family, he’s … .

  1. Test 8

1.Выберите правильный перевод.

He is asked to save animals.

а) Он просит спасти животных.

b) Его попросили спасти животных.

с) Его просят спасти животных.

They are allowed to feed birds.

а) Они позволяют кормить птиц.

b) Им позволяют кормить птиц.        

с) Им позволили кормить птиц.

The air is polluted.

а) Воздух загрязняет.

b) Воздух загрязнился.

с) Воздух загрязняется.

Trees are cut down.

а) Деревья вырубили.

b) Деревья вырубят.

с) Деревья вырубают.

2.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в страдательном залоге.

а) The climate (to change).

b) Animals (to hurt).

с) Litter (to throw) away in the river.

d) Plastic bottles (to recycle).

e)The Popovs (to ask) to plant trees.

f) John (to allow) to organize environment group.

3. Переведите с русского на английский язык.

a) Его просят собирать бумагу.

b) Нам говорят собирать пластиковые бутылки.

c) Мне позволяют кормить животных

d) Их просят не бросать мусор.

e) Меня просят не ломать деревья.

f) Ему говорят не беспокоить животных.

g) Им позволяют перерабатывать банки.

h) Их просят не оставлять мусор в лесу.

  1. Test 9

1. Напишите как меняется сказуемое при согласовании времен:

Direct speech                                                                    Reported Speech

Present Simple

Present Progressive

Present Perfect

Present Perfect Progressive

Past Simple

Future Simple

Future Progressive

2.Укажите, какими словами следует заменить обстоятельства места, времени и указательные местоимения при переводе прямой речи в косвенную:

Прямая речь                                                                   Косвенная речь






Next week

Last night

Last year

This/ these

3.Переделайте слова Лены в косвенную речь, начиная главное предложение словами:

Lena  said that …

I am Russian

I am going to do my homework

Last summer I visited London

I will be here for 5 months

4. Переведите в косвенную речь.

1. They tell John, “Please, don’t come home late”.

2. She reminds, “I don’t watch the news”.

3. “Is he travelling by train?” Alison says.

4. “Will he come on Monday or on Tuesday?” mother says to me.

5. “When did they write it?” Jack says to Kate.

  1.                                 Тексты
  2. Упражнение № 57


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) occupies all the territory of the British Isles. It consists of four main parts which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of the state which sometimes referred to as Great Britain or Britain, England or British Isles. But there is one more name: Albion. Alba in Latin means white, and the name Albion remains to this day.

The population of the UK is nearly 59 million people. The population lives mostly in towns and cities and their suburbs. Four out of every five people live in towns. English is the only language people use in the UK. English is the official language. Besides standard literary English there are many regional and social dialects.

  1. Упражнение № 58

Вставьте пропущенные слова


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK) – all the territory of the British Isles. It – of four main parts which are -, - , - and -. Their capitals are - , - , - and -.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the - - of the state which sometimes referred to as Great Britain or Britain, England or British Isles. But there is one more name: - . Alba in Latin - white, and the name Albion - to this day.

             The - of the UK is nearly 59 million people. The population lives mostly in towns and - and their - . - - of every five people live in towns. English is the only language people - in the UK. English is the - - . Besides standard literary English there are many regional and social - .

official language

London                 cities                 means

Four                                 out                             Albion        
    use                  Belfast                      Cardiff                             population       consists

occupies           Wales                           official name

suburbs           Northern Ireland                                England         remains

Scotland                                                          dialects                      Edinburgh

  1. Упражнение № 59


London is the capital of England. It is its political and business centre. More than seven million people live there. The heart of London is the City. It is the oldest part of London. There are many banks and other officers there too. You can visit some interesting places in the City. One of them is the Tower of London. The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, and a prison. Now it is the museum. You can see many interesting things in the halls of the White Tower. Its square walls are white and tall. William the Conqueror built it in the 11- th century. There are also black ravens in the Tower of London. People look after them very well as they believe that London will be rich while ravens live there.

One of the greatest English churches, St. Paul’s Cathedral, is not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17- th century after the Great Fire.  It is a beautiful building with many columns and towers. In one of its towers there is one of the largest bells in the world.

The centre of London is Trafalgar Square. It is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of the square stands a tall column. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson. Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument. Also you can see the National Gallery, which is one of the best picture galleries of the world. Every day many tourists visit this fine building with tall columns.

  1. Упражнение № 60

Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. What is the capital of England?
  2. How many people live there?
  3. What are there in the City?
  4. What is the City?
  5. What can you visit in the City?
  6. What was the Tower of London?
  7. What is it now?
  8. What can you tell me about the White Tower?
  9. Why do people look after the ravens?
  10. Where is St. Paul’s Cathedral?
  11. Who built St. Paul’s Cathedral?
  12. When did he build it?
  13. What is the most beautiful place in London?
  1. Упражнение № 61

Вставьте пропущенные слова.


London is the - - - . It is its - - - centre. More than - million - live there. The heart of London is the -. It is - - - of London. There are many - and other - there too. You can visit - - - in the City. One of them is - - - - . The Tower of London was a -, a - , and a prison. Now it is the museum. You can see many interesting things in the halls of the - -. Its square walls are white and tall. - - - built it in the 11- th century. There are also - - in the Tower of London. People - - them very well as they believe that London will be - while ravens live there.

 - of the - English churches, St. Paul’s - , is not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect Sir - - built it in the 17- th century after the Great Fire.  It is a beautiful - with many - and -. In one of its towers there is one of the largest - in the world.

 The centre of London is - - . It is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of the square stands a - -. It is a monument to - - . Four - - look at the square from the monument. Also you can see the - -, which is one of the best picture galleries of the world. Every day many tourists - this fine building with tall columns.

capital of England                 visit                Christopher Wren

bronze lions          political and business     seven, people        National Gallery,

City              tall column               the oldest part          building, columns, towers

some interesting places                Trafalgar Square              banks, officers

Admiral Nelson          fortress, palace           bells                    Cathedral

White Tower                                          look after,   rich          black ravens

      William the Conqueror    the Tower of London            one            greatest

  1. Упражнение № 62

English and American holidays.

There are some common holidays in Great Britain and the USA. Many of them have British origin and were brought to the new continent with the first settlers.

Let’s take Valentine’s Day. February 14 is a day when people express their affection for each other in gay and merry ways. Special greeting – cards in the form of a heart with verses or words of love are sent to people on that day. Halloween is celebrated on the 31 – st of October. It means “holy evening”. The holiday is connected with witches and ghosts. People put on strange costumes and pretend they are witches. They tell thrilling stories. They cut horrible face on pumpkins, put a candle inside and place this lantern on the window to frighten ghosts.

Christmas is the most important and merry festival of the year. Most families decorate their houses and put a Christmas tree. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas. But the most important one is the giving of presents.

Of course, there are many peculiar holidays in each country. English people celebrate Guy Fawkes Night on the 5 – th of November. In 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Still the British traditionally burn a guy on a bonfire on this day.

Since Lincoln’s time it has been the custom for the President of the USA to proclaim the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day. It was first celebrated in 1621 by the first settlers who had overcome many hardships.

The 4 – th of July is the American nation’s birthday. It honours the day in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was adopted. The country  of 13 states was given the name of  “The United States of America”.  

  1. Упражнение № 63

Вставьте пропущенные глаголы

English and American holidays.

There are some common holidays in Great Britain and the USA. Many of them have British origin and - -  to the new continent with the first settlers.

Let’s take Valentine’s Day. February 14 is a day when people - their affection for each other in gay and merry ways. Special greeting – cards in the form of a heart with verses or words of love - - to people on that day. Halloween is celebrated on the 31 – st of October. It means “holy evening”. The holiday is connected with witches and ghosts. People  - -  strange costumes and - they are witches. They tell thrilling stories. They cut horrible face on pumpkins, put a candle inside and place this lantern on the window to - ghosts.

Christmas is the most important and merry festival of the year. Most families decorate their houses and put a Christmas tree. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas. But the most important one is the giving of presents.

Of course, there are many peculiar holidays in each country. English people celebrate Guy Fawkes Night on the 5 – th of November. In 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to - - the Houses of Parliament. Still the British traditionally - a  guy on a bonfire on this day.

Since Lincoln’s time it has been the custom for the President of the USA to – the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day. It was first celebrated in 1621 by the first settlers who - - many hardships.

The 4 – th of July is the American nation’s birthday. It – the day in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence - -. The country of 13 states was given the name of  “The United States of America”.  

pretend                burn           frighten                blow up       are sent
had overcome         were brought              put on
proclaim                    honours
express                                              was adopted

  1. Упражнение № 64

Вставьте пропущенные существительные и прилагательные

English and American holidays.

There are some - holidays in Great Britain and the USA. Many of them have British - and were brought to the new continent with the first -.

Let’s take Valentine’s Day. February 14 is a day when people express their - - each other in gay and merry ways. Special greeting – cards in the form of a heart with - or words of love are sent to people on that day. Halloween is celebrated on the 31 – st of October. It means “holy evening”. The holiday is connected with witches and ghosts. People put on strange costumes and pretend they are -. They tell - -. They cut horrible face on pumpkins, put a candle inside and place this - on the window to frighten ghosts.

Christmas is the most important and merry festival of the year. Most families decorate their houses and put a Christmas tree. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas. But the most important one is the giving of presents.

Of course, there are many - holidays in each country. English people celebrate Guy Fawkes Night on the 5 – th of November. In 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Still the British traditionally burn a guy on a bonfire on this day.

Since Lincoln’s time it has been the custom for the President of the USA to proclaim the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day. It was first celebrated in 1621 by the first settlers who had overcome many -.

The 4 – th of July is the American nation’s birthday. It honours the day in 1776 when the - of - was adopted. The country of 13 states was given the name of “The United States of America”.

common             Independence        witches

thrilling stories     settlers             lantern

affection for                  peculiar         hardships        verses                         origin     Declaration

  1. Упражнение № 65

Составьте вопросы

  1. February, what, do, on, of, the, people, 14- th, do?
  2. day, what, to, people, is, on, sent, that?
  3. celebrated, is, Halloween, when?
  4. with, what, connected, is, it?
  5. Christmas, on, do, what, people, do?
  6. 1605, Guy Fawkes, did, do, what, in?
  7. the British, on, what, do, the, do, November, of, 14- th?
  8. Thanksgiving Day, do, people, when, celebrate, American?
  9. adopted, the Declaration, was, Independence, when, of?
  10. the, Day, do, when, people, American, celebrate, Independence?
  1. Упражнение № 66

English traditions.

Every country and every nation has its own traditions and customs. The British are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up.

There are numerous royal traditions in Britain, some are ancient, others are modern. Some ceremonies are rather formal, such as the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham palace, Trooping the Colour, the State opening of the Parliament. It seems strange but the Queen has two birthdays. She is the only person in Britain with two birthdays. The Queen’s actual birthday is celebrated on April 21-st.

The official birthday is on the second Saturday in June. This day is famous for a ceremony called Trooping the Colour, a beautiful parade of the Queen’s soldiers. At the front of the parade they carry the regiment’s flag or colour, in other words, they troop the colour.

The Queen’s Christmas speech is a modern custom. The Queen makes a speech on radio or TV. The speech is connected with the events of the past year.

There is a very special royal tradition. On the river Thames there are hundreds of swans.

Traditionally, a number of these beautiful large white birds belong to the Queen. In July, when the young swans are about two months the Queen’s swan – keeper marks them. This unusual custom is called swan-upping .

To this day a British family prefers a house with a fireplace and a garden to a flat in a modern house with central heating. Most British love gardens. People all over the world know the saying “The Englishman’s home is his castle”. They say that English people keep to their traditions even in meals. Englishmen are very fond of porridge. They eat porridge with milk and sugar for breakfast. The English are tea – drinkers. They usually drink tea with milk many times a day.

Some British traditions are strange, some are funny but they are all interesting.

Упражнение № 67

Соедините слова с их определением.

Custom                        a special flag of the country or a regiment.

To keep up                  something that is connected with a king, a    

queen or a member of their family.

Regiment                  means belonging to the distant past.

Colour                         you continue to do it and do not let it stop  

or end.

Royal                         a large group of soldiers usually under the  

command of a colonel.

Ancient                         traditional activity or festivity, especially

one that takes place at the same time  

every year.

Trooping the Colour         a large white bird with a long neck  

which often lives on rivers and  

lakes on which it swims.

A swan keeper                 a formal talk which someone gives to an  

audience, and which they have usually  

prepared in advance.


Speech                         a ceremony when soldiers carry a  

regiment’s flag in front of the

regiment, especially as part of a parade.

A swan                         a ceremony when soldiers change with

each other.

The Changing of the Guard         a custom when the Queen’s swan –  

keeper marks the young swans.

 Swan – upping                         a person who looks after swans.

  1. Упражнение № 68

Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. When does the Queen make a speech?
  2. What is the speech connected with?
  3. What are there on the Thames?
  4. Whom do these swans belong to?
  5. What does the Queen’s swam- keeper do?
  6. What does every country and every nation have?
  7. What are the British proud of?
  8. What ceremonies do you know?
  9. How many birthdays does the Queen have?
  10. When is the Queen’s actual birthday celebrated?
  11. When is the official birthday of the Queen?
  12. What is this day famous for?
  13. What does a British family prefer?
  14. What saying do people know?
  15. What are Englishmen fond of?
  16. What do they eat for breakfast?
  17. What do the English usually drink?

Упражнение № 69

Выберите правильный вариант.

1. What does paragraph 1 say about English traditions?

  1. Englishmen continue to remember their traditions.
  2. They try to forget their traditions.
  3. English people don’t know their traditions.

2. What facts about the Queen does the author make clear in  

 paragraph 2?

  1.  It is strange to have the Queen in the country.
  2.  The Queen was born in April.
  3.  Some people think the Queen is very strange.

3. What does paragraph 3 say about Trooping the Colour?

  1.  All soldiers carry flag of different colours at the parade.
  2.  The soldiers called The Queen on her birthday.
  3.  The soldiers carry the colour before the parade.

4. What does the author tell about the Queen’s Christmas

speech in paragraph 4?

  1.  In her speech the Queen talks about modern customs.
  2.  People in different countries listen to the Queen’s speech.
  3.  In her speech, the Queen makes it clear that there is a connection between all events of the year.

5. What does the Queen’s swan – keeper do according to

 paragraph 5?

  1. He takes care of the young swans for about two months.
  2. He gives special marks to the swans belonging to the Queen.
  3. He brings the young swans up the river Thames in a boat

from London to Henley .

6. What does the paragraph 6 say about English meals?

  1. English people  like to drink coffee very much.
  2. Englishmen are very fond of ice – cream.
  3. English people are considered to be great tea – drinkers and  they like eating porridge.
  1. Упражнение № 70

Вставьте пропущенные существительные

English traditions.

Every - and every - has its own traditions and customs. The British are proud of their - and carefully keep them up.

There are numerous - traditions in Britain, some are ancient, others are modern. Some ceremonies are rather -, such as the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham palace, Trooping the Colour, the State opening of the Parliament. It seems strange but the - has two birthdays. She is the only person in Britain with two -. The Queen’s actual birthday is celebrated on - 21 st.

The official birthday is on the second Saturday in -. This day is famous for a - called Trooping the Colour, a beautiful - of the Queen’s soldiers. At the front of the parade they carry the regiment’s flag or colour, in other words, they troop the colour.

The Queen’s Christmas speech is a modern -. The Queen makes a - on radio or TV. The speech is connected with the events of the past year.

There is a very special royal tradition. On the river Thames there are hundreds of -.

Traditionally, a number of these beautiful large white - belong to the Queen. In July, when the young swans are about two - the Queen’s swan – keeper marks them. This unusual - is called swan - upping.

To this day a British family prefers a - with a - and a garden to a flat in a modern house with central heating. Most British love -. People all over the world know the saying “The Englishman’s home is his - ”. They say that English people keep to their traditions even in -. Englishmen are very fond of -. They eat porridge with - and - for breakfast. The English are tea – drinkers. They usually drink - with - many times a day.

Some British traditions are -, some are  - but they are all - .

country                    April                                   ceremony                        gardens                       castle

nation             traditions                           birds                                  months

formal                    June                  parade                             speech                fireplace

Queen             birthdays                            custom                    house      royal                                   swans                                   custom                       meals          porridge             milk                   sugar                           tea                   milk                 strange          funny                                       interesting

  1. Упражнение № 71

Вставьте пропущенные глаголы

English traditions.

Every country and every nation - its own traditions and customs. The British  - - - their traditions and carefully  - them -.

- - numerous royal traditions in Britain, some are ancient, others are modern. Some ceremonies are rather formal, such as the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham palace, Trooping the Colour, the State opening of the Parliament. It - strange but the Queen has two birthdays. She is the only person in Britain with two birthdays. The Queen’s actual birthday - - on April 21-st.

The official birthday is on the second Saturday in June. This day - - - a ceremony called Trooping the Colour, a beautiful parade of the Queen’s soldiers. At the front of the parade they - the regiment’s flag or colour, in other words, they - the colour.

The Queen’s Christmas speech is a modern custom. The Queen – a speech on radio or TV. The speech - - with the events of the past year.

There is a very special royal tradition. On the river Thames - - hundreds of swans.

Traditionally, a number of these beautiful large white birds - to the Queen. In July, when the young swans are about two months the Queen’s swan – keeper - them. This unusual custom - - swan -  upping .

  To this day a British family - a house with a fireplace and a garden to a flat in a modern house with central heating. Most British - gardens. People all over the world  - the saying “The Englishman’s home is his castle”. They say that English people - to their traditions even in meals. Englishmen - very - - porridge. They - porridge with milk and sugar for breakfast. The English are tea – drinkers. They usually - tea with milk many times a day.

Some British traditions  -  strange, some are funny but they - all interesting.

are proud of            seems                     belong              are fond of

troop                               is connected            there are

keep up          is famous for                  prefers                       are

has                          is celebrated               makes          is called              love                       drink

there are           carry           marks                      know                   keep                eat                  are

  1. Упражнение № 72


People travel on business or for pleasure. Thousands of people spend their holidays travelling.

There are many ways of travelling: by air, sea, train, car. Travelling is very interesting and useful  because you get to know our beautiful nature and people. I always enjoy picturesque places, monuments of history and culture.

Many people prefer travelling by air as it is the most convenient, comfortable and quickest means of travelling. If you travel to Britain by air you will arrive in the southeast because the main passenger ports and airports are situated there. Heathrow Airport is the biggest airport in the UK and the busiest airport in the world. It is about 30 miles to the south. Heathrow has 28 million passengers a year and Gatwick has  about 10 million.

If you are not sea – sick you can travel by sea or a river. But this is the most expensive way of travelling.

A lot of people like to travel by train because they can look at passing villages, forests and fields through windows. Some people like to travel by car. There they can go as slowly or as fast as they like. They can stop when and where they want.

People who live in big cities use various means of communication to get from one place to another.

Do you know what means of communication Londoners use?  Londoners use the underground railway. They call it “the tube”. London’s underground is the oldest in the world. It was opened in 1863.

As for me I prefer travelling on foot. Fresh air does people a lot of good. You can climb a mountain, walk in a forest and enjoy the beauty of nature.

  1. Упражнение № 73

Ответьте на вопросы

  1. What ways of travelling do you know?
  2. What do you always enjoy?
  3. Why do people prefer travelling by air?
  4. What airports are situated in Britain?
  5. What is the biggest airport in the UK?
  6. How many people does Heathrow have?
  7. What can you tell me about travelling by sea?
  8. Why do people like to travel by train?
  9. What means of communication do Londoners use?
  1. Упражнение № 74

Вставьте пропущенные слова


People travel - business or for pleasure. Thousands of people - their holidays travelling.

There are many – of -: by air, sea, train, car. Travelling is very interesting and useful  because you  - - -our beautiful nature and people. I always enjoy - places,  - of  - and culture.

Many people prefer travelling by air as it is the most convenient, comfortable and quickest - - -. If you travel to Britain by air you will arrive in the southeast because the - - - and  - are situated there.  - - is the biggest airport in the UK and the busiest airport in the world. It is about 30 miles to the south. Heathrow has 28 million passengers a year and - has about 10 million.

If you are not - - you can travel by sea or a river. But this is the most - way of travelling.

A lot of people like to travel - - because they can look at passing villages, forests and fields through windows. Some people like to travel - -. There they can go - slowly or - fast - they like. They can stop - and - they want.

People who live in big cities use various - of - to get from one place to another.

Do you know what means of communication - use?  Londoners use the - -. They call it “the -”. London’s underground is the oldest in the world. It was opened in 1863.

As for me I prefer travelling - -. Fresh air does people a lot of good. You can - a mountain, walk in a forest and enjoy the beauty of -.

monuments                           main passenger ports              as                   when

on                   as                  ways                        airports                       by car

spend                          travelling               Gatwick                            expensive

picturesque                                means of travelling              by train           as                       where

get to know                  history                Heathrow Airport            sea – sick

means                 communication                            Londoners

on foot                               climb                                  nature

underground railway            tube

  1. Упражнение № 75

Составьте вопросы

  1. know, you, ways of travelling, what, do?
  2. you, enjoy, always, do, what?
  3. air, travelling, by, people, why, prefer, do?
  4. in, what, Britain, airports, are, situated?
  5. is, what, in the UK, the biggest, airport?
  6. have, how, many, does, Heathrow, people?
  7. tell, you, can, by sea, travelling, what, me, about?
  8. by, like, why, to travel, do, people, train?
  9. use, Londoners, what, do, means of communication?

  1. Упражнение № 76

Music In Our Life.

People all over the world are fond of music. They listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments.

There are a lot of different kinds of music. Some of them appeared long ago, and some are modern. For example, folk music appeared long ago but it is still alive. There are many local performers, choirs, and folk groups in Russia. Classical music is often associated with the music of the past. However, this style also includes music being written now. So we may speak of  modern classical music, too. Rap is a modern style where the singer speaks or shouts the words in time to music with a steady beat. Tastes differ. So people’s musical interests range from pop and rock music to classical music and opera.

My favourite style of music is pop music because it is breathtaking and full of energy. It helps to relax when I’m tired and entertains me when I’d like to have fun. My favourite group is “Ivanushki-international”. Their cheerful tunes made them popular and one of the most successful groups. When I have free time, I can’t help listening to their records.

It’s a pity that many young people like to listen only to modern music. As for me, I enjoy to listen to classical music, too. It gives me delight, pleasure and a sense of happiness. The music I hate is heavy metal. Though some young people are fond of this style of music, it is not to everyone’s taste. To my mind, too loud music can destroy our ears.

It goes without saying that music plays a very important role in people’s lives. It reflects our mood and emotions. Music appeals to our hearts and transforms our feelings. Besides, listening to music is the perfect way to spend free time and not to feel bored.

  1. Упражнение № 77

Вставьте пропущенные глаголы

Music In Our Life.

People all over the world - - - music. They - to music, they - to music, they - to play musical instruments.

- -  a lot of different kinds of music. Some of them - long ago, and some are modern. For example, folk music appeared long ago but it is still alive. There are many local performers, choirs, and folk groups in Russia. Classical music - often - with the music of the past. However, this style also - music being written now. So we - - of  modern classical music, too. Rap is a modern style where the singer - or - the words in time to music with a steady beat. Tastes differ. So people’s musical interests - from pop and rock music to classical music and opera.

My favourite style of music is pop music because it is breathtaking and full of energy. It - to -  when I’m tired and - me when I’d like to have fun. My favourite group is “Ivanushki-international”. Their cheerful tunes - them popular and one of the most successful groups. When I have free time, I - - listening to their records.

It’s a pity that many young people - to - only to modern musics. As for me, I - to - to classical music, too. It - me delight, pleasure and a sense of happiness. The music I - is heavy metal. Though some young people are fond of this style of music, it is not to everyone’s taste. To my mind, too loud music - - our ears.

It goes without saying that music - a very important role in people’s lives. It - our mood and emotions. Music - to our hearts and - our feelings. Besides, listening to music is the perfect way to - free time and not to - bored.

hate  can destroy       feel       plays     reflects                 appeals                spend               transforms

gives          are fond of                enjoy listen           dance        listen     learn           there are              can’t help                   includes

like         listen     appeared   made              is associated   may speak                  helps relax                  entertains

range        shouts        speaks

  1. Упражнение № 78


The United States of America is one of the greatest countries of the world, the superpower. It is a federal republic, a union of 50 states. The flag of the USA is called “Stars and Stripes”. In the USA the American   flag is a very important symbol of the country and is supposed to be treated with respect.

The USA is washed by two oceans: The Atlantic and the Pacific. Large seaports, such as New York and Boston have always played a very important part in economic and political development of the country.

The population of the USA is about 250 million people. Most of the people live in towns and cities or their suburbs. The main cities are situated at the Pacific and Atlantic coast. The largest cities of the USA are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Detroit, San Francisco. New York is America’s largest city, it is located on Manhattan island. It is a city of great beauty and it is also a leading cultural center.

The capital of the country is Washington D.C. with the population of about 500 thousands people. It stands on the Potomac river which divides Washington  D.C. into two parts.

         The American Bald Eagle is a national emblem, it symbolizes each individual’s independence and strength.

  Упражнение № 79

True or False

  1. The USA is a union of 30 states.
  2. The American flag is a very important symbol of the country.
  3. The USA is washed by 4 oceans.
  4. Most of the people live in towns and cities or their suburbs.
  5. New York is America’s largest city.
  6. The flag of the USA is called “Circles and Squares”.
  7. The capital of the country is Boston.
  8. Washington D.C. stands on the Potomac river.
  9. The Bald Eagle is a national emblem of England.

Упражнение № 80


Sport is a matter of national importance for every country. It serves to bring up strong and healthy people. “A sound mind in a healthy body”, the old proverb says.

            There are different kind of sport. Track- and- field athletics is justly considered to be the queen of sports. Wrestling, boxing and weight- lifting are called “heavy athletics”. Young people are especially keen on these kinds of sports. They have become popular with the women as well.

Water sports are also very popular. They are rowing, yachting, diving, water polo and all kinds of swimming. The competitions in swimming can be held all the year round due to indoor swimming- pools. As for me I am fond of swimming. It is a sport of courage and stamina. It is a sport that gives you many moments of joy and helps to keep you fit.

           Winter sports include skiing, sky- jumping, free style, speed skating, figure skating and others. All these sports are connected with ice and snow but artificial ice is also used. Figure skating has become the most popular kind of sports. It is fascinating and graceful as gymnastics is.

           Many people prefer sport games. Such games as football, hockey, basketball, baseball, tennis attract thousands of sport fans.

          There are two ways to enjoy sports: you may go in for sports or be a fan. Young people prefer to go in for sports. They have sport grounds, stadiums, courts, skating- rinks with modern facilities.

The world’s greatest sports international competitions are called the Olympic Games. They began in Ancient Greece. The modern  Olympic Games took place in Athens in 1896. The first winter Olympic Games were held in France  in 1924. Olympic Games are held every 4 years.

In conclusion I’d like to say that sport builds character. It teachers to win and to lose. It makes you strong, fast and patient.

  1. Упражнение № 81

Составьте вопросы

  1. importance, what, a matter, is, national ,of?
  2. do ,what, the, sport ,does?
  3. considered ,is,  what, to be, sports ,of, the ,queen?
  4. “heavy athletics”, called, what, is?
  5. the, year, all ,what, be ,can, held,round?
  6. include, do, what, sports, winter?
  7. sports, winter, are, connected, what, with?
  8. did, the, Olympic, when, Games, begin?
  9. did, take, the, when, modern, Games, Olympic, place?
  10. where, the, Games, did, Olympic, begin?
  11. held ,were, where, Games, winter, Olympic, the, first?
  12. are, Games, held, when, Olympic, the?
  13. sport, does, what, teach?
  1. Упражнение № 82

Вставьте пропущенные глаголы


Sport is a matter of national importance for every country. It serves to - -  strong and healthy people. “A sound mind in a healthy body”, the old proverb says.

There are different kind of sports. Track- and- field athletics - justly - - - the queen of sports. Wrestling, boxing and weight- lifting are called “heavy athletics”. Young people are especially keen on these kinds of sports. They have become popular with the women as well. Water sports are also very popular. They are rowing, yachting, diving, water polo and all kinds of swimming. The competitions in swimming can - - - all the year round due to indoor swimming- pools. As for me I - - - swimming. It is a sport of courage and stamina. It is a sport that gives you many moments of joy and helps to keep you fit.

Winter sports - skiing, sky- jumping, free style, speed skating, figure skating and others. All these sports - - - ice and snow but artificial ice -also-. Figure skating has become the most popular kind of sports. It is fascinating and graceful as gymnastics is.

Many people prefer sport games. Such games as football, hockey, basketball, baseball, tennis -thousands of sport fans.

There are two ways to enjoy sports: you may - - - - or be a fan. Young people prefer to go in for sports. They have sport grounds, stadiums, courts, skating- rinks with modern facilities. The world’s greatest sports international competitions - - the Olympic Games. They began in Ancient Greece. The modern  Olympic Games - - in Athens in 1896. The first winter Olympic Games - - in France  in 1924. Olympic Games - - every 4 years.

In conclusion I- - - -  that sport builds character. It teachers to - and to -. It makes you strong, fast and patient.

are called                  bring up                       lose            is used                    win

are connected with

is considered to be                                  would like to say                                   go in for sports

were held                      am fond of

include                  can  be held                                        is               took place

attract                            are held

Упражнение № 83

Вставьте пропущенные существительные и прилагательные


Sport is a - of - - for every country. It serves to bring up strong and healthy people. “A - - in a- - ”, the old proverb says.

There are different kind of sports. -and - - is justly considered to be the queen of sports. Wrestling, boxing and weight- lifting are called “- - ”. Young people are especially keen on these kinds of sports. They have become popular with the women as well.

Water sports are also very popular. They are -, -, -, - - and all kinds of swimming. The competitions in swimming can be held all the year round - - indoor swimming- pools. As for me I am fond of swimming. It is a sport of -and-. It is a sport that gives you many moments of joy and helps to keep you -.

Winter sports include skiing, sky- jumping, free style, speed skating, figure skating and others. All these sports are connected with ice and snow but - - is also used. Figure skating has become the most popular kind of sports. It is fascinating and graceful as gymnastics is.

Many people prefer sport games. Such games as football, hockey, basketball, baseball, tennis attract thousands of sport fans.

There are two ways to enjoy sports: you may go in for sports or be a fan. Young people prefer to go in for sports. They have sport -, stadiums, -, skating- rinks with - -.

The world’s greatest sports international competitions are called the - -. They began in Ancient Greece. The modern  Olympic Games took place in - in 1896. The first winter Olympic Games were held in - in 1924. Olympic Games are held every 4 years.

In conclusion I’d like to say that sport builds -. It teachers to win and to lose. It makes you strong, fast and patient.

matter                   Athens                  artificial ice

due to                                     courts                                                     sound mind                       Olympic Games                                                              grounds                                                   modern facilities                                                                                           track                     field athletics

France                             courage            national importance                                  fit                                               diving

healthy body                                    rowing                        yachting                                     water polo                       stamina

character                          heavy athletics

Present Simple Tense

Present Progressive Tense

Настоящее простое время

Настоящее продолженное время

He writes long letters.

Он (обычно) пишет длинные письма.







She                    V-s



                                подл. V ?



Подл                           not V


He is writing a letter now.

Он пишет письмо сейчас.

I am               V-ing


She              is V-ing



You              are V-ing



Is               подл. V-ing  ?



подл.      is              not V-ing


Указатели времени

every day – каждый день
usually – обычно  sometimes – иногда
often – часто  never – никогда
always – всегда

now – сейчас
at this moment – в данный момент

Present Perfect Tense

Past Simple Tense

Настоящее совершенное время

Прошедшее простое время

Действие, совершившееся в прошлом, но связанное с настоящим моментом.

I  have already done my homework.

He has just seen his mother.

We have never visited this theater.



                have               V-ed

We                                 V3



She          has               V-ed

It                                 Vз


Has         he                V-ed?

               It                  V3



Have        you             V-ed?

                 we              V3



You                             V-ed  

We          have not       V3


He                               V-ed

She         has not            

It                                   V3

Действие, совершившееся в прошлом и

никак не связанное с настоящим.

I did my homework two days ago.

He saw his mother yesterday.

We visited our friend last week.



He                V-ed

She              V2   





Did  подл. V?

Подл. did not V.

Указатели времени

already – уже

yet – 1) еще в отрицат. предложениях

         2) уже в вопрос. предложениях

just – только что

ever – когда-либо

never – никогда

since – с

for – в течение

yesterday – вчера

last week – на  прошлой неделе

last year – в прошлом году

in 1990 – в 1990 году

two days ago – два дня назад        

Past Perfect Tense

Past Simple Tense

Прошедшее совершенное время

Прошедшее простое время

I had bought a picture before he cmae.

Я купила эту картину до того, как он пришел.

Had        V- ed




Had      she, he        V- ed  ?

             It                 V3   



Подл. had not               V- ed


The cat caught a mouse yesterday.

Кошка поймала мышку вчера.

They decided to go home.

Они решили пойти домой.




She                V-ed

It                   V2    



Did  подл. V?

Подл. did not V.

Указатели времени

Before – до того как

by – к

yesterday – вчера

last week – на  прошлой неделе

last year – в прошлом году

in 1990 – в 1990 году

two days ago – два дня назад

  1.                                               Ключи

Упражнение № 1

  1. I am a singer.
  2. He is a writer.
  3. She is a teacher.
  4. He is an engineer.
  5. He is a famous poet.
  6. She is a great singer.
  7. He is an excellent writer.
  8. He is a great writer.
  9. She is a famous doctor.

Упражнение № 2

  1. am
  2. are
  3. is
  4. am
  5. are
  6. am
  7. is
  8. are, am
  9. are
  10. is

Упражнение № 3

  1. the
  2. a
  3. an
  4. a
  5. an
  6. the
  7. the
  8. an,a  
  9. a
  10. the

Упражнение №4

  1. women
  2. mice
  3. men
  4. trees
  5. feet
  6. sheep
  7. children
  8. fruits
  9. geese
  10. oxen

Упражнение №5

  1. much
  2. little
  3. few
  4. a few
  5. a little
  6. many
  7. many
  8. little
  9. a few
  10. much

Упражнение №6

is, is, is, are, are, is, are

Упражнение №7

are, are, are, are, is, is, is, are

Упражнение №8

is, is, are, are

Упражнение №9

Is there a large lake in the village?

What are there in the capital of Russia?

Is there a school in your area?

Are there a lot of villages in our republic? 

Упражнение №10

Yes, there are. There are children in the classroom.

Yes, there is. There is a telephone in the room.

Yes, there are. There are many  theatres in our city.

Yes, there is. There is a computer class in my school.

Упражнение №11

There are two museums in the center of the city.

In the school there is a dining-room.

There is one swimming-pool in my area.

There are many churches in the capital of Russia.

Упражнение №12

good, better, the best

comfortable, more comfortable, the most comfortable

dry, drier, the driest

fat, fatter, the fattest

dirty, dirtier, the dirtiest

big, bigger, the biggest

convenient, more convenient, the most convenient

high, higher, the highest

popular, more popular, the most popular


tall – short, small – big, old – young, strong – weak,

expensive – cheap, fast – slow.

Упражнение №13

  1. stronger
  2. better
  3. the most charming
  4. easier    
  5. smaller
  6. farther
  7. more beautiful
  8. elder
  9. the most interesting
  10. happier

Упражнение №14

larger, faster, cleverer, the tallest, the happiest, more expensive

Упражнение №15

more expensive, the fastest, higher, more popular, elder,

the tallest

Упражнение №16

it's half past two, it's a quarter past twelve, it's a quarter to four,it's two o'clock,it's a quarter past two, it's five minutes past three, it's five minutes to twelve, it's twenty five to nine.

Упражнение №17

In, on, in the middle of, above, in front of, on, in the corner of, on, between, on the right, under.

Упражнение №18



does... watch

does... have



Упражнение №19

do, do

does, does




Упражнение №20

They are not good at English.

She does not come home at 8 o`clock.

His name is not Freddie.

I don`t wash my face every morning.

Упражнение №21

  1. When do you get up?
  2. Who is good at Geography?
  3. What is your name?
  4. Who goes to bed at 10 o`clock?
  5. Where does she live?
  6. When is his birthday?
  7. How old are you?

Упражнение №22

  1. When does Ann watch TV?
  2. Who often feeds the cat?
  3. What is your favourite book?
  4. How old is she?
  5. Where does Peter live?
  6. What is her name?
  7. What books does Mary read?

Упражнение №23

  1. are
  2. cooks
  3. does... work
  4. does... have
  5. is
  6. do... have
  7. has

Упражнение №24

do, do

does, does




Упражнение №25

He doesn't read detective stories.

We aren't in the seventh form.

She doesn't go to school every day.

He isn't a good boy.

Упражнение №26

  1. When is his birthday?
  2. Who is good at Mathematics?
  3. When do the Browns have supper?
  4. Who goes to school at 10 o'clock?
  5. When do they get up?
  6. Who is good at History?
  7. Where do they usually spend summer?

Упражнение №27

  1. When do you watch TV?
  2. Who often walks the dog?
  3. What is your favorite subject?  
  4. How old is he?
  5. Where does he live?
  6. What is her name?
  7. What books do they read?
  8. When is your birthday?
  9. Who is good at Geography?
  10. When does she have dinner?
  11. Who goes to bed at 10 o'clock?
  12. When do you get up?
  13. Who is good at English?

Упражнение №28

  1. Jane has already finished her project in Geography.
  2. Steve has just developed a new computer programme.
  3. Levis has already made a new model of an airplane.
  4. Sandy has already written a new article for a school newspaper.
  5. Walter has not made his project in Physics yet.
  6. Our football team has not won the last game.
  7. Mary has got a prize in a running competition.
  8. Nick has invented a new pen for test writing.

Упражнение №29

  1. Have you ever swum in winter?
  2. Have you ever polished your shoes with a toothbrush?
  3. Have you ever caught a crocodile?
  4. Have you ever swum in a river?
  5. Have you ever had a dog?
  6. Have you ever cooked dinner?

Упражнение №30

  1. I have cleaned the room.
  2. He has read this book.
  3. We have played football.
  4. They have seen three films.
  5. He has been to America.
  6. They have eaten bananas.
  7. I have sent a message.
  8. He has come home.
  9. She has translated two texts.
  10. I have phoned Tom.

Упражнение №31

  1. I have already cleaned the room.
  2. He has just read this book.
  3. We have played football this afternoon.
  4. They have seen three films today.
  5. He has been to America this year.
  6. They have already eaten bananas.
  7. I have just sent a message.
  8. He has not come home yet.
  9. She has translated two texts today.
  10. I have not phoned Tom yet.

Упражнение №32

  1. was .
  2. were
  3. was
  4. was
  5. were
  6. was
  7. was
  8. were
  9. was
  10. was

Упражнение №33








Упражнение №34















Упражнение №35










Упражнение №36













Упражнение №37








Упражнение №38




had travelled



had become



had gone


Упражнение №39

  1. Present Perfect
  2. Past Simple
  3. Present Perfect
  4. Past Simple
  5. Present Perfect
  6. Past Simple
  7. Present Perfect
  8. Past Simple
  9. Past Simple
  10. Present Perfect

Упражнение №40

  1. Present Simple
  2. Past Perfect, Past Simple
  3. Past Simple
  4. Present Progressive
  5. Present Perfect
  6. Future Simple

Упражнение №41

  1. Past Perfect, Past Simple
  2. Present Progressive
  3. Present Perfect
  4. Present Simple
  5. Future Simple
  6. Past Simple

Упражнение №42

  1. Past Simple
  2. Present Simple
  3. Present Progressive
  4. Future Simple
  5. Present Perfect
  6. Past Perfect, Past Simple

Упражнение №43

  1. c
  2. b
  3. c
  4. b
  5. a
  6. c

Упражнение №44

  1. is
  2. are
  3. is
  4. are
  5. is
  6. is

Упражнение №45

  1. are
  2. is
  3. am
  4. is
  5. are
  6. are

Упражнение №46

  1. are told
  2. are asked
  3. am asked
  4. is allowed
  5. is told

Упражнение №47

  1. is asked
  2. is told
  3. are allowed
  4. am asked
  5. are allowed

Упражнение №48

  1. is destroyed
  2. is damaged
  3. are disturbed
  4. are hurt
  5. is polluted
  6. are cut

Упражнение №49

  1. Kate says that their form teacher is ill. They won't go to the library.
  2. John says that he is good at Biology. He gets only A's and B's.
  3. Linda says  that she is a new pupil. She doesn't know anyone in the class.
  4. Ann says that her father is strict but fair.
  5. Robert says that they will do interesting projects.
  6. Mother asks Sveta to pass her the salt.
  7. Olga says that she will go to the cinema.
  8. The policeman tells children to cross the street there.
  9. The teacher tells children not to talk at the lesson.
  10. Bob says that he can swim in the river.
  11. Tom asks Helen how many lessons  she has on Tuesday.
  12. Jane asks Kate to bring the plates.
  13. Mother asks Ben how many spoons there are on the table.
  14. Dan says not to open that box.
  15. Harry says not to watch TV.

Упражнение №50

  1. Bob says that that he is glad to be back to school. He will see his friends every day.
  2. Mary says that she is looking forward to school. She will get a lot of information.
  3. Peter says that he is not glad to be back to school. He will have to do his homework.
  4. Helen says that she is nervous because she has a new

teacher in Literature.

  1. Sam says that he is sure he will be good English.

Упражнение №51

  1. Ann asks Mike if he wants to take her ball.
  2. My aunt asks if I take her dress.
  3. She asks to take her to the USA with me.
  4. Natalie tells Bob not to forget to take her book.
  5. Helga asks to call her when we shall go to the chess club.

Упражнение №52

  1. My hobby is playing tennis.
  2. She helps disabled people by supporting them morally.
  3. We like giving a helping hand to poor people.
  4. My sister looks after orphans by visiting them.
  5. It’s a good time for organizing concerts.

Упражнение №53

  1. Stop talking!
  2. I hate listening to rap.
  3. At last he gave up smoking.
  4. Jane likes reading fairy-tales.
  5. This book is worth reading.

Упражнение №54

  1. I like sitting in the sun.
  2. Let’s go boating.
  3. She enjoys living in a beautiful new house now.
  4. I don’t like eating sweets.
  5. The machine needs cleaning!

Упражнение №55

  1. well
  2. good
  3. angrily
  4. happily
  5. serious
  6. quiet
  7. dangerously
  8. dangerous
  9. badly
  10. bad

Упражнение №56

  1. slowly
  2. happy
  3. brightly
  4. nearly
  5. fairly


Test 1.

1. a) lives; b) is; c) like fishing; d) enjoys reading; e) cooking.

2. a) ~; b) ~; c) a; d) ~; e) a; f) a.

3. a) Друзья познаются в беде. b) Он учит меня говорить и читать по английски. с) Они купят большой велосипед. d) Я ненавижу заниматься гимнастикой. е) Важно заниматься спортом.f) Я бы хотел пойти домой. g) Я боюсь приведений.

Test 2.  

Вариант  I.

1.a) am; b) is; c) am; d) is; e) are; f) are;

2.a) ~; b) ~; c) a; d) a; e) a; f) ~; g) an.

3.a) have; b) has; c) have; d) has; e) has.

4.a) enjoys; b) hate; c) hate; d) enjoys; e) likes.

5.a)I can swim. b) He can play darts. c) They can cook.

Test 2.

Вариант II.

1. is, is, is, is, are, are.

2. ~, ~, a, ~, a, an, an, ~.

3. has, has, has, have, has.

4. a)likes;b)enjoy;c) like;d) enjoys;e) hates.

5.a) I can read.b) We can work.c) She can do gymnastics.

Test 3.

Вариант I.

1. 1) b, d; 2) a, c.

2.1) b;2) a.

3. 1) a; 2) b; 3) b; 4) a.

4. 1) Is he taking part in a horse race? Who is taking part in a horse race? Where is he taking part in? What is he doing in a horse race?

2) Do we often visit the British Museum? Who often visits the British Museum? What do we often visit?

5.a) are having;b) have;c) is writing;d) listen.

Test 3.

Вариант II.

1. 1)b 2)a 3 b) 4 a) 5)b 6)a

2. 1) Does she usually listen to rock music? Who usually listens to rock music? What music does she usually listen to? What does she usually do? 2) Are we singing folk songs? Who is singing folk songs? What songs are we singing? 3) Do they have a competition at school sometimes? How often do they have a competition at school? What do they have at school? Where do they have a competition?

3. 1) b, d; 2) a, c.

4. a)am reading b) takesc) are feeding d) play.

Test 4.

Вариант I.

1. V-ed, V2; have/has  + V-ed, V-з.

2. c; c; c; c; b; b; c; b; b.

3. c; c; a; b; b; c; b; b.

4. 1)Did we buy a new car last week?2) Did I see this film 2 years ago?3) Was  Gagarin  the first man in the space?4) Have they already planned the holiday?5) Were they  popular actors?6) Has he ever met this man?

5. 1)Он был великим русским путешественником.2) Мы принимаем участие в соревновании с июня. 3)Сэм провел неделю в Британии. 4)Я уже купил новый дом.5) Ты когда-либо был в Британии?

Test 4.

Вариант II.

1. V-ed, V-2;  have/has  + V-ed, V-з.

2. d, b, a, b.

3. a, a, a, b, b, a.

4. Did Tom go to Canada last year? Has he eaten Italian food? Did Linda win a competition two years ago? Were the actors wonderful?

5.1) Вы ели когда-либо китайскую еду?2) Я никогда не видел этого мужчину.3) Он прочел эту книгу до этого.4) Мы только что купили билеты.

Test 5.

1. 1) b; 2) c; 3) c; 4) a.

2. 1) b; 2) c; 3) a.

3. 1) d; 2) c; 3) b; 4) a.

4. 1) c; 2) b; 3) c; 4) b.

5. 1) am writing; 2) have been writing; 3) write; 4) have written.

6. 1) How long has he been reading a book? 2) Where are they going at the moment? 3) What doesn’t he play? 4) Whose uncle is a pilot? 5) When have we been to Wales?

Test 6.

1. 1) Джейн посетила своих одноклассников к концу зимних каникул.(  указатель времени by the end of) 2) Джон пришел домой до того, как начался дождь.( указатель времени before) 3) Он сказал, что уже был в Америке. (согласование времен в косвенной речи) 4) Мой друг починил свой телевизор к концу месяца.( указатель времени by the end of)

2. 1) After everybody had sung “Happy Birthday” Natalie blew out the candles on the cake. 2) After Rose had invited Mike to her birthday party he went to a gift shop. 3) He had been very ill before he died. 4) When  they had had dinner Betty came. 5) When I had fastened my seat – belt the plane took off. 6) After Ann’s parents had bought a car they gave it to her.

3. 1) She arrived after they had gone. 2) He locked the car after he had  parked it. 3) John sold his car because his friend had offered him a good price. 4) She didn’t call us because she had lost our phone number. 5)He started reading his book after he had seen a film.

4. 1) She unpacked her suitcase after she had come to the hotel. 2) After he had watched a film he went to bed. 3) She called her parents after she had bought a  TV set. 4) Mrs. Garrett read the letter after a postman had brought a post.

5. 1) had made; 2) had bought; 3) had painted; 4) had cleaned; 5) made, had done.

Test 7.

Вариант I.

1. 1) Have I got Biology on Monday? 2) Do we help each other? 3) Is my classmate polite? 4) Do boys never argue? 5) Does Mary quarrel with her brother?

2. 1) d; 2) c; 3) e; 4) b; 5) a.

3. 1) had; 2) shall meet; 3) is; 4) has; 5) is going to be.

4. Lazy, sociable, clever, kind, honest, polite, bossy, bad-tempered.


Вариант II.

1. 1) Have I got a lot of friends? 2) Do we work a lot? 3) Is my friend very sociable? 4) Do girls often chatter about their friends? 5) Does Tom fight with his brother?

2. 1) d; 2) e; 3) a; 4) b; 5) c.

3. 1) saw; 2) is; 3) will be arriving; 4) has; 5) is going to be.

4. Shy, lazy, useful, untidy, sociable, cheerful, sad, bossy, quiet, careful, clever, stupid, funny, kind, honest, pleasant, obedient, polite, greedy.

5. 1) kind; 2) greedy; 3) sociable; 4) talkative; 5) bossy

Test 8.

1. c, b, c, c.

2. a) is changed; b) are hurt; c) is thrown; d) are recycled; e) are asked; f) is allowed.

3. a) He is asked to collect paper. b) We are told to collect plastic bottles. c) I am allowed to feed animals. d) They are asked not to throw away litter. e) I am asked not to break trees. f) He is told not to disturb animals. g)They are allowed to recycle cans. h) They are asked not to leave litter in the forest.

Test 9.


Direct speech

Reported speech

Present Simple

Present Progressive

Present Perfect

Present Perfect Progressive

Past Simple

Future Simple

Future Progressive

Past Simple

Past Progressive

Past Perfect

Past Perfect Progressive

Past Perfect

Future in the Past

Future Progressive in the Past


Прямая речь

Косвенная речь






Next week

Last night

Last year




That day

The next day ,the following day

The day before ,the previous day

The next week, the following week

The night before

The year before


3. Lena said that she was Russian. Lena said that she was going to do her homework.. Lena said that the summer before she had visited London. Lena said that she would be here for 5 months.

4. 1) They tell John not to come home late. 2) She reminds that she doesn't  watch the news. 3) Alison asks if he is travelling by train. 4) Mother asks me if he will come on Monday or on Tuesday. 5) Jack asks Kate when they wrote it.


Упражнение №58

              occupies, consists, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland;  Lon  

              don, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast;

              official name, Albion, means, remains.

              population, cities, suburbs, four out, use, official language, dialects.

Упражнение №60

  1. London is the capital of England.
  2. More than seven million people live there.
  3. There are many banks and other officers in the City.
  4. It is the oldest part of London.
  5. You can visit some interesting places in the City.
  6. The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, and a prison.
  7. Now the Tower of London is the museum.
  8. Its square walls are white and tall.
  9. People look after them very well as they believe that London will be rich while ravens live there.
  10. St. Paul’s Cathedral is not far from the Tower of London.
  11. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built St. Paul’s Cathedral.
  12. He built it in the 17- th century after the Great Fire.
  13. Trafalgar Square is the most beautiful place in London.  

Упражнение №61

              capital of England, political and business, seven, people, City,the oldest  

              part, banks, officers, some interesting places, the Tower of London,  

              fortress, palace, White Tower, William the Conqueror, black ravens,  

              look after,  rich;


              one, greatest, Cathedral, Christopher Wren, building, columns, towers  



              Trafalgar Square, tall column, Admiral Nelson, bronze lions, National    

              Gallery, visit.

Упражнение №63

were brought;

express, are sent, put on, pretend, frighten;.

blow up, burn;

proclaim, had overcome;

honours, was adopted.

Упражнение №64

common, origin, settlers;

affection for, verses, witches, thrilling stories,lantern;



Declaration, Independence.

Упражнение №65

  1. What do people do on the 14- th of February?
  2. What is sent to people on that day?
  3. When is Halloween celebrated?
  4. What is it connected with?
  5. What do people do on Christmas?
  6. What did Guy Fawkes do in 1605?
  7. What do the British do on the14- th of November?
  8. When do American people celebrate Thanksgiving Day?
  9. When was the Declaration of  Independence adopted?
  10. When do American people celebrate the Independence Day?

Упражнение №67

       Custom                        traditional activity or festivity, especially

              one that takes place at the same time  

              every year.

       To keep up                           you continue to do it and do not let it stop  

                                                          or end


       Regiment                               a large group of soldiers usually under the  

               command of a colonel.

       Colour                                a special flag of the country or a


       Royal                          something that is connected with a king,

                                                           a  queen or a member of their family.

       Ancient                                means belonging to the distant past.


       Trooping the Colour                  a ceremony when soldiers carry a  

                regiment’s flag in front of the

                regiment, especially as part of a



       A swan keeper                      a person who looks after swans


       Speech                                a formal talk which someone gives to an  

               audience, and which they have usually  

               prepared in advance.


       A swan                                  a large white bird with a long neck  

                  which often lives on rivers and  

                  lakes on which it swims.


      The Changing of the Guard          a  ceremony when soldiers change  

                                                             with each other.

       Swan – upping                          a custom when the Queen’s swan –  

    keeper marks the young swans.

Упражнение №68

  1. The queen makes a speech on Christmas.
  2. The speech is connected with the events of the past year.
  3. On the river Thames there are hundreds of swans.
  4. These swans belong to the Queen.
  5. In July, when the young swans are about two months the Queen’s    swan – keeper marks them.
  6. Every country and every nation has its own traditions and cus        toms.
  7. The British are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up.
  8. I know such ceremonies asTrooping the Colour, the Changing of the     Guard at Buckingham palace, the State opening of the Parliament.
  9. The Queen has two birthdays.
  10. The Queen’s actual birthday is celebrated on April 21-st.
  11. The Queen’s official birthday is on the second Saturday in June.
  12. This day is famous for a ceremony called Trooping the Colour, a  beautiful parade of the Queen’s soldiers.
  13. A British family prefers a house with a fireplace and a garden to a flat in a modern house with central heating.
  14. People  know the saying “The Englishman’s home is his castle”.
  15. Englishmen are very fond of porridge.
  16. They eat porridge with milk and sugar for breakfast.
  17. They usually drink tea with milk many times a day.

Упражнение №69

  1. a
  2. b
  3. c
  4. c
  5. b
  6. c

Упражнение №70

            country, nation, traditions;

            royal, formal, Queen, birthdays,  April;

            June, ceremony, parade;

            custom, speech;


            birds, months, custom;

            house, fireplace, gardens, castle, meals, porridge, milk, sugar,   tea, milk;

           strange, funny, interesting.

Упражнение №71

            has, are proud of, keep, up;

            there are, seems, is celebrated;

            is famous for, carry, troop;

            makes, is connected;

            there are,  belong, marks, is called;

            prefers, love, know, keep, are fond of, eat, drink;

            are, are.

Упражнение №73

  1. There are many ways of travelling: by air, sea, train, car.
  2. I always enjoy picturesque places, monuments of history and         culture.
  3. Many people prefer travelling by air as it is the most convenient, comfortable and quickest means of travelling.
  4. Heathrow Airport and Gatwick Airport are situated in Britain.
  5. Heathrow Airport is the biggest airport in the UK and the busiest airport in the world.
  6. Heathrow has 28 million passengers a year.
  7. Travelling by sea is the most expensive way of travelling.
  8. A lot of people like to travel by train because they can look at passing villages, forests and fields through windows.
  9. Londoners use the underground railway.

 Упражнение № 74

on, spend;

ways, travelling, get to know, picturesque, monuments, history;

means of travelling, main passenger ports, airports, Heathrow Airport,    


sea – sick, expensive;

by train, by car, as, as, as, when, where. means, communication.

 Londoners, underground railway, tube;

 on foot, climb, nature.

Упражнение №75

  1. What ways of travelling do you know?
  2. What do you always enjoy?
  3. Why do people prefer travelling by air?
  4. What airports are situated in Britain?
  5. What is the biggest airport in the UK?
  6. How many people does Heathrow have?
  7. What can you tell me about travelling by sea?
  8. Why do people like to travel by train?
  9. What means of communication do Londoners use?

Упражнение №77

        are fond of, listen, dance, learn;

        there are, appeared, is associated, includes, may speak, speaks, shouts,    


        helps, relax, entertains, made, can’t help;

        like, listen, enjoy, listen, gives, hate, can destroy;

        plays, reflects, appeals, transforms, spend, feel.

Упражнение №79

  1. False
  2. True
  3. False
  4. True
  5. True
  6. False
  7. False
  8. True
  9. False

Упражнение №81

  1. What is a matter of national importance?
  2. What does the sport do?
  3. What is considered to be the queen of sports?
  4. What is called “heavy athletics”?
  5. What can be held all the year round?
  6. What do winter sports include?
  7. What  sports are connected with winter?
  8. When did the Olympic Games begin?
  9. When did the modern Olympic Games take place?
  10. Where did the Olympic Games begin?
  11. Where were the first winter Olympic Games held?
  12. When are the Olympic Games held?
  13. What does sport  teach?

Упражнение №82

        bring up;

        is considered to be, can be held, am fond of;

        include, are connected with, is used;


              go in for sports, are called, took place, were held, are held;

              would like to say, win, lose.

Упражнение №83

        matter, national importance, sound mind, healthy body;

        track, field athletics, heavy athletics;

        rowing, yachting, diving, water polo, due to, courage, stamina, fit;

        artificial ice;

        grounds, courts, modern facilities;

              Olympic Games, Athens, France;



Предварительный просмотр:

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Чувашской Республики "Алатырский технологический

колледж" Министерства образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики

Методическая разработка

упражнений для практических занятий по
английскому языку

К учебнику Н. Г. Веселовской: Английский язык для специальностей «Землеустройство» и «Земельный кадастр».


Для специальности:
21.02.05  Земельно-имущественные отношения                              

 Курс  второй, третий.

Выполнил преподаватель:
Михалькова Татьяна Леонидовна.

                                         Алатырь, 2015

Практическая работа №1.

1.Прочитайте следующие слова:

Land, inhabitants, development, planning, provide, profoundly, gift, use, surveying, basis, nature, qualified, directly, ownership, prosperous, skills, peasant, important.

2.Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Land use, land use planning, land surveying, a land surveyor, profoundly educated, land information, advanced countries, to sustain life, to pose a question, opposite situation, a simple answer, individual basis, an aspect of survival, land ownership.

3.Прочитайте и переведите текст:

The Individual and Society

It is obvious that any textbook on land use planning begins by posing the question, “What is land use planning about?” It is not a difficult problem to give a simple answer to this basic question. Land use planning or land surveying is a process of managing the use and development of land resources in a sustainable way. It is essentially a study of the methods in which land use planners apply their knowledge, skills and efforts to the gifts of nature in order to satisfy their needs and wants.

Effective land use planning is impossible without land information. Such information includes land resource capacity, land tenure, land ownership and land use.

Even in the prosperous, economically advanced countries there is an aspect of survival. Land helps people to survive. That’s why lands are very important resources for men.

Some people have the abilities to sustain life without outside assistance. But a large percentage of the human race of the third world still lives in very small self-sufficient peasant communities. These people experience great poverty, but they provide on an individual basis, for their own survival. They have a degree of economic independence.

The inhabitants of cities are totally incapable directly, the means of survival. Here we can observe the opposite situation — a high level of living together with an extreme economic dependence. Such people depend upon the efforts and cooperation of many thousands of specialist workers, among them land use planners. Land use planning is concerned with land cadastre, land relations, land improvement, agriculture, soil sciences, law, geodesy, geography, computer science, etc. To solve these problems land use planners must be not only qualified but profoundly educated specialists.

4.Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Skill, trucks, land use planning, make, a land surveyor, community, compel, society, automobiles, a land use planner, land surveying, level, knowledge, standard.

5.Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

Capable, independence, possible, easy, directly, impossible, large, incapable, difficult, dependence, small, indirectly.

6.Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Глубоко образованный специалист, большой процент, ставить вопрос, регулировать землеустройство, простой ответ, решать проблему, информация о земле, помощь извне, трудный вопрос, экономическая независимость, поддерживать жизнь, средство выживания, противоположная ситуация, для того, чтобы удовлетворить нужды.

7.Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1. Землеустройство — древняя наука. 2. Информация о земле включает землевладение, землепользование и потенциал земельных ресурсов. 3. Эффективное землеустройство невозможно без информации о земле. 4. Люди используют свои знания и навыки, чтобы удовлетворить свои нужды. 5. Даже в процветающих странах существует аспект выживания. 6. Землеустроитель может дать правильные ответы на многие вопросы.

8.Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be:

1. Who ... the best specialist? 2. There ... vast land resources in

Russia. 3. Last year there ... the highest crop in this region. 4. Next year

y°u a land use planner. 5. I ... a second year student. 6. Land use

planning ... concerned with different sciences. 7. In future effective land use planning impossible without land information.

9.Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную Формы:

  1. It is a difficult matter to give a simple answer to the basic question. 2. Land use planning is impossible without land information. 3- Such information includes land resources capacity et al. 4. Lands are very important resources for men. 5. People of the third world experience great poverty. 6. We observe a high level of living in some developed countries. 7. They have a degree of economic independence.

10.Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. Land use planning is a process ... managing the use and development ... land resources ... a sustainable way. 2. Land helps people ... survive. 3. Many textbooks begin ... posing the basic question. 4. It is not a difficult problem ... give a right answer ... the main question. 5. ... order ... satisfy men’s needs and wants people apply their knowledge ... the gifts ... nature.
11.Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы, данные в скобках:

1. This textbook ... by posing the basic question (to begin). 2. Effective land use planning ... impossible without land information (to be).

3.Some people ... knowledge and skills to satisfy their wants (to apply).

4.Land ... people to solve different problems (to help). 5. Nature ... men’s needs and wants in many ways (to satisfy).

12.Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

What do most textbooks on land use planning begin by? 2. Why do people apply their knowledge and skills? 3. What is effective land use planning impossible without? 4. Are lands very important resources for men? 5. How does a large percentage of the human race still live?

What does land information include? 7. Do we observe a high level of living in large cities? 8. Is it important to have economic independence?


Практическая работа №2.

1.Прочитайте следующие слова:

Adopt, option, top-down, encourage, rural, recreational, activities, between, wildlife, matching, framework, target, weighting, participation, impact, resolve, agricultural, overexploitation.

2.Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Systematic assessment, without degrading, social aspect, implementation and monitoring of plans, assistance to decision makers, most beneficial, the most satisfying results, the planning cycles, erosion hazard, local targets, popular awareness, agricultural land use planning,wider framework, both advantages and disadvatages, higher level support.

3.Прочитайте и переведите текст: Rural and Agricultural Land Use Planning.

Land use planning can be defined as the systematic assessment of land and water potential, alternative systems of land use and other physical, social and economic conditions. The purpose is to select and adopt land use options which are the most beneficial to land users without degrading the resources or the environment, together with the selection of measures most likely to encourage such land uses.

In the broadest meaning of the term, land use planning deals with planning for all types of land use (rural, urban, industrial, recreational, etc.). Land use planning involves many aspects of planning such as designing planning options, evaluation of feasibility (economic, environmental, social impact assessment), providing assistance to decision maker, implementation and monitoring of plans.

Rural land use planning is concerned with all (economic) activities in rural areas, such as agriculture, pastoralism, forestry, wildlife conservation and tourism. Besides evaluation of the potential of different activities, rural land use planning assists in resolving conflicts of interests between groups of land users.

Some of the key aspects of agricultural land use planning are physical and socio-economic ones. Physical aspects involve land evaluation (mapping, analysis, suitability matching), identification of opportunities For change (improve existing land use system, suggest new land use systems), natural resources management (sustainable land use systems).

The objectives of socio-economic aspects include identification of target groups, weighting options and connection with other administration/planning. Such land legislation as access to land, ownership of resources, land reforms are also included in socio-economic aspects as well as training technical staff, farmers and financial framework like credit schemes and products marketing.

Land is a limited resource and the misuse of land can lead to such problem as non-sustainable land use: processes of overexploitation (overgrazing, deforestation, erosion hazard).

We need to conserve land resources for future use through sustainable land uses. For successful land use planning it is important to determine the best use of the land. It is necessary to take into consideration efficiency, equity, acceptability and sustainability of the land. At the same time conflicts of interests between land users should be resolved.

4.Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Local, start, benefit, advantage, option, vantage, choice, begin, regional, income. 
5.Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

Satisfied, find, high, popular, encourage, low, unpopular, lose, narrow, wide, discourage, unsatisfied.

6.Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Человек, принимающий решение, сельскохозяйственное землеустройство, оценка возможности, сохранять земельные ресурсы, опасность эрозии, ограниченный ресурс, «нисходящее» землеустройство (инициатива сверху), «восходящее» землеустройство (инициатива снизу), стратегия планирования, большие преимущества, региональный уровень, вариант землеустройства, большие площади, полагаться только на одну стратегию, окружающая среда.

7.Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1. Землеустроители никогда не должны полагаться только на одну стратегию. 2. Мы нуждаемся в консервации земельных ресурсов. 3. Землеустройство осуществляется на государственном, региональном и местном уровнях. 4. Процесс планирования основан на кадастровой съемке земельных ресурсов. 5. Водоснабжение является одной из основных проблем человека. 6. Существуют разные стратегии планирования.

8.Преобразуйте следующие предложения в Past Simple Tense:

1. Land is a limited resource. 2. There are different land use issues. 3. Misuse of land leads to several problems. 4. The advantage includes people’s benefit. 5. Bottom-up planning means active participation of land users. 6. Land use policy depends upon the competing demands for land. 7. Physical aspects involve natural resource management.

9.Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

1. Option, best, which, the, is? 2. Are, legislations, many, there, land, for, planning, use. 3. Highest, there, year, crop, last, was, the.

4.Now, working, are, we. 5. Is, limited, land, resource, a. 6. Need, conserve, resources, we, to, land. 7. Are, strategies, there, different, two, planning.

10.Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. Different types ... land use planning are usually described. 2        traditional society, people use up-to-date methods ... crop production. 3. The methods and types ... planting and harvesting are always based traditions. 4. Year ... year, little is changed. 5. ... Britain equal pay ... women did not obtain legal sanctions ... the 1970s.

11.Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. I am a land use planning engineer. 2. Land is a limited resource. 3.The land legislation decided financial problems last month. 4. The and use planners will discuss the best options tomorrow. 5. Bottom-up  and use planning includes both advantages and disadvantages.

12.Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to have:

1. Each planning strategy ... its own advantages. 2. We ... many friends. 3. Bottom-up land use planning ... some disadvantages. 4. Next year this student will ... a diploma of a land use planner. 5. Last year students ... many interesting subjects.

13.Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. How can land use planning be defined? 2.What is the purpose of land use planning? 3. What does land use planning deal with? 4. Does land use planning include many aspects? 5. What are the key aspects of agricultural land use planning? 6. Is land a limited resource? 7. Do we need to conserve land resources for future use? 8. What is important for successful land use planning?

Практическая работа №3.

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Border, elimination, soil, protection, waste, establishment, researching. connect, pollution, certificate, restoration, boundary, site, substances, conduction, estimation, carry out, researchers.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Technical registration, wind erosion, waste products, tilled soils, radioactive substances, projects for reclaiming the soils, country boundaries, elimination of inconveniences, arrangement of land, irrationally used, publicly discussed, interfarm land use planning, number of interconnected elements, land property.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Land Use Planning Activity

The basic directions of land use planning in Russia include:

  •  development of federal and regional forecasts, programmes of use and protection of land resources, a scheme of land use planning in view of town-planning, ecological, economic and other features of the territory;
  •  survey with establishment (restoration) on land the borders of administrative-territorial formations, the borders of land sites under general state system and their technical registration;
  •  drawing up new land use planning projects, existing landed properties and land uses ordering with elimination of inconveniences in the arrangement of land;
  •  delimitation of the land areas, establishment of borders and allotment of land sites in districts, registration of plans (drawings) of borders, preparation for the certificate of rights to the land sites;
  •  development of the projects for reclaiming the tilled soils, soil protection from water and wind erosion, mudflow, landslides, flooding, bogging, pollution by waste products of manufacture, chemical and radioactive substances, for improvement of agricultural lands, for development of new areas, preservation and increase of soil fertility;
  •  substantiation of borders accommodation and establishment of especially protected territories;
  •  fixing and change on district of city, country and rural settlements boundaries;
  •  conducting topographical and geodetic, cartographical, soil, agro- cemical, geobotanical, historical, cultural and other researching
  •  development of land use planning documents connected with estimation of resources, use and protection of land, preservation and development of historically used economic activities of small people and ethnic groups;
  •  drawing up maps and atlases of land resources conditions and use;
  •  land inventory, regular revealing unused, irrationally used, area used not on a special-purpose designation.

Land use planning activity is carried out in all areas irrespective о their special-purpose designation and forms of ownership according to scientifically proved, publicly discussed and in accordance with established order authorized by land use planning documentation (including forecasts, programmes, schemes and projects, materials of inspections and researches).

  1.  Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Activity, regulation, particular, demarcation, work, special, order, define, arrangement, organizing, delimitation, determine.

  1.  Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

Misunderstanding, natural, irregular, legal, understanding, unnatural, regular, respective, illegal, irrespective.

  1.  Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Защита почвы от эрозии, установление границ, материалы проверок и исследований, целевое назначение, улучшение с/х земель, этнические группы, публично обсужденные проблемы, опись (инвентаризация) земли, основные средства, земельные площади, в соответствии с, равные права, компьютерная наука, детальные топографические исследования.

  1.  Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:
  1. В России существуют основные направления землеустроительных работ. 2. Разработка землеустроительных документов связана с оценкой земли. 3. Этнические группы используют и сохраняют свою землю. 4. Землеустройство — это правильная организация земельных ресурсов. 5. Компьютеры широко используются в землеустройстве. 6. Землеустроители решают топографические и картографические вопросы каждый день. 7. Законодательные и правовые акты определяют правильное использование земель. 8. Пользователи земли и собственники участвуют в землеустроительной работе.
  1.  Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова:

Arrangement, proprietor, management, worker, specialist, user, government, legislation, administration, citizenship, designation.

  1.  Образуйте имена существительные от следующих глаголов:

Depend, improve, operate, direct, measure, consider, compose, arrange, participate, manage.

  1.  Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова: estimation, used, administrative, conducts, responsible'.

1. Land use planning is financed by ... bodies. 2. A land use planner ... topographical and geodetic works. 3. Maps and atlases are ... by specialists. 4. A land use planner is ... for revealing unused lands. 5. ... of resources is the main task of a land use planner.

  1.  Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. Bodies of the government are the customers of land use planning work. 2. The state guarantees equal rights and protection for citizens.

  1.  Maintenance of steady landscapes is obligatory for all proprietors.
  2.  Local land use planning allows to receive operation designs. 5. A land use planner estimates development of a site.
  1.  Образуйте 3 формы следующих глаголов:

То be, to have, to go, to begin, to increase, to direct, to provide, to change, to own, to till, to depend, to define, to arrange.

  1.  Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
  1. How many kinds of land use planning do you know? 2. What are they? 3. What is the purpose of land use planning? 4. Are there the basic directions of land use planning activity? 5. Land use planning activity is carried out in all areas, is not it? 6. What tasks does local land use planning solve? 7. What laws does land use planning study? 8. Who can participate in land use planning work?

Практическая работа №4.

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Integrated, dialogue, initiating, conceivable, iterative, appropriate, impose, groundwater, support, pollution, traffic, addition, society, superfluous, view, expense, core, designed.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Exact role, environmental context, lack of planning, the consequences of land use activities, new findings, implementation and monitoring, forming a consensus, cooperation relations, long-term sustainability, local knowledge, living conditions, kind of benefits, existing environmental damage, direct and indirect land users.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите текст :

Land Use Planning as an Instrument of the Technical Cooperation

The basic understanding or model drawn up by the “Working Group on Integrated Land Use Planning” is stated as follows:

Land use planning is an iterative process based on the dialogue amongst all stockholders aiming at the negotiation and decision for a sustainable form of land use in rural areas as well as initiating and monitoring its implementation. Land use planning provides the prerequisites for achieving a sustainable form of land use. This text gives the presentation of the basic principles of land use planning, such as the principle of the iterative nature of the process or the guidance for implementation. It also gives a sound and integrated picture of the land use planning process.

Wherever groups of people use land and its resources, land use is planned, being aware of it or not. Land use does not consider production only, but also land functions, such as protected areas, land recreation, road building, waste disposal sides and use-restricted areas, such as buffer zones for regeneration groundwater, buffer zones for traffic noise, pollution, etc.

Land use planning is not only practiced when national authorities intervene or as a result of development cooperation projects. Land use planning happens in every society, even if the term is not used. Land use planning deals with cases in which an intervention occurs in order to improve land use and to sustain natural resources. In the past, decisions made on land use have resulted in the degradation of land resources, or an imbalance between supply and demand of those resources. Here, land use planning is understood as an instrument of the technical cooperation used in the following types of projects:

  •  resources management (forestry, production systems compatible with resources and agroforestry, pasture management, nature protection and erosion control);
  •  rural regional development;
  •  community support and village development;
  •  government consultation (environmental strategy planning, agricultural sector planning, assessment of land potential).

These land use planning-guidelines are not intended to standardize and impose compulsory procedures for all conceivable variants. They appear more appropriate to offer support for different situations, taking into consideration the specific conditions of the technical cooperation. In addition, the exact role and scope of land use planning within the technical cooperation has still to be determined according to the context and local conditions by those responsible for planning and implementation of projects.

  1.  Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Do, negotiation, organization, attain, principle, achieve, enterprise, new, talk, core, make, modern.

  1.  Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

Direct, regard, wide, unsuitable, narrow, rural, indirect, balance, suitable, disregard, imbalance, urban.

  1.  Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Скрытые недостатки планирования, ориентированное на диалог обучение, подготовка плановых документов, относительно низкая значимость, повторяющееся планирование, существенный элемент, выполнение плана, экологическое планирование площади, восприниматься по-разному, обязательные процедуры, шум дорожного движения, научно обоснованный экономический смысл, развитие деревни, техническое сотрудничество.

  1.  Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:
  1. Я не хочу получать лишнюю базу данных. 2. Землеустройство — это повторяющийся процесс. 3. Повторяющийся процесс требует гибкости в землеустройстве. 4. Сельские районы характеризуются сельскохозяйственным производством. 5. Решение конфликтов — важный политический фактор. 6. Землеустройство — инструмент технического сотрудничества. 7. Землеустроительный процесс включает оценку земли. 8. Землеустроители должны уделять внимание распространению сельскохозяйственной продукции.
  1.  Преобразуйте предложения в Future Simple Tense:

1. Land use planning is an iterative process. 2. The land use planning process includes land assessment. 3. The most important target group in land use planning is made up of the direct users. 4. Rural areas are characterized by agricultural and forestry production. 5. A land use planner carries out different projects. 6. Great attention is paid to the distribution of the production. 7. This applies particularly to major infrastructural measures.

  1.  Образуйте имена существительные от следующих глаголов:

То apply, to arrange, to organize, to invest, to contribute, to secure,

to justify, to define, to determine, to protect, to limit, to provide, to develop, to implement, to present.

  1.  Заполните пропуски, используя слова: economically, improve, principles, influence, rural.

1. People often have economic or political ... 2. Measures should be ... justified. 3. The government tries to ... living conditions of people. 4. The presentation of the basic ... is given. 5. Land use planning is used in ... regional development.

  1.  Задайте 4 вопроса к тексту.
  2.  Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова:

Responsibility, define, political, development, invest, implement, measures, conditions, try, particularly, responsibly, conciliation, rural, support, exact, implementation.

  1.  Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
  1. How is land use planning stated? 2. What is land use planning based on? 3. Does land use consider only production? 4. What cases does land use planning deal with? 5. Do national authorities intervene in land use planning? 6. Is land use planning used in rural regional development? 7. Is land use planned in all cases or not? 8. What functions does land use planning have?

Практическая работа №5.

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Parcel, data, management, right, purposes, assist, up-to-date, improvement, legal, establishment, location, responsibilities, mortgage, jurisdiction, satellite, implementation, description, supervise.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Different forms, land parcel, equitable taxation, legal purposes, coordinate system, geometric description, land registry, cadastral data, land redistribution, different role, better access, private interests, land disputes, to maintain the equipment.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите текст:

What Is Land Cadastre

A Cadastre is normally a parcel based and up-to-date land information system. It contains a record of interests in land (e.g. rights, restrictions and responsibilities). It usually includes a description of land parcels linked to other records describing the nature of the interests, and ownership or control of those interests. The Cadastre often describes the value of the parcel and its improvements. It may be established for fiscal purposes (e.g. valuation and equitable taxation), legal purposes (conveyancing), to assist in the management of land and land use for planning and other administrative purposes. The Cadastre enables sustainable development and environmental protection. Cadastral reform is concerned with the improvement of cadastral systems.

The Land Cadastre encompasses such information as land resource capacity, land tenure, land ownership and different land uses. The Cadastre provides:

- information identifying those people who have interests in parcels of land;

  •  information about those interests, e.g. land duration of rights, restrictions and responsibilities;
  •  information about the parcel, e.g. location, size, improvement, value.

Land tenure is concerned with the rights, restrictions and responsibilities that people have with respect to the land. The Cadastre may record different forms of land tenure such as ownership, leasehold, easements, mortgages and different types of common, communal or customary land tenure.

The Surveyor undertakes different roles in different countries in relation to the establishment and maintenance of the Cadastre. The Surveyor may be responsible for:

  •  cadastral surveying and mapping;

*- cadastral information recording;

  •  land valuation;
  •  land use planning;
  •  management of both the graphic and textual cadastral data bases;
  •  resolving land disputes;
  •  custody and supply of cadastral information.

Modem technology, such as up-to-date survey instruments, satellite position fixing (Global Positioning System — GPS), aerial photography and photogrammetry can offer new possibilities to increase the speed and lower the costs for cadastral reform. Computer technology can usually provide better access to information, better manipulation of cadastral data, better quality, and better legal and physical security. To fully utilize modern technology it is important to have trained personnel and facilities to maintain the equipment. Unfortunately this infrastructure is not found in many countries, thereby limiting the use of modem technology.

  1.  Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Costs, deal, dispute, immediately, exact, transaction, sporadically, modern, ground, accurate, up-to-date, discussion, land, expenses.

  1.  Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

Informal, start, unfortunately, finish, partner, enemy, formal, fortunately.

  1.  Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Разные страны, правительственные органы, обмен информацией, правовые вопросы, земельная регистрация, различные обстоятельства, организационные структуры, свободно доступный, лучшие манипуляции, новые возможности, систематический подход, перераспределение земли, надежная информация, рынок земли.

  1.  Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:
  1. Регистрация земли — это часть кадастровой системы. 2. Кадастр — это основное средство обеспечения информации о земле.
  1.  Землеустроители играют важную роль в различных странах.
  2.  Современный кадастр включает геометрическое описание земельных участков. 5. Специалисты должны проводить оценку земли. 6. Физическая демаркация на земле определяет границы участков.
  1.  Образуйте причастия настоящего времени от данных ниже глаголов. Составьте предложения, используя эти причастия в разных функциях:

То control, to establish, to improve, to assist, to use, to undertake, to find, to connect, to consider, to make, to promote, to increase, to protect, to allocate, to rely.

  1.  Переведите предложения на русский язык, определите функцию причастия настоящего времени:

1. All European countries are working today on the problem of automating land records. 2. This is what is now happening in the most countries. 3. Utilities such as water, sewerage, electricity and telecommunication are becoming more complex. 4. Starting with the most highly urbanized area, the cadastral maps are increasingly being digitized. 5. Soil damaging utilities must not be used. 6. Demands for efficient maintenance and management are increasing. 7. The Cadastre provides information identifying those people who have interests in parcels of land.

  1.  Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. A land use planner undertakes different roles ... different countries. 2. Modern technology can offer new possibilities ... lower the costs ... cadastral reforms. 3. A parcel can be an area ... land with a particular type ... land use. 4. Land registration is the official recording ... legally recognized interests ... land. 5. Cadastre helps ... avoid duplication.

  1.  Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. A land use planner plays different roles in different countries. 2. A surveyor is responsible for recording cadastral information. 3. Computer technology offers better access to information. 4. Limit of trained personnel restricts the use of modern technology. 5. Aerial photography and photogrammetry offer new possibilities to lower the costs for cadastral reforms.

  1.  Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы, данные в скобках:

1. A land use planner ... different roles in different countries (to undertake). 2. Modern survey instruments ... new possibilities (to offer).

  1.  The Cadastre ... in the management of land and land use (to assist).
  2.  The Cadastre ... different forms of land tenure (to record). 5. A successful Cadastre ... reliable information at low cost (to provide).
  1.  Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:
  1. What is a Cadastre? 2. What role does a land use planner play in different countries? 3. What is a land use planner responsible for?
  1. Can computer technology provide better access to information? 5. Is it necessary to make careful investigation for cadastral reforms? 6. What kind of modem technology do you know? 7. Why should the Cadastre be managed by the government? 8. Is Cadastral Reform concerned with the improvement of cadastral systems?

Практическая работа №6.

1.Прочитайте следующие слова:

Institutions, characteristics, title, multipurpose, register, assume, jurisdiction, cause, faulty, public, private, experience, financial, computerization, originally, weakness, flexible, cheap.

2.Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Vast amount, particular purposes, accurate information, a sustainable basis, modern society, long traditions, faulty registration, public and private sectors, negative effect, civil law system, property registration, low degree of coverage, further indications, legal support.

3.Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Basic Elements of Cadastral System

A Land Cadastre as a Tax Tool and a Land Registry has long traditions. The legal base of modem era of these institutions was created long ago.

The following four basic aspects give an overview of the existing cadastral systems: legal and organizational characteristics, levels of planning and control, aspects of multipurpose cadastres, and responsibilities of the public and private sectors.

The basic elements of the cadastral systems are different in different countries. Cadastral systems can be based on titles, deeds, or both. Some countries have indicated that their cadastral system is based on titles. The parcel is the basic unit in the others. A civil law system is the legal basis in the most of them. Registration of property rights is also compulsory. In the average cadastral system, legal protection of the registered rights seems to be very good. The legal force of a property registration, however, has at the same time both a positive and negative effect. The positive effect — registered rights — are assumed to be correct and the negative effect — unregistered rights — are assumed to be non-existent.

Furthermore, the state is in the most cases liable for any damage that was caused by faulty registration. In most jurisdictions, the cadastral systems include land registration and cadastral mapping. In many countries cadastral maps are part of the register, but not, for example, in most of the Australian states, and in Hong Kong, Greece, and Latvia. Land registration includes such interests in land as the rights, but which are also restrictions and responsibilities.

In most cases, the cadastre covers the complete territory of the country. The exceptions are low priority areas which may not always be covered. The cadastres are mainly of a complete character which means that parcels are introduced into the systems in a systematic way.

There are two components of strategic plannings — land registration and cadastral mapping. Strategic planning, management, and operational control for both components of the cadastral system are done within the same organization which is, in all cases, from the public sector. But sometimes tasks of strategic planning and management control are separated among different organizations, some of which are even in the private sector. However, the strategic responsibility for the cadastral systems, i.e. strategic planning, is always kept in the hands of the public sector.

Cadastral systems were mainly established to serve a legal and/or a fiscal purpose. Historically, land records have been established to s
two main purposes. First, as “fiscal” records, primarily for the public sector, they have served as the basis for the full and accurate taxation of land. Second, as “legal” records for the private sector, they have served as registers of ownership and other land rights. The data of the cadastral systems are used for facilities management, base mapping, value assessment, land use planning, and environmental impact assessment. A legal basis, however, does not exist everywhere for all of these other purposes.

4.Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Steady, equipment, legal, official, basic, tool, huge, main, state, persistent, nation, cumbersome.

5.Образуйте от данных слов антонимы при помощи отрицательных префиксов и переведите их:

Dis-: regard, advantage, courage, appear, appoint, count, symmetrical, pleasure.

Non-: agricultural, currency, human, durable, effective, persistent, content, communicable, plowable, judicial.

6.Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Основные аспекты, во всех случаях, правовые и фискальные цели, частный сектор, влияние окружающей среды, эра нового государственного управления, финансовая часть земельной регистрации, административные недостатки, сильные и слабые стороны, быстрое обслуживание пользователей, точность карт, очень дорогой, часто указывает, низкий уровень (степень) охвата.

7.Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1. Ограниченная компьютеризация — слабая сторона системы.

2.Государство постоянно регистрирует земли. 3. В прошлом году в агентстве имели место финансовые и административные недостатки. 4. Землеустроитель проводит сейчас кадастровую съемку.

5.Кадастровые карты есть почти во всех странах. 6. Информация о земле очень полезна для землеустроителей. 7. Кадастровая система защищает права владельцев земли. 8. Землеустроители несут ответственность за оценку земли.

8.Образуйте однокоренные слова от данных глаголов:

То manage, to arrange, to organize, to work, to survey, to describe, to use, to express, to locate, to consider, to assess, to execute, to change, to improve, to plow.

9.Заполните пропуски, используя слова: access, increase, costs, undertakes, sciences, offers.

1.A land use planner ... different role in different countries. 2. Land use planning is concerned with a lot of different ... 3. Modern technology ... new possibilities. 4. It’s important to ... the speed and lower the ... for cadastral reforms. 5. Computer technology provides better ... to information.
10.Заполните пропуски предлогами и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. ... this text we discuss the basic determination ... the cadastral system. 2. ... the modern world word combination “land use planning” has a much wider meaning. 3. The public and private sectors are responsible ... all tasks. 4. The strengths ... existing cadastral systems include land registration. 5. Both cadastres and land mapping should be kept simple, and concentrate only ... the data ... their particular purposes.

11.Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. The financial part of land registration is constantly carrying out by the private sector. 2. The weaknesses of the system are gradually decreasing. 3. It’s difficult to achieve a high level of integration. 4. An integrated system is developing now. 5. Land use planners are working today on the problem of automating land records.

12.Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

1. The, basic, now, is, system, of, determination, cadastral, discussing. 2. The, holds, state, all, on, registration, land, responsibilities. 3. Are, some strengths, there, in, system, cadastral, weaknesses, and, the existing. 4. Maps, cadastral, the, part, of, register, are, the. 5. Low, funds, are, budget, of, systems, cadastral, existing, weaknesses.

13.Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1.Is a land cadastre a tax tool? 2. Does it have long traditions?

3.When was the legal base of a land cadastre and a land registry created? 4. What are the basic elements of cadastral systems? 5. Does the cadastral system implement legal protection of landowners’ rights? 6. Is the state liable for any damage caused by faulty registration? 7. Does the cadastre cover the complete territory of most countries? 8. Are fiscal and legal records the main purposes of cadastral systems?

Практическая работа №7.

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Epoch, sense, appreciate, well-known, magnificent, justify, cruel, compare, obligation, estate, century, peasant, wealthy, waterway, staff, medieval, similarity, archival, tremendous.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Few geographical surveys of cadastral character, late descriptions, introspective Moscow State, Great Reformer, pre-Petrine Russian culture, imperial ideology, the changes in the nature of a cadastre, feudal tax cadastre, low density, abundance of agricultural resources, unsuccessful attempts, hunting estates of tsars, vassal obligations, poll tax.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Review of the Russian Medieval Cadastre

The Russian medieval cadastres had been a kind of routine regular survey. Land descriptions of the whole state or separate provinces were Planned and fulfilled by the staff of the Estate Administration (Pomestnyi Prikaz). Each expedition sent by an administrative unit to collect land use data included at least two senior officials (usually an experienced chancery official and a wealthy aristocrat) and few junior officials for whom it was a kind of practice. All the expeditions received special written orders from the tsar and had the right to check land property documents, to solve land disputes of local landlords, in some cases even to confiscate estate. These decisions could be changed only by the special tsar orders. A record in the cadastral book had usually been the best proof of property rights. The cadastral officials used to compare contemporary land use with the documents of the previous survey. That is why it is often possible to find brief data of a previous survey in the books of the next one.

From the end of the XVth century the Estate Administration undertook regular surveys of the lands of Moscow State. During these surveys there were created descriptions of the whole state and its separate provinces. These descriptions (pistsovye knigi) included a number of peasants in each village of the estate, quantity of arable and mead- owlands, approximate data on forests. Being improved from one survey to another, late descriptions of the XVIIth century demonstrate distinguished and complicated feudal tax cadastre.

They evaluated land estates in two-steps way taking into consideration quantity of productive arable lands measured in a very accurate way. Next step was the evaluation of arable soil quality: good, medium or poor. After that the data on quality had been recalculated in exact proportion into special units of agricultural productivity of the estate.

Land taxes and vassal obligations served as the basement of administrative, financial and military life of the Moscow State in the XVI — XVI Ith centuries. These duties were determined in accordance with the quantity and feudal status of land holding and its agricultural value. The state itself did not carry out any important economic projects. Stability of central administration, power and wealth of Moscow State depended on prosperity of peasantry paying taxes and landlords serving for the state with their vassal. Surveyors took into consideration feudal status of the land holding they described. The data on agricultural productivity of estates had been recalculated once more into special tax units (sokha) in order to reflect status of the landlords.

Land cadastre of that period had been the tax cadastre — evaluation of settled and exploited lands. It dealt with arable and hayfield lands, sometimes with fisheries, apiaries, hunting estates of tsars. Virgin forests, empty lands and marches attracted no attention of estate surveyors. This situation reflected abundance of agricultural resources and low density of peasant population. This shows the level of geographical knowledge of that period: despite the fact that major waterways and roads had been described and well-known, contemporaries of Ivan the Terrible or Boris Godunov seemed to be unaware of endless Russian forests as foreign ambassadors and merchants had been on their way to the capital of Moscovy. Contemporary documents showed that even wealthy native aristocracy could go astray while travelling in the forests of the Central Russia.

Besides numerous surveys carried out by the Estate Administration, many wealthy landlords compiled cadastral descriptions of their lands: sovereign Great Princes, Archbishops, monasteries.

The system of a land cadastre of the XVI — XVI Ith centuries used the old-fashioned methods of direct land measuring in area units when contemporary European countries began to use land charts and maps. But there existed a couple of archival documents showing the use of charts and plans in medieval cadastres. The general level of mapmaking could be seen from the published translations of books on geometry and land measuring, allowed at least to presume the technical possibility of the brief land mapping of Central Russia. All this proves the similarity of medieval Russian land cadastres and continental cadastral system.

  1.  Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Impact, link, lucky, purpose, successfully, accurate, influence, objective, connect, exact.

  1.  Образуйте антонимы от данных слов:

Large, successful, little, natural, appropriate, rural, use, expensive, weak, narrow.

  1.  Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Отражать всю картину, хорошо известная точка зрения, подушный налог, природа и цели кадастра, сложный феодальный налоговый кадастр, обязанности вассала, тщательно изучать, власть и богатство, пересчитать в точной пропорции, средневековая аристократия, количество крестьян, собирать данные по землепользованию, изданные переводы книг, косвенные доказательства.

  1.  Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:
  1. Европейское влияние было огромным. 2. Православная вера популярна в России. 3. Государство выполняло самые важные экономические проекты. 4. Самые поздние описания кадастра XVII века демонстрировали сложный феодальный налоговый кадастр. 5. Раньше они описывали земельные угодья в две ступени.
  1. Эти описания включали количество крестьян в каждой деревне, качество пахотной земли и лугов. 7. Этот текст сравнивает кадастр двух столетий. 8. Кадастр земли средневекового периода — налоговый кадастр.
  1.  Запишите прописью следующие количественные числительные, хронологические даты и дроби:

16, 89, 154, 985, 2841, 3462, 5816, 99852, 186954, 1 861083; 1/8, 3/4, 2/3, 1/3; 0.05; 1.6; 0.007; 1942, 2001, 1957, 1992, 1996, 2004.

  1.  Образуйте 3 степени сравнения следующих прилагательных:

Good, big, important, beautiful, little, far, many, bad, easy, complicated, friendly, nice, fine, difficult, interesting, high.

  1.  Раскройте скобки, употребляя имена прилагательные в соответствующей степени сравнения:

1. A record in the cadastral book had usually been the (good) proof of property rights. 2. (Late) descriptions of the XVllth century demonstrate distinguished and complicated feudal tax cadastre. 3. The arable lands were measured in a very (accurate) way. 4. The (good) the service, the (easy) the life. 5. This is the (magnificent) project on the forest cadastre I have ever seen.

  1.  Образуйте однокоренные слова от следующих слов:

Manage, regular, collect, implement, work, operate, publish, change, press, satisfy.

  1.  Укажите исходную форму прилагательных и составьте с ними предложения:

Less, many, better, worst, more, interesting, more difficult, beautiful, the most different, farther, the most.

  1.  Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:
  1. What is this text devoted to? 2. What kind of cadastres were the Russian medieval ones? 3. What did Pomestnyi Prikaz undertake at the end of the XVth century? 4. What did description of land include?
  1. How were land taxes and vassal obligations serve? 6. Did the state carry out any important economic projects? 7. What did the Russian medieval cadastre deal to? 8. Is the similarity of the medieval Russian land cadastre and continental cadastral system proved by any documents of that time?

Практическая работа №8.

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Methodically, colleagues, boundary, certain, majesty, zoom, announce, complete, widespread, digital, session, authority, Gazeteer, consequence, emerge, arrange, aforementioned, validity.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Within a certain country, use and implementation throughout Europe, to maximize the efficiency, Valuation Office Agency, complete digital database, e-Business strategy, relatively uniform cadastral surveys, unique definition, certificate of title, less pronounced, must be surveyed and demarcated, objects of taxation, greatest achievements, the cradle of the European cadastre, under the umbrella.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите текст:

The UK “Cadastre”

The word cadastre is generally used to describe “a methodically arranged public inventory of data concerning properties, within a certain country or district, based upon a survey of their boundaries”. There are numerous models however for its use and implementation throughout Europe. Taking the land parcel as its foundation, the cadastre is used to record information about land rights, valuation, land use, etc.

There is no UK Cadastre — the word cadastre is not one commonly used in the UK, where for historical reasons the development of land administration institutions has taken place in a different way from the rest of Europe. While mapping remains the basis for those activities considered as “cadastral”, in the UK there is no single organization responsible for the cadastre.

Ordnance Survey, as a national mapping agency, maintains large scale mapping for England, Scotland, and Wales. In Northern Ireland this is the responsibility of Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland. The detailed digital mapping maintained by these two Government Agencies provides the definitive framework upon which other organizations can “hook” and manage their data. Another difference with most mainland European countries is that the base mapping in UK is topographic — it shows features that exist on the ground but not the fixed boundary points and monuments usually associated with a cadastre.

Ordnance Survey has made Great Britain one of the few countries in the world to have a complete digital national topographic database, including complete large scale data for all urban areas. Recently Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland has completed the UK picture with large scale digital data covering the entire province. Within Great Britain there is now widespread use of digital mapping across many user sectors, in one of the most developed markets in Europe.

Over the last twelve months Ordnance Survey has embarked on a number of projects under the umbrella of a new “e-Business strategy”, the vision of which is: “Ordnance Survey and its partners will be the content provider of choice for location based information in the new knowledge economy”. As a part of its new e-Business strategy, Ordnance Survey is developing its digital mapping products and services within a coherent infrastructure known as the Digital National Framework. A unique 16 digit topographic identifier is used for all points, lines, and areas, and provides a common link that will allow different data to reference the same feature allowing users to cross reference data in a way that should help to release the potential and value of their data.

The Nation Land Information Service (NLIS) is a part of the UK Government “modernizing government” initiative. It is a project being jointly developed by Her Majesty Land Registry (HMLR) and Local Government. It features private sector partners that provide access to a National Land and Property Gazeteer.

In conclusion, while there is no cadastre in the United Kingdom the activities normally considered to be a part of the cadastre on continental Europe are performed by a variety of agencies. Although the organizational frameworks are different, many of the issues facing UK institutions are similar to those faced by our colleagues involved in cadastre in other parts of Europe. There is a need to create coordination of efforts in a way described in the UK as “joined-up government” in order to maximize the efficiency of effort and to provide the best value and service to the citizen.

  1. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Reason, need, best, maximize, purpose, necessity, excellent, link, similar, bind, increase, same.

  1.  Образуйте от данных слов антонимы при помощи отрицательных префиксов:

1п-\ significance, separable, official, subordinate, sufferable, urban(e), appropriate, supportable, dependence, dependant.

Un-: limited, steady, suitable, known, reasonable, thinking, trained, suspected.

  1.  Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Основная схожесть, несмотря на организационные рамки, правительственные структуры (агентства), картирование остается основой, оценка имущества (недвижимости), электронная бизнес- стратегия, уникальный цифровой определить (идентификатор), инициатива модернизации правительства, полевые заметки, в соответствии с количеством участков, «объединенное правительство», бывшие колонии, степень безопасности и надежности, он должен обратиться к регистратору.

  1.  Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1. Важной характерной чертой разработки является связь между кадастром и регистрацией земли. 2. Франция — колыбель (родоначальник) кадастра. 3. Французский кадастр был определен Наполеоном в начале XIX века. 4. В Соединенном Королевстве нет кадастра. 5. В Англии два агентства, которые несут ответственность за запись прав на землю. 6. Англия имеет полную цифровую государственную топографическую базу данных. 7. Уникальный топографический определитель используется для всех площадей. 8. Дания имеет всестороннюю кадастровую карту, охватывающую всю страну.

  1.  Заполните пропуски соответствующими модальными глаголами:

1. You ... go to the Agency by bus. 2. This is an easy text on land cadastre. You ... translate it without a dictionary. 3. The students ... work hard. 4. Information ... be organized in integrative form. 5. Work ...be based on sound cadastral survey. 6. The computerization ... have much place in land use planning.

  1.  Замените модальные глаголы их эквивалентами:

1. The Government Agencies can “hook” and manage data. 2. Researches must look at the possibilities of different services. 3. The results of the trial couldn’t be announced. 4. The providers may use digital topographic identifier. 5. This system must provide proper information.

  1. Cadastre must have basis for further modernization. 7. Completely new land records must be compiled.
  1.  Заполните пропуски предлогами:
  1. There are numerous models ... cadastre. 2. The cadastre is used ... record information ... land rights, valuation, land use, etc. 3. There is no single organization responsible ... the cadastre ... the UK. 4. National Mapping Agency maintains large scale mapping ... England, Scotland, and Wales. 5. The detailed digital mapping is maintained ... two Government Agencies.
  1.  Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. The basic principles should consist of two parts. 2. This programmes must provide interesting results. 3. Researches must have basis for further development. 4. The Spanish cadastral system must provide national coverage. 5. The cadastre is developing gradually.

  1.  Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на многозначность слова one.

1. One of them is a land use planner. 2. Another cadastre emerged parallel to this one. 3. One should know all these rules. 4. In all Western European countries, cadastral maps are used for many purposes besides the original one. 5. One of the greatest achievements of the Napoleonic cadastre was that it provided a complete record of all land units.

  1.  Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту:
  1. Is there the UK cadastre? 2. Are there models of its use and implementation throughout Europe? 3. How many Government Agencies providing digital mapping are there in the UK? 4. What organization provides a wealth of free mapping on web site? 5. What is “e-business strategy”? 6. Can the Government Agencies “hook” and manage data?
  1. May the providers use digital topographic identifier? 8. Must National Mapping Agency maintain large scale mapping for England, Scotland, and Wales?

Практическая работа №9.

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Multipurpose, revenue, guarantees, collection, private, tax, correspondence, user, mortgage, urban, grid, benchmarks, features, link, registration, subdivision, broker, title, stockholders.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Registry service, property registry, unique parcel, private investors,

multipurpose tool, city revenue, urban certificates, tax collection, own purposes, individual demands, geodetic grids, real estate, information users, comprehensive census of owners and occupants.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите следующий текст:

What Is an Urban Cadastre

An urban cadastre is a physical description of the land and real estate tenure in a city. It contains graphic and textual information. Graphic information includes the description of each individual parcel and building, topographic features such as roads, rivers, contour lines, additional information such as cartographic grids, geodetic benchmarks, etc. Textual information includes names of owners or occupants, names of streets or areas of specific interest, main characteristics of each parcel or building such as the area, the fiscal value, the associated urban certificates, etc. Both types of information are linked together and managed in a system known as a cadastral information system.

Most of the time, the cadastre is integrated with the property registry, the legal registration of land and real estate property. Integration of the cadastre with the registry creates a parcel based registry or a legal cadastre. This guarantees the exact correspondence between physical and legal ownership. In other words, wherever there is a parcel or building, there are the corresponding titles or “legal tenure documents” registered ih the property registry, and respectively, wherever there are registered titles, there is a unique parcel corresponding to it. This is technically permitted by a unique identification number that links unilaterally the parcel or the building to the title.

We can identify two categories of stockholders involved in the maintenance and use of cadastral information: information providers and information users. Information providers include cadastral and registry services as well as private surveyors and notaries. The former are responsible for the systematic production and maintenance of the information, the latter generally intervene for day to day individual demands, such as private utility and facility companies that would produce and need data for their own purposes like water tax collection. Information users include the private individual users, municipalities and local communities, public and private investors, banks, real estate and mortgage brokers, etc.

The successful urban cadastre depends upon legal frameworks, the social assessment and participation as well as use of new technologies.

  1.  Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Unsafe, local, indigenous, framework, ancillary, justice, additional, dangerous, fairness, stockholders, limiting, shareholders.

  1.  Образуйте от данных слов антонимы при помощи отрицательных префиксов:

ir-: respective, repairable, responsibility, rational, regular, reclaim- able, recoverable, recognizable.

im-\ patible, mobile, movability, perfection, movable, possibility, penetrability, police.

  1.  Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Описание участка, топографические черты, дополнительная информация, городской сертификат, уникальный опознавательный номер, 2 категории акционеров, пользователь информации, поставщик информации, правовые рамки, увеличить доступ, устранить напряженность, дальнейший анализ, перепись владельцев, безопасность недвижимости.

  1.  Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:
  1. Городской кадастр должен содержать физическое описание земли и недвижимости в городе. 2. Городской кадастр включает графическую и текстовую информацию. 3. Информационные провайдеры и пользователи — 2 категории акционеров. 4. Городской кадастр должен иметь список владельцев. 5. Новые технологии Уже решили старые проблемы. 6. Я только что зарегистрировал свою недвижимость. 7. К концу следующего года моя недвижимость будет уже построена. 8. Правовые рамки уже четко определили распределение обязанностей между земельным агентством и агентством недвижимости.
  1.  Образуйте 3 формы следующих глаголов:

То identify, to feel, to make, to impact, to accompany, to give, to vary, to understand, to equip, to computerize, can, to train, to teach, to see, to send, to improve.

  1.  Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения глагола to have:

1. The staff of this firm has been trained to maintain the computerized technology system. 2. You have to know everything about textual and graphic information. 3. Each city has urban cadastral maps. 4. Most of the countries have almost finished capturing cadastral textual information. 5. European countries have understood the importance of linking the property registries or mortgage books with the cadastre. 6. Every day 1 have dinner at 12 o’clock. 7. Recently the European Union has conducted a comparison of the European cadastres.

  1.  Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных:

Investigation, administration, prosecution, communication, comparison, danger, science, confidence, base, history science, importance, registration, decision, difference.

  1.  Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. The social assessment and participation have required innovative approaches. 2. There have been three technical steps for the rapid technological evolution. 3. The European countries have understood the importance of the cadastre. 4. The staff has already been trained to maintain the system. 5. You have to stem lessons from a technical comparison of European cadastral systems.

  1.  Используйте глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующей форме:

1. Recently we (to receive) the textual information. 2. We just (to prepare) the map of this city. 3. He (to be) to use graphic information.

  1. By the end of this week the report (to write). 5. They already (to see) this information. 6. The European countries (to understand) the importance of property registration.
  1.  Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
  1. What is an urban cadastre? 2. What does textual information include? 3. What categories of stockholders do you know? 4. Is integration of the cadastre with the registry so important? 5. Will use of new technologies solve old problems? 6. What have you to do when preparing a cadastre? 7. Should the legal framework provide a clear distribution of responsibilities between land and real estate agencies? 8. Will the field data acquisition process be governed by population participation?

Практическая работа №10.

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Vacant, eminent, enforcement, condemnation, levy, domain, delinquency, revitalization, officials, deem, attractive, blighted, redemption, emerge, revenue, perception, perceive, pursue.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Tax lien foreclosure, for the public good, land remains vacant, eminent domain, increase tax revenue, insurable property title, recipient property, smart growth, legislative reforms, local level remains deficient, abandoned land, approaches have been pioneered, hindering the process, a marketable proper title.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Vacant Property

The reuse of vacant land and abandoned structures can represent an opportunity for the economic growth and recovery of a diverse range of urban areas. Vacant and abandoned property is a symptom of central city decline that has now become a problem in its own right.

Vacant land represents both a significant problem and an attractive opportunity for many central cities. Vacant land and abandoned structures impose both economic and social costs on cities and neighbourhoods or districts in which they are located. On the economic side, such properties lower neighbouring property values and tax revenues even as they create pressure to raise taxes to maintain service levels. Likewise, vacant land and abandoned structures impose significant social costs on communities as images of blight, as targets for vandalism and criminal activity, and as unsafe and unhealthy structures.

At the same time, though, vacant land holds out an opportunity for central cities when it is seen as a competitive asset in the implementation of economic development strategies. Vacant land development can generate new economic activity, increase tax revenue, improve transportation and physical amenities, and increase safety. It can also help cities to resolve their brownfield problems as well as reinforce “smart growth” practices by accommodating growth and development within existing urban areas.

Despite the need to understand better the problems and opportunities associated with vacant and abandoned properties, few efforts have attempted to comprehensively quantify their extent. Land use planners surveyed cities perceptions of their vacant land and abandoned structures problem and found that they were viewed as a serious concern.

The survey has found that, on the average, 15 per cent of a city’s land remains vacant. But while both surveys help to provide a better understanding of the issue and city responses to it, neither was comprehensive. The survey also found that city officials deemed aggressive building code enforcement the most effective technique to address vacant land and abandoned structures, followed by the use of tax foreclosure (used by 60 per cent of the surveyed cities).

To understand the full scope of the problems and opportunities associated with vacant lands and abandoned structures, we need systematic and ongoing data collection.

  1.  Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Responsibilities, confiscation, similar, duties, various, homogenous, diverse, ownership, domain, suppose, levy, tax, deem, condemnation.

  1.  Образуйте от данных слов антонимы при помощи отрицательных префиксов:

im-\ possible, mobility, material, mature, modest, measurability, memorial.

//-: legal, liberal, legible, logical, legitimate, legitimacy, literacy.

  1.  Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Перестройка земли, повторное использование, свободная земля, благоустройство города (нарядный рост), пустующие структуры, социальные затраты, цели для вандализма и криминальной деятельности, осуществление экономического развития, лучшее понимание проблем, налоговое лишение права выкупа, сбор данных, восприятие города, возможность экономического роста.

  1.  Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1. Свободные земли и пустующие структуры должны заново использоваться. 2. Свободными остаются 15% городских земель. 3. Ярлык свободной земли дается различным видам использованной и неиспользованной земли. 4. Для решения проблемы пустующих земель законодательные реформы уже изданы. 5. Землеустроители озабочены проблемой пустующих земель. 6. Экономические затраты возрастают из-за пустующих земель.

  1.  Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму сказуемого:
  1. These strategies are grouped by 3 broad categories. 2. An important role is played by state governments. 3. Implementation of financing rules is carried out by eminent domain powers. 4. Legislative reforms have been successfully undertaken by some states. 5. Vacant lands must be reused. 6. The vacant land label is given to different used and unused parcels of land. 7. Legislation reforms have already been published to decide these problems.
  1.  Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных:

Successful, beneficial, wide, sufficient, official, high, quick, early, public, accurate.

  1.  Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. The redevelopment ... vacant and abandoned properties consists ... five strategies. 2. Tax lien foreclosure process is greatly influenced ... a tax collection system. 3. Vacant land problems are constantly being decided ... local authorities. 4. Land redevelopment will be decided ... new approaches. 5. Land surveyors are concerned ... problems ... vacant lands.

  1.  Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. Legislative reforms have already been implemented to support urban land redevelopment. 2. The current set of tools remains deficient. 3. Productive use requires legislative powers. 4. States can be divided into three categories. 5. Eminent domain has been used to establish public parts, preserve places of historic interest.

  1.  Используйте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в соответствующем времени и залоге и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Vacant land problems (to view) as a serious concern. 2. The vacant land label (to give) to many different types of used or unused parcels. 3. Legislative power (to require) to overcome the problems associated with vacant properties. 4. To support urban redevelopment legislative reforms already (to undertake). 5. Urban land development will (to promote) by the legislative reforms and approaches.

  1.  Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1.Do vacant land and abandoned structures impose economic and social costs on cities? 2. What does vacant land represent? 3. Does vacant land hold out any opportunities? 4. What kind of opportunities does vacant land hold out? 5. What can vacant land development generate? 6. How can vacant land help city? 7. How many per cent of a city’s land remains vacant? 8. Why have any states successfully

Практическая работа №11.

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Unfortunately, careful, amount, individuality, pleasures, handiwork, turmoil, circumferential, curvilinear, wantonly, vista, show, congestion, desirous, carriageway, inconvenience, pedestrian, pave.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

The majority of cases, attractive amenities, it invariably happens, gross handiwork, the purest of human pleasures, dwelling removed from the turmoil and discomfort, well planted and finely laid out, undulation of the site, heavily trafficked streets, to prevent the congestion, approximately the same height, wide grass margins, creation of fitting civic centre.

3.Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Town Planning

Aristotle is said to have defined a City as a “place where men live a common life for a noble end” which implies an end of the life or an implementation of the aim.

Unfortunately in the majority of cases the aim has been an unconscious one with the result that cities have grown in a haphazard manner, and many beautiful spots turned into an ugly accumulation of bricks and mortar.

A careful study of what wise town planning, the liberal provision of attractive amenities can do, and has already done for some of the cities of Europe will convince the greatest anti-town-planner of the wisdom of looking well ahead. It invariably happens that town planning is not thought of or put into operation until a certain amount of development has taken place.

A city attractive by its beauty, by its artistic symmetry and design and by the amenities and conveniences which it offers will gain a reputation and an individuality which not only its Council and its landowners, but also its citizens, may be proud.

What then should be the aim of every City? And to answer that question we are at once thrown back upon the question of what should be the individuality by which the City should be marked and known. Bacon says in his Essay of Gardens, that “God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed it is the purest of human pleasures, it is the greatest refreshment to the spirit of men without which buildings and palaces are but gross handiwork”. Surely then the aim should be the one implied by the term “Garden City”, beautiful, well planted and finely laid out, known and characterized by the charm and amenities which it can offer to those who seek a residence or dwelling removed from the turmoil, stress and discomforts of a manufacturing district.

The various system of planning which have been adopted in the past are rectangular, radial and circumferential; but the latest schemes for town planning are generally a combination of all three, which allows for the best fulfillment of town planning ideals.

and boulevards; open spaces, parks and recreation grounds; tramways; civic centre.The problem then for the town planner is to consider his scheme in respect to the configuration and undulations of the site; direction of main radial and circumferential avenues and boulevards; the layout and construction of avenues The limitation of the number of houses per acre and height and identical character should be provided. Factories and works must also be placed in the special areas.

4.Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Crowd, wanton, irresponsible, intersect, congestion, horizon, cross, turmoil, noise, pavement, skyline, sidewalk.

5.Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

Helpful, invariably, unconscious, horizon, ugly, helpless, variably, beautiful, wanton, skyline, responsible, conscious.

6.Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский;

Великий Архитектор Вселенной, привлекательные удобства, цель каждого города, ручная работа в чистом виде, вдали от суматохи, стресса и дискомфорта, сочетания лучших идей, неровности места (под застройку), кольцевые бульвары, план и строительство авеню, парки и места для отдыха, общественный центр, салон красоты, сильно загруженные улицы, устранить перенаселенность.

7.Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1. Необходимо учитывать направление основных кольцевых бульваров. 2. Город привлекателен своей красотой. 3. Всемогущий Бог первым долгом посадил сад. 4. Город должен быть хорошо спланирован. 5. В крупных городах существуют прямоугольная, радиальная и кольцевая системы планирования. 6. Место для отдыха и парков должно учитываться при планировании города. 7. Фабрики и заводы должны размещаться в особых зонах. 8. В центре старинных городов необходимо предотвращать скопление машин.

8.Образуйте имена прилагательные от следующих слов:

Vary, thank, wonder, beauty, power, help, use, situation, type, finance.

9.Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции инфинитива:

1. It is difficult to estimate future demands. 2. Each route should be linked up one with the other to form easy and suitable means of transit from every part of the city. 3. By carefully planning it can generally be arranged to place a church, a public building, or artistically designed residence to break the monotony of long streets. 4. In order to obviate overcrowding it is essential to limit a number of houses per acre. 5. Land use planner must study all subjects to know his speciality well. 6. To become a good specialist is very important. 7. These are the land use planners to place new parks and recreational grounds.

10.Заполните пропуски предлогами:

  1. People’s Parks are universally provided ... the Continent. 2. The secondary business avenues should have sidewalks ... a minimum width … 10 feet. 3. All sewer, water, electric and other mains are made ...underground conduits. 4. A city is attractive ... its beauty. 5. ... planning the future growth ... existing and new cities one can avoid the enormous expense occasioned ... the lack ... planning.

11.Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. People’s Parks are universally provided on the Continent. 2. The traffic is inconvenienced by opening for repairs. 3. Factories and works should be placed in special areas. 4. The whole system of public utilities will ultimately become parts of a completed whole. 5. The circumferential routes connect the various parks and open spaces, streets and avenues, squares and boulevards.

12.Преобразуйте предложения, изменив форму глаголов-сказуемых из действительного залога в страдательный:

1. The regulation respects the most important parts of a town planning system. 2. Centres fix shops, schools, churches, etc. 3. A land use planner makes different schemes for proper use of land. 4. God Almighty first planted a garden. 5. The circumferential route connects the various parks and open spaces, streets and avenues.

13.Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. How did Aristotle define a City? 2. Have cities grown up in a haphazard manner in the majority of cases? 3. What is a city attractive by? 4. What is the aim of every city? 5. What systems of city planning can you name? 6. Should the town planner consider direction of main radial and circumferential avenues? 7. Must the limitation of the number of houses per acre be provided? 8. Where should factories and works be placed?

Практическая работа №12.

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Urban, bureaucratic, engage, assume, permit, accommodate, buying out, relocating, subordinate, transfer, consistently, envision, guide, insure, relationship, inconsistent, self-government, borrow.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания:

Russian Code, technical process, bureaucratic organization, mandatory “expertization”, issues to be treated in sub-legislation, the spatial plan, density of settlement, land relation, a great variety of ways, broad principles of public participation, soil contamination, immovable and movable items, mortgage financing system, criminal violations.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Planning Process Description in the Laws

The Russian Code spends most of its details on the technical processes of creating plans and urban development documentation. Detail is included which is intended to guide the bureaucratic organizations and the planning institutes and professionals in the ways in which they should go about creating plans. This includes descriptions of the content of the mandatory section plans, interrelation of the urban development plans with other actions of governmental authorities as well as the processes of mandatory “expertization”. Similarly, there are great details in describing the tasks and powers of bureaucratic units.

In contrast the “western” laws contain very little detail about the technical methods by which plans are to be compiled and the specific authority of bureaucratic units to engage in tasks related to the planning work. It is assumed that these are technical and managerial issues to be treated in sub-legislation and worked out by the senior managers of the governmental administration.

A strong example of these differences can be seen in the way the laws describe the municipal general plan. This is a common feature of all the laws and, in general terms the plans all have the same purpose.

They link a spatial plan with a plan of infrastructure, transport and public facility needs.

The spatial plan describes the best pattern of land uses from the standpoint of land capacity, density of settlement and good urban design. But the plan of infrastructure, transport and public facility needs is based on an estimation of
economic calculations and efficient system design and functioning.

Despite the differences, however, the planning and urban development laws of the “western” countries reflect similar concepts of law- drafting and the structure of legislation. These can be characterized in the following ways:

  •  the laws (as opposed to the sub-legislation and local regulation) accomplish two primary purposes: (1) they authorize or mandate the pertinent government administrations to engage in planning and land use regulation; (2) they define the status of these government actions in relation to the legal rights and responsibilities of landowners and land users, individuals and juridical entities and citizens generally;
  •  the laws assume that the predominant form of landholding in urban area is private ownership and that most actions, which result in new development or redevelopment, are civil law/market transactions. The plans and regulations are intended to guide these private actions, and the state and municipal investments in infrastructure and public facilities are to support them. Except in the special case of redeveloping obsolete areas, government actions are not intended to replace private actions to determine how and when to invest in the use and development of specific parcels of land;
  •  the laws do not define the specific methodologies for planning or fix the content of plans, except with respect to broad categories of subject matter. These are technical issues, which the experts, local officials and citizens will work out. The laws anticipate that there will be disagreements; therefore, they provide procedures for coordination, mediation and public participation. The laws are not used to give one group of experts control over the planning process, excluding others;
  •  the laws are not intended to fix the power relationship among subunits of the government administrations. These are management issues. The responsibilities to carry out planning and regulatory tasks are given to the chief executor (governor, mayor) or to one or more ministers. They have the responsibility to organize (or reorganize) the subordinate units to accomplish the tasks most efficiently.
  1.  Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Responsibilities, hinder, accumulate, income, revenue, pertinent,

worth, available, obligations, discourage, dignity, collateral, secondary, compile.

  1.  Образуйте от данных слов антонимы при помощи отрицательных префиксов:

in-:expensive, convenience, consistent, accessible;

dis-: agree, comfort, vantage, agreement;

un-: changeable, questioned, repeatable, seasonable, satisfactorily, shadowed, transportable, touchable.

  1.  Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Описанный в Российских законах процесс, взаимосвязь планов городского развития, технические и управленческие вопросы, правительственная администрация, правовые и финансовые трудности, разрабатывать крупномасштабные территориальные планы, последующий ущерб, технический и государственный обзор.

  1.  Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1. Чтобы регулировать городское развитие, Соединенные Штаты Америки приняли соответствующие законы. 2. Французский Кодекс опубликован в трех частях. 3. Говорят, земля является частью окружающей среды. 4. Законы Российской Федерации и западных стран сильно отличаются. 5. Необходимо страховать недвижимость. 6. Пространственные планы показывают лучшие модели землепользования. 7. Подзаконные акты только что разработаны Думой. 8. Документация по городскому развитию постоянно регулируется Российским кодексом.

  1.  Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитивные обороты:

1. We expect them to do this work. 2. I want you to work hard.

  1. We saw them work at urban development plan. 4. I know these laws to be applied the next year by all means.
  1.  Образуйте однокоренные слова от следующих прилагательных:

Local, different, constant, independent, confident, competent, evident, permanent, reliable, desirable, descriptive, valuable.

  1.  Заполните пропуски предлогами:

The United States ... America have adopted laws ... regulate urban development. 2. It’s important ... coordinate the expansion ... urban territories. 3. Government administration elaborates schemes ... major transport systems. 4. ... contrast the “western” laws contain very little detail ... the technical methods. 5. Generally ... the “western” countries the systems ... private ownership and other civil law rights ... land and real property have been functioning ... over a century.

  1.  Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. The City general plan is defined by the law. 2. The Russian Code spends most of its detail on urban development documentation. 3. In the “western” countries the systems of private ownership have been functioning for over a century. 4. The structure is done deliberately.

  1. In order to make them work in reality, the law also must deal with the financial aspects of planning and urban development.
  1.  Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложное определение (именительный падеж с инфинитивом):

1. Aristotle is said to have defined a City “as a place where men live a common life for a noble end”. 2. It’s difficult to prognose which laws is likely to prove the most efficient. 3. Systems of planning and regulation definition is said to be necessary for urban development purposes.

  1. Every green plant is considered to be a “factory”. 5. The legislation proved to be useful. 6. He is said to work at the Ministry. 7. This problem is unlikely to be decided quickly. 8. He is Supposed to have gore to virgin lands. 9. The work proved to be useful. 10. This plan is considered to be successfull.
  1.  Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
  1. Does the Russian Code spend most of its details on urban development documentation? 2. What does the spatial plan describe?
  1. Is the plan of infrastructure based on an estimation of economic calculations? 4. Can French five-year moratorium work unless the municipality is able to borrow the capital funds? 5. Wbat requires consideration of the economic impact on private owners? 6. Have private property rights fully defined in the law? 7. Is it necessary to elaborate large area territorial plans and schemes? 8. Is there need for the Russian Federation to copy the “western” laws on urban development?

Практическая работа №13.

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Single, frequently, adversely, commodity, social, allocation, portfolio, sharecropping, rationale, sophistication, particularly, globalization, performance, commodification, harmonization, accounting, expect, reduce.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания:

Wide range of activities, to encourage certain uses, potential interventions, land taxation system, sound arguments, access to information, the general trend, a constantly developing portfolio, transaction types, formal registration institutions, third party interest, the general rationale, level of sophistication, increasing demands for harmonization.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Land Market

Land markets provide a mechanism for the allocation of ownership and use rights that is typically for the most valuable single class of asset in an economy. At the same time land use and sometimes land ownership have influences on other aspects of society’s economic and noneconomic interests. The general trend towards market economies, for example, often adversely affects men who do not get equal opportunities to use land and property as a commodity. There is therefore a need for regulations based on environment, social, cultural and political considerations that provide a framework for the activities of the land market.

Land markets are made up of a constantly developing portfolio of legal interests and transaction types. This portfolio of transaction types includes sale, rental, sharecropping, and licenses, together with associated derivative transactions including mortgages and mortgage markets, and other real estate interests. Some of these transaction types are typically registrable in those jurisdictions that have formal registration institutions, including sales, mortgages, some leases, and some third party interests. Many are not, including particularly those “less” formal interests such as shorter term of leases or rental agreements, sharecropping agreements and licenses, derivative interests operating “upstream” of the registrable interests such as secondary mortgage market, and some customary rights.

The general rationale for land markets is that, under appropriate institutional frameworks, they will tend systematically to move land towards the most economically efficient ownership and use. This is broadly accepted as a desirable function, particularly given that land is typically the most valuable single class of asset in an economy.

  1.  Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Enhance, assistance, commodity, goods, community, construct, build, increase, help, society, adverse, harmful.

  1.  Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

Ineligible, cheap, faulty, hinder, eligible, expensive, true, encourage, beneficiaries, disadvantages.

  1.  Образуйте антонимы от следующих слов, используя нужные префиксы:

Increase, centralized, pleasure, moralize, tie, told, published, translatable, true, shadowed, trained.

  1.  Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Ключевые требования, более точная оценка, финансовый сервис, уровень фальсификации, рыночные товары, отоваривание земли, повышающаяся стоимость земельного имущества, возможности вложения.

  1.  Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1. Существует несколько ключевых требований для правильного функционирования рынка. 2. Земельная регистрация подводит фундамент к более эффективным операциям земельного рынка.

  1. Земельный рынок регулируется двумя основными механизмами. 4. Земельные рынки состоят из постоянно развивающихся пакетов документов по законным интересам людей. 5. Землепользование оказывает влияние на разные аспекты экономических и неэкономических интересов общества.
  1.  Образуйте 3 формы следующих глаголов:

То experience, to associate, to come, to omit, to purchase, to undergo, to tend, to add, to make, to drive, to contribute, to give, to attach, to reduce, to provide, to encourage

  1. Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

1. Provides, system, guarantee, the, appropriate, an. 2. Of, markets, made up, constantly, portfolio, a, developing, land, are. 3. Transaction, these, registrable, types, are. 4. Of, important, commodification, is, factor, land, an. 5. Requirements, are, key, several, there.

  1.  Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные функции причастия прошедшего времени:

1. Land use and land ownership have influenced different assets of society’s economic and non-economic interests. 2. With the established fact of capital markets globalization, the capacity of land commodification is an important factor. 3. The most basic key requirement includes an appropriate legal framework aimed at minimizing risk of ownership.

  1. The provision of related information underpins the more official operation of the land market by 2 main mechanisms. 5. Simplifying the legal procedures could be expected to increase the value of registered land. 6. Contributing factors were grouped into locational, physical and sales characteristics associated with specific properties in the area.
  1. Land markets are made up of a constantly developing portfolio of legal interests and transaction types.
  1.  Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
  1. What does land market provide? 2. Is there a need for environmental, social, cultural and political relations? 3. What are land markets made up of? 4. What does the portfolio of transaction types include? 5. Are transactions in land typically related to the economy?
  1. Are lands marketable commodities? 7. What key requirements for a property functioning market do you know?

Практическая работа №14

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Participation, background, majorants, contravention, scarcity, patterns, unique, existence, irretrievability, regulation, encumbrances, improvement, stipulate, restrict, disproportionate, injury, assigning, uninhabited.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

То overcome the contravention, historical background, the relations of landownership, mankind’s existence, property agreements, acting encumbrances, a part of the income, by virtue of, plants of investments, without disproportionate injury, usual business turnover, legislative de- terminacy, installation of rules, civil rights.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Basic Compound of Any Real Estate

In historical background of the relation to property, as majorants of economic type of the society, it has undergone repeated modifications stipulated by the desire to overcome the contravention between scarcity of resources, involved in production, and increasing human needs. In searching paths of maximizing productive forces effectiveness the society has periodically transformed patterns of ownership on factors of production and mechanism of a state participation in the government of economy.

The relations of landownership have always been the central part of social and economic relations.

The Earth represents the unique natural resource. It is a unique place of mankind’s existence, main factor of creation of its productive forces which help to create all other products and goods. Scarcity and the irretrievability of this resource results in objective necessity of public regulating of the laws and conditions of land use.

At the same time, in market economy the land acquires the form of goods and can be a subject to the property agreements, the result of which can restrain interests of other people and societies as a whole. Therefore introduction of the market relations shows heightened demands to a system of the state registration of land lots, control over their legal status and acting encumbrances, turnover of land and its rational usage.

It means, that a part of the income, which is capable to generate the land lot by virtue of the location, natural properties and possible improvements which are not stipulated by economic activity of the holder itself, can serve as a source of public needs sufficing and be deducted as rental paying. It in turn requires the monitoring of cost characteristics of land lots as factors of production and plants of investment.

And, at last, land is a basic compound of any real estate. According to article 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation we refer to real things (real property, real estate), land lots, sites of subsoil, isolated aquatic plants and everything, that is strongly linked to ground, i.e. plants, which can not be removed without disproportionate injury to their assigning, including forests, long-term green plants, buildings.

  1.  Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Scarcity, suffice, satisfy, encumbrances, by virtue of, through, proportion, discourages, part, increase, enhance, deficit.

  1.  Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

Retrievable, easy, different, useless, irretrievable, difficult, helpful, the same, appropriate, inhabited, directly, inappropriate, indirectly, uninhabited.

  1.  Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов:

То pay, to agree, to distribute, to establish, to invest, to reduce, to improve, to perform, to employ, to produce, to relate, to exist, to use, to legislate.

  1.  Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Гражданское право, законодательное определение правил, вторичные объекты недвижимости, историческое обоснование, не- восстанавливаемость ресурсов, действующие препятствия, оплата ренты, непропорциональное нанесение вреда, многолетние зеленые насаждения.

  1.  Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1. Экономическая деятельность человека стимулируется законом. 2. Необходимо исследовать пути максимизации производственных сил. 3. Земля представляет собой уникальный природный ресурс. 4. Закон должен регулировать рациональное использование ресурсов. 5. Земля — уникальное место для существования человека.

  1.  Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

1. Resources, regulated, of, rational, must, use, be, the, by, law.

  1. Represents, the, natural, the, unique, Earth, resource. 3. Is, a, land, estate, basic, real, any, of, compound. 4. Underwent, to, the, modifications, repeated, property, relation. 5. Registration, to, rights, the, belong, state.
  1.  Заполните пропуски предлогами:

1. Different elements describe concept ... landownership. 2. The real estate is defined ... forms ... the landownership. 3. According ... world practice the concept ... the landownership should be considered as a complex ... the land and property rights. 4. The land is a substance ... the real estate. 5. ... the foreign practice the list ... authorities concerning land includes 8 elements.

  1.  Задайте к каждому предложению максимальное количество вопросов:

1. Rental paying requires the monitoring cost characteristics. 2. Real estates are strongly fallen into different groups. 3. A possibility of selection depends upon its assigning. 4. Legislative determinacy allows to make conclusion of relation between different objects. 5. The relation of property underwent repeated modifications.

  1.  Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот:
  1. A new legislation has been enforced, specialists must take it into consideration. 2. My parents living in the village, I sent them a great amount of books and magazines. 3. Living far, I seldom see him. 4. The building material having come, they began to build a new cottage.
  1. Real estates being of great importance, people buy them.


Практическая работа №15

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Disturbed, ugliness, wildlife, beyond, purifying, widespread, endangering, associated, mean, significantly, jointly, wealthiest, emission, ozone, controversy, gully, splash, nuisance.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Widespread cries, gully erosion, chemicals and fertilizers, industry waters, great publicity, trust and support, ugliness of billboards and trash, strict pollution control, considerable improvement, wildlife reservation, beyond the concern of a single country, sheet and rill erosion, raindrop splash, the burning of fuels.

 3.Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Environmental Protection

Scientific and technological progress of the twenty-first century resulted in widespread mechanization, automated lines computerized management, spaceships, atomic power stations, pipelines, new roads and highways.

But it can not be denied that the price for rapid industrial development is very high: natural resources are exhausted, the ecological balance of the planet is disturbed; some species of flora and fauna disappear; city and industry waters, chemicals and fertilizers are endangering lakes, rivers and ponds. Big cities have a problem with air pollution: the “Killer Smog” caused some 3 500 — 4000 deaths in London in December, 1952. Progress can be blamed for all these environmental problems.

In recent years the pollution problems have received great publicity. The Environmental movement associated with no political party has gained widespread trust and support. Environmental activities stress that the problem is caused by industrial pollution and the automobile. Long-established environmental groups warn that acid rains threaten many forests. The media’s begun to campaign against the ugliness of billboards, tin cans and trash. Many people started to realize that to keep air and water clean, strict pollution control is necessary.

The protection of natural resources and wildlife is becoming a political program in every country. Numerous antipollution acts passed in different countries led to considerable improvements in environment. In many countries purifying systems for treatment of industrial waters have been installed, measures have been taken to protect rivers and seas from oil waters. Wildlife reservation models of undisturbed nature are being developed in some parts of the world.

But the environmental problems have grown beyond the concern of a single country. Their solution requires the cooperation of all nations.

4. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Protect, trash, litter, defense, impoverish, exhaust, controversy, discussion, combat, fight, tillage, treatment.

5.Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

Adoption, reduce, unbalanced, steep, management, unnoticed, mismanagement, non-adoption, gentle, balanced, reversible, increase, disturbed, noticed, irreversible, disappear, undisturbed, decomposition, appear, composition.

6.Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Овражная эрозия, научный и технический прогресс, проблемы загрязнения, широко распространенное доверие и поддержка, экологический баланс, подвергать опасности, кислотные дожди, заповедник дикой природы, сотрудничество всех государств, быстрое промышленное развитие, обработка промышленных вод, консервные банки, компания против уродства досок для объявлений, очистительные системы.

7.Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1. Проблемы загрязнения получили большую огласку. 2. Существуют разные виды эрозии. 3. Эрозия почвы увеличивается, если нет растительного покрова. 4. Меры консервации могут уменьшить опасность эрозии почвы как водной, так и ветровой. Правильные методы обработки и земледелия могут решить проблемы эрозии почвы на фермах. 6. Почвенная эрозия — это естественный процесс. 7. Ветровая эрозия зависит от разных факторов. 8. Овражная эрозия — наиболее драматическая демонстрация эрозии.

8.Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова:

Unnoticed, detachment, emission, improvement, industrial, disturbed, pollution, reservation, deforestation, depletion, environmental, twentieth, disappear, different, installation, requirement, considerable.
9.Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

1. Many, in, purifying, been, have, installed, countries, systems.

  1. Price, industrial, rapid, high, development, the, for, is, very. 3. Received, have, recently, the, great, pollution, publicity, problems. 4. Ecological, of, planet, the, disturbed, is, balance, the. 5. Been, to, measures, from, protect, have, and, rivers, sees, waters, taken, oil. 6. The, requires, nations, the, all, cooperation, solution, of. 7. Different, in, antipollution, countries, acts, passed.

10. Образуйте причастия настоящего и прошедшего времени данных глаголов:

То lead, to take, to grow, to exhaust, to mean, to protect, to lose, to occur, to cover, to have, to consider.

11. Задайте к каждому предложению по пять вопросов:

1. Numerous antipollution acts passed in different countries. 2. The environmental problems are caused by industrial pollution. 3. Purifying systems have been installed for treatment of industrial waters. 4. The solution requires the cooperation of all nations. 5. In recent years the pollution problems have received great publicity. 6. Measures have been taken to protect rivers and seas from oil water. 

12.Преобразуйте предложения, изменив форму глаголов-сказуемых из действительного залога в страдательный:

1. Specialists have just installed purifying systems for treatment of industrial waters. 2. Recently workers have taken necessary measures to protect rivers and seas from oil waters. 3. Acid rains threaten many forests. 4. In some parts of the world people are developing wildlife reservation models of undisturbed nature now. 5. The solution of the environmental problems requires the cooperation of all nations.

13.Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. What are advantages of industrial development? 2. What are disadvantages of industrial development? 3. What do Environmental activists do? 4. What has been done to improve the environment in many countries? 5. Why do the environmental problems require the cooperation of all nations?

Практическая работа №16

  1. Прочитайте следующие слова:

Combustion, ignition, explosion, implicit, attenuation, hamper, priority, contamination, chemical, remediation, highlight, pollution, constraint, probability, delay, representation, cleaning-up, multifunctionality.

  1.  Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

Remediation strategy, pose no harm to humans, a growing awareness; chemical properties, planning constraint, dispersion of pollution, due to air emission, to restore multifunctionality, industrialized countries, increase in productivity, may hinder, specific developments, economic burden, environmental balance.

  1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Soil Pollution

Soil pollution has become a priority in many industrialized countries after the inventory of various locations in which contamination was posing a risk to people and the environment.

The effects of soil contamination are different:

  •  soil pollution is a source of risk for humans and ecosystems, which are (potentially) affected by direct exposure to the contaminated surface or by indirect exposure, for instance through contaminated ground water;
  •  soil contamination is a source of risk for ground work (like pipelines or utility network) due to the chemical properties of the contaminant and the risk of ignition and explosion, for instance for fuel contamination;
  •  for publicly owner sites, a polluted area is a severe planning constraint, since the site use may be impossible or limited to a specific soil functionality (e.g., an industrial storage facility);
  •  for privately owned sites, a polluted area is a heavy economic burden of remediation expenditures (a net cost for the company) and of soil usage;
  •  the presence of polluted areas may hinder and delay some specific developments which imply land use and ground work (like the provision or maintenance of infrastructures);
  •  remediation expenditures do not offer any increase in productivity, merely the possibility of removing a source of risk and a planning constraint.

The ultimate objective of the operations is to eliminate the risk to a man and the environment and to prevent the dispersion of pollution, that is to restore multifunctionality in the shortest possible time. Soil multifunctionality requires that the soil on the site after sanitation should pose no harm to humans, animals or plants, regardless of the use of the site, the type of soil, the type of pollutants and the local situation. This is a very demanding objective, totally driven by environmental quality considerations. There is, however, a growing awareness that other criteria should be included when assessing remediation strategies. One of the reasons is that the costs involved in multifunctional operations are no longer political defendable. -There is also a growing recognition that clean-up operations do not necessarily lead to a positive environmental balance. Soil remediation requires the use of resources (like energy and clean water) and may lead to a net transfer of contamination to other compartments (for instance, due to air emissions). Therefore, the single perspective implied by the multifunctionality may result into an approach which disregards many relevant concerns for soil remediation.

  1.  Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов:

Properties, hinder, embrace, cover, purpose, merely, aim, characteristics, humper, simply, aim, objectives.

  1.  Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов:

Directly, timely, private, unnecessarily, negative, said, public, positive, unregistered, untimely, systematic, indirectly, necessary, unsaid, registered, haphazard.

  1.  Переведите следующие словосочетания с русского языка на английский:

Загрязнение почвы, непосредственная подверженность, повышение производительности, растущая осведомленность, землепользование, восстановление почвы, самое короткое время, тяжелое экономическое бремя, источник риска, операции по очистке.

  1.  Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1. Расходы на восстановление не предполагают никакого повышения в производительности. 2. Почвенная многофункциональность требует очистки почвы. 3. Загрязнение почвы — источник риска для земляных работ. 4. Конечная цель операции — устранить риск человека и окружающей среды. 5. Очень важно предотвратить распространение загрязнения. 6. Невозможно ограничить функциональность почвы. 7. Баланс восстановления окружающей среды не может быть всегда положительным.

  1.  Образуйте имена существительные от следующих глаголов:

То interpret, to know, to apply, to assume, to pollute, to consider, to recognize, to combine, to evaluate, to assess, to value, to represent, to attach, to provide, to achieve, to depend, to treat, to improve, to assess, to pollute.

  1.  Составьте предложения, используя следующие слова:

1. Requires, process, the, of, use, resources, remediation, natural.

  1. Awareness, been, a, has, achieved, growing. 3. Multifunctionality, aimed, at, are, measures, these. 4. Computed, yearly, are, costs.
  1. Clean-up, of, operations, Merit, the, based, are, evaluation, an, on, Environmental, Index. 6. Through, interviews, assessed, weights, are.
  1. Approaches, some, are, fundamental, there.
  1.  Заполните пропуски предлогами:
  1. The overall environmental balance ... remediation may not be always positive. 2. The application ... remediation techniques may significantly cut costs, although leave many sites polluted ... a considerable time. .3. These factors are the negative side ... the remediation. 4. ... clean-up polluted soil is necessary. 5. Remediation expenditures do not offer any increase ... productivity.
  1.  Задайте к каждому предложению максимальное число вопросов:

1. Soil pollution is a source of risk. 2. The presence of polluted areas may delay some specific developments. 3. To eliminate the risk to a man is the ultimate aim of the operations. 4. One should assess remediation strategy. 5. Clean-up operations lead to a positive environmental balance.

  1.  Перепишите предложения, заменив модальные глаголы эквивалентами. Переведите их на русский язык:
  1. Soil remediation can lead to a net transfer of contamination to other compartments. 2. The polluted areas must delay some specific developments. 3. Scientists can consider multifunctionality as the soil- related interpretation of sustainability. 4. This framework could show how to combine risk reduction. 5. In order to respond to the application need a more comprehensive evaluation framework must be considered.

Предварительный просмотр:

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Чувашской Республики "Алатырский технологический колледж" Министерства образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики

Методическая разработка

упражнений для практических занятий по
английскому языку

К учебнику В. А. Радовель:

 «Английский язык: основы компьютерной грамотности».


Для специальностей:

23.02.04  Техническая   эксплуатация подъемно-транспортных, строительных, дорожных машин и оборудования.
08.02.05  Строительство и эксплуатация автомобильных дорог и аэродромов.  


Курс  второй, третий, четвёртый.

Выполнил преподаватель:
  Михалькова Татьяна Леонидовна.

Алатырь, 2015

Пояснительная записка.


      Сборник упражнений для практических занятий включает в себя 7 тематических циклов, в каждый из которых входят текст, лексические и грамматические упражнения. Учебные задания способствуют усвоению и запоминанию специальных терминов по компьютерным технологиям. В конце пособия имеется англо-русский учебный словарь, который содержит значительное количество слов, понимание которых необходимо для работы с персональным компьютером.

       В систему упражнений входят как языковые, так и речевые упражнения. Тексты тематически связаны со специальными предметами, изучаемыми на этом курсе, отражают специфику будущей профессии.

Темы циклов:

  1. История компьютера
  2. Значение компьютера в современной жизни
  3. Введение в процесс обработки информации
  4. Компьютерные системы
  5. Программирование
  6. Интернет
  7. Компьютерные команды и сообщения

Структура цикла:

  1. Тематический текст
  2. Список активной лексики
  3. Упражнения для развития навыков устной речи и перевода
  4. Упражнения по совершенствованию навыков владения грамматическим материалом
  5. Словарь компьютерных терминов

Unit 1

Computers origins

The first suggestion that a machine for mathematical computation could be built was made more than a hundred years ago by the mathematician Charles Babbage. We now realize that he understood clearly all the fundamental principles of modern computers.

        Babbage was born in Devonshire, England, 1792. He did not receive a good education, but he taught himself mathematics so well that when he went in Cambridge, he found that he knew more algebra than his tutor.

        At that time mathematics in Cambridge was still under the influence of Newton and was quite unaffected by the contemporary developments on the continent.

        Charles Babbage was outstanding among his contemporaries because he insisted on practical application of science and mathematics. For example, he wrote widely on the economic advantages of mass productions and on the development of machine tools.

        In 1812 he was sitting in his room looking at a table of logarithms which he knew to be full of mistakes, when an idea occurred to him of computing all tabular functions by machinery. Babbage constructed a small working model which he demonstrated in 1822.

        The Royal Society supported the project and Babbage was promised a subsidy.

        In 1833 he began to think of building a machine which was in fact the first universal digital computer, as the expression is understood today.

        Babbage devoted the rest of his life to an attempt to develop it. He had to finance all of  the work himself and he was only able to finish part of the machine though he prepared thousands of detailed drawings from which it could be made.

        Babbage wrote more than 80 books and papers, bur he was misunderstood by his contemporaries and died a disappointed man in 1871.

        He tried to solve by himself and with his own resources a series of problems which in the end required the united efforts of two generations of engineers.

        After his death his son continued his work and built part of an arithmetic’s unit, which printed out its results directly on paper.


to insist                            настаивать

table                                 таблица

to devote                          посвящать

to continue                       продолжать

Fundamental principals   основные принципы

Advantage                        преимущество

to print                              распечатать

to finance                          финансировать

computation                      вычисление

I. Translate the words from Russian into English

1) Математические вычисления_____________________________________________

2) Основные принципы____________________________________________________

3) Хорошее образование____________________________________________________

4) Практическое применение науки и математики______________________________


5) Экономические преимущества производства________________________________


6) Логарифм______________________________________________________________

7) Подсчет функций при помощи машины____________________________________


8) Конструировать_________________________________________________________

9) Рабочая модель_________________________________________________________

10) Цифровой компьютер___________________________________________________

11) Арифметический центр_________________________________________________

12) Распечатать результаты_________________________________________________

13) Основные принципы современных компьютеров____________________________


14) Математик____________________________________________________________

15) Финансировать________________________________________________________

II. Complete the sentences.

1) Babbage was born ...______________________________________________ .

2) Charles Babbage was outstanding because ... __________________________________________________________________.

3) Babbage constructed ...____________________________________________ .

4) In 1833 he began ...________________________________________________


5) When he went to Cambridge ..._______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________.

6) Babbage devoted ..._______________________________________________ .

7) Babbage wrote ...__________________________________________________ .

8) He was misunderstood ...___________________________________________ .

9) Babbage was promised ...___________________________________________ .

10) His son built ...__________________________________________________ .

11) Babbage did not receive ..._________________________________________ .

12) He understood clearly ...__________________________________________ .

III. Agree or disagree.

1) Babbage knew more algebra than his tutor in Cambridge.


2) He received a good education.


3) Babbage was born in Cambridge.


4) Babbage insisted on the practical application of science and mathematics.


5) Babbage constructed a small working model and demonstrated it in 1833.


6) The Royal Society financed all of the work.


7) Babbage finished his machine in 1871.


8) He was misunderstood by contemporaries.


9) Babbage taught himself mathematics very well.


10) Mathematics in Cambridge was under the influence of Babbage.


11) Babbage wrote on the economic advantages of mass productions.


12) Babbage died a disappointed man in 1833.


IV. Answer the questions to the text.

1) When was the first suggestion about computers made?


2) When did Babbage demonstrate a small working model?


3) Did anybody finance all of the   work?


4) When did Babbage die?


5) Who continued his work?


6) He did not receive good education, did he?


7) Why was Babbage outstanding among his contemporaries?


8) Who wrote on the economic advantages of mass productions?


9) Who built apart of an arithmetic unit after his death?


10) When did he begin to think of building a machine?


11) At that time mathematics in Cambridge was under the influence of Newton, wasn't it?


12) Did Babbage finish his work?


V. Translate the sentences.

1) Первый компьютер был разработан Чарльзом Беббиджем более 100 лет назад.


2) В 1822 г. Беббидж сконструировал небольшую рабочую модель.


3) Ч.Беббидж написал более 80-и книг.


4) В 1833 г. он начал разрабатывать первый универсальный цифровой компьютер.


5) После его смерти сын продолжил его работу.


The Present Perfect Tense (Настоящее совершенное время)

Спряжение глагола to ask в the Present Perfect Tense

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I have asked


She         has asked



You          have asked


Have I asked?


Has          she asked



Will         you asked?


I have not asked


She         has not asked



You          have not asked


Present Perfect употребляется:

1) Для выражения действия, законченного к моменту речи, но связанного с настоящим. Эта связь с настоящим может быть выражена:

 а) имеющимся налицо результатом ранее совершившегося действия:

I have received a letter, Look! Here it is! - Я получил письмо. Посмотрите! Вот оно.

 б) временем совершения действия, выраженным следующими обстоятельственными словами:

today, this week, this month, this year и т. п., которые обозначают не истекший период времени:

 I have seen this film today. - Я видела этот фильм сегодня.

2) С наречиями неопределенного времени, такими как еvеr когда-либо, nееr

никогда, just только что, yet всё еще, often часто, already уже:

Have you ever been to Leningrad? - Были ли вы когда-нибудь в Ленинграде?

No, I have never been there. I have just seen him. - Нет, я никогда там не был. Я

только что его видела.

3) Иногда Present Perfect употребляется для выражения действия, которое

началось в ПРОШЛОМ и не закончено к настоящему моменту (со словами since

с тех пор, с, и for в течение):

I have not seen you since spring. - Я не видела вас с весны.

He fell ill and left Moscow and I have not seen him since. - Он заболел и уехал из

Москвы, и с тех пор я его не видела.

I have known him for 10 years. - Я знаю его 10 лет.

Present Perfect обычно переводится на русский язык глаголом в прошедшем времени совершенного или несовершенного вида. Если же действие, выраженное Present Perfect , не закончено к данному моменту, то Present Perfect переводится глаголом настояшего времени:

I have known him for many years. - Я знаю его много лет.

1. Make questions from the words in brackets.

1. (ever/ ride/ horse) Have you ever ridden a horse?

2. (ever/ be/ California)______________________________________________________

3. (ever/ run/ marathon)_____________________________________________________

4. (ever/ speak/ famous person)_______________________________________________

5. (always/ live/ in this town)________________________________________________

6. (most beautiful place/ ever/ visit) What_______________________________________

2. Complete these sentences using today/ this year/ this term etc. 

1. I saw Tom yesterday but I haven’t seen him today.

2. I read a newspaper yesterday but I___________________________________________

3. Last year the company made a profit but this year_______________________________


4. Tracy worked hard at school last term but_____________________________________


5. It snowed a lot last winter but_______________________________________________


6. Our football team won a lot of games last season but we__________________________


3. Supply either the Present Simple or the Present Perfect in the following sentences. 
1. I can’t speak about the book. I (not read)_______________________________ it yet.

2. Every day I (wind up)_____________________ my watch at 7 o’clock in the morning.
3. It is Friday. ...     you (see)___________________________ him this week?
4. Students usually (buy)_______________________ books at the House of Books.
5. It’s a pity, but I (not buy)_________________________________ this dictionary yet.
6. As a rule we (do)___________________________________ many exercises in class.
7. Re (tell)_____________________________________________ this joke many times.
8. Something (go)_____________________________________ wrong with my watch.
9. I already (translate)_____________________________ these sentences into French.
10. They (have)_______________________________ their English many hours a week.
11. She (work)_________________________ much and usually (get) many’ good marks.
1 2. We (buy)_________________________________________ a new TV set this year.

4. Rewrite the sentences using the Present Perfect or the Past Simple: 

Examples: I am writing a letter to my cousin (already. yesterday).

I have already written a letter to my cousin.
I wrote a letter to my cousin yesterday.

1. The waitress is bringing our tea. (a few minutes ago. not yet)

2. The bell is ringing, (just; some minutes ago)

3. He is going to London in a few
 days. (already; last week)

. The boys are playing football in the yard now. (yesterday; many times)

5. Mother is reading a new novel by Aitmatov. (this month; last year)


6. Students are cleaning their classrooms. (already, last Saturday)


7. The teacher is explaining a new rule. (Just; at the previous lesson)

8. Ann is doing her homework now. (just; on Friday)

9. They are discussing this problem again. (many times; a few days ago)


10. Granny is making a birthday cake. (just, yesterday)


11. The birds are flying to the South, (already; at the end of August)

1 2. The train is coming. (just; an hour ago)

13. Who is your friend speaking to? (yesterday, just)

14. We are writing the words of Lesson 7. (Already, at the last lesson)


Unit 2

Computers today

Yesterday’s computers were tools for scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. Today many businesses and organizations own computers although they have different types of computers and use them for different purposes. Hardly a day goes by when do not make a controlled business transaction. Each time we visit the bank, use a credit card, pay a bill or a ticket a computer lurks behind the scene, recording each transaction. Computers can process data in a fraction of the time it would take to perform the same jobs manually. They reduce the paperwork involved in these transactions and also reduce costs. No area of enterprise seems without computers nowadays. Scientists build computer models of airplane crashes in order to determine the ‘crash behavior’ of airplanes, which in turn helps aircraft designers plan safer seats, windows, and fabrics to decrease fire hazards during a crash. Ecologists use computers to monitor environmental problems like acid rain and suggest solutions. Engineers use computers to design replacement for the damaged bones. Educators use computers in the classroom to perform chemistry experiments that might otherwise be dangerous. There seems to be no limit to computer applications. Hard copy, modem, database, peripherals: all these words refer to a relatively new and rapidly changing technology – that of the computer. Computers are changing our language, and they are also changing us. No longer are computer expert the only people who interact with computers. Today the lives of most of us are affected by computers every day.


tool                                                  инструмент;

Peripheral devices (peripherals)       периферийные устройства;

instruction                                        команда, инструкция, указание;

enable                                               разрешать, позволять, делать возможным,  

fraction of the time                          за короткое время;

to lurk                                               скрываться, оставаться незамеченным;

transaction                                        сделка, группа операций;

to monitor                                         наблюдать, контролировать, следить;

to process                                          обрабатывать;

solution                                              решение

application                                         применение, использование

to interact                                           взаимодействовать;

to control                                           управлять, регулировать;

to reduce costs                                   сокращать затраты;

otherwise                                            иначе, иным образом;

to affect                                              влиять, воздействовать.

I. Answer the following questions:

1. Who interacted with yesterday’s computers?


2. What service do computers in business provide?


3. How do ecologists use computers?


4. How do engineers use them?


5. How do educators use them?


6. Where can we find computes in our life?


7. What computer manufacturers do you know?


II. Agree or disagree with the statements.

1. Today computers are operated only by scientists, mathematicians and engineers.


2. Businesses and organizations own and use only personnel computers.


3. All computers are produced of the same size and power.


4. In offices computers are used only as typewriters.


5. Any kind of job can be performed with the help of the computer.


6. Our lives are affected by computers every day.


7. All country schools have computer classes.

III. Translate from Russian into English.

  1. В настоящее время нельзя обойтись без компьютера.


  1. Каждый день мы ходим в банк, пользуемся кредитной картой, оплачиваем счёт, а компьютер остается незамеченным.


  1. Компьютеры могут за короткое время обработать информацию.


  1. Нет предела применению компьютера.


  1. Экологи используют компьютеры, чтобы наблюдать за проблемами окружающей среды.


  1. Учёные строят компьютерные модели самолётов.


  1. Компьютеры используются в разных целях.


IV. Read the text

Without my computer I would not have the pleasure of the getting to my favourite sites, I would have difficulty in communication with my friends, and I would not be able to do my work for college. I often wonder how we all managed before computers were a common place in the home. I just don’t have the time to be always running to the post box to send letters. E – mail is very important when you have a tough schedule. Most of my relaxed time is spent at the computer as by the time I finish doing homework. I am too tired and it is often too late to go out. It is reference aid and educational tool. If all else fails, you can play cards on it, although I am for action games!

V. Write an essay giving your opinion on the following topic:

,, Imagine that you could only use one of the following: a computer, a mobile phone or a car. Which one would you use and why? “


VI. Speak on the following:

,, Computers change our life. “


Use questions:

  1. Do you have your own computer?
  2. What purposes do you use it for?
  3. How long have you had PC?
  4. What devices is it supplied with?


Модальные глаголы и их заменители

Модальные глаголы показывают отношение говорящего к действию, выраженному инфинитивом. Например, сравните:

You can speak English. - Вы можете (умеете) говорить по-английски.

You must speak English. - Вы должны говорить по-английски.

You may speak English. - Вы можете говорить по-английски. (Вас поймут.)

Модальные глаголы не имеют форм во всех временах, для этого употребляются их эквиваленты (заменители).

Вопросительные    и    отрицательные    предложения    с    модальными глаголами строятся без вспомогательных глаголов:

Can you help me? Yes. I can,- No, I can't. Вы можете помочь мне? - Да. - Нет.

К основным модальным глаголам относятся:

Модальный глагол сап

can - мочь, быть в состоянии,

could - прошедшее время

предполагает       наличие      физической,       умственной       и       прочих возможностей, позволяющих сделать что-либо:

 I can swim. - Я могу (я умею) плавать.

I could translate this text. - (Я мог, был в состоянии) перевести этот текст

Вежливую просьбу можно начинать с модального глагола could:

Could you help me, please! - Me могли бы вы помочь мне, пожалуйста!

В будущем времени у глагола can есть заменитель - конструкция to be

able to (быть в состоянии что-либо сделать):

I shall be able to  help you when I am free. - Я смогу помочь тебе, когда освобожусь.

Модальный глагол may

may - иметь возможность, получить разрешение (делать что-либо).    

May I help you? - Можно вам помочь?       Yes, you may. - Да, можно.

Форма   прошедшего   времени   might   употребляется   для   выражения      предположения:

Не might know about it. - Он, вероятно, знал об этом.

В  будущем   времени   у  модального   глагола  may   есть  заменитель - конструкция to be allowed to (получить разрешение сделать что-либо).

Не will be allowed to take the book. - Ему разрешат взять книгу.

Модальный глагол must

 must - должен, обязан.

You must write It down now. - Вы должны написать это сейчас.

Заменителями глагола must являются глаголы to have to и to be to. Глагол have to означает долженствование, вызванное обстоятельствами, вынужденную необходимость,  глагол to be to - долженствование, связанное с расписанием, планом или заранее сделанной договоренностью.

She had to stay at home. - Она вынуждена была (ей пришлось) остаться дома.

The train was to arrive at 8 in the evening. - Поезд должен был прибыть в 8 вечера. (По расписанию).

После модальных глаголов и некоторых их эквивалентов инфинитив употребляется без частицы to.

Заменителями   модального  глагола  must являются  также  модальные глаголы ought to, should (в значении совета, рекомендации, упрека).

Children ought to obey their parents. - Дети должны слушать своих родителей.

You   should   enter    the    Institute.    Вам    следует    поступить    в    институт (рекомендация, совет),

В   сочетании   с   перфектным   инфинитивом   глагол   should   выражает сожаление о невыполненном действии и переводится «следовало бы».

You should have helped them.  -  Вам следовало бы  помочь  им.  (Но вы  не .сделали этого).

Модальный глагол should

 Модальный  глагол  should в сочетании  с  перфектным инфинитивом should hove done выражает действия,  которые должны  были  произойти в прошлом, но по каким-то причинам не произошли, переводится на русский язык «следовало», «нужно было».

You should have helped them. - Вам следовало помочь им.

You should have done this. - Вам следовало это сделать, (упрек)

This work should have been done yesterday. - Эту работу нужно было сделать вчера

Модальный глагол would

Модальный глагол would может иметь следующие значения:

  1. Вежливая просьба. Would you help те? - Не поможете ли вы мне?
  2. Повторяемость действия в прошлом. Не would often help me. - Он, бывало, часто помогал мне.
  3. Стойкое  нежелание   совершать  какие-либо  действия.   Не wouldn’t listen to me. - Он никак не хотел слушать меня.

Модальный глагол need

Модальный глагол need - «нужно, надо» употребляется, в основном, в отрицательных предложениях.

You needn't do it now. - Вам не нужно делать это сейчас.

Модальный глагол shall

 Модальный    глагол    shall    употребляется    в    тех    случаях,    когда испрашивается разрешение на совершение какого-либо действия, и является иногда заменителем модального глагола must.

 Shall I help you? - Вам помочь?

Shall we translate the text? - Нам переводить текст?

I. Translate the sentences.

  1. Nobody could translate this text.


  1. He has to do this task at once.


  1. Must I attend this meeting? - No, you needn't.


  1. You should have shown your notes to the teacher.


  1. I asked him, but he wouldn't listen to me.


  1. They should have visited her, she was in the hospital.


  1. Last summer we would often go to the country.


  1. Your son соuld do this wоrk himself.


  1. Would you tell me the way to the station?


  1. Your friend might have informed us.


11. Who is to answer my question?


  1. May I leave for a while? - Yes, you may.


  1. She should be more attentive to her parents.


  1. You needn't come so early.


II. Fill in the modal verbs.

(must, should, would, ought to, have to, needn't, can, could, may)

1. I ...    not go to the theatre with them last night, I ...     revise the grammar rules and the words for the test. 2. My friend lives a long way from his office and ...       get up early. 3. All of us ...    be in time for classes. 4. When my friend has his English, he ...       stay at the office after work. He (not) ...     stay at the office on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and ...      get home early. 5. ...    you ...    work hard to do well in your English? 6. ...     we discuss this question now? No, we ...    . We ...        do it tomorrow afternoon. 7. I'm glad you ...     come. 8. ...     you ...   come and have dinner with us tomorrow? I'd love to. 9. Please send them this article. Oh, ...        I do it now?

III. Fill in the modal verbs.

(must, should, would, ought to, have to. needn't, can, could, may)

  1. They _________________________ not do this work themselves.
  2. You __________________________________ take my dictionary.
  3. You don't look well, you __________________ consult the doctor.
  4. Why ________________________________I give you my money?
  5. She _________________________ not speak any foreign language.
  6. He __________________________ to help them, they need his help.
  7. ______________________________________ you tell me the time?
  8. _______________________I go with you  ? No, you______________
  9. Your daughter _______________________________have told about it.
  10. In winter we ______________________________________ often skate.

IV. Translate the sentences.

  1. This building should have been constructed a year ago.


  1. The letter should have been sent yesterday.


  1. The tests of materials should have been conducted before their use.


  1. We should not have used that sort of steel.


  1. This phenomenon should be explained by thermal expansion.



V. Translate the messages of the computer.

1.Cannot recover nonremovable drive X      a) Не следует восстанавливать несъемный         накопитель Х

                                                                             б) Нельзя восстановить несъемный         накопитель Х

                                                                                           в) Восстановите несъемный накопитель Х


2. Target disk cannot be used for back-up.           а) Диск, на который осуществляется запись, не может быть использован для резервного копирования.

                                                                                          б) Не используйте диск, на который осуществляется запись, для резервного копирования.

                                                                                          в) Диск, на который осуществляется запись,  может быть использован для резервного копирования.

3. Unable to create table in resident memory      а) Возможно создать таблицу в резидентной памяти.

                                                                                          б) Невозможно создать таблицу в резидентной памяти.

                                                                                          в) Создайте таблицу в резидентной памяти.

4. Target diskette may be unusable.                        а) Дискета, на которую ведется запись, является непригодной.

                                                                                          б) Дискета, на которую ведется запись, может быть непригодной.

                                                                                          в) Дискета, на которую ведется запись, должна быть пригодной.

5. Drive letter must be specified.                         а) Буква, определяющая дисковод, должна быть определена

                                                                                           б) Буква, определяющая дисковод, может быть определена

                                                                                           в) Буква, определяющая дисковод, определена


Unit 3

What is a computer?

  Computer is device for processing information. Computer has no intelligence by itself and is called hardware. A computer system is a combination of four elements:

  • Hardware                                                                                                                                                      
  • Software
  • Procedures
  • Data/information

    Software are the programmes that tell the hardware how to perform a task. Without software instructions, the hardware doesn’t know what to do.

     The basic job of the computer is the form of instructions called programs and symbols called data. After that they perform various mathematical and logical operations, and then give the results (information). Computer is used to convert data into information. Computer is also used to store information in the digital form.


Device               устройство

Intelligence        разум

Hardware           оборудование

Software             программы

Processing          обработка

Procedures         процедуры, операции

to perform          выполнять

Manner               манера, способ

Various               различные

Purpose               цель

to convert            превращать

Data                     данные

to store                 хранить

Digital                  цифровой

I. Answer the questions:

  1. What does the term «computer» describe?


  1. Is computer intelligent?


  1. What are four components of computer system?


  1. What is software?


  1. What's the difference between the hardware and software?


  1. In what way terms «data» and «information» differ?


  1. How does computer convert data into information?


II. Translate into Russian

Computer, diskette, metal, processor, scanner, information, data, microphone, printer, modem, Internet.

III. Agree or disagree with the statements

  1. Computer is made of electronic components so it is referred to as electronic device.


  1. Computer has no intelligence until software is loaded.


  1. There are four elements of computer system: hardware, software, diskettes and data.


  1. Without software instructions hardware doesn't know what to do.


  1. The software is the most important components because it is made by people.


  1. The user inputs data into computer to get information as an output.


IV. Fill in the gaps:

  1. Information in the form of instruction is called a …_____________________________
  2. The basic job of the computer is the…________________________________________
  3. Computer is used______________________________   information in the digital form.
  4. Computers take information in the form of symbols called________________________

V. Translate the text

IMB (international business Machines) launched the PC in 1981. Improved versions quickly followed. The basic PC had just 64K (K=Kilobyte) of RAM. RAM is (R)andom (A)ccess (M)emory, the computer's built-it memory, used for holding the instruction programs, for working space, and working storage. The first PC had one floppy-disk drive. Floppy disks are a mean of electronically recording computer programs and computer output.

The disks are “read” and “written to” in a disk drive. They are called “floppy” disks because, initially, they were.

Today, huge-capacity storage disks are built into most computers.


  1. Ask some questions to the text.


  1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:  

1)Компьютер – это устройство для обработки информации.


2)Без программ устройство не работает.


3)Компьютерная система состоит из 4 элементов:

  • Оборудование
  • Программы
  • Операции
  • Данные


4)В 1981 году в ПК было только 64 килобайта оперативной памяти.


5)У первого ПК был один дисковод.


6)Компьютер превращает данные  в информацию.


7)Компьютер сохраняет информацию в цифровом виде.


8)Компьютер выполняет разные математические и логические операции.


9)Информация в форме инструкций называется программой.

______________________________________________________________________3.Give some information about computers.

Unit 4

What is hardware?  

 The hardware- the devices composing a computer system.

Computer hardware can be divided into four categories:

  • input hardware.
  • processing hardware.
  • storage hardware.
  • output hardware.

Input hardware

        Input hardware collects data and converts them into a form suitable for computer processing. The most common input device is a keyboard. It looks very much like a typewriter. The mouse is  hand-held device connected to the computer by a small cable. As the mouse is rolled across the desktop, the cursor moves across the screen. When the cursor  reaches the desired location, the user usually pushes a button on the mouse once or twice to give a command to the computer.

Processing hardware

        Processing hardware directs the execution of software instructions in the computer. The most common components of processing hardware are the central processing unit and main memory.

The central processing unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer. It reads and interprets software instructions and coordinates the processing.

        Memory is the component of the computer in which information is stored. There are two types of computer memory: RAM and ROM.

RAM (random access memory) is the memory, used for creating, loading and running programs.

ROM (read only memory) is computer memory used to hold programmed instructions to the system.

The more memory you have in your computer, the more operations you can perform.

Storage hardware 

The purpose of storage hardware is to store computer instructions and date hardware.

There are two types of output; soft copy and hard copy. Soft copy is information that is seen on a television-like screen, of monitor, attached to most computers. It is temporary; as soon as the monitor is turned off or new information is required, the old information vanishes. Hard copy is output printed in a tangible form such as on paper. It can be read without using the computer and can be conveniently carried around, written on, or passed to other readers.  


Keyboard            клавиатура

Mouse                 мышь

to load                  загружать

Instruction            команда

Error message      сообщение об ошибки

Input                     ввод

Output                  вывод информации  

Button                  кнопка

Memory               память

to create               создавать

Soft copy             мягкая копия, изображение на экране

Hard copy            твердая копия, машинная (печатная)

to attach               подсоединяться, подключать

I. Answer the following questions.

1. What is hardware?


2. What does input hardware do?


3. What is the most common input device?


4. What are the main components of processing hardware?


5. What is the purpose of storage hardware?


6. What do you think is a hard copy?


II. Agree or disagree with the statements.

1. Hard copy vanishes when we turn the computer off.


2. There are two types of input: soft copy and hard copy.


3. Processing occurs in the part of the computer called the mouse.


4. Information is stored in memory.


5. The more memory you have in you computer, the less operations you can perform.


6. Hard copy can be read without using the computer.


III. Fill in the table. Use the picture.

English terms





Hard disk







Гнездо, порт










Дискета, гибкий диск



IV. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Одним из входных устройств является клавиатура.


2. К устройствам ввода относятся мышка, сканер, микрофон и многое другое.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Самая главная часть компьютера – центральный процессор.


4. Память помогает компьютеру хранить информацию.


5. Чем больше память в компьютере, тем больше операций можно выполнять.


6. Существуют 2 типа входных устройств: мягкая копия и твердая копия.


Passive Voice

    Времена страдательного залога образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени и причастия прошедшего времени (Past Participle) смыслового глагола.

При спряжении глагола в страдательном залоге изменяется только глагол to be , смысловой же глагол имеет во всех временах одну и ту же форму – Past Participle. Следовательно , время определяется формой , в котором стоит глагол в страдательном залоге , определяется формой , в которой стоит вспомогательный глагол to be:





I am asked.

I am being asked.

I have been asked.


I was asked.

I was being asked.

I had been asked.


I shall be asked.


I shall have been asked.

При образовании вопросительной формы  вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим:

Am I asked?

Меня спрашивают?

Shall I be asked? Меня спросят?

Have I been asked?

Меня спросили?

When was the book written?

Когда была написана книга?

При образовании отрицательной формы Passive Voice  частица not ставится после вспомогательного глагола:

I am not asked.

I shall not be asked.

С модальными глаголами must, can (could) , may (might) , should, ought to, have to , be to пассивная форма образуется с помощью to be и Past  Participle основного глагола.

This work must be finished today.

This report ought to be finished tonight.

That room cannot be used as a classroom.


1.) Rewrite these sentences in the Passive using Present Simple Tense:

1. Students write tests every month.


2. They make beautiful toys at this factory.


3. They export millions of cars from Japan every year.


4. Watchmakers repair watches.


5. The bill includes service.


6. They close the shop. at 8.


7. He translates articles every day.


8. She doesn't send telegrams before every holiday.


2.) Supply the Passive forms of the verbs in the box, using the Past Simple Tense: invent, plant, kill, write, discover, design, paint, build, name:

1. When _____________ America_____________________________________ ?

2. Five fruit-trees _________________________________ in our garden last year.

3. The picture Mona Liza___________________________ by Leonardo da Vinci.

4. Marat __________________________________________________ in his bath.

5. Radio ________________________________________________ by A.Popov.

6. The first pyramid of Egypt _____________________________around 3000 BC.

7. The Winter Palace _______________________________________by Rastrelli.

8. "War and Peace" _______________________________________by L.Tolstoy.

9. Rossi street ____________________________after a famous Russian architect.

3.) Make the following sentences active:

1. Peripheral devices can be attached to the computer.


2. Computer instructions are also called programs.


3. This work is usually performed manually.


4. Computers are used to monitor environmental problems.


5. Today the lives of most of us are affected by a computer every day.


6. This program was damaged by a computer virus.


7. The ’crash behavior’ of the airplane was determined by the scientists.


8. This monitor was designed by Dell Corp.


4.) Make the following sentences passive:

1. Hardware also includes peripheral devices.


2. Educators use computers in the classroom.


3. Scientists can build computer models of airplane crashes.


4. Today many businesses and organizations own computers.


5. These organizations use computers for different purposes.


6. Computers can process data in a fraction of time.


7. Engineers use computers to design replacement for the damaged bone.


8. Computers are changing our life.



Unit 5


Not visible units the software. Software consists of the instruction to the computer that enable it to do things, such as finding the best sport to drill for oil or playing a competitive game of bridge. These computer instructions are also called programs.

Computers only do what they are told to do. Often, we want the computer to do the same thing again and again. So standard instructions – programs – are produced.

        First though, a computer needs to know where, within its built-in memory, to store information and how to work on it. This basic program is called an operating system (or disk operating system).

        One popular operating system, introduced with the IBM PC, is called MS-DOS (from (M)icro(S)oft (D)isk (O)preating (S)ystem). A recent development from MS-DOS lets you tell the computer what to do by “pointing” at things (words or pictures) on the screen. This easy to use system is called Windows.

        Once the computer has its operating instructions it can be programmed to do many other things. Popular computer programs include word processors, databases, spreadsheets and graphics:

  • Word processors produce the printed words – immaculately.
  • Databases store masses of information – for easy access.
  • Spreadsheets record and process numbers.
  • Graphics programs produce graphs and diagrams.


Data base                        база данных

Access                             доступ

Graphic                            графика

Operating system             операционная система

to enable                           разрешать, позволять, допускать

Spreadsheet                      электронная таблица  

to record                           записывать

Built-in                             встроенный

Disk operating system      дисковая операционная система

Word processor                текстовый процессор

Directory                          директория

Root                                  корневой

Subdirectory                     субдиректория

I. Answer the following questions.

  1. What is a software?


  1. What is the basic program?


  1. What system is called Windows?


  1. What system is introduced with the IBM PC?


  1. What does word processor do?


  1. What is database?


  1. What programs produce graphs?


  1. What are popular computer programs?


II. Find the term for each definition.

1. The instructions, which control what a computer does.


2. This program produces diagrams.


3. This program store information for easy access.


4. This program produces the printed word.


5. Information in an electronic form that can be stored and processed by a computer.


III. Find the translation of the word.

а) клавиша        1. port, 2. key, 3. root, 4. drive, 5. mouse

б) память                1. error, 2. message, 3. memory, 4.mouse, 5. name        

в) имя                 1. port, 2. key, 3. name, 4. mouse, 5.character

г) порт                1. keyboard, 2.drivr, 3. mouse, 4. port 5. file

д) корневой        1. hard, 2. floppy, 3. personal, 4. root,

е) дисковод        1. disk, 2. diskette, 3. drive, 4. port, 5. screen

ж) экран                1. display, 2. keyboard, 3. memory, 4. error,        5. screen

з) ошибка         1. root, 2. error, 3. port, 4. print, 5. message

и) программное 1. program, 2. hardware, 3. software,

обеспечение        4. command, 5. character  

к) символ                 1. error, 2. command, 3. name, 4. character,        5. message

IV. Choose the words concerning to hardware and concerning to software.

program, 2) drive, 3) print, 4) device, 5) keyboard, 6) root directory, 7) floppy disk, 8) memory, 9) hard diskette, 10) key, 11) character, 12) mouse, 13) error message, 14) computer, 15) file, 16) command, 17) screen, 18) display;

V. Translate the words from Russian info English.

        Персональный компьютер, принтер, гнездо, клавиатура, клавиша, устройство, жесткий диск, гибкий диск, дискета, мышь, экран, дисплей, программа, файл, директория, сообщение об ошибках.

VI. Translate the sentences from Russian info English

1. Программное обеспечение представляет собой инструкции, позволяющие компьютеру выполнять различные задачи.


2. Одна из наиболее популярных операционных систем называется Майкрософт.


3. Компьютерные программы включают в себя текстовый редактор, базу данных, графику.


4 .Текстовый редактор отвечает за печать.


5. База данных сохраняет массу информации.


VII. Tell some words about Software.

Unit 6




Part I

The Internet is a global computer network.

Millions of people around the world use the Internet to search for and retrieve information on all sorts of topics, such as arts, business, humanities, news, politics, recreation and others. People communicate through electronic mail (e-mail), discussion groups, chat channels and other means of informational exchange. They share information and make commercial and business transaction.

How did Internet get started?

The Internet began in the late 1960s as an experiment by the U.S Department of Defense to see if a non-centralized network could be built to 'withstand the destruction of one or more of its parts. Unlike previous networks, this new network did not have a single central point. Instead, all sites on the network were interconnected.

Out of this network came a protocol for linking computers together.

A protocol is a set of standards for how network communication takes place. The protocol is called TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/lnternet Protocol). This protocol is the standard that makes it possible for different computers all over the globe to talk to each other. The TCP/IP protocol is the foundation of the Internet.

Part II

At first, the Internet was used solely by the US government, but soon universities and other institutions connected themselves to the Internet to communicate with one another and collaborate on projects. The Internet grew to connect hundreds or different sites all across the world. Each organization on the Internet was responsible for maintaining its part of the network, so the Internet was not owned or controlled by anyone organization.

Today, the Internet connects up to 40 million people around the globe and is growing by as much as 10% per month.

The Internet is like a system of roads, freeways, and bridges. The term "Information Superhighway" describes how the Internet works. From road in any city, you can get to almost any other road in any other. From your computer you can send all electronic mail message to icone sitting at a computer in Helsinki, Warsaw, or Moscow.

Internet access companies or Internet Service Providers (lSP) vide physical connections that allow you to access the internet.

These connections are called "POPs,” which stands for "points of sence."

Your computer uses a modem to dial into a POP, which connects you to the Internet. Once connected to a POP, you have access to all the resources of the Internet. Most ISP's will also supply you with software available for work in the Internet: a Web browser.


to retrieve



to share



department of defense

to withstand


network communication

TCP/IP (Transmission

Control Protocol/Internet





Internet Service


software program

web browser



host address






email software


virtual circuit


undeliverable message

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is Internet?


  1. Who uses Internet'?


  1. When and how did Internet get started?


  1. What is the TCP/IP protocol?


  1. Who provides physical connections that allow the access to the Internet?


6. What are called "POPs"?


II. Translate into Russian:

1. The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over the world, began in US in 1969 as a military experiment.

2. Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50%) are in the United States, while the rest are located in more than 100 other countries.

3. When they send e-mail messages, they only have pay for phone calls to their local service provides, not for calls across their countries or around world.

4. The WWW is a part of the Internet, but it’s not a collection of networks.

However, there are still both commercial and technical problems, which will take time to be resolved.

III. Make the following sentences active:

  • The Internet was designed to survive a nuclear war.


  • This technology is called packet switching.


  • The rest of the Internet host computers are located in more than 100 other computers.


  • The data is constantly being directed towards its destination by special computers.


IV. Agree or disagree:

  1. The Internet isn't a global computer network.


  1. Most of the people who have access to the Internet, use the network only for sending

e-mail messages.


3. The Internet began in the late 1960s as an experiment by the U.S. Department of Defense.


4. Today, the Internet doesn't connect up to 40 million people around the globe and is growing by as much as 10% per month.


5. From your computer you cannot send an electronic mail message to someone sitting at a computer in Helsinki, Warsaw, or Moscow.


6. Your computer uses a modem to dial into a POP, which connects you to the Internet.


V. Make up your own sentences, using the words or word combinations from the text.

Unit 7


Lesson I. 


enough - достаточно

room - место

such – такой

usage – использование, применение

warning - предупреждение

allocation – назначение, размещение

partition - часть

destination – адресат, место назначения

communication - связь

all – весь, вся, все

1) Translate the words.

1. code

2. number

3. format

4. parameter

5. syntax

6. specification

7. parallel

2) Find English equivalent.

а) место

б) использование

в) достаточно

г) такой

д) предупреждение

4) Translate the messages.

1. Error in drive. ______________________________________________________________________

2. No such file or directory.


3. No room for system on disk.


4. No room in directory for file.


5. No room in root directory.


6. No system files on drive.


7. Non – DOS disk.


8. Out of memory.


Lesson II.


to prepare - готовить

signature – сигнатура, показатель

bad – плохой, неподходящий

current текущий, нынешний, современный

default – умолчание; предполагаемый, устанавливаемый по умолчанию

failure отказ, сбой, неудача

font- шрифт, комплект шрифта

handle – манипулировать, обрабатывать

overflow - переполнение

pipe – перекачивание, передача

probable- вероятный, возможный

search - поиск

size - размер

space – пространство, место

switch – переключатель, параметр (опция) команды












non- removable

 1) Translate the words.

а) поиск

б) шрифт

в) плохой, неподходящий

г) перекачивание

д) переключение

е) умолчание

 2) Translate the pairs of words.

legal – illegal                        correct – incorrect                 valid – invalid

consistent - inconsistent                finite – infinite                        

recoverable – unrecoverable                 suitable – unsuitable                usable - unusable

removable – non-removable

3) Translate the words from Russian into English.

внутренний                                --ter---

неправильный                                --cor----

бесконечный                                --fi----

невосстанавливаемый                        --rec--------

несовместимый                                --comp------

неподходящий                                --suit----

неперемещаемый                        -----mov----

промежуточный                                -----m



Read the messages. Pay attention to the structure.

а)bad command                          прилагательное +      существительное

неверная команда

б)input file _                                существительное + существительное

входной файл

в)end of input file                        существительное + существительное

окончание входного файла

1.Write down the numbers of the sentences concerning the following structures.

 1. list device; 2. printer file; 3.path of parameter; 4. current directory; 5. root directory; 6. invalid path; 7. incorrect parameter; 8. destination disk; 9. invalid argument; 10. default file; 11. bad file; 12. file name; 13. allocation table; 14. DOS partition; 15. input file; 16. device drive; 17. current date; 18. internal command.




2. Translate the word combinations.

Root directory, destination disk, graphics printer file, name of device, input file, incorrect number of parameters, insufficient space, volume label, insufficient room, parallel printer, keyboard system file, non – system drive error, invalid drive specification, current keyboard code, insufficient disk space, illegal device name, incompatible system size, incorrect DOS version.

3. Choose the correct translation.

1. incorrect number of parameters

2. bad command of file name

3. insufficient disk space

4. no room for system on destination disk

5. syntax error

6. keyboard system

7. read error in the file “x”

8. file creation error

9. invalid drive specification

  1. Translate the messages.

1. Invalid current directory.


2. Bad command or file name.


3. Incorrect number of parameters.


4. Not a graphics printer file.


5. No room for system on destination disk.


6. No room in root directory.


7. End of input file.


8. Invalid character of volume label.


9. Invalid parameter.


10. Error in file.


11. Memory allocation error.


12. Syntax error.


  1.  Non-system disk or disk error.


  1.  Allocation error in file.


  1.  Probable non-DOS disk.


  1.  Illegal device name.


5. Read the text and translate.


MS-DOS lets you organize the files on your disk into directories. Directories are a way of dividing your files into convenient groups. A directory may contain any number of files, but it is often more convenient to separate the files into subdirectories. The method of organizing the disk is like a tree where the files are the leaves of the tree and the directories are the branches. (The first directory is called the “ROOT”.)

MS-DOS needs a pathname to find its way to a particular file. You must tell the computer which directory it is to use as its current working directory-that is, the directory you wish to work in. The current working directory is often called the default directory.

Lesson III.


complete – полный, завершенный

     to complete – завершать, заканчивать

present – присутствующий, имеющийся

range – диапазон, пределы чего-либо

out of range – за пределами (допустимого) диапазона

support – поддержка

track – дорожка на диске, дискете

source - источник

queue - очередь

full - полный

empty - пустой

target цель, объект, на который направлено действие

environment – среда, конфигурация

copyright – авторское право

sequence - последовательность

contiguous – смежный, прилегающий, непрерывный

available – имеющийся в наличии

bootable – способный выполнить начальную нагрузку

suitable - подходящий

removable - перемещаемый

usable - используемый

compatible совместимый, сочетаемый

1.) Translate the words.

способный к начальной нагрузке                        --oot----

имеющийся в наличии                                av-------        

перемещаемый                                                rem------        

совместимый                                                --mpa-----

используемый                                                --sa---

подходящий                                                -uit----

2.)  Read the messages. Pay attention to the structure.









Именная часть сказуемого

Что? Кто?

Что делает?

Каким является?

        В сообщениях глагол-связка может отсутствовать. Смысл сообщения при этом не меняется:

        Directory is empty. – Directory empty.

Именная часть сказуемого может быть представлена не только прилагательным, но и, например, предлогом:

        Verify is on.

3.) Choose the correct translation of the messages.

1. Parameters not compatible  

a) Несовместимость параметров

б) Параметры не совместимы

в) Несовместимые параметры

2. Sector size too long              

а) Длинный секторный размер

б) Длина размера сектора

в) Размер сектора слишком длинный (большой)

3. Too many files open                  

а) Слишком много файлов открыто

б) Слишком многие файлы открываются

в) Открытие слишком многих файлов

4. Target disk is non-removable

а) Диск, на который производится копирование,  не является съемным

б) Перенесение диска, на который производится копирование

в) Не переносится диск, на который производится         копирование

5. Partition selection is not bootable

а) Не способная к первоначальной загрузке выбранная совокупность частей диска

б) Выбранная совокупность частей диска не способна к первоначальной загрузке

в) Не осуществляйте первоначальную загрузку из  выбранной совокупности частей диска

4.) Translate the messages of the computer

1. Echo is off.


2. Diskette out of sequence.


3. Copy complete.


4. Page not available from device.


5. First diskette bad or incompatible.


6. Line too long.


7. Track 0 bad. Disk unusable 58.


8. Disk unsuitable for system disk.


9. Second diskette bad or incompatible.


10. Sector size too large in file X.


11. File allocation table bad.


12. All files are contiguous.


13. First cluster numbers invalid.


14. Target disc is non-removable.


  1. Directory is totally empty.



Lesson IV


Side – сторона

Continue – продолжать

Specify – устанавливать , определять

Transfer – переход , перенос

Batch – группа , серия

Batch file – файл, содержащий группу команд.

Strike – ударить

Retry – повторить попытку

Recover – регенерировать , возвращать, восстанавливать

Reinsert – снова вставить

Rename – переименовать, дать новое имя

Replace – ставить на место, вернуть, заменить

1.) Read the message. Pay attention to the structure.



In drive



В дисковод


Дополнение прямое

Обстоятельство места

Что сделайте?

Вставьте что?

Вставьте куда? (во что?)

2.) Translate the words.

Использовать                1.and, 2. use, 3.any, 4.read, 5.when

Любой                        1.end, 2. and, 3.any, 4.use, 5. when

Читать                        1.divide 2. ready 3. any 4. read 5. when

Делить                        1. do 2. read 3. when 4. divide 5. side

Находить                        1. begin 2. later 3. red 4. find 5. and

Когда                        1. restore 2. write 3. repeat 4. when 5. place

3.) Choose the correct translation:

1. Insert source diskette

а) Дискета, с которой осуществляется копирование, вставлена.

б) Вставьте дискету, с которой осуществляется копирование.

в) Копирование осуществляется со вставленной дискеты.

2. Strike any key

а) Все клавиши  нажаты.

б) Нажмите любую клавишу

в) Клавиша нажата

3. Enter new date

а) Новая дата введена

б) Введите новую дату.

в) Введение новой даты.


4. Re-insert diskette for drive X

а) Дискета снова вставлена в дисковод Х.

б) Вставьте снова дискету для дисковода Х.

в) Повторная вставка дискеты в дисковод Х.

5. Rename file

а) Переименуйте файл.

б) Переименование файла.

в) Файл переименован

6. Please check it

а) Пожалуйста, проверьте это.

б) Пожалуйста, это проверено.

в) Проверка проведена, пожалуйста.

4.) Complete the sentences:

1. Press…

2. Insert    

3. Check…      


5.) Translate the messages:

1. Insufficient room in root directory. Erase files in root directory and repeat chkdsk.


2. Insert target diskette and strike any key when ready.


3. Incorrect DOS version, use DOS 2.0 or later.


4. Replace diskette or continue if o’kay.


5. Press any key to begin recovery of the files on drive.


6. Insert DOS disk in drive and strike ENTER when ready.


7. Insert last backup diskette in drive.


8. Replace and strike any key when ready.


9. Restore the sequence.


10. Enter current volume label for drive.


11. Re-insert diskette for drive.

______________________________________________________________________12. Enter new date.


Lesson V


To access – доступ

To require – требовать

Halt – остановка

Edits – отредактированный текст

Rate – коэффициент, степень

Chain – цепь, последовательность

To direct – напрокат

Mark – маркировать, отмечать

Operator – оператор

Start – операция

Operation – процесс

Resident – защищать

Process – начинать

Protect – резидент, резидентская часть программы

Duplicate – дубликат, копия, дублировать, снимать копию

1.)Translate the words

Загружать                 1. lose 2. load 3. letter 4. start 5. mark

Находить                        1. Hide 2. lose 3. start 4. point 5. find

Цепь                        1. Cluster 2. letter 3. cross 4. chain 5. baud

Данные                         1. date 2. data  3. rate 4. fit 5. letter

Часть                        1. mark 2. resident 3. part 4. past 5. rate

Терять                        1. letter 2. load 3. lose 4. mark 5. find

Защищать                        1. process 2. resident 3. program 4. protect 5. point


1.) Read the messages. Pay attention to the structure.

Root directory will be erased. Корневая директория будет стерта.

Last file was not restored. Последний файл не был восстановлен.

Table is loaded. Таблица загружена.


Is canceled




Что с файлами сделано?



Объект, над которым совершено действие

Действие, которое совершено

2.) Choose the correct translation

1. Files in target drive will be erased

а) Уничтожьте файлы на дискете, на которую ведется запись.

б) Файлы на дискете, на которую ведется запись, были уничтожены.

в) Файлы на дискете, на которую ведется запись, были уничтожены.

2. Diskette is write -protected.                       а) На дискету ведется запись

                                                б) Дискета защищена от записи

                                                в) Защитите дискету от записи

3. Data on disk will be lost.

                                                а) Данные на диске потеряны.

                                                б) Данные на диске буду потеряны.

                                                в) Данные на диске будут уничтожены

4. Write not completed.

                                                а) Не заканчивайте запись

                                                б) Запись не закончена

                                                в) Незаконченная запись

5. No target drive specified.

                                                а) Укажите дисковод, который ведет запись

                                                б) Не указан дисковод, который ведет запись

                                                в) Указан дисковод, который не ведет запись

6. No differences encountered.

                                                а) Встреченные различия

                                                б) Не обнаружено различий

                                                в) Различия не будут обнаружены

7. Path not found

                                                а) Найдите путь к файлу

                                                б) Путь к файлу не обнаружен

                                                в) Необнаруженный путь к файлу

8. No space left on devise.

                                                а) Слева нет места на устройстве

                                                б) На устройстве (диске) не осталось места

                                                в) Не оставляйте пробел на устройстве

9. Last file was not backed up.

                                                  а) Последний файл нерезервированный

                                                                     б) Последний файл не был включен в резервную   копию

                                                  в) С последнего файла не будет снята копия

4. Translate the messages.

1. End of life encountered.


2. Warning! The active partition is not bootable.


3. Active partition not changed.


4. First cluster number is invalid.


5. All logical drives deleted in the DOS partition.


6. Invalid environment size specified.


7. Graphics characters already loaded.


8. Maximum number of logical DOS drivers installed.


9. File cancelled by operator.


10. File was changed after it was backed up.


11. Corrections will not be written to disk.


12. Code page has not been designed.


13. Target diskette is write protected.


14. Make sure a diskette is inserted into the drive and door is closed.


15. Files in the target drive will be erased.


16. Directory is joined.


17. Not found.


18. No logical drive defined.


19. Not processed.


20. Copy not completed.


21. Disk full – write not completed.




1. File creation error


      2. Partition selection is not bootable

3. Please, check it

4. Source does not contain backup files

5. Diskette is write-protected

6. Unable to create table in resident memory

7. Do you wish to make the DOS partition active?

8. Maximum number of logical DOS droves installed

9. No space left on device

10. Insufficient memory for system transfer


accept- принимать

access- 1) доступ, 2)проход, подход, 3) выборка информации

according(to)- соответственно

active- 1) деятельный, активный; 2) действующий

add- прибавлять, присоединять

additional- добавочный, дополнительный

allow- позволять, разрешать

appearance- внешний вид, наружность

append- прибавлять, добивать

appendix- приложение

apply- использовать применять

archive- архив

arrange- приводить в порядок, систематизировать

assign- назначать, определять

attach- прикреплять, присоединять

attempt- 1) попытка  2) пытаться

attribute- свойства

avoid- избегать


backslash- обратная косая черта

back-up - дублирование

basic - основной, главный

batch - 1) ряд, партия   2) группа, серия

belong - принадлежать

blink - мерцание

boot - осуществить первоначальную загрузку

bootable - способный выполнить первоначальную загрузку

break - прерывать

buffer - 1) буфер 2) промежуточная область памяти

bug - ошибка, дефект, помеха

build - строить

build into - встраивать


cable - кабель, провод

capital - заглавная буква

carry on - продолжать

carry out - выполнять

cause - вызывать, быть причиной

caution - 1) осторожность 2) предосторожность

chain - последовательность, цепь

change - заряд, заряжать

check - проверять

choice - выбор

circular - круглый

clear - 1) чистый 2) очищать

close - закрывать

cluster - 1) группа 2) кластер, пакет, блок

code - 1) код 2) программа 3) кодировать

combine - объединять, комбинировать

compare - сравнивать

compatible - совместимый

complete - полный, законченный

completely - современно, полностью

compute - вычислять

connect - соединять

conserve - сохранять

consist (of) - состоять (из)

consistent - последовательный, совместный

console - 1) кронштейн 2) пульт

contain - содержать в себе

contents - содержимое

contiguous - смежный, соприкасающийся

continue - продолжать

control - управление, контроль, регулировать

cord - шнур

correct - правильный

correspond - соответствовать

cover - покрывать

current - 1) текущий 2) течение, ток


deal - заниматься чем-либо, иметь дело

debug - устранять неполадки, неисправности

define - определять

delete - стирать

deny - отрицать, отказываться

design - проектировать, предназначать

destination - назначение

destination disk - диск, на который ведется запись

destroy - разрушать

differ - отличаться, разлагать

direct - руководить, направлять

directory - директория

default directory - директория, имя которой можно не указывать

disk - диск

blank disk - гибкий диск

double-density disk- диск с удвоенной плотностью

double-sided disk - двустороний диск

master disk - диск оригинал

MS DOS installed disk - инсталляционный диск для установки операционной системы

single-sided disk - диск, с которого осуществляется копирование

write-protected disk - диск, защищенный от записи

divide - разделять

drive - дисковод

default drive - дисковод используется по умолчанию

external floppy disk drive - внешний дисковод

internal floppy disk drive - встроенный дисковод

drive identifier - идентификатор дисковода


echo - отображение выполненных команд на экране

edit - редактировать

editor - редактор

embedded - встроенный, включенный

empty - пустой

encounter - встречаться

entire - полный, целый, весь

equal - одинаковый

error - ошибка

disk error writing - ошибка допущенная при записи данных на диск

disk error reading - ошибка, допущенная при считывании

divide error - ошибка, допущенная при делении

escape - выход из текущего режима

exceed - превышать

except - кроме

except for - за исключением

executable - выполнимый

executive - исполнительный

extend - расширять, продлить

extension, file extension - расширение имени файла

extra - добавочный

extremely - крайне, чрезвычайно


fail - потерпеть неудачу

failure - отказ, сбой

fast - быстро

file - файл

batch file - файл, содержащий группу команд

finite -ограниченный

fit - соответствовать

fix - укреплять, закреплять

floppy - гибкий

follow - следовать

font - шрифт

format - 1)формат, 2)форматировать


halt - остановка

handle - управлять, оперировать

handler - программа обработки

handy - удобный

hard - жесткий

harm - вред, ущерб

hide - прятаться

hold - держать


identify - идентифицировать

illegal - недопустимый

include -  включать, содержать в себе

indicate - показывать

initialize - инициализировать, устанавливать в исходное положение

input - 1) ввод информации, 2) информация на входе

insert - вставлять

install - устанавливать

interchangeably - заменяя друг друга        

italics - курсив


job - задание, задача, работа

joint - соединяться


keep - иметь, хранить

kind - сорт, разновидность, класс


label - 1) метка, 2) маркировать, различать

leftmost - крайний левый

level - уровень

link - связь, соединение

list - список

locate - устанавливать

lowercase - нижний регистр



manage - руководить, управлять

menudriven - (программа) управляемая с помощью меню

message - сообщение

multilevel - многоуровневый



nest - 1) гнездо, 2) вставлять

network - сеть

notation - обозначение

notch - метка

numerical – числовой, цифровой


occupy – занимать, заполнять

option - выбор

optional – необязательный

order – 1) порядок 2) исправное состояние

overcome – преодолеть

overflow – переполнение

overview - обзор

overwrite – переполнить записью


path – тропа, путь к файлу

permit - разрушать

point – точка, пункт

portable – портативный, переносной

porition – часть, доля

power - мощность

powerful – сильный, мощный

press – жать, давить

prevent – предотвращать

previously – предварительно, заранее

primary – первоначальный

prompt – напоминание, подсказка

proper – правильный, надлежащий

protect – защищать

provide – обеспечивать


range – диапазон, предмет

rate – норма, скорость, степень

receive – получать, принимать

record – записывать, запись

recover – возвращать, восстанавливать

redirect – перенаправлять

re-display – вывод на экран дисплея повторно

refer – 1)посылать 2) ссылаться

reference – ссылка

reinsert – вставлять снова

relate – 1)устанавливать связь 2) иметь отношение

reload – перезагружать

remainder – остаток

remark – примечание

remove – передвигать

rename – переименовывать

repeat – повторять

replace – заменить

report – сообщать

require – требовать, нуждаться

reserved – запасной, резервный

reset – перенастроить

response – 1) ответ 2) реакция

restart – начинать снова

return – возвращение

review – рассматривать


safe – безопасный

sample – образец, шаблон, модель

schedule – список, каталог

select – отбирать

separate – отделять

sequence – последовательность

serial port – разъем

series – ряд, серия

session - сеанс работы с системой

set - устанавливать, назначать

share - разделять

shell - оболочка

shift - сдвиг

side - сторона

similar - подобный

skip - пропускать, перепрыгивать

slash - разрез, косая черта

specification - спецификация, перечень

specify - определять

spot - место

start-up - 1) начало, пуск, 2) начинать

string - ряд, последовательность

substitute - заменять, замещать

sufficient - достаточный

support - 1) поддержка, 2) поддерживать

suspend - приостанавливать

switch - 1) переключение, 2) переключатель


tab - учет

table - таблица, график

target - цель

template - шаблон, модель

temporary - временный

term - термин

terminate - завершать, заканчивать

track - дорожка

transfer - перенос, перемещение

transmit - сообщать, передавать

turn – поворачиваться ,turn on – включать, turn off - выключать

in turn - в свою очередь


unable - неспособный

unigue - уникальный

unless - если не, пока не

unlock - открывать

update - модернизировать

uppercase - верхний регистр

utmost - крайний, предельный



vary - меняться

verify - проверять, контролировать


  1. Зейденберг В. К. Англо-русский словарь по вычислительной технике. –М, Русский язык, 2000
  2. Радовель В. А. Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности.- Ростов-н/Д; Феникс, 2006

Предварительный просмотр:

Как выглядят вопросы и ответы на собеседовании при поиске работы:

1.How are you today? Did you have any trouble finding us?

Как дела? Вы с трудом нас нашли?

I’m fine! Thank you, and you?

(Спасибо! Я – хорошо. А Вы?)

2.How would you describe yourself as a person?

Как бы вы сами себя описали?

I’m a perfectionist. I pay attention to all the details, and like to be sure that everything is just right.

Я перфекционист. Обращаю внимание на все детали и мне нравиться быть увереным, что все идет по-плану.

I’m efficient and highly organized. This enables me to be as productive as possible on the job.

Я продуктивен и дисциплинирован. Это помогает добиваться самых высоких результатов на работе.

I’m a creative thinker. I like to explore alternative solutions to problems and have an open mind about what will work best.

Я изобретательный. Мне нравиться находить альтернативные более эффективные решения к задачам.

I enjoy solving problems, troubleshooting issues, and coming up with solutions in a timely manner.

Мне нравится решать задачи и предлагать решения.

3.What type of position are you looking for?

Какого типа должность вы ищете?

I’m interested in an entry level (beginning) position.

Я заинтересован в должности начального уровня.

I’m looking for a position in which I can use my experience.

Я ищу должность, в которой я мог бы использовать свой опыт.

I would like any position for which I qualify.

Мне подойдет любая должность, соответствующая моей квалификации.

4.Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position?

Вам интересна работа на полную ставку или на частичную ставку?

I am more interested in a full-time position. However, I would also consider a part-time position.

Я больше заинтересован в работе на полной ставке. Однако, я бы рассмотрел также работу на неполную ставку.

5.Can you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job?

Расскажите, пожалуйста, о своих обязанностях на последнем месте работы.

I advised customers on financial matters. After I consulted the customer, I completed a customer inquiry form and catalogued the information in our database. I then collaborated with colleagues to prepare the best possible package for the client. The clients were then presented with a summarized report on their financial activities that I formulated on a quarterly basis.

Я консультировал клиентов по финансовым вопросам. После консультаций я заполнял опросную форму клиента и заносил информацию в каталог в нашей базе данных. Затем, вместе с коллегами я готовил наилучший возможный пакет для клиента. После этого клиентам представлялся сводный отчет по их финансовым операциям, который я готовил ежеквартально.

6.What is your greatest strength?

Каковы ваши самые сильные качества?

I work well under pressure. When there is a deadline, I can focus on the task at hand (current project) and structure my work schedule well. I remember one week when I had to get 6 new customer reports out by Friday at 5. I finished all the reports ahead of time without having to work overtime.

Я хорошо работаю в стрессовых ситуациях (под давлением). Если установлен крайний срок для выполнения задания, я хорошо организую свой план работ. Помню одну неделю, когда я должен был выдать 6 отчетов по новым клиентам к 17-00 пятницы. Я закончил все отчеты досрочно, и мне не пришлось работать сверхурочно.

I am an excellent communicator. People trust me and come to me for advice. One afternoon, my colleague was involved with a troublesome (difficult) customer who felt he was not being served well. I made the customer a cup of coffee and invited both my colleague and the client to my desk where we solved the problem together.

Я отлично лажу с людьми. Люди доверяют мне и приходят советоваться. Однажды днем мой коллега столкнулся с проблемным (трудным) клиентом, который считал, что его плохо обслужили. Я приготовил клиенту чашку кофе, и пригласил клиента и коллегу к моему столу, где мы совместно решили проблему.

I am a trouble shooter. When there was a problem at my last job, the manager would always ask me to solve it. Last summer, the server at work crashed. The manager was desperate and called me in (requested my help) to get the server back online. After taking a look at the daily backup, I detected the problem and the server was up and running (working) within the hour.

Я умею улаживать проблемы. Когда на моей предыдущей работе случались проблемы, руководитель всегда просил меня решить их. Прошлым летом произошел сбой сервера. Руководитель был в отчаянии и вызвал меня (попросил моей помощи), чтобы восстановить сервер. Просмотрев суточное резервное копирование, я обнаружил проблему, и сервер был восстановлен и запущен в течение часа.

My time management skills are excellent. I’m organized and efficient.

У меня великолепные навыки управления временем. Я дисцыплинирован и эффективен.

I pride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to resolve what could be difficult situations.

Я горжусь своими навыками обслуживания клиентов и моей способностью решать сложные ситуации.

7.What is your greatest weakness?

 Каковы ваши самые большие слабости (недостатки)?

I tend to spend too much time making sure the customer is satisfied. However, I began setting time-limits for myself If I noticed this happening.

У меня есть склонность затрачивать слишком много времени, чтобы бы удовлетворить клиента. Однако, я начал устанавливать для себя лимиты времени, если замечаю, что это происходит.

When I’m working on a project, I don’t want just to meet deadlines. Rather, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of schedule.

Работая над проектом, мне не достаточно только уложиться в срок. Я предпочитаю выполнить задание досрочно.

Being organized wasn’t my strongest point, but I implemented a time management system that really helped my organization skills.

Я не всегда был так отлично организован, поэтому я освоил систему управления временем, которая действительно помогла мне с моей дисциплиной.

8.Why do you want to work for us?

 Почему вы хотите работать у нас?

After following your firm’s progress for the last 3 years, I am convinced that you are becoming one of the market leaders and I would like to be part of the team.

Наблюдая за прогрессом вашей компании в течение последних 3-х лет, я пришел к мнению, что вы становитесь одним из лидеров рынка, и я хотел бы стать частью вашей команды.

I am impressed by the quality of your products. I am sure that I would be a convincing salesman because I truly believe that the ABC is the best product on the market today.

На меня произвело впечатление качество вашей продукции. Я уверен, что буду убедительным продавцом, потому что искренне верю, что АБС – это лучший продукт на рынке сегодня.

9.Why Should We Hire You?

Почему нам следует вас нанять?

You should hire me because I’m not only qualified for this job due to my experiences, but also because of the positive attitudes that I have towards the tasks given to me.

Вам следует меня нанять, не только потому что я обладаю необходимой квалификацией и опытом, но еще и положительным отношением к делу, которое помогает мне выполнять полученные задания.

I am very motivated to do this job- it’s my dream. If you hire me, I will do my best to exceed your highest expectations.

Я очень мотивирован выполнять эту работу, так как это работа моей мечты. Если Вы наймете меня, то я не пожалею усилий для того, чтобы оправдать Ваши самые высокие ожидания.

You should hire me because I have the ability to develop my skills. I can handle myself and my responsibilities. If you hire me, I will do my best to exceed your highest expectations.

Вам следует меня нанять,так как я обладаю способностью развивать свои навыки. Я могу справиться со своими обязанностями. Если Вы наймете меня, то я не пожалею усилий для того, чтобы оправдать Ваши самые высокие ожидания.

Three reasons: I meet deadlines, I deliver on what I promised, and as a result I always make my managers to be proud of me.

Вам следует нанять меня по трем причинам: Я всегда укладываюсь в сроки, достигаю обещанного, и позволяю моему руководителю гордиться мной.

I can’t speak for the other candidates because I don’t know their qualifications, but I can tell you this: I would never put myself in a position where I think I would fail. I know I can do this job and succeed.

Я не могу говорить за других кандидатов, так как не знаю уровня из квалификации, однако могу сказать, что никогда бы не претендовал на должность, которую на заслуживаю. Я знаю, что справлюсь с данной работой и преуспею.

I think I should be hired because I’m a hardworking, well-organized and responsible. I’m also effective.

Я считаю, что заслуживаю быть принятым, так как я трудолюбивый, хорошо организованный и ответственный.

10.What Can You Contribute to the Company?

Каким будет ваш вклад в компанию?

I’m a hard worker with the experience to get things done efficiently.

Я трудоголик с опытом и привычкой завершать дела с максимальной эффективностью.

I can contribute my organizational skills and my ability to work well in a group.

Я готов привнести в компанию мои организаторские способности и мою способность хорошо работать в команде.

I have the experience, contacts, and knowledge to contribute to the rapid growth of this business.

Я обладаю опытом, контактами и знаниями, которые позволят обеспечить стремительный рост этого бизнеса/компании.

I am experienced in the areas this company needs to grow, and my ability to plan ahead will help facilitate that growth.

Я обладаю опытом именно в тех областях, от которых зависит рост компании, и способностью планировать наперед, которая будет способствовать этому росту.

11.Why did you leave your previous job?

 По какой причине вы ушли с предыдущей работы?

I am interested in a new challenge and an opportunity to use my technical skills and experience in a different capacity than I have in the past.

Я заинтересован в новых задачах и возможности воспользоваться моими техническими навыками и опытом в другом объеме.

I am interested in a job with more responsibility, and I am very ready for a new challenge.

Я заинтересован в работе с большей зоной ответственности, и я готов к новым вызовам и задачам.

This position seemed like an excellent match for my skills and experience and I am not able to fully utilize them in my present job.

Данная должность идеально подходит для применения моих навыков и опыта в полном объеме, в отличае от моей нынешней работы.

12.Why did you move to this country?
Почему вы переехали в эту страну?

We always wanted to settle here, and are now doing so.

Мы всегда хотели перебраться сюда, и наконец-то решились.

I moved here for the employment opportunities.

Я переехал сюда из-за карьерных возможностей.

13.What motivates you most at work?

Что мотивирует/вдохновляет вас на работе?

I’ve always been motivated by the desire to do a good job at whatever position I’m in.

Я всегда был мотивирован желание делать работу хорошо вне зависимости от того на какой позиции я бы не находился.

I want to excel and to be successful in my job, both for my own personal satisfaction and for my employer.

Я хочу преуспеть и быть успешным в своей работе, как для своего внутреннего удовлетворения, так и работодателя.

14.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Где вы видите себя через 5 лет?

My goal right now is to find a position at a company where I can grow and take on new challenges over time. Ultimately, I’d like to assume more management responsibilities and get involved in product strategy. But most importantly, I want to work for an organization where I can build a career.

На данный момент, моя цель — найти именно ту должность и компанию, где я бы смог расти и постоянно принимать новый вызов. В конечном счете, я бы хотел больше ответственности по руководству людьми, а также, быть больше вовлеченным в стратегию разработки продукта. Но самое главное, я бы хотел работать на ту организацию, где бы я смог сделать карьеру.

Where, I can take the decisions for the betterment of the organisation. Where I should be proud off my achievements and where my peer and sub-ordinates gave example of my talent and hard work to motivate others.

Там где я смогу принимать решения по улучшению и благосостоянию организации. Где я смогу гордиться своими достижениями, а мои коллеги и подчиненные могли бы приводить в пример другим мой талант и трудолюбие.

After the five year I want be get respectable position in organization. After getting more experience I want to take part to making important decision for organization.

Через 5 лет мне бы хотелось занимать уважаемую должность в этой компании. После того, как я приобрету необходимый опыт? Я бы хотел принимать важные решения в этой компании.

15.Do You Prefer to Work Independently or On a Team?

Вы предпочитаете работать самостоятельно или в команде?

I would like to work in an environment where there is a blend of both. Its great working in teams while sharing and learning ideas with each other, but it’s also great to sit at my own desk and work hard productively.

Мне бы хотелось работать в той среде, где есть сочитание и того и другого. Это здорово когда, есть возможность работать в команде и делиться идеями с другими. В тоже время, мне нравится сидеть за своим столом и продуктивно трудиться.

I like working myself. But I love working in a team because one thing is for sure -gaining and sharing knowledge through experience. It is always said “Two heads are better than one”. Working as an individual, I can apply all that I have learned throughout the career. So I believe both have their importance and both are required to be successful in any field.

Я люблю работать самостоятельно, но также, я предпочитаю командную работу, так как можно обмениваться знаниями и опытом. Как говориться, две головы лучше чем одна. Работая индивидуально, в дальнейшем, я смогу применить приобретенные навыки. Поэтому, оба вида работы важны и требуют успешного выполнения. )

Предварительный просмотр:

Бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Чувашской Республики  «Алатырский технологический колледж»

Министерства образования и молодежной политики

Чувашской Республики

По дисциплине    Иностранный (английский) язык

Специальность  38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учёт

Разработано  преподавателем

Михалькова Т.Л.

Алатырь 2015г.

          Учебное пособие по английскому языку предназначено для студентов по специальности «38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учёт»,

 а также всех, кто интересуется экономикой и хочет расширить свои знания английского языка.

          В учебное пособие вошли 6 разделов, каждый раздел содержит несколько текстов, к каждому тексту даются словарь и упражнения. Упражнения построены на базовом лексико-грамматическом материале 1 курса обучения. Представленные задания построены на основе дифференцированного отбора языкового и текстового материалов с учётом особенностей иноязычного общения специалистов в области экономической и финансовой деятельности. Система учебных заданий предусматривает последовательное формирование и контроль базовых коммуникативных умений в устной речи и чтении на материале специальности обучаемых.

          Цель учебного пособия – познакомить изучающих английский язык, с различными экономическими вопросами, а также основными понятиями и терминами экономики и бизнеса на английском языке.

          Основная информация – экономика и бизнес Англии и США.

          Материалы пособия могут использоваться как в ходе самостоятельной работы студентов над языком, так и на практических занятиях под руководством преподавателя.


Введение.                                                                                        2

Основная часть.                                                                                4

Раздел № 1. “Некоторые факты об экономике
Великобритании и Соединённых Штатов Америки”.                  4

                   Тема: “Промышленность и сельское хозяйство

                                            Соединённого   Королевства”.

                  Тема: “Экономика США”.

                  Тема: “Высшее образование в США”.

Раздел № 2.  “Деловая активность”.                                                8

                  Тема: “Рабочее время”. 

                   Тема: “Виды предприятий Великобритании”.

                   Тема: “Виды предприятий США”.

                   Тема: “Регистрация корпораций и обществ”.

Раздел № 3.  “Деловые люди”.                                                        16

                  Тема: “Директора и менеджеры”.

                   Тема: “Секретари”.

Раздел № 4. “Внутреннее производство и цена”.                        20

                  Тема: “Производство”.

                   Тема: “Валовой внутренний продукт”.

                   Тема: “Инфляция и дефляция”. 


Раздел № 5. “Внешняя торговля”                                                   25

                  Тема: “Основные термины внешнеторговой


                   Тема: “Европейский экономический союз”.

                   Тема: “Английские банкноты и монеты”.

                   Тема: “Из истории денег”.

Раздел № 6.  “Компании и деньги”.                                                33

                  Тема: “Выплата заработной платы в компании”.

                   Тема: “Налоги в Великобритании”.

                   Тема: “Бухгалтеры, главные бухгалтеры, ревизоры”.

                   Тема: “Счета и балансы”.

                   Тема: “Рыночное исследование”.

Используемая литература.                                                        43

Приложение                                                                                44

“Некоторые факты об экономике Великобритании и Соединённых Штатов Америки”.

Тема: “Экономика  США”.


due to

plenty of



to raise





вследствие, из-за


шахта, рудник








to look alike


to he dotted with …

to advertise

consumer goods

to deal in …

to tend

деловая часть города

выглядеть одинаково

скопление, концентрация

быть усеянным


потребительские товары

иметь дело с … , заниматься

иметь тенденцию, склонность                    




          The United States of America is a highly developed industrialized country. Shipbuilding, electronics, automobile industry, aircraft industry, space research are highly developed in the States.

          Each region of the United States has characteristics of its own due to the differences in climate, landscape and geographical position.

          Great Lakes, Atlantic Coast, Pennsylvania, New Jersy are biggest industrial regions of the country.

          The United States has a lot of mineral deposits or resources such as coal, gold, silver, copper, lead and zink. The south, especially Texas is rich in oil. The coalfields of Pennsylvania are rich in coal. There are plenty of coal mines.

          Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska is the richest farming region of America and it is known as the Corn Belt. The land is fertile and well watered. They grow mostly corn and wheat there. Much livestock is also raised here.

          There is a lot of fruit raising area. For example, California oranges, grapefruit, lemons, as well as other fruits, wines and vegetables are shipped all over the States and to other parts of the world. The most important crops grown in the States are also tobacco, soy-beans, peanuts , grapes and many others. There are a lot of large and modern cities, but a great proportion of the country consists of open land dotted with farmhouses and small towns. The usual average town, in any part of the United States, has its Main Street with the same types of stores selling the same products. Many American residential areas tend to have a similar look. As to big cities their centres or downtowns look very much alike. Downtown is the cluster of skyscrapers imitations of New York giants.

          New York City is die first biggest city of the States. Its population is more than eight million people. It is a financial and advertising business centre. It is also a biggest seaport of the Hudson River. Industry of consumer goods is also developed here.

          Chicago with a population of more than three and a half million is the second largest city in the U.S.A. It deals in wheat and other grains, cattle meat processing and manufacturing. Other big cities are Huston, an oil refining and NASA space research centre, New Orleans, a cotton industry centre, Los Angeles with Hollywood, Phyladelphia, a shipping commercial centre, Detroit, a world's leading motor car producer and many others.


№ 1. Answer the questions using the text:

         What industries are highly developed in the U.S.?

         What mineral deposits are there?

         What plants are grown in the U.S.?  Why?

         What can you say about the usual average town?

№ 2. Find the English equivalents in the text:

        благодаря различиям в климате;

        земли плодородны и хорошо орошаемы;

        выращивают кукурузу и пшеницу;

        разводят много скота;

        большие площади заняты фруктовыми садами;

        вывозятся в другие штаты и страны.

№ 3. Sum up what the text says about:

         the biggest industrial regions of the U.S.A.

         New York



         New Orleans

Тема:  “Высшее   образование    в   США”.


Higher education

A community college

To have a special subject area

A humanity

A social science

A natural science

An undergraduate

To get an undergraduate degree

 in the arts or sciences

Bachelor of Arts/ Science degree

To go on for a graduate or

 professional degree

Publicly funded

Privately funded

An exchange student 

Высшее образование

Местный колледж

Специализироваться в определённой области

Гуманитарный предмет

Общественная наука

Естественная наука


Получить степень в области гуманитарных или естественных наук

Степень бакалавра гуманитарных/ естественных наук

Продолжить обучение для получения степени магистра или профессиональной степени

Финансируемый из общественных источников

Финансируемый из частных источников

Студент, обучающийся по программе культурного обмена



          In the United States, a student who has finished school may want to continue in higher education. There are some ways to do it: universities, colleges, community colleges, technical schools, etc.

          A university in the USA usually has several different colleges in it Each has a special subject area. There may be a college of arts where humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and mathematics arc taught. There may be a college of education and a college of business. A program for undergraduates usually takes four years after which university students get an undergraduate degree in the arts or sciences. If they complete a course of study they get Bachelor of Arts or Science degree. Students may then either leave university or go on for a graduate or professional degree.

          The university may get money from several different sources. A publicly funded university get money from the state government, a privately funded university get money from private sources.

           College students usually spend 4 years at school, too. A college does not have graduate or professional programs. If a college student completes a course of study in arts or science, he or she gets Bachelor of Arts or Science degree. If college students want to continue their education they must go to university. The most famous American universities are: University of California, State University of New York, Columbia University and others.


№ 1. Answer the questions using the text

  1.  What are the ways to get higher education in the USA?
  2.  What subjects are taught in the college of arts?
  3.  What degree do university students get in the USA?
  4.  Does the US government give financial support to the universities?
  5.  Imagine you are an exchange student. What American University or
            college would you like to study at? Why?

№ 2. Translate from Russian info English using the text:

         Программа для студентов, степень в области гуманитарных наук,

         продолжить образование, самые знаменитые американские


№ 3. Fill in the words used in the text:

         A university in the USA   …   has several different colleges in it.                              

         Students may then either   …   university or go on for a graduate or  

         professional degree.

         The university may get money from  …  different sources.

“Деловая  активность”.

Тема:  Рабочее время”.


to break (broke, broken)


   to break the law

criminal proceedings

to take criminal proceedings

to abolish


to celebrate


to be independent of

ломать, нарушать


нарушать закон

уголовное судебное


начать судебное расследование

отменять, упразднять




быть независимым от


    syn. work


Thanksgiving (Day)

to date back to …



   to act



  Supplementary Act



День Благодарения

восходить (к определённой эпохе)


акт, постановление




дополнение к акту,

постановлению, закону




          The standard working day in the United Kingdom and the U.S.A. starts at 9:00 a.m. and lasts till 5:00 p.m. with lunch time from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Many banks are usually open for customers from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Some businesses and industries traditionally work different hours.

          Most employees have a five-day working week, Monday through Friday. The working week is between 35 and 40 hours long. Overtime is quite common and is generally paid, often at a premium to the basic rate of pay. The weekend usually starts on Friday night and lasts till Monday.

          Thus on Saturdays and Sundays most businesses are closed. But as to shops they are open on Saturdays and some of them are open on Sundays.

          In Britain the law does not say what shops can be open on Sundays but it says what goods can be sold on Sundays. They are newspapers, magazines and fresh food. If the law is broken, criminal proceedings may be taken. Many officials and the public demand that the Sunday trading rules should be abolished in the U.K.

           Most businesses are closed on public or national holidays.

The main public holidays of the U.K. are as follows:

New Year’s Day

Good Friday


Easter Monday

May Day

Christmas Day

Boxing Day

1 January

in April

in April

in April

in May

25 December

26 December


I. Answer the questions using the text.

   1. When does the standard working day start and finish in the U.K. and the


   2. What is a weekend?

   3. How long is the working week there?

   4. What goods can be sold on Sundays in the U.K.?

II. Fill the words used in the text:

     Most businesses are  …  on public or national holidays.

     The weekend usually starts on Friday night and  …  till Monday.

     Some businesses and  …  tradionally work different hours.

III. Find the English equivalents in the text.

      1. Большинство предприятий закрыты.

      2. Товары могут продаваться.

      3. Если нарушается закон.

      4. Работают в разное время.

Тема:  “Виды  предприятий  Великобритании”.



to trade


limited liability company


to own

estate agent



joint-stock company


stock exchange

to offer





компания с ограниченной ответственностью



агент по купле-продаже недвижимого имущества

управление, менеджмент

канцелярские бланки

акционерная компания


фондовая биржа





Most businesses in the United Kingdom operate in one of the following ways:

  • sole trader
  • partnership
  • limited liability company
  • branch of a foreign company.

          The sole trader is the oldest form of business. There are many one-man owners, for example: a fanner, doctor, solicitor, estate agent, garage man, jobber, builder, hairdresser etc. The partnership is a firm where there are a few partners. They are firms of solicitors, architects, auditors, management consultants etc. The names of all the partners of the firm are printed on the stationery of a partnership.

           The most common type of company in the United Kingdom is the limited liability company. At the end of the name of such a company the word Ltd. is used. For example: Wilson and Son Ltd.

           Many of such companies are joint-stock companies owned by shareholders.

          Limited liability companies are divided into public and private ones. Only public companies may offer shares to the public at the stock exchange. The names of such companies end in p.l.c. which stands for public limited company. For instance: John and Michael p.l.c.

         Private limited companies may not offer shares to the public. The names of such companies end simply in Ltd.

           A branch of a foreign company is a part of a company incorporated outside Great Britain but acting under the law of the U.K. Usually these companies act in the U.K. under their normal foreign names.


I. Answer  the  following  questions:

   1. What is the most common type of company in the U.K.?

   2. Are all limited liability companies joint-stock companie ?

   3. What can you say about the types of the following companies ?

       Fine Furniture Ltd.

      General Foods p.l.c.

II. Translate into Russian:

     Sole trader, farmer, garage man, joint-stock limited liability company,

     private limited liability company, a company acting under the British law.

III. Fill in the words used in the text:

      1. The names of …  …of the firm are printed on the stationery of a partnership.

      2. The names of such companies  …  simply in Ltd.

      3. Many of such companies are joint-stock companies  …  by shareholders.

Тема: “Виды  предприятий  США”.





  liable for …


to share


  to profit



to elect




ответственный за…


делить, участвовать

прибыль, доход

получать прибыль

инвестиция, вложение капитала



at will


  state authorities (Am.)

  state authorities (E)

to state



to prefer


to require


to buy (bought, bought)

to sell (sold, sold)

по желанию


власти штата (ам.)

государственные власти (европ.)


способность, возможность










Businesses in  the   U.S.A.   may   be organized as one of the following forms:

  • individual business
  • general partnership
  • limited partnership
  • corporation
  • alien corporation

         An individual business is owned by one person.

         A general partnership has got several owners.   They all   are liable for debts and they share in the profits.

         A limited partnership has got at least one general owner and one or more other owners. They have only a limited investment and a limited liability.

         A corporation is owned by persons,   called stockholders. The stockholders usually have certificates showing the number of shares which they own. The stockholders elect a director or directors to operate the corporation. Most corporations are closed   corporations, with only a few stockholders. Other corporations are owned by many stockholders who buy and sell their shares at will. Usually they have little interest in management of the corporations.

          Alien corporations are corporations of foreign countries.

All the corporations are to receive their charters   from the state authorities.  The charters state all the powers of the corporation. Many corporations try to receive their charters from the authorities of the State of Delaware, though they operate in   other   states. They prefer the State of Delaware because the laws are liberal there and the taxation is rather low.   Such corporations, which receive their charters from an outside state, are called foreign corporations.

          All the corporations require a certificate to do business in the state where they prefer to operate.

№ 1. Sum up what the text says about:

         individual businesses

         general partnerships

         limited partnerships


         alien corporations

         foreign corporations

         charters and certificates

№ 2. Translate into Russian:

         general partnership to be liable for debts,

         to share in profits, limited partnership,

         to have a limited investment, to have a limited liability corporation,

         closed corporation, certificates showing the number of shares they own.

№ 3. Compare the two previous text on the following types of business in the

         U.K. and the U.S.A.:

         sole traders – individual businesses

         partnerships – general and limited partnerships


Тема:  “Регистрация   корпораций  и  обществ”.



to regulate

act of parliament

to register

to deliver

to certify


to issue




deed stamp

stamp duty

корпорация, регистрация, оформление


акт парламента




учредительный документ

издавать, выпускать


настоящим, этим


печать о совершении дела

гербовый сбор



         All partnership and companies are regulated by the law of the U.K. or by Acts o Parliament, and are to be registered with the Registrar of companies. In order to be registered they are to deliver a few documents, namely:

           a certified copy of the company’s charter


           memorandum and others.

When a company is registered a certificate of incorporation is issued by the Registrar.

Here is one of the certificates:

Duplicate for the file No 989855

Certificate of Incorporation

I hereby certify that the Goldfields, Limited is this day incorporated under Companies Acts, 1862 to 1994, and that the Company is Limited.

Given under my hand at London this tenth day of July one thousand nine hundred and ninety four.

          Fees and Deed Stamps 15,200. 00

          Stamp Duty on Capital 13,510. 00

          Registrar of Joint Stock Companies

          Certificate received by Stephen Low

          65 London Wall, E.C.,

                                                                      Date 13 the July, 1994


I. Find the English equivalents in the text:

    1. Деятельность товариществ и компаний.

    2. Зарегистрированы официальным регистратором.

    3. Представить насколько документов.

    4. Выдаётся свидетельство о регистрации.

II. Give the Russian equivalents:

     a certified copy

     company’s charter



     deed stamps

     stamp duty on capital

III. Fill the sentences from the text:

  1. When a company is registered a certificate …..…. .
  2. In order to be registered they are to deliver ……… .
  3. All partnerships and companies are regulated by the law of the U.K. or by Acts of  Parliament, and are to be registered with ………  .  


                                                  “Деловые люди”

Тема: “Директора  и  менеджеры”.





to list

to head

board of directors

to elect

to appoint

to be in charge of something

to run the company







business card




вносить в список





заведовать чем-либо, отвечать за что-либо

управлять компанией

помощник управляющего






визитная карточка



           As a rule a private company has only one director.

          A public company must have at least two directors.

          Usually there is no upper limit on the number of directors a public company may have.   The company's note-paper must list either all or none of the names of its directors.

          A limited liability company or a corporation is headed by the board of directors elected by shareholders.  The directors appoint one of their number to the position of managing director to   be in charge of the day-to-day   running of the company. In large organizations managing director is often assisted by a general   manager. Some   companies also   have assistant general managers. Many directors have, deputies who are named deputy directors.

          Directors need not be shareholders. They are responsible for the management   of a company's   affairs.   They   are   not subject to any residence or nationality restrictions. 

          Big companies have many managers   heading departments. They are all responsible to the managing director. Among varions departmental managers the following can be mentioned:

  • sales manager
  • personnel manager
  • chief manager
  • district manager
  • sales and marketing manager
  • industrial engineering manager



№ 1. Find the answers to the following questions in the text:

  1. How many directors can a private company have ?
  2. Who heads a limited liability company ?
  3. How is managing director appointed ? What are his duties ?
  4. What is the deputy manager ?

№ 2. Fill in the words used in the text:

         In large organizations managing director is of ten  …  by a general manager.

         A  …  company must have at least two directors.

         They are not subject to any  …  or nationality restrictions.

№ 3. Sum up what the text says about:

         directors of private companies

         directors of public companies


         assistants and deputies

Тема: “Секретари”.



to require

to suit

to qualify




to handle






служащий, должностное лицо


счетоводство, отчётность

иметь дело


to entertain


to supply


to appoint

to arrange

to invite


to reply


клиент, покупатель


партнёр, компаньон








          There are two types of secretaries: company secretaries and private secretaries of executives.

           Every company, both in Great Britain and the United States, is required, under the law, to have a company secretary.

           In the case of private companies the directors are free to appoint any suitable person for this position. But in the case of public companies the company secretary must be a properly qualified person, a member of a recognised institute or association.   He   or she   may be   one   of the directors of the company. But if the company has only one director, the director cannot also be the secretary.

           The company   secretary   is the   chief administrative officer of the company.   He or she is normally responsible for the company, to comply with company law.

            The correspondence of the company secretary is particularly concerned with shareholders' meetings, board meetings and various forms that must be sent outside. The company secretary may also deal with enquiries for information concerning other firms, although the accounts department often handles these matters. Administrative questions come into the sphere of the company secretary, under instructions of the   board of directors.

            As to private secretaries of executives they are practically personal assistants of executives. A secretary answers telephone calls, receives messages and makes telephone calls on the instruction of her boss.

            A secretary also helps in organization of meetings and conferences, entertainments of visiting customers, suppliers and other associates of the firm. She also deals with all the correspondence of her boss.

            Secretaries write letters on   making   appointments   or   travel arrangements, letters of introduction, congratulation or condolence,   invitations and replies to invitations.

           Secretaries use various office equipment, like microcomputers, fax machines, photocopying machines and others.


№ 1. Answer the questions using the text:   

         What types of secretaries do you know ?

         What must be a company secretary in the public company ?

         What are the duties of the private secretary ?

№ 2. Complete the following sentences as in the text :

         There are two types of secretaries  …  .

         In the case of private companies  …  .

         But if the company has only one director  …  .

         Secretaries write litters  …  .

         As to private secretaries of executive  …  .

№ 3. Sum up what the text says about:

         company secretaries

         private secretaries

“Внутреннее  производство  и цена”.

Тема:  “Производство”.










to increase


to manage

to reach

to rise (rose, risen)




to take turns




отчёт, сообщение, доклад

должностное лицо, руководитель





цель, задание

справляться, суметь


подниматься, увеличиваться



обслуживание, эксплуатация

делать что-либо по очереди



          Very often newspapers, journals and other publications and speeches give information on production of goods.

Here is a report of a big English radio company executive  at a conference:

          Well, ladies and gentlemen, it has been a very difficult year for us. We've had difficulties in production and our production record this year is not good. These are the figures:

         At the start of the year all our factories had been on strike for two months; the strike finished on January 29th, so in January we produced only two hundred radios.

          Production started slowly because of continued one - day strikes; in February we produced twenty eight thousand radios.

          Then the production figures increased every of the three months. In May we reached target figure of one hundred and forty thousand radios and in June we managed to produce one hundred and forty nine thousand radios. This last figure is the best production figure we have ever reached.

          Then we had the two-week factory holiday at the beginning of September, which accounts for the figure of eighty thousand radios for that month

              In October production rose to one hundred and twenty thousand- and then, for reasons beyond our control, we had our second major strike of the year. Some workers continued working, and others, mainly the engineers and maintenance people, took turns in staying away.

          In November we produced only one hundred thousand radios and in December ninety thousand. So our production figures for last year were, I am afraid, not very good.


№ 1. Find the answers in the text:

         Who made the report ?

         How did he characterize the year in general ?

         How did the year start ?

         What was the result in May ?

         How did the situation change in September ?

         How did the year end ?

№ 2. Write down the production figures for every month mentioned in the

         text, as in the model:

In January they produced 200 radios.

Тема:  “Валовой  внутренний  продукт”.


Gross Domestic Product


to calculate






to define


to account for

to satisfy


to engage

to earn

валовой внутренний продукт



обрабатывающая промышленность




сельское хозяйство










          Gross Domestic  Product  or GDP   is the amount of money a country makes from goods and services inside the country for a certain  period   of time, usually  for a year.

          When GDP   is   calculated different sectors of economy are analysed.

          In the United Kingdom the following sectors of economy are usually analysed: manufacturing, services (financial, professional and scientific services, leisure and tourism), energy (oil, natural gas, coal) and agriculture. In the United States the following sectors of economy are usually analysed when the GDP is defined: construction and manufacturing; trade and finance; transport, communication and services; agriculture; and    mining.

          Speaking, as an example, about one of the recent year's GDP figures, the following can be quoted:

          In the U.K. the services sector accounted for roughly 60 per cent of Gross Domestic Product. Manufacturing sector accounted for a small percentage of gross domestic product. Energy production sector accounted for about 8 per cent of GDP. Agriculture — only for 4 per cent of GDP. But the agri-cultural sector satisfies two-thirds of the country's needs. And only small fractions of the total population, about 2 per cent, are engaged in agriculture.

          In the U.S.A. the construcion and manufacturing sector accounted for 40 per cent of GDP; trade and finance earned 25 per cent of GDP; transport, communication and services sector earned 20 per cent of GDP; agriculture and mining earned 5 per cent of GDP. By the way 10 per cent of the employed population of the United States is engaged in agriculture.


№ 1. Answer the questions using the text:

         What is Gross Domestic product or GDP ?

         What sectors of economy are usually analysed ?

         When GDP is calculated in the United Kingdom ?

         What can you say about GDP in the U.S.A. ?

№ 2. Complete as in the text and translate into Russian:

         Speaking, as an example, about  … .

         Manufacturing sector  …  .

         Energy production sector  …  .

         Agriculture  …  .

         Trade and finance  …  .

         Transport, communication and services  …  .

№ 3. Compare the agriculture sector of GDP of the U.K. and U.S.A. that year.

Тема: “Инфляция  и  дефляция”.






to determine




to combat











to decrease

to come to a halt


to take measures

to reduce


to arise (arose, arisen)

ущерб, вред


приходить к остановке, останавливаться


принимать меры

уменьшать (ся)

снабжение, предложение




          An inflationary development is characterized by rising prices within a certain period of time.

          The rising prices is a consequence of an uneven development in the quantity of goods on offer and the quantity of money available, which it self determines the demand and is the inflation rate.

          The causes of inflation are generally complex and can arise either from the goods or from the monetary side.        

          The consequences of inflation are extremely damaging for the economy. Inflation becomes stagflation when economic growth decreases or comes to a halt, but inflation continues to rise. If the state does not take measures to combat stagflation, this leads to deflation.

          Deflation, the opposite development to inflation, represents a reduction in the supply of money in comparison with the supply of goods.


№ 1. Answer the questions using the text:

         When does inflation become  stagflation ?

         What is deflation ?

         What are the characteristics of inflation ?

№ 2. Write down the sentences or parts of sentences which describe:




“Внешняя  торговля”.

Тема: “Основные  термины  внешнеторговой  деятельности”.







Gross National Product

to balance


to spend

иностранный, внешний



фрахтование, фрахт

экспертиза, знания

валовой национальный продукт

балансировать, уравновешивать

доходы, поступления

тратить, расходовать









to earn



за границу









          Countries buy and sell various goods as well as various services. Goods bought from abroad, such as food, cars, machines, medicines, books and many others, are called visible imports. Goods sold abroad are called visible exports.

           Services, such as insurance, freight, tourism, technical expertise
and others, are called
invisible imports and invisible exports. The total amount of money a country, makes including money from visible and invisible exports, for a certain period of time, usually for a year, is Gross National Product, or GNP.
The difference between a country’s total earnings or GNP, and its total expenditure is called its balance of payments.

          The difference between what a country receives for its visible exports and what it pays for its visible imports is its balance of trade. If a country sells more goods than it buys, it will have a surplus. If a country buys more than it sells, it will have а  deficit.  


№ 1. Find the definitions of the following terms in the text and write them down:

         visible imports

         invisible imports


         balance of payment

         balance of trade

         a surplus

         a deficit

№ 2. Underline the correct word in the  brackets:

  1. Goods sold to other countries are (visible, invisible) exports.
  2. Services sold to other countries are invisible (imports, exports).
  3. The difference between total earnings of a country and its total expenditure is called its balance of  (payments, trade).
  4. The difference between a country’s GNP and its total expenditure is called its balance of  (payments, trade).
  5. If a country sells more goods than it buys it will have a (deficit, surplus).

№ 3. Complete the sentences:

         If a country buys more goods than it sells it will have a  …  .

         Gross National Product is the total amount  …  .

         Gross Domestic product is  …  .

         Invisible exports and import are  …  .

         A country’s trade balance is  …  .

Тема: “Европейский  экономический  союз”.


to establish

to be established

to join

   to join smb./ smth.



   free of duty


to contribute

to contribute to smth.

образовывать, создавать

быть образованным, созданным

присоединять (ся) присоединиться к кому-либо/ чему-либо




таможенные пошлины*

вносить долю

вносить долю во что-либо





cart of justice


to be located in …



положение, постановление



правосудие, юстиция


центральный орган, штаб-квартира

быть расположенным в…





          The European Economic Community, or the Common Market, or the EEC was established in 1957. The original six member countries of the Community were France, West Germany, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Then a few other countries joined the Community. Britain, together with the Irish Republic and Denmark, joined the E.E.C. on 1st January, 1973.

          Now the Community forms an enormous trading area of almost 250 million people, and accounts for two fifths of the

world's trade.

          The membership allows imports to enter member countries either free of duty or at lower customs duties.

All member countries contribute to a common budget for certain purposes, based on relative total output of goods and services, or gross national product.

           Under the Community regulations, people of member countries may freely enter another member state to travel or to work there.

         The Community has the following institutions:

  • The European   Parliament

  • The Council of Ministers

  • The  Court  of Justice

          The headquarters of the European Economic Community are located   in Brussels, Belgium.


№ 1. Find the answers in the text:

  1. When was the E.E.C. established ?
  2. What countries established the E.E.C. ?
  3. How many people live in the E.E.C. ?
  4. What privileges do E.E.C. citizens have, coming to those countries ?
  5. Where are the E.E.C. headquarters ?

№ 2. Agree or disagree:

  1. It is a good privileged when imports to any country are free of duty.
  2. It is a very positive factor when people can freely enter any other country.
  3. It would be a very good thing if our country joined the E.E.C. or the  European Union.

№ 3. Write the words in the sentences:

          The  headquarters of the European Economic Community are  …   in Brussels,


          The  …  was established in 1957.

          Then a few other countries  …  the community.

           Britain, together with the Irish Republic and Denmark, joined the E.E.C. on 1 st

           January, 1973.

           The cart of  …  .

Тема: “Английские  банкноты  и  монеты”.






to authorize



   Chief  Cashier

to feature




  gravitation law









главный кассир

показывать, помещать




закон тяготения


to issue


to mint



  to be in circulation


  on the face


  in figure


to promise


  to bear


  on demand







быть в обращении

лицевая сторона

на лицевой стороне








по требованию




          The official   currency of the Unites Kingdom is the pound sterling which is equal to one hundred pence. 

          English banknotes are issued by the Bank of England.   As to coins they are minted also by this state bank.

          There are  banknotes  of   the  following  denominations:  £ 1,  £ 5,  £ 10, 

£ 20,  £  50 and   £ 100.

          The following coins are in circulation: halfpenny, one   penny, two pence, five pence, ten pence, fifty pence.

          On the face   of   English   banknotes   one   can   read    the denomination given both in figures and in words.

           Then the inscription on the face of the banknote reads: I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of... And then there are two signatures. The first signature is that of   the   person authorized by the Government and the Bank of England.

         The second signature is that of the Chief Cashier.

         The back of English banknotes, like many other banknotes, feature portraits of different famous people.

         The one pound banknote, for example, features Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727) a well-known English scientist who made a few very important discoveries including gravitation law.

         The back of the five pound note portrays the Duke of Wellington (1769 - 1852), a famous Irish general who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo, Belgium in 1815.

         On the back of the ten pound note one can see Florence Nightingale (1820 - 1910), founder of the nursing profession. She volunteered as a nurse to Turkey to take care of he wounded soldiers from Crimean War, war of England and France   versus Russia.

          And the back of the twenty pound banknote features William   Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), the greatest playwright of all time.


№ 1. Find the answer to the following questions in the text:

  1. What is the official currency of the U.K. ?
  2. What is the smallest unit ?
  3. How many pence are there in one pound ?
  4. What banknotes and coins are in circulation in the U.K. now ?
  5. What famous people are featured on the back of various English banknotes ?

№ 2. Sum up what the text says about:

         English banknotes

         English coins

№ 3. Write words in the sentences and translate:

         On the face of English banknotes one can read the denomination given both in

         …  and in words.

         On the back of the ten pound note one can sea Florence Nightingale,  …  of the

         nursing profession.

№ 4. Imagine you are speaking with an Englishman about money. Compare two  banknotes (coins) of the two countries. Act out this dialogue.

Тема:  “Из  истории  денег”.



  glimpses of history


to serve

  to serve as smth./ smb.

to come into existence

to weigh

to weigh out



to supersed


to underline


быстрый взгляд

немного об истории

предмет потребления


служить как что-либо/


возникнуть, появиться






портативный, компактный

подчёркивать, выделять

надёжный, длительного пользования

to divide














качество, свойство


крупный рогатый скот






квитанция, расписка




          At different periods of time and in different parts of the world many different commodities have served as money. These commodities were: cattle, sheep, furs, leather, fish, tobacco, tea, salt, shells etc. The experts underline that to serve effectively as money, a commodity should be fairly durable, easily divisible, and portable. None of the above-mentioned commodities possessed all these qualities, and in time they were superseded by precious metals.

          First they were superseded by silver and later by gold.

          When a payment was made the metal was first weighed out. The next stage was the cutting of the metal into pieces of definite weight and so coins came into use.

          Paper money first came into use in the form of receipts given by goldsmiths in exchange for deposits of silver and gold coins. After goldsmiths became bankers their receipts became banknotes. That's how the first banknotes came into existence. At first coins were worth their face value as metal. But later token coins of limited value as legal tender were issued. Now smaller denomination coins are made from bronze and are often referred to as coppers.  Bigger   denomination coins  are   made from cupronickel and are usually called silver.


№ 1. Find the answer in the text:

  1.  What commodities served as money in the past ?
  2.  What are the requirements of a commodity to serve as money ?
  3.  Why did precious metals start to serve as money ?
  4.  What precious metal was used first to serve as money ?
  5.  What precious metal was used then ?
  6.  How did coins come into existence ?
  7.  How did paper banknotes come into existence ?
  8.  What coins are called silver ?
  9.  What are coppers ?


№ 2. Translate into Russian:

          face value, legal tender, a new issue, cutting of the metal into pieces, paper money, in

          exchange for deposits, bigger denominations coins.

№ 3. Sum up what the text says about:

         the money in the past

         the way banknotes appeared

         the metals of which coins were and are made

         the silver coins and coppers

№ 4. Fill in the words used in text Underline them:

         When a payment was made the metal was fist  …  out.

         But later token coins of limited value as  …  …  were issued.

         Now smaller denomination  …  are made from bronze.

         In time they were superseded by precious  …  .

         First they were  …  by silver and later by gold.

№ 5. Read the text and discuss it in Russian:

What is money?

          Money is one of the most important inventions of humankind. Without it a complex, modern economy based on the division of labor, and the exchange of goods and services, would be impossible.

          When you buy a candy bar, you may pay for it with a coin or paper note. The storekeeper knows that you will eat candy, and that he never will be able to get it back from you. He also knows that he can eat neither the coin nor the note you gave him. Why does he accept the coin or note in trade for candy? It is because the coin is money.

          At first sight answering the question what money is seems obvious; the man or woman in the street would agree on coins and bank notes, but would they accept them from any country? What about checks? They would probably be less willing to accept them than their country's coins and notes. What about credit cards and gold? The gold standard belongs to history but even today many rich people in different parts of the world rather keep some of their wealth in the form of gold than in official, inflation-prone currencies. The attractiveness of gold, from aesthetic point of view, and its resistance to corrosion are two of the properties which led to its use for monetary transactions years. In complete contrast, a form of money with virtually no tangible properties - electronic money -seems to gain in popularity.

          Новые слова; A coin - монета.
         A candy bar - коробка конфет.

          Tangible properties -   осязаемые свойства.

“Компании  и  деньги”.

Тема: “Выплата  заработной  платы  в  компании”.



to stamp


to collect


to check

to pass


to calculate






приспособление, механизм    


штемпель, печать





сверхурочное время




удержание, вычитание


вклад, взнос


to employ      



to divide

to pay






to insert


платёжная ведомость

держать на службе, нанимать


штат, персонал

делить(ся), подразделять(ся)


жалование, оклад



работа, труд






          The list of people employed by a company is known by the payroll. The payroll is usually divided up as follows:

           monthly-paid staff

           weekly-paid staff

           hourly-paid staff

         Office staff arc either monthly or weekly paid and the money they get is called salaries, which are usually set.

          Workers are either weekly or hourly paid and they get set wages. Many companies often operate a bonus system for monthly and weekly-paid staff. The  bonus  is usually paid against certain work done.

          The amount of the bonus payment is   worked out from the employee’s job cards.

          Hourly-paid staff are usually on the clack. Under this system each worker has a clock number and a clock card.  He records his hours of work on the clock card by inserting it into what is literally a clock. 

          A device in the clock stamps the card with the time. At the end of each week the clock cards are collected by the timekeepers. The cards arc checked and then passed on to the Wages Office.  In the Wages Office the wages and overtime are calculated. 

          When monthly or weekly paid staff work overtime they are also paid overtime.

          Employee are sometimes paid in cash or by cheque. But direct payments into the employee's bank accounts arc becoming more and more popular. 

          As a rule employees get pay advices for the paid period.

The advice states the earnings,   all the deductions and the total amount payable. The deductions usually include National Wealth Insurance contributions.


№ 1. Answer the following questions:

  1. On what time basis can different employees be paid ?
  2. What is the money paid to office staff and workers called ?
  3. On what basis is bonus paid ?
  4. Do employees sometimes work overtime ? How are they paid then ?
  5. In what ways can wages and salaries be paid ?
  6. What way of being paid would you prefer ?

№ 2. Translate into using the text:

         Персонал оплачиваемый еженедельно.

         Получают установленную зарплату.

         Сумма премии.

         Часовое устройство.

         Подсчитывается зарплата и сверхурочное время.

         Оплачивается наличными или чеком.

№ 3. Complete as in the text:

         Workers are either  …  or hourly paid and they get set  …  .

         Hourly-paid  …  are usually on the  …  .

         A device in the clock  …  the card with the  …  .

         The cards are checked and then  …  on to the  …  Office.

         Employees are sometimes  …  in cash or by cheque.

         As a  …  employees get pay advices for the  …  period.

№ 4. What would you tell a foreigner about our practice of:

         bonus  payments

         overtime  payments

         the ways wages and salaries are paid

Тема:  “Бухгалтеры, главные бухгалтеры, ревизоры”.




chartered  accountant                                                                






to post



ревизор отчётности, бухгалтер

дипломированный бухгалтер,


денежные поступления

выплата денег




переносить в главную книгу

контролёр, ревизор











наличные деньги


бухгалтерская запись,


поток (денег)

бухгалтерская книга


главная книга

доход (ы)





          Bookkeepers deal in taxes, cash flow, which include cash receipts and cash disbursements, sales, purchases and different business transactions of the company. Bookkeepers first record all the appropriate figures – in the books of original entry, or Journals. At the end of a period usually a month- the totals of each book of original entry are posted into the proper page of the Ledger. The ledger shows all the expenditures and all the earnings of the company. On the basis of all the totals of each account in the Ledger, the bookkeeper prepares a Trial Balance. Trial balances are usually drawn up every quarter. The accountant’s responsibility is to analyse and interpret the data in the Ledger and the Trial Balance.

          The accountant is to determine the ways in which the business may grow in the future. No expansion or reorganization is planned without the help of the accountant. New products and advertising campaigns are also prepared with the help of the accountant. The work of accountants is rather sophisticated. Many accountants have special certificates after they pass examinations in Institute of Accountants. Certified accountants in England are called chartered accountants. In the U.S.A. the certified accountants are called certified public accountants. But it is not necessary to have a certificate to practice accounting. Junior employees in large companies, for example, often practice accounting and then take the examination. The chief accounting officer of a large company is the Controller, or Comptroller. Controllers are responsible for measuring the company’s performance. They interpret the results of the operations, plan and recommend future action. This position is very close to the top executives of the company.


№ 1. Complete as in the text:

         Bookkeepers deal in  …  .

         The Ledger shows  … .

         The accountant’s responsibility is  …  .

         The accountant is to determine  …  .

         Certified accountants in England are called  …  .

          Junior employees  … .

         Controllers are responsible for  …  .

№ 2. Sum up what the text said about:






№ 3. Answer the following question:

  1. Who work in this sphere do you think in the most important in a company ?
  2. Whose position ( of a bookkeeper, of an accountant, of a controller) do you like better ?  Whom would you yourself prefer to be ?


Тема: “Налоги  в  Великобритании”.
















трест, концерт



ставка, тариф


управление, совет


аппеляция, жалоба

увеличение, прирост



доход, поступление


возврат, возмещение


Board of Inland



to lodge



to clarify


income tax

corporation tax


to charge




департамент внутренних налогов и сборов

заполнение (листа)

подавать (жалобу)


аварийный, запасной

вносить ясность, уточнять

ссылка, указание

подоходный налог

налог с доходов корпораций

частичный взнос

взыскивать, взымать


обложение (налогом)



          Individuals, partnerships and trusts pay income tax and capital gains tax. Companies pay corporation taxes.

          Income tax and capital gains tax are charged for a tax year, sometimes called fiscal year or year of assessment. The tax year runs from 6 April to the following 5 April.

          Corporation taxes are charged for a financial year which runs from 1 April to the following 31   March.

          Companies generally pay corporation taxes nine months after the end of the accounting period.

          Individuals usually pay taxes in two equal installments on 1 January and 1 July. Usually taxpayers are given 30 days to pay from the date of issue of an assessment

          Tax assessments are normally based on returns issued by the Board of Inland Revenue, often called Inland Revenue or IR, for completion by the taxpayer.

          If the company or person believes the assessment is incorrect an appeal may be lodged against it. Appeals are made to either the General Commissioners or the Special Commissioners. The commissioners are completely independent of the Inland Revenue. 

          Employees pay taxes in a different way.  When an employee takes a new job he has to give his new employer his P.45. This is a document which shows the employee's tax coding and the amount of tax he has paid so far in the tax year.

          If an employee has no P.45. he is put on an emergency coding. This means he has to pay tax at the single rate until his P.45. is found or until the tax office clarify his tax position. When the position is clarified the employee   receives a refund   of any tax overpaid.

          Employees are taxed under P.A.Y.E.  system which means Pay as You Earn. Every employee has the tax deducted weekly or monthly. The deductions are calculated by reference to the employee's tax coding.  This information is supplied to the employer by the tax office.


№ 1. Answer the questions using the text:

         What kinds of taxes are there in the U.K. ?

         What is a fiscal year ? How long does it long ?

         How many days have taxpayers to pay the taxes ?

         What is P. 45 ?

         What does P.A.Y.E mean ?

№ 2. Complete as in the text:

  1. Individuals, partnerships and trusts pay  … .
  2. The tax year runs from  …  .
  3. Corporation taxes are charged for  … .
  4. Individuals usually pay taxes in two  …  .
  5. Employees pay taxes  …  .
  6. When the employee taxes a new job he  …   .
  7. If an employee has no P. 45  …  .
  8. When the position is clarified  …  .

№ 3. Say what new facts you learned from the text.

№ 4. Read and translate the text using active vocabulary:

Taxation and tax system

          Taxation is the process by which the people pay the expenses of carrying on the government. Many kinds of taxes have been used and are being used throughout the world. The main taxes can be divide into those paid on income and capital, called “direct” taxes and those paid when money is spent, called “indirect” taxes. Indirect taxes are paid on goods and services. The taxes are paid by the shops or manufactures, but then passed on to the consumers in the form of higher prices. The advantage of this tax is that it is directly in line with inflation. If the prices rise, so does the tax.

Тема: “Счета  и  балансы”.


to create

profit and loss statement

balance sheet

to affect


net worth

book value

petty cash


создавать, составлять

счёт прибылей и убытков

бухгалтерский баланс

влиять, отражаться, сказываться на …


стоимость за вычетом обязательств

стоимость по торговым книгам

малая касса, мелкие суммы





to contain



to reflect







содержать (ся)

арендная плата



актив (ы)

пассив (ы)




          From the Trial Balance, prepared by the bookkeeper, the accountant creates a Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet.

          A Profit and Loss Statement or a Profit and Loss Account, shows the income or loss of the company for the period. The Profit and Loss Statement is made only on the basis of those accounts of the Ledger which affect the profit and loss of the company. The Profit and Loss Statement may contain the following items:

  • Sales
  • Trading profit
  • Depreciation
  • Rent received
  • Interest paid
  • Profit before tax
  • Tax
  • Profit after tax
  • Dividends
  • Profit retained
  • Earnings per share

          The other accounts of the Ledger which reflect the assets, liabilities and capital of the firm, make up a Balance Sheet. This shows the net worth or book value of the company.


№ 1. Translate into Russian:

         profit and loss statement


         balance sheet

         trading profit

         rent received

         interest paid

         profit before tax

         profit retained

         accounts receivable

         merchandise on hand

№ 2. Sum up what the text said about:

         profit and loss statements

         balance sheets

№ 3. Fill in the words using the text:

         A profit and Loss Statement  …  the income or loss of the company for the


         The accountant  …   a Profit and Loss Statement and Balance sheet.

         The Profit and Loss Statement is  …  only on the basis of those accounts of

          the Ledger which affect the profit and loss of the company.

Тема:  “Рыночное  исследование”.


A market

A research

A collection

A collation


A consumer

A consumption of goods and services

A demand for...


To observe

A questionnaire

A postal survey

To gain an advantage over...


Изучение, исследование


Сопоставление, обработка



Потребление товаров и услуг

Спрос на...



Анкета, опросный лист

Обзор почты

Получить преимущество над...



          A market is anywhere that buyers and sellers come together to exchange goods and services. Market research is of great importance for any business. Market research can be defined as a collection, collation and analysis of data relating to the marketing and consumption of goods and services. For example, firms gather information about the likely consumers of a new product and use the data to help in their decision making process. Market research includes the following aspects:

  • a demand for a product
  • what style, shape color or Form it should take
  • the price people can pay for it
  • information about themselves - their age, likes, interests and
               life styles.

          Market research can either be carried out by a firm itself or by a market research agency. The research involves collecting primary data. This is information which has to be collected to gain marketing advantages over other firms. Most primary information is gathered by asking consumers questions or by observing their behavior. The most accurate way to do this is to ask or observe all consumers of a particular product. However, this may be either impractical or expensive. That's why there are some other research methods a business can use. Among them are: questionnaires, personal and telephone interviews, postal surveys, observation and many others.


№ 1. Find in the text these words and expressions:

         Покупатели и продавцы, собирать информацию, иметь большое значение,

         потенциальные потребители, процесс принятия решения, самый точный

         способ, дорогой.

№ 2. Answer the following questions using the text:

         What is a market ?

         What aspects does it include ?

         What research methods do you know ?

№ 3. Write the words in the sentences:

         Market research  …  either be carried out by a firm itself or by a market

         research agency.

         This information  …  to be collected to gain marketing advantages over other


         Market research can be defined as a collection, collation and analysis of data

         relating to the marketing and consumption of goods and services.

Основная  литература:

  1. Основы экономики и бизнеса. Шевелёва С.А.. Стогов В.Е. – М., 2009 г.

  1. Сборник контрольных работ по английскому языку. Калашникова О.А. – Краснодар, 2010 г.

  1. Учебник английского языка для банкиров, брокеров, менеджеров специалистов по маркетингу. Ковтун Л.Г., Образцова Н.А., Куприкова Т.С., Матявина М.Ф. – М., 2009г.
  2. Английский для экономистов. Шевелёва С.А. – М., 2008

Дополнительная  литература:

  1. Русско-английский внешнеторговый и внешнеэкономический словарь под. ред. Ждановой И.Ф. – М., 2011 г.

  1. Бизнес – курс английского языка. Томас Р. Мокайтис – Ростов-на-Дону, 2012 г.

  1. Англо-русский экономический словарь. Жданова И.Ф., Вартумян Э.Л. – М., 2009 г.

  1. Товарная биржа. Англо-русский словарь. Справочник – М., 2011г.

Предварительный просмотр:

Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Чувашской Республики  «Алатырский технологический колледж» Министерства образования и молодежной политики

Чувашской Республики

Учебное пособие

По учебной дисциплине


Для аудиторной и внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы

студентов 3, 4 курсов

для специальностей:

08.02.05 Строительство и эксплуатация автомобильных дорог и аэродромов

08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений

23.02.04 Техническая эксплуатация
подъемно-транспортных, дорожных машин и оборудования  

21.02.05 Земельно-имущественные отношения                              


                                                                                  Михалькова Т.Л.

Алатырь 2016 г.

Рассмотрено на заседании ПЦК                                              
общих гуманитарных и социально-экономических
Протокол от  _________№
Председатель комиссии
                / Ерёмина М.К. /              


Рекомендации составила: Михалькова Т.Л., преподаватель английского языка высшей  категории.  

Данные методические рекомендации предназначены для студентов заочников колледжа
для специальностей:

08.02.05 Строительство и эксплуатация автомобильных дорог и аэродромов

08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений

23.02.04 Техническая эксплуатация подъемно-транспортных,
дорожных машин и оборудования  

21.02.05 Земельно-имущественные отношения                              

В методических рекомендациях разработаны различные виды самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы, даны указания по их выполнению.



I.   Введение

II. Пояснительная записка

III. Основная часть

  1.          Тема №1. WHY DO PEOPLE BUILD? Почему люди строят?
  2.          Тема №2   EXCAVATION. Экскаваторные работы.
  3.          Тема №3 FOUNDATION. Фундамент.
  4.          Тест №1
  5.          Тема №4. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Строительные материалы.
  6.          Тема №5 WOOD.Дерево.
  7.          Тема №6  TIMBER. Древесина.
  8.          Тема №7  METALS. Металлы.
  9.          Тема №8  FERROUS AND NON-FERROUS METALS.
  10. Чёрные и цветные металлы.
  11. Тема №9 STELL, ALUMINUM. ALUMINA. Сталь, алюминий, окись алюминия, глинозём.
  12. Тема №10 BRICK. TERRACOTTA. CERAMIC TILES. Кирпич. Терракота (коричневато-красный фаянс, используемый в качестве декоративного строительного материала). Керамическая черепица.
  13. Тест №2
  14. Тема №11 CONCRETE. Бетон.  
  15. Тест №3
  16. Тексты для аудирования.


IV. Заключение

V. Список используемой литературы



   Данное методическое пособие, предназначено для студентов 3, 4 курсов средних профессиональных учебных заведений, в программу которых входит изучение современных отраслей технического производства.

   Целью пособия является обучение студентов технических специальностей чтению и переводу (в том числе с использованием словаря) литературы по разным отраслям. Кроме того, пособие имеет целью обучение элементарным умениям говорения. Для достижения этих целей в пособии предусмотрена регулярная, учебная деятельность по созданию словаря активной лексики, включающего употребительные в данных  специальностях термины и слова общетехнического значения. Кроме того, предусмотрена учебная деятельность, направленная на формирование основ потенциального словаря.

   Основное внимание уделено задаче формирования у обучаемых адекватного словарного минимума, который позволит извлекать полезные для практики сведения из информативно-несущих источников. Предусмотрены задания и на формирование умений устного общения на освещаемую в разделе тему.

Задания, построенные в форме вопросов и ответов, служат для контроля и самоконтроля степени усвоения лексики и структур.

Заключительный раздел пособия включает текстовые материалы для чтения и задания на извлечение информации из них и устное обсуждение. По уровню языковой  и понятийной сложности материалы этих частей пособия можно условно  разделить на две группы. В первую входят краткие статьи описательного характера, несложные по содержанию и по характеру синтаксических построений. Статьи построены на широко употребляемой лексике - популярной отраслевой терминологии и частотных словах  общетехнического значения.

   Кроме чтения и перевода текстовых материалов разной понятийной и языковой сложности, в число задач этих разделов входит развитие и углубление навыков устной речи по темам специальностей.

Пояснительная записка

    Настоящее пособие предназначено для учащихся колледжей и написано в соответствии с требованиями программы по английскому языку для учащихся средних специальных учебных заведений.

   Цель пособия-подготовить студентов к чтению и переводу со словарем английского языка на русской оригинальной литературы средней трудности по техническим специальностям.

  В текстах содержится лексика и грамматические структуры, характерные для языка технической литературы. Разнообразие тематики дает возможность осуществления межпредметных связей: время изучения того или иного текста может быть согласовано с изучением соответствующего раздела из курса специальных дисциплин.

   К текстам даются упражнения, цель которых - закрепление лексического и грамматического материала. Система лексических упражнений предусматривает: 1) нахождение в текстах ответов на вопросы; 2) дополнение предложений по смыслу; 3)перевод словосочетаний; 4)перевод текстов со словарем и др.  

   Данное пособие рассчитано на тех, кто уже имеет базовую начальную подготовку по английскому языку: знает фонологическую систему, знаком с основными грамматическими категориями, владеет определенным объемом лексических единиц и речевыми моделями, которые позволяют вести общение в ситуациях социально-бытовой сферы.

   Основной целью пособия является развитие речевой деятельности в профессиональной сфере общения речевые модели, формы,  языковые средства дают возможность овладеть способами реализации таких интенций, как обоснование, аргументация, доказательство, выражение собственного мнения, описание и т.п.

   В основу пособия положен принцип коммуникативно-деятельностного обучения, поэтому в центре внимания находится материал, направленный на формирование коммуникативной компетенции в сфере профессионального общения.

   Перед основным текстом предлагаются вопросы и задания, способствующие введению в тему, определяют цель и задачи урока; задания направленные на проверку понимания прочитанного текста. Система упражнений способствует активному усвоению лексики и грамматического материала. Заключительным этапом являются задания условно-коммуникативного или коммуникативного характера.  

Тема №1.




   We build because we need shelter. We need shelter from sun, rain, wind, and snow. Not much that modern people do takes place outdoors. Our activities mostly take place indoors. For these activities we need air that warmer or cooler than air outdoors. We may also need less light by day and more light by night than is provided by nature.

   It is a well-known fact that modern people in many countries also need services.      Modern services must provide energy, water, communications, and dispose of waste. Sanitary accommodation is also necessary and very important. For sanitary accommodation people must ventilation. It is important to note that all services and accommodations are preplanned and located on a site plan. A site plan must be prepared and provided for every building and every construction.

   In order to have shelter provided with modern services and accommodation,  people all over the world use many different construction materials and arrange them into different constructions.  Since prehistoric times these constructions have served as shelter and accommodation for a man, a group of people, a family, a few families, many families, an organization, or an enterprise.

   What are the branches modern civil construction has? Among the branches the main ones are housing construction, construction of industrial enterprises, construction of railroads, highways, subways, construction of bridges, dams, ports, canals, construction of different sporting facilities. Among them there are stadiums, aquaparks, swimming pools, sporting complexes, and others.

№2. Read and translate the following questions. Put them to your groupmate.

  1. Why do people need shelter?
  2. What king of services and accommodation do modern people need and use?
  3. What branches of modern civil construction do you know?
  4. Do you attend any sporting facilities? What sporting facilities do you attend? How often do you attend them? Do you attend them regularly?
  5. Do you want to take part in modern civil construction?
  6. What branches of modern civil construction are you interested in?

№3. Translate the following examples.

Much air, less light, few people, more waste, little energy, a few buildings, fewer sites, many shelters, little sunshine.

№4. Put down the corresponding English words.

  1. They stayed (в помещении) __________ (из-за) __________ the rainy weather.
  2.  People build houses (так как) __________ they need (убежище) ______________.
  3. People’s activity takes place both (в доме)___________________ and  ( на улице)_______________.
  4. Sanitary accommodation (избавление от отбросов) __________ are provided by modern services.
  5. Accommodations are (планируются заранее)_________________ and located on a site plan.

Тема №2.



   What does construction of a building start with? Construction of any building usually starts with excavation. Excavation is a process necessary for the construction of every modern building.

   It is a well-known that there exist different kinds of soil. It is also a well-known fact the structure of the upper stratum of the soil is of great importance for excavation. The foundation of a building should never be placed on organic soils because of this kind are easily decomposed. They are decomposed because water and wind change their structure. So, if the upper stratum of soil is organic, it must be removed from the construction area in order to guard the foundation of the building against water and wind erosion. Further excavation may take place only after the upper organic stratum has been removed. In colder climates the foundations of buildings should be placed below the level to which the ground freezes in winter.

   What are the major parts of a building? Modern buildings have three major parts. These are the superstructure, the substructure, and the foundation. The superstructure is the above-ground part of a building; the substructure- its below- ground part. As to the third part-foundation-its function is of great importance as it serves to transfer the loads a building into the upper stratum of earth- its soil.

№2. Have a talk with your groupmate. Use the questions given below.

  1. How many major parts does a modern building usually have?
  2. What are the major parts of a building?
  3. How is the above- ground (below- ground) part of a building called?
  4. What is the function of a foundation?
  5. Which part of soil is of great importance for excavation?
  6. Which part of organic soil must be removed from the building area?
  7. Why must it be removed?
  8. In what climatic zones should the foundations be placed below the freezing point?
  9. Have you ever watched the process of removing the upper stratum of soil from the building area?

№3. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words.

Remove- ______________________________

Rebuild- ______________________________

Re- transfer- ______________________________

Destabilize- ______________________________

Dewater- ______________________________

Deactivation- ______________________________

Supervisor- ______________________________

Superheating- ______________________________

Substratum- ______________________________

Subpanel- ______________________________

Degas- ______________________________

Subsoil- ______________________________

№4. Choose and put down the attributes opposite in the meaning to the given ones. Translate the combinations.

Attributes: above- ground, substructure of a building, above, warm, inorganic, lower, unnecessary

Model: below- ground and above- ground parts

Upper and ____________________ strata

Organic and ____________________ soils

Cold and ____________________ climate

Below and ____________________ the level of freezing

Necessary and ____________________ details




   It is a well-known fact that every building needs permanent stability. In order to have stability, buildings should have foundations. We know that the function of a foundation is to transfer the loads of a building into the soil. Foundations keep the walls and the floors of buildings from direct contact with the soil. They guard the walls and the floors against the action of the weather- rain, snow, and wind. They also guard buildings against sinking that may cause cracks in the walls. Foundation design is very special. It may be both rather complex or very simple. It is a common practice that for very small buildings foundation design is usually muсh simpler than for large ones. Why is it so? Firstly, because foundations loads of small buildings are usually low.

   What kinds of loads are supported by foundations? A foundation may support different kinds of loads. Among them there are dead loads and live loads. The dead load of a building includes the weights of the ceilings, the frame, the floor, roofs and the walls. Besides, every modern building is know to have water, electricity, heating, ventilation and dispose of waste systems and, accordingly, their equipment. The dead load also includes the weights of this electrical and mechanical equipment and the weight of the foundation itself. As to the live load, it includes the sum of the weights of the people and other living beings, the furnishings, and equipment they use. The live load also includes snow, ice, and water of the roof.

№2. Translate the following questions.

  1. For what reason does every building need stability?
  2. What functions of a foundation do you know?
  3. What may cause cracking in the walls of buildings?
  4. What are the loads supported by foundations?
  5. What parts does dead load (live load) include?

№3. Translate the given Russian words into the English ones.

  1. Foundations keep both the (стены и пол) __________ from the contact with the (почва) _______________.
  2. Sinking may cause (трещины) __________ in the walls of a building.
  3. Foundation design may be both (весьма сложный) __________________ and (весьма простой) __________.
  4. The foundations (поддерживаю) ______________ both dead loads and (динамический вес) ______________ of buildings.
  5. The dead load (включает в себя) __________________ the (вес) __________ of electrical and mechanical (оборудование) _____________

№4. Distribute the words given below into two columns: nouns, verbs.

Model:  Nouns                           Verbs

              Crack                             Found

Precontrol, include, frame, react, reaction, equip, equipment, crack, found, foundation, cause, support, flop, sink, wall, transfer.




Can you choose the correct variant without consulting the articles “Why Do People Build?”, “Excavation”, “Foundation”? In case you fail to do it, we recommend you to repeat the corresponding material.

1. Mush what we do takes place

a) Indoors

b) Outdoors

2. We need more light

a) By day                  

                            That is provided by nature.

b) By night

3. Every construction serves as accommodation

a) For people and enterprises

b) For people, families, organizations and enterprises

4. Sporting facilities include

a) Stadiums and swimming pools

b) Stadiums, aquaparks, swimming pools, sporting complexes

5. The superstructure of a building is

a) Its above-ground part

b) Its below-ground part

6. The substructure of a building is

a) Its below-ground part

b) Its above-ground part

7. The foundation of a structure transmits its loads

a) Into the lower strata of earth

b) Into the upper stratum of earth

8. a) Organic structure of soil

                                                 Must be removed from the building areas.

 b) Inorganic structure of soil

9. The upper stratum of earth is removed in order to guard the foundation

a) From rain and sun

b) From water and wind erosion

10.  In the cold climatic zones foundations should be placed

a) Below the level of freezing

b) Above the level of freezing

11. Foundations should not be placed

a) On organic soils

b) On inorganic soils

12. Foundations keep the walls and the floors

a) From indirect contact with the soil

b) From direct contact with the soil

13. Sinking may cause

a) Cracks in the walls

b) Cracks in the roofs and the floors

14. Foundation design is

a) Of little importance

                                              for constructions

b) Of primary importance

15. For large (small) buildings foundation design is

a) Rather simple

b) Rather complex

16. Water, electricity, ventilation, and dispose of waste systems

a) Form live loads

b) Form dead loads

17. Live loads include the weights of

a) The people, the furnishings and equipment

b) Water, electricity and ventilation systems

18. Shallow and deep foundations

a) Differ in their cost

b) Have the same cost

19. Shallow foundations are generally

a) More expensive

                                   than deep ones

b) Less expensive

20. Civil construction includes

a) Industrial and precast concrete types of construction

b) Industrial and military types of construction

Тема №4.


№1. Read and translate the article.

   Materials used for construction purposes possess different properties. They differ in durability, strength, weight, fire-and decay-resistance and, naturally, cost.

Wood, timber, brick, stone, concrete, metals, and plastics belong to the most popular building materials used nowadays. They all have their advantages and disadvantages that are taken into account when designing a structure.

   Wood belongs to naturally growing materials. It is known to be the oldest construction material and is still widely used for different purposes. Wood is popular since it has low weight and is easy to work. Besides, it grows naturally and is cheap. But its usage is limited because of its disadvantages: it easily burns and decays. As to stone, it also belongs to the oldest building materials. Among its advantages there are strength, high heat insulation and fire-resistance.

Brick belongs to artificial construction materials. It has been used in many countries and in different climates. In modern times bricks vary widely with the method of production and temperature of burning.

   Concrete is known to be one of the most popular building materials. It is produced by mixing cement, gravel, water, and sand in the proper amounts.

 №2. Put these questions to groupmate.

  1. Into what groups can construction materials be divided?
  2. What are the advantages (disadvantages) of wood, stone, metals?
  3. What two groups are metals divided into?
  4. What is the difference between ferrous non-ferrous metals?


№3. Which of the materials listed below are natural, artificial?

Metal, stone, brick, concrete, gravel, wood, sand, timber, iron.

№4. Which of the properties of construction materials may be classified as advantageous? Disadvantageous?

High cost                        fire-resistance                  non-fire-resistance

Low resistance                low cost                           high strength

High weight                    durability                         corrosion-resistance

Heavy weight                  hardness                           softness

№5. Which of words given below are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs? Translate every word.

Height, high, deepen, depth, deeply, strength, strengthen, strong, long, highly, lengthen, length, hard, hardly, harden, hardness.

Тема №5.


№1. Read the article

   Wood has been a highly used building material since prehistoric times. Among other highly used construction materials there are concrete, steel, brick, stone, and plastics. They all differ in their properties and in the methods of usage.        Construction materials are known to differ in strength, hardness, fire-and corrosion-resistance durability, and, naturally, cost.

   Being the oldest building material, wood is also known to be the only naturally growing organic material. Is wood strong? Hardly so, because wood always contains some water which decreases its strength. But after the wood is cut, the water content starts to evaporate and as the water content decreases the strength of cut wood and its hardness start to increase. It is a well-known fact that the drier is the cut wood the greater is its strength and hardness.  

   Trees are known to grow naturally, which makes wood a constantly renewable natural resource. Among other advantages of wood there are its low cost, low weight, and high workability. But, as any other construction material, wood has its disadvantages. The main ones are the following-it is not fire-resistant, it easily burns. Besides, it easily decays.

№2. Translate the following sentences. Mind the Complex Subject.

  1. Water content is known to decrease in the cut wood.
  2. Wood as a structural material is considered to be highly used because of its low weight, low cost, and high workability.
  3. Use of concrete for building purposes is announced to be constantly increasing all over the world.
  4. The strength and hardness of cut wood are known to increase as its water content evaporates.

№3. Give the English equivalents of the Russian words.

  1. Small (полосы) __________________ of wood are (склеены) ____________________ together.
  2. Wood in panel form is more (предпочтителен) __________________ for some construction (цеди) ______________ than (доски) __________
  3. (фанерные) __________________panels are made up of (тонкие) ___________________ (деревянные) ___________________ veneers.

№4. Translate the following combinations into Russian.

Wood veneers                         laminated wood

Strip of land                            strips of wood glued together

Тема №6.


№1.  Read and translate the article.

   Timber belongs to one of the oldest building materials. It has been from ancient times and is still produced from cut wood. Timber has always been highly usable in construction because of its many advantages. To these belong its strength, light weight, cheapness, and high workability. Its other advantage is that it belongs to natural resources and is naturally renewable. It is the more so that about a third of the world is still considered to be covered with forests. Besides, timber is resistant to corrosion produced by chemical substances in the modern polluted atmosphere.     One more advantage of timber is that it can be used for many construction purposes. But, naturally, timber has disadvantages and the main ones are that it is not fire-resistant and it easily decays; especially if it is not impregnated. Besides, freshly cut timber contains water that may cause great structural defects. Removal of water from timber is a necessary procedure that should take place before timber is used in practice. It increases strength and work-ability of the material and, of course, its durability.

   What is timber mainly used for? Because of its many advantages it is highly used for producing window and floor frames, for flooring and roofing and for other various woodwork. The two main types of timber are hardwoods and softwoods.    Of them, hardwoods are popular as materials used for decorative purposes: veneering in furniture and paneling. As to softwoods, they are mainly used for producing window and door frames and other kinds woodwork.

№2. Translate the following questions.

  1. What structural materials does timber belong to?
  2. What is it produced from?
  3. What are the main advantages (disadvantages) of timber?
  4. Why is removal of water from timber useful for construction purposes?
  5. What are the two main types of timber?
  6. What are softwoods (hardwoods) used for?
  7. How much of the world’s land surface is considered to be covered with forests?
  8. What countries are rich (poor) in forests?

№3.  Read the examples. Translate them into English.

Surface area- площадь поверхности

Floor boards- настил

Floor timber- половая балка

Roof iron- кровельное железо

Roof ventilation- потолочный вентилятор

Roofer- кровельщик

№4. Choose and put down the English equivalents to the Russian word combinations given below.

Model: загрязненный воздух- polluted air

Surface waters, floor frame, roofer, chemical pollution, decorative purposes, surface cracks, strips of land, chemically polluted air, floor boards, roof iron, laminated panel.

Слоистая панель- ___________________

Кровельщик- ___________________

Поверхностные трещины- __________________

Полоски земли- ___________________

Химически загрязненный воздух- ___________________

Декоративные цели- ___________________

Химическое загрязнение- ___________________

Шпангоут- ___________________

Поверхностные воды- __________________

Настил- __________________

Кровельное железо- __________________

Тема №7.


№1. Read and translate the article.

From the History of Metals.

   Metals began to be widely used as construction materials not so long ago. Before the beginning of the nineteenth century metals played little structural role in the process of building. Mostly they served for joining parts of buildings. The ancient Greeks and Romans are known to use bronze for joining slabs of stone.

   It was only in the eighteenth century when the first all-metal structure was built in Europe. It was a cast-iron bridge across the river Severn in more than two centuries after its construction, it still carries heavy modern traffic across the Severn.

   In the first half of the nineteenth century cast iron and wrought iron were introduced and used for industrial construction in Europe and North America. Steel was not widely used, being considered a rare and expensive building material.    Inexpensive steel first began to be produced and used only with the invention of the Bessemer process, in the 1850s. From that period on, metal started to be used as rather popular and useful building material. The famous Eiffel Tower of Paris was constructed of wrought iron in 1889. By that period several steel frame skyscrapers had already been build in the United States. That was the beginning of the new era; a new highly useful and popular construction material had been born and introduced into building industry.

№2. Answer the questions given below. Try to do it without consulting the text of the article.

  1. For what purposes were metals mostly used before the beginning of the nineteenth century?
  2. What did ancient Greeks and Romans use bronze for?
  3. When and where was the first all-metal structure built? What can you say about its present-day condition?
  4. What kinds of iron were introduced in the first half of the nineteenth century?
  5. Why was steel as a building material unpopular for a long period?
  6. What is the essence of the Bessemer process?
  7. What was the global result of its invention?
  8. What material is the famous Eiffel Tower constructed of?
  9. In what country were the first skyscrapers built?
  10. Are they good to live in? Would you like to live in a skyscraper?

№3. Put down the corresponding verbs. Translate every word.

Model: cutter-to cup; фреза-резать

Caster-to _____________; ______________-____________________

Joiner-to _______________; _______________-_________________

Turner-to ______________; _______________-__________________

Iron worker-to _______________; _______________-_____________

Inventor-to _______________; _______________-________________

Introduction-to ________________; ______________-_____________

Invention-to ______________; ______________-_________________

Protection-to ______________; ______________-________________

Elimination-to _____________; ______________-________________




№1. Read and translate the article.

    All metals, with the exception of mercury (ртуть), are hard-and fire-resistant. The common properties of metals being hardness and high fire-resistance, they are widely used in modern construction.

   Metals are divided into two main groups: ferrous and non-ferrous. Iron, steel and their various alloys belong to the group of ferrous metals, while the main component of non-ferrous metals is not iron.

   All metals have some common properties: they can be pulled, forged, and melted. They are also good conductors of electricity.

Ferrous metals are commonly used for construction of supporting members. Steel and other ferrous metals serve as reinforcement in ferroconcrete constructions.

   As to non-ferrous metals, their advantage is their being light. Metals possess high resistance.

№2. State parts of speech. Translate the words.

Except, forge, meltable, meltability, ferrous, fusible, support, light, conduct, conductor, conductivity.


Тема №9.



№1. Read and translate the article.

   What is steel as a construction material? Steel may be classified as iron with the controlled amount of carbon. The amount of carbon in steel is generally less than 1.7 per cent. Ordinary structural steel should contain less than three tenth of one per cent carbon. This king of steel also contains small amounts of phosphorus, sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen and silicon. Like iron and its alloys, steel belongs to ferrous metals. It is a hard substance. Accordingly, it can be pulled, forged, and melted. Generally, steel, this strong metal, like other metals, is a good conductor of electricity. Alloyed steel and stainless steel are corrosion-resistant kinds of steel.    Corrosion-resistant materials are known to be widely used for plant equipment, furnaces, valves, etc.

   It should be noted that steel frames as a whole and their separate parts should be carefully designed: their function is to able to carry the loads imposed on them and supported by them.

№2. Translate the terminological combinations.

Ordinary steel ______________________________________

Ordinary structural steel _____________________________________

Controlled amount _______________________________________

Controlled amount of carbon ___________________________________

Alloyed steel ___________________________________

Corrosion-resistant alloyed steel ____________________________________

Steel frames __________________________________

Carefully designed steel frames ___________________________________

Stainless steel ____________________________________

Plant equipment produced of stainless steel _______________________________

Sheet steel ________________________________

Generally used sheet steel __________________________________

№3. Translate the following questions.

  1. What group of metals does steel belong to?
  2. What substances can steel contain?
  3. What amount of carbon does steel generally contain?
  4. What materials can be used for producing plant equipment?
  5. What is the construction purpose of steel frames? For what reason must they be carefully designed?

№1. Read and translate the article.

   Aluminum is a considerably new structural material. For a long period it was considered to be rather expensive since its production required the use of electric power. Because of its relatively high cost, aluminum was not very popular as a construction material till the middle of the twentieth century. But now the situation is absolutely different.

   Aluminum and aluminum-based alloys are extremely popular and are widely used in various forms for construction purposes.

The advantages of aluminum, compared with other popular metals, are its high strength combined with lightness. High-purity aluminum (about 99% pure) is soft and ductile but its great disadvantage is that it is not strong enough. At the same time it has high corrosion resistance and is used in construction of buildings as bright foil for heat insulation, roofing, exterior and interior architectural ornamentation.

   And what about aluminum alloys? They are much more advantageous than pure substance, Aluminum alloys are mush harder and stronger than pure aluminum. Besides, pure aluminum is rather difficult to cast while many of its alloys are extremely easily cast. Pure aluminum is easily alloyed with other metals. And these combinations possess a great variety of usage. For example, when alloyed with copper, aluminum possesses additional strength. Unfortunately, it is mush less corrosion resistive than alloys with manganese, chromium, or magnesium and silicon.

   One more advantage of aluminum is that it can be easily remelted over and over again.

   Aluminum combined with oxygen forms a new oxide. Its name is alumina.   Alumina is a colourless crystallic substance. It is glass hard solid and extremely durable.

   It should be also noted that being an excellent conductor aluminum is widely used in power engineering. It serves for long-distance transfer of electric power.  

№2. Put down the combinations with the opposite.

Model:  powerful transfer-powerless transfer

Short distance- ______________________

Cheap foil- ____________________

Interior ornamentation- ____________________

Unnecessary details- _______________________

Comparable amounts- _______________________

Dirty surfaces- _____________________

Pure atmosphere- ____________________

№3. Which of the qualities listed below can be classified as advantages (disadvantages) of materials used for construction purposes?

Ductability, poor conductance, low durability, high corrosion resistance, high purity, low strength, high cost, low cost, excellent conductance, hardness, workability, poor purity, high strength.

№4.  Have a talk with your groupmate. Use the questions given below.

  1. Why was aluminum unpopular for a long period?
  2. What good qualities does aluminum possess?
  3. Where is aluminum in the form of bright foil used?
  4. What are the advantages of aluminum alloys?
  5. Can aluminum be remelted?
  6. In what way is alumina produced?
  7. What are its properties?
  8. What does aluminum serve in power engineering for?



Test №10




Text №1.

Read and translate the article.

   Brick, stone, and timber are known are to be the oldest building materials. Bricks belong to artificial (man-made) materials. Their production started in prehistoric times. Since then they have been produced and tested in all types of climate and in many countries. Thousands of years ago the builders in Egypt already knew the advantages of bricks and used them for construction. In those days the production of bricks was quite different from the modern one: bricks were produced not by burning but by drying in the sun, there being much sunshine in Egypt all the year round. Bricks work was also popular in Rome, there being very few growing forests and as a result little timber there.

   In modern times bricks can be made of concrete, mortar, of burnt clay and of a combination of some other substances. For example, different types of clay and shale can be used as raw materials. Accordingly, bricks produced nowadays have different sizes, shapes, colours, and textures. Bricks also vary with the method of fabrication and temperatures of burning. It should be noted that some types of brick, such as, for example, salmon bricks are underburnt and highly porous.   Naturally, their strength is extremely poor. This property of salmon bricks should be taken into account when choosing brick material for construction. But there exist many other types of brick that are extremely strong and almost glass hard. Between these extremes there lie some other types of bricks with different properties. Bricks properties are of great importance and should be taken into account while choosing material for construction purposes.    

№2. Put these questions to your groupmate.

  1. What building materials are considered to be the oldest ones?
  2. What natural (man-made) materials are used for construction nowadays?
  3. Is bricks a newly produced or an ancient building material?
  4. In what countries are rich (poor) in raw materials?
  5. What properties of bricks should be taken into account when choosing material for building purposes?

№3. Choose and put down the correct variant.

  1. Shale and clay belong to (natural, man-made) __________ materials.
  2. (Metal and glass, clay and mortar) ___________________ are used for fabricating bricks.
  3. In (prehistoric, modern) ______________ times bricks (are, were) __________ made by (drying in the sun, burning) __________.
  4. Russia is extremely (rich, poor) ____________ in raw materials.
  5. There were (many, few) _________ growing forests in Rome in prehistoric times.
  6. Bricks (are extremely different, do not differ) _________________ in size, colour, and texture.

№4. Translate the following combination into Russian.

Extremely strong and glass hard bricks __________________

Underburnt and highly porous bricks____________________

Clay and shale used as raw materials ____________________

Bricks produced by drying in the sun ____________________

Bricks made of mortar and burnt clay ____________________

Few forests and little timber ____________________________

Many forests and much timber __________________________

Polluted atmosphere and polluted soil _____________________

Eco-friendly production and eco-friendly usage ______________

(eco-friendly-экологически благополучный)


TEST №2.

Can you choose the correct variant without consulting the articles “Construction Materials”, “Wood”, “Brisk”? In case you fail to do so, we recommend you to repeat the corresponding material.

  1. High cost and low fore-resistance are classified as
  1. advantages

                                 of construction materials

  1. disadvantages

  1. Cement, brick, and concrete may serve as examples of
  1. natural materials
  2. artificial materials


  1. Durability, strength, and high fire-resistance are properties
  1. of stone
  2. of wood

  1. Iron, steel, and alloys belong to
  1. ferrous metals
  2. non-ferrous metals

  1. One of the advantages of cast iron is
  1. its cheapness
  2. its high cost

  1. Aluminum is
  1. a good conductor of electricity
  2. a poor conductor of electricity

  1. Wood is considered to be
  1. the only naturally renewable material
  2. one of the naturally renewable materials

  1. In cut wood water content is
  1. constantly increasing
  2. constantly decreasing

  1. Steel, brick, and concrete
  1. differ in their properties
  2. have the same structural properties

  1. The drier is the cut wood
  1. the lower is its strength
  2. the greater is its strength

  1. Large structural members are produced by glueing together
  1. large strips of wood
  2. small strips of wood

  1. Wood panels are
  1. mush easier to install than boards
  2. mush more difficult to install than boards

  1. Plywood panels are made up of
  1. thin  wooden veneers glued together
  2. thick wooden veneers glued together

  1. Timber is material that is
  1. artificially renewed    
  2. naturally renewed

  1. Removal of moisture from timber
  1. increases its strength, hardness, and workability
  2. decreases its strength, hardness, and workability

  1. Birch and oak belong to
  1. hardwoods
  2. softwoods

  1. Hardwoods are widely used
  1. for sanitary purposes
  2. for decorative purposes

  1. In ancient Egypt bricks were produced
  1. by burning
  2. by drying in the sun

  1. Russian is
  1. poor in raw materials
  2. extremely rich in raw materials

  1. Overburned  brick
  1. should not be used in construction
  2. can be used for construction purposes

  1. Underburned brick is
  1. highly porous
  2. glass hard

  1. Bricks are produced of
  1. sand and water
  2. mortar and burned clay

  1. Many/Few growing forests serve for producing
  1. mush timber
  2. little timber

  1. The properties of building materials
  1. are of no importance for building purposes
  2. should be taken into account    

  1. Ceramic tiles are
  1. modern products
  2. ancient products

  1. World’s modern atmosphere is
  1. clean and fresh
  2. highly polluted by chemical waste

  1. The colour of ceramic tiles
  1. does not depend on the colour of clay
  2. depends on the colour of the clay they are made up of

  1. Ceramic tiles are applied by means of
  1. glue
  2. some adhesive substance

  1. They are applied with an extremely
  1. thin mortar joint
  2. thick mortar

  1. The properties of terracotta are
  1. different from the properties of brick
  2. similar to the properties of brick

Translate the following sentences.

  1. Construction of the bridge is expected to begin next spring.
  2. Salmon brick being under burnt and highly porous, it cannot be recommended for wide use.
  3. Design work is known to be finished by this fall (autumn)
  4. Terracotta exists in a wide variety of colour, their colour depending on the colour of glaze they are covered with.
  5. Safety zones are said to be built in the nearest future.
  6. Brick, stone, and timber being the oldest construction materials, they have been and are widely used all over the world.

Тема №11


№1. Read and translate the article.  

   Concrete is considered to be a universal material for construction. Different kinds of concrete can be used practically for every building purpose. The raw materials for producing concrete can be found in every part of the world. The main property that makes concrete so popular is that it can be formed into strong monolithic slabs. Another good quality is its relatively low cost. Besides, Concrete is known to be fire-and decay-resistant.

   Concrete is produced by combining coarse and fine aggregates, Portland cement, and water. Coarse aggregate is generally gravel or crushed stone, and fine aggregate is sand. Cement, sand, gravel, and water are taken in proportional amounts and mixed. The quality of concrete depends mostly on the quality of the cement used. The process of production consists in pouring the mixed components into forms and holding them there until they harden. The process of hardening generally lasts for about 28 days.

   There exist different ways of producing concrete. It can be produced by mixing the ingredients and pouring the mixture into position on the very site of building. Concrete can also be produced in a factory, and used as a material for manufacturing prefabricated blocks. Accordingly, there exit the so-called in-situ (cast-in-place) concrete and precast concrete.

   Concrete, as any other building material, has not only advantages but also disadvantages. Its main disadvantage is that it has no form of its own. Also, it does not possess useful tensile strength. Because of these qualities, in modern times construction concrete is very frequently combined with different metals. Most common of them are iron and steel.

   The introduction of metal into the structure of concrete is highly advantageous. It strengthens the material and helps to realize its limitless construction and architectural potential. It should be noted that the use of ferro-concrete started only in the nineteenth century and is still gaining popularity.


№2. Translate the following questions into Russian.

  1. What properties make concrete a highly used construction material?
  2. What two types of aggregate are used for producing concrete?
  3. Is sand a coarse or fine aggregate?
  4. What ingredients does the quality of concrete depend upon?
  5. How long does the process of hardening the mixed components last?
  6. What is the difference between the so-called in-situ and precast concrete?
  7. What quality is considered to be the main disadvantage of concrete?
  8. For what reason is tensile strength considered to be an important quality?
  9. For what purpose are metals introduced into the structure of concrete?
  10.  What metals is concrete frequently combined with?
  11. When did the use of ferro-concrete start?
  12. Would you like to live in a wooden or concrete building? Why?  


№3. Read the terminological combinations. Translate them from Russian.

Concrete slab- бетонная плита

Slab roof- кровля из плит

Tensile strength- прочность на растяжение

Site of foundation- пласт под фундаментом

Slab covering- настил из плит

№4. Translate the following combinations into Russian.

The very site of construction                             Proportionally divided amounts

Carefully mixed aggregates                               The very site of production

№5. Combine the given attributes a) with the given nouns; b) follow the Russian combinations.

Model: дробленый гравий- crushed gravel

  1. crushed, coarse, fine
  2. sand, gravel, aggregate

Дробленый песок- ________________________________________

Крупный гравий- _________________________________________

Мелкозернистый заполнитель- ______________________________

                                                 TEST №3.

Choose the correct variant.

  1. Devices intended for light framing are made of
  1. sheet metal
  2. metal plate

  1. Devices made of metal plate are used
  1. for heavy timber
  2. for light framing

  1. Wood fasteners include
  1. nails and bolts
  2. nails, screws, bolts, anchors

  1. Steel used for nails
  1. is uncoated steel
  2. is coated steel

  1. The main property of finish nails is
  1. that they have flat heads
  2. that they are headless

  1. Finish nails
  1. differ in length from common nails
  2. are the same length as common nails

  1. Nails of a corrosion-resistant type
  1. cannon be exposed to moisture
  2. can be exposed to rain, snow and fog

  1. Nails are popular for fastening wood since
  1. they are simple to insert
  2. they require no predrilling of holes

  1. Screws have
  1. only flat heads
  2. round, flat, and raised heads

  1. Screws are
  1. little used in light framing
  2. much used in light framing

  1. Screws
  1. cannot be reinserted
  2. can be reinserted

  1. The roof serves
  1. for ornamental purposes
  2. for protecting the interior of the building

  1. The pitched roofs
  1. do not dry themselves quickly of water
  2. dry themselves quickly of water

  1. The covering of pitched roofs consists of
  1. small individual units
  2. large heavy units

  1. The advantages of flat roofs are
  1. that they can cover very broad buildings
  2. that they can serve as balconies and decks

  1. Thatched roofing is mostly used
  1. for country buildings
  2. for roofs in big cities
  3. for historically restorated buildings

  1. The action of snow load and wind pressure
  1. is the same on flat roofs and pitched ones
  2. is quite different on flat roofs and pitched ones

  1. The snow load on flat roofs
  1. is at the minimum
  2. is at the maximum

  1. When the pitch of the roof increases
  1. the weight of the snow load decreases
  2. the weight of the snow load increases

  1. In modern constructions the variants of the ceilings
  1. limited
  2. limitless

  1. Nowadays ceilings are produced of
  1. artificial materials
  2. both natural and artificial materials

  1. Ceilings may be attached to
  1. wood joists
  2. wood joists, steel joists, and wood rafters


  1. Suspended ceilings are produced of
  1. various boards made of fibers
  2. gypsum, board, plaster and boards made of fibers

  1. Mechanical and electrical systems
  1. can be subject to frequent change and damage
  2. are never subject to frequent change and damage



Articles for Reading and Translating

Steam Vents

   For a steam system to work properly, air must be eliminated from the piping and radiators. This process is accomplished with vent valves.

Radiator vents are located on the opposite side of where steam enters a radiator in one-pipe system.

   Main steam vents are located on the end of the main supply line in one-and two-pipe systems; they are located in vertical risers in two-pipe systems.

   Main steam vents are located on the end of the main supply line in one and two-pipe systems; they are located in vertical risers in two-pipe systems.



   The trap’s job is to separate steam from condensate. The following are two of the more common types of traps found today:

   Thermostatic radiator trap- Located on the bottom of the radiator in a two-pipe system, this trap, actuated by steam pressure, keeps steam in the radiator while regulating the discharge of air and condensate.

   Float and thermostatic trap-Typically located at the end of a supply main in a two-pipe gravity return system, this trap prevents steam from reaching the dry return piping. The thermostat in the trap will allow the discharge of air until it senses steam. Condensate is discharged and regulated by way of the float. The two functions act independently of each other.


   Low-water cutoff- A safety control that monitors the water level in a boiler via an electronic probe or float. If the water drops below a predetermined safe operating level, the control turns off the burner and prevents the boiler from overheating.

  Automatic water feeder- This safety automatically adds water to the boiler if the water drops below a safe operating level.

Read, translate the articles and enjoy the pictures of construction masterpieces.

1. Wood

   It is a well-known fact that in prehistoric times the great part of the world’s land surface was covered with forests. In places, where trees grew, man used wood to build homes for himself and his dependents.

   The durability of wood and its use can be demonstrated, for example, by the existence of such buildings as churches of Scandinavia.

   In Russia, where sub-zero temperatures are quite common, wood has been widely used for both houses and churches because of its property of insulation against cold. Many old Russian churches wooden, even to the onion-shaped domes with which they are decorated.


2. Russia. Kolomenskoye

   Kolomenskoye, a gem of old Russian construction and architecture, was an estate of the tsars. It is situated on the tall banks of the Moskva River. It is the site of the famous church of the Ascension of Christ (1532). Its height, beauty, and brightness have delighted many generations. Some other 16th-and 17th-centure buildings still exist in Kolomenskoe. A museum has been established with valuable collections of   Russian tiles, carvings in wood and examples of the ancient Russian timber houses, including the little house of Peter I moved from its original site in Archangelsk.


3. Sweden. Stockholm.

The Royal Palace

   The Royal Palace in Stockholm is one of the largest and mast living palaces in Europe. It houses a historical collection of European and Swedish art from the Middle Ages through to the present day. Built in the Italian baroque style, the palace was completed in 1754.

  The Royal Palace is the residence of His Majesty the King of Sweden. It is also the place of official functions and receptions. In between official receptions, the Royal Apartments are open to the general public.



4. Plastics

   Materials other than reinforced concrete are also being widely used in modern construction for prefabrication. The plastics that were unknown only a few decades ago have become extremely important and widely used for construction purposes.  The plastics being used nowadays possess many advantages. First of all they extremely light and their tensile strength is greater than that of many metals.   Besides, they are weather-resistant and resistant to attacks by industrial fumes and to a great number of chemical substances. Some of the examples of the constructive use of plastic materials have been been domes housing radar antennae and electronic equipment. Such domes built in America and Canada are as high as 116 feet.

   The panels of the domes are made of polystyrene and polyurethane foam and are protected by glass cloth cemented to the fume panels with epoxy resin. Some other dome structures are made from panels of thin sheets of reinforced fiberglass. Up till that time fiber-glass was familiar as a roofing material. Now it is becoming more and more popular in the manufacture of panels. The methods by which plastic shapes are produced has led to a new approach to constructional and architectural forms.  




5. Canada. “Habitat”

   Multiple housing known as “Habitat” may serve as an example of unfamiliar forms of design. These new forms may be said to have the most stimulating effect on the development of construction and architecture. They provide the answer to problems that are still unsolved.





Тексты для аудирования.


   Vapor retarders have received increased attention and are becoming extremely popular in connection with the problem of fuel economy.

   A vapor retarder is a membrane of metal foil, plastic or paper. It is placed on the warm side of thermal insulation. Its function consists in keeping water vapor from entering the insulation and condensing into liquid. As thermal insulation levels increase, the role of vapor retarders increases also. That is reason for high-quality vapor retarders being widely installed in constructions of different types.


   Windows were formerly made on the job site by highly skilled carpenters, but are now produced almost exclusively in factories. Some manufacturers make a range of standard sized from which the designer can select, while others build windows to order. The rationale for factory production in either case is one of higher efficiency, lower cost, and most importantly, better quality. Windows need to be made to a very high standard of precision if they are to operate easily and maintain a high degree of weathertightness over a period of many years. In cold climates especially, a loosely fitted window with single glass and a frame that is highly conductive of heat will significantly increase heating fuel consumption for a building, cause noticeable discomfort to the people in the building, and create large quantities of condensate to stain and decay finish materials in and the window.


   Figure 6 illustrates in diagrammatic form the window types used most commonly in Wood Light frame buildings. Fixed windows are the least expensive and the least likely to leak air or water because they have no openable components. Single-hung and double-hung windows have one or two moving sashes, which are the frames in which the glass is mounted. The sashes slide up and down in tracks in the frame of the window. In older windows the sashes were held in position by cords and counterweights, but today’s double-hung windows rely on a system of springs to counter-balance the weight of the sashes. A sliding window is essentially a single-hung window on its side, and shares with single-hung and double-hung windows the advantage that the sashes are always securely held in tracks in the frame. This allows the sashes to be more lightly built than those in projected windows.


   The ancient Romans discovered a mineral on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius. The mineral when mixed with limestone and burned, produced cement, that hardened underwater as well as in the air. This cement was harder and stronger than the ordinary lime mortar they had been using. As time passed, the new material not only became the preferred type for use in all their building projects but changed the character of Roman construction. Masonry of stone or brick was used to construct only the surfaces of masonry piers and walls but the interiors were filled with large amounts of the new type of mortar.

   We now know that mortar continued the main ingredient of modern Portland cement. Thus, one can say that the Romans were the inventors of concrete constructions.

   With the fall of the Roman Empire, knowledge of concrete construction was lost.  But in the eighteenth century English inventors began experimenting with both natural and artificially produced cements. In 1824 an artificial cement, named  Portland cement, was patented. This type of cement soon became very popular and the name Portland is in common use in the present day.


   Orientation and construction of buildings should receive special attention in places where environmental and climatic factors have a significant effect.   Structural design, style and materials should be compatible with local climatic and weather conditions. For example, flat roofs should be avoided in areas with frequent rainfalls. Snow and wind are variable loads that should be taken into account while designing a structure and its roof. Tall buildings are not recommended in places where strong winds, humidity or fog are likely and bring damage.

   Solar radiation can be also unpleasant, but if it is controlled, it can bring many advantages. Among these advantages there may be water heating through solar panels.

   Local industries and their disposition should be also taken into account and controlled as atmospheric and pollution may be highly injurious and bring mush harm.  

   Location and coordination of all services must also be preplanned and located on a site plan, worked out in accordance with the local climatic conditions. Sanitary accommodation is of primary importance. All conveniences must have ventilation, a cover, partitions and doors with suitable fasterings.

                 Answer the questions

  1. Why should flat roofs avoided in areas with frequent rainfalls?
  2. Which variable loads should be taken into account?
  3. For what reasons are tall buildings not recommended in areas where winds and fogs are frequent?
  4. What advantages can solar radiation bring?
  5. For what reasons should local industries be controlled?



   Методические принципы построения определялись конкретными задачами, вытекающими из его основной цели - научить читать иностранный текст по специальности с непосредственным пониманием читаемого, т.е. не прибегая к его анализу и переводу. Доминирующая роль в пособии отводится развитию и умений и навыков различных подвидов чтения.

   Задача развития навыков устной речи решается в пособии лишь частично, в плане профессиональной направленности речи, что обусловлено тематикой текстов.

   В соответствии с поставленными целями упражнения построены и расположены так, чтобы научить студентов самостоятельно работать с иностранным текстом, обеспечить извлечение заключенной в тексте информации с постепенным (от упражнения к упражнению) ее уточнением и детализацией. С этой целью предусматриваются упражнения, развивающие умение выделять основные мысли, положения, факты и группировать их по принципу общности; упражнения на конкретизацию основной информации; упражнения на тематические обобщения, подводящие к умению аннотировать и реферировать текст; лексические и словообразовательные упражнения, развивающие языковую догадку; упражнения по технике перевода для уточнения понимания читаемого.

   По своему характеру и форме упражнения построены по принципам текста с опорой на контекстуальную догадку и с использованием элемента подсказки (т.е. не столько тренирующие упражнения, сколько обучающие, стимулирующие логическое мышление). Используются различные способы сигнализации понимания читаемого. Применительно к различным видам упражнений широко используются известные формы заданий текстов: выбор правильного - неправильного варианта, сочетаемость, расположение в заданной последовательности и множественный выбор. По наполнению упражнения построены на предложениях, взятых из текстов, и выполнение их является по существу многократным чтением текста с конкретно поставленной в каждом случае новой задачей. К каждому тексту предусматриваются также упражнения, имеющие целью развития умения дать мотивированный ответ.

Список используемой литературы

1.Ажищев Н.И. «Профессия-строитель», Москва, высшая школа, 2009г.

2.Безручко Е.Н. «Английский для строителей», Москва высшая школа, 2001г. Издательский центр «Март», 2010г.

3.Горбунова Е.В., Гришина М.М. «Современный город» 2-ое издание- М.: Высшая школа, 2004г.

4.Иванов В.Ф. «Конструкция зданий и сооружений» М.: Издательство по строительству  1998г.

5.Носенко И.А. «Пособие по английскому языку»; М.: Высшая школа 2004г.

6.Плеканова Р.М. «Английский для строителей» Ростов-на-Дону, Издательский центр «Март»,2008г.

7.Пономоренко В.И. «Сборник текстов на английском языке». М.: «Высшая школа»,2002г.

8.Луговая А.Л. английский язык для строительных специальностей средних профессиональных учебных заведений. Учебное пособие Москва «Высшая школа»,2008г.

9.Дубинина Г.А. Английский язык. Практикум для развития навыков профессионального ориентированного речевого общения. Издательство «Экзамен».  Москва 2006г.

Предварительный просмотр:

Пояснительная записка

        Тестовые задания разработаны для выявления уровня подготовки обучающихся по дисциплине иностранный язык  специальности 08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений.

        В данных тестах использованы следующие виды заданий: закрытые, на  установление  соотношения, на определение правильной последовательности.Они выявляют знания, умения по следующим профессионально направленным  разделам и темам:

  1. Раздел 1 Английский язык в профессиональной деятельности - 28 заданий 4 варианта
  2. Тема 1 Дизайн интерьера – 28 заданий 4 варианта
  3. Тема 2 Аренда дома (квартиры)  - 28 заданий 4 варианта

  1. Раздел 2 Архитектурные стили

Тема 1 Архитектурные стили древней Греции –28 заданий

Тема 2 Архитектура Европы - 28  заданий

Тема 3 Архитектура Москвы – 28 заданий

Итого - 168 разработанных заданий.

        Таким образом, с помощью этого теста может быть проверен уровень усвоения всего курса в целом, или  по отдельным разделам и темам.

        При формировании компьютерного варианта тестирования или бумажного варианта в одном билете должно быть - 7 заданий. Время выполнения теста составляет 20 минут.

Критерии оценки: 1 балл за каждый правильный ответ.

100 - 90 % правильных ответов – отметка «5»

89 - 75 % правильных ответов – отметка «4»

74 – 50 % правильных ответов – отметка «3»

Менее 50 % правильных ответов - отметка «2»

Раздел I Английский язык в профессиональной деятельности.

V - 1

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ

  # Переведите слово decorated:

- украшать;

- украшение;

- украшенный;

- декорировать;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) to delineate                

2) to sketch                        

3) to draw                        

4) tocreate                                        


рисовать эскиз;

чертить, набрасывать;

рисовать (карандашом)

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) decorator                        

2) artist                

3) painter                

4) creator                


творец, создатель, автор;

дизайнер, оформитель;


 Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте нужное слово в пропуск In St. Petersburg tourists always admire the classical style of … .:                

- sketches;

-  paintings;

- architecture;

- drawings;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Соедините слово stylish с синонимом:                

-  aesthetic;

-  constructive;

- fashionable;

- ornamental;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

You see …, floors, ceilings and furniture.  At first glance it appears typical of interior space and your activities continue. Do you realize that you … your surroundings and react to them? A positive reaction goes unnoticed. A negative reaction can affect your …, health and interpersonal relations. The physical environment affects the occupants.  It’s not just walls, floors, colors and furniture, it’s an environment that is created through ….        

mood; design; walls; evaluate

  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Напишите правильный предлог, пропущенный в фразовом глаголе look

Look …, what do you see?:                

- around;
- in;
- at;
- on

V - 2

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ

  # Переведите слово to evaluate:

-  производить;

-  эволюционировать;

-  оценивать;

-  декорировать;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения и выполнить перевод

  # Соедините синонимы:        

1) a children’s room        

2) to start                        

3) to be fond of                        

4) to influence                                        

to enjoy; to affect; nursery; to begin;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) occupants                

2) daily                

3) participants                

4) interior space                

участники; внутреннее пространство; жители; ежедневный

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте правильное слово в пропуск  What … interiordesignstudy?                

- has;

-  is;

- does;

- do;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ

  # Выберите более правильный перевод выражения outdoors:                

- за дверьми;

- на улице;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

In the modern world, … are played out in interior spaces. We may love being out-of-doors for the sense of … and sky, for the escape it offers from life inside enclosure, but the very joy of being … reflects the reality that so much of life is spent ….

outside; inside; human life activities; open air

  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Напишите правильный предлог, пропущенный в предложении

The role … interior design in our life:                

- around;
- in;
- at;
- on

V - 3

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ

  # Переведите слово draftsman:

-  проектировщик;

-  архитектор;

-  чертежник;

-  декоратор;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным объяснением:        

1) creator        

2) architect                        

3) artist                        

4) painter                                        

he  produces works of art such as paintings or sculpture;

            he paints pictures;

he produces something new, originates;

he is qualified to design and supervise the construction of buildings;  

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) landscape painter                

2) interior designer                

3) to design a building                

4) school of design                 

дизайнер по интерьеру;

школа дизайна;


спроектировать здание

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте нужный предлог по смыслу в пропуск  … home, university, a friend’s house, a cyber cafe?.:                

- through;

-  on;

-  at;

- during;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ

  # Выберите правильный перевод выражения At first glance:                

- во-первых;

-  с первым словом;

-  с первого взгляда;

-  впервые;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

An … learns to understand the design process and its application in daily life. This is an area in which we are all participants … from the colors in our nursery. What … be recommended? Shape the environment and thus, you will … the future.        

change; beginning; interior designer; should;

  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Напишите правильный глагол, пропущенный в предложении

Where … you right now? :                


V - 4

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ

  # Переведите слово development:

-  развивающий;

-  развивать;

-  развитие;

-  развив;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) curve        

2) remarkable                        

3) plaster                        

4) flowing                                        

плавный; кривая; изгиб, удивительный; гипс;

Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) skilled                

2) dominant                

3) prominent                

4) studded                

 известный; преобладающий; квалифицированный; усыпанный

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте правильное слово в пропуск Here are the names of some prominent …, whose contribution in the development of interior design is great and very influential.                

-  peoples;

-  people;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ

 # Выберите правильный перевод выражения What are his most prominent works?:                

-  Какая его самая необычная работа?;

-  Какая его самая известная работа?;

-  Какие его самые известные работы?;

-  Какие его самые необычные работы?;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

Red, for example, is a … color, so too much of it in a room can be overwhelming. But, in … amounts, red is energizing and can make us feel active and excited. Red is best used … or in a room where we spend a … amount of time each day.





  1. Инструкция: открытое задание

  # Напишите правильный перевод слова «жалюзи» (без артикля) :                


Тема 1 Дизайн интерьера

V - 5

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте правильное слово в пропуск ‘It’superfect day for a picnic’, said Mr. Wolf. ‘Do you think you could pack us a lunch?’

‘I certainly could’, said Mrs. Wolf. So the decision ______ .:

-  make;

-  made;

- was made;

- were made;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) structure                

2) cellar                        

3) framework                

4) basement                                        





  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) требование                

2) собственник                

3) условие                 

4) наблюдение                





  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте вместо пропуска правильный вариант he fish ______ out to be tastier than we thought.:                

-  looked;

-  made;

-  turned;

-  got;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Соедините floorplan с правильным значением:                

- is a drawing, which shows the items that are located on the ceiling of a room or space.;

-  is used to show the shape of the roof.;

- is a drawing to scale, showing a view from above, of the relationships between rooms, spaces and other physical features at one level of a structure.;

- shows a building footprint, travel ways, parking, drainage facilities, sanitary sewer lines, water lines, trails, lighting, and landscaping and garden elements.;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

My bedroom is comfortable place … a rest. It is a good place for relax and sleep in the night. My room has black curtains … the sun (this allows for long sleep!). The walls … with band posters, flags, various art … .I can do everything that I want in my room.


to block out;


to take;

are littered;

  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово "BUILD" так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

The Great Wall ______ by several Chinese dynasties in order to protect the Chinese Empire from different aggressors.:                

 was made;
had made

V - 6

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в пропуск______ a pair of gloves we moved to the shoe department.:

-  boughting;

-  buying;

-  having bought;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините каждое слово с правильным переводом:        

1) attic        

2) floor                        

3) foundation                        

4) curtains                                        





  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) высота                

2) ширина                

3) длина                

4) глубина                





  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в пропуск And ______ this he threw himself back in the armchair.:

-  have said;

-  was saying;

-  saying;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в By this time ______ to the atmosphere of the big city, he no longer felt a stranger.:

-  getting used;

-  got used;

-  having got used;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

Scientists have found that taking a shower might not be so good for you. New research from the University of Colorado has found there can be a build-up of harmful bacteria in showerheads. Researchers said the very first jets of water from the shower are the most … . The shower acts like an aerosol, spraying the bacteria into the air. This means having a … shower may not be as hygienic as we think. Scientists tested 50 … showers across nine US cities. They discovered that a third of these had very … levels of bacteria that can cause lung damage. Researcher Laura Baumgartner advised: “For most people, the answer is simple. Don’t stand in front of the shower when the first blast comes out."

high; different; dangerous; daily;

  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово "KNOW" так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Also, the archaeological site of Teotihuacan ______ for the so-called ‘street of the dead’ and its colourful frescos.:                

- is known;
- are known;

V - 7

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте правильное слово в пропуск Hard to believe it, but there is such a country! Libya ____________ in North Africa and borders on the Mediterranean Sea.:

-  located;

-  am located;

-  is located;

-  are located;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините каждое слово с правильным переводом:        

1) to consist of        

2) to hold in place                        

3) be fitted into                        

4) be attached to                                        

быть присоединенным к;

            удерживать на месте;

состоять из;

быть установленным в;

быть присоединенным к;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) стоимость                

2) энергопотребление                

3) освещение                

4) отопление                





  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Выберите правильный вариант They didn’t manage to ______ out the fire and it destroyed the whole village.:                

-  do;

-  take;

-  put;

-  burn;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Соедините roof plan с правильным значением:                

- is a drawing to scale, showing a view from above, of the relationships between rooms, spaces and other physical features at one level of a structure.;

-  is a drawing, which shows the items that are located on the ceiling of a room or space.;

-  is used to show the shape of the roof.;

- shows a building footprint, travel ways, parking, drainage facilities, sanitary sewer lines, water lines, trails, lighting, and landscaping and garden elements.;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

A room has three spatial dimensions: length, width and … . These dimensions are measured in … . The area of a surface in the room equals length times width. Area is measured in … . The volume of a room equals length times width. Volume is measured in … .

millimeters or meters;

cubic meters;

square meters

  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово COME так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. A sleepy female voice answered and told me he was at work and ______ home late in the evening.:                

- would come;
- will come;

V - 8

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте правильное слово в пропуск Do you know any kids' inventions? One of them is 13-year-old Bennie Benson from the USA, who designed the state flag of Alaska in 1926. His design _____________ in a flag-designing contest.:

-  chose;

-  choosen;

-  was choosen;

-  were choosen;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините каждое слово с правильным переводом:        

1) stove        

2) cupboard                        

3) wardrobe                        

4) blanket                                        

шерстяное одеяло;

            платяной шкаф



  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения и выполнить перевод

  # Соедините слово с правильным объяснением:        

1) suspended ceiling
2) electrics                
3) sewage                
4) piping                

Lengths of pipe made of metal, plastic, or other materials;

            A ceiling with a space between it and the floor above from which it hangs.;

The system of electric wiring and parts in a house or vehicle;

Waste water and excrement conveyed in sewers;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Выберите правильный вариант ответа It’s impossible to _______ this table up, let’s throw it away!:

-  make;

- take;

- do;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Соедините site plan с правильным значением:                

- is a drawing to scale, showing a view from above, of the relationships between rooms, spaces and other physical features at one level of a structure.;

-  is a drawing, which shows the items that are located on the ceiling of a room or space.;

- shows a building footprint, travel ways, parking, drainage facilities, sanitary sewer lines, water lines, trails, lighting, and landscaping and garden elements.;

- is used to show the shape of the roof.;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

…, so we’ll begin. The subject of our talk is the presentation of an object. The object is a … house which is suitable for accommodating a family of 5 or more members. It contains all … rooms for living. …, we should mention the location of the building. The best position for this object is in the outskirts of the city.





  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово «DESTROY» так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.The palace __________ very quickly. At 9:40 that morning, Said Khalid surrendered and the war ended.:                

will destroyed;

            was destroyed

Тема 2 Аренда дома (квартиры)

V - 9

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте правильное слово в пропуск That night, ______ up to his room he thought of his unpleasant duty.:

-  went;

-  having go;

-  going;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) flexibility        

2) rigidity                        

3) combustibility                

4) fire-resistance                                         





  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) gable roof        

2) mansard roof                

3) hip roof                

4) pitchedroof                

шатровая крыша;

            скатная крыша;

двухскатная крыша;

мансардная крыша

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте правильное слово в пропуск I felt very tired ______ the whole day in the sun.

-  work;

-  being worked;

-  having worked;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в пропуск A new road ______ the plant with the railway station will soon be built.:

-  connected;

-  having connected;

- connecting;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в диалог в правильной последовательности:        

Vicki and Carlos work together. Vicki wants to buy a house.

Vicki: I heard you bought a house. ________

Carlos: Yes. We moved in two

weeks ago. _________

Vicki: My family and I want to

buy a house too. There are so

many options. ____

Carlos: First, you need to think

about what type of house or

apartment you want.

Vicki: I want a big house with a

lot of windows. ______


We love it!;

I would love to have a pool!;


I do not know where to start.

  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте пропущенное слово

Equipment like a refrigerator, washer and drier, and dishwasher that may be included in a home you buy. The apartment that Berenice wants to buy includes all of the … she needs.


V - 10

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в пропуск Rugby is the most popular sport in New Zealand. The country even has a Rugby Museum. The game ______ there as early as the 1860s.:

-  play;

-  played;

- was played;

-  were played;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините каждое слово с правильным переводом:        

1) opacity        

2) transparency                        

3) corrosion resistance                        

4) elasticity                                        




            стойкость от коррозии

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) купол                

2) балка                

3) труба                

4) канат                





  1.  Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Выберите правильный вариант ответа I’d like to ________ this blouseon. Where are  the changing rooms?                

- make;

-  buy;

-  try;

-  put;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Соедините reflected plan с правильным значением:                

- is a drawing to scale, showing a view from above, of the relationships between rooms, spaces and other physical features at one level of a structure.;

-  is used to show the shape of the roof.;

-  is a drawing, which shows the items that are located on the ceiling of a room or space.;

- shows a building footprint, travel ways, parking, drainage facilities, sanitary sewer lines, water lines, trails, lighting, and landscaping and garden elements.;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

Vicki: I looked at the magazines and_______. But they are so


Carlos: That’s why you need to decide if you are ready to buy a house. _____.

Vicki: Yes. My family and I need to decide if we should buy a home or continue renting.

Carlos: You also need to decide how long you will live in the house you buy.

Vicki: We need to think about how much we can pay each month. We are paying $650

in rent now.

Carlos: ___________. You’ll have to pay for the maintenance of the

house. If something breaks, you have to pay for it.

Vicki: You’re right. ________ We need to save money for a down payment.

Carlos: Yes. You’ll also need to apply for a loan.

Vicki: I think I need more information.

Carlos: I can introduce you to friends who have bought homes. It’s good to talk to

people about the process of buying a home.

           You’ll also have other expenses;

            It’s a big decision;

I saw some nice homes;

            It really is a lot of money  

  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте пропущенное выражение (2 слова) Money you pay when you buy a home. It’s a percentage of the total cost of the home. Carl started saving for the … of his house a year ago. .:                

-down payment;

-under payment

V - 11

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в______ about the bandits, he left his valuables at home.:

-  warned;

-  warning;

-  having been warned;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините каждое слово с правильным переводом:        

1) heavy        

2) permeable                        

3) conductivity                        

4) plasticity                                

пластичность; проницаемый; сильный; проводимость;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) asphalt                

2) concrete                

3) timber                

4) tile                



плитка; асфальт

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте правильное слово вThe methods ______ in the building of the new metro stations proved to be efficient.:

-  applies;

-  applying;

-  applied

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в The equipment ______ in the shop is rather sophisticated.:

-  had installing;

-  installing;

-  installed

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

Before we started looking at houses, my wife Lydia and I looked at our finances and our credit. We wanted to make sure that we could pay for the house.

 Lydia and I went to our credit union to get pre-approved for a ___. We also checked with other _____ that people recommended. They told us how much money they could lend us.

We then started the fun part. We looked for houses in the newspapers and magazines. We also found a good ______ to help us. After looking at 15 houses, we found a house we loved. We made an offer and negotiated a price. We then signed a contract and made a deposit.

Then Lydia and I had the house inspected and made sure there were no problems with the title of the property. The _____ arrived.

exciting day;
real estate agent;



  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте пропущенное слово A community or area. A place where people live near one another. Mr. Said wants to live in a quiet… .;



V - 12

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте правильное слово в The story ______ by the old captain made the young girl cry.:

-  tells;

-  is telling;

-  told

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините каждое слово с правильным переводом:        

1) zinc        

2) clay                

3) rubber                        

4) lead                                        





  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) detached house
2) bungalow        
3) terraced house                
4) blockofflats                

дом ленточной застройки;

жилой многоквартирный дом;


одноэтажная дача с верандой

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

    # Вставьте правильное слово в The centre of the cotton industry is Manchester ______ with Liverpool by a canal.:

-  connecting;

- connected

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в The child ______ alone in the large room began screaming.:

-  leaving;

-  leaves;

-  left

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

We went to our _____ for the closing. The closing is when you pay your down payment and you ______ with the lawyer.This was one month after we negotiated a price. We paid the _____ (which were about $2,000) and the lawyer made sure there were no problems with the insurance and the loan.

After the closing, we ____ our new house!! This was a very happy

day. Your real estate agent and your financial institution can recommend

people to help you with the process.

sign the documents;

moved into;

            lawyer’s office;

closing costs;

  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте пропущенное выражение (3 слова) Houses, apartments or property that is for sale. A … helps people sell and buy property.


real estate agent;

            not real estate agent

Раздел 2 Архитектурные стили

Тема 1 Архитектурные стили древней Греции

V - 13

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ

  # Выберите правильный перевод слова temple:

-  прочность;

-  условие;

-  храм;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините каждое слово с правильным переводом:        

1) requirement        

2) suitability        

3) adaptability                        

4) experience                                





  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) utility
2) relative        
3) expressive                
4) defense                





  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

    # Вставьте правильное слово The Greek invented the Doric, Ionic and _____ orders:

-  Corinian;

-  Corinthian;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в The Doric order is the ____ and the simplest one.:

-  earliest;

-  oldest;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

The Ionic order _____ later, in eastern Greece. It is ____ by a moulded base; tall, column shafts with 24 semi – circular flutes ____ by flat fillets. Its capitals have ____.

large volutes;



  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте пропущенное слово The _____order was an Anthenian invention of the 5thcentury B.C


- Corinthian;

-  Corinian;

V - 14

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте правильное слово в The Greek architects tried to discover _____ rules of form and proportion. :

-  rigid;

-  to create;

- eternallyvalid;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините каждое слово с правильным переводом:        

1) zinc        

2) clay                

3) rubber                        

4) lead                                        





  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) obstacle
2) pearl        
3) vivid                
4) hidden                






  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

    # Вставьте правильное слово в The Doric order has ...:

-  a slim fluted column;

- a baseless column;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в The Doric order was used in ...:

-  the Propylae;

-  the Erechtheum;

-  the Parthenon;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

This style represented the High Middle Ages in _______. The architecture of this period was termed _______ during the Renaissance because of its association with the ______. Now this term is used to describe the important international style in most countries of

Europe from the early 12thcentury to the advent of the ____ in the 5thcentury.


            barbarian north;

Western Europe;


  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте пропущенное слово _____ is the art and technique of building, employed to fulfil the practical and expressive requirements of civilized people..




V - 15

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ

  # Переведите правильно слово surviving:

-  непокорный;

-  инкрустирован

-  уцелевший

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините каждое слово с правильным переводом:        

1) blossoming        

2) mortuary                

3) successor                

4) ramp                                





  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) величие
2) святилище        
3) сокровищница                
4) соперник                





  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

    # Вставьте правильное слово The Acropolis ____:

-  connecting;

-  connected;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в The Panthenon was built by ____.

-  at;

-  by;

-  without;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

In the Ionic order of architecture, _____ support the columns, which have more _____ than those of the Doric order. Ionic capitals have two volutes that rest atop a band of palm-leaf ornaments. The abacus is narrow and the entablature, unlike that of the Doric order, usually consists of three simple horizontal bands. The most important feature of the Ionic order is the ____, which is usually carved with relief sculpture arranged in a continuous pattern around the ____.




vertical flutes

  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте пропущенное слово The _____ (the tall part of the column) is plain and has 20 sides.


  • shaft;
  • column

V - 16

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте правильное слово в The part of the column is _____:

-  frieze;

-  cornice;

-  capital;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините каждое слово с правильным переводом:        

1) ridged        

2) plain                

3) to evolve                        

4) to carve                                        


резать, вырезать (по дереву);

имеющий борозды, кромки;

без узора

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) hoop        
2) fussy        
3) advantage                
4) corner                





  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

    # Вставьте правильное слово в Sprial ornaments are called _____:

-  capitals;

-  volutes;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в The upper section of a classical order is a\an ______.:

-  volute;

-  base;

-  entadlature;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

During this time transportation became increasingly important leading to the development of the wheel and sailing. The construction of _____ in Egypt (2700-2500BC) might be considered the first instances of large structure constructions later appears the ____ in ancient Greece (447-438 BC),the ___ way by Roman engineers (312 BC) and the ___ of China (220 BC).



            Great Wall;


  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте пропущенное слово How …  you understand the term “living standards”?


-  do;
-  does;

Тема 2 Архитектура Европы

V - 17

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте нужное слово The Baroque space contrasted with static, defined space of the ___ Renaissance:

-  higher;

-  the highest;

-  high

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения и выполнить перевод

  # Соедините каждое слово с правильным переводом:        

1) to replace        

2) to flood        

3) to capture                        

4) toobtain                        

литься потоком;



захватывать, увлекать;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) flowing
2) ethereal        
3) subtlety        
4) discrete                





  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

    # Вставьте правильное слово The Baroque tended toward ____ architectural forms and surfaces.:

-  free;

-  freer

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в During the Baroque period architecture and sculpture became ___:

-  realistic;

-  pictorial;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        


            large volutes;



  1.  Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте пропущенное слово The Baroque rapidly developed into two separate___


  • forms;

V - 18

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в Rococo architects emphasized structural elements, ___  continuous decorative schemes, and reduced column sizes to a minimum.:

-  descrided;

-  reduced;

-  created;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините каждое слово с правильным переводом:        

1) to retain

2) to entertain                

3) intricacy                        

4) toreduce                                





  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) craft
stained glass                


керамические изделия;



  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в Smooth following masses ___ emphasis only at isolated points.

- separated;

- had

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в Churches and palace still exhibited an integration of the three arts.

-  divided;

-  chose;

- displayed

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

This style represented the High Middle Ages in _______. The architecture of this period was termed _______ during the Renaissance because of its association with the ______. Now this term is used to describe the important international style in most countries of

Europe from the early 12thcentury to the advent of the ____ in the 5thcentury.

barbarian north;


Western Europe;


  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте пропущенное слово Baroque and late Baroque, or ____, are terms applied to European art of the period from the early 17th century to the mid 18th century.


  • Rococo;


V - 19

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Выберите нужное слово Stylistically this began with an onslaught on ___ :

-  Greek architecture;

-  Baroque architecture;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините каждое слово с правильным переводом:        

1) blossoming        

2) mortuary                

3) successor                

4) ramp                                





  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) to manifest
2) to contribute        
3) to articulate                
4) theEnlightenment                


эпоха Проcвещения;


вносить вклад

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

    # Вставьте правильное слово The excavations of classical sites were held in Italy, Greece and ___

-  India;

- Asia Minor;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в The projects produced by the winners are characterized by___:

-  rich floral decorations;

-  preference for blank walls;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

In the Ionic order of architecture, _____ support the columns, which have more _____ than those of the Doric order. Ionic capitals have two volutes that rest atop a band of palm-leaf ornaments. The abacus is narrow and the entablature, unlike that of the Doric order, usually consists of three simple horizontal bands. The most important feature of the Ionic order is the ____, which is usually carved with relief sculpture arranged in a continuous pattern around the ____.



vertical flutes;

  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте пропущенное слово The classicism that flourished in the period of 1750-1830 is often known as ____.


V - 20

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте правильное слово в Neoclassicism flourished ___

-  during the first century A.D.;

-  during the period of 1750-1830;

  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините каждое слово с правильным переводом:        

1) cradle        

2) emergence                

3) exploration                        

4) to manifest                                        





  1. Инструкция: на установление соотношения

  # Соедините слово с правильным переводом:        

1) search





  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

    # Вставьте правильное слово в Very little was contributed y Italians to ___

-  the Baroque;

-  the 18th century classicism;

  1. Инструкция: выбрать один правильный ответ и выполнить перевод

# Вставьте правильное слово в 18th century classicism manifested itself in _____.:

-  sculpture;

-  painting;

- all the arts;

  1. Инструкция: на последовательность и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте слова в текст в правильной последовательности:        

During this time transportation became increasingly important leading to the development of the wheel and sailing. The construction of _____ in Egypt (2700-2500BC) might be considered the first instances of large structure constructions later appears the ____ in ancient Greece (447-438 BC),the ___ way by Roman engineers (312 BC) and the ___ of China (220 BC).



            Great Wall;


  1. Инструкция: открытое задание и выполнить перевод

  # Вставьте пропущенное слово The centre of international Neoclassicism was ____:


  • Rome;

Предварительный просмотр:

Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Чувашской Республики  «Алатырский технологический колледж» Министерства образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики

Учебное пособие

По учебной дисциплине


Для аудиторной и внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы

студентов 2, 3, 4 курсов

для специальностей:

08.02.05 Строительство и эксплуатация автомобильных дорог и аэродромов

08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений


                                                                                  Составитель: Михалькова Т.Л.

Алатырь 2019 г.

Рассмотрено на заседании ПЦК                                              
общих гуманитарных и социально-экономических
Протокол от  _________№
Председатель комиссии
                / Ермолаева Е.А. /              


Учебное пособие составила: Михалькова Т.Л., преподаватель английского языка высшей  категории.  

Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов очного отделения
для специальностей:

08.02.05 Строительство и эксплуатация автомобильных дорог и аэродромов
08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений

В учебном пособии разработаны различные виды заданий  для аудиторной и внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы, даны указания по их выполнению.


Unit 1 Building and its Parts (Components)…………………………………….4

Unit 2 Building Materials and Joints …………………………………………..9

Unit 3 College as an educational institution …………………………...............16

Unit 4 The Profession of a Builder……………………………………………...26

Unit 5 Building Professions and Trades………………………………………..35

Unit 6 The English Language…………………………………………………...42



Building and its Parts (Components)

(Здание и его части)

  1. The word “building” indicates a system of inner (internal) and outer (external) components. Here you can see some parts of building. While reading, decide for each part if it is external or internal, e.g.:

To be – быть, являться, находиться

..is an external part of building.

……is an internal … .

Balcony балкон

Gate ворота

Door дверь

Pillar, Column колонна

Roof крыша

Staircase лестница

Lift, elevator лифт….

Loggia ….

Refuse chute мусоропровод

Window окно

Raft основание (фундамента)

Partition, separation wall перегородка

Lap перекрытие

Basement подвал

Floor пол, этаж

Ground floor

First floor

Ceiling потолок

Wall o стена

Foundation фундамент

Erker эркер

Storey, floor этаж

Chimney труба, дымоход

There is… ( есть….) in my house/flat.

The house has…


2. Look at the picture and say what parts this building has or has not.

From the outside this building (It) has …

Inside the building there is/are …

But this building has not …

  1. Look at the pictures and name parts of building:

  1. Read the small text about a dwelling house. Find all the words, indicating parts of building. What other types of houses do you know?

This is my dwelling house. It is neither(ни) big nor(ни) small. My house has two floors, but it has not a balconyIt consists of building materials such as bricks, wooden constructions and artificial materials. My house has three rooms, a nursery, a kitchen, aliving room. The rooms are cosy and large with high ceilings. It has central heating, gas and it is very comfortable. A lavatory, joints of drain have sanitary fittings. My house has central heating and the alarm system.

My house is very nice and warm.

  1. Speak to your group-mate and ask him about his dwelling house.

What does your house look like?

Is there a …. in your house?

Has your house a …?

How many … are there in your house?

  1. Write a composition about your dwelling house, describing its external and internal parts.

Home Reading

  1. Read an extract from the “Famous Five” by Enid Blyton. Give a good translation of the text.

There is a castle!” said Julian. Shall we explore that now? I do want to.

Yes, we will,” said George. “Look – that is where the entrance used to be – through that big broken archway.”

The children gazed at the enormous old archway, now half-broken down. Behind it were ruined stone steps leading towards the center of the castle.

It had strong walls all round it, with two towers”, said George. “One tower is almost gone, as you can see, but the other is not so bad. <…>. This is the centre of the castle,” said George, as they entered through a ruined doorway into what looked like a great yard, whose stone floor was now overgrown with grass and other weeds. “Here is where the people used to live. You can see where the rooms were – look, there’s one almost whole there. Go through that little door and you’ll see it.”

They trooped through a doorway and found themselves in a dark, stone-walled, stone-roofed room, with a space at one end where a fire-place must have been. Two slit-like windows lighted the room. It felt very queer and mysterious.

<…> “Was there upstairs to the castle, George?”

Of course”, said George. “But the steps that led up are gone.”<…>

Were there any dungeons?” asked Dick.

I don’t know”, said George. “I expect so. But nobody could find them now – everywhere is so overgrown.”



1. What type of building did the children explore?

2. Is it in good condition?

3. What parts of the castle remained? And what parts are gone?

4. Was there a staircase in the castle?

5. What room did the children enter? How did it look?

6. What is “dungeons”? “Upstairs”?


1. Describe the mysterious room in the castle.

2. Describe the ruined castle.

3. Describe the castle before its destruction.

4. Retell the whole story and finish it.

Cultural Note

8. Look at the picture and read the small text:

St. Basil’s cathedral is the pride of the Russian people: it has graced Red Square for more then four centuries. It was designed by the great architects Barma and Postnik during 1555-1562.

Can you answer the following questions?

What type of building do you see? Is it a religious construction? How is it called? Where is it situated?

How many domes (dome – купол) has it? Is it beautiful, magnificent? Can you say that it is a masterpiece of Russian architecture? Who constructed it? When? What is this building famous for?

  1. Now speak about this type of constructionUse the words:

Belfry – колокольня

Tier – ярус

Steeple – шпиль

Cross on the top – крест на верху

… is shaped like a pyramid – ….в форме пирамиды


Building Materials and Joints

(Основные строительные материалы и крепления)

1. It is impossible to imagine construction of a building without building materials. There are natural and artificial building materials. Learn the words from the vocabulary and classify them (1) into materials and joints, and then classify building materials (2) into natural and artificial.

Joints are …. Materials are….

…… is an artificial building material.

…… is a natural ……. .

Fittings арматура

Concrete бетон

Bitumen битум

Bolt болт

Screw винт

Nail гвоздь

Gravel гравий

Board доска

Wood, timber древесина

Sheet material железо (кровельное)

Brick кирпич

Glue клей

Paint краска

Linoleum линолеум

Sand песок

Saw-timber пиломатериалы

Slab плита

Stone камень

Glass стекло

Glass wool стекловата

Ruberoid рубероид

Roofing felt толь

Pipe труба

Roofing slate шифер

Putty шпаклевка

Cement цемент

Tile черепица


2. Descrbe building materials with the help of the following words :

Hard- ?, soft - ? , light - ?, heavy - ?

3. Look at the picture on page 4, ex. 3 and say what these parts of building are made of, e.g.:

The staircase is made of (сделан из)

.. …… are made of (сделаны из)

4. Say what building materials are used to make different parts of building or other building materials e.g.:

Boards and sheet metal are used (используются) to make a roof.

Concrete is used (используется) to make a foundation.

5. Imagine you want to put up:

a) a hen house

b) a dog house

c) a country house

d) a castle.

What building materials do you need?

To make/create a … I need…(I use…) Для того, чтобы изготовить…мне требуется…(Я использую…)

..is / are necessary for … Необходим/ы для….

Besides I want … Кроме этого мне нужно …

I can’t do without … Не могу обойтись без …

6. You are in a “Building Materials” shop. You buy some roofing slates for the roof of your house and some glass wool. Let one student be a shop-assistant and you are a customer (client).

  • Can I help you? (What can I do for you?)
  • I want … (Please, I’d like …)
  • Oh…have you got …
  • I also need …
  • How much does it cost?
  • Shall I pay you or at the cash-desk?
  • Very good, do you want any …
  • What about …?
  • What else?
  • I can offer you a wide choice of ….

7. Continue the sentences with the right name of a certain building material:

1. A building material made by mixing (при помощи смешивания) cement with sand, gravel is …

2. Small stones with coarse sand used for roads and path are called(называются) …

3. Hard solid substance of a tree below the bark is …

4. A block of clay moulded (имеющий определенную форму) and baked by fire is …

5. Thick flat piece of stone, wood is a …

6. Grey powder which after being wetted (смешанная с водой), becomes hard like stone is …

Cultural Note

8. This is the famous Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. Describe what building materials were used in the construction of this magnificent church.

9. Read the article from Internet about the cathedral and say what you have learned from it:

The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (khram Khrista Spasitela) in Moscow may be the largest Orthodox church in the world. The building is magnificent, but not as old as it looks: it was rebuilt in 2000 after the original was demolished by Stalin.


The idea for this church dates from the early 19th century. When the last of Napoleon's soldiers left Moscow, Tsar Alexander I signed a manifesto dated December 25, 1812, declaring his intention to build a cathedral in honor of Christ the Savior. The cathedral would "signify Our gratitude to Divine Providence for saving Russia from the doom that overshadowed Her" and acts as a memorial to the sacrifices of the Russian people.

Plans were drawn and a site was chosen but before construction began, Alexander I was succeeded by his brother Nicholas. Profoundly Orthodox and patriotic, the new Tsar disliked the Neoclassical design that had been endorsed by his brother.

Alexander commissioned his favourite architect Konstantin Thon to create a new design, modeled after the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. The present site was chosen by the Tsar in 1837; a convent and church already standing on the site had to be relocated.

Construction began in 1839 and the cathedral didn't emerge from its scaffolding until 1860; elaborate frescos by some of the best Russian painters continued in the interior for another 20 years. The cathedral was consecrated on the day Alexander III was crowned, May 26, 1883. A year earlier, Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" debuted there.

After the Revolution, the prominent site of the cathedral called out for redevelopment by the Soviets, who planned to replace the church with a monument to socialism, known as the Palace of Soviets. It would rise in modernistic buttressed tiers to support a gigantic sculpture of Lenin, arm raised in blessing, perched atop a dome. On December 5, 1931, the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour was dynamited and reduced to rubble.

Funds for the largest building in the world remained unavailable, however. A foundation hole gaped on the site until under Nikita Khrushchev it was transformed into a huge public swimming pool.

With the end of the Soviet rule, the Russian Orthodox Church received permission to rebuild the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (February 1990). A temporary cornerstone was laid by the end of the year.

A construction fund was opened in 1992 and foundations began to be poured in the fall of 1994. The lower church (Church of the Transfiguration) was consecrated in 1996, and the completed Cathedral of Christ the Saviour was consecrated August 19, 2000.

Home Reading

  1. Read an extract about the invention of some building material. Give a good translation of the text. Give answers to the following questions: 1) what was invented? 2) Who was the inventor?

Wonderful Invention

We live in the world of reinforced concrete. Modern houses and skyscrapers are built of reinforced concrete as are also tunnels and dams and bridges.

Who was the genius that created this wonderful material?

Reinforced concrete was first made in 1861 by the French gardener Monier. He needed tubs, but he had no money to buy them. Monier decided to make the tub from clay like a flower pot.

There was no clay at hand but he found some cement. Monier began to shape his tub from cement.

For this purpose he took two wooden tubs, one larger than the other, put one into the other and in between poured cement.

When the cement hardened he broke up both wooden tubs and obtained a large cement tub barrel.

The tubs were heavy and bulky, but the trouble was that they were weak.

The gardener had to place iron bars along the tub to make it stronger or in other words to reinforce it and put another layer above the bars to make it look nice.

A strange thing happened. The barrel proved to be unusually strong. Hen Monier began to make the walls thinner, and still the barrels remained very strong. This was how reinforced concrete was born.



Translate, using the text: изобретать, изобретение, бетон, небоскреб, бадья, с этойцелью, помеха, слабый, необычайно сильный, железные прутья, тонкий, тяжелый.


Найдите 2-ую форму следующих глаголов:




To invent

To be

To reinforce

To have

To create

To make

To need

To begin

To shape

To find

To pour

To obtain

To put

To break

To prove


Agree or disagree?

  1. Monier was a genius who created the reinforced concrete.
  2. Monier was an Italian inventor.
  3. Monier invented reinforced concrete in the 19th century.
  4. Monier made tubs from clay.
  5. The first tub was weak.
  6. The iron bars helped to make the tubs stronger.


Give the answers to the following questions:

  1. Who was the genius that created the reinforced concrete?
  2. Why did Monier invent the reinforced concrete?
  3. What building materials did Monier use to make tubs?
  4. How did he make his first tub?
  5. Were his first tubs strong or weak?
  6. How did Monier reinforce them?
  7. Was reinforces concrete a wonderful invention?
  8. How is reinforced concrete used nowadays?


Translate the annotation to the text from Russian into English:

Железобетон был изобретен французским садоводом Монье в 19 веке. Монье был беден(poor) и не мог (could not)купить бадьи для сада. Он решил сделать их из глины, но глины также(also) не было. Тогда он взял цемент и залил его между двумя бочками, вставленными (put) одна в другую. Новая (the new) бадья оказалась слабой. Монье поместил железные прутья вдоль бадьи и положил еще один слой цемента. Бочка оказалась очень прочной и был получен новый строительный материал – железобетон.


College as an educational institution

(Колледж как образовательное учреждение)

1You are a college student. College is a certain type of educational institution. What education does college give?

What subjects do you learn at the college? What departments are there in your college? Learn the words given below and answer these questions.

College – колледж

Student - студент

Study – учиться, изучать

Teacher – учитель, преподаватель

Educational institution – образовательное учреждение

First-, second-, third-year student – 1, 2, 3 курса студент

Full-, part-time student – очного, заочного отделения студент

Education – образование

Studies – учеба

Last – длиться, продолжаться

Secondary specialized education – среднее специальное образование

General, profound knowledge – общие, углубленные знания

Department – отделение

Veterinary- ветеринарное

Building- строительное

Economy and accounting- экономика и бухгалтерский учет

Get=receive – получать

Correspondence department- заочное отделение

Academic subjects – общеобразовательные предметы

Special subjects – специальные предметы


2. Say if you agree, translate and repeat in English:

  1. I study at the college.
  2. I am a second-year student. I study in the second year.
  3. I am a full-time student.
  4. I get (receive) secondary specialized education.
  5. College gives secondary specialized education.
  6. College gives general knowledge in academic subjects.
  7. College gives profound knowledge in special subjects.
  8. I study academic and special subjects at the college.
  9. I get general knowledge in academic subjects.

10) I get profound knowledge in special subjects.

11) I receive a profession at the college.

12) I am glad to be a college student.

13) It is interesting to study at the college.

14) The education at college lasts from 3 till 5 years.

15) The studies at our college last from 3 to 5 years.

15) I study in the veterinary (building, economy and accounting) department.

3. Transform the sentences from the exercise 1 where possible to begin with the words He/She/My friend/This student….

4. Correct the sentences:

  1. She am not a second-year student.
  2. I am a first-year student of the Moscow Business college.
  3. He a full-time second-year student.
  4. I in the veterinary department
  5. He study in the building department.
  6. She get a secondary education at the college.
  7. We studies academic and special subjects at the college.
  8. The study last from 3 to 4 years at the college.
  9. Full-time students study at the Correspondence department.

5. Translate from Russian into English:

  1. Наш колледж – это среднее специальное общеобразовательное учреждение.
  2. Я / Мой друг/ Мой друг и я/ учусь (-ится, -имся) в колледже.
  3. Я /Мой друг/мы – студент (-ы) второго курса колледжа.
  4. Я учусь на втором курсе строительного отделения.
  5. Он студент - очник ветеринарного отделения, второго курса колледжа.
  6. Мы учимся на строительном отделении.
  7. Мы изучаем общеобразовательные и специальные дисциплины.
  8. Он получает среднее специальное образование в колледже.
  9. Она получает профессию в колледже.
  10. Я получаю глубокие знания по специальным дисциплинам.
  11. Обучение студентов строительного отделения продолжается 4-5 лет.
  12. Много студентов учится на заочном отделении.
  13. Она – студентка–заочница, третьего курса отделения «Экономика и бухучет».
  14. Мы получаем общие сведения по общеобразовательным дисциплинам.

6. Make questions of the sentences given above and ask them your group-mates.

===== ______ ? (для глаголов “to be” “to have”)

===== ______ =====? (для всех остальных глаголов)

Home Reading

  1. Read the 2 texts about the Yuryevets Agricultural College and say what is common and what is different in them.

TEXT (1)

I study at the Yuryevets Agriindustrial College. I study in the first (second, third) year. Our college is a specialized secondary school. It is situated not far from the center of Yuryevets in Titov Street.

Our college occupies two buildings. It runs a full-time and extra-mural education. There are four departments at our college: a veterinary department, a building department, anEconomics and Accounting department and a Tractor-driver’s department

Our college trains veterinary surgeonsbuilders, accountants and tractor-drivers. The studies at our college last from two and a half to four years. There is a qualified staff of teachers who help the students to achieve knowledge in the line and working habits.There are many studies, laboratories, workshops, a library, a canteen, a gym where we go in for sports. Many students live in the hostel and rent a room. Students who work hard at the studies and do not miss the lessons get grantsGraduates from our college work in different fields of building, agriculture and economy all over the country.

TEXT (2)

The Yuryevets Agriindustrial College is situated in Titov Street. It occupies twobuildings. One of them is a three-storey building. The other is a four-storey building. Buildings are connected by a passage. On the first floor (ground floor) there is a bighall. On the right there is a cloak-room. On the left there is an advertisement board with a time-table and a guard who keeps the keys of the classrooms, studies, andlaboratories (labs). Besides on the ground floor you can find an assembly hall and a gymnasium. If you go straight and cross the passage you will find yourself in the second building. There is the teacher’s room and a first aid post. On the second floor there is alibrary and a computer class. In the basement there is a canteen and a workshop and aworkout room.


To be situated – располагаться canteen – столовая

To occupy – занимать workshop - мастерская

Building – здание workout room – тренажерный

Three-, four-storey – 3х-, 4х-этажный assembly hall – актовый зал

To be connected by – быть связанным gymnasium (gym) - спортзал

Passage – переход To go straight – идти прямо

Floor – этаж To cross – пересекать

Hall – вестибюль To find yourself – оказаться

Cloak-room – гардероб Teacher’s room – учительская

Advertisement board – доска объявлений First aid post – мед. пункт

Time-table – расписание Library – библиотека

Guard - охранник

Classroom – класс, аудитория

Study – кабинет

Laboratory (lab) – лаборатория

8. Continue the sentence. (Продолжи незаконченную фразу.)

1) I am a …

2) I study …

3) The college is situated …

4) The college gives …

5) At college I get (receive) …

6) The students get (receive) …

7) College occupies …

8) The Yuryevets Agriindustrial College is…

9) The first (second) building is …

10) On the first (second) floor (basement) there is …

11) At the college there are many …

12) The college trains …

13) The students live in… or … a room.

9. Answer the questions. (Ответь на вопросы).

  1. What are you?
  2. Where do you study?
  3. What year are you in?
  4. Are you a full-time or a part-time student?
  5. What education do you get at college?
  6. What subjects do you study?
  7. What knowledge do you get?
  8. Can you receive a profession at the college?
  9. What departments are there at the college?
  10. What department are you in?
  11. What kind of building is the college?
  12. Where is the college situated?
  13. What is there on the ground (first, second) floor? In the basement?
  14. Where is the cloak room, the assembly hall, the teacher’s room, the library, the gym?

10. Read the texts about college one more time and do the following tasks.

  1. Find in the texts about college the passages about: a) teachers, b) students. (Прочтите текст «Наш колледж» и найдите абзац, в котором речь идет о: а) преподавателях, б) студентах).
  2. Prove from the text that: (Докажите из текста)
  1. College has a good interior.
  2. Students have an interesting life. Teachers help students.

  1. Students have an interesting life.
  2. Teachers help students.

  1. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order. (Расположите предложения попорядку).
  1. Every year many students graduate from the college.
  2. The Yuryevets Agricultural College has a good interior.
  3. The college is situated in Titov Street.
  4. I am a student of the Yuryevets Agricultural College.
  5. College has three departments.

  1. Make a plan of the text. (Составьте план текста).

  1. Give the sentence that is logically connected with the following sentences: (Подберите кданным предложениям фразы, логически связанные с ними по смыслу.)
  1. I am a student. ……….. .
  2. The college is situated in Titov Street. ………. .
  3. The college gives secondary specialized education. …………. .
  4. In college there are three departments. …………… .
  5. The interior of the college is nice. ……………. .
  6. The students work hard at college. …………… .

  1. Paraphrase the given sentences. ( Перефразируйте эти предложения, сохраняя их смысл).

  1. Read the texts once more and choose the statement you like and express your viewpoint by some sentences: (Прочтите текст еще раз и скажите).

  1. Why it is good to be a student.
  2. Why it is difficult to be a student.
  3. Why it is interesting to be a student.

I think…


Second …..

For example ….

Even ….

8. Introduce yourself and say some sentences about:

a) yourself, b) your college, c) the interior of a college, d) students’ life. (Представьтесь и скажите несколько фраз: а) о себе, б) о вашем колледже, в) об интерьере колледжа, г) о студенческой жизни.

12. Creative tasks.

  1. Убедите своего колеблющегося знакомого, который оканчивает школу, поступать в ЮСХК.
  2. Расскажите зарубежному гостю о колледже, в котором вы учитесь.

  1. Подготовьте презентацию и проведите экскурсию по колледжу для зарубежных гостей.

At the College: Conversations.

  1. Read some dialogues in English and guess who is speaking in each one: a teacher, a student, a librarian, a student on duty? Translate the words – a student’s card, a pass, a dictionary, a traffic jam, a workout room.


  • Do you study or work?
  • I do at the Yuryevets Agriindustrial College, building department.
  • What year are you in?
  • I am a second-year full-time student? And you?
  • I am a first-year student of Ivanovo Economics & Business College.


  • Good morning! Could you help me? I need some English-Russian dictionaries.
  • I’d be glad to. May I see your student’s card, please?
  • Of course, here you are.
  • That’s OK. How many dictionaries do you want?
  • We need 10 for our English lesson.


  • Sorry, I am late. May I come in, please?
  • Come in. But why are you late?
  • Oh, some problems with the transport, - a traffic jam.
  • Are you ready for the lesson?
  • Yes I am.
  • So, take your copy-book and show it to me.


  • Excuse me, please. Is there a workout room at the college?
  • Yes, there is.
  • Where is it?
  • Go along the corridor and turn to the left.


  • Are you a student?
  • Yes, I am. I am a first-year student of the Economics and Accounting department.
  • Show me your pass, please.
  • Here is my student’s card and a pass.
  • That’s OK.

  1. Act out the dialogue in micro-groups and then change the roles.

  1. Translate these questions from English into Russian and then ask them your group-mate.
  1. Ты учишься?
  2. Где ты обучаешься?
  3. Где находится гардероб (варианты: учительская, мед. пункт, актовый зал, кабинет 25) в колледже?
  4. Есть ли в колледже спортзал? (компьютерный класс, библиотека, интернет, мастерская, общежитие).
  5. На каком курсе (отделении) ты учишься?
  6. Какие предметы ты изучаешь в колледже?
  7. Сколько лет длится учеба?
  8. Где учится (живет) твой друг?
  9. Твой друг живет в общежитии?
  10. Сколько отделений в колледже?
  11. Какое образование ты получаешь в колледже?
  12. Нравится ли тебе учиться в колледже?

Cultural Note

Read some information about some of the British colleges and say what you have learned:

Welcome to the Newbury College website. At the College, we are committed to high quality learning opportunities to meet the needs of individuals and employers in West Berkshire and the surrounding areas.


The College has a great many facilities and resources to assist with the delivery of a variety of training programmes and we have in the region of 1000 courses on offer. We also provide tailor made programmes to suit individual business needs. If you are hoping to gain a qualification, progress to higher education, improve existing skills for employment, find the right course to meet your staff training needs, or simply learn a new leisure interest - we have a course to meet a very wide range of interests and abilities, both at the College or a range of community venues.


Working in partnership with Reading University, you can also study at Newbury College for a Certificate of Higher Education which counts towards a Degree qualification, and the University also validates our Foundation Degree programmes.


We are proud to have achieved certification in the Training Quality Standard in 2007. Along with IiP and the Matrix award, this award confirms the high standard and quality of training and development that we offer to the business community.


If you would like someone to visit your business and discuss your workforce training needs, please contact the Business Development Office on 01635 845 000.


I hope you find something of interest on our website, and look forward to seeing you at Newbury College in the near future.

Dr Anne Murdoch

Principal & Chief Executive


Construction Summer School Courses

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The Profession of a Builder

(Профессия строитель)

1. When you entered the college you became a student. Now you are a student and you enter the profession of a builder. What do you know about your future profession?

Necessary необходимый

Useful полезный

Important важный

Well-paid хорошо оплачиваемый

Is in much demand пользуется большим спросом

Central heating центральное отопление

Running water водопровод

Electricity ….

Gas ….

can’t live (do) without… не могут жить (обойтись) без

It’s impossible невозможно

Need in dwelling нуждаться в жилье

Protect from защищать от

Housing conditions жилищные условия

Meet the demands of соответствовать требованиям …

Use new methods of construction использовать новые методы строительства

Apply modern building materials применять современные строительные материалы

Try to move into стараться переехать в

Have … in their houses иметь … в своем доме

Housing problem жилищная проблема

To supply people with обеспечивать людей

To solve решать

2. Translate the following phrases into English:

Профессия строитель, важная и полезная профессия, хорошо оплачиваемая профессия, я приобретаю нужную и хорошо оплачиваемую профессию, необходимые современные удобства, необходимые жилищные условия, необходимые новые методы строительства, важная жилищная проблема, стараться переехать в квартиру, стараться переехать в свой дом, обеспечивать людей квартирами, обеспечивать людей жильем, обеспечивать людей домами, решать жилищную проблему, применять новые методы строительства, применять новые строительные материалы, иметь необходимые современные удобства в квартире.

3. Match the groups of words with the following questions:

1. What kind of profession is the profession of a builder?

2. Why is it necessary?

3. What problem do builders solve in society?

4. Do many people want to live in new apartments with modern conveniences?

5. What are the modern conveniences?

6. In what cases do the results of builders’ work meet the demands of people?

4. Translate the separate sentences and a small text into English:

1. Профессия строитель очень важная. 2. Она необходима, так как (because) строители решают важную проблему в обществе, - жилищную проблему. 3. Они снабжают людей квартирами и домами. 4. Люди нуждаются в жилье, которое (that)защищает их от неблагоприятных природных условий (unfavorable weatherconditions). 5. Люди не могут обходиться без жилья. 6. Мы не можем обойтись без современных удобств. 7. Центральное отопление, водопровод, газ и электричество – современные жилищные удобства. 8. Многие люди имеют современные удобства в своих квартирах. 9. У вас хорошие жилищные условия? 10. У вас есть современные удобства в квартире, в общежитии? 11. Строители используют новые методы строительства и применяют современные строительные материалы. 12. Некоторые(some) люди стараются переехать в квартиры, другие(others) – в частные(private) дома.

Home Reading

5. Read the text and divide it into passages. Pay attention to the italicized words:

My Future Profession

I study at the Yuryevets Agricultural College. I am a full-time, second year student. I study in the building department. I want to be a builder. I have chosen this profession because it is very useful, important, noble and interesting in my opinion. That is why I try to do my best to gain more knowledge in the line and working habits. The main task of a construction is to solve housing problem, in another words, to supply people with comfortable apartments and modern conveniencesNowadays new apartments are veryexpensive and not many people can afford moving to new flats with improved housing conditions. The raising of all kinds of construction must meet the demands of people in apartments. To solve this problem it is necessary not only to apply new methods of construction but to produce modern building materials. The most commonly used building materials are divided into natural and artificial building materials. The main artificial building materials are cement, concrete, plastics, brick. The main natural building materials are stone, sand, lime, timber and clay.


in my opinion – по моему мнению

that is why – поэтому

to do one’s best – делать все от кого-л. зависящее

in the line – по специальности

working habits – трудовые навыки

apartment (flat) – квартира

modern conveniences – современные удобства

nowadays – в наши дни

expensive – дорогой ( по стоимости)

afford – позволить

improved housing conditions – улучшенные жилищные условия

raising – увеличение, рост

to solve – решать (зд.чтобы решить)

to produce – производить

the most commonly used – в большинстве случаев используется


I. Make the plan of the text.

II. Discuss the text:

1. Where do you study?

2. What year and departments are you in?

3. What do you want to be?

4. Why have you chosen this profession?

5. What is the main task of a construction?

6. What must meet the demand of people?

7. What is necessary to do to solve a housing problem?

8. Into what groups are building materials divided?

9. What are the main natural building materials?

10. What are the main artificial building materials?

III. Say:

a) why the profession of a builder is useful;

b) what improved modern conveniences are;

c) what building materials you know;

d) how to solve housing problems of people?

6. Read the text one more time and say:

a) what building professions are mentioned in it;

b) what the main tasks have a builder, an architect, a civil engineer, a sanitary engineer;

c) why the profession of a builder is honorable;

d) what you must know to become a qualified builder or an architect.

7. Прочитайте следующие утверждения и расскажите, что вас ожидает в вашем профессиональном будущем (для этого поставьте глаголы в данных предложениях в простое будущее время). Переведите полученные фразы.

1) I am a builder.

2) My profession is a builder (a bricklayer, a construction site chief, a foreman).

3) I work as a builder

4) I am able to read a technical drawing

5) My aim is to provide people with flats with modern conveniences

6) My friend is a sanitary engineer. He protects the quality of water by purifying it.

7) My friend is an architect. He needs some knowledge of sculpture, design, mechanical engineering and so on and so forth.

8) I try to contribute the beauty of my native town in future.

8. Make the plan of the text and divide it into passages.

9. Retell the text and say what your future job and tasks will be like.

10. Prepare a monologue according to one of the following themes:

1) Speak about yourself and the profession of a builder.

2) The advantages and disadvantages of a building profession.

3) Housing problem.

4) The education at the college and the future building profession.

11.Describe the given pictures:

Cultural Note

  1. Read the article and find out some information about the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra.

The Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra


The monastery was founded as Holy Trinity Monastery by Sergius of Radonezh when he, with his brother Stephen, established a cell and a simple chapel to begin lives of ascetic seclusion in the forest wilderness at the Makovets Hill north of Moscow, Russia. They dedicated the chapel to the Holy Trinity. As people learned about him, many came to his isolated cell for guidance. Among these people were other ascetics who built cells near by. In time the number grew to twelve monks and the beginnings of a hermitage was established. In 1355, Sergius produced a charter for the monastery that formed a model for organization of Holy Trinity and was used also by his many disciples who were to found over 400 monastic communities. The charter formed the plan for growth of the monastery that included adding arefectory, kitchen, and bakery.

With the growth and increased fame of Holy Trinity, the influence of Sergius increased as he supported the princes of Moscow. A highlight of this support was Sergius' blessing of Grand Prince Dmitri Donskoy and his forces as Dmitri left to meet and defeat the Tatars in the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, a battle in which two of Sergius' monks, Peresvet and Oslyabya, accompanied Dmitri into battle.

Sergius died in 1392 just before the Tatars returned and devastated the monastery later in the year. Again in 1408 the monastery was attacked and burned during the campaign of the Tatar Khan Edigei against Moscow. The Abbot Nikon found the relics of Sergius miraculously preserved in the ruins of the monastery when he began rebuilding. Abbot Nikon built a wooden church in which the relics of Sergius were placed.

After each attack Abbot Nikon led the rebuilding of the monastery. In 1422, the same year that Sergius was declared the patron saint of the Moscovite Russian state, construction in the Suzdal-Vladimir style of a stone cathedral began. The builders were a team of Serbian monks who had taken refuge in Holy Trinity after the Battle of Kosovo in Serbia. The cathedral, which replaced the Church of St. Sergius over which it was built, was dedicated to the Holy Trinity. The relics of St. Sergius are kept in this cathedral. Andrei Rublev and Daniil Chyorny, the great iconographers of the day, took part in decorating Holy Trinity Cathedral with frescos.

In time, the tradition arose for the Moscow royalty to be baptized in the cathedral as well as holding thanksgiving services. With donations from the nobles, the monastery became very rich, even to maintaining an army of 20,000. It owned about one hundred estates that were worked by over 106,000 serfs. However, the right to own such property was taken from the monastery in 1764.

The Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit (Dukhovsky) was commissioned by Ivan III in 1476. This church, built by artisans from Pskov, is one of the remaining examples in Russia of a church with a belltower on top of it. The Church of St. Nikon, commissioned by Basil III, was completed in 1548, a year after Nikon was canonized. At the western wall of the Nikon church a chapel called Serapion's Tent was built over the tomb of St. Serapion, the archbishop of Novgorod.

As the sixteenth century progressed a major cathedral, modeled after the Dormition Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin, was commissioned in 1559 by Ivan IV, commonly labeled “the Terrible." Construction of the Uspensky (Dormition) Cathedral took twenty-six years. It was built to commemorate the conquests of Kazan and Astrakhan. The interior, including the iconostasis, was the work of a number of artists: notably Simon Ushakov whose masterpiece icon of the Last Supper adorns the iconostatsis and the violet and blue frescos of the interior walls done by Yaroslav masters in 1684.

The wooden walls around the monastery were replaced during the middle of the sixteenth century by thick stone walls. The walls that stretched for 1.5 kilometers were dotted by twelve towers. The strong walls were instrumental in the defense of the monastery during the siege by Polish forces from 1608 to 1610. Again in 1618, Wladyslaw IV besieged Holy Trinity unsuccessfully. Throughout the remainder of the century construction of more structures took placed. These included a royal palace ordered by Peter I for his father, Tsar Alexei, that now houses the Theological Academy. In 1686, a refectory/church dedicated to St. Sergius was added that for a while was the largest hall in Russia. The Church of John the Baptist's Nativity was added in the last decade of the seventeenth century. This church was commissioned by the Stroganov family and was built over one of the gates to the monastery. Also the century witnessed the building of monks' cells, a hospital in 1635, and a chapel over the St. Sergius Well that was discovered in 1644 and from which the faithful draw holy water.

The monastery was favored by Elizabeth, and she commissioned the Church of the Virgin of Smolensk and an 98 meter tall belltower, built between 1741 and 1769 by the architects Ivan Michurin and Dmitri Ukhtomsky. This was then the tallest structure in Russia.

In 1742, a seminary was founded at the monastery. In 1814, the seminary was replaced by the Moscow Academy that was transferred from Moscow to the monastery. Additionally, the monastery supported a number of sketes in Sergiyev Posad.

Following the assumption of power by the Bolsheviks in late 1917, the Lavra was closed in 1920 by the new Soviet government, with its buildings being assigned to various governmental institutions. Not withstanding rescue efforts by Pavel Florensky and his followers, many of the sacramental valuables of the Lavra were lost or transferred to other places during these years. The monastery bells were destroyed in 1930, including the 65 ton Tsar-Bell.

In 1945, the Bolsheviks returned the Holy Trinity Lavra to the remnants of the Orthodox Church that existed within Russia. The return was part of the legalization of the Church in recognition of its efforts in defense of the country during the Nazi invasion of World War II (The Great Patriotic War). The first liturgy at the monastery was conducted on April 16, 1946 in the Dormition Cathedral. The monastery remained the seat for the Patriarch until the patriarchate was allowed the use of Danilov Monastery in Moscow in 1983.

  1. Give the summary of the article.
  2. Make up 5 questions according to the contents of the article to ask your mates and the teacher.


Building Professions and Trades

(Строительные профессии и ремесла)

1. There are many building trades and professions. In fact, they are various and numerous. Each of them is necessary and useful. Read the names of the following building professions and say what of them are:

I. a) dangerous; (опасный)

b) interesting;

c) difficult; (сложный)

d) laborious (трудоемкий)

II. a) you like very much

b) you don’t like very much

steel erector арматурщик

steeple-jack верхолаз

bulldozer driver бульдозерист

building surveyor геодезист

work safety engineer инженер по технике безопасности

crane driver крановщик

roofer кровельщик

house-painter маляр

foreman мастер

mechanic механик

assembler монтажник

construction site chief начальник строительства

paper hanger обойщик

parquet floor layer паркетчик

slater плиточник

carpenter плотник

work superintendent прораб

plumber сантехник

welder сварщик

fitter слесарь

glazier стекольщик

joiner столяр

plasterer штукатур

electrician электрик

civil engineer инженер-строитель

sanitary engineer инженер по санитарной технике

architect архитектор

2. Read the names of building professions from the beginning to the end and from the end to beginning, read together with the group and on your own.

3. Introduce yourself according to the model:

How do you do! Let me introduce myself. My name is …

I am…

4. Act out small dialogue in pairs:

- How do you do! Let me introduce myself. My name is …

I am a new construction-site chief.

- How do you do. Glad to see you. I am a foreman.

* * *

- Excuse me, are you a foreman?

- No, I am not.

- And what are you?

- I am a house-painter.

* * *

  • Where is the crane driver?
  • He is having a short break for a dinner.

* * *

- I’d like to know what you are busy with?

- We are constructing a building of a new school.

5. Substitute, where possible, some words in the above dialogues into other.

6. Read the dialogue between a foreman and a construction-site chief. What questions does the construction site chief ask the foreman and why? What information does the construction site chief learn from the foreman?

- How do you do! Let me introduce myself. My name is …

I am a new construction-site chief.

- How do you do. Glad to see you. I am a foreman.

- I’d like to know what you are busy with.

- We are constructing a building of a new school.

- How many floors are there in this building?

- It is a three-storey building. We have already finished it and now we are doing the interior finish of the building.

- All right. What workmen are employed in the construction?

- There are some joiners, carpenters, plasterers, bricklayers, roofers.

- Thank you for the information.

- You are welcome. Will you enter the building with me?

- All right let’s go together and you will show me the building.

- Let’s.

7. Read the dialogue one more time and try to reproduce the role of the foreman and of the construction site chief correspondingly.

- I -

- How do you do! Let me introduce myself. My name is …

I am a new construction-site chief.

- Здравствуйте. Рад Вас видеть. Я – мастер.

- I’d like to know what you are busy with.

- Мы строим здание новой школы.

- How many floors are there in this building?

- Это трехэтажное здание. Мы его уже закончили , и сейчас мы выполняем отделку интерьера здания.

- All right. What workmen are employed in the construction?

- Есть несколько столяров, плотников, штукатуров, каменщиков, кровельщиков.

- Thank you for the information.

- Пожалуйста. Пожалуйста, пройдемте со мной внутрь здания.

- All right let’s go together and you will show me the building.

- Давайте.


  • II -

- Здравствуйте. Разрешите представиться. Меня зовут … Я новый начальник строительства.

- How do you do. Glad to see you. I am a foreman.

- Хотелось бы знать, чем вы заняты.

- We are constructing a building of a new school.

- Сколько этажей в здании?

- It is a three-storey building. We have already finished it and now we are doing the interior finish of the building.

- Хорошо. Какие рабочие заняты в строительстве?

- There are some joiners, carpenters, plasterers, bricklayers, roofers.

- Спасибо за информацию.

- You are welcome. Will you enter the building with me?

- Ладно. Давайте зайдем вместе и вы покажете мне здание.

- Let’s.


- III -

- Здравствуйте. Разрешите представиться. Меня зовут … Я новый начальник строительства.

- Здравствуйте. Рад Вас видеть. Я – мастер.

- Хотелось бы знать, чем вы заняты.

- Мы строим здание новой школы.

- Сколько этажей в здании?

- Это трехэтажное здание. Мы его уже закончили, и сейчас мы выполняем отделку интерьера здания.

- Хорошо. Какие рабочие заняты в строительстве?

- Есть несколько столяров, плотников, штукатуров, каменщиков, кровельщиков.

- Спасибо за информацию.

- Пожалуйста. Пожалуйста, пройдемте со мной внутрь здания.

- Ладно. Давайте зайдем вместе и вы покажете мне здание.

- Давайте.

Home Reading

8. Read and translate the text about the famous British architect.

Sir Christopher Wren (1632 - 1723)

Christopher Wren by Sir Godfrey Kneller.

 Wren was an English scientist and mathematician and one of Britain's most distinguished architects, best known for the design of many London churches, including St Paul's Cathedral.

Christopher Wren was born on 20 October 1632 in East Knoyle, Wiltshire, where his father was rector. His father later moved to Windsor and Wren was educated at Westminster School and then Oxford University. He showed an early talent for mathematics and enjoyed inventing things, including an instrument for writing in the dark and a pneumatic machine. In 1657, Wren was appointed professor of astronomy at Gresham College in London and four years later, professor of astronomy at Oxford. In 1662, he was one of the founding members of the Royal Society, along with other mathematicians, scientists and scholars, many of whom were his friends.

Wren's interest in architecture developed from his study of physics and engineering. In 1664 and 1665, Wren was commissioned to design the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford and a chapel for Pembroke College, Cambridge and from then on, architecture was his main focus. In 1665, Wren visited Paris, where he was strongly influenced by French and Italian baroque styles.

In 1666, the Great Fire of London destroyed much of the medieval city, providing a huge opportunity for Wren. He produced ambitious plans for rebuilding the whole area but they were rejected, partly because property owners insisted on keeping the sites of their destroyed buildings. Wren did design 51 new city churches, as well as the new St Paul's Cathedral. In 1669, he was appointed surveyor of the royal works which effectively gave him control of all government building in the country. He was knighted in 1673.

In 1675, Wren was commissioned to design the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. In 1682, he received another royal commission, to design a hospital in Chelsea for retired soldiers, and in 1696 a hospital for sailors in Greenwich. Other buildings include Trinity College Library in Cambridge (1677 - 1692), and the facade of Hampton Court Palace (1689 - 1694). Wren often worked with the same team of craftsmen, including master plasterer John Groves and wood carver Grinling Gibbons

Wren died on 25 February 1723. His gravestone in St Paul's Cathedral features the Latin inscription which translates as: 'If you seek his memorial, look about you.'

Cultural Note

St Paul's Cathedral

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the cathedral church of the diocese of London. For other cathedrals consecrated to Saint Paul, see Cathedral of Saint Paul (disambiguation).

St Paul's Cathedral is an Anglicancathedral on Ludgate Hill, the highest point in the City of LondonEngland, and is the seat of the Bishop of London. The present building dates from the 17th century and was designed by Sir Christopher Wren. It is generally reckoned to be London's fifth St Paul's Cathedral, all having been built on the same site since AD 604. The cathedral is one of London's most famous and most recognisable sights. At 365 feet (111m) high, it was the tallest building in London from 1710 to 1962, and its dome is also among the highest in the world.

Important services held at St. Paul's include the funerals of Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington and Sir Winston Churchill; Jubilee celebrations for Queen Victoria; peace services marking the end of the First and Second World Wars; the launch of the Festival of Britain and the thanksgiving services for both the Golden Jubilee and 80th Birthday of Her Majesty the Queen. The Royal Family holds most of its important marriages, christenings and funerals at Westminster Abbey, but St Paul's was used for the marriage of Charles, Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer. The religious service forQueen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee was also celebrated there. St Paul's Cathedral is still a busy working church, with hourly prayer and daily services.


The English Language

(Английский язык)

1. The English language is one of the humanitarian subjects at the college alongside with the Russian, Mathematics, History, and Informatics and so on.

Why do people all over the world learn foreign languages? Perhaps because the world is getting smaller, in a way: nations are more closely linked with each other than ever before, companies operate world-wide, scientists of different nationalities co-operate, and tourists travel practically everywhere. The ability to communicate with people from other countries is getting more and more important. And learning foreign languages broadens your horizons, too!

a) Use the following words to describe the English language:






mother tongue



second language




means of communication

legislation законодательство

legal proceedings судопроизводство


literary литературный



common language просторечие

b) Say why you learn English at the college.

  1. Why study English?

Learning English is a must for a XXI century professional no matter what job to choose. One can not do well without one of the common European languages. I learn English because I want to read Kingsley Amis and James Joyce, Ernst Hemingway and Lewis Carroll in their native language. Besides, I like to travel. Speaking English I shall have no troubles looking for a room or a meal anywhere in the world. I like to talk and make friends with people from different countries.

Last autumn I became a member of the Student Pen-Pal Club and now I have much fun writing letters to my Swiss and American pen-friends. I hope, some day we shall meet each other and have a good time. There are also international friendship camps both in Russia and abroad where you can meet boys and girls from any country of the world. They rarely can speak Russian which is much more difficult to learn than English.

In a word, I understand that I have to learn English hard and in a proper way

2. Answer the following questions:

1) What subjects do you learn at the college?

2) What is your favourite subject?

3) What do you know about the English language?

4) Is it important (necessary) to learn English nowadays? Why?

5) Why do people all over the world learn foreign languages?

6) What kind of language is Russian?

Home Reading

3. Now learn some interesting facts about English. Do it in groups and then share the information with the others.

Q1. How many people speak English worldwide?

English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. Recent estimates suggest that over 337 million people speak English as their first language, with possibly some 350 million speaking it as a second language. America has the largest number of English speakers - over 226 million speak the language as a mother tongue. English is an official language in India, alongside Hindi, and some 3,000 English newspapers are published throughout the country. English is also the favoured (предпочитаемый)language of the world’s major airlines and international commerce. Over 80 percent of the world’s electronically stored information is in English and two-thirds of the world’s scientists read in English. English is an official language, or has a special status in over 75 of the world’s territories.

Q2. In what countries do people speak English?

There are English –speaking countries: Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. They also speak English in India ( the official language), Nigeria, Sweeden, Denmark If the rest of the world isn’t talking English, they’re borrowing English words to add to their own language: the Japanese go on a "pikunikku" (picnic), Italians program their computers with "il software", Germans talk about "ein Image Problem" and "das Cashflow" and Czechs say "ahoy!" for "hello" - a greeting traditionally used by English sailors, which is interesting as there’s no sea in the Czech Republic!

Q3. Why are many English words pronounced differently from the way they are spelt?

The problems with the English spelling system came about as the language developed over a period of 1,000 years. Some complications arose when the Romans tried to write down Old English using the 23 letter Latin alphabet. Old English contained nearly 40 vowels and consonants. The influence of French after the Norman Conquest also made an impact on English spelling. French scribes introduced "qu" where Old English had used "cw" e.g. queen, and "gh" instead of "h" e.g. night, amongst other changes.

With the introduction of the printing press in 1476 a standard spelling system emerged. And the pronunciation of vowels continued to change during the 15th century, but because of the advent of the printing press, spelling never caught up. Thus modern spelling in many ways reflects outmoded pronunciation of words dating back to the Middle Ages.

  1. Check your knowledge and do a test:

1. The English language is …

a) the native language of most British people;

b) the international language of South Africa, AUSTRALIA AND New Zealand;

c) the mother tongue of American, Canadian and some Indian people.

2. English is the mother tongue of:

a) 337 million people;

b) 350 million people;

c) 3000 English people.

3. Great Britain, the USA, Australia, Canada and …. are English-speaking countries.

a) India;

b) Africa;

c) New Zealand.

4. The Japanese people borrowed from English the word:

a) software;

b) cash flow;

c) picnic;

5. One of the reasons why many English words are pronounced differently from the way they are spelt is:

a) the influence of French;

b) the influence of Latin;

c) the changes in spelling system.

6. For you English is … language.

a)the first;

b)the second;

c)the foreign.

7. At the college you study English in order to …

a) use it professionally;

b) broaden your horizons;

c) just for fun.

8. Cockney is …

a) the literary language of old English books;

b) the dialect of many London’s workers;

c) the jargon of English students.

9. The English language came from

a) Old English language;

b) Proto-Germanic language;

c) Proto-European language.

10. English is …. subject at the college where you study.

a) special

b) academic

c) humanitarian


1) Камминг Дж. Англйский язык для студентов архитектурных и строительных специальностей: Учеб./Джеймс Камминг; - М.:ООО»Издательство Астрель», 2004.

2) Томахин Г.Д. По странам изучаемого языка: Англ.яз.: Справ. Материалы. – 2-е изд., испр. – М.: Просвещение, 1998.

3) Радовель В.А. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы: грамматика, устные темы, диалоги: учебное пособие/В.А. Радовель. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2008

4) Маслыко Е.А. Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка. – Издательство «Вышэйшая школа», 1997

5) Gillie Cunningham, Sue Mohamed. Language to go. Pre-Intermediate: Student’s Book – Pearson, Longman – 128.

6) «Wikihow» Форма доступа: http: //wwwwikihow.com/Main page

Предварительный просмотр:

Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Чувашской Республики  «Алатырский технологический колледж» Министерства образования и молодежной политики Чувашской Республики

Учебное пособие

По учебной дисциплине


Для аудиторной и внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы

студентов 2, 3, 4 курсов

для специальности:

08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений

                                                                                  Составитель: Михалькова Т.Л.

Алатырь 2019 г.

Рассмотрено на заседании ПЦК                                              
общих гуманитарных и социально-экономических
Протокол от  _________№
Председатель комиссии
                / Ермолаева Е.А. /              


Учебное пособие составила: Михалькова Т.Л., преподаватель английского языка высшей  категории.  

Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов очного отделения
для специальности:

08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений

В учебном пособии разработаны различные виды заданий  для аудиторной и внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы, даны указания по их выполнению.


В современных условиях часто требуется точный перевод тех или иных технических терминов. Учебное пособие представляет собой русско-английский и англо-русский терминологический словарь, содержит термины и понятия, представляющие непосредственный интерес для каждого, кто сталкивается с англоязычной терминологией специалиста по строительству и эксплуатации зданий и сооружений.

Основной целью данного словаря является подготовка обучающихся к чтению профессиональной литературы, совершенствование навыков устной речи и пополнение лексического запаса в сфере строительства и эксплуатации зданий и сооружений.

Терминологический словарь с англоязычной терминологией специалиста по строительству и эксплуатации зданий и сооружений разработан для формирования мотивации учебно-познавательной деятельности, общих и профессиональных компетенций, успешного развития творческих способностей, творческого мышления, коммуникативных способностей обучающихся.

Словарь содержит английские термины, используемые в терминологии техников по специальности 08.02.01Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений, при выполнении технологических процессов при строительстве, эксплуатации и реконструкции строительных объектов. Эти термины охватывают такие области, как проектирование зданий и сооружений, организации технологических процессов при строительстве, эксплуатации и реконструкции строительных объектов.

Данный словарь был разработан для обучающихся по специальности 08.02.01Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений.
Словарь состоит из двух частей: русско-английский словарь и англо-русский словарь. Каждая из этих частей содержит более 180 слов, которые употребляются в работе специалиста по строительству и эксплуатации зданий и сооружений. Термины, являющиеся ведущими, расположены в алфавитном порядке. Словарь содержит значения терминов на русском языке.

Русский алфавит

English alphabet

А а

З з

П п

Ч ч





Б б

И и

Р р

Ш ш





В в

Й й

С с

Щ щ





Г г

К к

Т т

Ъ ъ





Д д

Л л

У у

Ы ы





Е е

М м

Ф ф

Ь ь





Ё ё

Н н

Х х

Э э





Ж ж

О о

Ц ц

Ю ю








Я я






1. Русско-английский терминологический словарь (с русским комментарием)

Начальная буква

Терминология на русском языке

Терминология на английском языке

Значения терминов на русском языке




Передний, первый зал.



Способность вещества (материала) прилипать (приклеиваться) к поверхности другого вещества (материала)


Aqueduct bridge

Сооружение в виде каменного или бетонного моста, служащего для перевода водопроводных труб через овраги, ущелья, долины рек, железные и шоссейные дороги.


Foundation bolt

Крепежная деталь, предназначенная для соединения различных строительных изделий и конструкций, а также крепления оборудования.



Каменная или керамическая фигурная черепица, расположенная по карнизу кровли.



Вещество, являющееся токсичным по отношению к дереворазрушающим грибам, микроорганизмам и насекомым.


Attic storey

Верхняя часть помещения, разделенная на два полуэтажа.



Криволинейное перекрытие проемов в стене или пролетов между опорами, например между колоннами или устоями.


Steel reinforcement

Совокупность сваренных или связанных стальных стержней, заливаемых бетоном.


Бак расширительный

Filling chest

Емкость, находящаяся в системе водяного отопления, предназначенная для приема избытка воды, возникающего при её нагревании.



Сплошной или составной стержень, применяемый для перекрытия помещений.



Выступающая площадка на фасаде здания, огражденная перилами.



Сквозное ограждение в виде перил, балконов, галерей, лестниц, крыш.


Stair post

Небольшой фигурный столбик, поддерживающий перила балконов, лестниц, крыш.


Above stairs

Второй, главный (обычно с более высокими комнатами) этаж здания.



Смесь гравия, щебня, гальки с раствором цемента, приобретающая после высыхания большую твердость.


Building block

Камень больших размеров, изготовленный из природных или искусственных строительных материалов.


Decorative border

Полоска, обрамляющая края, кайма; украшение по краям какого-либо предмета



Группа ровно подстриженных в виде стенок или геометрических фигур кустарников или деревьев



Легкая загородная постройка с верандами.


Вантовые конструкции


Конструкции, основанные на сочетании растяжения специальных стержней (канатов, кабелей) и жестких опор и креплений (висячие мосты)


Cable, stay

Растяжки для крепления высоких металлических труб, радиомачт, башен ветродвигателей и т.д.



естественный или искусственный регулируемый воздухообмен в помещениях (замкнутых пространствах), обеспечивающий создание воздушной среды в соответствии с санитарно-гигиеническими и технологическими требованиями.



Пристроенная к дому открытая или застекленная галерея с крышей.


Entrance hall

Большая передняя, прихожая общественного здания.


Pipe bridge

Сооружение мостового типа, предназначенное для преодоления неводных преград – ущелий, оврагов, дорог, железнодорожных путей и т.п.



Крепежное изделие для соединения деталей, с внутренней резьбой и без нее.

Висячие сады

Terraced garden, Hanging garden

Искусственные декоративные и плодовые сады, устраиваемые ярусами на искусственных террасах или крышах.


Stained-glass window

Набор вставленных в оконный проем цветных стекол, составляющих орнаментальный узор или изображение.

Влажность (воздуха)

Humidity, water content

Величина, показывающая относительное (реже абсолютное) содержание влаги в материале, определенное по отношению к массе сухого материала и выраженная в процентах.



Свойство материала не пропускать воду под давлением.


Water disposal, water removal

Использование комплекса инженерных сооружений и оборудования с целью удаления сточных, ливневых и талых вод из населенных пунктов и промышленных объектов.

Воды грунтовые

Ground water aquifers

Подземные воды ближайшего к поверхности земли водоносного горизонта.


Air tube, air pipe

Трубопровод для перемещения воздуха в системах вентиляции, отопления и кондиционирования.


Octagonal base

Часть здания, имеющая восьмигранную форму, восьмигранный сруб.

Выносная плита


Простая или профилированная полка со значительным выносом, составляющая в некоторых ордерах главную часть карниза.

Выпуски (помочки)

Letting out, outfall ditch

В деревянном зодчестве концы бревен, выпущенные из сруба. Помочки поддерживают свесы кровель, галереи.




Обобщенный предельный контур архитектурного сооружения или его части, детали и т.п.



Площадка, засеянная с декоративной целью травой, обычно коротко и ровно подстригаемой.



Полуоткрытое светлое помещение, длина которого значительно превосходит ширину.

Генеральный план

General lay-out

Вид градостроительной документации, регулирующий градостроительную деятельность в городах и других поселениях, определяющий условия безопасности проживания населения, обеспечение необходимых санитарно-гигиенических и экологических требований, рациональное определение границ землепользований, зон жилой и промышленной застройки.

Гигиена жилой среды

Hygiene living environment

Отрасль гигиены, изучающая влияние окружающей среды на здоровье населения и разрабатывающая критерии оптимизации окружающей среды с точки зрения сохранения здоровья человека.


Water absorbency

Свойство капиллярно-пористого материала поглощать водяной пар из окружающей воздушной среды.

Гидроизоляция проникающая

Water proofing

Надежное обеспечение водопроницаемости бетонных и каменных конструкций путем инъекций специальных составов.


Sculptors plaster

Осадочная горная порода, состоящая в основном из двуводного ангидрида. Гипс применяется при производстве штукатурного гипса, гипсового цемента.


Plaster slab

Представляет собой лист, состоящий из двух слоев строительной бумаги (картона) и гипсового сердечника. Из общей массы листа примерно 93 % приходится на двуводный гипс, 6 % - на картон, 1% массы образован за счет влаги, крахмала и органического поверхностно-активного вещества.

Глубина промерзания

Frost depth

Глубина, на которую в зимний период промерзает грунт.



Парадная, “чистая” комната, расположенная на втором этаже русской избы. Обычно она летняя, неотапливаемая.


City, town

Один из видов социальной и пространственной организации населения, возникающий и развивающийся на основе объединения промышленных, научных, культурных, административных функций. Как правило, численность населения в городах превышает 10 тысяч, преобладающее большинство его занято в отраслях, не связанных с сельским хозяйством.



Исторически возникший метод децентрализованного развития крупных городов, способствующий выводу из больших городов нежелательных для них отраслей промышленности и избыточного населения и замедляющий рост мегаполисов.

Городская агломерация

Urban conglomerates

Территориально-экономическая интеграция плотно расположенных и функционально связанных городов и других поселений, различных по величине и народнохозяйственному профилю.

Городская земельная политика

Town land policy

Деятельность городской администрации по распоряжению городской территорией в соответствии с различной градостроительной ценностью земель для достижения условий комфортного проживания, производственной деятельности и социокультурного развития для максимального развития возможного большинства городских жителей.

Городской климат

City climate

Климат, формирующийся вследствие изменения природной среды городской застройкой, промышленностью, транспортом, городским населением.

Городской ландшафт

City landscape

Динамическая функционально-пространственная система культурных комплексов, включающих природные компоненты и градостроительную среду.


Burning quality

Способность материала гореть (под воздействием высоких температур и открытого пламени).

Градостроительная документация

Urban planning documentation

Документация , определяющая градостроительное развитие территории, регламенты градостроительной деятельности, социально-экономическое и градостроительное обоснование размещения объектов, их основные технико-экономические показатели и функциональные назначения (Генплан города, градостроительный план развития административного округа и района, схема размещения отраслевого строительства, проект планировки территории, градостроительное обоснование размещения объекта)




Часть целого, подробность, частность. Часть сооружения, отдельный элемент.

Дом гостиничного типа

Apartment hotel

Жилой дом для одиноких и молосемейных жителей, состоящий из квартир небольших размеров с хорошо развитым блоком обслуживания, размещенным на нижних этажах или в отдельном здании, соединенным с жилым домом.


Drainage system, delf

Система траншей, борозд, труб, колодцев, предназначенная для естественного либо искусственного удаления воды с поверхности земли либо подземных вод для улучшения строительства зданий и сооружений.


Wooden plug

Специализированное крепежное изделие, предназначенное для монтажа и соединения различных конструкций.



Steel concrete


Искусственный строительный материал, состоящий из стального арматурного каркаса залитого бетоном и конструктивно объединяющий свойства стали и бетона. При этом арматура работает на растяжение, а бетон – на сжатие.

Жилой дом

Domestic building

Здание, предназначенное для постоянного проживания людей, структурно состоит из одной или множества жилых ячеек-квартир.



Building owner

Физическое или юридическое лицо или орган государственной исполнительной власти, получившее в установленном порядке земельный участок под строительство или реконструкцию комплекса недвижимого имущества.


Acoustic isolation

Способность конструкции снижать уровень шума.

Зеленое строительство

Green construction

Система плановых мероприятий по созданию, сохранению и увеличению зеленых насаждений в городах и поселках городского типа.

Зеленый массив


Самая крупна единица паркового ландшафта. Оптимальная ширина, обеспечивающая изоляцию, составляет 100-150 м.

Золотое сечение

Golden ratio (proportion)

Издревле используется при нахождении максимально уравновешенных пропорций между архитектурными частями зданий или частями архитектурных сооружений. Принцип Золотого сечения заключается в следующем:

Деление целого на две неравные части пропорционально в том случае, когда меньшая часть “минор” (примерно 38%) , относится к большей части.




Свойство материалов сопротивляться одновременному воздействию истирания и удара.



Горизонтальная тяга в виде карниза, отделяющая арку от поддерживающего столба или стены.



Украшение предмета, сделанного из одного материала, путем врезания в его поверхность фигурных кусков из других материалов, образующих рисунок, не выступающий над поверхностью.



Архитектура внутренних помещений здания


Кабельная шахта

Cable chamber

Вертикальное кабельное сооружение, у которого высота в несколько раз больше стороны сечения, снабженное скобами или лестницей для передвижения людей.


Fire place, open fire

Открытая комнатная печь с прямым дымоходом, согревающая комнаты непосредственно пламенем горящего в ней топлива.



Вертикальные желобки на стволах колонн, пилонов или пилястров.

Капитальное строительство

Capital construction

Строительство любых объектов, для возведения которых требуется проведение земляных и строительно-монтажных работ по устройству заглубленных фундаментов, возведению несущих и ограждающих конструкций, подводке инженерных коммуникаций.

Капитальный ремонт

Capital repair

Комплекс значительных работ по улучшению состояния зданий и сооружений, инженерных коммуникаций, техники и оборудования.


Drop apron

Выступающий вперед пояс, венчающий наружные стены здания, предназначен для защиты стен от дождя.


Glazed tile

Изразец, тонкая плитка из обожженной глины, покрытая с наружной стороны глазурью. Кафель служит для облицовки печей, стен и полов.



Тесаный камень, имеющий призматическую форму.



Конструкция, выполненная из отдельных стеновых камней, швы между которыми заполняются кладочными растворами.

Класс здания

Class of building

Категория, определяющая значимость, архитектурную ценность, функциональную сложность здания, его градостроительное и социальное значение.



Цвет краски, ее тон и густота.



Элемент зданий или отдельно стоящее столбовидное сооружение.



Совокупность бытовых удобств.


Ridge of a roof

Верхнее горизонтальное ребро крыши.

Конструктивная схема здания

Structural diagram of the building

Понятие, характеризующее тип несущего остова здания.



Строение, устройство, построение, план, взаимное расположение частей (сооружения, проекта и т.п.).



Наклонно размещенная балка, перекинутая между площадками лестницы, на которую, в свою очередь, укладываются лестничные ступени.



Небольшой загородный жилой дом.

Красная линия

Red line

Граница, определяющая линию застройки улицы или площади поселения.

Креповка (раскреповка)

Pilaster side

Небольшой выступ стены, карниза.


Roof coating

Верхняя оболочка крыши, состоящая из водонепроницаемого так называемого водоизоляционного ковра и основания в виде обрешетки, настила или сплошных плит, укладываемых по стропилам и балкам крыши.



Деталь или конструкция в виде консоли, выпушенная из стены, служит для какого – либо выступа.



Свод, образуемый путем вращения кривой (дуги, окружности) вокруг вертикальной оси.



Laminated flooring

Слоистый пластик на основе ПВХ смолы. Наносится на поверхность ДСП под давлением, имитирует текстуру природного камня и древесных пород.

Лапа (в лапу)


Вырубка бревен по углам без остатка, то есть без выпущенных концов бревен.

Лекальный кирпич

Radius brick

Кирпич, имеющий в плане форму сектора, круга или какую-либо иную форму, ограниченную отрезками прямой и окружности.


Shingle for roofing

Деревянная черепица, употребляющаяся для покрытия глав, шеек, кокошников и других частей церковных верхов.



Конструктивный элемент, соединяющий этажи здания.



Рулонный полимерный материал для покрытия полов.



Чердачное окно.



Отверстие в стене под распалубкой свода.



Main line, Priority road

Всякая главная линия по отношению к отходящим от нее второстепенным линиям.


Architectural model

Модель чего–либо; предварительный образец, представляющий что-либо в уменьшенных размерах (например, макет здания).


Penthouse apartment

Надстройка над средней частью жилого дома.


Metal ware

Изделия различного назначения, изготовленные из стальной проволоки, катанки или ленты.


Neighborhood unit, micro-district

Структурно-планировочная единица членения территории, состоящая из жилых зданий и учреждений обслуживания.

Минеральная вата

Mineral wool

Теплоизоляционный материал


Venetian mosaic

Изображение, составленное из маленьких кусочков мрамора или смальты (цветного стекла).


Block sample

Цельная каменная глыба; целое сооружение или его часть, высеченное из одного куска камня.


Нагрузка на ландшафт

Landscape load

Мера антропогенно-техногенного воздействия на ландшафт.


Overstory, addition

Вид реконструкции зданий, осуществляемый путем устройства одного или нескольких дополнительных этажей над существующей частью постройки.



Обрамление дверного или оконного проема.




Покрытие из деревянных или иных планок, укрепляемое на стропилах и служащее, в свою очередь, для настила кровли.


Private residence, villa

Комфортабельный многокомнатный городской жилой дом, предназначенный для одной семьи.


Reveal, dip-slope

Элемент оконного проема, являющийся обрамлением окна внутри и снаружи помещения. Откосы закрывают швы между оконным блоком и проемом.


Drip, drop apron

Элемент оконной конструкции, предназначенный для отвода от нее дождевой воды.

Отрицательные формы рельефа

Negative landform

Относительно пониженные участки поверхности суши или дна водоемов: долины, впадины, овраги, строительные котлованы.



Entry slip road

Пологий (около 15 градусов) подъем для въезда на верхнюю площадку крыльца.


Barrier wall

Ограждение балкона, кровли здания, моста, набережной.


Parquet, floor board

Материал в виде тонких строганных планок из твердых пород древесины, служащий для покрытия полов.



Внутренний двор жилого дома.



Сооружение, состоящее из установленных друг за другом арок с деревянной обрешеткой. Пергола используется для размещения на ней вьющихся декоративных растений.


Floor slab panel

Конструктивная часть сооружения, разделяющая его на этажи.


Industrial wood

Изготавливаются путем продольной распиловки пиловочных бревен.


Applied column

Прямоугольный плоский вертикальный выступ, повторяющий все части и пропорции колонны.

Планировка зданий

Architectural planning

Изображение в определенном масштабе его объемно-планировочной структуры в виде ортоганальной проекции его горизонтального сечения на плоскость.


Skirting-board, plinth


Профилированная деревянная или пластиковая рейка. Плинтус предназначен для прикрытия щелей между полом и стеной.



Архитектурно организованная, незастроенная часть территории населенного пункта, органично включенная в уличную сеть.


Portland cement

Гидравлическое вяжущее вещество, в составе, которого преобладают силикаты, алюминаты и алюмоферриты кальция. Получается при тонком измельчении клинкера и гипса.

Потенциал ландшафта

Landscape potential

Выраженные в количественных показателях ресурсы рассматриваемой территории, которые без ущерба для саморегуляции ландшафта могут быть использованы для удовлетворения потребностей людей (рекреационных, сельскохозяйственных, производственных)


Addition building

Вид реконструкции зданий, связанных с их укрупнением, заменой отдельных изношенных частей на новые или придания зданию новых функциональных особенностей.


Hammer beam

Балка в системе несущих конструкций здания. Прогон опирается на опорные части сооружения – стены, колонны, пилоны.


Project construction

Разработанные чертежи постройки.



Отверстие для окон, дверей в стенах или перегородках.


Bay, span

Расстояние между смежными опорами, перекрываемое балкой, плитой, аркой. Расчетный пролет – расстояние между осями опор.



Свойство материала сопротивляться разрушению под воздействием внутренних напряжений, вызванных внешними силами или другими факторами (неравномерное нагревание и т.п.)


Разрушение ландшафта

Destruction of landscape

Процесс нарушения природных экологических связей и целостности в системе ландшафтных компонентов. Происходит обычно в результате различных видов промышленной деятельности, а также других антропогенных воздействий.


Aspect, angle

Перспективное сокращение архитектурных форм, изображенных фигур и предметов.



Горизонтальна составляющая нагрузки, возникающая в конструкциях, работающих на распор (арках, сводах)


Paint stripper remover

Жидкости, служащие для придания составам необходимой консистенции.



Коренное переустройство; перестройка по новым принципам.



Выпуклое скульптурное изображение на плоскости.



Восстановление в первоначальном виде произведений изобразительных искусств и архитектуры, пострадавших от времени или испорченных, искаженных последующими переделками.



Повторяемость, чередование архитектурных элементов здания. Ритм задается расположением колонн, аркад, проемов, скульптур.


Rotunda, round house

Круглая в плане постройка (зал, беседка, павильон), окруженная колоннами и покрытая куполом.


Санитарно-защитная зона

Sanitary protection area

Зона пространства и растительности, специально выделенная между промышленными предприятиями и селительными районами в целях охраны здоровья людей.

Сброс сточных вод

Discharge of waters

Сброс в окружающую среду неочищенных вод промышленного и бытового происхождения.



Деревянный, металлический или железобетонный стержень, который заглубляют в основание зданий и сооружений. Сваи передают нагрузку от фундамента на плотные грунты.



Строительная конструкция криволинейной формы, служащая для перекрытия помещения.



Навес из камня, дерева или металла на колоннах или столбах.


Shade picture

Очертание, абрис предмета.



Горизонтальные бревна, брусья. На слеги настилается пол.


Head mold

Выносимая плита, основная часть карниза.



Архитектурно обработанная поверхность потолка.



Твердая смесь, состоящая из двух и более компонентов, из которых, по крайней мере, один является металлом.

Сплошной снос зданий

Colid core

Тотальное уничтожение существующих строительных объектов и в целом – следов некогда существовавшей застройки.



Столб, колонна, служащие опорой балкам, перекрытию и работающие на центральное и внецентральное сжатие.


Building site

Земельный участок, отведенный в соответствии с проектом в установленном порядке, для постоянного размещения объекта строительства, а также служб строительно-монтажных организации и с учетом временного отвода территории, определяемой по условиям производства работ.


Roof timber

Несущие конструкции скатной кровли.


Underlayment overlay

Основание под покрытие – слой пола, служащий для выравнивания поверхности нижележащего слоя пола или перекрытия, придания покрытию пола на перекрытии заданного уклона, укрытия различных трубопроводов.

Сухие смеси

Dry building mixes

Это сухие, рационально подобранные смеси вяжущего, заполнителя, наполнителей и специальными добавками. Материалы, предназначенные для приготовления строительных растворов, смесей для выравнивания бетонных полов, приклеивания строительных плиток, приготовления грунтовок, шпатлевок, штукатурок и затирок.




Свойство материала сопротивляться проникновению в него другого, более твердого тела.

Теплоизоляционные строительные материалы

Heat insulation material

Строительные материалы и изделия, изолирующие тепловые потоки. Предназначены для тепловой изоляции конструкций зданий и сооружений, а также различных промышленных установок, аппаратуры, трубопроводов, холодильников.



Внутреннее поле фронтона. Треугольный или полуциркульный участок над окном или дверью, выделенный рельефом.



Архитектурно-декоративная деталь в виде круга, диска.



Особый вид сводчатой конструкции, применяемый для перехода от квадратного основания к круглой или многоугольной его части.



Специальная дорожка для пешеходов из досок, асфальта по краям улицы.




Естественный исторический процесс увеличения доли городской культуры в культурном потенциале развивающегося общества.



Surface finish

Характер поверхности: ее шероховатость, гладкость и т.д.


Lamin board, construction veneer

Слоистый древесный материал, склеенный из нечетного числа листов лущеного шпона. Волокна шпона смежных слоев фанеры ориентированы взаимно перпендикулярно.



Лицевая сторона здания.



Боковая (или отдельно стоящая) пристройка к основному зданию.


Gable end , windscreen

Ограниченное по бокам скатами крыши, а снизу карнизом завершение фасада здания, как правило, треугольной формы.



Преимущественно подземная часть сооружения, служащая его опорой и передающая нагрузку на основание.




Большое помещение для чего-либо.




Вяжущий материал. При взаимодействии с водой или другими жидкостями образует пластичную массу, которая затвердевая, превращается в камнеподобное тело.


Sole plate

Нижняя часть наружной стены здания, расположенная непосредственно на фундаменте.



Attic floor

Как правило, неотапливаемое помещение, ограниченное крышей и верхним перекрытием здания.




Кровельный штучный материал


Четырехскатная крыша (вальмовая крыша)

Hip roof

Крыша с четырьмя скатами




Отделочный материал, получаемый путем смешения в определенной пропорции вяжущих веществ (цемент, известь, гипс), песка и воды.



Отделочный состав для выравнивания поверхностей перед окраской.



Broken stone

Куски камня размером 5-70 мм. Применяется в качестве заполнителя в бетоны, в дорожном строительстве и др.



Wiring system

Совокупность электрических проводов и кабелей с относящимися к ним креплениями и защитными конструкциями.




Один ряд над другим (этажей, лож, балконов).


2. Англо-русский терминологический словарь


Начальная буква

Терминология на английском языке

Терминология на русском языке


Above stairs


Acoustic isolation


Addition building




Air tube, air pipe








Apartment hotel

Дом гостиничного типа

Applied column


Aqueduct bridge




Architectural model


Architectural planning

Планировка зданий



Attic floor


Attic storey









Barrier wall






Block sample






Broken stone


Building block


Building owner


Building site




Burning quality



Cable chamber

Кабельная шахта

Cable, stay



Вантовые конструкции



Capital construction

Капитальное строительство

Capital repair

Капитальный ремонт











City climate

Городской климат

City landscape

Городской ландшафт

City, town


Class of building

Класс здания

Colid core

Сплошной снос зданий






Выносная плита






Decorative border


Destruction of landscape

Разрушение ландшафта





Discharge of waters

Сброс сточных вод



Domestic building

Жилой дом


Лапа ( в лапу)

Drainage system


Drip, drop apron


Drop apron


Dry building mixes

Сухие смеси




Entrance hall


Entry slip road







Filling chest

Бак расширительный

Fire place, open fire




Floor slab panel






Foundation bolt


Frost depth

Глубина промерзания




Gable end , windscreen




General lay-out

Генеральный план

Glazed tile


Golden ratio (proportion)

Золотое сечение

Ground water aquifers

Воды грунтовые

Green construction

Зеленое строительство




Hammer beam




Head mold


Heat insulation material

Теплоизоляционные строительные материалы

Hip roof

Четырехскатная крыша



Hygiene living environment

Гигиена жилой среды






Industrial wood








Laminated flooring




Landscape load

Нагрузка на ландшафт

Landscape potential

Потенциал ландшафта







Letting out, outfall ditch

Выпуски (помочки)








Main line, Priority road


Metal ware



Mineral wool

Минеральная вата


Negative landform

Отрицательные формы рельефа

Neighborhood unit, micro-district





Octagonal base


Overstory, addition



Paint stripper, remover




Parquet, floor board






Penthouse apartment






Pilaster side

Креповка (раскреповка)



Pipe bridge






Plaster slab




Portland cement


Private residence, villa


Project construction






Radius brick

Лекальный кирпич



Red line

Красная линия











Ridge of a roof


Roof coating


Roof timber


Rotunda, round house



Sanitary protection area

Санитарно-защитная зона



Sculptors plaster




Shade picture


Shingle for roofing


Skirting-board, plinth


Sole plate




Stained-glass window




Stair post


Steel concrete


Steel reinforcement


Structural diagram of the building

Конструктивная схема здания

Surface finish



Terraced garden, Hanging garden

Висячие сады









Town land policy

Городская земельная политика








Urban conglomerates

Городская агломерация

Urban planning documentation

Градостроительная документация




Venetian mosaic







Water absorbency


Water disposal, water removal


Water proofing




Wooden plug
