Контрольно-измерительные материалы

Кулашкина (Воротынцева) Регина Александровна

Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнение на аудирование по песне «Because of You»

Exercise.  Listen to the song “Because of You”

(by Kelly Clarkson) and fill in the gaps

with the words from the box.

ashamed of my life

in the middle of the night

stray (3)


so much misery

that far

to start with

the same mistakes

to trust (2)

the way you did

on the safe side (3)

point it out

I heard you cry

to fake a smile

your pain

you should have known better

to let anyone else in

my hardest

Because of You  by Kelly Clarkson

I will not make 1)__________ that you did

I will not let myself cause my heart 2)___ ______

I will not break 3)___________, you fell so hard.

I’ve learned the hard way to never let it get 4)__________.

Because of you

I’ll never 5)__________ too far from the sidewalk

Because of you

I learned to play 6)_________

So I don’t get hurt

Because of you

I find it hard 7)__________

Not only me, but everyone around me

Because of you

I am afraid.

I loose my way and it’s not too long before you 8)__________

I cannot 9)__________ because I know that’s weakness in your eyes.

I’m forced 10)__________, a laugh everyday of my life.

My heart can’t possibly break when it wasn’t even whole 11)__________.

Because of you

I’ll never 12)__________ too far from the sidewalk

Because of you

I learned to play 13)_________

So I don’t get hurt

Because of you

I find it hard 14)__________

Not only me, but everyone around me

Because of you

I am afraid.

I watched you die, 15)__________ every night in your sleep

I was so young, 16)__________ than to lean on me

You never thought of anyone else, you just saw 17)__________

And now I cry 18)__________ for the same damn thing.

Because of you

I’ll never 19)__________ too far from the sidewalk

Because of you

I learned to play 20)_________

So I don’t get hurt

Because of you

I tried 21)__________just to forget everything

Because of you

I don’t know how 22)__________

Because of you

I’m 23)__________because it’s empty

Because of you

I am afraid

Because of you

Because of you

Предварительный просмотр:

1)     the same mistake

 2)     so much misery

 3)     the way you did

 4)     that far

 5)     stray

 6)     on the safe side

 7)     to trust

 8)     point it out

 9)     cry

 10)   to fake a smile

 11)   to start with

 12)   stray

 13)   on the safe side

 14)   to trust

 15)   I heard you cry

 16)   you should have known better

 17)   your pain

 18)   in the middle of the night

 19)   stray

 20)   on the safe side

 21)   my hardest

 22)   to let anyone else in

 23)   ashamed of my life

Предварительный просмотр:

Билет 1.

Билет 1, вопрос 2

Read the text and speak on the problem mentioned in it. Support your opinion with arguments.


Some children can say that they have been happy at school. Some can't. Some children like the school the first day they come into the building. They enjoy their classrooms and lessons. They see friends in their teachers. Everything goes well with them. But others are not so happy. They suffer because they don't study well or because children don't want to make friends with them or because they look ugly. You know that appearance is very important.

Some children like big schools where they can hide from others. Some children like small schools where everyone knows everyone. Some feel comfortable in a city school, some feel at ease in a country school, may be not so well-equipped but with very friendly staff. Some children like when the primary school and high school are under the same roof so older children can mix with younger ones. Others prefer "babies" not to be in the way.

For some children it is extremely important to get a very good education as they are going to enter a university. The most valuable quality in teachers and schools for them is knowledge and possibility to study. Other children prefer kind and caring teachers. Many pupils nowadays think that computer labs are very important. Others think that relationships between children are more important. Altogether there are many factors which can make you happy or unhappy at school.

Our school has everything for the pupils. In our computer lab there are ten computers, and we can use them after lessons to prepare our papers and reports. The walls in my school are blue. I have read that this colour helps pupils concentrate. In every classroom you can see flowers and posters on the walls, nice curtains on the windows. All this makes our school beautiful.

But I love my school not only for the building. There are many good teachers in my school. They explain everything in detail so we understand the material. But if something is not clear, they are glad to answer our questions. Everyone likes our teacher of Russian, because she is very clever and learned. I think she knows everything in the world. She is self-possessed and democratic. You can see that she cares about us. I am happy that I have studied at a school with such good teachers.

 My favourite school subjects are Russian and Russian Literature because I like the teacher, but also because it helps me understand our history. It is interesting to learn about our language, and how it changed. I also want to write correctly. But I'm not very good at physics and chemistry. It is difficult for me to memorize and use formulas.

Our teachers offer us many interesting activities: we stage plays in our school theatre, visit theatres together, make posters and wall newspapers. We also often go on excursions to many interesting places with our teacher of history, who is our form master. My friends and I have been to Novgorod, Ladoga, and Pushkinskye Gory this year.

My friends study at the same school. We go to school together. It is fun! Our class is very friendly. I usually invite all my classmates to my birthday parties. We help each other with difficult subjects and borrow books from each other. During the breaks we speak about everything in the world and share all our secrets. It is great to have so many friends.

That is why I can say that I have been happy at school.

Слова и выражения.

School rooms:

assembly hall - актовый зал

canteen - столовая

classroom - класс (комната, не путать с группой учеников - class)

cloakroom — гардероб

computer lab - компьютерный класс

gym - физкультурный зал

headmaster's office - кабинет директора

library - библиотека

medical room - медпункт

physics/biology/chemistry lab - кабинет физики/биологии/химии

teachers 'room - учительская

workshops - мастерские

School staff: director of studies - завуч

form master - классный руководитель

headmaster - директор

librarian - библиотекарь

nurse — медсестра

security guard - охранник

teacher of..- учитель ...

School subjects: Algebra - алгебра

Arts Education - MXK

Biology - биология

Chemistry - химия

Economics - экономика

English - английский язык

English Literature - английская литература

Geography - география

Geometry – геометрия

History - история

Math(matic)s - математика

Physics - физика

PT (physical Trainina) /PE (Physkcal Education) - физкультура

Russian - русский язык

Russian Literature - литература

Social Studies - обществоведение

Out-of-class activities: choir - хор

club (English club) - кружок (кружок английского языка)

drama club — драматический кружок

go hiking - ходить в поход(ы)

go on an excursion to - ездить на экскурсию в...

international friendship club — КИД

orchestra - оркестр                    

school theatre - школьный театр

student exchange - обмен студентами

trip to... - путешествие в...

How you study:

I am good at English (Russian) - я хорошо занимаюсь по английскому языку (русскому языку)

I like to read books in English (make experiments) - я люблю читать книги на английском языке (ставить эксперименты)

I am not good at maths (geography) - я не очень хорошо занимаюсь по математике (географии)

I always fail to memorize dates (to retell texts/ - мне никогда не.удается запомнить даты (пересказать тексты)

It is difficult for me to memorize and use formulas - мне трудно запоминать и использовать формулы

I am bad at PT (physical training) - у меня плохая успеваемость по физкультуре

Additional words and expressions:

academic year - учебный год

cheat - списывать, пользоваться шпаргалками

class - класс (группа учащихся),

classroom - класс (классная комната),

form (grade - Am. E.) - класс (год обучения -I'm in the 9lh form/grade).

classmate - одноклассник

curriculum - программа (обучения)

exam - экзамен, take an examination in (maths) - сдавать экзамен по (математике),

fail an exam(ination) — провалить экзамен,

pass an \ exam(ination) - сдать экзамен

give lessons - давать уроки

marks (grades - Am.E.) - отметки,

give marks - оценивать,

put marks - выставлять отметки,

get marks - получать отметки,

good/ bad marks - хорошие/плохие отметки,

marks in Maths - отметки по математике

pilot school/textbook - экспериментальная школа/ учебник

prompt - подсказывать/подсказка

school — школа (в различных значениях)

enter school - поступать в школу

finish school - окончить школу

graduate from university -окончить университет

leave school - бросать школу

secondary (high) school - средняя школа

at school - в школе,

miss school - прогуливать школу

term - семестр, четверть

test - тест, контрольная работа

Вопросы, которые могут задать

  1. What kind of school did you go to?
  • I went to a school specializing in English (Maths, etc.) I went to a secondary school of general education. I went to a comprehensive school.
  1. What equipment does your school have?
  • My school has a computer lab with ten computers, several tape players, TV sets and VCRs (Video Cassette Recorder).
  1. How many floors are there in your school?
  • There are ...floors in my school.
  1. What are your favourite subjects? Why?
  • My favourite subjects are Russian and English. I like English because we do a lot of interesting things there - we learn, read and talk. I like Russian because our teacher Inna Valentinovna is a very kind and learned person.
  1. What subjects do you dislike? Why?
  • I hate PT lessons, because I'm not very strong and I can't do exercises well.
  1. How many lessons did you usually have?
  • Every day we had six or seven lessons, but I came home late on Friday because we had meetings of our English club that day.
  1. Were your classmates friendly?
  • Yes, we have all been friends since primary school and we live in the same part of the town/city.
  • Yes, though we met only (two) years ago. No, not all. But I had some friends at school. Did you like your school? Yes, very much. / Yes, rather. / Not much.
  1. Did you change schools?  - Yes, I did. / No, I did not.
  2. Was there a strict discipline in your school? - Yes, there was. / No, there wasn't.
  3. What exams did you take at school?
  • I took exams in...

Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнение на развитие навыков чтения

(по сказке “Little Red Riding Hood” на английском языке)

Exercise. Read the words and phrases from the fairytale “Little Red Riding Hood” and think in which context they might be used. Then read the text below and fill in the blanks with the missing words and phrases from the table.

Упражнение. Прочитайте слова и фразы из сказки “Little Red Riding Hood” и подумайте, в каком контексте их можно было бы употребить. После этого прочитайте текст сказки и заполните пропуски словами из таблицы.

ran from the path into the forest to gather flowers

remember your manners

saw the hunter standing there with this big gun ready to fire.

sound asleep

stay on the path

who could not do enough for her

a delicious-looking little girl

a good half-hour

Grandmother, as long as I live I will never again leave a path in the woods, and from now on I will always do what mother says.

there’s plenty of time

to bring that all the way here just for me

was out of sight

went out and brought back three big stones which she put in the wolf’s stomach

what a ferocious beast he was

while you pick some flowers

had a long walk ahead of her

he had to get Little Red Riding Hood to stop for a while

hilled, popped her into his mouth and swallowed her whole

to get a nice bouquet of flowers

to shoot the wolf dead

two such good meals on the same day

under three big oak trees

Wakie, wakie, you nasty old wolf!

horribly big mouth

I can eat them both

After all, the flowers are for your grandmother

and a bottle of wine in it

arm, and her right

as if you were going to school

called out to her

don’t sound like yourself

for just a few minutes

go looking into every corner of the house

grandmother had her cake and wine and the hunter had caught his wolf

I don’t be late

I’ve never heard the old woman snoring so loudly

if I  may be so bold as to ask

lift the latch

Little Red Riding Hood’s head popped out, then her left

lost all track of time

made off for her grandmother’s house

might fall out on the ground

never having seen anything like him before

not to leave the path

on my way

pulled the bed covers up over his chin

pulled the curtain on the bed

put her night cap over his head

put the grandmother’s nighty on

stop and pick a few

stumble over a rock

take care of herself

than he sprang from the bed, grabbed the astonished

that fitted perfectly over the child’s head

that looked even prettier

Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time there was a little girl who was so sweet that everyone loved her, especially her grandmother 1)__________. She loved her so much. Once she gave the little girl a little a red cap with a hood 2)___________, and the little girl liked it so much that she wore it every time she went out.

After a while everyone for miles around began to call her “Little Red Riding Hood”.

One day the little girl’s mother 3)____________.

“Little Red Riding Hood! Little Red Riding Hood! Come here, I have something to give you”.

“What is it, Mother?”

“Here is a basket with some cake 4)___________for your grandmother. I want you to take it to her today, because she is sick and very weak and cannot 5)___________”.

“Yes, Mother.”

“Now I want you to leave right away, so it’s not too late when you come back home”.

“I promise to be home before dark”.

“Good. And be sure you 6)___________. Don’t wander around in the woods, or you might 7)___________ and drop the basket and the cake 8)___________and the bottle of wine would break and poor grandmother would have nothing.”

“That would be terrible. I’ll be careful, Mother, I promise.”

“And when you get to grandmother’s house, 9)____________ – be sure to say “good morning”. Don’t  10)_________ first.”

“I’ll be very polite, Mother, don’t worry.”

“Yes, dear, I am sure you will.”

“Bye, Mother.”

“Bye-bye, dear”.

Now Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother lived 11)___________ from the village, so Little Red Riding Hood 12)__________ through the woods.  When she had walked for fifteen minutes, she came upon a Big Black Wolf, but 13)___________ , she didn’t know 14)___________ and that he loved to eat pretty little girls when he was hungry.

“R-r-r… Good morning, little girl.”

“Good morning, sir.”

“What’s your name, if I may ask?”

“Little Red Riding Hood, sir.”

“And what brings you into the woods on such a fine morning?”

“Oh, I am 15) ___________ to visit my grandmother.”

“And what do you have  in the basket there,  16)____________?”

“Oh, that’s for Grandmother, some cake and a bottle of wine. Grandmother’s too sick and weak to take care of herself, so I am taking her something to eat and drink.”

“How sweet. And where does your grandmother live? Very far from here?”

“A good fifteen minutes, I should think. Her house is 17)___________. And there’s a pretty little hedge all around it. You can’t miss it.”

Now the wolf was growing very hungry, and he thought to himself: “M-m-m. What 18)__________, with a red riding hood, she is so nice and tender that she should taste much better than the old grandmother. I must be very cunning, though,  so 19)___________.”

“Do you mind if I walk along with you, dear, 20)__________?”

“Not at all, but we must hurry. 21) ___________, you know.”

So the wolf walked away with Little Red Riding Hood who had no idea how wicked the wolf really was. After a while the wolf got so hungry he decided to run ahead to the grandmother’s house and eat her first. But to give himself enough time 22)____________.

“Just a minute, Little Red Riding Hood, there’s no need to go so fast. Look at the beautiful flowers all around us. Why don’t you  23)___________ to take to your grandmother? I am sure they’d make her very happy.”

“They are very pretty, but…”

“You’re walking 24)__________. Stop for a while and listen to the birds singing in the trees 25)____________.”

“But my mother told me 26)____________.”

“It’s all right. Your grandmother’s house isn’t much farther. I am sure your mother wouldn’t mind. 27)___________, aren’t they?”

“Yes, that’s true. And it would make Grandmother very happy 28)__________. But mother told me to hurry, so I get home before it’s very late.”

“Don’t worry, it’s early yet, and 29)___________.”

“Yes, I suppose, you are right. Very well, then.”

So Little Red Riding hood forgot all about what her mother had said and 30)__________.

As soon as she had picked one, she saw another, a little farther away, 31) __________. In this way she wandered farther and farther from the path and 32)___________. The wolf waited and when Little Red Riding Hood 33)__________, he ran as fast as he could to the grandmother’s house and knocked on the door.

“Who’s there? Who’s there knocking at my door?”

“It’s me, Grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood, I’ve brought you some cake and a nice bottle of wine. Let me in.”

“You 34)__________, my dear, what’s wrong with your voice?

“I’ve got a cold, Grandmother, a terrible cold.”

“Oh, I see. Of course, dear. How nice to have come and see me. I am afraid, you’ll have to let yourself in, dear. I am too weak to come to the door. Just 35)___________, dear, and the door will open.”

The wolf opened the door and ran straight to the old woman’s bed and swallowed her whole.


“No! No! Don’t eat me, please!”

Then the wolf 36)____________and 37)____________to cover his ugly face as best he could. He lay back on the big pillows and 38)____________to cover him still more and waited for Little Red Riding Hood.

In the meantime Little Red Riding Hood had picked all the flowers she could carry and 39)_____________. When she arrived, she was surprised to see that the door was wide open.

“Grandmother, are you there?

“Yes, dear, I am right here in bed. Close the door and come in.”

Little Red Riding Hood had a strange feeling in her stomach that something was not quite right. But she did as the wolf said and entered the room.

“How nice to see you, my dear. What have you got there?”

“Some cake and wine, Grandmother.”

Little red Riding Hood walked slowly to the big bed and opened the curtain. The wolf 40)____________to try to hide himself a little better.

“Why, thank you, my dear. How nice of you 41)______________.”

“Grandmother, what big ears you have!”

“All the better to hear you with, my dear.”

“And, Grandmother, what big eyes you have!”

“All the better to see you with, my dear.”

“But, Grandmother, what big hands you have!”

“All the better to hold you with, my sweet.”

“And, Grandmother, what a 42)___________you have!”

“All the better to eat you with, sweetie pie!”

No sooner had the wolf said that 43)_____________.

“No, no, please! Help! Help!”


Now the wolf became very tired, because it wasn’t very often that he had 44)____________. So he crawled back into grandmother’s bed, pulled the covers up over his big bulging stomach and fell fast asleep.


After a short while a hunter walked past the house and heard the wolf’s loud snoring.


“That’s strange. 45)____________. I wonder if something could be wrong with her.”

The hunter went inside the house to see if the old woman needed help. He walked up to the bed and there, to his surprise, he found the wolf 46)___________.

“So, there you are, you old troublemaker, I’ve been looking all over for you. What have you done with the old woman?”


The wolf didn’t answer, of course, because he was in a deep sleep.

The hunter wanted 47)____________, but he decided against it, because he thought the grandmother might be inside him. Instead he took a large pair of scissors out of his bag and cut the sleeping wolf’s stomach open. After the first few cuts he saw a little patch of red. He cut a little further and 48)___________, and soon she was free.

“Oh, Mister Hunter, thank goodness you came to set us free. Cut further, please – Grandmother is still inside. It was so dark inside and I was so afraid.”

The hunter cut into the sleeping wolf some more and soon the grandmother popped out as well.

“Oh, heavens, what an awful place that was!”

While the grandmother explained to the hunter what had happened, Little Red Riding Hood 49)___________. And the grandmother sewed him up with her needle and thread just as if he were a big rag doll.

“Ha-ha-ha! There you are, mister Wolf. We want to see how far you get with those three big stones in your belly.”

And she slapped his face to make him wake up.

“50)_____________Let’s see you try to escape from the hunter now!”

“A-a-a! What are you doing? Stop, stop slapping me, will you, stop it!”

Finally the wolf opened his eyes and 51)_____________, Frightened to death, he jumped up to run away, but the stones were so heavy, he couldn’t move. Instead  he fell heavily to the floor and died on the spot.


The grandmother and the hunter were now very happy – 52)_____________. As for Little Red Riding Hood, she sat and thought and thought.

“What are you thinking so hard about, my child?”


“That’s a good girl. 54)___________.”