Система заданий для обучающихся (тесты, опросы, задания)

в помощь коллегам -  учителям английского языка


Файл словарный диктант 6-111.06 КБ
Файл словарный диктант 6-312.23 КБ
Файл проверочная работа 6-414.13 КБ
Файл словарный диктант 6-512.03 КБ
Файл словарный диктант 7-118.34 КБ
Файл словарный диктант 7-217.99 КБ
Файл словарный диктант 7-420.26 КБ
Файл словарный диктант 7-519.65 КБ
Файл словарный диктант 8-119.87 КБ
Файл словарный диктант 8-212.05 КБ
Файл словарный диктант 8-320.74 КБ
Файл проверочная работа 9-115.35 КБ
Файл словарный диктант 9-211.97 КБ
Файл задание к видео 111.01 КБ
Файл задание к видео 211.24 КБ
Файл шаблон About myself10.35 КБ
Файл шаблон My favourite film10.57 КБ
Файл шаблон My hobby10.37 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon шк.олимпиада АЯ 5 класс59 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon ключи шк.олимпиады АЯ 5 класс33 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon шк.олимпиада АЯ 6 класс55 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon ключи шк.олимпиады АЯ 6 класс32 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon шк.олимпиада АЯ 7 класс51.5 КБ
Файл ключи шк.олимпиады АЯ 7 класс11.83 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon шк.олимпиада АЯ 8 класс52.5 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon ключи шк.олимпиады АЯ 8 класс31 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon шк.олимпиада АЯ 9 класс48 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon ключи шк.олимпиады АЯ 9 класс34.5 КБ
PDF icon демо-версия ВПР по АЯ 7 класс270.93 КБ
Файл упражнения To be27.43 КБ
Файл упражнения Согласование времен17.81 КБ
Файл упражнения Мн.ч.существительных21.47 КБ
Файл упражнения Пассивный залог16.6 КБ
Файл упражнения Модальные глаголы23.46 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


Translate the words

1 to appear

2 to defend

3 to rebuild

4 fast

5 fairly

6 wooden

7 famous

8 building

9 builder

10 architect

11 cathedral

12 castle

13 palace

14 monument

15 statue


Translate the words

1 to appear

2 to defend

3 to rebuild

4 fast

5 fairly

6 wooden

7 famous

8 building

9 builder

10 architect

11 cathedral

12 castle

13 palace

14 monument

15 statue


Translate the words

1 to appear

2 to defend

3 to rebuild

4 fast

5 fairly

6 wooden

7 famous

8 building

9 builder

10 architect

11 cathedral

12 castle

13 palace

14 monument

15 statue

Предварительный просмотр:


1 Special                7 Подарок

2 Greeting                8 Деньги

3 Celebrate                9 Реальный

4 Shout                        10 Украшать

5 Prepare                 11 Верить

6 Treat                        12 Открытка


1 Special                7 Подарок

2 Greeting                8 Деньги

3 Celebrate                9 Реальный

4 Shout                        10 Украшать

5 Prepare                 11 Верить

6 Treat                        12 Открытка


1 Special                7 Подарок

2 Greeting                8 Деньги

3 Celebrate                9 Реальный

4 Shout                        10 Украшать

5 Prepare                 11 Верить

6 Treat                        12 Открытка


1 Special                7 Подарок

2 Greeting                8 Деньги

3 Celebrate                9 Реальный

4 Shout                        10 Украшать

5 Prepare                 11 Верить

6 Treat                        12 Открытка


1 Special                7 Подарок

2 Greeting                8 Деньги

3 Celebrate                9 Реальный

4 Shout                        10 Украшать

5 Prepare                 11 Верить

6 Treat                        12 Открытка

Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Open the brackets.
    1. I (do)____ it when Sally (come) _________.
    2. You (help)___ me if you (not, be) ________ busy .

3. After I (get) ________ some money , I (buy) ______ a new computer.
4. If it (snow) __________ tomorrow , we (go) ________ skiing.

  1. Translate the words

1 to remember

2 to discover

3 to arrive

4 voyage

5 fight

6 skyscraper

7 земля, суша

8 скалистый

9 штат

10 посетитель

11 побережье

12 плыть


  1. Open the brackets.
    1. I (do)____ it when Sally (come) _________.
    2. You (help)___ me if you (not, be) ________ busy .

3. After I (get) ________ some money , I (buy) ______ a new computer.
4. If it (snow) __________ tomorrow , we (go) ________ skiing.

  1. Translate the words

1 to remember

2 to discover

3 to arrive

4 voyage

5 fight

6 skyscraper

7 земля, суша

8 скалистый

9 штат

10 посетитель

11 побережье

12 плыть


  1. Open the brackets.
    1. I (do)____ it when Sally (come) _________.
    2. You (help)___ me if you (not, be) ________ busy .

3. After I (get) ________ some money , I (buy) ______ a new computer.
4. If it (snow) __________ tomorrow , we (go) ________ skiing.

  1. Translate the words

1 to remember

2 to discover

3 to arrive

4 voyage

5 fight

6 skyscraper

7 земля, суша

8 скалистый

9 штат

10 посетитель

11 побережье

12 плыть

Предварительный просмотр:

6 – 5

Translate the words:

1 above zero        11 шорты

2 below zero        12 рубашка

3 snowflake        13 юбка

4 degree                14 кроссовки

5 ground                15 брюки

6 neat                16 шарф

7 scruffy                17 плащ

8 fashionable        18 шуба

9 clothes                19 куртка

10 heavily        20 джинсы

6 – 5

Translate the words:

1 above zero        11 шорты

2 below zero        12 рубашка

3 snowflake        13 юбка

4 degree                14 кроссовки

5 ground                15 брюки

6 neat                16 шарф

7 scruffy                17 плащ

8 fashionable        18 шуба

9 clothes                19 куртка

10 heavily        20 джинсы

6 – 5

Translate the words:

1 above zero        11 шорты

2 below zero        12 рубашка

3 snowflake        13 юбка

4 degree                14 кроссовки

5 ground                15 брюки

6 neat                16 шарф

7 scruffy                17 плащ

8 fashionable        18 шуба

9 clothes                19 куртка

10 heavily        20 джинсы

Предварительный просмотр:


Translate the words

  1. Glue
  2. Scissors
  3. Paper
  4. Dictionary
  5. Uniform
  6. Term
  7. Subject
  8. Foreign
  9. Mark
  10. Mistake
  11. Education
  12. To be fond of
  13. Primary
  14. Secondary
  15. Higher

  1. Возраст
  2. Перемена
  3. Дневник
  4. Одноклассник
  5. Фломастер
  6. Пара
  7. Кусок
  8. Говорить
  9. Разговаривать
  10. Уговорить
  11. Отговорить
  12. Обсудить
  13. Дерзить
  14. Сказать правду
  15. Сказать неправду

Предварительный просмотр:


Translate the words:

1 follow

2 prefer

3 meeting

4 awful

5 borrow

6 sound

7 tongue

8 speech

9 никогда

10 когда-нибудь

11 уже

12 еще

13 только что

14 раздать

15 сдать

16 вернуть

17 передать


Translate the words:

1 follow

2 prefer

3 meeting

4 awful

5 borrow

6 sound

7 tongue

8 speech

9 никогда

10 когда-нибудь

11 уже

12 еще

13 только что

14 раздать

15 сдать

16 вернуть

17 передать

Предварительный просмотр:


1 butterfly                11 человекообразная обезьяна

2 nightingale        12 почва

3 scientific                13 близкий

4 species                14 общий

5 relative                15 человек

6 curious                16 кто-то

7 include                17 делать макияж

8 pigeon                18 придумывать

9 rainforest                19 быстро уйти

10 similar                20 разобраться в чем-то


1 butterfly                11 человекообразная обезьяна

2 nightingale        12 почва

3 scientific                13 близкий

4 species                14 общий

5 relative                15 человек

6 curious                16 кто-то

7 include                17 делать макияж

8 pigeon                18 придумывать

9 rainforest                19 быстро уйти

10 similar                20 разобраться в чем-то


1 butterfly                11 человекообразная обезьяна

2 nightingale        12 почва

3 scientific                13 близкий

4 species                14 общий

5 relative                15 человек

6 curious                16 кто-то

7 include                17 делать макияж

8 pigeon                18 придумывать

9 rainforest                19 быстро уйти

10 similar                20 разобраться в чем-то


1 butterfly                11 человекообразная обезьяна

2 nightingale        12 почва

3 scientific                13 близкий

4 species                14 общий

5 relative                15 человек

6 curious                16 кто-то

7 include                17 делать макияж

8 pigeon                18 придумывать

9 rainforest                19 быстро уйти

10 similar                20 разобраться в чем-то

Предварительный просмотр:


Translate the words

1 environment

2 behaviour

3 influence

4 disappear

5 recycle

6 survive

7 damage

8 pollution

9 waste

10 payment

11 extinct

12 endangered

13 спасать

14 защищать

15 природный

16 закон

17 свалка

18 сливать

19 записать

20 взлетать

21 заняться чем-либо

22 взять в толк

23 снимать (одежду)

24 голландский


Translate the words

1 environment

2 behaviour

3 influence

4 disappear

5 recycle

6 survive

7 damage

8 pollution

9 waste

10 payment

11 extinct

12 endangered

13 спасать

14 защищать

15 природный

16 закон

17 свалка

18 сливать

19 записать

20 взлетать

21 заняться чем-либо

22 взять в толк

23 снимать (одежду)

24 голландский

Предварительный просмотр:


Translate the words.

  1. Race
  2. Crew
  3. Honour
  4. Excited
  5. Advantage
  6. Spectator
  7. Equipment
  8. Событие
  9. Серебро
  10. Счет, забить гол
  11. Присоединиться
  12. Оказаться
  13. Закончиться чем-то
  14. Закончить чем-то


Translate the words.

  1. Race
  2. Crew
  3. Honour
  4. Excited
  5. Advantage
  6. Spectator
  7. Equipment
  8. Событие
  9. Серебро
  10. Счет, забить гол
  11. Присоединиться
  12. Оказаться
  13. Закончиться чем-то
  14. Закончить чем-то


Translate the words.

  1. Race
  2. Crew
  3. Honour
  4. Excited
  5. Advantage
  6. Spectator
  7. Equipment
  8. Событие
  9. Серебро
  10. Счет, забить гол
  11. Присоединиться
  12. Оказаться
  13. Закончиться чем-то
  14. Закончить чем-то

Предварительный просмотр:


Translate the words.

  1. Balcony
  2. Box
  3. Circle
  4. Connect
  5. Curtain
  6. Interval
  7. Orchestra pit
  8. Possible
  9. Scenery
  10. To introduce
  11. Похожий
  12. Театральная касса
  13. Сцена
  14. Партер
  15. Театрал
  16. Держать
  17. Ждать
  18. Протягивать
  19. Задерживать
  20. Держаться за что-то


Translate the words.

  1. Balcony
  2. Box
  3. Circle
  4. Connect
  5. Curtain
  6. Interval
  7. Orchestra pit
  8. Possible
  9. Scenery
  10. To introduce
  11. Похожий
  12. Театральная касса
  13. Сцена
  14. Партер
  15. Театрал
  16. Держать
  17. Ждать
  18. Протягивать
  19. Задерживать
  20. Держаться за что-то

Предварительный просмотр:


Translate the words.

  1. Attention
  2. Impression
  3. Imagination
  4. Priceless
  5. Moving
  6. Thrilling
  7. Silent
  8. Violent
  9. Sci-fi film
  10. Applaud
  11. Успешный фильм
  12. Провальный фильм
  13. Режиссер
  14. Мультфильм
  15. Экран
  16. Играть главную роль
  17. Встречаться
  18. Провожать
  19. Видеть насквозь
  20. Позаботиться


Translate the words.

  1. Attention
  2. Impression
  3. Imagination
  4. Priceless
  5. Moving
  6. Thrilling
  7. Silent
  8. Violent
  9. Sci-fi film
  10. Applaud
  11. Успешный фильм
  12. Провальный фильм
  13. Режиссер
  14. Мультфильм
  15. Экран
  16. Играть главную роль
  17. Встречаться
  18. Провожать
  19. Видеть насквозь
  20. Позаботиться

Предварительный просмотр:


1.Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. Alexander Pushkin’s first poem ( was written / written ) when he was fourteen.
  1. The letters (be sent / will be sent ) by post tomorrow.
  1. The translation (was finished / were finished ) two hours ago.
  1.  London ( visited / is visited ) by hundreds of tourists every year.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

  1. These trees (to plant) every autumn.
  2. Many interesting games always (to play) at our P.E. lessons.
  3. This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow.
  4. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday.

3. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. Хлеб едят… —Хлеб съели…  — Хлеб съедят…(eat)
  1. Розы выращивают… — Розы вырастили…  — Розы вырастят… (grow)
  1. Картину рисуют… — Картину нарисовали… — Картину нарисуют… (paint)

4.Переделайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

ОБРАЗЕЦ. Mother waters the flowers in the evening. — The flowers are watered in the evening (by Mother).

  1. Our mother tells us the stories every evening.
  1. A boy showed her the way.
  1. They will send us a box of fruit.

  1. Переведите слова









9.в интернете


Предварительный просмотр:


Translate the words

  1. Cheerful
  2. Occasion
  3. Print
  4. Publish
  5. Quality
  6. Source
  7. To be in two minds
  8. To change smb’s mind
  9. To come to one’s mind
  10. To be out of one’s mind
  11. Возражать
  12. Бормотать
  13. Толкать
  14. Тянуть
  15. Редкий
  16. Печатать
  17. Искать
  18. Заботиться
  19. Просматривать
  20. Ждать с нетерпением


Translate the words

  1. Cheerful
  2. Occasion
  3. Print
  4. Publish
  5. Quality
  6. Source
  7. To be in two minds
  8. To change smb’s mind
  9. To come to one’s mind
  10. To be out of one’s mind
  11. Возражать
  12. Бормотать
  13. Толкать
  14. Тянуть
  15. Редкий
  16. Печатать
  17. Искать
  18. Заботиться
  19. Просматривать
  20. Ждать с нетерпением

Предварительный просмотр:

A Letter From 1.

  1. What is the speaker’s name?
  2. Where is she from?
  3. Where does she live?
  4. How do they celebrate the New Year’s Day and Christmas in Australia?
  5. How do you celebrate the New Year’s Day and Christmas?

Предварительный просмотр:

A Letter From 2.

  1. What is the speaker’s name?
  2. Where is she from?
  3. Where does she live?
  4. What is her son’s hobby?
  5. What is her daughter’s hobby?
  6. What is her hobby?
  7. Tell about your hobby.

Предварительный просмотр:

Шаблон About myself

My name is ___

I am ___

I live in ___

I study in class ___

My favourite subject at school is ___

My hobby is ___

I have a pet. It is a ___

My family is___

I have ___

I love my family!

Предварительный просмотр:

Шаблон My favourite film

I’d like to tell you about my favourite film

It is a ___ film “_____” shot in __

The director of the film is ___

It is a ___

The main character is ___ performed by ___

He (she) is ____________

The plot is moving. ______________

I like this film because _______

I recommend you to watch it

Предварительный просмотр:

Шаблон My hobby

My name is ___

I am ___

I live in ___

I study in class ___

My hobby is ___

I like to ___ because it is ___It it ___

I started ___ing when I was ___

I have my classes  __ times a week

I take part in different competitions

I have diplomas and medals

Предварительный просмотр:

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников                                                                                                                Школьный этап                                                                                                                       Английский язык                                                                                                                                          5 класс

  1. Listening:  Прослушай текст и, выбрав правильный ответ из предложенных вариантов, продолжи предложения.
  1. She is … .

        A) a teacher B) a student C) a worker

  1. Her name is … .

        A) Jane B) Sue C) Penny

  1. She goes to school … .

        A) in London B) in a little town C) near London

  1. She lives … London .

        A) in B) near C) far from

  1. She lives with her parents and … .

        A) a sister B) two brothers C) a brother

  1. Her brother is … .

        A) four B) forty C) fourteen

  1. She has a … .

        A) dog B) dog and a cat C) cat

  1. She likes … .

A) playing football B) watching football on TV C) watching  TV

  1. … she goes to a football match.

        A) Sometimes B) Usually C) Once a week

  1. She … .

        A) likes sports very much B) doesn't like sports C) hates sports

  1. Reading: Прочитай текст и найди правильный ответ из предложенных А) True (верно) B) False (неверно) C) No Information (в тексте не сказано).

A bear is a large, heavy, strong animal with thick fur and a very short tail. There are several kinds of bears, black bears, polar bears, and grizzly bears. The brown bear lives in the forests and mountains of Northern America, Europe and Asia. Bears live alone; they never live in groups. Mother bear usually has from one to four baby bears. They are born in the winter and drink their mother’s milk. They live with their mother for one or two years. Bears often spend much of their winter sleeping. Before winter they eat a lot of food. Bears can be dangerous to people.

  1. A bear has small eyes.

        А) True B) False C) No Information

  1. Bears can be black.

        A) True B) False C) No Information

  1. Bears don’t live in Europe.

        A) True B) False C) No Information

  1. They live in groups.

        А) True B) False C) No Information

  1. Mother bear has more than five babies.

        А) True B) False C) No Information

  1. Baby bears are born in the winter.

        А) True B) False C) No Information

  1. Baby bears live with their father.

        А) True B) False C) No Information

  1. Baby bears hunt with their mother.

        А) True B) False C) No Information

  1. Bears eat a lot before winter.

        A) True B) False C) No Information

  1. Bears are never dangerous.

        A) True B) False C) No Information

  1. Use of English: Подумай и выполни задания на знаний лексики и грамматики английского языка.
  1. Выбери правильный вариант ответа

Last year he … to Moscow.        

        A) go          B) goes        C) went         D) did         E) will go

  1. Every day he … morning exercices.
  1. Do       B) does     C) will do       D) did
  1. Дополни предложение, выбрав одно из слов под соответствующей цифрой.

My mother’s sister is my _____________.

        А) uncle          B) sister        C) aunt        D) daughter                E) grandmother

  1. Установи соответствие между "цифрами" и "буквами"
  1. 55  
  2. 5
  3. 15
  4. 505
  5. 50

a) five        

b) fifty-five        

c) fifty

d) fifteen

e) five hundred and five

А) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-e, 5-c  

B) 4-b, 3-a, 2-d, 1-e, 5-c

C) 1-a, 2-c, 3-e, 4-b, 5-d

D) 1-с, 2-a, 3-d, 4-e, 5-b

E) 1-b, 2-е, 3-d, 4-a, 5-c

  1. Продолжи ряд числительных: first, second, third, fourth, ____

A) five;
B) fifth;
C) fifteen

  1. Заполни  пропуски нужными словами

… Dad … any brothers or sisters?

  1. Have Dad got
  2. Does Dad have
  3. Does Dad has
  1. Составь утвердительное предложение, расположив слова в нужном порядке.
  1. usually  2) for  3)  in  4) I  5) go  6)walk  7) evening  8) a  9) the

Найди обобщающее слово для каждой строки

weather,     season,   months,    sports,    family

  1. ____: rainy, sunny, warm, snowy, cloudy.
  2. ____: mum, grandma, dad, grandpa, brother.
  3. ____: volleyball, table tennis, hockey, football.
  4. ____: winter, spring, summer, autumn.
  5. ____: December, June, August, September.

  1. Cultural Awareness: Хорошо ли вы знаете страну изучаемого языка?  Выбери правильный ответ.
  1. The capital of Great Britain is …
    A) New York B) Washington    C)London
  2. Who climbs the chimney and puts presents into the stockings on the eve of Christmas in Britain?
    A)Father Frost  B)Santa Claus
  3. Madame Tussaud's is

A) a wax museum in London

B) a famous American cartoon family  

C) a British actor and producer

Предварительный просмотр:

Ключи    5 класс





























































Cм ниже














27     I usually go for a walk in the evening.

Предварительный просмотр:

I этап Всероссийской олимпиады школьников

по английскому языку


  1. Listening:  Прослушай текст и выбери правильный ответ из предложенных вариантов.
  1. How old is Mary?

        A) Forty B) Fourteen C) Twenty four

  1. What time is it?

        A) Twelve B) Ten C) One

  1. How many students are there in the class? … three.

        A) Twenty B) Thirty C) Forty

  1. The next bus to London is at … p.m.

        A) one B) two C) three

  1. She wants … biscuits.

        A) any B) one C) some

  1. Mr. Rossi is invited to go to the … desk.

        A) sports B) check-in C) information

  1. Flight AZ677 to Toronto is boarding at gate … .

        A) Eight B) Eighteen C) Five

  1. Passengers must go to the gate for … .

        A) control B) boarding C) information

  1. Kate has a broken … .

        A) foot B) arm C) leg

  1. The pupils … to study English.
  1. want B) wants C) don’t want

II Grammar.    Choose the correct answer. Выберите правильный ответ.

11.        My mother's father lives in Moscow. My        is my best friend.

a) dad    b) grandpa    c) granny

12. Mary has a very interesting        . She likes horse-riding.

a) secret    b) hobby    c) subject

13. I        my birthday with family and friends.

a) celebrate    b) invite    c) decorate

14. My birthday is        20 October.

a) at    b) in    c) on

15.         Russia it's usually cold        December.

a) in/at . b) in/in    c) in/on

16.        Edinburgh is the        of Scotland.

a) capital    b) city    c) museum

17.        — What's the weather        ?

a) —    b) doing    c) like

18.        We don't go to school on        .

a) Sunday   b) Monday    c) Friday

  1. It …snow in summer.
  1. don’t
  2.  doesn’t
  3.  isn’t
  1. … Dad … any brothers or sisters?
  1. Have Dad got
  2. Does Dad have
  3. Does Dad has

  1. Вставь пропущенное слово:

How … you today? – I’m fine thanks

  1. are
  2. am
  3. is
  4. оld
  5. am
  6. will
  1. Выбери необходимый глагол:

… you bring your dictionary?

  1. Can
  2. Are
  3. Is
  1. Выбери и вставь подходящее слово.
    My favourite sport  is …
  1. Music
  2. Football
  3. Reading
  4. Drawing

  1. Выбери и вставь правильный вариант.
    Terry drives too fast, …he?
  1. isn’t
  2. don’t
  3. didn’t
  4. doesn’t
  5. does
  1. Замените пропуски предлогами:

 I get up (A)… 7 o’clock. I jump (B)… my bed. I wash myself, I dress, then I have breakfast and I put my books (C)… my bag. I go (D)…school. I go there (E) … bus.

  1. at, into, out of, by, to
  2. to, at, into, out of, by
  3. at, out of, into, to, by
  4. by, out of, to, into, at
  5. at, by, out of, into, to

Cultural Awareness: Хорошо ли вы знаете страну изучаемого языка?  Выбери правильный ответ.

  1. What is the official name of the country whose language you study?
  1.  Great Britain
  2.  England
  3.  the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  1. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?
  1. four
  2. three
  3. two
  1. What is the capital of the UK?
  1. Cardiff
  2. Dublin
  3. London
  1. Which of these cities is not in Britain?
  1. New York
  2. London
  3. Oxford
  1. Which holiday is on the 25th of December?
  1. Christmas Day
  2. Halloween
  3. Easter

III Reading.           Read the text and say: Are these sentences true (T), false (F) or is there no information (Nl) in the text.

  1. In England spring starts in February.
  2. In England the grass is always green.        

33.The sea in England is always warm.        

  1. The English like to swim in the sea.
  2. Jessie likes Christmas trees.
  3. Jessie's favourite tree is the magnolia.
  4. In England there's usually a lot of snow on Christmas Day.
  5. English weather is quite warm.

   Hi, friends. My name's Jessie. I live in Suffolk. I think it's the sunniest county in England.

   Right now spring is nearly over. I like these long days. You can do so much. The sky is blue, the trees are green. The birds are singing. In England spring starts in February. I particularly like the early spring. There are flowers everywhere. The parks and gardens are so colourful, with white and yellow daffodils and red tulips.

   The grass is green all year round, but the trees have new leaves in March and April. My favourite tree is the magnolia. It has flowers before it has leaves. The big white flowers look so beautiful.

   Summer is sometimes really warm in Suffolk. It's very sunny and bright, rain is rare. My neighbours grow fantastic roses of all colours: red, pink, white, yellow and even blue!

   I love going to the seaside in summer. I take my shoes off and walk in the warm sand. Then I sit down with a book and enjoy the fresh sea air. In July we can even swim in the sea, but usually it's very cold.

   Autumn is a beautiful season, too, with the clear sky and red and yellow leaves. But I don't really like late autumn. The days are short and it often rains.

   In winter there's usually no snow, but sometimes we have a white Christmas. The temperature rarely goes below zero, but it can be quite cold with the strong wind and rain.

IV     Writing.         Write about your summer holidays. (7-9 Sentences)

Предварительный просмотр:

ANSWERS            6 класс

1— B 

11 — B



2 — A




3 — B 




4 — C 



34-Not Stated

5 — C 


25- С (A)at, B)out of, C)into, D)to, E) by)

35-Not Stated

6 — C




7 — B




8 — B


28- C

38-Not Stated

9 — C

19 — B

29 — A

10 — A

20 —  B

30 —A

Предварительный просмотр:

     I этап Всероссийской олимпиады школьников

по английскому языку


  1. Listening:  Прослушай текст и выбери правильный ответ из предложенных вариантов.
  1. How old is Mary?

        A) Forty B) Fourteen C) Twenty four

  1. What time is it?

        A) Twelve B) Ten C) One

  1. How many students are there in the class? … three.

        A) Twenty B) Thirty C) Forty

  1. The next bus to London is at … p.m.

        A) one B) two C) three

  1. She wants … biscuits.

        A) any B) one C) some

  1. Mr. Rossi is invited to go to the … desk.

        A) sports B) check-in C) information

  1. Flight AZ677 to Toronto is boarding at gate … .

        A) Eight B) Eighteen C) Five

  1. Passengers must go to the gate for … .

        A) control B) boarding C) information

  1. Kate has a broken … .

        A) foot B) arm C) leg

  1. The pupils … to study English.

        A) want B) wants C) don’t want

II Reading:                                           Intelligent Dogs

     Some gentlemen were sitting in a little restaurant in the country. They had their dogs with them, which were lying (лежали) quietly under the table. The gentlemen talked about their dogs, what was good and what was bad about them.

After some time the door opened, and an old lady came in with a dog. She sat down at the next table, ordered something to eat and listened to the gentlemen's conversation. When the gentlemen noticed this, they started to tell each other in loud voices how clever their dogs were.

One of them said, „You won't believe how intelligent my dog is. When I want eggs, I can send him to the supermarket and he'll get them. And he will only take fresh eggs. Isn't that clever?"

„That's nothing", said the other, „When I want cigarettes and send my dog to the supermarket, he'll only take the cigarettes I like best".

„Have you ever seen dogs as clever as ours?" one of the gentlemen asked the old lady.

„Oh yes, I have", she answered. „Just have a look at my dog here. He is the manager of the supermarket where your dogs go shopping".

  1. The old lady went into the restaurant because

  1. the door was open

  1. she wanted something to eat

  1. there were some dogs there

  1. The dog which bought the eggs in the supermarket

  1. didn't pay for the eggs

  1. broke the eggs

           c)didn't take old eggs

  1. What is true?

     a) The old lady's dog is a manager.

  1. The manager of the supermarket has a dog.

  1. The old lady is the manager of the supermarket.

  1. a) The old lady told a lie.

  1. The old lady knew the gentlemen were boasting.

  1. the old lady told the truth.

  1. Use of English. Read the text and fill in the gaps transforming capitalized words.

     Hi, friends! I’m Peter from Hungary. I (15)_________(GO)  to tell about autumn in my country. School (16) ___________(START) on the (17) _________(ONE) of September. (18) ___________(CHILD) are happy to see their friends again. It’s often (19)  __________(SUN) at the beginning of autumn. And it’s a rich season because (20) _________ (TREE) are full of fruit. But in October and in November it’s usually cold and (21)__________(WIND). It rains a lot. The (22) ________(LEAF) of the trees fall down. I don’t like rainy days.

     What about autumn in (23)  _______ (YOU) country?



  1. Writing.

Напишите небольшое сочинение  на предложенную тему. Обратите внимание на употребление прошедшего времени.

Write about your fist school day .

Предварительный просмотр:

                                                  7  Form


1— B 

11 — B


2 — A



3 — B 



4 — C 


5 — C 

15-am going

6 — C


7 — B


8 — B


9 — C

19 —sunny

10 — A

20 —  trees

Предварительный просмотр:

I этап Всероссийской олимпиады школьников

по английскому языку


  1. Listening.

Прослушайте текст и выполните задания.

  1. Выберите правильный вариант.
  1. What colour was the grass in the man’s dream?
  1. green       b) blue          c) orange
  1. What colour was the moon in his dream?
  1. purple          b) red          c) the colour of blood
  1. Was there anybody in the street?
  1. Yes, there was a girl.
  2. No, there were no people.
  3. Yes, there were a lot of people.
  1. Where did the man see many horses?    
  1. in the field       b) in the house         c) in the forest
  1. What colour was snow on the mountains?
  1. black             b) white                c) blue
  1. Who did the man see in the streets of the town?
  1. horses dressed in white
  2. people  dressed in red
  3. people singing
  1. Where did the man hear his mother’s voice?
  1. in the street         b) in the house          c) in the church
  1. Where were hundreds of people looking at the man?
  1. in the church            b) in the street            c) in the shopе

  1. Reading.
  1. Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный вариант ответа.

Сhristmas in England is the biggest celebration of the year. Unlike the New Year’s day, which is usually celebrated in big and noisy parties, Christmas is a home and family holiday. In Western Europe people usually have special Christmas holidays which lasts for about ten days.

  Christmas time is the busiest for housewives. Most shops have season sales so they get a wonderful chance to buy lots of useful things and presents much cheaper. You just have to know what you want to buy and where you have to go.

There are special services delivering Christmas trees in special pots. These firms take care of environment and protect wild trees from being cut down.

Small children believe that on Christmas night Santa Claus travels from chimney to chimney on his deer and brings presents to everyone. That is why to get a present you should put up a sock at the fireplace. Of course in modern houses most flats have no fireplaces, that is why children usually put their socks near their beds. This is quite comfortable because you can see what Santa has brought to you as soon as you wake up.

  1. Christmas time is the busiest  for housewives because …
  1. They have to work and do the housework
  2. They have no time to get ready for the celebration
  3. They have to buy presents and things in sales
  4. Their families eat more on these days
  1. The difference between New Year’s day and Christmas is that …
  1. No one gets presents on New Year’s day in England
  2. New Year’s day is a public holiday while Christmas is a family one
  3. You don’t have to buy a Christmas tree for New Year’s day
  4. People don’t have holiday on New Year’s day
  1. According to the legends Santa Claus …
  1. Gets into house through the chimney
  2. Never gives presents to those who live in modern flats
  3. Brings Christmas socks with him
  4. Wakes children up standing at their beds
  1. Christmas sales …
  1. Are held every three moths
  2.  Are a way to protect the environment
  3. Are organized to sell Christmas trees only
  4. Are a wonderful opportunity to buy things cheaper

  1. Grammar.
  1. Выберите правильный вариант.
  1. ___________ a modern kitchen and a well-equipped bathroom in their flat.
  1. It is        b) There is         c) There are          d) there were
  1. The policeman showed me some photos but I didn’t know __________
  1. somebody       b) nobody          c) anybody         d) no people
  1. How much ___________ to fly to New York?
  1. costs             b) it costs              c) does cost           d) does it cost
  1. The weather today is ___________ yesterday.
  1. worse than     b) worst than          c) more bad than         d) bad
  1. Our house is smaller than  ____________ .
  1. their              b) theirs             c) them               d) your
  1. In our travels we crossed  ________ Atlantic Ocean twice.
  1. an       b) a          c) the          d) -
  1. . When the telephone rang, I … dinner.

     a) cook;   b) was cooking;   c) had been cooking;   d) have been cooking;

     8) The lesson … at 8 o’clock.

      a) will begin;   b) begin;   c) will be;   d) begins;

9) Bad news … people happy.

     a) doesn’t make;   b) don’t make;   с) have made;   d) had made;

10) … “Romeo and Juliet”? –Not yet.

     a) Did you see;   b) Do you see;   c) Have you seen;   d) had you seen;

     11) He … English since the second class.

          a) has learned; b) have been learning; c) has been learned;  d)has been learning;

    12). We … each other since the fifth form.

          a) know;   b) have been knowing;   c) have known;   d) knew;

  1. Writing.

Напишите ответ на письмо друга, ответьте на его вопросы. Не забудьте правила написания письма.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Martin.

    ….. My best friend had a birthday party last weekend. We went on a picnic. There were  a lot of guests and it was great. And when is your birthday? How do you usually celebrate it? What present would you like to get for your next birthday?


  1. Speaking.

 Подготовьте небольшой рассказ  на одну из предложенных тем  (объем – не менее 8 предложений). Данные вопросы помогут вам.

  • Give a talk on sports.  Is sport important or not for you? Why? Which sports do you enjoy doing? Do you watch sport competitions on TV?

  • Give a talk on travelling.  Why do you think people travel? Do you like travelling? How and where? What country would you like to visit in future? Why?

  • Give a talk on reading. Is reading still popular now? Why or why not?  As for you do you read much? What kind of  books do you prefer?

Предварительный просмотр:

Ключи    8  класс

Ученик:                                                                                    класс:                            .                          




















































Предварительный просмотр:

I этап Всероссийской олимпиады школьников

по английскому языку


I. Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer  

1. The woman is already studying … languages.

A) two B) three C) four

2.  She … for the first lesson. 

A) is late B) doesn't want to be late C) is in time

3. Her German classes are on … A) Mondays and Wednesdays B) Tuesdays and Thursdays C)Thursdays

4. She would have preferred to study …

A) French B) Italian C) Spanish

5. She … French.

A) knows B) can understand C) remembers some grammar and words in French.

6. Being in France she …

A) had no problems B) had a lot of problems C)  spoke fluent French 

7. Her French classes are on …

A) Mondays and Wednesdays B) Tuesdays and Thursdays C) Thursdays

8. She will be out … evenings a week.

A) two B) three C)   four

9. They usually went bowling on …

A) Mondays and Wednesdays B) Tuesdays and Thursdays C) Thursdays

10. She suggested the man and Bob study …

A) Italian B) German C) Spanish

II. READING. Read the text and answer the questions

     The most famous lifesaver in history saved thousands of lives and many ships. He first appeared at the end of the nineteenth century. For more than twenty years he guided ships through dangerous waters. He could not read or write and he had no training. The sailors called him Jack and he was a dolphin. Near the coast of New Zealand there is a dangerous passage called French Pass. It had a bad reputation until Jack arrived. For over twenty years Jack met passing ships. He swam near the ship but when it reached the passage he swam in front of the ship until it was on the other side of French Pass. In 1903 a passenger on board the "Penguin” drank too much and fired a gun at Jack. The sailors were angry and wanted to throw him into the sea, but the captain stopped them. Everybody thought Jack was dead, but he was not. True, he never met the "Penguin” again. One day the ship hit the rocks in the Pass and was lost. Jack probably died of old age in 1912 but he wasn't forgotten. There is a statue erected to his memory on the beach of Wellington . 

11. This story is about a dolphin that helped ships many years ago.

А) True В) False С) Doesn't say

12. Jack was trained to guide ships through French Pass.

А) True В) False С) Doesn't say

13. Before Jack's arrival many ships were lost when they went through French Pass.

А) True В) False С) Doesn't say

14. The sailors on the "Penguin” wanted to punish the passenger who shot at Jack.

А) True В) False С) Doesn't say

15. People forgot about Jack when he died.

А) True В) False С) Doesn't say

16. Jack is famous because …

A) he was unpaid B) he saved many ships C) he didn't have any training

17. Which is correct?

A) New Zealand is dangerous B) The passengers shot at Jack C) With Jack, French Pass was safer

18. The sailors on board the "Penguin” wanted to …

A) shoot the passenger B) throw him overboard C) put him ashore

19. Which is correct?

A) Jack never guided the "Penguin” again B) The "Penguin” sank because there wasn't a pilot C) The "Penguin” never went to Pass again

20. Jack …

A) remembered a statue in Wellington B) probably died because he was old C) was shot because he was too old

III Grammar.  Choose the right variant.

21. I... glasses since I was a child.

a) wear, b) wore, c) am wearing, d) have been wearing.

22. When the phone rang, I... dinner.

a) cook, b) was cooking, c) had been cooking, d) have been cooking.

23. I've made ... mistakes now than I made last time.

a) few, b) a few, c) fewer, d) less.

24. I had a feeling that somebody ... there before.

 a) is, b) was, c) has been, d) had been.

25. His parents didn't let him ... TV late.

a) to watch, b) watch, c) watching, d) watched.

26. I don't have any pets. Neither ... .

a) she does, b) does she, c) is she, d) does she have;

27. The news you've brought ... much better than last time.

a) is, b) are, c) have been, d) were.

28. If he ... in Moscow, he'll visit us.

a) is, b) will be, c) would be, d) were.

29. Who are these people? — ... our foreign guests.

 a) It is, b) There is, c) There are, d) They are.

30. Could you tell me what time …?

a) is it;     b) was it;     c) it is;     d) it has;

31. A computer … at this moment. Wait a minute, please.

a) is used;    b) was used;   c) is being used;     d) used;

32. The train … Moscow at 5 p.m.

a) will leave;    b) is leaving;     c) leaves;    d) was left;

  1. Writing.

Напишите ответ на письмо друга, ответьте на его вопросы. Не забудьте правила написания письма.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Clare. 

    ….. My Granny was 83 yesterday, but she’s still full of life. All our big and friendly family gathered to her birthday. What can you say about your family? How often and for what occasions do you meet? What do you like to do together?

  1. Speaking.

 Подготовьте небольшой рассказ  на одну из предложенных тем  (объем – не менее 8 предложений). Данные вопросы помогут вам.

  • Give a talk on learning English.  Is it easy or difficult for you to study English? Why? Why do you think English is so popular now? Can the knowledge of English help you in future?
  • What is your opinion about spending free time? What do you enjoy doing when you have free time? Have you a hobby? What is it? How do you and your friends spend weekends?

  • What is your opinion about a role of computers in modern life? How can computers be useful? Can computers be dangerous? How do you use computer in your life? How much time do you spend at the computer?

Предварительный просмотр:

I этап Всероссийской олимпиады школьников

по английскому языку


9 класс

1— А






2 — В






3 — А





4 —В





5 — С





6 — В





Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

1.                  Вставьте необходимую форму глагола to be.

№ 1.

1. He  …….    a doctor.

2. How …..   your  father?  He  …..  fine.

3. We  ……  pilots.

4. My father …. an engineer.

5. …...  this  fox little? Yes, it …. .

6. Where …. you  from? I …. from Russia .

7. Her uncle ….  a  worker.

8. That elephant ….  grey.

9. How …. you? I …. fine.

10. The  big balls …. on the table.

№ 2 .

1.                This fox … little.

2.                The little hares …. in the box.

3.                How … your brother? He … fine.

4.                Where … they from? They  … from  America.

5.                Those horses  … brown.

6.                They  … engineers.

7.                My mother … a doctor.

8.                … her aunt a teacher? Yes, she … .

9.                That  bear  … in the  bag.

10.            … they  from Great  Britain? Yes, they  …  .

 № 3.

1.                This monkey  …  in the bag.

2.                My father  …is  a  worker.

3.                … they  drivers? Yes, they … .

4.                How  … your  sister? She … fine.

5.                That  fox  …  near  the table.

6.                Where … you from? I  …  from Great  Britain .

7.                These  tigers …  big.

8.                The green crocodiles … in the box.

9.                My  sister  …  an engineer.

10.            We  …  doctors.

№ 4

1.                My uncle  …  a  cosmonaut .

2.                …  she  a  pilot? Yes, she  …  .

3.                They  …  workers.

4.                This  monkey  …  little.

5.                How  …  your  aunt? She  … fine.

6.                These  elephants  …  big.

7.                Where … he  from? He  … from America.

8.                The  nice  dolls  …  under  the table.

9.                 … her  aunt  a driver ? Yes, she … .

10.            … we teachers? No, we … not .

№ 5.

1.     I  …  a doctor .

2.     These  dogs  … funny .

3.     How  …  your  mother ? She  …  fine .

4.     This  hare  …  under  the  chair .

5.     My  uncle  …  a pilot .

6.     That  fox  …  nice .

7.     Where  …  they  from? They … from Africa .

8.     We  …  workers .

9.      … her  aunt  a cosmonaut ? Yes, she … .

10.                        … they  from Russia ? No, they … not .

№ 6.

1.     They  … teachers .

2.      … her uncle  a  cosmonaut ?

3.     Where … you  from? I  … from  Africa .

4.     Those  kittens  …  funny .

5.     How  … her  aunt ? She … fine .

6.     This  bear … big .

7.      That giraffe … under the table .

8.      … your  father  a  pilot ? Yes, he … .

9.     The  big  tigers … near  the  chair .

10.                        … we  engineers?

№ 7.

1.     Her aunt … not  a doctor.

2.      Where  …  he  from ? He  …  from  Russia .

3.     These  birds  …  nice .

4.     That  monkey  … funny .

5.     How  … her  brother ? He … fine .

6.     They  … workers .

7.     What  colour … these toys? They  …  red .

8.      … your  uncle  a  driver ? No, he … not .

9.     This  crocodile … in the bag .

10.                       What  … on the table?  The  cat  …  on the table .

№ 8.

1.     How  … you ? I … fine .

2.     The  nice  cats  …  near  the  table .

3.     My  father  …  an  engineer .

4.      …  that  tiger in the bag ?

5.      Where  … she from ?  She  …  from  Great  Britain .

6.      …  we  cosmonauts ? No, we … not .

7.      … his  aunt  a teacher ? Yes, she  … .

8.     What  …  in  the  bag ? The bird  … in the  bag .

9.     They  …  doctors .

10.                        How  …  her  sister ?  She  … fine .

Задайте  вопрос начиная со слова в скобках .

№ 1.

1.     This fox is in the bag . (What)

2.     My  father  is  a  pilot . ( Is)

3.     We  are  cosmonauts . (What )

4.     The  little  puppies  are  on  the  chair . (Where )

5.     That  tiger  is  big . ( What )

6.     These  horses  are  brown . (What  colour )

7.     They  are  pilots . ( Are )

№ 2.

1.     Her  uncle  is  a  pilot . ( What )

2.     This  horse  is  big . (Is)

3.     These  kittens  are  funny . ( Are )

4.     That  bear  is  brown . (What  colour )

5.     The  yellow  ducks  are  under  the  chair . ( Where )

6.     My  father  is  a  cosmonaut . ( Is )

7.     Those  hares   are  in  the  bag . (What )

№ 3.

1.     She  is  a  teacher . ( What )

2.      These  bears  are  big . ( Are )

3.     This  elephant  is  in  the  bag . (Where )

4.     His uncle  is  from  America . (Where )

5.     That  horse  is  brown . ( What  colour )

6.     My  brother  are  engineers . (Are )

7.     Her  aunt  is  fine . ( How )

№ 4.

1.     Our  mother  is  fine . ( How )

2.     They are  cosmonauts . ( Are)

3.     That  dog  is  in  the bag . (Where )

4.     Those  birds  are  little . ( What )

5.     Her  brother  is from  Russia . (Where )

6.     Those  ducks  are yellow . (What  colour )

7.     This  elephant  is  big . (Is )

Вставьте подходящую форму  глагола  tobe ,упражнения с использованием  20 % незнакомой лексики

 № 1.

1.     This  tiger  …  big .

2.     How …  your  uncle ? He  …  fine .

3.     Where  …  he  from ? He  …  from  America .

4.     We  …  teachers .

5.     This  cat  …  in  the  bag .

6.     I  …  a  dentist .

7.     Where  … you  from ? I  … from  Italy .

8.     This  eagle  … brown .

9.     How  …  you ?  I  …  fine .

10.                        Those  flowers  …  red .

 № 2 .

1.     This  apple  …  yellow.

2.     Where  …  they  from ? They  … from  Great  Britain .

3.     We  …  workers .

4.      I  …  a  painter .

5.     The  dog  … in  the  house .

6.     He  …  from  Norway .

7.     His  uncle  …  a  pilot .

8.     How  …   his  mother ? She … fine .

9.     These  foxes  … nice .

10.                        How  old  … you ? I  … seven .

№ 3.

1.   This   dog  … big .

2.   These  monkeys  …  funny .

3.   She   …  a  doctor .

4.   Where  …  he  from ? He  …  from  Africa .

5.   Those  rabbits  … in  the  box .

6.   Her  mother  …  an  actriss.

7.   These  snakes  …  yellow .

8.   Their  families  … from  Germany .

9.   How  old  … you ? I  … nine .

10.  His  aunt  … fine .

№ 4 .

1.                Where  …  she  from ? She  … from  Brazil .

2.                Her  niece  …  a  doctor .

3.                How  …  you ? I  …  fine .

4.                I   … a  hunter .

5.                What  colour  … those  flowers ? They  … violet .

6.                He  … a  teacher .

7.                That  dog  …  little .

8.                Those  monkeys  … funny .

9.                The  toys  …  on  the  shelf .

10.            How  old  …  he ? He  …  eight .

Переведите с русского на английский


1.                Те слоны - большие.

2.                Мой брат -  рабочий.

3.                Та птица -  маленькая.

4.                Как твой папа? Он -  хорошо.

5.                Откуда ты? Я -  из России.

6.                Птица - на столе.

7.                Положи ту игрушку под стул, пожалуйста.

8.                Дай мне этих игрушечных медведей, пожалуйста.

9.                Возьми этого слона и положи его в ту большую коробку.

10.           Как тебя зовут?


1.     Как его зовут? Его зовут Дима.

2.     Я  - рабочий. Я  - не шофер.

3.     Как его тетя? Его тетя хорошо.

4.     Его дядя -  космонавт.

5.     Эта птица маленькая? Да.

6.     Положи того котенка в эту маленькую сумку, пожалуйста.

7.     Те зеленые крокодилы  - в коробке.

8.     Возьми этих милых кукол, пожалуйста.

9.     Дай мне ту забавную обезьянку, пожалуйста.

10.    Откуда твой дядя? Он из Америки.



1.     Эти медведи -  коричневые.

2.     Как ее зовут? Ее зовут Катя.

3.     Твой папа шофер? Да.

4.     Та лисица на стуле?

5.     Они -  пилоты.

6.     Положи желтую утку внутрь  коробки, пожалуйста.

7.     Дай мне этих двух жирафов, пожалуйста.

8.     Откуда ее сестра? Она  - из Африки.

9.     Возьми эту красную лису и положи ее под большой стул.

10.                       Те серые слоны  - большие.



1.     Твоя тетя врач? Нет.

2.     Сколько тебе лет? Мне  - 8.

3.     Те большие медведи на твоем столе.

4.     Мы ученики.

5.     Откуда ты? Я из Великобритании.

6.     Та красивая кукла - под стулом.

7.     Какого цвета твоя игрушечная птица?

8.     Возьми этого серого слона и положи в ту коробку.

9.     Мой папа не шофер.

10.                       Дай три мяча, пожалуйста.







Вставь have или has.


1.     He ____________ got an uncle?

2.     I ____________got many balls.

3.     __________ they got many toys?

4.     His aunt ______________got a cat.

5.     She __________ not got a sister.

6.     I _____________not got one doll.

7.     ___________ she got a father?



1.     He __________ got an uncle.

2.     I ___________ got many balls.

3.     ____________they got many toys?

4.     His aunt ____________got a cat.

5.     She ___________not got a sister.

6.     I _____________not got one doll.

7.     ____________she got a father?



1.     They ___________got a daughter.

2.     His aunt ___________got a dog.

3.     She _____________ not dot a brother.

4.     I ___________ got two cats.

5.     _______________her uncle got a son?

6.     He ______________not got a daughter.

7.     ___________ they got a puppy.



1.     Her aunt ________________got a daughter.

2.     She _____________ not got a niece.

3.     _______________they got a toy crocodile?

4.     I _____________got four ducks.

5.     He ____________not got an aunt.

6.     __________his sister got a nephew?

7.     Her uncle __________ got a daughter.





Вставьте необходимую форму глаголов tobe \ tohave



1.     This bird ________ little.

2.     She ___________ got a grandfather.

3.     How ____________he? He ____________ fine.

4.     The brown cows _____________ near the box.

5.     Where _____________ he from?  Нe ______________ from Great Britain.

6.     I ____________ got five giraffes.

7.     Those elephants ______________big.

8.     His uncle _____________ a pilot.

9.     ____________his brother many toys?

10.                       They ___________not got a cat.



1.     This kitten _____________ little.

2.     He ____________ got a brother.

3.     Where ___________they from? They ____________ from Russia.

4.     Those tigers ____________ big.

5.     Her uncle __________ got a son.

6.     How ____________his father? He ________ fine.

7.     My sister _____________ a worker.

8.     _______________ you got two toy hares?

9.     They __________ pilots.

10.                       ___________ his aunt from America?



1.     That bird _________ nice.

2.     How ____________ she? She ______________ fine.

3.     I _____________got six crocodile.

4.     He ___________ a worker.

5.     He ___________ got a grandmother.

6.     Where __________ you from? I _________from Africa.

7.     ____________your brother’s drivers? Yes, they ____________.

8.     She ___________ not got an uncle.

9.     Those funny monkeys ____________________ in the bag.

10.                       _______________you got a grandmother? Yes, I ________________.





1.     Where ____________ they from? They ____________ from America.

2.     She _____________ got an aunt.

3.     How ____________ his brother? He ______________ fine.

4.     That kitten ______________ funny.

5.     Their friends _____________ teachers.

6.     __________he got a nephew? Yes, he _______________.

7.     These big tigers ______________ on the table.

8.     I ______________ got seven hares.

9.     _____________ those little hares white?

10. Her uncle ___________ a driver.


Вставьте глаголы tobe/ tohave в правильный форме. 20% незнакомой лексики.


1.     His uncle ___________ a cosmonaut.

2.     I ____________ got eight cows.

3.     Where ___________ she from.

       She __ _________from America.

4.     He  ______________got a mother.

5.     How ___________ you? I _______ very well.

6.     ____________ you got a sister? No, I ___________.

7.     My aunt _________ a reporter.

8.     ____________ she got a red ribbon.

9.     Where __________ you from? I ________ from Finland.

10.                       They _____________not got domestic animals.


 She ____________ got a mother.

1.     He ______________ an engineer.

2.     My brother ____________ a worker.

3.     He _____________ not got a grandfather.

4.     Where ________ she from? She ___________ from Africa.

5.     How ____________ they? They __________ fine, thanks.

6.     They __________ got six goats.

7.     _____________ he got a computer? No, he ____________.

8.     Where __________ you from? I __________ from Greece.

9.     I _____________not got a violin.


1.     He _____________ got a father.

2.     How ____________ he? He ____________ fine.

3.     They ___________ got a big car.

4.     Where ____________you from? I _________ from France.

5.     He ____________ a driver.

6.     ______________ they tailors? No, they ___________.

7.     What colour _______________ this hat?

8.     ____________she got a pet? Yes, she _____________.

9.     ____________your uncle from America? Yes, he _________.

10.   We _____________ got many friends.


1.     He _____________ not got a sister.

2.     ____________ they sailors? Yes, they ________.

3.     Where ___________ your aunts from? They_____________ from Brazil.

4.     His aunt ______________ an engineer.

5.     My brothers ___________ not got a toy helicopter.

6.     How __________ her father? He __________ fine.

7.     Where ___________ those toy dinosaurs? The _____________ under the table.

8.     ___________ her sister many hens? No, she ________.

9.     This big bear _____________ not grey.

10.                       ____________ you got a big house? Yes, I _____________.

Глагол can. Постройте вопросительные и отрицательные предложения.


1.     My brother can read.

2.     They can play football very well.

3.     Her aunt can swim.

4.     I can see this hen.


1.     Her uncle can jump very well.

2.     She can skate.

3.     Those boys can play hokey.

4.     My mother can sky very well.


1.     We can run very well.

2.     He can play volleyball.

3.     These girls can play badminton very well.

4.     His father can sledge.

Переведите на английский язык.


1.     Твои сестры умеют скакать на скакалке?

2.     Я умею играть в чехарду очень хорошо.

3.     Мой маленький брат не умеет читать.

4.     Они умеют играть в настольный теннис?


1.     Он может видеть твою птицу.

2.     Твоя мама умеет плавать.

3.     Эти мальчики умеют играть в баскетбол очень хорошо.

4.     Твоя маленькая сестра умеет играть в классики?


1.     Мой папа умеет кататься на лыжах очень хорошо.

2.     Ты можешь видеть тех слонов.

3.     Его тетя умеет играть в волейбол.

4.     Они не умеют плавать.


1.     Твой дядя умеет играть в хоккей?

2.     Она умеет кататься на коньках очень хорошо.

3.     Твои друзья не умеет играть в чехарду.

4.     Эта девочка умеет писать очень хорошо.

Постройте вопрос и отрицание.


1.     My brother can play badminton very well.

2.     This box is on the table.

3.     Her aunt has got two children.

4.     Those crocodiles are big.

5.     They have got a father.

6.     They can swim very well.

7.     My uncle is a driver.

8.     These brown bears are under the chair.


1.     She is from Great Britain.

2.     My sister is a teacher.

3.     These girls can skip very well.

4.     Her brothers are fine.

5.     His grandmother has got three cats.

6.     Hares can jump very well.

7.     Those foxes are in the bag.

8.     These dogs have got five puppies.


1.     His uncle is a worker.

2.     This girl can ski very well.

3.     Her grandfather has got a car.

4.     Those tigers are on the table.

5.     Your mother can play table tennis.

6.     I’m from Russia.

7.     They have got two children.

8.     My sister is fine.


1.     He is a pilot.

2.     His uncle has got a puppy.

3.     Their sisters are from America.

4.     I can run very well.

5.     She is from Africa.

6.     They have got a grey cat.

7.     That boy can play hockey.

8.     Those dolls are in the box.


Переделайте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму.


1.     I like my toys.

2.     We give these flowers to our teacher.

3.     They skate at the stadium.

4.     My mother skips very well.

5.     My brother takes my toys.


1.     Her aunts take that flower.

2.     I put my toys under the chair.

3.     He loves his sister.

4.     We skate at the school sports ground.

5.     My father plays football at the stadium.


1.     My friend gives me a toy.

2.     Her sister skips very well.

3.     He likes his toys.

4.     I play tennis at the school sports ground.

5.     They read books every day.


1.     She swims with her friend.

2.     My brother plays football on Monday.

3.     I love my family.

4.     Our teacher takes our books.

5.     We ski at the school sports ground.

Поставьте глагол в нужную форму.


1.     My father _________(read) magazines in the morning.

2.     His sister __________(not  run) at the school sports ground.

3.     We ____________(put) our monkeys into the box.

4.     _________ they ___________ (sledge) every day?

5.     His aunt ____________(skip) very well.

6.     I ___________(not ski) at the stadium.

7.     His friends ___________(give) him those ducks.

8.     ___________his friend ___________(swim) at the swimming pool?

9.     They _____________(not give) me those toys.

10.                       __________ you ________(go) to the school sports ground.


1.     She __________(not read) books every day.

2.     ___________ they _________(ski) at the stadium?

3.     His father _________(swim) very well.

4.     Her brother ___________(put) these bears on the chair.

5.     We _______________(not sledge) every day.

6.     Her little sister ___________(not like) to play with toys.

7.     ___________you __________ (love) your brother?

8.     I____________(skip) at the school sports ground?

9.     He ______________(not play) tennis very well.

10.                       _________your friend __________(play) hockey?


1.     He ______________(play) football  at the school sports ground.

2.     We ____________(not swim) on Thursdays.

3.     She ___________(like) her toys.

4.     My mother _________(put) my elephant on the table.

5.     __________she _________(sledge) with her friends?

6.     They ___________(not go) to school on Saturday.

7.     She __________(give) me some books.

8.     _______they _________(play) tennis on Tuesday.

9.     I ___________(not play) snowballs at the stadium.

10.                       We _________(love) our dog.


1.     She ________(love) her dog.

2.     You __________(skip) at the stadium.

3.     ___________she ________(take) her bag?

4.     I ___________(give) my father his book.

5.     _______you _______(play) volleyball on Friday?

6.     They _____________(not swim) in the river.

7.     My brother ________(skate) very well.

8.     I ________(not  play) hockey at school.

9.     My sister _________(read) many books.

10.                       We ___________(run) at the school sports ground.


1.     His sister _________(skate) very well.

2.     She __________(not ski) on Tuesday.

3.     You __________(love) your family.

4.     _________your  aunt _________(read) books in the evening?

5.     They ___________(swim) at school every Wednesday.

6.     His brothers __________(not play) volleyball.

7.     ________those boys ________(jump) at the stadium?

8.     He __________(give) her many toys.

9.     They ________(play) snowballs in winter.

10.                       ________that boy _______(play) hockey?


1.     _________you _________(play) badminton on Monday?

2.     We __________(like) our toys.

3.     ___________your aunt _________(play) tennis at the stadium?

4.     I__________(take) my toys.

5.     She ___________(skip) at the stadium.

6.     __________she _________(jump) at the stadium?

7.     They __________(not go) to school on Saturday.

8.     We ____________(play) volleyball at the school sports ground.

9.     _________his little brother __________(play) snowballs?

10.                       I _________(read) a lot of books.


1.     Her aunt ________(give) her this funny monkey.

2.     This girl __________(jump) at the school sports ground.

3.     ________they _______(play) football every Monday?

4.     She ____________(not play) snowballs.

5.     We __________(take) books.

6.     ________ her aunt ________(swim) at the swimming pool?

7.     _______they ________(like) their toys?

8.     These boys _________(play) hockey at the stadium.

9.     I _________(love) my father.

10.                       My sister _________(ski) on weekends.


1.     My aunt ________(play) volleyball at the stadium.

2.     They _________(love) their cat.

3.     I _________(not play) basketball at school.

4.     She ______(take) those bears.

5.     ________they ______(run) at the stadium?

6.     We _________(not go) to the cinema on Monday.

7.     This girl __________(not play) hockey.

8.     _________her uncle ________(run) twice a week?

9.     My friends _________(sledge) at  the stadium.

10.                       ________you ________(go) to the school sports ground  to jump?


1.     She _________(go) to the stadium to run.

2.     We ________(play) hockey twice a week.

3.     They __________(not jump) at school.

4.     Her father ___________(put) her books on the table.

5.     Those girls _________(play) badminton very well.

6.     ________they _______(play) basketball at the school sports ground?

7.     He ________(love) his dog.

8.     ________his brother _________(go) to the swimming pool?

9.     We _________(run) at the stadium on Monday.

10.                       She _________(not play) volleyball.

№ 10

1.     Her father________ (skate) at the stadium.

2.     I _________(love) my cat.

3.     ___________your sister _______(play) badminton?

4.     ___________they ________(play) football at the school sports ground?

5.     This girl __________(not read) many books.

6.     His uncle _________(play) hockey on Friday.

7.     My brother ____________(not go) to school.

8.     _________our teacher ________(run) very well?

9.     Her aunt ________(swim) at the swimming pool.

10.                       These monkeys ________(jump) very well.

Предварительный просмотр:

Sequence of tenses exercises

Grammar: the Sequence of Tenses, the Indirect Speech

Lexical topic: Family, Hobby

Exercise 1. Open the brackets. Remember that you should use the rules of the Sequence of Tenses. Вам полезно будет прочесть материал Прямая и косвенная речь в английском.

  1. He said that he still (to be) fond of collecting stamps and coins.
  2. She said that her parents (to divorce) two years ago already! – Oh, how awful! I can’t believe it’s true!
  3. I met him at the disco yesterday and he told me that I (to dance) very well and I answered that it (to be) no wonder because dancing (to be) my hobby for many years!
  4. She said her mother’s hobby (to be) ballet and she (to dance) pretty well in her youth. Can you imagine? – No, hardly.
  5. My great-grandparents (to be) engaged for a whole year before they (to get) married. – I believe it’s impossible nowadays.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences. Use sequance of tenses rule.

  1. … that his nephew didn’t go to school yet as he is too small.
  2. …  that his father had been fond of parachuting and car-racing before …
  3. His cousin … that collecting badges … for years until …
  4. I found out yesterday that … until…
  5. … her mother-in-law had never been interested in such a strange thing as embroidering, it must be a mistake.
  6. … that his grandson … at that moment.
  7. She was sure that her father … until he married.
  8. My grandfather … that playing the piano … for all his life.
  9. My uncle … that his ancestors …
  10. … that his parents …


Exercise 3. Open the brackets. Remember that if you speak about the action which was a future one in the moment of speech (that is, in the past) you should use the Future in the Past Tense.

  1. Did you ask Mike to take the camera to the party? – Yes, he told me that he (to come) and (to take) a lot of pictures.
  2. Did you persuade your cousin in the necessity of sports? – Yes, but she promised that she (to go in for) sports) only since that summer.
  3. What did you tell your little niece? – Nothing special – I only (to tell) her that I (to travel) all the summer and that it (to be) a lot of fun and now she wants to go with me.
  4. Did you invite Mary to the basketball game in which you (to take part) the next week? – Yes, I did, but it turned out that she (to watch) the horseracing competitions at that moment.
  5. Has your mother already finished sewing the dress for the baby? – No, but she said she (to finish) it in a couple of days.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences. If you have any difficulties refer to exercise 3.

  1. I hoped that my brother … in a week.
  2. … that my niece and nephew would go hiking the next day and there would be quiet at home.
  3. I told you that his mother- in-law … . Well, I was wrong.
  4. Did he tell you that his parents … the next year? Don’t believe it.
  5. Did you really think that your cousin … in a month?
  6. Did she really believe that her daughter … in two weeks?
  7. I didn’t want to think that … after a while. I am greatly disappointed with your intentions.
  8. I didn’t know that your grandfather … in summer. – I didn’t know myself!

Exercise 5. Translate and render in the Indirect Speech.

Две голливудские звезды ссорятся: «Не строй из себя леди! Ты даже не знаешь, кто твои мать и бабушка!» — «Действительно, о моей бабушке говорят разные вещи! Утверждают даже, что это ты!» 2. Молодой человек прошел к своей невесте. «Сегодня мы проведем прекрасный вечер. Я взял три билета в театр.» «Зачем тебе понадобилось три билета?» «Для папы, мамы и брата!» 3. Почему ты решил, что твоя жена устала от тебя?» «Последнее время она стала завертывать мой завтрак в географические карты».  4. Молодой человек пришел к отцу любимой девушки. «Сэр, я хотел бы жениться на вашей дочери», — сказал он. «А вы уже беседовали с моей женой?» «Да, сэр, но если вы не возражаете, я все же предпочел бы вашу дочь». 6. «Мама, я опрокинул буфет!» «Какой ужас! Я сейчас скажу папе» «Он уже знает, буфет упал на него!» 7. Один хозяин ресторана повесил объявление: «Здесь счета оплачивают ваши правнуки!» Первый же посетитель, увидевший это объявление, заказал себе великолепный обед. Когда официант принес счет, посетитель указал на объявление. «Совершенно верно», — сказал официант, — «Ваши правнуки оплатят ваш счет, но это счет вашего прадеда!» 8. «Моя двоюродная сестра сказала мне, что ты рассказала ей секрет, который я просила тебя ей не передавать!» «Но ведь я просила ее не говорить тебе, что я рассказала ей!» «Ладно. Не говори ей, что я сказала тебе, что она рассказала мне!»   

Больше упражнений на косвенную речь.

Exercise 6. You have a new friend. In the evening during the supper you tell your family about your friend, his family, their hobbies. But a lot of what you know seems to be not very reliable and true-to-life, so you prefer to tell it from his words.

Exercise 7. Let’s play “the spoiled phone”. One of the students says something so quietly that only his two neighbors can hear him. But probably he said something very interesting? All the others want to know it, too; so they try to find out «What did he say?” — “He said that…” The neighbor, who rendered the message correctly and quicker than the other one, produces the next message, and so on.

Exercise 8. The game “Quotations”. It is not a secret that the problems of interrelationships between members of a family, the problem of generation gap, men’s hobbies and leisure time have worried people for centuries.

  • For example, Mark Twain said that the best children were those who saw their parents as they were;
  • Oscar Wilde said that he lived in a century when people read too much to be wise and thought too much to be beautiful.

Please, remember what your favorite writers, poets and philosophers said about this. Do you agree with them?

Exercise 9. Let’s remember about the hobbies of different generations – your parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. Do you know what your grandmothers and grandfathers were fond of? Tell us about it.

Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнение 1. Образуйте форму множественного числа нижеприведенных существительных.

month, horse, flower, potato, book, plan, bridge, match, nose, bus, box, army, carrot, watch, onion, shop, address, day, fly, hotel, lady, key, gate, clock, office, city.

Упражнение 2. Распределите существительные по колонкам в зависимости от того, как произносится окончание множественного числа.

Friend, cinema, bottle, lake, bus, glass, bed, boy, hat, cap, tape, shop, brush, bench, box.



















Упражнение 3. Давайте попрактикуемся в образовании множественного числа для существительных с определенными окончаниями.


Вставьте следующие слова во множественном числе в следующие предложения.

Story, city, country, dictionary, key, party, tray

  1. The students in my class come from many ... of our republic.
  2. My money and my ... are in my pocket.
  3. By the end of the term we’ll have to read a few ... by S. Maugham.
  4. I like going to ... because I enjoy socializing with people.
  5. People carry their food on ... at a cafeteria.
  6. We always look up words in ... when we write essays.
  7. Sportsmen from different ... of the world take part in the Olympic Games.


Knife, life, thief, roof, loaf, cliff, wolf

  1. Please put the forks, … and spoons on the table.
  2. Packs of ... hunting nearby caused so much fear that nobody went to the forest mushrooming.
  3. We all have some problems in our ...
  4. All the houses were covered with tiled ...
  5. The ... were caught and arrested.
  6. We could see the white ... of Great Britain in the distance.
  7. The kitchen bread-bin contained three ... of sliced white bread and two buns.


Dish, glass, match, potato, bush, tax, bus, tomato, photo

  1. Bob drinks eight... of water every day.
  2. Can you take a few ... of me and Rachel?
  3. Please put the ... and the silverware on the table.
  4. All citizens pay money to the government every year. They pay their ...
  5. I can see trees and ... outside the window.
  6. I want to light the candles. I need some ...
  7. When I make salad, I use lettuce and ...
  8. Sometimes Sue has a hamburger and French-fried ... for dinner.
  9. Are there any ... from here to the town center?


Упражнение 4.

Найдите 6 ошибок в образовании множественного числа существительных, заканчивающихся на –O.

Photoes, dodoes, zeroes, tomatoes, Negroes, potatos, kiloes, buffaloes, videos, pianoes, mosquitoes, stereoes, radios, studios, echos, heroes.


Упражнение 5. Образуйте форму множественного числа нижеприведенных существительных, оканчивающихся на – O.

Cargo, piano, video, zoo, potato, Eskimo, hero, dodo, disco, cockatoo, tomato, Negro, volcano, mosquito, studio, photo, dingo, kangaroo.

Упражнение 6. Образуйте множественное число существительных, оканчивающихся на –F/-FE.

Shelf, calf, grief, cliff, life, knife, proof, reef, sheaf, wife, safe, gulf, self, elf, leaf, loaf, wolf, chief.

Упражнение 7. Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных и аббревиатур.

Mouse, deer, foot, woman, sheep, p., goose, Norman, ox, swine, aircraft, M.P., tooth, child, man, German, grouse.

Упражнение 8. Образуйте множественное число следующих заимствованных существительных.

Phenomenon, crisis, stimulus, index, antenna, formula, datum, nucleus, criterion, analysis, apparatus, basis, appendix, tableau, radius, miasma, hypothesis, axis, genus, vertebra.

Упражнение 9. Образуйте множественное число следующих сложных существительных.

Boy-messenger, sister-in-law, text-book, pocket-knife, statesman, fellow-worker, merry-go-round, man-servant, hotel-keeper, forget-me-not, lady-bird, woman-doctor, looker-on, editor-in-chief, passer-by, commander-in-chief, handful.

Упражнение 10. Напишите перевод слов в скобках, используйте единственное или множественное число.

  1. (Дети) should not forget to brush their (зубы) twice a day.
  2. How many (вулканов) are still active in Japan?
  3. (Моя свекровь) always got along with her three (невестками).
  4. Look! How beautiful the (ландыши) are!
  5. On your way home buy some (картофеля) and (помидоров) and pick up the (фотографии) from the photographer’s.
  6. The job of (пожарных) is quite dangerous.
  7. (Почтальоны) deliver mail early in the morning.
  8. They sailed from India with (грузами) of (шелка, чая и табака разных сортов).
  9. Laura has always given me good (советы).

Упражнение 11. Раскройте скобки, употребите в нужном числе и согласуйте предложение при помощи глагола to be (где необходимо).

  1. All the dirty (одежда)... in the washing machine.
  2. These two (перекрестка) ... dangerous places for (водителей) and (пешеходов)...
  3. Both the (средства)... of transport save energy.
  4. (Эти деньги)... not mine. I can’t take it.
  5. The bad (новость)... that the train is delayed by an hour.
  6. Many (видов)... of aquatic plants need very little light.
  7. She got some (советов) ... from the tourist agency. (Они) ... very useful.
  8. Several (пешеходов)... injured during the accident.
  9. There (много полезных советов) ... in the book on baby care.
  10. (Эти виды)... of birds are very rare.
  11. The (полиция) ... investigating a series of attacks in the area.
  12. We found with a sense of relief that there ... no (комаров) ... at the campsite.
  13. (Физика) ... her favourite subject.
  14. (Фонетика)... a brand of linguistics.
  15. In summer (скот) ... mainly fed on green grass.

Если у Вас возникли вопросы, обязательно обратите внимание на эти 2 статьи:


Упражнение 1. Months, horses, flowers, potatoes, books, plans, bridges, matches, noses, buses, boxes, armies, carrots, watches, onions, shops, addresses, days, flies, hotels, ladies, keys, gates, clocks, offices, cities.

Упражнение 2.




1. lakes

2. hats

3. caps

4. tapes

5. shops

1. friends

2. cinemas

3. bottles

4. beds

5. boys

1. buses

2. glasses

3. brushes

4. benches

5. boxes


A – 1 cities, 2 keys, 3 stories, 4 parties, 5 trays, 6 dictionaries, 7 countries

B  -  1 knives, 2 wolves, 3 lives, 4 roofs, 5 thieves, 6 cliffs, 7 loaves

С – 1 glasses, 2 photos, 3 dishes, 4 taхes, 5 bushes, 6 matches, 7 tomatoes, 8 potatoes, 9 buses

Упражнение 4. Photoes, dodoes, zeroes, tomatoes, Negroes, potatoes, kiloes, buffaloes, videos, pianoes, mosquitoes, stereoes, radios, studios, echoes, heroes.

Упражнение 5. Cargoes, pianos, videos, zoos, potatoes, Escimos, heroes, dodo (e) s, discos, cockatoos, tomatoes, Negroes, volcano (e) s, mosquitoes, studios, photos, dingo (e) s, kangaroos. 

Упражнение 6. Shelves, calves, griefs, cliffs, lives, knives, proofs, reefs, sheaves, wives, selves, gulfs, selves, elves, leaves, loaves, wolves, chiefs.

Упражнение 7. Mice, deer, feet, women, sheep, pp., geese, Normans, oxen, swine, aircraft, M.P.s, teeth, children, men, Germans, grouse.

Упражнение 8. Phenomena, crises, stimuli, indices or indexes, antennae, formulae, data, nuclei, criteria, analyses, apparatus или apparatuses, bases, appendices или appendixes, tableaux, radii, miasmata, hypotheses, axes, genera, vertebrae.

Упражнение 9. Boy-messengers, sisters-in-law, text-books, pocket-knives, statesmen, fellow-workers, merry-go-rounds, men-servants, hotel-keepers, forget-me-nots, lady-birds, women-doctors, lookers-on, editors-in-chief, passers-by, commanders-in-chief, handfuls.

Упражнение 10. children / teeth, 2 volcanos, 3 my mother-in-law / daughters-in-law, 4 lilies-of-the-valley, 5 potatoes / tomatoes / photos, 6 firemen, 7 postmen, 8 loads / silk / tea / tobaccos, 9 advice

Упражнение 11. clothes are, 2 crossroads are /  drivers / pedestrians, 3 means, 4 this money is, 5 news is, 6 species, 7 advice / it is, 8 pedestrians were, 9 is much useful advice, 10 These species, 11 police are, 12  were no mosquitoes, 13 Physics is, 14 phonetics is, 15 cattle are

Предварительный просмотр:

Упражнение 1. Соотнесите предложения 1 - 8 с правилами употребления пассивного залога a - e.

1 – b/e, 2 - ? ...

  1. Smoking is not allowed in the reception room.
  2. Talks will be held in Stockholm next week.
  3. Fees must be paid in advance.
  4. The kidnappers have been arrested.
  5. Cars left here will be towed away.
  6. The research was carried out last year.
  7. The check must be signed.
  8. All the documents have been stolen.
  1. неизвестно, кто выполняет действие.
  2. неважно, кто выполняет действие.
  3. из контекста ясно, кто выполняет действие.
  4. газетный заголовок (название статьи), привлекающий внимание к происходящим событиям,
  5. описание процесса в инструкциях, научных работах, собственно инструкции, правила

Упражнение 2. Подумайте, какое из предложений лучше использовать – в активном залоге или в пассивном.

  1. There’s going to be a big art exhibition.

a) A lot of visitors will be attracted to it

b) It will attract a lot of visitors.

2. Telephone is an apparatus with which people can talk to each other over long distances.

a) The telephone was invented by A. Bell.

b) A. Bell invented the telephone.

3. Alexander Bell is a British inventor who went to live in Canada and then in the USA.

a) The telephone was invented by A. Bell.

b) A. Bell invented the telephone,

4. We’ve bought a new computer.

a) It can do the job much more quickly.

b) The job can be done much more quickly.

Упражнение 3.  Напишите нужную форму глагола do.

  1. The work ____________ at the moment.
  2. The work _______ by 2 o’clock tomorrow.
  3. The work _______ by the time you come home.
  4. The work _______ by the time he came home.
  5. The work __________ yet.
  6. The work ______ just ______.
  7. The work _________ while I was getting ready for classes.
  8. The work __________ two weeks later.
  9. The work __________ when I entered the room.

Упражнение 4. Расскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в нужном времени пассивного или активного залога.

The  College 1______ officially _________ (open) last week. The college campus 2_________ (build) around a main square. This is the heart of the college as all the paths and walkways lead out from this point. Car parking 3____________ (limit) and, in fact, students 4_________ (not encourage) to come by car as the college 5______________ (serve) by a new bus service. The college 6 _______ (situate) outside the city that’s why it 7________ (be) necessary to include major facilities like banks, shops and post office.

There 8______ (be) already two open days and a third open 9______ (plan) for next week. So whether you want to start studying or not why don’t you go out to Hardacre and see everything it has to offer.

Упражнение 5. Преобразуйте предложения из активного залога в пассивный.

  1. They are now building new hospitals in the provinces.
  2. Will they publish her new novel next year?
  3. They will have completed the new petrol station by winter.
  4. The police have just arrested Jimmy on suspicion of murder.
  5. They cut the gas off because Mr. and Mrs. Green hadn’t paid their bill.
  6. They will open a new hotel next week.
  7. Our managers discuss important matters every Tuesday.
  8. The government closed the plant last year.

Упражнение 6. Преобразуйте предложения из пассивного залога в активный, добавив лицо либо предмет, совершающего действие, где это необходимо.

  1. Return tickets should have been reserved two weeks ago.
  2. Two single rooms had been booked for the friends by their travel agent.
  3. The pyramids are being ruined by the tourists.
  4. The new sofa will have been delivered by noon.
  5. When will Molly be told the time of his arrival?
  6. Why hasn’t my car been repaired yet?
  7. An ancient settlement has been uncovered by archaeologists.
  8. Hundreds of rare birds are killed every day.
  9. The picnic was ruined by bad weather.
  10. Who were these roses planted for?

Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски предлогами with или by.

  1. In his childhood Tom used to be beaten ____ a stick.
  2. My parents were married ____ a priest.
  3. Molly’s bedroom wall was covered ____ posters.
  4. The house was surrounded ___ flowerbeds.
  5. His shorts were covered ___ mud.
  6. Tom had been stabbed ___ a penknife.
  7. The deer was shot ___ a hunter ___ rifle.
  8. Soup is eaten ___ a spoon.
  9. The new swimming pool has been just opened ___ the mayor.
  10. During the robbery, the manager was hit ____ a baseball bat.
  11. Extra training was provided ____ the company.
  12. This story was written ___ Agatha Christie.
  13. The bear was shot ____ a gun.
  14. Trained dogs are used ____ the police.
  15. The hall was decorated _____ pink and purple balloons.
  16. University laboratories are equipped _____ up-to-date devices.
  17. Rare books, issued ____ British publishers, are being shown at the exhibition.

Предварительный просмотр:

Модальные глаголы: упражнения 6 класс

Упражнение 1. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (can / may)

  1. ______ you see anything in this dark room?
  2. ______ I borrow your rubber, please? Yes, of course you ______.
  3. Kate______ speak English.
  4. Mike has got many books so he______ read them.
  5. ______ I borrow your pen?
  6. Only a person who knows the language very well ______ answer such a question.
  7. Most children______ slide on the ice very well.
  8. You ______find any kind of information on the Internet.
  9. British Parliament ______issue laws and form the budget.
  10. ______ I try on this coat?
  11. You ______not talk loudly in libraries.
  12. He ______read and write in English.

Упражнение 2. Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb. Use mustmustn't, or don't have to.

I _________________ (1) go to school from Monday to Friday. We ___________________ (2) wear a uniform, so I normally wear sports clothes. We ___________________ (3) arrive late, and we ___________________ (4)   go to every class. In class, we __________________ (5)  shout, play or sing. We _____________________ (6)  have lunch at school, so I sometimes go home. When school finishes, I ___________________ (7)  look after my little sister. When my parents come home I ______________________ (8) stay in, so I usually go out with my friends. When I get home,                                      I __________________ (9) do my homework. I ____________________ (10)  go to bed late, except on Fridays, when I _________________ (11)  go to bed before midnight.

Упражнение 3. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (mustn’t / needn’t)

  1. Shall I turn on the light? — No, you ______. It is still light in the room.
  2. You______ make your bed. I'll do it for you.
  3. You ______buy mineral water, we have plenty.
  4. We______ stay up late.
  5. You______ take an umbrella today. The sun is shining.
  6. It’s prohibited to go into that building. You______ go in.
  7. The meeting is very important. We______ be late.
  8. I______ forget my keys or I won’t get in.
  9. You______ bring sandwiches. We can stop at a cafe.
  10. Pupils______ smoke.
  11. In this school pupils ______wear school uniform. They can wear jeans and T-shirts.

Упражнение 4. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (must / can / need)

  1. Sonia ______ practise so much if she wants to take part in the marathon.
  2. If you want to improve your English, you ______work very hard.
  3. You ______not come to help them tomorrow: the work is done.
  4. You ______not change the whole text as the beginning is all right.
  5. John ______not tell us the rules of the game: we know them.
  6. We ______not afford to pay the bill.
  7. It is already six o’clock. We ______hurry if we don’t want to be late.
  8. She ______decorate a room nicely.
  9. You ______take care of your parents.
  10. We ______stay with my brother when we are in Paris.

Модальные глаголы: упражнения 7 класс

Упражнение 5. Подчеркните правильный вариант употребления модального глагола.

  1. You must / should / shouldn’t be 18 before you can drive in Spain.
  2. You don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t go to bed so late. It's not good for you.
  3. You don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t wear a school uniform in most Spanish state schools.
  4. You must / mustn’t / needn’t come. I can do it without you.
  5. You don’t have to /must / mustn’t copy during exams.
  6. You don’t have to /mustn’t / shouldn’t be very tall to play football.
  7. You must /mustn’t / needn’t be a good writer to win the Pulitzer Prize.

Упражнение 6. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (must / may / can)

  1. You ______not smoke here.
  2. ______you hear that strange noise?
  3. He______come today or tomorrow.
  4. My little brother______ count to ten.
  5. This incident ______have serious consequences.
  6. You ______have a valid permit to enter.

Упражнение 7. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (must / may)

  1. I’m not sure but perhaps Roberto ______ leave for Australia soon.
  2. You ______talk to your daughter about her future.
  3. You ______ have a visa to travel to some countries.
  4. You ______ stop smoking. It is bad for your health.
  5. I ______make sure cargoes reach their destination.
  6. However cold it ______ be, we’ll go skiing.
  7. People ______ take care of future.

Упражнение 8. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (must / could / ought / may)

  1. ______ Einstein speak English when he went to live in the USA?
  2. Mary ______swim when she was three.
  3. You ______be joking. No one buys two Rolls Royces.
  4. They ______be tired. They’ve been travelling all night.
  5. He ______to go to the dentist because he has toothache.
  6. I ______ swim quite well when I was five years old.
  7. ______ I ride your bicycle, please, Jane?
  8. She ______be Scottish with a surname like McKenzie.
  9. At your age you ______ to be earning your living.
  10. You ______to feel some respect for your elders.

Модальные глаголы: упражнения 8 класс

Упражнение 9. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (must / may / need)

  1. ______ I invite Nick to our house?
  2. It _____rain soon.
  3. You ______not make notes in the books.
  4. You ______pay your bills in restaurants.
  5. The baby is sleeping. You ______not shout.
  6. That diamond bracelet is very elegant but it ______have cost a fortune.
  7. You ______not say anything if you don’t want to.
  8. I can hear you quite well. You ______not shout.
  9. He has left the army and doesn’t ______to wear a uniform any more.
  10. I’ve bought everything, so you ______not go shopping.
  11. Tim gave me a letter to post. I ______not forget to post it.

Упражнение 10. Complete the sentences with the positive or negative forms of must or have to.

  1. Brilliant! I ___________________ study tonight because I've finished my exams.
  2. You ___________________ use a mobile phone on a plane.
  3. You can go out, but you ___________________ be home by midnight.
  4. Jo _______________________ go to school by bus. She lives nearby.
  5. We _____________________ cook tonight. We can get a pizza.
  6. She _____________________ get up early. She's on holiday.
  7. You ____________________ study harder or you are going to fail.
  8. You _____________________drive faster than 120 km/h on the motorway.

Упражнение 11. Choose the correct modal verb in italics:

  1. can / can’t / might go out tonight. I'm too busy.
  2. I haven't studied enough. I may / may not / might pass my exams.
  3. They say it must/ need / might snow tomorrow.
  4. She can /might not / won’t be able to help us. She's not available.
  5. Can / May / Might you come to my party?
  6. We should run or we can / might / might not miss the bus.

Модальные глаголы: упражнения 9 класс

Упражнение 12. Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb in italics:

  1. You couldn’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t eat so many hamburgers. They're not good for you.
  2. You can’t have / don’t have to /mustn’t study at the weekends, except when you have exams.
  3. You may not / might not /needn’t Everything will be OK.
  4. You don’t have to /might not/mustn’t use your mobile phone in class.
  5. Diana looks happy. She can /can have /must have heard some good news.
  6. can’t /may not /might not have left my mobile phone at school on Friday afternoon – I had it on Friday night.
  7. It can /could / couldn’t rain tomorrow.

Упражнение 13. Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол (must / can / should / may)

  1. I have some free time. I ______ help her now.
  2. I ______ drive Susan's car when she is out of town.
  3. ______ I have a glass of water?
  4. Anyone ______ become rich and famous if they know the right people.
  5. You ______ go to this party. It's very important.
  6. Bird ______ be known by its song.
  7. He is coming here so that they ______ discuss it without delay.
  8. It's late. You ______ go to bed.
  9. He ______ have told me about it himself.

Упражнение 14. Rewrite the sentences using modal verbs

1. — Some people just don’t know how to sing.   (be able to)


2. — There’s a chance that she’s in the airport.  (could)


3. — I knew how to ride a horse when I was six. (could)


4. — John isn’t sure if he is going to Turkey.  (might not)


5. — Do not block the emergency exit.  (mustn’t)


6. — It is dangerous to use mobile phones on the plane. (mustn’t)


7. — It is necessary to fasten your seat belt for landing and taking off. (must)


8. -It’s possible that he’ll be there to meet us. (may)


9. — This is a surprise. Don’t tell anybody about it. (shouldn’t)


Упражнение 15. Complete the sentences with a suitable modal verb. Use must, don’t have to, might, should, must have, mustn’t, can’t have and shouldn’t.

  1. You ____________________ drive on the pavement. It's illegal.
  2. You ____________________ say that. It's not nice.
  3. I ______________________ go to work tomorrow because it's a public holiday.
  4. I ______________________ buy this CD, but I'm not sure.
  5. He's not here. He _____________________ gone out.
  6. She didn't study enough. She _____________________ passed her exam.
  7. You ____________________ eat more vegetables. They're good for you.
  8. You ____________________ be 18 before you can buy alcohol.

Упражнение 16.  Write the sentences again without changing the meaning. Use one of the modal verbs in brackets.

  1. It’s possible Mary saw him. (must / may / can)

Mary ________________________________________________________________________

  1. I am certain Peter has got lost. (should / could / must)

Peter ________________________________________________________________________

  1. My advice is that you stop. (should / must / could)

You __________________________________________________________________________

  1. Perhaps we went to London. (must / can / might)

We __________________________________________________________________________

  1. I am sure Pierre is French. (can / must / could)

Pierre _________________________________________________________________________

  1. It’s not possible that Peter kissed Helen. (might not / can’t / should )


Ответы к упражнениям на модальные глаголы.


Exercise 1.

1 can, 2 may/may, 3 can, 4 can, 5 may, 6 can, 7 can, 8 can, 9 can, 10 may, 11 may, 12 can

Exercise 2.

1 must, 2 don’t have to, 3 mustn’t, 4 must, 5 mustn’t, 6 don’t have to, 7 must, 8 don’t have to, 9 must, 10 mustn’t, 11 don’t have to

Exercise 3.

1 needn’t, 2 needn’t, 3 needn’t, 4 mustn’t, 5 needn’t, 6 mustn’t, 7 mustn’t, 8 mustn’t, 9 needn’t, 10 mustn’t, 11 needn’t

Exercise 4.

1 must, 2 must, 3 need, 4 need, 5 need, 6 can, 7 must, 8 can, 9 must, 10 can


Exercise 5.

1 must, 2 shouldn’t, 3 don’t have to, 4 needn’t, 5 mustn’t, 6 don’t have to, 7 must

Exercise 6.

1 must, 2 can, 3 may, 4 can, 5 may/can, 6 must

Exercise 7.

1 may, 2 must, 3 must, 4 must, 5 must, 6 may, 7 must

Exercise 8.

1 Could, 2 could, 3 must, 4 must, 5 ought, 6 could, 7 may, 8 must, 9 ought, 10 ought


Exercise 9.

1 May, 2 may, 3 must, 4 must, 5 must/may, 6 must, 7 may, 8 need, 9 need, 10 need, 11 must

Exercise 10.

1 don’t have to, 2 mustn’t, 3 must, 4 don’t have to, 5 don’t have to, 6 don’t have to, 7 must, 8 mustn’t

Exercise 11.

1 can’t, 2 may not, 3 might, 4 won’t be able, 5 can, 6 can


Exercise 12.

1 shouldn’t, 2 don’t have to, 3 needn’t, 4 mustn’t, 5 must have, 6 can’t, 7 can

Exercise 13.

1 can, 2 may, 3 May, 4 can, 5 must, 6 may, 7 can, 8 should, 9 should

Exercise 14.

  1. Some people are not able to sing.
  2. She could be in the airport.
  3. I could ride a horse when I was six.
  4. John might not go to Turkey.
  5. You mustn’t block the emergency exit.
  6. You mustn’t use mobile phones on the plane.
  7. You must fasten your seat belt for landing and taking off
  8. He may be there to meet us. / Нe may meet us.
  9. This is a surprise. You shouldn’t tell anybody about it.

Exercise 15.

1 mustn’t, 2 mustn’t / shouldn’t, 3 don’t have to/needn’t, 4 might, 5 must have, 6 can’t have, 7 should, 8 must

Exercise 16.

  1. Mary can /may have seen him.
  2. Peter must have got lost.
  3. You should stop.
  4. We can go to London.
  5. Pierre must be French
  6. Peter can’t have kissed Helen.